The Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-20, Page 7P
Marob. — Mr. Speaker tOelt the
ark et 3 o'clock.
The following petitione wore presented :
eelr, Gibson 11`rom the ratepayers a
icenniten egainet the exemption of pereonal
property or incomes from taxation.
Me. Grahaint—Froin•John Gillathy, ens.
Badman and 77"othere, praying the Goverin
moot to take steps in eccoreence with Mr.
Vetere resolotion o hkeb session to loan
money at a cheap rate of intermit to fem-
me to order that they ealglit release their
mortgages. ,
Mr. Lees—From the Beare of Trade of
to the establishment of en ageionl-
turel college east of Toroisto.'
Mr. Gibson (leemeton) presented the
second manual Merin a the Inspector of
Prieons end Charities ; also the Burettes
etatements oft cash, transactions of the
University of Toronto for the year eneittg
June 30th, e889. •
The following Bilis , were read a third
time ;
To Consolidate• the Debt of the Town of
Orillia—Mr. Drary.
Reepeoting the Hamilton Gag Light
fiorapany—Mr. Awrey.
Respecting certain lends vested ha the
Rector of Christ Ciattrch, Hanailtou—Mr.
QOM (Hamilton).
Bespeoting the New York Life Insurance
Cloraperry—Mr. Gibson (Hamilton).
Mte Wood (Brant) moved the eeoond
reading of a pill to lunette the General
Road Companies Ant. The provisiona of
the bill are ouch as to be applieable to all
loll• roads while aimed speeially at a
certain id Sale of toll road. The bill pro-
poses that certain roads, which have proved
extremely, profiteble to their owners,
should, on a fair remanerstion, pact into
the hands of the County Connoila and
• become free. The speaker moved that
iihe bill be referred to the Municipal Com-
,Mr. Hardy favored the °reposel to
have the bill referred to the 4eriunioipal
Mr. Meredith thought it would be better
it it were exiderethod,that there be no legis-
lation on thts subject tbis eeesion.
, Mr. Herde wouldnot , like to say there
would be DO legielaiion on the teubjeot this'
, • t
The bill was referred "to the- Municipal
Mr. Meredith moved the second reading
of a bill to amend the Jurors' Act. The
bill provides for an increase in the per diem
fee to itirore from 41,50 to $2. The hon.
mambabad the home to promise 'a bill by
which intone fees were inoreased from
$1.25 to $150. Twelve or fourteen Tears
ago jurors received °illy el per arty, but
the hon. member thought $2 was no more
than antbetent to pay hotel and travelling
expenses, etch
Mr. Freser stated that the Government's
view of the matter was that it should be
left to the locality to decide what inorease,
not to exceed 02 shall be paid. Mileage
was not given to all jurors. It was given
to all those who lived beyond a certain
dietanoe from the piece in witioh the court
was held. The Bill was referred to a'
select committee composed of Messrs. Bal-
i our, Clarke (Welliogtora), Clancy, Craig,
Dryden, Fraser, Fretich, Gibson (lasomil.
ton), Guthrie, Harcourt, Hardy, McKay
Meredith, Morin, O'Conuor, Ostrom, Whit-
ney and Woodellastiogs).
The followine petitions were presented:
Mr. Smith (Frontenae)—From residents
in that county, asking certain amendments
to the garne law regarding the shooting of
ettr. Clarke (Wellington)—From certain
•residents of U'oronto, praying for the pro-
hibition of the killing of quail for two
Mr. Freser—Frone the Brookville Board
of Trade, asking for certain amendments
to the le w regarding toll roada.
Mr. E. J. Clarke—Two petitions from
the Amalgamated Societies of Carpenters
and Joiners, praying for Boards of Arbi-
tration and a Workehop Regulation Act.
•111r. Gibson (Hantilmn) presented a re-
port of the Steedieg Committee on Pnvate
Mr. Frazer presentee a report from tbe
Standing Committee on. Beltways.
Mr. Gibeon presented a report of the
cultivation of auger beet in tbe Province,
and a report of the Dairy and Creamery
Association for 1889.
The following bilis passed their third
Respecting St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa
—Mr. Bronson.
pert of the Minister of Eduoetion, also a
cope of correepoodeece respeoting French
Te Hoeg° Went int() ecomenittee on the
motiou of the ettWeeGeneral to remoteeder
bill relatieg to the jerineotioa of Corit
of Geueral Seamans of the Peace, elle bill
wee (tarried.
Mr, Mowat IllOVed that the Home go
into Committee of Supply. Mr. Meredith
objeoted on the understandivg that the det
bate on the envoy of the ballot was to be
continued Medity. Me thought the Govero,
men t monopolized too teeny dere and
whaled the motioo to steed till Govern.
ment clety. Tbe motion was eluded, ante
the House went int Committee of feup.
ply, Mr. Harcourt ie the Often
The first eubjeot coming up was tenni°
Itietitutione, The estimete for the Lamle
Aeylum of Toronto coming en, Mr. ROOS
gave ea explanation of the eetimete of
$24,482 for.the Mintioo branch, 10,534 over
last year, showing that thie being a, branch
of the Toronto Anylurn had been leegelY
increescia in accommodation.
Me. Creighton asked how it wee filet
It7,500 was asked for butter in the London
Asylum, while onle 44,000' wee asked for
the Toronto Asylum.
Mr. lease seed thet butter was much
dearer in London and the asylum was
The Central Primo, Toronto, estimates
were reached.
Mr. Meredith contended that this taste
tution should not be maintained at the
expense of tbe Province, but that the
Dominion ahould at least therehalf the
expense, as the prison was really a pent.
bentiary, 1, •
Mr. Mowat said he should be very glad if
the Provinoe could be relieved of part of
the expense, but be did not see that tlaere
was any legal question that could be raised
which could bring about the desired re.
Mr. Meredith thought the Dominion
Government might be inducted to under-
take at least a share of the expense as the
prison was a reformatory for all preotioal
purposes. The item was passed. o
The proposed expenditure under the head
of Pinilic 'Works was then dealt with,. and
the various items passed with little °rai-
ds/et, the hon Coromissioner givieg satire
faotory answers to the various questions.
_The salaries under this head amounted to
Mr. Gibson Hamilton) presented a
'report of the Committee on Private, Bills.
Mr. Balfour presented a report of the
Comnaittee on printing.
Mr. Gibeen (Hamilton) presented n
report of the Department of lmroigration
for 1889.
The following bills passed their third
To oonsolitiate the debt of the town of
Brampton—Mr. Chisholm.
To confer upon the Chatham Water-
works Company power to borrow $150,000
—Mr. Ferguson.
To provide for the purchase of deben-
tures issued by counties for drainage pur-
potes—Mr. Boss (Huron).
• Respective the establishment of Houses
of Refuge—Mr. Boss (Huron).
Mr. Clarke (Wellington) moved the
second reading of his Bill for the proteotion
of game.
Mr. Balfour thought ite provision berth,
inasmuch as it prevented farmere from
shooting quail on their own femme for sale
After some dieaussion the Bill was referred
to committee.
The following bills were read a second
time and referred to the committee
To tumble the Metropolitan Bishop of the
Church of England in the Hoolernastioal
Province of Canada to confer certain degrees
in divinity—Mr. Meredith.
To consolidate the debt of the town of
Mr. Gibson (Etat:anon) brought down a
return as requested by the House on
motion of Colonel Clark, ahowieg the num-
ber of Public Schools and Separate Schools
in the Province, and distinguisbing those
using the ballot.
The following Bills were read a third
Respecting the city of Belleville—Mr.
Respecting the letamiltonenittriotioTolun-
tear Fuad—Mr. Gibson (Elarailtont.
Mr. Wood (Hastings) moved the second
reading of a Bill to provide for the secrecy
of the ballot at elections of members of the
Legislative Assembly. The oely objeotion
that could be urged to the adoption of the
secret ballot was that in the omee of ballot.
string the ace oould be traced. He
charged returning.officers with betraying
their trust.
Mr. Awrey—Has the hon. ,gentieman
everetnown a returning.officer to violate
his oath?
Mr. Wood (Elastinge)—When t am in the
witness box I will tell that. (Derisive laugh-.
ter by Government members.)
Mr. Mowat said that the present law had
no evils. The member from Hastings con.
tended that the system in use was not
seinen Re Weald. Say that the law could
not be more secret in its nature. He ,could
find no agitation against the present -sys-
tem, or elf .eny agitation evisted it was on
fined to a very limited number. Under the
system proposed by the member Irene
Meetings it was us the power of dishonest
maim to turn the election. Ender the pre-
sent system arida dishonesty could be
traced. Extracts were quoted from
speeches of Sir John Macdonald on the
subject, in which he said that instice to the
people was of far more importance t3 the
peoplethan secrecy of the ballot. This was
what they were advocating. Sir John
Maeclanald had further held it of the
greatest importauce that provision thould
be made against inmersonstion. He wished
the hon. Premier always mule as sound
observation% He quoted extracts at length
from prominent me.gazinee in nevem of
the, system in use. No injurious effect had
fdllowed the adoption of a similar mensal
in England, Auetralie, Baptised and many
other ociuntries.
Mr. Mowed, resuming tbe debate on the
ballot question, quoted a couple of articles
from an English magazine, written by two
distinguished men, Messrs. Galby and
Askwith, in wheel thoee .gentlemen con.
tended that there were /to complaints in
England excepting among the ignorant is
tbe rural district% and that orily in ease of
a scrutiny the ballot -box conld be forced to
give up its eacrets, and in England this sys-
tem of voting was in force. He oontended
that the only cam in whioh bribery was
praotieed was tbrotigh outside parties
doming in. (Opposition %taphole%)
It was often stated that people
would do things in eleetione im-
plying moral gent which they Would shriek
from in other connections of life. There
was every reason to regard the Aot as it
stood as actoomplithing it perpose. Ex.
perience in other lends bsd ehown that it
had metained its purpose there. Ile would
farther make it the bersibege of county
anathema to peened in snob cases ref dim
honesty as in charges of a Moe
nal eharaoter. Ile mewed that the bill of
his hen. frieed from Math estings be not
now Mad, but thief day six month%
Mr. Clarke eXt. II) stated that the Gov-
ernment wete very fond,of introducing Sir
Jobe Ao Memeloglald's name into their
ellettehee• but sir Intin Meecieneht with his
larger experiendet bad never sidled for an
Respeoting the New York Life Insur-
ance Company—Mr. .Gibson ( a mitten ).
To enable the corporation of the cite of
Ottawa to issue debentures for waterworks
/teepees—Mr. Bronson.
To enable the corporetion of the city of
Ottawa to imam debentures to the amount
of $50,000—Mr. Bronson. -
A bill respecting the Hamilton Patriotic
Voltin noir Fund —Mr.,Gibson (Hamilton) —
was referred baces, to the Committee of the
Whole House, and reported with slight
Mr. Mowat moved the third' reading of
the bill for expediting the eiecision of con-
atitutioe al andother Fri:teem:eat questions.
Mr. Meredith moved in amendment that
.tite bill be not now passed, but be referred
back to the Committee of the Whole House,
and that it be amended by, inserting
ciente as follows "N3 such queettion
which involves the constitutionality of a
Provincial Act shall be sebmitted unless
open a ()see settled by the court whose
opinion is asked, or after notice thereof to
the Attorney -General of Canute."
A. division was taxon on Mr. Meredith's
amendment. which resulted as f011OWS
1S4.8—messr8. Bigamy. Myth, Clancy, E. F.
Clarke (Toronto), B. E. Carke (Toronto), Craig -
Creighton, (lrness, Fell, E'renela, Heaninell, gees,
wison, Ineratn, Lees, Marten., eteitobam, Mere,
deih, Moto ilf, Millet, Monk, Morgan, Ostri m,
Preaten, Rorke, Smith clOrentenac), Stewart,
Tooley, Whitney, Willoughby, Wood (Efe,stings),
Ravi—Messrs, Arian, erroetreng, Awrcey, Bat-
her, Bal1ant.3•ne, Bishop, Blezard, Bronson,
Cal twell,Chithelrn, Clarke (Wellington), Dank,
Dance, Davis, Drydeu Evanturel, Faille., Fraser,
:Fteemait, Gerson, Gibson (Hamilton). Gibson
tifi(urou). Gilmour, grahard, Gethrie, ge,reourt,
Esrey, Lyon, Maxey, McLaughlin, McMahon,
Maok, Maokee Master, Morin, Mowat, Mur-
ray., croonnor, Pecaud, Phelps, Reptide, Rove
tguron), Bets (Nliddle8ox), 813a0h(Vork),'Snider,
Sprague, waiters, vtoodeBrante
The House went .into committee, Mr.
Harcourt in the chair, and pseud the tol.
lowing bele :
To consolidate the ilebt of the town of
Brampton—Mr, Chisholm.
To confer upon the Chatham Water -
tendert Company power to borrow $1504000
—Mr. Ferguson.
To enable the Truetees a St. Andrew's
Church, Chatbern, to eel' certain lend%
axed for other marpcees—Mr. Ferguson.
Speedier took the chair.
The fetiewing bele went read a Se0Ond
tittle and referred ter a committee of the
whole armee :
Respecting the Piret Pmebyterisit Church
at Chathent—ef?. Clency.
Respecting the °aerie and Stiehl Ste.
Merie Watet, Light and Power Compeny,
and the town of Seek $te. Marie—Mr.
Mr. Gibson (Ilarnilton) presented a re -
poet true the Standitig Committee on
Rrivate )311I.
Mr, Gibson (HaMiltOti) edented a ree
evenings from the seoret ballot of the
Mominiou to the open ballot of the Pro -
vino, and until he did the bon, member
did not think the Attorney -General could
fairly quote lairn se enpporting him in the
peculiar ballot that we had in this Pro -
Vitro. It seemed to Lim that tbe Govern -
merit could not nese the people, not even et
election times. He (mule trust tbe people,
and tor this reason would eupport the bill
of his ben friend from HaMinga.
'en e e$.ler
A Portege la Prairie. despetoh sae s the
fellowing telegram was reoeived last night
by Mr, Hay, the Police Magistritte, from
orettorney-General Monett , " Hae the
prisoner you bole on suspicion of being
bite murderer of Holton, Reot coenty, a emir
on his groin, ? (Signed) Attorney -General
of Ontario." The primmer .was exemined
by Dr, Macelain. He has a soar on his
right groin.
The Batoohe correspondent of the Prince
Albert Timm says quite a number of the
Mete' are already preparing to emigrate.
The place Where they are likely to form
a eettlement is at eitott Fish Lake, near
A letter in'the Fort MoLeod Gazette de -
°tares that polygamy is riot practised ib the
Mormon settlement in tbe Northwest.
After a seven hours' speech in tbe Legis-
lature on the Eduoattonal Bill, ?dr. Pren-
dergast resumed bis see.t last night and was
followed by Mr. Sif ton'of Brandon, In
reply to Mr. Martin's statement, that the
House would pass the Bill even if it was
unconstitutional and throw the onus of its
disallowance on the Dominion Government,
Der. Prendergast said the Csotholios would
not reoognize the law until it had been
tested in every wart in the realm; and
only when Mn Martin came to them and
said here is the judgment of the Britiala
Supreme Court would they submit. Then
they would submit sadly, but obediently,
lentil that time they would resist the
bailiffs and every person else who at.
tempted to enforce the law on them.
A. Bill was introduced giving the Lieut..
Governor power to commute sentences for
certain petty offences.
Calgary promises the Duke of Connaught
a "round up'" if he will stop off there on
his visit to Canada.
Winnipeg. City Council are about to ask
tbe Dominion Government to mist the
Hudson Bay Railway.
• A. deputation of clergymen, representing
principally those of the Epithopilian
Cituroh, and a number of laymen waited
on the committee having charge ot the
Municipal Bill in the Legialative Chamber
this morning. They proteated againat the
clause providing for the taxing of Church
I.met night an unfortunate woman of a dia.
reputableemuse on the western borders of
the oity took a dose of "Bough on Rats,"
and, despite all efforts to eave ber life, she
• sucounebed this morning at 10 o'clock to
the effects of the poison-.
The acoident to the Glenboro train yes-
terday appears to have been of a more
serious nature than was given out. Instead
of tbe train arriving during the night as
was expected an additional crew of em-
ployees was sent out this morning to aesiet
in the work of placing the .are again on
the track. It is now stated the entire train
Was thrown off tbe track and tumbled into
a ditch.
Ramie le reorganizing her navy,
The Anterior) sgeadren et evolutioe ens
Itar:Isitivare!ar4a lei:pgoiNierrtIudiEtecyl; that the Ring of Pf a tia is
Peeceedinge are being talteu to extreehe
Dickie, the New York embezzler, who to in
aryIotnnicisec :in: r 2.hbohn hboa vter obuebolne se ebt citowa! e
Tete post.offeet at Greenville, Tome was
robbed ot several thoueand donna on Erie
Spotted fever, or malignant meningine,
Reltaada,Pleeenant.ea alarmingly near Fountain
Several demonstrations etgainst Prime
Minister Tiza bave been made in the
etreets of Pestle
The shipwright e of Sonthemapton threaten advance of four shillings
Princeton, Drumbo and Ayr have been
constituted a parish by the Synod of 131tron
Executive Committee.
Nearly all the Winnipeg Protestant de.
nominations are protesting against the Ant
taxing church property.
It is monad that the Chanoellorsbip
crisis is renewed, and that the retirement
of Prince Bismarck is imminent.
Jamea Ruesell Lowell is able to sit up,
read the papers and attend to his corre-
Father Dogoner, ot the Jesuit missionat
WDelyoemahia,mhes.s been taken prisoner by the
The Manitoba Legislature ref uses to grant
any aid eo. the propertied Winnipeg Incline
trtal exhibition,
"Mamma, what is a jag ? " "1 don't
know, Tommy. Ask your father." -
The Volapak universal language, which
is eleven yeara of age, boasts of baying
5,000,000 expositionists.
Only a trely selfish Maid can realize
fully how utterly selfish other men can be.
IN the January eleotion of 1889 Miss
Cobden and Miss Coos were eleoted mem-
bers of the London County Council, over
which Lord Rosebery presides. Neither
of them claimed their seats nor .did they
give up their rights to them. The Lord
Chief Justice and Justice Stevens, how-
ever, gave opinions adverse to their claims.
Mise Cobden Bought other advice and was
Wormed that if he seat was not chal-
lenged within twelve months she could
take it. Accordingly she and the other
lady took their seats at the Board last
montb, and as no objeotion has been made
to their action, it is presumed they are now
regularly elected members of the Council.
Mrs. Church to Mrs. Meeting House—I
didnio want to go to the whist party to-
night, but it is Lent, you know, and we
have tegive up things we want most to do
and do things we dislike, and so concluded
Id run in and spend the evening with
If men and women would ponder the
virtues rather than the faults of their
friends, and gender the courtesies due from
themselves to others, rather than always
have in mind whet is due to themselves,
there would be fewer broken friendship —
Florida TintahlUnion.
The boy with tbe knee -breeches is a
poor marble player generally. It is the
boy with the baggy trousers, who wipes
his nose on his coat eleeve and rubs his
bands in the dirt before shooting that has
the most marbles in his pocket -4Z Dor-
ado Republican.
Ileum colleoted $40,808 from Chinese
immigrants and emigrants hut year. How
would it do to appropriate that money to
send missionaries to China, to convince the
natives of the superiority of Canadian
One of the hale old men of Great Britain
is Prof, Mackie, the famous Greek inhaler,
who at 80 is still able to lecture to the
Edinbnrgh students.
Mr. Cleveland hes rola Oak View, hie
country place on tbe Tenallytown road, near
Washington. The price obtained was
about 0140,000. This is a clear gain of
$100,000 for the ex -President. ltdre. Cleve-
land and hinaself were both attaahed tothe
place, but—e100,000 1
Salvini, the Italian tragedian, is e man o
Very economical habits. He may sometimes
be seen in his darning an
ole pair of tights. -
S. B. Pratt, of Forst Mille, near Bos-
ton, Mese., bas the largest private collec-
tion of Biblein the country. He COVIIS
more than 300 bound volumes of Bibles
and many bible:ell manusoripts.
At Melbourne, Austrelia, jemmy 22nd,
the thermometer registered 156 in the ()pet
air at norm. It was the hotteat 'weather
known there for fifteen year%
Capt.Botsford,Windsonhasreoeived word
from Obtawe thet the clothing moons,
mended by the prignaemejor on his tour
of inepeetion has been granted to the fitelt
companies of the Emma Fusilier&
The Duke ef COnneught will start feord
Bombay for Englerie on Therm:lay next.
Ete will travel vie China, Japen, Van.
crouver and Quebec). en a gime% at a
banquet yestercley the Duke deplored the
utter ihadematioy of the defenOes of
B°TinhbeaDY'ulte of File is to Preside at Stan*
leyee fine lectuie in London All the 'date
hetve been cold, although the lowest price
was $5. Stanley it to rotative $500 for the
lecture and the Polyteehnie inetitnte, at
wkicia it is to be tieliveifice, expecte te make
00,600 to 04,000 ftord it.
Robert Morton, tlae Miami rouremer of
his son and daughter-in-lew, will be tried
in Winnipeg next week.
The Shah of Persia has ordered his am-
beasadors tosend engineers to provide large
Persian towns with gas.
Ninety.six Chinese were among the pas.
seneers on the steamehiP Abyssinia, arrived
at Vancouver, B. C., yesterday.
It is reported Ring Menelek, of Abyre
sinia, has joined the Italian levies whiela
are preparing to manila .to Adowa. '
The Turks are extorting oath and pro.
miesory notes from Chrimians at Messere,
Crete, by threats of imprisonment.
Theireday evening the Rooliester express
collided with an engine at Painted Post,
N. Y. Several people were injured.
Hopkins, the escapee convict arrested
at Album, N. Y., made an attempt to
escape on Wednesday from the court room.
The Russian Minister of the Interior has
assumed tbe right to dismies Lutheran
pastors and to control pastoral conferences.
Owing to their pay being in arrears the
Imperial troops in Formosa are deserting
and joiningehe rebels, enabling the latter
to make a vigorous stand.
A despatch from Newfoundland says the
weather since the middle of December has
been the coldeet for thirty years. A greet
many old persons have died.
The trial at Wadowice, Austria, of per-
sona amused of emigrant swindling resulted
in the conviotion of 31 of the 60 prisoners.
James Tonge, a teamster in St. John,
N. B. was thrown against et telegraph pole
by bis runaway horses and killed on
Tbe remains of George H. Pendleton,
ettlimentfeeteestatee Minister et Berlin, were
interredin Cinointati on Saturday with
imposing ceremony.
It is officially denied that the Brazilian
Government has resolved to promulgate a
Constitution prior to the meeting of the
Constituent nesembly.
Mr. John Sinclair has decided to resign
his east in Parliament for the Ayr district.
He is an advanced Liberal and a strong
supporter of Mr. Gladstone's Irish polioy.
Prof. Owen, the scientiet, who was re-
ported convaleacing a few days ago, after a
serious illnees, /embed a relapse. All the
members of his family are assembled at bis
The Government printing office at
Washington is now engaged in filling one
of the largest orders in its "biatory. This
is for 18,000,000 blanks for the use of the
40,000 enumeratore of the eleventh census,
who will begin work in May. It will take
15,000 reams of pager, and twenty presses
will have to be worked twenty-two hours
each day for six weeks.
The Inter -State Commerce Railway Asso.
(nation will be reorganized next month,
when the question of protecting tbe ex-
treme northwest roads from the C. P. B.
will be considered.
Sergt.Major Morgans, of the •Royal Mili-
tary College, Kingston, on Friday was pre-
sented with a longmervice goodhionduot
medal from the Imperial army, after serv-
ing nearly 19 years.
A. very fine bridge over the Chandlers
River was formally opened on Friday. It
was built by the Societe Anomine de Con-
struction Internationale, of Bruxelle, Bel.
glum, and cost $80,000.
•Yesterday was the anniversary of the
death of William I., and was observed by
the consecration of the Imperial Mausoleum
at Cbarlottenburg in the presence of the
Emperor and his family.
Japanese advices say a lire took place in
the village of. Hiteogay on February 8th,
destroying 270 buildings. The industries
1 of Japan are In a distressed condition. In.
&Lenz& is epidemic there.
It is stated the Portuguese Minieter at
London has failed in his negotiations with
Lord Salisbury for the settlement of the
African Territorial diepute, and that be
will return to Melton immediately. The
people in Lisbon are assuming a threatening
If Otiose° cannot soon raise the guar-
antee tend of $10,000,000 the World's Fair
will be taken away, and probably given to
New York.
Arthur Orton, who became well known
as the Tiohborne claitnant, announces that
he will oonteet the seat in the House of
Commons for Stoke -upon -Trent, made
vacant by the resignation ofMr. W. L.
Bright, Horne Ruler. He will run as a
Home Baler.
, tee itniete Iteteceets
. .
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Ten Damara COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N.
„sees, reeee fee Mee feed iter
'1;ItitleleUrLAINirltiffaieVtgf Ti`404101eiitiAst Pt• •
The Czar has received a threatening
atter frotri a womari who signs herself
Tobehrikova. The writer says that unlens
be modifies bit reaotionary policy he will
share the fete of Peter XII. Paul I. and
Alexandee H. A copy of the letter was
sent to each of tbe Minietere at the same
The well carrier bettmen Smithville and
Sparta, Toluene, reports that a barrel
ems found tloatieg &min the Caney 'Fork
River and °might at the motith of Indian
Creek, containing a live baby about a week
old. 'It had fleeted sixty or seventy miles,
bet was in good condition when found,
Robert Graham, R. Wright, James
Milne% eneeph Vette and T. Powell were
arrested on Friday night as the thieves
who broke into and stele goods frem the
The Nest Succeesful leeway ever ammo
• erect, as it is certain in its effects and does
not blister. Read proof below.
Onrxaa or CRAELES Strronn,
42.31\ VOOD4 ILL, Nov. 20,1153.
Dear Sirs: I have always purchaSed r our
dales Spavin Cure by the halt dozen eottles
would like prices in larger quantity. I think it hr
one of the best liniments on earth: Ihave used IS
en my stables for three years. .
Vows teuly, Cass. A. Str4Mill.
Ditomaxe, N. Y., November 8, 1e15.
Dn. 11. 3. KENDALL Co.
Dea.r Sirs : I desire to give yo0 testimonial of mT
good opinion of your KendaWsSpavin Cure. I have
used it or Lent enesel, Stiff Joints and
S. -myths, and I have mund it a sure cure, I cord!).
auy rttooramend it to ailliorsemen.
Yours truly. .5.15. Smsene.
• Manager Troy Laundry Stables.
' SANT, WINTON' COUNTY, 0140, Beo. 10,1820,
De. B. 3, KENDALL Ca
Gents: I•feel it my duty to say what I have dons
'with Your Kendall's Spavin cure. I have cured
tweary-uve horses that hadSpityins ten ot
Ring gone, nine affected with Dam Wend and
seven of gig Jaw. Since I have had one of your
books and followed the remotions, I have never
lost a caymoourafattylit>ki,nd.
A8nretw Tuntarn.
Horse Doctor.
?rice Si per bottle, or six bottles for Ss. All
crlsts have it or ccsget it Mr yOU, or it -will be
to any address on receipt of pries by tbe ler
tors. Dn.13. 3. KENDALL Co., Bnosburgla Fate,
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, snob as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after
eating. Pain in the Side, tte. While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CARTER'S Lirrte Liveft Pius
are equally valuable 'n Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also oorrect all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they wou a be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint; ,
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
is the bane 01 00 many lives that here is where
we make our great beast. Our pills cure ft
whne,others do not.
C.ARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Plus areeery small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a. dote. Tbey are strictly vegetelde and do
not grips or pnrge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 135 cents;
eve for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
hi at NI .Dosoi Me,
Enlocks all the ologgee evenuse of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, oanying
off gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and. ioul Immo=
of the Secretions; at the sumo time Cor-
recting Acidity Of the Stomach,
miring Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation, Drynesr.„.of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness Of Vision, Jaun-
dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Fluttering of' the *Heart, l\Ter-
VoustiesS, and G'oneral Debility ; all
those and many other similar Complaint:1
yield to the happy irifluence of LUBBOCK
For Sale by an Deakw..
T.EmBuRff &co., Prog!•ettirs, Tovat,
-='•-•*•'17 WORM POWDERS'
tleauott to lake. eantau their elan
Purgative. IX a nye, .rto.eefeetual
elestreyer !Await ifs Chadors a relaulie.
,'i: eel -MN tenittee •
I.DAVO you tried the Celebrated.
If not don't fail to do so at once.
It is not a polish but a. wonderful
leather preservative it will make the
finest or coarsest shoe as soft and
pliable askid and very easy to the foot.
It will make them absolutely water-
proof, and if occasionally dressed with
this dressing will last more than twice
as long as otherwise.
We Mean What We Say.
It is the very life of leather. It can
be applied at any time. No trouble—
Shoe can be polislaed immediately
- 10 a 15 Cents per Box.
Sold by all firseclass stores. Sam-
ples mailed—Stamps taken.
eeleleetteal esi•er ...-etenese .e. see
Try it and be convinced et its wonderful curative)
?weenies. Price 25 cents.
Try Everest's Liver Regulator
For Diseateo ihe Liver Kidneys, to., and Purity.
Ing of the Blood. Price 8L Six bottles for $5.
• For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS.
Manufactured only by
GEO. M. EVEREST, ClilOsist. FOREir,, Om.
a A 161
WEAK mEN quickly cur' err e"
eelyea of '117
Vitality, Lest Vianitood, trona yoc
seems, ewe quietly at home. Booe on
private diseases sent tree (sealed). Perfeeely
reliable. Over 80 years' experience, Adnrese.—
OMB= Mrs CO., VOItOritTO, Canada.
LADIES gri.:Teuvat'en;11,"'eand'u°
0, attar t an rgot, Oxide, Ta
Aorit f wag,: .Penrgal PM& banes
*tamp rali ioncorres, Canada,
BEA15C11, FORCED on smoothest lama, Mir
cm cleat ands, in Soto 90((spa Magic. Latest and
ma- kat selitinannent of modern Beienae 1 Most seC
argil inns:nary af the age. Like no other ntepa.r
ISI. Sara, shoot% instantaneous in notion 1 Berya
i• 1 Bold Wads °baited r °miens spectacles, mit
meows terms. O0011 gonuino artkdo In inarket, and eatt
es griv shasinto caelideetinel. Giaininteed. Price SI a bott ,
a' ulnae battled *0s 55 Enohhottio ifliltfl one fr141101, 21,dthl FA
SOPERFLUOUIRAIR A prenrstion perniabohIlv IeMOVO
athat Vitt
%Zioratioul balt *MUSA 'initityto the akin. Werraniiaa..
fraisi 10 ia Wir:reaMd. PSISSIOSSO dive traStMcas, ed.
**Au ralitief ot torimiele rebate& baeatieli, ba u,co.
iinfashierritbr& .1FAT VOLitantiat_ AMA.
OCIRPMEN013 PILLS" leas it Ma tabitth.. sense
potaanoind toter Mil, Tilt:els; one
treatinelit, $2; bt throe months Median:a. Gt,
OMPLEXION WAFERS euilleetisltz..
sktit, &Wolin Oa tarsi. Ilartaleit.
.Thittant,ed, Prise al a Ku. ot du bassi tof
*WW2= 01017101111.6.111 „
Lida Serie 1111tit Toson.tio,. wok,