The Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-13, Page 711
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' ,'U�i13 QlIS ��Q CO3FLY.
saying thatttw rhe et e t .tand is wo #o g I�0$T� p0�XT,A pEl!TTZyI ABIbN. HOW F'AR CAN WX SIM?
Yi g yIs ' o exceed tett _
seotiouboo ballot hoz then w e moray inil¢enco st rho r ---•.a--., f3ifupxe Tiaras uy 6Vlitcl}, sir Calculate the
I�lamboro' FarlMer's O phos of out Parse! settled one and Interettitl $istot of tiro Oldest Widovs >Ec,inga of vtelen,
-- r.-.. time a o ulous
Its Claim to a liberal share of the ea endi• 1}1'fl hili, There is absolutely mo limit t0 the
Conuty �allaella. is rnottoward wi withoutwhich
then dalaKs Tons of ill Bee° 4h® ii lto which aro trd,
' of seoticnallem would be teat! mi 6lJNT 20' Mli. 1Dr Xf£LZ OF BehIIIT01T. normalvlaton 0 the eight. r'while 'we caupot
bobich thorn.
mizefl by the oircumatanae of ti whole DarlingtoA (D rbym) 1> cglsI a, hewn It ip,true see, A treeth� tall objectsoisitt,N,diminish y ?
'1'E Pli� ►` oonnt'y voting for candidates drawn from paper contafu's along account'otthe life -of mpparent size; in,:,'a .d.irop prof pxiion .to
the WI
county- If thought desirable, a a widow' laity' (Mrs. Lanchestar), who o distanCO, but that i9 pot the ,only reason,;
�$ ��� further protection ig Available Ali 1tl4itftt.e Comm6ssign of aiti-a nes.I I t' }n pxOpar. , aunt to ,Mr. Wirt. 'Kell, as old and re- The obi< f ryaegia tt} t4at Or vision, is ov-
Mortq to sectionalism-obeapaeaq and iloual voting, &system which, In an edu• , stented resident of ' Ilsmiltrin; grit.' ptructed by J,he onivatn're of t2t9 earth., 9
y X g. Dated oomntry like ours, ehonld present -no We offer 'oo exouee . for clipping it, writer in Roititar Sciene4 Ne gives some
liflaoteao -" Fano +' 13yar®mn off Vo insuperable difficulty to the olPdciale or the as It well iaa reetc3 with lnterost . It will ligates to ehosv how great thte onrvatar i;
While conversing with a •Flambgro' electorate. `' In an 0leotioa under this probably be quite within the truth to1. say It is, often a matter of interest and im.
Xowttehipfarme> a teW days ago the system the names of all the candidates that the oldest widow, it not, the oldest portant& to know how tar we tan see.
proceedings of the County Connoit were would appear on the ballot, Whether person, In Emglend today, to to be found. from any given height, or, conversely,, how
mentioned casually, and from rho partite• one; two or throe members were required, in the venerable person of Mrs, Lanohester, far, one must be above the earth to.see an
]or incident the question o! ,county gov rho .voter's duty would b9 the same he who has reached 'the extraordinary age of object at s given drstance. The el:aot oat
fernment in general was reaetfed by tipsy, would simply mark opposite each name a 107 ye&re, The grand old dame is at this' oalatiofl of these'fi ores wonldregnire the
gradations. " T
his Coaoty Council bast.. figure indG56ittg the order of his prefer- moment yapping awn her time In the use of ver complex formnlm,bnt for prat•
mesa," said the"gentlemsh from Fiamboro', suns, AGcordfng to the number of names on repose and retirement afforded bar in the tical use, two very simple rales will suffice.:
"is pretty much of a hambag, and a the ballot. The labor -involved ire, the house of her reepeoted son, 113r. George rhe distance in miles at which' an object
rather expensive one, too• There wan A summing up is act so great ae 'wnulil .at Lemcheater, Who himself Is 71 years upon the surface of the earth is visible is
time, whea there Were other important first eight appear, and the result is, that of age, and resides in the block f ual to the square rgot of one
1 each candidate's total indicates exact! the of 0 q and one
Varies than the mere tare ,A county Pro* y property whioh franks the West' half times the 'height of the observer in
'pe y g p y ad degree of esteem in . be is bald by the Auckland and Dalrlington highway on feet -above the suirfate, end conversely.
rt devolving upon than .that the h
jastifioation for their existence. That electorate of the county, and �+ plumping " the f:leve,ted ridge known ss Bildersbaw The height in feet to which an observer
time has passed, The functions o! town- is abolished. For exempts : Take a Dass Bank, The intelligent reader can picture must be placed to see a distant object is
tlhip and village, councils, have been so of five candidates + A, B, C, D, E," and the poence as it, was presented to the Inter equal to two•thuds the agnate - Of the Vis•
am Shed that much of the Work here and let ne suppose An eleotorai 'vote of ten
p , viewgr. In & plain, but nest, comfortable tante in miles. For instance:. Theobser
there throughout the counties, hap been A 9 g 5 1 i 2 5 3 a X17 and cleanly kitchen of a country house, in ver is in the riggingof'& ship 100 feet ebove'
delegated to them, and, properly so, O M1 3 3 4 .3 4 9 : 3 2 -lis a chair tbat might have inspired Eliza the water, bow far distant is the horizon 2
i as ibey ale in closer touch with D s 5 4 s ] , 4 5 5 3 .4I Cook, site the venerable dame, who years -that is, bow far could in object Sooting
the people ; and now a good > s 1 2 3 5 8 1 4 4 g_yg sndyears ago had passed the' three score in the water be visible before being hidden
i ideal that xe done by tins county bodies ie Now, the Above would show in detail years and ten alloted by the Psalmist se by the convexity of the earth ? One and
' None expensively, and, in my judgment and bow each of the ten electors voted' and the the span of human existence, The aged one-half times ,100 is 150, and the square
that at Many of my friends in the county, summing up; It only one member is re, matron site, without using the obair.back.. root of 150 is, .approximately, 129 there
k mesa that
that degree of local. din all pn6li• gnired B is elected. If two members are with one hand crossed upon the other, her fore the horizon is 1$t miles, distant..
,i hese" that ehonld be manifested in all palflia required A is second preference. body, thus resting, is thrown eligbly for' As the deck of imaller veasele, like pies.,
'business. The tact is that expenditures y * ward; end 'the' kindly faded' eyes look snreyachts, is rarely more than ten feet
by County Councils partake much of the Another " fancy " system of voting is intently;out upon the green• swelling bills above the water, it follow that the limit of
ward -grabbing of the towns end cities. known se the"•`cumulative" system, in which can be seen from -the homestead. vision from that point is" lees than four
Worka are obtained on a kind of ' barter which each elector is entitled to cast as . Ocher head is s knitted woollen cap of the miles in every direction:
plan -a You. help. me- and- I'll-belp•you eye- many votes as there are members to be good old, pattern,, lined with white frilling. An Illustration of the, second is maybe
tem-rwboreby g order to obtain the grant elected, end is privileged , to oast ill frit In her expression thole ie none of the dia. ,given es follgws > •A building is g 33 miles.
ueoeeearyB or a tiettain' work, and which on one candidate or 'divide them up as be tresefng features tf 4 wrecked iuemzory or away ; 'how high a hill mast one climb in
purely business principles, and as a matter chooses. This enables a minority to seoure va; uono mind. On beraboolders is a plain order to be able to; see it 2 As the
of ustice,oa ht to be Ives the re resent&- ; a voice in councils when otherwise the pp s hinds
p y dark for tippet, with suitable binding; and of the distance egnaLa 1089, and two-thirds
tives of the locality are constrained to sup. would be unable to elect a representative; 'a simple black frook, with- a snow-white of that nnmbsr:�e cele • 726"
rt some other expenditure, 4 , It foigh be ore
i� p perhaps leas but it opens the door fox the manipulation apron; Completes "a picture worth going 'a we must climb a hill 726 feet high before
nedeesery or justifiable, and for which they of cliques on strictly'scientifid lines, and long way to see. • Mrs.. Lanchester has been we zlra able to see the building, even with
would not otherwise vote. This leads might, were it adopted, stimulate the n0 friend to the medical profession. A dodtor., the most Powerful telescope.
to much injustice And nnneceesary, �•taaa• tadp of mathematioa in connection with ebe never, ae Mrs. Grandy would say, could Usually, however, the height, of the
tion of the people on the obi, band, while elections. Space does not permit me to abide. She waft born at Gallow Hill, object, as well as that of the observer. must
it results, on the other, in diminished enlarge Here. There seems, however, to 'Yorkshire, a mile or two from Barnard be taken into considers but but this aim•
efficiency, in county government and be a feeling,sbroad that our County Cann• Castlb, nua was`baptized'at Bowes Church, ply requires the'duplitstion of the prob.
a less economical expenditure of the Gil system is cumbrous and expensive, and, whioh she says is the only one she has seen lem. For instance The Wsehingtoa
peoples money. The -less populous in some 05809, of doubtful efficiency, and I that -is built north and south. She was monument is 552 feet high ; 'at what
and the small villages of the am inclined to think it is not unsbacepti= married to a farmer at, Manfield, whither height must an observer fifty miles away
province feel the effects of this evil they ble of improvement. - " Me9QUETTs• she went to live after leaving Gallow Hili be in order to see the top of it 7 Sa osiu
have fewer representatives at the boards and it is with Manfield that many other the observer to stand apou the Rronnd, we
and have, consequently, lees to offer in FRENCH ?HItIGT: interesting domestic aseeoiations are held find bythe firetrulethetbeeould just see the
barter for support, ' That the larger towns by Mrs. Lanchester and family. She also top 29, miles away, and to overcome the re-
gra alive to it is clearly evidenced in the Land ought to be easy of acquisition to lived. at Cliffe -end, in the same quiet rural maining 21 miles, due to the convexity of
promptness which which they seize on ea• all who are willing to cultivate it, for there district. The babits of a person who can the earth, he would by rale second have to
arses for separation from the counties to are many millions of acres on the earth yet look upon her 70 and 80 -year-old neighbors climb to the height of 294 feet. It we tip.
enter into business on their own account, untilled. In North and South America, as mere boys and girls must be interesting. pry similar calculations to the Eiffel tower,
It's an eapensivs system, too, even were its Northern Asia and Central Africa, there is Of course she cannot continue the early the highest artificial structure in the
tivork well done. A body of twenty, thirty, room for millions to earn a good living, and rising end busy life of her more buoyant world, we obtain some interesting results.
1fty,men,does not transact business rapidly even in thickly populated England m
,there days. She takes breakfast in bed, then has Aesumg the beight to be j¢et 1,QOo feet,
or deliberately as a role, and work regair• are thousands of sores, which shoali'P's¢p. a sleep, rises about 11 in the forenoon, and, we find that, standing at the top, we enjoy
ing deliberation as is well-known, is usually port men, given up to deer. France is without assistance, washes and dresses & circle of vision bounded by a horizon 39
left to small committees --a fact that tends often held up as the model of peasant herself as trimly and well as any one could miles distant, and that if another similar
to prove the wisdom of rednoing the num• proprietorship, but Frederic Harrison gives do it for her. She retires to rest with the tower should ever be erected, it could be
bar of councillors -and the routine work this description of French land hanger in family, no, she says, she cannot sleep in placed over 78 miles away before the rays
is often railroaded through. The fees and the-Marob Forum: " The life led by s Dom- the fore part of the night. She has a clear, of the electric lights on their summits
mileage of councillors make up a pretty fortable English or American farmer would ringing voice yet. The old dame Kot what would be eclipsed by the intervening earth.
snuglittle sum, represent
u and whe t e
a b c utiwit e
contingencies envieswicked, waste
and is g .sbamefal colloquially known n Aa
her second From t
q a eight o he
y g summit of Mount Everest see
Ott the municipality require some prompt indulgence to a mach richer French some eighteen years ago, and Cannow.the Himalayas (27,000 feet) one could see
action a special meeting i8 a costly addition pessaDt. I myielf know a laborer on see without glasses. Besides the eon nearly 200 miles, provided the air was
to the annual bill. We are a very much wages of Joao than 20 shillings a week, who and daughter named, Mrs. Lunches- clear enough, whish would rarely be the
governed people and I !bink a big hole in by thrift has bought ten scree of the meg- ter has a son, the oldest surviving case.
� our pocket could be closed up by reducing-nificent garden land between Fontainebleau 11 child," who is 80 years of age, and lives •
the number of County Counciftors, if we end the $eine, worth many thousand at Diihington, Hall, Camberlsnd. Of How Beak of E ---de Notes Are Made.
bad to relegate all work, outside' of care o! pounds, on whfoh grow all kinds of fruits grandchildren and great grandohildrea,
comity property to the townships." . • and vegetables, and the famous dessert there ere many • and though Mrs, Lin • "`Ba—land notes are made from
��* grapes; yet who, with all his wealth and. cheater was a fail• OWA woman mud had new white linen cuttings -never from an
ady Tawboro' friend is not the $rat abnndsnce, denies himself end -his fw6 reached yt srs of diaoreiion when she mar• thing that has been worn. So asxefnity is
abrewt3 termer who his 'voiced the viewo chillion meat qtr Sandays, and even a ried, ohe has today a great grandson who the paper prepared that even the number
I have stated here. It 'is a general gauss drink of the tvSno 'Which he grows and is 25 years old. Her surviving daugbter has of dips into the pulp made by each work•
of complaint that "log.rolling" prevails snakes for the market. I know a peasant been the mother of fifteen children, of man is registered ou a dial by machinery,
in many, if not &ll, of the county bodies, family in Normandy, worth in,houses, gar. . whom about half the number still survive. and the sheet8 are eo6ated and 4;jahrd io
Indeed" it is ae inseparable from the dens and farms,' at least 506,000 francs, The aged widow's husband ended his days each person thlbggly WN 6n hands they
who will Jive r
w v on the
f n ort& ca ase.
a efft of re r sin tf t b at out Th
e to on b o _@ 1 8 es n as r at $ nt
W refuse n on near l?
183' Richmond, are coati
19 y , m forty 6a
P o e - 9 t Lsv r
era a err k on
in that of is
by words is City by their own lodgers, while the wife and ado, during whioh long period Mr , years
the River Whi6, iti $ampebire, by a family
Councils. Ttlie iog•rtlifrlg it�lrs time hand mother Liras hierserf out as a soullion theater has lived at Hanlon, with Sirs. named Portal, descended from a French
Bome Vot0ity Councils vales time highly), for two frsna8 a day. The P6iitif16t18de99 FXQctor, who is at present with her mother Huguenot refugee, and have been made by
veMteie "money and in8.ieks, hud96ippgin "of the French peasant is to English eyes a I At Bildersbaw, though her home is still at the 881110 family for more than 150 years,
iffiany; oases. How thenis it to beabolie Zed 2 thing savage, bestial and maniacal.. The Nanton. Mrs. Prootor to 67 years of age, About 1860 a large quantity of the paper
Clearly, it can not be abolished while each French peasant has great virtues ; but he has a striking resemblance to her mother, was stolen by one of the employees, which
member of this large body owes his also. has the defects of his virtues, and his wears a pleasant smite, end has a voice in- caused the bank a greet deal of trouble, as
• tion to a particular section of the county home life is far from idyllic. He is dieating Amiability of diopmition and truly the printing is a comparatively easy mat.
and looks forward to re-election on the lAborione, shrewd, enduring, frugal, self• gentle courtesy. Mother and daughter ter, the great difficulty with forgers being"
strength.of what he can secure for his con, reliant, sober, honest, std aspable of only repaired to Bilderehaw recently. Be. to get the paper. They are printed within
stituents in the general game of grab. Ap- intense self-control for a distant reward • fore leaving Hunton a photographer of the the bank building, there being an elaborate
that the evil is at least aggrs. but that'reward is property in land, in- adjoining market td*n,Was commissioned arrangement for making them so that snob
vated by the desire of each to door secure pursuit of which he may become as pitilees by Lord Bolton to photograph tour genera- note of the same denomination shall differ
Home sectional good or benefit that as a bloodhound. He is not chaste (indeed tions of the family, with Mrs. Lanchester in some particular from the other.-st.
be may lay reasonable claim :`lie is often lecherous), but. he relentlessly prominent as the oldest of the race. Hie Louis Republic.
to local support on the strong plea of self- keeps down the population, and can hardly Lordship and other gentry have for some
interest, some have advocated' making bring himself to rear two children. To years mahifeated a kindly interest in their T.un New York Herold has demonstrated
county counoiliots` ineligible for a second give these two ohildren a good heritage, 1 e wonderful old neighbor, who, happily, can that a prisoner, it be- has lots of money,
term. For two potent reasons this pug. Will "inflict great hardebips on them and on end her days in comfort and plenty, all her can enjoy all the comforts of home, includ.
gestion is not 'to be s6riously considered :• allothers whom he controls. He baa an descendants occupying comfortable post- Ing beer, wine and all the delicacies of the
It would at once deprive the county conn• intense passion for his own immediate tions in life. Mrs. Proctor's three sone season in Ludlow Street Jail. Not only
oils of ezperienesd me`mbers'' and remove locality'; but be loves his own commune, now hold the farms their parents bad coca• can be live like a lord, but he can walk
all incentives to acquire' facility and fami• and still more his own terra, better than pied. • Of railways the dame has bad little abroad when be so desires, frequent saloons,
be ov
- r't i 'a' "t' 1 es,b'rana
Ila i n municipal al oh Tae • end e � $e i intelligent; ss s or no ea i
Lt experience, sL
y p politics;
� is not near! "� but he p e 'made her first go to file theatre and otherwise. put in &
could not eradiate 'selfishness, it would y so well educated as the journey over thirty years ago, when she grand and hilarious time. The newspaper
fail of its object, if it did Dot aggravate the Swiss, or the German, or the Hollander. paid a visit to 'Darlington; but in the in question had one of its reporters arrested
evil, as each representative, knowing he He is able to beer suffering without a whole of her long life she has not set foot on a charge of alleged fraud, and his ex•
would, have another absnoe,.,Smight be .murmur ; but be has none of that imper• in a railway carriage oftener than about periences in jail and with the authorities
depended on to `use'every means at, his turbable ggnrage which Englishmen and tbree times. During the late harvest Mrs. form rather interesting reading. Afterthe
comnlind toget votes "for bi§,own"section Amertoaae show in a thousand new Lsnehester went ant to glean, and a West young man bad been .placed under arrest
of the county. It would be a rase of "After situations, He is shrewd and far-seeing, Auckland innkeeper trinmpbantly took and taken to the Sheriff's office to be earn.
we tbe.deiuge.' Reduction.ot represents- and a tough hand, a bargain ;-but he possession of part -gleanings as a memento milted t0 jail, he bribed a deputy sheriff"
tion in#lie to"Obipe eeeims equally iaede• h&a, none of the Inventive audacity of the of so remarkable an achievement. Amongst with 1640 to allow him to stay out of prison
is a remedy.
dy. YTo nugt ab lis abolish.
American citizen_ He is self,relisnt bat Mrs, Lanobester's best known descendants seven boars, and together they spent the
q rp� to'o'osutious`to trust himself in a� new w0 ma name Mr. John Lanchester, of evening in drinking at saloons and attend. epresijn• y ,
nation b t _Otlona,. field. He is indeperi&nt, but without the Bishop Auckland, her grandsort, the well- ing the theatre. At the close of tbeirlittle
#* pi`ond dignit' of the Spanish peapsnt. He known hotel and livery stable keeper, spree be was taken to the famous jail, and '
1T W to it to' $e done ? Souid of our oftied Els a love for the gay, the bseiulif¢l and who himself haschildren who have tbere he paid one of. the keepers $15 for
and towns 'have found,:'that the abnli. the graceful, which, 'comparvd with that of attai¢ed to yefirs of•• nlaturity. The other, board and "' privileggea " for & week. This
tion of the ward llystem and the tbb Englishman, i9 the sense of art; day, at Bild0r9b&W, a dispute aroso as fe entitled'bifil to be fed as a ll star" boarder
ezpenditars of the ,,public I. monlsys though he has nothing of the charm of the the data of a fearful anow sterif3 ane to take life as comfortably as though l
by s , commissioner .- respo-Dflibio ' to Italian, or of, ,the musical 'genius' of the which visited ,the, north soon after he had been livingg at a first, i
the whgle body' -has proven an--odtrance German. - If ;France is strong, the back• the Dinetgentli century had begun' class , hotel. He mlgp pain the
on the ward•grabbibg :and wjo,thfulness bo a of her strength is found in the mar• to run ito'course '''The diap•ptants could Warden 620 for get
that preceded it. :There nisy tie something ycl bus industry and tbrift of her as. not agree qu'the point, and the" permission bo to
. p r p , m;e�lte; was Ont of jail far s couple of Soars on the.
to be let rned,from this; eilpertnseat. In ant'ry. A A if her peasantry &toindaetrious sent,.or reference Io th'esged ,l t. After eft�xnoon of lest panday weak, and iii
.some parts o! the saikliboting Ropubiio the aha thrifty, it is because the Revolution a short pause she at once filed the date. broad daylight he and the Warden walked
County business In transacted by Boards of of '89 has secured to them a position ]pore Th@;storm took place eighty years agoi in the streets of New York, visited a balrber,
Comnpissioners, each of *born is iesponsi- free and independent than that presented the year her eldest son was born ; and by shop where the reporter, was shbwa, bbd ,
'hie directly to the people of the whole by any monarchical country on the coati, that domestic, event she fixed the matter. drinks at ealo3as and enjoy+e'd their actin
county. The btwirde uenally consist of'sia neat of ,Europe,,"" ;, The disputants were silenced by the living withont restraint. These pAviteges cos '
membereand a'aoeretary=treasurer. Two - .. voice of one; who remembered days when him 075 in all, but h tpent an equal i
Wellington and the terrible and much- amount in "ti a" to abln courteous 9 '
retire annually, so that even %f neither of •. a llt►Sted lt+'amuv, tipa.11 , , our eons treat-
the retiring" members are ro-elected there dreaded 11 Bony" were mere youths. Liv- went from the Sh0i 's subordinates and 1
y e,, .A widower with a numbercf small ohiJ-
remtya aywa stn offic two members of . ing in days. when newspapers, as we know for their entertaiameut, meals, liquors, !
two esre , and two of•• one year eliperl• dxen marr,ed�a widow who was similarly them, were noir-existent "end when the cigars, oar faro, etc. Iii prison with the
ene0 its the bond not of the business, It blessed. .1n due time' the newly -married telegraph and railw&y hati;ftot even entered reporter were Ives and Sts her the fluted 1
will he soon it once ,that a body like this' couple added ta. the numbee. Hearing a into the dreamo of men, when stage coaches aristocratic 'defaulters, who were- leaving i
can -be assembled at small cost at any.time,' waice:n the yard •one day the fathor went were daily, • stopped and;; plundered by quite a I:ay time in prison, livin;q on the f
and Can'(Hattiiig'always'third year mem. nut to Bee whet was the�matt0r. masked marauders, Mrs. Lanchester's ih. treat a the lend and assin their 1
Wel(, what was It 2 baked his wife as formation wag ten8ned to the osei `'o p r time
6 9 g p l khA fihhy54. g'cards etc:, while their ,friondo and
!tete Irt t have a thoron +h ea aaintanoe be returned Ont of breath.
&with the details of their 'business. ,They 11 couutryside, whioh' letter, comparatively acquaintances come And o without t
%ft At once a committee and a eonnoil,'bud, Your children and my .children were quiet.;;even to+day, Would sir that clay rao- 'hindrance. The Herald callq '
pounding our children, was the rel p upon the
if they are man of oapaoity, there ere reply. tioAlly bp,oat of the world; .The veiYerable bidtrfdt Attorney to fake action against
enough of them to deal' with'ait the bunt• 1*10 al Item living relic of the Osorgika at& not* ld6kb, the officialo of the jail and have them Vis.
none that comes within their jurisdiction. forward with the; composure of a bla'tneleas1 'lnii4oed anti punished. But their strongI
they violate their trust or exceed their Sufferer -bo you pull teeth without career to the end whioh cannot be a lough, ;political influence may save their floods, ,
duty the same remedy is applicable, a8 pain ? way•,off, serene in the coneoictWfidne of liC 11 TRE cost of the pension list for neat
ander our a sitem-teoouree, " b th0'law' l3entit,t--W+iil, not always I sprained life ep8rit in IiQnebt liiboY etid!tn the ob• i�
courts. s . ? my wtmo teat timeif pulled ;tooth, and it %d a ' Of 'Andsei Penton , ��h'o ", in' year, says the Now York Wand, . will is
1 in round 'numbers 8100,000,000. This
' - character, I to exceeds by 810,060,000 the east of the
Io elections to such a body seotionalisa , � ' g p pt old Englioh standing attily of Great Britdin, and
plays n , part, ab Meth candidate sake for A vrf6stern self loos a er topes into nearly equals the do4t of the enormous
the 8ufirnges of the connty, and is by the the cowboy style of revivalists who are so The tato ifohn P. 'Molt, of `f3eilifas,%Sft to
veto of the wbcle county eleotedor defeat0d4 tnnah In vogue now. 44 Will it be los " it Dalhonaie college and vAxidne diher+• ablio standing stmt of tierm6ny,t is 1137,000,•
When a grant in Raked for for the improve. Mkp, `t hetero the fences of the cities ore Iinatitutiotis more' that �2G6(,Ow p Go more than the entire, noel of the.
Ment of b certain road, r bridge he is free adofned with Ilthograplig and flaming ' In tt1116' ties 'of nmatrimon rho Mali year Government of the United y States in the
y ° year before the war. Attd yet the claim
to stand on grounds of justice tttt�.. public potters announcing tbo arrival of , Th% whom his, wife Awards the igrtiate$t liberty Agents slid the surplus, 0pendars have
po"oy instead of supporting or 6010 lig for Mastodon Evangelistic Combination 2 • feels hirritfelf the m'oet strongly li6and. schemes before Cron ase for doublin thin
the purpose of grinding the axes orroihng Mi8e06 Dn bsr, of Gael h ward " 6
the logo of his owa tittle l' , P / 6brotrn klamikel l�t&Aoit, a prouttilent Orsi e• enorafouo load."
a section. from s au/ter on the market square of that man Ytnd Well•to.doifxrwor a(Ahe township M. DeBlowits the Paris correspondent
. w orty on liaturdsy Ay a rn¢away horse. 1lfiss of b110 ilio �tYnnt of a p°
But it melt' be mtnrposed here that the ally on Sed a - l', y . Hurou, was trampled of the Loudon Trntet, tete ro bs that a ar•
An area broltsb, end bar olot t f B D p
most popnloas aeaiifti would conn er b d0atli bylt sltasr inlli8 od+r �srdon Astor don will aortsinl be ranted
t in the situs unhurt.• Y g to the Doo
tllay: d'Orleenr in a few 41n3it.
The 1iloet $nesfal., Remedy ever diaap^'<
&rod, us it is ovccertaiil In its effects and does
notblister. head proof below.11
O Oir CrIARLas A. S
RattgoL•nOD' )}
CLEvELAaD 11AT A,tiD TT.OTTIIPe Bum $cases J
TLUW00i), ILL., Nov. In, 1898.
Dear Sirs: I have always purchased ourSet�
gall's ,ppaavin Cure by the balY cozen bottleEs, j
would Bite• prices In lart?er.quantity. I think it i
one of the bestilaitneutr- on earth. Ihave used l
ca my stables for three years.
Yours truly, Cass. A- SNSDmL
BROOKLYN, X. Y., November 6, 19th
Dr.. B. Jr. KniDALL Co, ,
Scar sirs: i desire to give you testimonial of my
,,O,l opin'on of your Kandan s Spavin Care. I have
rxo,t IL fro• Lameneg�is, Stiff Joints and
F i,wvr r ns; a nd I ha,•e found it a sure cure, I cord!
t:_;; r,,,,,ninrudittoallhorsemen:
. :I t ulY• A. sCls al
- ar,
*J Df.Ler Troy Laundry Stables,
1.3 _`�-i�81VS SPAVIN CURE.
"'CA'vr, WMTON COUNTY, Onto, Dec. 19, IBM
'. Kl,rl)ALL Co.
L'.,_w:1i,•vfItmyduty tosn what Ihave do
iI your $endall s Spavla Care. I have curee�cpt
I s t•11ty-fivo horses that had Spavins, ten of
?: i:,,7Y3Oso. 111130 affifeted with Big Head and
t � n ,r -'MrJaw. Since t have had one of your
t"•� •s CIL".1 ri' laived the directions, I have neber
c. c •, of m+y land. .
Your3truly, ANDRBw TtrRwE
Serle Doctor.
j •-'rte 8I r+or bottle, or sl:-, bottles for Sr, All Dru&I
) ave it or •a enit
L u of it
3 or you, or ft will
a>�usv nd,''Iress on receipt of Wpice by the propel
Gus. Dit, B. J. EiEKDAI r. Co., Enasbuigh Fa1ha,Y4
I r LE
12MMEE!" I
Mck Headache and relieve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dtzakiess, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after
remnarrlcable success ides beeen sshowen fact ring
Tvsa PrLLs
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache rtohose
who suffer from this distressing complaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and. those who once try .them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all
sick head
In the bais whore
we make our great boast. Our pills 'eure It
while others do not,
CAnTRa'8 LrirLE'Lrvf a PILLS are very small
and very easy to take, One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
eaall who tis'e them, In vials at 255 cer:4;
for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
CARTER 1 EDICIVE Co., New • Fork
W Psi :M0 Dose. SMO -Hol
1 9� A
I •t
Unlocks 0,11 tho bio§ f ea •pvenlzes (df the
Bowels, I(idnegy End Li -ler, tip i g
)ff gradually wit Witt 'eveakcning t'lit3 sys-
;am, all the impuritma ,and. foul humom
if the seeretions; it''the sanie''fmie Cor-
7ousness, snd'Ge'Oral Debility;till
hese and many othet similar ConipWntq
yield to the liappyyliaaluencoof EUI DOCK
X001) BITTEN. '
.rap Sulo LU cZl Dcaien.
e'MILBURN & Coil Proprietor°s, Toronto.
��w I
�- ON ipo I
rtre plemlvd dd take, Cofttairt j,hd > ow,
P-sadve. Ira raft, ;stere artd'elfectrzzl
drrtray&Olwa ftt 9Clfildrrnor,ddra j,
Have you tried the Celebrated.
ELE"T ,V%Ifv
V ff 6
If not don't fail to do so at once.
It is ,not a, pplish but a wonderful
leather preservative it will make the
finest or coarsest shoe as soft and
pliable•as kid and very easy to the foot.
It will matte them absolutely water.
proof, and ifoccasionally dressed with
this dressing will last more than twice
as long as otherwise.
We Mean What We Say.
It is the'very Iife'ofleather., itcan
be applied at anytime. No trouble -
Shoe can be polished immediately
PRIC1E, • 10 S 16 Cents per Box.
Sold by all first-class stores, Sam-
ples mailed -Stamps taken.
Try it and be convinced Wits wonderful curatlni
propertlec Price 25 cents.
id a,
M t a
C 11 VZ
M . ; 9
b tip
A � . .10 !9"
Aar a •„
O i' 4
RpCd a
64 — It
V - a
W �:' �,
(TI & Df ,RX,),..
Try Everest's Liver Regulator
b Liver -•d
or D[eeae0 t o Kidneys, s e:e. and P f 3l Purif
Y . Yd
lnR of the fdbod. Price 81, Six battles for $5,
For sale by ALL DRUGG18TS.
Htinufactured only by
QLO, Di. EVEREST, CfI2x16-; ;FoR9Ae. OftB.
• �- �-+-
wen 16 1ON-A month, They d;F",u o;',
,a"d'ndouClift. Prideforanuft -
oe tAi:a ufuuil6 mad tca, ^'L
NAFER e107AN1`011'a—,
t a toim. 11"ml6ae. Patinatx?;b',
W6:41 a bas, or kL* wxet far tic. I
d l 1I610V1f. Ir,AM
60 tweet Toidato. $A,,