The Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-13, Page 5i• sir e, 3§i 1s t3 le1 NEM ra, 1•, St of led ,nd lee om ing ,est • The Joito'age,. 11 re vomited through spring and winter, through sumrnor and through fall, Ent the apmortgo. gu' worked the hardest and the steadiest of them all,. It worked en nights and Sundays; it worked obeh holiday; It settled down among us,'and never went WhittO er we kept from it seemed almost as bad as theft; watched as every time, and it ruled us • The rust blileft; were with us, sometimes and sometimes not; m The dark-browed scrowlIng mortgage was forever on the spot The woevel and the out-w,erml they wont as *II earn e; The mortgage stayed forever, eating hearty ail the same,,.; It nailed up every window, stoodguard at every door, And happiness and sunsh ino mado their home with us no more Till, with failing crops and sickness, we got stalled upon the grade, And there came a dark day on us when the interest wasn't paid; And there came a sharp foreolosure, and I kind o' lost my hold, And grew weary and discouraged, and the farm }vas cheaply sold. The children left and scattered, when they yet were hardly grown; My wife shp,pined. and perished, arid, I found myself alone, What she died of'was a mystery;`..'and the doctors never knew; But I know she died of mortgage—just as well as l wantedto. • Ifter traoe a•hidclen sorrow were within the dootor',s art, They'd 'have a mortgage lying on that svonian s broken heart, „Wcrm.orbeetlei drought or tempo, qn the farmer's land alar fall, But for first-class ruinationtrust a mortgage 'gainstthem air,, • .DVIOE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nightancl broken of roue rest by 'a sick child suffering and crying with pain of butting •teeth P 'If so, send•at'once• and get a bottle of MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP NOB CIIILDEEN TEETHING.. Its value is he:geoul. able. ltwill retievethe poorlittlesuffererimme- diately. Depend 'iiponit, mothers, there in no iaistake about it. It owes -dysentery ;and ,dlar. rheas, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures • windeolic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- don, and gives time and energytotne whole system. sins. Ivo -stows Soorl3ING S=RIIP Noxi. CHILDREN TEETHING s pleasantto the taste,and. is the prescription (done of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and Is for sale by alldruggists rugg6ists through. *atlas •world. • Price. 26 cents a bottle. Eight Lives B•lrned =Out,',, Montreal, March 9.—Cote St. Michael,. which is a rich municipality a mile or two in therear of our city, was this. e themost . hof.on of m ruin t e scenee mo heart-rending disasters which has ever, fallen upon any rural district in the pravinc'e of Quebec.Amongst the many rich f rmers o f the parish is Mr. a Orizime Collaret, who lived in a splen- did two-story " brick 'cottage' worth $6,000, and possessed an accomplished wife, ,with eight children—four boys and fork girls., The oldest girl, how ever. aged 14, is completing her studies ina city convent, 'so at the time .Of the , terrible,calareity in question °Madame Collaret, aged 40, and seven sons and daughters, aged from 22 months -to 13' years, were sleeping quietly in.. their respective beds, .quite unconscious of the awful do6tn that was about tosettle • down on this bright; and happy family. The hired -man arose about five o'clock, lighted the kitchen fire, and it appears that a kernsne can partly oil filled was left near the stove. He was fol :Vowed .soon- after by Mr. Collaret, the headof the family, and it appears that within a short time the two men ` pro-. deeded to the barn to look after the stook..• The fairner had not been inside a great while when,his:servent rushed - to the door and shouted that.:. THE ROUSE WAS ON EIRE. ' +' • Sure'enough,'when Mr. Collaret came out he saw smoke and flames bursting from all ''parts 'of his 'residence; and im- ;' mediately realizing the desperate epos-. ition of his family: he ran to the rescue. The lire fiend, however, had too much of a hold epee. its victims, and although the distracted father acted 'any heroic b• : part he was UafRed atevery point ily, scorching flames and blinding smoke,. and would have, like his wife; and" •,•children, perislfed.in:the burning house' bad n;ot a• neighbor' named Vallee cour-` ageoiisly risked his own life ando drag- ged'the husband from what already' appeared to' the 'horrified spectators to he nothing less than A SEA be ,FLAME. The head and father of this lamented household Was terribly burned and as ` he lies this evening unconscious is of i19 OW 11 sufferings and of the fete which Were n&tr and; Who we e befallen those r has , dear to him, the" medical attendants; . hold out, very little hopes for the poor lone oma n s i �cover : • Although hundreds of of people from' the,. neighbox ing farms and villages; had gathered aroundto deplore the tragic fate'of one of the most: respected families in the'' neighbornood nothing' could be done: until 'the flames had abated in the' way ' of recovering the. eight charred' and'disfigured bodies from the ill-starred habitation. ' The • sad moment came at last. With unl e covered heads and careful hands, dozens ' of grief-stricken friends drew from the • cinders`' and fallen framework all that was mortal. of Madame Collaret and her seven children. " IT WAS HUMAN FLESH was discovered,and this was about that , all. Two coffins were secured, and as a limb. was foetid. or portions: of the several bodies'discovered in the ruins, the same were tenderly placed in the coffigs, and finally, the sickening 'disk being over, sad hearts and weeping men and women followed the hearse.•to a relatives hooefe near at hand. The ' effcet which this awful visitation of death produced upon the surrounding villagers and even amongst people in the town who were aequainted with the family was almost indescribable. Thousands of people visited the place ,of disaster this afternoon and many were ' the words of sympathy expressed= for the unconscious and perhaps 'dying father and the lonely clauglitei' in her convent home tonight. The loss of the property will be covered by insurance. ,, ;1. ,� I firmly be lewd Everest's ileii.,h. Syrup saved the life of my .'NV ife,-,7as, A. Entire', Canilaellic P. (.X H4rriblo Beath The Manchester C'ozcrier of February 25 has the following: "On Saturday evening art inquest= was held at the Inaction 'hotel; Castleford, on the body of an old roan who 'net his death under the most herible eireuinstances, Win,.; Jennings, aged 7d, ,Iiia just, telae over from America to Eiigland,in order to give evidence in a case in which ho is an important witness. The ease is now pending in the,London High Conrts in which the Jennings family areseeking to recover yeast estates inSuf'ock axed other. countries, Whilst waiting the trialhe deceased wasvisiting t ', i in' his num- erous relatives, inithe Castleford district and from the evidence it' appears that a native earned Joseph Jennings, r'esid- ing`on the rectory estate, Castleford, a- long with the deceased was returning from a village named Wakefield ;after visiting relatives, The hour was late, and a friend drove, them in a trap part of the way home, leaving them about two miles from home. ' Joseph then drove .and in passing through ; Whit wood Mere a; vall was run,into and a• man nettled Spoight Who keeps a small shop, heard e voice: cry"Ohl" . Hprush- edout and found a most 'terrible spec- tacle, the body of the -man was lying across the trap, the headF; fast",. on one wheel and thetegs in ~'another: „ Tho face.was a Shapeless' mass, `'and the breins•battered out and the forehead smashed, other partsof the body being twisted in various ions directions by the • revolution of the cart wheels. He drew the attention of the driver to the facts but he endeavored to. drive'on` 'saying that the body was that of a' stranger, who got into the trap at the village he. had just passed.: Speight refused to allow' Joseph. Jennings to.proi;eed; and sent for the police: Subsequent invest- igation Showedthat`blood was to be g found 30 to 40 yards oli,'the highway over Which' the trap had passed At the inquest Joseph Jennings maintain - that he was wholly Unaware ,of the ac- cident till his attention was called to the matter; and he acknowledged -the identitythe de s of tea ed The coroner said it was a most•; horrible and dis- graceful affair to grind a man's life out ill that manger. • A verdict of acid - dental death was returned." The William; Jennings referred . to wasa native of Forest, Ont. He was one of the principal claimants to the Jennings estate in England,.' wherein lin amount estimated at$20,000,00p is involved, and'hed gone over to . Eng- land ng ]n a d to look after the)3` will which w 1 come up in court • this present month. The man Joseph Jennings was next kin after Wilhanr. Mr. John ''Green hough, also of Forest; and brother -in la of h se is i w o the. daces d n To'routo and , was seen by., iii repos -ter. He says he, has cabled for full information as to,. his relatrve''s' death,'and is strongly of the opinion that a murder was com- mitted Meanwhile the case is coming Bp fortrial, i d the claimants on this pan e side of the water have no idea asto the position their. case may be in. is .,a. question whether theDoninioItn Govern-, ment should is the matter Found Deadin Bed. 1V.'C Panll,an advertising agent for 'the. Toronto' Mail, was found; dead' at the Benedict; Hotel, Detroit, shortly after.,7 o'clock, Monday .morning. He was discovered by,the,night ;clerk, „ly- ing across his bed with his clothing on. At first it was thonght•he•wassleeping, but when;be caIled,'he did not answer, and it,was then discovered that he was 'lead. The coroner was suniinoned a •rid the body, -was: taken to the. morgue. An inquest was. held . Tuesday morning. Paull arrived at Detroit on February 28 and 'registered="at the Benedit,' stat- ing that he held been 'sent there by the Toronto Mai -to look, after` advertising interests. The clerk et the hotel says Paull had leen drinking heavily,, and atione time, became- so bad: that , the doctor had to be sent for. On Sunda* the doctor advised him to go to game me has' ittil at` l relived. sed At 3 0 �locic p <,b c cii, e yesterday Morning the night clerk look ed into Paull's room ..and found him sleeping. A telegram. has been sent. P g to . the Toronto Mail, askingfor, intrncl tions as'to'what shall be one with the body. The d'eceasedlis about 38 years old. Paull,in partersh'ip with a in(in nam ed Harris, ranan evening'paper' called the .Times in London, which, had a few Menthe existence in 1888, and was well known in thltt city. .113 SIX YEARS' SUFFERING. I was troubled with dyspepsia for six years. Four year's ago I"got a .bottle of B. B. B. from your agent, Mr. John Pearce, of Parry Harbor; which I con sidered completely etired me.• A re- turn ofthe'syynptorns,about five weeks ago, however, was promptly, aromovcd by using only part of another bottle, and I feel as well as ever I did in my life. ?Mary Et Do,wling,,.. Parry harbor;Ont. Emperor ivilliaiii on Monday last conferred the order of •the•Black Eagle Herr i•on 8oetticher, Minister of the Interior, who is regarded,, ; as Prince Bprobable, succesor in the chancellorship, A PL1SAING• DISCOVERY T suffered, with ''neuralgia and ob- tained no relief iii�tl;I advised to` try 1' Iagven-Vs.•Me.l,low,'.nll. ;Si'nee then I have found it to be an admirable rem- edy also for barns, sore throat and rlietenation, Mrs. F• Cameron; 137 Richmond St. W. Toronto, Ont. An election in the Stamford division of Legeoinshire on Satixrday resulted in the return of Mr, C,ust, Conservative by a majority of 232. \ t the lastel- � cele , t Co �(,,er v 1,etiye lvrtis;, returned unopposed, The remains of the Hon Geo, II. Pen- dleton, who was United States minis- ter to Geanlany, were intored at Cin- cinnati on Monday last With a solemn ceremony, 1YIr. Pendleton died in Bel. glum. SCOTLAND YET, • I can highly recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, rt cureclamy dau=gh- ter of a cough she had been , troubled with ever since she was little, She is now 12 years old. Mrs M. Fairfield, Scotland; Ont. The Manitoba Government snubbed' a deputation of Winnipeg citizen who waited upon thei e b• to sol' •it aid a i t i4 � e P 11 for the establishment of a permanent exhibition in the Prairie City. This is to certify that I have used Everest's Liver Relulator. and Blood Purifier and I. find it does all it guar- antees to.—,D, A. Fraser, Pt. Huron, Michigan; U. S. A. Two thousand people assembled in Hyde Park yesterday to discuss :• the Siberian horrors. ' John Burns was the chief speaker. ' Micheal Davett and Mrs, Besent were not' present. FORCIBLE PACTS. . The testimony„ as to the merits of, Burdock Blood Bitteiep is overwhelming find admits of•.rlo,disputa.It; is the best blood purifier, extant. -Its action on the stomaeh,liver, Kidneys and bow- els is perfect. It cures dyypepsia, con- stipation, on- sti pation bad blood, biliousness sick P, headache, and all skin diseases. Three tobacco firms have failed at Reading,Pa,,,viz: D:'C• Hillegass,liabili ties,;$150,00;; Dureh, &Co., $60,000;and` Fisher & Poorman $20,000. I. can also„recommend Everest's er'.Regulator and Blood' Purifierit hay- iug proved :very effective on a friend of mine.—Eliza Sproul,,Lieut. S. A. Army Antrim P. 0. It is officially denied that the Brazil- ian government has,resolved to prom- ilgate a constitution, prior to the meet- ing of the constituent assembly. GORED BY A`COW. A fine colt belonging to Mr. Peter Lindsay, of NixonvOntwas ball 'hook- edbY a co Two bottles of Hagyard's s Yellow Oil cured it.' This inyaluable remedy should be in every house. It cures cuts, sprains; bruises; burns and. all pains, and aches ill man or beast. Portugal is •delermined to exclude England from Mozambique, and the latter country is resolved "to have com pensation for the (outrage; committed. CONSTIPATION AND.: HEADACHE. Dear Sirs.—I suffered with constipa- tion,and headache,. and got' a bottlie of • .B. B.ont rial •and,.found it did " ine' B „ so much good, that,I got several bottles, and it proved a sure. cure. Mrs. 'Robert Taylor Shipka Ont. 1 r Borrodaile who has Mr. George B., C par e of the crofter settlement stron g- lydenies-,the report of destituteB among the crofters in the North-west. Dyspepsia in ,its worst fcrms will yield"to the use •of Carters Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills.. • They. not only , relieve present distress but strengthen thestomach and digestive apparatus. ' The corner's jury in the sawtelle. murder inquest at Alfred, main, : have, found that the victim, Hiram F. Saw- telle,was shot by his brother• Isaac. There are many forms of nervous de- bility in men that 'yield to the use, of Caeter's:Iron Pills. Those whoare, troubled with nervone weakness, night sweats, etc., should'tiy them. The customs committee of the French Chamber of Deputies have voted to im 'pose :i duty* of three francs on foreign corn and five on coon ,flour. • • HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they.? ' The growth of intelli gene in medical matters has given rise to a demand feet" plass of genuine, reliable Medicine.' The Opportunity of the ignorant quack, who grew rich curing everything out as s of a single �ottle h s as ed." To supply satisfactorily this dema 'd^this list of reme llies,has been,created: They are the favor- iteapresoriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of theday, gathered from the of London, - Paris Be lin and Vien- ' { e ' na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from $25 to $100 are here offered prepared, and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each. Not one of ▪ them is a cure all; each one bas only the. reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each ones keeps is contract. ; Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Itheumatism, Dys- peppia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and. Ague,' 'Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Leucorrhoraor Nervous, Debility,should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 3035 West. King, St., Toronto, Canada. If your druggist toes notkeepthese remedies remitpriee and we will send direct. Yesterday' was the •second anniver- sary of the death of EmporerWilliam `1 The Imperial mausoleum att;harlotten, burg was consecrated. Backache is almost immediately re- lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache. Plast- ers. Try=one and be free from • pain. Price 25 cents. Tho large London firm of Brown Brothers has bought for $2Q0,000 a con- trolling interest in the large creamery business of Minnesota. NO EXAGGERATION, Mr Jas. G. Tennent, residing at '34 Daly street, Ottawa, thus e'preses hitti- self—I am .pleased to state that Nasal Bairn has already relieved my Catarrh. to a -very great extent. I have not us- ed one bottle, but the nauseous drop- pings from the head, and throat have also ceased. I breathe easy' flow; get better sleep end altogether feel and .tip• predate the wonderful virtues of the "Bslth " 10' lncri,ts'ctinnot possibly be exaggerated for cai <tirhi,l troubles and as a cure 1 iicIlove i` to ,410 genuine. Delays Are Dangerous Mll. Enroll, -1 t i5 a yvell lcilolvr fact that the majority of people are inclined to look upon a cold in the head as a.. hatter of little importance—involving at the most only a temporary, inconven.; ence. No more disastrous mistake was ever made. The neglected cold in the head is the -source of the catarrhal of fcctions with which about seven -tenths of the people of this eotuitry are afflict- ed, and catarrh itself is too often the preliminary stages of consumption and death. The ,symptoms of catarrh are manifold, but among them may be mentioned, offensive G breath • dull,, oprossive headaclie';offensive droppings from the nostrils into the: throat and bronchial tubes; deafness , or partial deafness; constant hawking and spit- ting ; pit -ting; weak and watery eyes; a hack- ing cough and feeling of general debil- ity; ringingin the ears and frequent dizziness. These are but a few of the Moregeneral symptoms, and those who experience them should lose no time in 'applying a remedy.—delays are pro- verbially dangerous, end in the case of this too prevaleit disease may lead to death.,. We offer Nasal Balm ' to the public as a PosrrIvn churl for cold in the head; and for catarrh in all forms and stages, Nasal Balm has been test- ed in thousands of cases, and the test-, imonials in our possession prove 'that: it is all we claim for it. It has cured other sufferers -it will cure YOU. It is easy toduse,pleasant and agreeable and does not require a douche, or any , tort- uring instrument to apply it. Give it a trial and be convinced of its great efficacy. Sold by all dealers or sent post free on receipt of price -50c for. small or $1 for large size bottles,, by addressing FULFOItn & Co., Brockville, Ont.. EMORY Mind wandering cured. Books learned in one reading,' Teatimoniala from all Pars of the. globe. Prospectus POST, Yana, sent on application to Prof. A. Loisette, 937 Fifth Ave. New York. rarnitari & V1t4g. Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry an immen- se stock of - FU , R�V"L. of my own Mani,ifacture,which I will sell at EXTRAORDIICARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing'elsewhere ani .ave from u "bus:, r cent: I am:bound fo se11 and guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. Undertaking-' In all its branches at ' lowest possible prices. Special attention will begiven ;to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. CHAMPION FOOD THE BEST Lige Stock Food IN THE WORLD Mny Saved b7 it: 11::B Horses can now bekept in, p better condition ; cows give more.and richer milk, and . all kinds of Live Stock is restor- ed to health, fattened and ,iia proved at a much lessexpense by the use, of CHAMPION FOOD.` Sold by J.9,MES PARKINSON,' . General Storekeeper, Agent for Exeter., A Fresh and New Stock of iroiris cogeotiogro .JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family :- Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. " .piece of glass- , A s�leaUtlfUl ;� . ,., Ware given away with 1 Ib of ,, b Bcakln cr Powder., . • Maye111s �, Dashwood ,&dioiler F1oul. For Sale. Call and examine our goods before1 plichasl.>.ig elsewhere'. 5 L*7 1�R'Pnkr;N,i31� OT.414!4.iPq 4I 1�. iz1 EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock ALL 9N0 WINTER GOC��s, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES; West of England. Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser, Ings. French 'and English Worsted Cloths All made up � m the Latest Style at best Rates.. s • J. SNELL. iflLEY. THH;:TiT;ADING CT zed rt k AND FurnitureD' Saler OF'THE 'V e/ N ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and. Undertaking Goods now on hand,which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. GIDLE —THE— CENTRAL SHAVING PARLON HASTINO 3 PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair: Cutting. A Hastings. W. $OUTHI3OTT, Cor. Main an .J ohn S t. d= . Exeter -Ontar Ontario. 9 Has =o opened o tit a• full line.of J t p FASHIONABLE all aad Wi�fc TWEEDS. Together, with a fill]. line, of GEN ' VPIZTISI-IINGS Such as, Unlaundred Shivts} White dressed;Regatta and Flannel' Shirts, Underwear•, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs', Caps, Suspenders, Gloves' and Half ,Hose. Our price's ate close itnviliberatl terms All our Tweeds cut free of charge. OITTI COTI'.0 MERCItANT TAILOR; London,Huran & Bruce Railway Passenger Time' able. Gotsti'vont'aS' —• GoTNEISOutil, a,n. pan. ; atnp.m, E onclon,dep t 8.05 4.25.-'\ in.ghnm ,7,05 :1.-10,. LnennOros'g 8.4/ 5.20. Dolgrave 7.24 4.00' c;l(ataclohoye 8.52 . myth , Cotirnlia 005 .45, 7.ond.osboro':7;47 4,25. EXETER 0016 5.57 °linte,n 5,07 4 -5, Hens all 0.28 0:00. Bruce field 8.26 5,0•1. Nipper 1)51 8:1 6,17 RIppela ; 51`;- B-'icoitb1il h 11 i1'C1 Hen sal 8.41 51'). Olin ton i000 ; 45, II, n 85t 5 L,onles�oae ^LO.i,C",)A Centralia :.07 e 15 5 . 1 .11 7 voio. kl ov 11 is i, eo, Ti 1grnm6 4 10 11 t 1410r0,;1 Cto„'r0•zt G 0 rt�i'f!atti.t u,0) iaa. air,10' 15 0 q DOWN G PRICESTHE an order tomake•room for our fall purchas- es which axe now arriving, we of - ler reduced prices in $1%)11.3310V =rasa C' -cods, Muslin s,Prints,;Laees, Dmbroiderios &o. alsc balance of Summer Millinery at cost. SCARS! We have a quantity, of Sugar on hand which was purchased before the Heavy Ad - vane which weave offering at less than pre- • sent wbolosale cost. Our values inTeas and • Coffees are A-1 and are not excelled in the County, A call solicited and an inseeetion invited Ni"A1,1 kindle -of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents; Eggs, 14 tenon. }lappet & Ole horn �' s ZURICIi 'Remember the old stand s A7 Near the 'POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E, IL. FISH'S SHAVING SALOON, Where he'Tloes all his work in•a neat style. Ladies' and Children'S hub air -tatting' in t the latest style. AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN STEAM LANDURY. CHRITIE3S C0MMERt); IVERY . First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE, STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms a Reagcacbi®• Telephone Connection IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE SPRINGFOF— 4GOQD jl, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST FU._ ONLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS' FOR MEN;AND' BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, ` MUFFS AND HATS. LADLES NETT, VEST AND WOOL. SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S. GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MX'S &-GLOVES at 75c worth $1.' We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North. J. G VAILANEE, Merca$ TalIor. 'Up stairs, . over H. S ackman's p Hardware Store. lie, has in stock some of the finest Winter goods to be found oIla the 'Market. A CALL SOLICITED, J. G. SMALLACQ. 11SE. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel ., $0.78 to 82. Bailey .......... 35 . to 40 Oats 25 to 27 Peas . • ' 50 to 52` Eggs per doz 12'to 13 Butter, Rolls 10 to' 14 Rutter. Crocks. , ,.. .... , 10 to 13 ,, Geese per th 6 to 6 , Potatoes per bush... , 60 to : •65 Hay per ton 6100' to 7.00 • CITY TE LONDON, ONTARIO. CIO��.. —• J. & J. t(' AT1;4,111i 41 Irietoi'S,