The Citizen, 2005-11-03, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2005.
The Word on the Street
What would you do if you won $54 million?
”1 would pay off my parents’ debts
and buy a bunch of cars and houses.
And I would take my friends on a
shopping spree.”
"I would have a large party for
fc nily and friends and do an
enormous amount of travelling and
I would go see various sporting
"There are some charitable
organizations that I would gladly
help out. I would buy my daughter a
car and a house. I would take a trip
around the world and start a
business called Clayton's Classic
"I would build an 1,800 square
foot house...20 of them in different
countries and go visit them. 1 would
give $1 million to my wife and $10
million to my girlfriend. I would
unlock the door to the store and
leave, the first person through the
door after we won the money could
have it. 1 would travel to Alaska,
Spain. Australia and share it with the
"I would spread it around. I think
it’s nice that 17 people won. I
would spread it among kids, the
church, the Walton community and
I would take a trip to Holland. My
husband is from there and hasn’t
been back in almost 50 years.”
Projected sites to be identified on registration
Continued from page 1
which recommended moving ahead
"on the understanding that
registration does not guarantee that a
program will be offered.”
Williams would not say exactly
where possible programs will be
located, but the projected site of
each program will be identified on
ihe Dec. 5-9 registration form. “Staff
preference will be for kindergarten-
to-Grade 8 schools.” states the Oct.
25 report, "and also for schools that
are in towns that have high schools,
in order to take advantage of natural
transportation routes.”
Nearby rural schools are also a
possibility, however, where a range
of criteria can't be met within a
The registration form will also
"indicate that parents should consult
their child’s current teacher
regarding the suitability of a French
Immersion program for their child."
According to Williams. Avon
Maitland kindergarten and Grade I
teachers have not been coached
about how to respond to such
However, he told reporters, "what
they’ll be able to do is flag, for
example, a child who’s having
difficulty in the English language
program. Because if a child is not
meeting the requirements in their
primary language, they’ll quite
likely have even more difficulty in a
second language program."
Challenge: Getting enough fibre to promote
a healthy digestive system and help control
blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Solution: High fibre foods are generally lower in fat and may also help with weight
control as they provide bulk to make you feel full. Women up to the age of 50
should aim for 25 grams of fibre per day Check labels for foods containing more
than 4 grams of fibre per serving to help you boost your intake. Fibre-rich foods
include dried cooked beans and lentils, green peas, papayas, pears with skin,
mangoes, potatoes with skin, dried fruit, berries, nuts and seeds, whole grain
breads and cereals.
of Canada
du Canada
Thinking of starting or
expanding a small business?
Community Futures Development Corporations
(CFDCs) offer a variety of services for small
business owners and entrepreneurs, including:
Vous pensez a lancer ou a agrandir
une petite entreprise?
Les Societes d’aide au developpement des collectivites (SADC)
offrent une variete de services visant a appuyer les entrepreneurs
et les proprietaires de petites entreprises, notamment:
flexible repayable financing for start-up,
expansion or stabilization;
un financement souple remboursable pour le demarrage,
I’expansion ou la stabilisation d’une entreprise;
• one-stop shopping for business information,
referrals and counselling; and
un guichet unique offrant des services d’information et
d’orientation aux entreprises;
• business planning services.
CFDCs are local, not-for-profit organizations funded
by the Government of Canada through FedNor.
• des services de planification d’entreprise.
Les SADC sont des organismes a but non lucratif finances par le
gouvernement du Canada par I’intermediaire de FedNor.
To locate the CFDC nearest you,
dial 1 866 668-2332 or visit
Pour en apprendre davantage sur la SADC la plus pres de chez
vous, composez le 1 866 668-2332, ou visitez le site Web