The Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-13, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND BRUTISH CONNECTION." VOL, III. *Nagl!amm,remrseseor,.1.0.14. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 13,1890. The'Molsons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, no.) Paid up Capita.l , --- ,. - $2,000,000. Rest Fund, • , • , . , ' 1 000 000 •,,/ i 1 Head office Montreal... - • ' R WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., . ^ GENERAL MANAGER, • Twenty Braneh officos in the Dorniaion• A.gencies in the Dorninien, U. S. and Buren& . „. '=,.-1;==t01 #'M3.2.3.;•\T'qX-S.. Open eyory lawful day from ICI a. az, be, 0 Ie ee,saturaeys io a, xn. to 1 p. in. , . A general banking, husineslatransacted , Fourper cent. per annara allowed. for MoneY on DepositReceipt. f ' R.II:ARCHER; ' . Exeter, Jai 28, '88: , 'Manager. - , - , , ' THE OXtivr, abrorate, Is published every Thevelay Morning, . . . . -'• ` ' ';',' • it 'iliii Ofil.s.4%,, 2141/i;ST1. ' --- t..'l'Art.. By thsk,SAND ' sk fornsro,O. istPA,43r. TER1.6, , tilt " AIPTION. .. "" ,4 ':fthee. One DIS11er'#6:er, 4 t31.IfIC4A.41,1 41141r;',-- -)".0.*., .••.:^441.1.3:' No 4117,4 'a9 L ut�aI1arrearaes are paid.: dYt.j. • te-Withont: • specific . directionWii " & 'id ' :tilt toibidi ii. -nit ' sbutrildb charged accetztlit01,itteral diip a , for traaseio tt •' 4e134.9A.0i'48•0xteet" OA. long p.erio & Y" descrif ion " Of JO • PRI.N•TaIGIgiAritt cut in. the ' silk irtyle, . and arriihdlitalfe rates.. eChetioes",'InoneY oar. ers, &o..,f,0,advettising„ saliPoriptif,ial, ate. to be madem&yable10.4r- , 4.474;V: tiam. San dZerS,, Editor, ' 4. •$;. 's, ,..' , ,. , ,, ' .. , • Clii64.131iSciorY. , : . Titniqww., Miotoni&r, Caunon.,--Rev. Se F. , Robinson,,Reetor, SundaY Services', 11 a. na , , and Vp.,in., Sabbath School,2.39 p.m. . HETTIODIST OuNri'en-jaines-"st„ Rev, P. Clement, "Filet Ore 'Sunday 'Services', 10,80 a, M. and 6:30 p.m. Sabbath Soho Ol; illitin. . ] MAINS•runE,T-Rev, T. Wilson, Pastor. Sun I day,Stiiviees,• 10.39 a. in. arid. EIS0 p.m. Sabbath' t School 2.80 Ix in. - • ...... . . , PAE4TITTERIAil CITtly.011.=:ROV. W. Martini 1 Paster.' Sunday Serviees, it a..m. and 610 p. A m. Sabbath School, 9,45 a.m. i t . . . .•• . 1Profesaional Carts. 11 L. BILLINGS. • =33.11.-.TTX,SIT. • Office 'over • O'lieil's Bank, -Dx&ter, NOntario, - . • : . . ,, ' SI trriit Oxide C4a5 for painlas. • extraction. , . Goes to Luoan4every Friday. 'C ,---.... H. TINSMAN, DENTtST, L. D. 9., ex- --=--- - tracts teethwithottpain by giving k ...... Vegetable Vapor, or using the new r Antesthetic on the g.urns,, 31/akes goo.. Fins e ings and Other den tar work the list possibld. ' Goes to Zurich lastfilinridi4y4n each month. Nastside,of .11a.in street. Exeter.. -; . . .. . , . - , • „ . • 0 ir B WHITELY; M...D., C. M.I. PEXSICPAN EY • and,Surgeon. Oktiee and ' residehhe-- Corner yi6toriu. and-Elginstreeti, 'Ci-oderich, , - - - . 1- Ontario' . " • • , ' • •i1 DR. Y. A. ROLLINS: OFFICE -MAIN. ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North „ Streets, Exeter% Ontario. Y .. h rrA. AMOS, M.D., C. It L,. ,C. P., EDIN.; L n • " R: C. S., Ban.; L. F. P. & S., Glasgow;i L. M., Edinburgh and.GlasgoWLM. C. P. $z S.. On tarirg F: T..M. S.,Toronto. ,.Niglit bell at a office., Orediton, Ontario.: . • . .1y1. 2-8 s , DP- COWEN% 'OFFICE -MAIN STREET, .4, ' .. Exeter, ,upstairs, opposite Centre Hotel.' Side entrince on south-56.fee6 street r leading to the Methodist Church. V . I NITILLIA.M SWEET, VETER: F , rv inery Surgeon. Graduate 49 ' . Toronto., Veterinary. 4..)enti2t- ry a speciality. °Sloe and. /te- ,. - • • - - sulenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario., - . ' ' . . ' • . ' 0 H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, ,SOLICiT- • 1.1)• •011, Conveyancer, Notary Public. , Dftice;-- Stini we're Block„ Exeter, Ontario, fI BioneY to • Loan.' ' . .. - - r H. DICKSON, 'PAR.RISTER, SOLICITOR" a L. of seesorese Court, NetaryiPublic-, Con., • , portnaer,Complisewner, 4c. Money. to.lown Mfice=Fizzison's Bleak, Exeter. N.' , . , ID LLtOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- .11 F./ 44rifs Ccinveyaneers, &c. lieliey to loan it 4 per.cent. B. V. RI/LIM% ..:, . . .' •• .T. ELLIOT B c. VRED. W.1PARNCOMEI, Provincial Land, e; 12 Saryeyor. an&, Civil Engineer. °fade, iam well's Eblock, hp stairs, Main street, xeter, Ont. - .. , . , . TAMES 01els, Exeter,Ontario, Licensed tJ Auctioneer for the Counties of Buren, n Perth and Middlesex. Sit loA promptly a tte n d- ad to and.:satidfaction guaranteed. Sales" zrranged at this &Moe. • t( ry uBROWN, Winehelsots. Licensed Aunt- T ,-, LI. iorieer for the Counties of Perth and „,•r". Liddlesex, also for the township of Usborne. '.1,, ;ales proMptly Attended to and terms reason .ble. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa ' '• ' ' T . E"i ROSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario, 'Lie- LA . eased Auctioneer for the Cotintys of B, furon and Perth. Charges moderate and a tisfaction guaranteed. , K , IT HOLT, IChiva, Ontario. Licensed Alia- l'Y • ioiieer for the Counties of Middlesex ' 1 ,nd Laiiittow, ;indite townships of Stephen ,nd Has'. All sales promptly attended. Lo. — _ • EOM MOE . ; Ana et the PON ee14liI - =-- ,INST T'el- MIES •, ettisesIt F' E O. hthe world; Our, ill des ars thresuel4d, nenll to inteodnee ear , siperiOrgoodenni 1111 -undue* t o, to Ont t.tnotitt In eaoh.loceitty. TO iis abo4e. Only thole Who write V, us at, once can snake iure of ;,, ITII4 - the chance:All you hare tri do ht . • '.... ' .,: laurels In AO* our geed' to thpie tvho callrlotii, neighbors and their, droned you. Tte: be. tiT AYEI '1 I, Outlet , ot thli 'advertiminnent 1 11110*11 the small end of the tole. w4 Nip*. ettaireeritgee git.1 no. iopeillikeii sell *eddied to ' —• bout the flitliehinft Oita bulk. 11 11 t intidi totble iles,tele.. ' a614, Ai htiCaig it 0M7 t� 401. WO 4illIgtoothbwollitetei in new; hoe ths tod$1.0 a miy Itlepillinii the iteryillk. _,..., ut tsoiieneil, pater Wiitet it titilelAt ill storm ehtitiiii. •w ateao,ILUAIrIET1'&60.47,tt 00, 0 tettl,S100,1tAisc Farquhar, Mr. Geo, &alchemic left here for Irtn- itoba, on Wednesdey last, Mr. ad Mrs. James Hackney, of Da iota, who have been v isiting friends in this vicinity TOt11.1130 home this week. The tea meeting held in Bethany Methodist Church on Tuesdey evening last wa,s a grand success. The proceeds amounted to about $75 to go in aid ef Orman Fund, Centralia. Mr, 0. W. Smith' havieg Made Ar- rangements to run the Centralia Cheese factory during the aPinillg sea- 4011tWiSheS to Rotify the pattoes and others that the factory will be operated to its fulle8t capacity,and all who wish to become patronsWill be dealt with in an honorable way. All information de, sired ill be cheerfully give n on appli cation.„ Soliciting your petronege, I ism yours truly. C. W, Smith, 1 n , Middy roads. still ceefihnes to cisme ittte,the fvillage la'ablesidallee. • The C,emmereieils , has been bormighly ,firefitted Ihrengslunite,and now preSente Artra,,cilve" appearance.' It One of, thebeet regulated heriges .°' , west of Loidon. , The Canadian- bred4t,retting stallion Am - her, by CIpar qsa,foneerlyeesened by Mr. P. , Pikey,.pfBraittford:stande at the highest ee ofahy, ef the &talliiins oivii ea by the I tal- -pm Government, which paid S8,500 for him riGernianylaskyear.-„-Ex. Amber F., olm- d.by•Mr. raMurdoek, 41tiensall.• is son of ter, tead'is'one of the *hest Amnions" in Dane/In. aro Will stand at Murdock's stables luring the; Goering Beeson. A very successful tea meeting • was eld in Coxworth'S-Hall on Thursday tvening March 6th, ender the auspice's f St. Paul's Church. T.hs. attendance vas very large, in fact the largest that as ever been yet. • The entertainment' vas first elese in every partieuler, and he best of satisfaction was given. The roceeds netted 075.00, . AilsaCraig. alr.'',WitfekeAlpirse,:sofsMiteheel, Was 11 town on Friday last. . There-Weee'tSvo ifernersions!On Sims ay mortnng lastin the Btrptist Chierch. Mr. Wane Robson,.6f London, paid his umerous friends a visit on Sunday as. • Mr. Geo. Munro, JQhn Bowlon ' and- Ohn Boviriaan attended the sheeting atch at Kherra,en°Mciedaylast. ' S. Bowlon captured 1st prize in the igeOn match and -3id in the ease ball' etch at Kiriva on Monday lest The concert on Friday evening last as not as well attended as it should aye been and those who failed to go isses a rare treat. The Cosgrove amily from St Mary's, was the great ttraction and certainly proved to be ach,as every piece rendered washeart- y encored., Their selection and corn - illations were both novel and. cleverly. tittered. Miss Ada Cosgrove is A good ocalist and her characterization is arming, Little Maggie Ross fairly rought down the house with her Irish g. Kirkton, Mrs. D,. W. Dulinage, is ietids in Chatham. visiting Miss Gilpinaof Wiarton, is visiting t Mr. A. A. Doupe's. Mr. Waiter and Miss Hazlewood, are isiting friends in Cleveland, U. S., they repose visiting Lapier before return- We.are pleased to, learn that Misi elle O'Brien who has laid a severe mbined attack of La Grippe,is recov- inge Me J. Taylor, who has been running branch harness shop in Centralia for me time, has given it up and will ture to Kiekton this week. The folleWing ie the report ,of , Kirk- e school for the month of February, he report is -based on, atteedence, inettality, coedit -et alid recitetions. lie riameS of the best three are givee. Tufts Norm' an ufts, Hubert. Roadhouse. FOURTH CLASS.-1-14nty Robinson, ha Sutherland, Lizzie Shier. Sr. Timm.-- Josie DoUpe Rachel irk, Lottie Panne. Simone CLASS.—Bella Hazlewood, rilijwm Kirk, Levi Miller. The; average attend/Old& far the WaS 82:- Osborn'e ohoo1 Report, The following le aareport Of the standee of the pupils of S. 8 No 5, for" the nth of February, said repOrbis baSerl on,regularity of attefidaeed,'geficeal rk ,end good conduct. The., names e giverein order of: merit. : Frani Cr, ASS.—Gertie McCord, -Wes- Herver, Thos." A. RusSell. Frithern Cieese.-eIda Weeteett, Edith eitcott, Lyman McCord. SN. 'rxiiico.—\Vuhio Richard, Fi'ed Willis:. Charles Shute,Bleeche Westcott. Jn. Tasen.--Lilla McCord, Lila Mc- Donald, and Chas. Prout. Sena Sneosaa--Clara Dayaran. Jt' Saooeux--Garnet Frayne, Nelson Prout; Willie Frayne, Lily May Weet- cott, , Sex, FAB:a—Violet Willis, Nor- man McDonald. Je,IIPeita.--Maggie Russelle,Tessie Richarde. FIRST PATt.T. —Bonnie Bruce, Dairica McCord. (Te lat'e•fortaat W9910 Mr, John Evans, of Exeter, was in Cromarty on Saturday last; We are sorry 65 state that Mr, Thos: Chappell still centlanes„very Miss 13. Drummond, of :Hamilton, is the guest of MfeafWerdene of Staffa. A year (tide colt beloegieg,.„'So , Mr. Chappell died of `bleed poisoninglaat week. • es. e Mr.,Mannie Speareleft on ',31:einday for London,Where.heintendsiernainang for the suinnter. We are pleased to,learn that- Mr. ire W. Walker is again recovering from a severe attack of the grippe:" , Mrs. Lamb of Orangeville and „ Miss' Maggie Lavery , afe;Staffa. were. the last. of Wne:Speare' .t MonelifS.- On Wednesday last .Mr.„Witleen :aad: Mise E. Hothanref,Staffa were uuited,', in the botidS of Matrimony: Wee tea - tend to them a happy journey through ti,),.o life linen which they 110e' ,entered trustthat their greatest 'tgotibles ,maybe little OROS. Mr. N.- ,1; Miller went to . Woodbana last 'week wherehe Will be for -"e-elne time. , 'N. J. IS ii godd: blacksniith will 310 d01.1,bt, ,giye, good .•PetistatISITI, He is,Also a g,rea,t4 favorite with the young people,especially these of the fair sex, his ways are very 111113:31139'.' KfilVai (To late for last week) The Literary and Debating Society held their first debate on Friday even- ingFeb, 28th. Ip,'.,,,epeteeif bad state`bf the roads, qiiite a hamber made fheir appearance,and a very eajoe-able even- ing spent: The debate"--lietilered that Aity life ic more peeferable to 'country life—proved both interestiage,and . en- tertacning to those present-.- The affirms, nave being ably sustained by, -Messrs E Neehet Geo. MawhiWney- rind Leis 'Ileehe; the negative by Messrs D. Masi- Isineey,Robt. Dinney and Win. Lawson: The judges, Messrs Yearly, . Schrader; and Thompson gave their decision en favor of Country life: Several read- ings together with vocal and instru- mental ninsie enlivened . the evening. Next debate, Resolved that. water ' more useful to man than fire, the meef- ing then abjourned to moot in two 'weeks when they will give their second entertainment. A small charge will, be made at door to defray expense of Litera.ty: SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the ecirrect report of the standing Gf the pupils in S. S. No. 6 Stephen,being has ed upon written and oral work, con duct and regularity during the month of February:% , TV Ceass.--1st, Catherine Lippert; 2nd, Emma, Krause; 3rd, Annie Barry; 4th, Alexander Neebe. CLASS.—ist, Elizabeth Ratz; 2nd; William Mawhinney; 3rd, Caroline Finkbeiner, ; 4th, Frederick Burke. II SENTOR.-1St, Cheistena MeIsaac ; 2nd, Catherine Barry; 8rd, Annie me- Isaae;'4th. Adeline Betz; 5th, Christo- pher Dinney. 11 JUNIOR.—I.st, John Lippert; 2nd, Philisky Holt; 3rd, Rebecca Ritter; 4th, Arthur Glanville; 5th, Wm. Ratz. II PART. -1St, Sarah MeIssace'2ncl, Emma Krein; 3rd Matilda Witzzle;4th, Elie. McDonald; 5th, Eliz. Pa,tori. I CLASS.--ist Lena Williams; 2nd, Jacob Rate; 8rd, Aligns Ford; 4th,Ezrae Krein; 5th„Tohn Finkbeiner; 6tIaLydia Schrader. MAP 1)R AWING.—Annie Collins, Etemai Krause,' Elie. Ratz. Zurich, Mrs. S. Latta -wag on a visit to Chisel- hurst this weele—Ma-Louia Weber itt tends removin'g to Rochester —Mr CharleS Orel) has improved the fcititicl:' Mien of his hotel , TowieIleree—It has been decided by the eohneil to build a ' new Neve hall on'the site of the old one. It will he abet 40 x 50 with a baSerrient 'for leek -tip; and in the body of the 'hell- a gallery; under whictt will be the jury - rooms. ' ' Heppe] kind Zeller have bought Out. Ira ppel'n ha. Clegliorn. A....Roth,hars Moved his teilorieg leusineSe lrorn �p. peSite the Cofinnercial 'hotel to the front seeeetnext to the pest oflice. Mr. Roti is an eilergetic aed young man and a ,first,elass workman and Well ,deserves the patronage of the sue. 1e:reeding coutate.--It is isteneted that, ' tosenbeirv Bros. haYe bottght obt Zefler apd Son s tin shop and stock,' We wish them etteeeeS.'—H, L. Pane Of NO 145. the. Oaminerelal hotel has his homes fit- ted ttP with the best of accomodations for men and beast. ZURICH PAST ANI) United)" The Post -office store is kept by Mr. D, 8, Faust. The building West splendid brick structure) built abont six years ago. Before that, Mr. Feast occupied the store now occupied by Messrs. Happel and Cleghern. He is doing a eplendid business and present easterners requiring a splendid, stem - mer outAt wilLdo well to patronize Mr, Faust, es:he keeps in stook a splendid supply ert'the latest styles of tweeds. Ilel4filee received a new stock of .Old. PfMetry hats which Will be sold at the 1,4Weetrrates. Mr. Faust is general inatutkOaeesSisied by his son,14. ekifiecl •Eauat.4141.1V1r,,Axt. All are .faniiliar ,With 'theffnusiness, and customers. 4will find,4eveaar satisfaction in elealitig ;nt the pp4,,office store. Entire satisfaction is giereaset the Post -office *here eirerY- thingialtept in order and business is done* a straight forward brisk 'Man- ner, only'equaled by the best business Men, of our largest cities. SCHOOL REPORT. , The fallowing is a correct repot of the pupils of the intermediate division 'iff the Zurich Public School, for the month of February. The report is has ed en,gOed'Condeet and general pro- fieepcy 51aering the month. Intermedi- ate dlYiefon, Ches. B. tatta„,.teacherf 4asiereteTeute Creess.--Win, Duth- mbt 76, 'John 674; Leslie RefiedieV673; Garnet Steinbaeh 672; 663; Joseph Derstirfe- 688; Lanai Kitler,,587; Simon Sararas 521; 2c ...-SnenokOneeisaaeClareeSippel 880; Ed. Haitbelr.8,66; Matilda k Kibler 854; EpheintrlIbltibian 852; Icla Well 803; Leslie Wilhamsq92; Lizzie Dummert 757 Rhin hideinan 779; Loiiis Foster .7,49132.,;,Jitol,it, Weber 553;,J;ames Johnsen JeixibaSueose.--Ida Lippert 594; Norman Buchanan 876; Andrew Hess 869 ;Calvin Williams 857 ; Rhin' Stremp• fet 838; Wm, Geiger 882; Albert Smith oo; KatieTreumeer 827; Peter Hab- ever 525;:, Rosa Lippert 814: Walter Pumrnert 7,921 Sarah Randall 771; Ed. Moritz :.768; Ed. Schnell 743; Levine beichert 732; Joseph Schwalin 719; Louis Prang 694; Lydia Zimmerman es. Wm. 6,Q9 Sol. ZiiinOr i111 b51; Maggie ltrifies 531; Lydia Brenner 890 ;Herbert ilaidy ' Pane Saeotre-Cretss.--Clara Deich- ert 712; Mina Doan 660; 'Wm. Deichert 856 Lehrie Mierneh'6491 Oscar Keel -der 640 Louisa Warm '627; QleYa Peine e96; Willie Randall 468; Willie 'Weber 403; Mary Demuth 395; Wes. Kibler 392sHenry Brown 283. Sim. J. LATTA, Teacher., Rambler. Mrs. John Eyans, of Exeter, spent last visiting friends in Biddul has, 1 Miss Jennie Speare, of Hibb '',,, t, was the guest of Miss E R. Shute, of -Us- botne, on Sunday. Mt Wm. Stephens and wife,of Wood- ham, were the guests of Mr. Thomas Boensan, of Usborne, on Sunday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Ben- net; of Lobo, formerly of Elimville, re- cently met with a severe aecident which may lay her up for some time. It appears that she was going down cellar when she slipped and fell, injur- ing her badly. The people around Elimville feel very sorry, as many are anxious to see their • old friend back A couple of Germans; who are at pre sent selling catarrh medicines and in- halers, stopped at a hotel not far from Exeter a few nights since. Before leaVing they ransacked the house and carried off a number of articles besides Some cash. 'We hope this may have the effect of warning hotel -keepers to keep a sharp look out for those intrud- ers,' and capture them before many more are nipped. An actident of a very serious nature .happened to Mr. James McCurdy, of Usborne, on Wednesday of last week. It appears that he was engaged in drawing wood from the bush, and in turning around to get to the wood pile by some means he slipped and fell across the sale; of the sleigh box the result of , which was the breaking of three ribs, one being broken just above the heart and is said to be in a very our writing position, but at the time of u riting he is said to be doing as well as can be expected. It is,this week our sad and painful ditty to chronicle the death of one of the oldest pioneers of Hibbert township in' the person of Mr. Thos. Chappel. He was a native of Cornwall, England. Ile left England and ceifie to the t'p of Ilibbert over 30 years ago when that part of the county was a vast Ito wling wilderness inhabited by bears, wolves and°nIndians, f Orhinl e14f 114 with aaefo rtthaeb I axo e Olid m%w el n Which, place he resided up to the time of his death on Saturday last at 6 aSne", After many weeks of sicknes8 and very painful•sufferleg in an atmosphere of peace and good will be passed peace- fully aWay, I &was a very prominent tneenlierghf the Melville eireeit quer. torly beard, and sites also steward of the Prospect appointment. Ile was not one of those unfaithful stewards who buried their talents in a napkin so far out of sight that they were neyer to be seen when needed, but on the contrary he was one who resembles him to whom it was said "well done good and faithful servant, thou haat been faithful over a few things, I will melte thee ruler over many." At the time of writing we did not learn his exact age but he was over sleety years. The funeral coetage left the house on Mon day afternoon at half past two, which was a large one, chiefly made np of mourners and sorrowing friends, His remains were interred in the Prospect cemetery there to await the morning of the,resurrection. He leaves behind a, Widow and eleven children—six boys and -five girls—only one of Which is married, in conclusion of a truth we can say that Mrs Chappel and family have the entire Hympathy of the com- muJty at large in their sad bereave- , me!lt. s itay Council Meeting. I jAt the call of the Reeve, the council rneton'Saturclay March the 8th. The meembers all present. , Moved by Mr. Moir, seconded by Mr. 'Pechter that the ;application of the Trustees of S. S. No. el to enlarge the botuidaries of their section, be granted and that the clerk notify all the parties - to be affected by the proposed changes. ' The Auditors report was laid °before theaibartl,examined,a,ccepted and final- ly passed -and the clerk instructed ° to get 200 eopies printed for distribution Moved by Mr. Selneell, seconded by Mr. 'VI:sells& that thepractiee of plow-- ing up:tbe road sides for the purpose of banking- wire Or board'fenees; and 'left tieSeeded is here*, s)ohibitecl except only oil application of parties to °the, council for such purposes, Moved by Mr. Schnell; seconded by Mr. Voeiker that a committee be ap- pointed, composed of the reeve, deputy reeve and the clerk to prepare plans and specifications for the building of a new Town Hall and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the work.. - .A few accounts were passed when the Council adjourned to meet again 91?-„Wedieeedav Mardi auth 4t,lt) a. in. " • ". S. Fneet-Clirk. Crediton, Mr. August Hill, was in Zurich on Sunday. Miss Carrie Eilber, is visiting Wends in Clandeboye. The ehattles of lfr. John Schrader Jl. were sold on Tuesday rteClark's Hotel • Caine.6to financial troubles, Mr. Samuel Truemner has been forced to make an assignment for the benefit of his ereditors. It was rumored in this vicinity that Mr. John Mitchell and Mr. Lewis Stahl had' made an assignment. The report is entirely without foundation as both gentlemen are carrying on their busi- ness as usual, and neither gentlemen has the slightest intentieuest doing so. Every one Was Ally. delighted, tO dnesday* and with the last twc; lect: se 'idelivered by Rev. Mr. Howe, on ; e Thursday evenings of last week. Rev, Mr. Staebler is to be congratulated on procuring us such altreat and hope that we may have such another in the near future. Mr. Henry Sweitcher has rented his grist mill to Messrs. C. W. Maxfield and H. Sweitcher Jr. The mill is being thoroughly overhauled, a new set of Rollers is being added and other impro- vements bele°. made. Under the new management''better satisfaction than ever will 13egiven. - Honor Roll, Tho.tollowing is the honor roll for the month of February of the four high- est eopms in Exeter Public Sehool, the names occurrieg in order of merit — - PRINCIPAL'S ROOM. , SIXTH CLASS.—Affa Essery, Albert Gregory, Clinton McCallum,: Rennie Kinsmen-. FIFTH CLASS —Kate Clement, Maud Hicks;IVIelville Martin, Hattie McCal- lum. SENIOR FOURTH CLASS.—Willie Brooks, Nellie Dorward, Mary Brown, Anbila Snell. Jueriert FOURTH CLASS.—Virillie•Pain bairn, Nettie Martin,'Cecil HerSey,Jan- et Brown. Miss Vosree's Room. SR. CLASS.—Ida Johns, Sheldon Cie - meet, Evie Huston, Alex. Urquhart. Ju. CLABS,—Maggie Sweet, Alex. Martin, Norman FariSore Tillie Balk - will Mies GREGORY'S Room, SR. CLASS.—May SalldCTS, Willie Weir, Ida Ferguson, Frank Sweet JR. CLASS. —Barton Hooper, Edna Creedle Lizzie Wilson, Russel Hicks. 'Miss Glee% •Iloom., Sit. CeASS.---Wilber' Cudinore, Toni Welsh, /Torbert Trevethick,Bertie Hat- gith , Or Ass Sutton, Eddie Christie, liorrnati Bissett, Raymond Fatison, Grand. Bend. The roads are very muddy at Mr. Peter Gamble and family were visiting friends in Dixie last Week. Z. Disjercline had a wood bee last week, and got a nice pile of wood eat and drawed. Your correspdiident has had a slight attack of La Grippe lately, but has fully recovered. Miss Elizabeth Latta, of Hibberteind. Mr. Geerge Whiteman of Dixie, were the guests' of Mr, James Latta on Sun- day last. , Mr. 0, Wade had a wood•bee last week, and showed his thanks to the boys )3y giying them a pleasant time' in the house in, the evening. The many hours were spent in tripping the light fantastic toe and other heresies% ' amusements. All left at an early hour in the morning and were well satisfied that they had been well treated 'and had spent a very enjoyable time. Pr(5- ICippen. Large quantities of grain are stil coming into the warehouse here. Mr. Robt. MeMordie i Inisy• getting material on the ground for enlarging his barn., Mr. Elam Butt, our town police; has been engao•ed, to ran his fathee'S Uzi& next season. , , Mr. John Downing left on Saturday ,for Kent, where he has sbcceeded, 14 '0.ettin Q. a school The few,days sleighing of lastewee was well made use of b;thefarmersira hauling Yshod andlogs. Tni•ner, Of Pense, is', . `frienela here at present. He Intends tes take seyeral horse,s with, him. *There has been large quataites ()flee - taken from the mill pond here during the fast week. It is net very thick hat is first class " Mr. Leslie Plewes one of our mostpop- ular yoting men leaves for Winnipeg nontehregrowlessthint. May bisw- .. shado ov.. Mr. J. McClymont whosltrm was severely, injured ceuplineectirs at Hen- sel' some time ago, is ragpitriteg as rapidly as ea lle cx..Peet4 The Rev. Mr. Acheson, pastor .of the Presbyterian Church here, who has been on the sick list for the last few. ' weeks, as able to be around. again. The Kippen mills have been remod- led and ere now ia full running order again, And the proprietor, 14, John. IVIcNevin, wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to turn out - flour second to nonern the countee Thursday last, Mr. Charles Downing. met with a severe aceideet while at- tending a Wood•bee. It appears he was splitting a stick, When the stick slipped, letting the axe cut a severe. gash in his foot He will be laid up for some time. A Desperado Captured, CHICAGO, 1V1ARCH 8, ,--Patatck 'Crowe Thursday night wound up a protracted spree -by drifting into "a disreputable house here. Yesterday he demanded, at the point of e revolv-er from Annie Hill, in whose company he was. jewels valued at $1,500, which she had secret- ed under a pillow. The weman seream- ed and Crowe fired at her and grabbed the diamonds. The bullet lodged. in her arm. Crowe rushed for the street. A colored woman who stood in his way. was knocked senseless with his reveal - ver. He got away and pawned thee the diamonds. Officer Linville attempt- ed to arrest Crowe at the door of thw ' baivn. shop, but was instantly slant' down.The bullet struck hini ft* in, the mouth. Hundreds of men began 81 pursuit of the shooter. Several blocks from the pawn shop officer Bristo et - tempted, with drawn revolver,to seize the flying man. Crowe put a bullet in Brisco's breast and kept on., .As he was crossing State street Crowe turned and discharged his only remaining cham- ber of his revolver at the crowd'strike his foremost mirsuer, E. Cole, fat lbw arm. Crowe at last was cornered in a blind alley, but kept the crowd it bay with his empty revolver until two detectives stole a march on him,knock- him down, disarmed and handcuffed him. A thousand persons &Hewed the trio to the station yelling "Linch him?' But the,detectives landed him safely behind the bar. Crowe is supposed to have been crazy with drink. He was a packing house employe in Omaha, and claims to be of a respectable fate- ily, Bri8co's injuries are probebly. fatal. Linville and Cole will recover but Linville may lose the power cd spcech,his tongue being cut in two. Examinations The Iluton uniform premotion exam, inations for the public schools will :tee - held On Friday, Marcli'28th. Tettcliec 'inuat Serld to the,Inspector'itt °nee fee the' number,.a0 papers required ,lost` PreMotion from the II to III and 111 to IV,classee.' Paperswillbe mailed to tha, teaehers on the 24th, insL Rale FAZE; To1s IIISpeCtOr.