The Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-26, Page 8Til MBLIMG IN !
BriefK. Botitutsnd shoes ror Alt
Read Bissett Bros, change of"ad" in One of the largest stocks of Boots and
this issue. Shoes in town, consisting of all the
latest styles and makes a,t right prices..
E. J. Spackman, Fan'son's Bloeh, Exeter
An entertainment under the auspic-
es of the Sunday School of the Trivitt
Memorial chureh,will be 'held he Drew's
Opera House; on Thursday evening,
December 1,6th. lA Christrrias Tree Iad-
en with pregentiefor the children and
Magic Lenten' views of a moat' 'Penile -
al character will be.,e. portion of the
eveniug's entertainment, Admission;
15 cts; children of the school, free,
This will be will be well worth the
price of admission.
On Monday evening Iatt,Mj;s. George.
Monteith and sister,. of Thames Road,
Usborne, met with with what might
have proved a fatal accident while on
their way home from the village, _ the
horse, which they weredriving became
frightened while opposite the market
and ran away, throwing the occutauts
feom the the nig; breaking Mrs. Mon"
tcith's arm and dislocating her sholder.
She was a't'once removed to the Metro-
polican Hotel and medical aid summon-
Cheaper t aaauthecheapest
Any size or style of boots and shoes
at the beet possible prices at E.J. Spark-
run's shoe store. Rat'nson's Black Exeter.
Rearsonel Newton.
Mr. W. Farman returned to Thorn,
bttry'oniday naor;tling, accompanied
by; Mrs: Richard Devise -The Misses
Dielkson, of Pembroke, ttre the guests
of their brother, Lawyer Diehsan••
Miss. Nellie Senior, of 13ieulueim, is vis•
iting friends in Town, -Mr. lsaao Car-
ling jr. is home from Toronto to spend
his Christuras ,Holidays• -"'-Mr. Geor,oe
Anderson left iraa,S'riday for Fingal to
,reel., spend the ieltristinas lioaid.7tys with
friends there—Mr. L. II. Dickson spent
lift."Jaiines s'�i' arrow, formerly of the Thursday in .Blyth.—We sires sorry to
1$040u,h•Stephen and son-in•1awof'Air learn that Mr. John Atkinson, who ,is'
1Vm hieDoagali of Kippers, has been.' at present in Wingham, is lying seri-
'Med Reeve of the municipality of misty idi, 3Ir, James Snell, of London
Louisa, :ilanitoba, by a wajority of 143 road, wheelies been. absent for some
ver Mr, W. 11. Greenway, who form timeattrdy^ing for the Miraistelrhis borne,
rlyresided at Centralia. 3�1r, Morrow spending his holiday,—Mr. Walidntn
areII posted! t -municipal a:'Stirs and Sanders, D. IVO. M. of the Sons'oft Eng.
make at good Reeve. lard. B. S. installed the oflieers of Hen -
ore to eve 7�aelt+cr3: Sall Lodge on Monday a�rkiaitrl;.--Mr.
Spackrnata, Fanson's Elam, Exeter, Be't Grigg is spending Christmas holt-
can hoot any man in the County. Boots days here, S. f' , : and M. A.
olid shod any style and right prices. Gregory are berme, for Christniats.. -.
onsii'4'9ntee, ;Miss h.rzie isard. of Rinearddite, is via
Mariners•€lrould read the important tiiti; friends in tarwn,.Miss Iitclglnsof
airnoatneemene of Jr. L. Grant & Co,. of Claudeboyis k visiting friends in town,
Ingersoll, in another column, in 'roe - —Miss L. Kell,ucd Ieft for'L'harabury- on
ante to fattening; , hogs . early. This Friday last.-.-1Mr, and Mrs, 1). Mill and
firer will huy no dressed hogs tires daughter: left on Monday morning- for
winter. Loudon, to .spend, their holidays.--Mr-
tett Carrier Lay: and. stirs, Harry Prowse, of Marlette,
'i'lite caarricsr tray of Tun 1lnvtrt.eTF Alieh•, are a:..pending the Christmas with
friends in this vicinity.—Miss Addict
is looking, forward with great expect- f,rawnine, irlagbaas bawl at' 1Y i.L
ant.• to his annual gift. Neither h t aJ
oil- t
turn -
Wiggins threatens that he will ,not
Make another' weather prediction this
winter. Nobody Would suffer, if he
would maintain the ,prohibition of him-
self during the ensuing summer.
At R. Hicks''. can be found Gold
1' atenccs,Gold Spectacles, Gold Lockets,
Gold Breeelets,Gold Box Broaches, Gold
Sets, Diamond Finger Rings at popular
prices, less your discount, .during the
o y Season. One door South of the
Big Bankrupt Store,
The weather i}p to the present time
leas=been of a vary moderate temper-
ment accompanied by frequent showers
Of rain, Z think '
a n, 'ire t I lI. tt would be much
better, if the 'winter would set in as it
would 'brighten up business and cause
money to circulate more freely;
Our readers will be surprised to learn
of the death of Mrs, Thomas Txivett,
which sad and naelancholy event oeecur-
ed on 'Tuesday afternoon ,,bast. The.
date of the funeral has not, -up to the
hent of our going `to Press, been fixed,
We will refer to Obis more briefly neat.
Ort:Saturclay last the foram known
is Lot 24 and. 27 Lake Road East, was
sold under power 'of mortgage. The
former wlaich contains 90 acres was
purchased by Mr, Jolrn Nort'heott for
S~320O and, the 'latter contains 1x0 acres
-and was purelensed by Mr. Robt, Crimp -
'bei for $0,{104.
Here is a fact that every one is not
aware of, that Christmas and first day
of iaiayr•are always'ou the soon day.
Wedneeda,y is the clay this year, and If
you have little leisure time gather your
old Wenders together and you will
find that May land Christman have al
ways been on the same day of the
To the'Eleotors of the Village ja
GF\Ta.E5ri:N.--*In coaaal�Iianv \eL l ria
-requisition presented t:, Dir, and signed
'by a number of the Electors tllrov,, •b-
•out`the Village, I have consented 'io
allow myself to be nominated as .exon-"
dilate for Maicrieipai Council. If elect-
ed, ray best to promote "Me
interests of the villages at large,
roves It.sp,etfttlly,
Ave, 1
^-Ria•7•.sttunnw4, lw9i•ntx,+t.£w7r t3a+e lllest
-aartiiicial teeth.
The Chriel Drs number of the ?tonin
'to Saturday Night is a .dais,.
Christmas (tools ill mulles; . ;;u1et
nt the Douihdoai Laboratory.
F.'" f ,11.1 1{,. ��#"'=ie..d .tA(�;.i1• 4fi9Y*9t '�R,�nen
a,sxla r1 s=,�.
Oa:tee O t';' 4,r iagrt•
iz xc�t�•r.
Mrs. .1 Jar... -1-1. Stewart, Ifz:r�n street
had her clothes Tins stripp�'don: Monday
"xtuzieip:tl candidates will find the
A.nv or.rrn n good medium in which to
places their milers to el ctoau.
Net Monday will bo nomination
alaay. It 1,; ilk•-ly as number of c .aurid,
ates will tie ••I.,r,"1 in the field
Miss Nur: li f h uele the Star vinlintst
of the world, plays at t1a St. itirys
Opera lIous:�, tett Friday evening,
Just reeolvett at thea Damiiriion 7.atb.
oratory, a full a+tzpplq of t'ht shusis
Cards, Photo, Albums and l'litsh moods.
Holiday Cheap i Pa: •a It
d a s, tall. ell Capt.
Geo. Kemp Ti,wn A:;'ut of the ,
Trunk. �,.: a r^ , `., Grand
Trunk Railee.a; ,o.nte Town Bali, Exet-
Be emend 'eke your embrace Minn
you go to meet friends at tiara depot.
You might lki�;.: another p r.'orl'$sweet•
Sir J;)lat A. 'McDonald �vi.11 bo 75
years ieti ou January llth. AIav bo up
pass this, birthdaay, and many mow iu 'I'
addition, czs
Black and Colored Dress -Goods.
Black and Colored Silks andeta
Ladies M l' s, bis 'r. Dolmans .s tae
Fur Cats, Muffs longBoas.
Mens Fur Coats _. Caps
FeltLeather Boots Overshoes
Wool Shirts and Draw
& Boys made suits overcoats
ae rerythin will sold at prices that ;
` p c w ill ensure �, s�dy clearance.
One day last week, while
Beer was engaged in cutting woad 'i
Hay swamp he got his foot bruise
thus, making- him unable to attend 't
his duties.
We understand that MrolrnA.Gills.
pie is in the field for councillor, John
is Ghuck full of business and the elect
sirs could, do no better than to Glee
John to represent them for the cont
The question. has boon asked us:
"What will propel a dog fasten that . tt
lin can tied to its tail, 'lento are not
prepared to answer the .above, hut will
leave it to some worthy person to an-
swer through the next issue. Let us
bear from hint,
While Mr. Arthur Davis was driving
Great Rejoicing , . . .
iC Ids► Qt E'1 the 1 � �Bargains
J , ,, 1 11 I cc ed at F�11' -�
sous during this month. B u•Dress l tzl
�'"ilkdS in
Goods, Largains ill Flannel ll°
r i � cid
gains in .� WOC(ls,
to Ilensall,on Tuesday 'ternoan,he met
with an accident, while in front of the
Town:Hail he conning ineontac:t erith st
team belonging to 51r. James Oke, onto
of his horses became entangled in one
of the wheel and sn tshing the wheel
and otheri ise damaging the vehicle.
Arthur be more careful in future bnd
keep your engineering qualities at
Xatie'e to correspondents.
We wbuld'thank .Mir 'Correspondents
0 sod in: their contributions next
rrtitoicxaotdnitxln:thatn 4londay,^, so that
oitr'stetmaa,M-enjoy Holiday. If' all
or hail prevented him during ani colleeee, hi spending her Christmas la
Pt g the year days at b ina,-•�:titr, Ira siker
regularly presenting the ••fam#l1r , til tCt -Cin i
favorite," to its moan patrons, and Ito of llvtr oi.t, err' spending te.-..- 4lhr tst
natan�all • looks y p ' ,„ holidays with, fia�ends hone. --Mr: TIr
,r a s for some acknowledge- ns Cousins an ,
anent of laispunetualiy, d wlfa wltla,dbt„ar.>lacz ,
spending a flew days with Menial 'Ws.
They are iku ero:zy John Parsons.- • i Ila s C rio " - St.
People cannot be too careful iu stepp- Thomas, is visiting friends here--Wrs,
ing around loose lumber, particularly Herrington, of Blyth,is spending t .
Mien =it'is old and May have nails stick. Christmas holidays ith her parents,
ing in it A certain lady in towt,,Sr110 Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Pa,.rdten.-•":ufssllatit-
recently happened to put her foot on an nab'Butt, of Kippern,at .resent in town
tuned wait, had ra very sor•efoot,and visitingfrieeds..-Mr:. If !low• y jr.,r,a, of
as compelled to spend a week in bed, Clinton, is n'' present visiting .lis.sister..
a result of the nail baling through Mrs. Robe Rowe of .this plate ---Mas.
ria heavy a sole of the shoe and into her ter Win. i,a sliaw, who have barn
ot. Some fatal accidents have result- visiting friends at Mirth, returned
from sirniliaar occurrenees. home on Moedoy eveeing Brut.. --Ila.
r l d. Harwood, ivho Inas been at St
Go to gree Dominion laboratory for fo
your Christanas Cauls PhotoAlbums,u
: ata
Plush Goods send all carter aC`lais'ino;s
• Goods.
a9 V r useful btratlnt",tort.
Tending to lesssoai the possibility of
eide:nts in factories;'is now being ex-
ntsivtly^ adopted in England. The
tailing of a, glass, which is adjusted
taiest the -4w:a'1l of every room :in the
mill, will at onee stop the engine, an .vrsatatrg firet,<1s ,at I3rueefielcl, returned
electric current .being established be- horne on ''Thnrsdaay last. -Mr. -'R„ n
.ween the roots and the throttle valve of Collins, visited Caclerreh on Monday.
the engine, shutting air' steam in ion MIr,Thopaa's McCarty is in town pule.
instant. By this means the engine was classing horses and other stuff for the
stopped at one of the mills recently in a American anarket,--Mr. Reginald Ell -
few seconds,aand a young girl whose lot, of Mo1Sons 1311111c, Toronto, and wife
clothes had become entangle in anup- are spending their Christtnas holidays
right shaft was released uninjured. here.—Mr. A. 9. Whim -midwife of Loe-
Mr,N. Pyer Minion of Morton ee `Bank,
hero, r
received a, .a
1 frena ,�•.
I cr aaas•l r'
"i e, I.ri� ' to
' land, a twig of holly which was laden
'watt. berries.
fleeing to the large crowd o,a;riving
here on Christ:tas. morning , our bus
driver was crs n elled to attack three
teaanrs of horsed o the bus-
It is beh: ,+ca the date, afor taliang the
oni-nrio l.t wi0 !tare will be Thursday,
.Tan. :2.-411, e+tae :cnlc4after date ef open-
ing of the i ttimialen House. p
.lar. R. Hicks is o'.i'ering his entire
she]; of Waateln s,, Clacks, Jewelery,
Silverware �z c «are ansi '
Sraectacles at a ds-
conet •during the holiday season.
The r: a erchatndiseestock of the estate,
of Mr, S. C. He r stet; was sold on rl1•xc':s'-
, day to Mo•. T. B. Cateaaiy at the nate ,`of J.
27;?, cents on the dal r. R
Thomas for the past `two •t vet+ksreturn-
ed home On Monday eveninglash.---Airs, 11
John Fake, of Chicago, is at present
visitingrelatives .i,ta town. ---Miss Mary • ..
and Kato' McNaughton, whit has been
adhere to,. the above and seed n go
budget atong.
On Monday afternoon, the residene
of Mr. and Mrs James Oke, was th
senate of ono of these very pleasant o
currencos being the Marriage of the
third daugiatear,,Lily, to Mr. II, L. Eil
ings, dentist. The ceremony was per
formed tit 4.:10 by the Rev, S.F. Robb
son, rector of the Tria•itt Moanorial
Church in then prestance art feea l'ilends
7Tt1rRq >;in i t11E*
wh 1e E,if our :itOC h 1`..hlieeh
i con-
sists of staple awl #'*lti(� - 111 •-Goods, T ,
Biala Gt : OOH .11715. ;
� l�il{lt 1 !e t• ,11, � ,11 CSS.,' 1i()siE•1' ' 1 f,� 7, Rrazl . irlaitl�t';,, Puiit �.httE' and ley
� O,, t'Ot
tons, ;'lain Laths Quilts;
Caps, Iota e ;,411 Lv tall of which we will oiler , ,
,. � � f 1 aflei nt 1 t'fll>cecl
pd Inc a3 tititi 1 .tftp_'I the holidays.
A uairtit of \tells axed X,'rieve long 'R it
q Y t,L.t�,,u.tlaInt •.•. .
,, � � of Cract,c ry we r ti�'ilI .circ;;
out for the next ,,E'} days s;, cost.. A e n 7. to stock . • , i
hand at bottom nriees, Versa Pie .d: (Wee 1 of E,reltc rtes quantity
C . ,i a• ",.. tcc� taken at, market prices. A gttazrtaty of
door north of the Town ;:tri, Exeter.
act .or aaa weaaiti,cl. A e'a1l "tat r" «l- Rtaanbtyai lair,• the place for roar^gains is ilrsr
m.'..'m_ m,,..,. T. x.. y.. , .. 'Fc':.=M..,, -z ,�,.wa,.cne.rww
it � "a �'i � PAY �'
i- YOU ALAY ► A �, FOR
W. ;►1. � ' O T VI WHAT YOU
1 PAY :O
The bride was attired: iza is 'lrtsautifaa
Pink Cashmere di esstrimmed with Taco
She was assisted by -Miss Edith Gould
Ito wore a rich cream colored ,cash
ere. The Groom was assisted b3" Dr.
ip r, ir`umerous costly .unci useful
,resents were., showered on the bride.
hey left on the evening train far Tor•
onto, Oshawa and other places.. lire et -
tend our congratulations to the newly
wedded couple and ]tope that their;
journey through life may beapl anal,nt
and happy one.
Counr(L rtlinsaitize i.
The Connell met at .the Town ilall,
Exeter 2i'rc Dec. The Reeve, Deputy
'Reeve and councillors MrCalluaai and
Carling r.ret nt. Minutes of pr;'via-as
meeting an a
d roved r�
�, 1x1 d finder
wore g;raiatcd for and
following. sums
it —.c hita .ti ;,Sort, 51.25 printing
Treasurer's stalerent ; S. Ila:ndford
$1.25 labor; Albert' Bissett, $.1.75 do,
J. Creech, $3.00 charity to 5. Fans -m,
and $13.00 chaarity'to John Piper. John
NTiale applied Co the 'council for relief
stating that ha had 'beeir•suk for aver*
a t -car and unable to work'and had tk
siel; danghter in his family and no in-
come. Moved by T. 11. McCalium,see'cl
by T.B. Carling that 62 per week be'
granted' cdaia;ing pleasure of the Council,.
—Carrried. The Council adjourned un-
til call of tlro'ILeceve, ou,motion of W.
G. 13i sett, seconded by T. IL McCallum.
r, �• 14i. Eoor-Torr, C1orI
rubble School a" remotions.
The following aro the naaanes of the'
pupils ,promoted in the .Exeter • public,
school• -From Miss Gill's to Miss Crolev'ss
room.—L..Frayne, E. `Bissett, .'llollins
�ttralle,.�; B. Trit:le, It. Southcott, L. Christlgay itolicla,vs at h 11I Joint
don,were outer:w Led herr .on Tuesday;
evening on account of the sudden
death of Mrs. Thomas Trivitt.--1\ir. Ai
dagh St aniahe, of Windsor, is home
spending ` lits �laolada.ys, —lilt i i'ilfaiu
Bal*ea; of < Ottawa,, .as spending Inc
ss, F. i otti'cliffe, J. ICefand,L' , Bawiden, Bawden f 1 'i < ole i.- d r . au
Dow, 0. S. Muss J: 1{us ,s t .o -n,—M is spend in; . a,
Ferguson,g r o� few•aLii� s lig tarvnr; •.Air. Ge�ro•a; .Barh:er,
W. Willis'. Frbta ^ Miss' • Croiey's of .Wiiag1ianr' . is hero u is
.�VIiss Gx'2gol'y*.'s;room =1 L,
Sandford:, sliLatinig bis
i Christinaas holidays.—Miss 1Latlnuer, of
aekran L..Ii wain .: a
p , o . ,d A. ;Jolllxs . m
> > J, Seafolth,'is visiting friend lleYt--lti`i.
lsh, P. S*# eet;, It Gould, h. Long; David Bissett irn'd wife, of rinelsor. ;lase
Fauson, A. Sten. -cart, ]F. Treble,' N.!. visiting friends iand•relatl1es' beteat
tc son, Y Tina*, D. Russel, From hresg;nt. AJr Robt.'Ih amara"'•;"
ss •Greta ry's .to - -Miss- 111eCallum'st � <'re -e-
t sor,'leE ' SpellCllny a , few da S '1%,4.'re.-=
zn.-k3. EIooper,.N. Bic 1,s, W Powell, Mrs: J)o>:lds, .of, St: Johns y A2z'
Bissett, L. 7,,um ey,,; I;. ,Iligglns, G. spendingthe Christmas and t, is
!son, M. Westaway-, L. Wilson;. M. with. lie farther Aii Thos Batman',a ''ars
An Anvor_vr ,Zrl-rcrtiser sorcl a •i g. E
bill of goods last week to one of tour seJ
-.subseribere, who iesi';Ies some eighteeear to
xn%le.s west,of Exeter. it pays to ad, ' ,T
-wertise,• , R o
Just received at R. T'::cks' R.
5 Tev,ples e*�; ,lee
>;Store a lot of new: Waatetros, Jewele ,' 1i
.Silverware, Spectacles, =C'locks &c ` Just: too
-the thing for Zetas presents. A ,tilil ,7,
On Thursday evening, Mr. Samuel
:St anlake held his annual client r, .L2 'Or
which a large number of eez reSid lits
were in attendance. A very enjoy aible•
time was spent by all.
The Busy Bees, of the Trivitt :Flornor-
lel Church held their fourth annual'
,concert and sale of work in the 'Town, I
Iters, W. !loss; . C. - H .n iniau; ' E. , s-
4 � � , , borne:--Nri.frc;i.a,s Short, of �T�lonburg,
eecta IL Evan , .iI Davis, �.; Hill, A. Ont., is `s13enc iia;, Christnas., wit! Dr.
elson;.A.IWeiland G. Dow. torn Miss Sr-eet,e-Mr, ;'`m., rimy
McGallunfs,to 'T'iiss Vos, er's ;room.- Grigg; t h hi 7'homvs
,p' is,spritciing.,Qlristmas n1th,Itts nelativ
Martin, W. Bee, W 'y'Ve,stcott,E;Pen- es here.. Mr. `rhos iWlifte of:thelWju-
;ho,te,,,F, Gould, ,+:E Mattiee, N il+'iiis4tr, ser Revievr,' s epenetift a fent*'tla" s' in
N +il2eere, I,i,",u'USIr, 'C. T1eY •74L11C,li Gel _
Hall on Thursday evening last. The sat;
attendance was large ,toad the affair L 's
was a grand suecos.,, some SLO being miss
realized .•
We regret this week to announce trip ,Pick
deaths Of Mrs.•Rabt: Delve and \Ir•.Jolili ;Seel
igThan• Ili M. Gregory's room
N I e e ii. I Imo. Gregor L. How town MI George S Ali , of Caradoc,
' , Gregory is here spe rding Chvitrnas ',and New
, ..Fish, AT.`J Lwortby; '.,Westeott, Y�nars`with hisenany,iiea,d,--i52iss'Mar-
]' : Ior, M.Ca'ni ,r M. it afpet. From' .acaum ,I as Giles,' of nd a ''a spending
s 'Vesp r',s to i41r Gliegor s; roo)n: ` - 4} it pe;4clM,
..._, s 'a few days s with f) le ds lir• ,tdwn'; ;,Mr
leeitbau•n,. '. Makin, Hersey P. ' t mos Sweet and (daughe;l•. left • fo
s,.T Jeelland. L.livered, A =I'ish, F. London ori Tussd-ut{to s end Christiia
.a1c1.,--. B„ G,i(lley., M Peekar�dt 1,. =witih'f !friends inielre(aitives 11l`iss Sat
a II. Sweet, J.Brown, T. tfaandford, Her•d'`'ias i•eturnecl born vrsiliti'+ e
g° f1,1t,n
in Blarth \fz::Faey�•• DoWn of 1Srdod
stock-, is honk, spe iluagg Christmas
"stew 75rgrrafs with',1 is la,tllcr 1'Ir : Wm
Dow;), Duron.-\ •.:Tilos. Carling, o
Clinton,sar:,toa i at ;present �ri'ibin
friends:4,4.11r: '_�. 1bext Manning
' o
Clrntorreis.cper,dfii.i a fo,W days s•ivit
friends'nnthrel'roes i;ee 1si:Jt�sep
et;ei ,s,.. )L0athbrina'Of-,..'anon, is gieudrn ;nfe
k. ,• Johns, • D.=� 'Gardner ;,..:. .,
a H. da in to3i� Mr. le,d .
SdcCallurn...M 1egg, 1 . Fansom From` Londoa?;is speatligi r:G,'lnristriaas'lr, lid
5th to Bib.— "P: Rollins, A. lssery, J.A."i er`r.•-M1 GO. INeks,•01 Cleveland);
Gre or , R Kinsman, 0, McCallum. Spending jii Ciulr&anas• bolida� s
7`zTo> 1,1 s Gui�'ede, •' ,Priaicipel. ' ' - : home • hese, l . ; is 3 '
Nevunnbe:; The death of Mrs 1,;))011.6"•,S D
ocettacd on 1- r ida rafter a ve v i lror t Fror
illness .She to as yto ken, a few; ilieys' •.Gob.
vre1>ious' to, her deaet•h with paralyyes. J. Lai
The death Of Mr. John Neweombe occur..' \feC
43.4 on the saint day'''after a `long , and Trnb
Jaerious illness, During,the summer 'et Petri
1888, Mr.''Nawcnrri e, contracted `ry.'`ei', L
iioid,Fever, -which eft his . 1
r� constitution- D. S
verv' biolceu condition. He has .A..
�i failing gradually since Until _
h finally ended his sui'erings. W e
with their many fiieti&l9 in extend
our sympathies to the -bereaved.
z1' •junior .4th to seanor•
Id,114:'}3row n .,V' Eaei•ett I.'" Taylor,
xton,B.-•.Vestcott, N• Creech, E.
all -t011). II Clement, G. 'Willis, M.
8 girth." From 4th to 5th. --L.
t 1• '•C! E+,arl 'T., Grre'oi , D: ; crock-
2'rvettiick %7; +ltrbtyt'�" J.
,x� $ eet,
a,ntie1:s, 'tV'a.13r"owaring ' A' Iioilaaul.
Get what you ray for if you inferior �" � � get Gclo{ls It �'
prices. rellalr
Get what you ray icr if you pay for a quality
s� y you don't
YO -TJ t OliT'T
Get what you pay for if ti ou ay an extravagant
pay 5 price.
YOTJ d}ON'�'
'Get what Tail.. pay for if yert � y � - � 1a help to's�;�'elI a�, exhorbant profit
whose fault is it if you don't ; t?
fault you �,e what you Pay fok..
,`1rig Cs�y is fault, 9
fain, Beta use
u can. alwa r�; et o cl - ails; back
3 �. Y y, to the last cent
Clad n; with: u
we guarantee the best for the . d looney_
We guarantee most for the money.
We guarantee the, very lowes t e i
�' Y t prices. Every one. • of these
'facts p o to show: that you ou 'ht to trade with
Yon can get a square deal for a round ;dol 1aI�
� .
Rememberyou can ge a high grade forfigure.
;� .� 5 � a low fi L1Ie.
Remember you pay for whatyou ou get,.and
get--wbat for.