The Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-26, Page 621
ao wadi
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lie haft
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Jed at
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and nce
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isp San -
with its
hi& so
pon too
1 Kean -
redo tar
an the
• brake
ta lane
d sleep
t bona
ads Bic
y learg.
ezo York
bit your
d. with.
g. Its
fork at
gad, bee
b, the
as sialk
nip live
will be,
on his'
nalltr se.
ay up.
- My
2 Sees-
The Great Proceesion. that rensinded Nithle of thew ot a deg et
id you ever hapPen to think. when Oath WIT*
ighte UP thelemps outside the. pane, " lirOught home c.onapany, lel„ iddy," geld
inlyou 1001r through the glass On that Wender, the man with an air of jollity. e Set
rhere the witches ere making their ten in the supper 110 ,t son As .ya ouri, for we're
rein, etervea. mighty plain deno's. /eel' ond
4 thegre"Pr°c°5131°)2 talab (4aYs its- PP'Ters here* stranger; bet you'll, have to stend.
11 the World over, and climbs the stairs, it."
ad gees to a wonderland of dreams.
there nothing at all is just what it seems? ' . Viell he marand out of the room.
Noble set down upon 4 splint -bottomed
II the world, over at eight o'clock,
sorartnaaciettratthareinfigrea,%aodallon oltEedviedtatrlygoibrit.t.
iod and sorrowflit, glad and gay,
hese with their oyes gig bright as dawn, .
hose almost asleep outh', way ; &elven et a etraeger had elernae,a, her A
Li s one capering, that one °roes, , Otirioug feeling of eiwkwerdoess ottro.e. over
laited tresses, or ourliagade,,
Lowly the long procession streams the young men. Middy, As her father had
p to the woridetano or dreama °Oka; her, was too old to be apnea to
ar in the islands of the sea careesinglY,aa though she were a child, and
he great procession taltes up its way, tO0 uninformed to greet him ma a wonien.
eare. throwing afar faded itiOwer wre s WOUld. He compromised the matter by
down, spilling ; ta rettan She frowned.:
Ittle savases 'not cif iaY; " I ana afraid I intrude*" Sea" the yong
hough they tairs to olimh at an, . .
ne go to sleep wherever they fah. • Men, eently.
y the sea's soft song and the stare` soft gleams " Weil," said the gkl, " if truth is to be
hey ere off to the wouderlann ot dreemett. , .. told,: I don't want you here.. Why &net.
be, th,„„amens. lids et. the Tarter bey you go on up to .htellish's 2 Year legs,
tool) like a leaf at ei Se of day; peens long enough to walk it. You'd get a,
ad herinatis pteassat as, clouds of down decent slipper there. / could ten you hew
O the tawny thud of the liiinalay ; • li
nil the led. en the housetop nt Niel:tan to go. . ,
oes eight, while the rose-hreaths arcatod him The idea that the girl was halt witted
fan, (=erred to Noble.
Pad, up from the desert hie starry tams " Oh, I'll. go early to -morrow, Iliddy," he
ad mount to the wonderland of dreams.
eaid jeethagly.
in westward the gentle shadow steals. f•, ror my parls,'t ahawered Middy, ".1
sd, touches the boa of the hossicto tordch wouldn't stey at oil where I won't
ed. the viichegs' eerie leave wrestle and leap. - ,s, ' - •
ect Gretehan loosens her yellow bold' , wanted-
sti Bess and artour foie:melons; "The prettiest idiot that I ever sieWs"
ad sweet, Islavoureoen at evert -eons. thought liable,
I mingling rim morrow's hopes end seliemes
litti those ot the %vendee/aria of dreams. He turned toward th 6 and began to
stir the .coale with a long poker. Mean-
qi• how tha gpest iiroceisien Sweat ; time he kept tie troveliog.liag between his
Strothal, world over. with dark sold dew. . teo, geo,vy aters wereboo, goi.140 000
ear ilie mow to which it moves.
ou children's inseam% the evezang hells. eve tined.
elitelte the deem. et the far Ageree.
r hist it reeehee our westero norm, The girl begin to eat the tehle. Soon oho
la where can it go at these extrentes Odd; '
Lt into the woneerlana er dreams-. , .
n Yoh% have to move, I m going to
arsine. swimming. unwire:1g, slow, cook,"
is what a potter et little feet! Then be lett the Amide and walked to
Nods iseevy as oowerg with 'hoe. the windoW, Carrying hie bag with. him.
as ever atit'thica tont so tweet?
at of the teed's; eventeg blue- Tbe dri looked over her enalder at him.
You haven't * bit of fin. , . i,
to tallow* a Ine come for you 44 'de " elte esia
i he off to ale wonanlehe ot aroma " or yered get out of a plan velure, yOlir
'UM nothin 440,0 Net what it seeinsl very vateele are legrodgeo you, Thereto
garriet Prescott AP offer44 fe "St'. bria070$ the do d straight along the footpath.iii
Intim, • ' •
the Go to the lett keep on to
"The rigbt kind of stuff," be at, id,
"Thaok, y
Then. Smitt. went down the steles, end on
the nstent Noble, with ins portnaantean,
eking over hi e thoulder, wits out upon the.
ehea. Ae he dropped to the ground a girrg
hana-cetight hie wrist, _and. h. e was hnrrie ,
awey toward a road winch te,y line a gm,
riltboa ettattl tbe deemed( of reek and
stnittea bosh.
wasbitword&eiwaset9 tar:erns:0,u%* °elm:re:rat
etreene wes hefted, and they oroseed a
After thot thentooted pioes grew thicker.
the road, ascenaed, it few hetillefi.epPeered ;
A large otia ef, der pretenione, in the
windotee of whict lig . te were glowigig, wee
visible upon an elevation,.
44 Thieve Mellish's," e a i a .t h e gial, "Go
and ringthe bell• aed get ta int gni* as.
Y°$Ubt6nn;t'erea We betworTleui. °lc gasp, for
the 'pews had hem too row.- for a woman:
- and she was span.
"lid you -you remit COMO with nie -
you cao't go hack to therm wretches!'
Noble said.
"Wretches 2" rpeateed the girl !" "Why
they're not wretches. Uncle s an oneet
man, Sam's esiother, I' ve'bnen stuffing
you with lies, stranger, to get rid, of you. I
didn't wept you 'bothering roon„d. I've
utade a fool of Yell -a teat like t9 fool city
teuovis‘ 1,Tob,ody was gat" to bort you.
Good, night* _You 80**Mender I ti
She wee on, lauglaiog 44 she rau, and
Noble walked up to the house . in a state of
utter bewilderment.,
Wee --0 .-- . ----:- - ., ---:- . i -
hadobethqmeirlwul eiteseahnbama- Lthbewtzuthdanwow7 or
The eurpriee ot the hlellieleg at his ar
kal, and the feet that they bad. not re-
ceived either letter or telegrem Mode blot
lean to the latter nuelogien, bat that night
he held his ,peaoe. Time enough, he
tbougn, to tell his tele in the InOrMilg*
That otglit be dreamed of MiadY•e tier
deerlike gaze rig open him, her heous op.-
lifted in eupplamtion• Eta be awakened
- . „, , 4, beak
to Welt et her, The Sir4140 94. we r4'
fast hot took ta:ly. don -tetra with hue
mind still full of her, and throileh the ditY
_ , s
.Widell he spent in ttie 11111108 IOU OM
betutUrealgee4dock when it horsemen rode
. e e - - . --
oll to the Melhola door wale. horror 14 his
face - .
" Terrible work over yonder !" be laid.
,po. luting toward the valley, . "That girl at
tile Smithe*---bliddy. bis meee-wag tan-
:tiered Int nigla. They fond her on *be
Ititelieu dor* *horrible eight -killed with
an exe, they say, -111.4 ola smith and tivu
aro nowhere to he f000dti
They lane gatirdoreat her I" cried
For flow be knew that her warning had
been= !tonal% one. and that she hadpaid
for sambas Weill° with her own; and now
be - s e,
h him . tee
andeit loyeell ruled in that land in those
a a ti,, t thirer
aye Ito e vengemme n ose who
sought and foulest ths =oedema was
Alas I 'Amnia not restore pretty Iliddy
tileitre, and atm, lough mei yerNe re
. own, bee greet I* We elm .e *en
Notilde soul, Inaba brollies a gigla to ber.
memory.-Feenfly Story Popo. '
ciztREtt alEILPs.
A. attiOlitiva LASTLETran.„
THE LAHOR Irlx1:1e .,
sow They Axe Baisee..-pompines out
Water and, eutapiag in Atr.
The recent raidug, of the. Sultan may
have noosed ondoeity se to bow We kind
of work le done, The whele art and pro-
ee, ss seems to depend ontbtattewfwatearfetthotasa, that
thiogs seem lighter ia„ .
Qt. 0, and that air ie lighter bulk for bulk
utbee°a4 weneitieein vireheuelfolluelrincLOReeteoeue:tes!eer t:
a river. or on der; shore. The first
a rs t e down and
°Per°**en III 1.°r'' • divere • -o ' ' '
tkhrotigh ye. Ithio.hhthaehi.p
Instteet kthe They
has eon . , es^ me e as minute an exam-
inatiott as possible, learning w to in e hi
damaged, and how the ship lies, end if send
th,towardsha: wa°ort 7m4nwelarnetee(1.41114' 4'r,:o,unw.ult04.0hreWrmleseearnel.htheagt .0 14dai5ovkewr9:41.
hove reported, they take the first ear,
,, -
with bona iron rods. Thew they endeavor
ne withari_pkw„. gfotrucinem,„e
tshoeraplactherouungrnoeumath then
baokwarde and forwards so as to eie•
Inge the holes re,. sae, Next like
are eet down and worked in Hee manner,
via a bele is made large *mangle to allow a
&MC ain 0 e passe under. 4. p ot
clefs/ go *enSinbabont laden a'atizenTahiff.Berernt
' t h
plaws, so that the same number 9 ° ea"
are pima:binder the vessel's bottern. Beet
end of the chain. is carried to the ffurfaCra
and tattooed oa were a keel or hopper.
Then at low tide the teppoire are Pined.
that is the cholla are polled as
down- • . - . . .
tight as possible without overturnixig them.
New, when the tele rises the hoppere rifle
• - • with" - • • andso • - 4 .1.4_. 4_,
Zliteltabtkalawoariatbndama,satnhaeyaa, rzi;a44:24earaul;ifzt,
Teg•bo, ate are attached to the to/nom. and
they ere 'Moved into etallower water an
the able geounag. The RAMO Foam goee
ou at th.e next tide, a_uel BO_ en MAU She
veeeel is lett nearly dry at low w' ater, Tito
ahlOi!ge/edibeeluabin,lucliamarste"di4yee- :49 repogerteeeltb4
clam ... , .
AMOMat of dem-nob knewiagaelpates bell
been prepared. Thew are rivetedoo toe,
tb ship . a wet° ti ht. The water
0 Ft .9 . r- .8_, „, _, _* .0,
reenefotog lo oer lei eekrepeti We* 41;4 "' '"e
imett tide she agate by her 0We e0Y0130.Y.
he is then towed into dry ant end ovet•
0 • . • • - ,- .
bided. lo another promise, aware, ae
before, go down mat eoeuelhe tho. drenegte
gh ebt d ed d
eep• na ire mu er waterproofin.
well tarred These are taken down and
bleed (MY She hdee in the tildes. The
ens eare 'tattooed down and every 'otifioe
plugged up, ao 04 to Make the venal wetere
tight. Then Lobo are fitted, into tbewesel
and &WOW to perepe worked on tool i
oto*.oubookt. ' The rem* is Porelual dry;
b ,besidee punepleg the water out, other
pe are at era pato& g the air .
la is heeeseerY, or- the lent set of pumps
would bet work. Theauwoaork gaileiiirela th
vowel g gradually wish . and,
in consequence, greiluelly rising. When
once mina to the aortae* tog booty are
att , e Veitlie is Azov a and
*abed ibe I - a * dock a
epa. a a work upon her. .
H,e.,Itxp. lai. n. a Ho.w He Has T. ahea Pitsborate_
. Preparationato Rill Himseir. '
Mr. Carttar., 441 en in.. gueei
last week a* Dover Castle Greenwich on
ee e. -^. - - -. * • • • -* • • .
the body ot a num euPPolled to he Fralleie
eBotimffnineitrteast8onero,140044etabiofrloodmein45gsto4 95 OD. John!
d Greenwich..''- ' '
libin---werer,Oa--wei eaue,the landlady, seta the
deceased been with her for three weeke,
19uniTtiobelarstwainhooenalhneowt eenCrientodotwune,roaont
and found him dead on the fine.
l' ' 0 - t ati II - ted '
• • - - , . - - - -„ -
-owpooe-rroodeneoeie , eon, aboywiaea ,whacznitao.,
beendresseraleio' , the coronerand
4117ot:ray. and one
*14101.01 rot:Lyme found the imelbloe' wr i6niffbi.,wirssie-9
. . p paper.
" East Greenwtch Neve
[the figul ' 6 ' had errently bee. a linen
leeufkbtesreur :To% et e° i eht itkeev ecertify ' e e0r in. hail) ei ratt I eieni 1, 1 ei rasent 0 labyes
Sow , • ' - ' ' ' , . ,- ,
swallowino an overdose of atrong Tarkey
on- itim, . and that -- no persona in-tbia. be
• enee,
or any othere, tote had e.ither h_end.or ant
c.:.7 Parti".°11a*Irec-U-Y- " MCII7LI'Y' PI. 14,Y
- . . . .
di:eared I he whole business is my
own. My reason for committing suicide
is hecause I hive ruined 44Yeelf in the
- _ e e . , . , e .Berlin
4/401141-uuro•raulug^ L, , have made e. 'Lem
little fortne at the game. for years and
year*; bat ‘` 44.011/ got. flea -4-11). OPeUti outel
at /a° 1 beve 199 all a °°101°*,....bra00 UP
new -to o book to Animus to my
'' d g Wort Me home although
friendsand a e0 • * , , • . . from ,
I_ ,._14;ialala.t.!0_.7774.. j_ 99‘....77.477___*,
tawfdeotig he London to eroopre a nessige
eer:/le"'"44111" La me on LieLle,e'LmL come to
.,... * • -
Sue matter over anil overee-no, 1 would.
°°°°'!"- fsee- aeet,,,,b.'; Y"* even 4°400 Over
agelbeibltro tow to seeelet Ole offer* hut
my mind would not listen to it on any eta
, , .
onont. So t Moat now Meow up me iipetiga.
aeosiderms The most decent ewe or de,
a- tre- ybig my we, i.oppbetl iltiong 4.tton 44
.. best . „ _ „
the Melina, iiii 1, always &tee* 'Wed
howl,. methods of tooteme, nob 4e oleo*,
inew throetanittleg, drowolog end ill the
e , s e ,,,,...„,,, .,..;„ .,.,
***° * but, uuurra* 4 14;4 Y4944 4ereee "L"
all forole of auleide are bid enough. But I
. . . • . .
now think that this style of destraytog life
le 0 st, as it lathe moat decent. cleauest
and quickest style Viet I linow oL Now,
h*viug * fair 1141°**1eage *4 tbla -****gb*Y
drueg "1;4 letae_rtfe_e°10* I belly!' .8w9„eowede e,_*be
aeu..*eu" CIL' "44 °C12C' Q°4 -.1.1"4"/._-0014T" Q4 144"4
ortolo.Peuetr*tbullutVs".* wul4. um wellt
°rut:area" lu toraret -47 aci- ear** the lezmuTotto
he a bi t lb* tja,
en If sure 0 my end, eve ea
this extraordinery ormairit of opium. My
ti ix , ,,, ... - ..
°le ve for t teg "'AL" 11413°4141 34 to hill ";
P, ea. * is! 700.. ee° Undeeete°41-1 lettl
actitithy cue %nib apoplexy, leavmg tbe.
"true to act*? P ,e,o4 Petro*, e_ whbo.O4 Foto,
u***1° ar L"ge. row* ag 694e94 tee
.4**runer 4114 btu irlrY to Or° tbar
„ , e ._ „
Vermeil s vtaVei HMO MOMS,
nataftly : I bow* put a sample of the
opium that I hen Already taken -I hove
pet that into twa tin boxes, enclosed in two
woodon tboireia In.lbnaovueapoeon tedar mthyvalloZtawg:
eren o •
G nwich I
at 49 Devonehireroad, Ent roe .
have tatteirthia promotion, in order that
the jury may sea that no other party beta
any handling of this drug but rayeeet.
Note, the coroner's jury will lavevery little
doubt In thie roatter-that hip i %blink 00.
that Female Sumner Eon did. kill bituselt
by *wallowing an overdose of strong Tar.
key opium *Otitis own heed andfree will,
knowing the sametobe far =omen doubly
aufacient to cause death. -Signed this Oth
(Iowa NOvember,1889.
Pianos Sumo Itogs."
Dr Adam; onia aeon Imo awls In ova
piny :allowing opinm poisoning. SU011
optimal* that proanoecl (ornae) could not
be bought irt E_ ag.!°11_4* _ _ _
A Verdict of sleloide whale inearle erae
returned by the jury.
Pithy Prragrapha „for Canadis
Detroit leads the entire goontre
• - •
Ohio's oldest 0y:toe-water, tit de
74 Yellin,
St. Pent istreet.cer.hende get 15'
Mrs Bleokay hes asappliirewor
opoe'w' York abo oti-i' ' sore,ri'ge u• , 1
Some kid gloves are mide'et. eeti
vNieow40:toir,Akoh.yaoswubi4sr.wtoexotdheros600* i.ii;
Si. Louie has * palace mide ot c
4,m:erg:lotto oseh has no 2401943ni
Barbers' National Oonven
filegoeleae' r 0 d8wide h' ::gota'..a.ii4f7eteatmErerott:aaez'lyee;wgeno.rtiary. 'ill".
Vice -Pr Minket a saloon
a2Ouseeeitugnb.Ftstrhafoonuxr0.1s.gel':drai:LuencunF lodes i
1 , . , , • .
E, egien. dee nnione have. decoded
cout'nue piece work.
- -4 • " - • oto
Wheeling (W. Vita union , ree
labeonregitahs "Vhf's E eition 21
k. e -Ari ape
tickets. were sold.
has 840 000 kin
, , , , WOr . ge
6000 women -
no av
Ere 11. heeeka, k et lelotogre, ,pe
Iieuenster'e Central Labor Ike
libr d labor b
°Pen a wrY WW. w "eau'
In the Lake tdoperior reglon I
u7,0000174.04;a90.0_ 4watewitev .9f4y1,7 9wreualtogryearewailleg;
rrn- 1- ---i-ve are ----i- -----1
4., 1,900 takenob 044 - lielli .4 . ti
yoo re gli . on god seal
tore "t0 AIM) en earl- ologng
. . . "
The French piped think she g
women chew ee bate, robber.,
Govereor•deet VOW, et Iowa,
ooverot000t „vow of rowed,.
1 e al 1 ,
4 men pthor,071407104 bee town,mleissrprel
klieg mud give eimilir notioe 1
Pittaburg horeeelteeri Were re
. . , „ . ,,.. .
Charier of incerporetion (mute gra
the ' to 1 to ee i
a union. wits regal. wag *at
Detrows Glycerol vat= smoker
ieg et present* hurt* beeboeto a
will digeontione ette root*.
Ohlneo Mimeos ;it Situ row*
from 51 to $1,2Spite doiy* while mil_
at abelr daaa• gee trout 5210 $2•50,
Olowlend among ar' alroady_t
LA net irmeitel their A leveOltthi at
s" litigmg '''' ,
New York hie it Working Gide')
Goeucty /4 emu &oh owe :watt
. , .
On n vantion.
The Atellignelited. Society of :
servanteof Englenddenutodeshoo
Ana no Sunday work.
Olt10"e Labor Gentirilasieuer 0*
under 18 ere OUtp1Oyed, in 4 f4Otri
deals in olmene literature.
Detroit bombers want shorter
They work twelve and fourteen, h
from $6 to ea per week.
bullueleineh tr‘laahoWifaveragt3eiediolloarof itilleGre
The. Liberal and Healed Dale
tho Rot moue Day Em heteret
Huh perhatnent„
InChina when the weither pre
ere wrong the man who makes -
wiled. "
let sow york eho Eneieersoan Gi
St„ Mary rent rooms to poor girls r(
par week,
The South ii Sstisfied to lose its
to the North. They prefer Z
In Dadana there are no prison*
police. Only two thefts in1,000 ye
Norfolk (Cone) women proven
druggists from getting a liquor lime
At Peoria, /11„ the street rams'
keep the whole street in !mar»
New York women hookbutdera g
40 a week. They are °told:lug.
Cincinnati tenors are arrested eve
day for playing on the Sabbath.
At leindlay,O., 300 goblet worker
against an obnoxious bow.
...,-,.........--,...0-.,................... road, and
WAS au IN BABbygsT ? , Mellish'e. Maybe they. want you there."
Jaet. then the feet of the elderly men
were heard apou the roe& steps that led
$4 Thalo,streoger i refight yon he lOOklog Jr
r somebody?, from the garret. end he appeared, em mg.
, tete dee,d you tio a book etreo;ere.
The meu who' b%a been '444-ror°04-"a god he. ,, oneee you can pat fait Tii, w-4"tli. it
'ea-bob:Mg 'Young fellow, waving A eeagY for one ofht,,i ' - •
rere0ati Arid be'040; i•0 hie band a treyel* 44 X 9 u a is -a N hi 4; r
oft are very o , sai o . e. m
g-beg-terhed aS nte werde we" URI"); amid I am len% you trouble"
ed saw beltioa him a heevilyboilt, elderly - - g , e„d %.tet a e
4+ Not A bit of it 1 renli Son . - got
An et the former met, who carried in tie • . - a * -.. , ,_ N --,-: ...'
vole into tine ox °amigo the porn oymr-
and o loog whip. and wore a brad. - a at 3 u
doomed tot hat vrew vuued ever hte. eye, I'm home tome* you oat 1 ..
Noble langlaea.
ewe, • 1.138 old man at down near table, to
" Aru I-bold:0g for 00010b04 ?I' be re- web be sosomoued his t when ;he
nate& 44 Yes, Sir. I'm leddeg for blr. w ready; e .-- gur •
e.. toed WOO sea elsortiY la Younger
ark Melleih, He wits to meet Ina ogre „e,„,,,, in, ,inaded ond took hie ne,,t. '
la mite toe clews% -to hie pleoe. I've been men ""--"" "e" .3- Zi"- a ii,-.. ir
a it " bty sou, stronger, ogee arm--; - -
biking that station .pletforra foe A Ma Ar. ...• -.-
a an. Bet ell NOblele fitiOrte to mane
itir, ena as the eon le going *Iowa and I t'et4 were todoese, i,,,,,a ram etter manor
awe to lam where I om, and 1 •—.." . be deelded to ga to had,
Here la paused, evidently 'thinking a .
at not to rater the remaiuder or his gen. go:4:111,1)oraigobnuit.,,,Ereararlyintkoodheleiseide:1:.he
" Mellish heel gooa reasoue for wanting He lighted a male, aua prone „
t ire A barero°°1* lueuleau bbiefl
i meet mei° be wide& " Ir'ne beginning tguweeto utwPoe heetoe,* a ; 0, eenosaf manual Imo
I think that he never 00t ow telegram.
ate yon o Itotel or Severn hereabout ?" a pillow wete arranged in it. The broken
" Nothing but the boarding hone, at the window let In the lamp night air.. Bunches
too," extd. the farmer t " sod when of herbs,. attd ropes of onions daugled from
neve got there yea ere at hlellielee. lent the hooks in the belong. .
yeu're Mr. Minn Noble, then ---h "Sleep went,' add the old man, and de-
interpoited the young man. seendea tins sake again.
" Then," proceeded the flamers 44 I've Noble placed his portneantean unaer the
nee to fetch, you, and you haven't euy pillow of the hammook mad eat down on. an
aed at A hotel." tad box. He Wail vexed by teat having
4* Good:. orioa young Noble, ,, thie greet, reached the mines that night, for his mile
rend, stony eetletrY 'or Yours. with ito ein wee to bring a fitlin of raotleYtwhfoll
ila hills. and nothing growing, gives A Man Mellish tied horrowea ge: esey intermits JO
em cormeou.out u feding of hating got tide over a sown of. trouble.
to the giant's country OS Zack.of-ihe. It wag in email bills, aua. the men were
constant did. Your depotanaster -trotted t° -have -been Pm •raa2 " aalaaa?' Xis
Wale a wkile ego, seying that there wore might canes something like a /lot.
) MOM trains until to•reorrow, and it is It was not his fault, but it was annoying,
sing to be a deucedly gloomy night. The all the Berne.
ea of spending it here was =pleat:ant- "The best thing' osu do is to Bleep and
['fact I was getting nervous over it when, forget it," he said, and bad pulled off his
in spoke to me." cravat ana .eollar, when a whisper fell upon
"And yet you couldn't be among his ear:
:nester people," said the farmer; " 'floret "Come here," said a voice-" come to the
ke your big cities, where there is rob. window!" and be saw, appearing invited.
3rs, and Immo men, and pidepookets, ae only at the broken pane, the gide; brown
ve !nerd tell, and trims set for you every- face and great deer -like eyes. "Come 'softly,"
• I,
here. You'd find every man A brother she said-- 1 oome gawk!
He went to her. She had °limbed upon a
"Very likely," replied Noble, with a shed beneath the window and stood with, her
,tigh ; "however, I'm glad you came for chin on a level with the sill.
Le, Mr. —" ...wen, ediddy.,, be mil, homy -hag this 0013,
" Smith, yeti easy. call me," said the soother outcome of a lack of good ono,
a man, "and we might as well be off; "there you are,. eh?"
7 wagon is in the holler there. The ' " Yes, I'm here, said the girl 'in a whis.
nga is acting queer wia, I wouldn't glee per. " Lift the sash and put your hes .
in the pull up hill. Any baggage, Mr. out."
°hie ?" Ite obeyed. •
" Only thie," answered Noble with a ' "X want yea to come down andgo anthme
;ring of the travelliog.bag. "'I'm only -I'll show you where the Mellitheit live.
dug to atop over night," and he followed Come -I want yon to."
:r. Smith OTOC the rocky road and down *, Int go in the morning middy," esio
steep slope until they reached the spot Noble.
here a covered waggon, drawn by a holly " Morning;' said. the girl, "will be too
d white horse, stood waiting. late. I'm not .foolish ; I'm talking eense.
"Ton sit inside oat of the draught," Your name is Noble, isn't it ? "
id Smith, " seeinl yoteve got chilled at "Yes," said the young man.
le dept. The wind is kinder keen." "You've got a lot of money in that bag,"
"Thank you," Noble answered, and said the girl.
iortly finding the old man indisposed to " What makes you think so?" asked
lk, lie fell asleep under the dingy canopy, Noble.
a ;slept until the Budden stopping of the "I've heardthem talking about you," Bald
aggon and loud shouts from the driver the girl---" uncle and Sam."
:eased him. " Oh, they're mistaken, Middy," said
"What's the matter ? " ha cried, thrust. Noble, carelessly.
g his bee,d through a rift it the awning, "Mr. abbe,"Nold thngirl, " I'm riel*---' g
id from the shadows beyonffi-for night ray life to teyou this. -Uncle and Sam
a fallen while he slept -Smith's rough are all I've got, and . many a dishonest
doe replied, ; thing rye heard, that makes me sick to
"Darn it all, the horse has done it at last. think of, I've held my tongue about. But
Ws dead as a door nail, and yon can't get this is the first murder they've planned
1 the mines to -night, stranger, nohow. you to do.'1 .
in fix it." " Murder 1" gasped Noble.
"Let me look at the animal," said Noble. "They know all shoat you," .said Middy-
Perhaps' he's not dead." "Last week they robbed the mall; they've
t know more abouthoraes that you do," done that before; bob this time they, got a
id Smith, " if you'll eXCUte My SOYillg it. letter from you, and know just what you've
11 have to aek yenta stay at my: place to. got there "-and she named the manor.
,ght, I'll borrow a there- to-mOrrow and redly. "Then uncle got your telegram,
,ke you up to Mallish'e." " • • , offering to take it to the Mellielies. So he
" Yon are very good," saidNoble. a Per- knevr when yon were coming -Mr. Menials.
molly, I'm not in haste, but Mr. Mellish didn't. There was no accident ; the-, horse
id good reagens for wishing to see me isn't dead; that was all a trick; Sam took
i-inght ; he should have -sent a better him home. It wae just to. get you. here,
nse for me." . , ' .. . After awhile uncle will come up to give you
" Oh, that's my horse," said the farmer, some hot drink--.4t's- f all ot. laudanum-
nghing. " He gave nee the job to fetch don't take it -pretend to: ',,..When yob. hre
. .- . -
sti. Guess he had roechiti for not ending sound asleep Sam and -uncle mean *0 hillsettung
Ike from his place. ..Welyosses are po be you, 'and bury . yon, . and keep the money.
rgeoted,1 suppose. Thu way; stranger, ; There 1 I swear-itt" . , . - . .
li take hold of you. I know the way in "Great heaven! is it possible ?" ,gasped
le dark." Noble. • . :' - , ,
And .ehortly Noble found himself emerg- "05, my God, it is 1" sighed Middy. ,
.g from the darkness -9f the starless night " Pretend to drink the stuff ; then• whenhe
to &little area of yellow light that fell is gone, climb out of the window ; I'll *nit
•om a lantern swinging before ' the porch for you below. Will emu ?"
! a shabby.lookbag house.. • "Yes," said Noble., • . '''. ' , ..- ,
As Smith; With the freedom. of the owner He stared nt her, half believing her, half
! the place, filing open the door, Noble fancying her mad, and, with a motion of
'light eight Of the figure." of a girl of 17, her hand, she disappeared , from- ,the
ho sat crouched upon the hearth before a window, , • . .
.azing fire. ., A moment d Smith
more ancame up the
The girl was ahandsome creature, and atairs, with a steaming glass in his hand.
. . .
i she sprang linlitty. ood atertly. to ,her 'A night-oap, straoger," he,satdott , . . ,,Charles,
let, Noble sa*.that,..'she .owed... nothing to " Thank you," said Noble t„,,jiiet What '
ze assistance of dress. Her hair was out I. was wishing' for.. Can yeti give me some .
Hirt like a boy's ; he dress Watt a faded thing to make my plilow, higher.? 1 oarat-,
slico, made withontsregard to the fashion ; sleep with my head low," . . - , : . .
ad her shoes Were the teugheet speciirieng ' Smith grunted and went to the farther
the cobbler's art. ' ,,.. . ' . -, Timer, where FiOnie'eld garmentalitthg.? As
, . . .
She stood- io: 'the " lolae of the firelight he turned hie beak Noble emptiedthe glass.
. ..
'Whet Manton a Pester Ts.
yzahkyienfts rimer le plearient bitetee -I
" 1 I 1 rg it doeen't contain
ee *1°. %Yee • -4 °
ruuell "'ding. metier'
it we omit totes folks say we smoothing
but Moils.
If we publish original tnetter they blame
AO for not. steles mentions.
If we give eelootions people say 'we are
lazy for not writing more and giving theta
What they have not read in some other
If we give a oomplimenterynotioe we are
censured forbeing pone!.
If We don't every one says we are no
If we remain in our emu attending to
oar halm= fella say we are too vomit°
mingle with other fellows. _ _
If we go ont they gay We don't attend to
our hasineee,--fiuurance Observer, Landon.
• A Woodetoch Armless Hous. .
The following statement made by Bar-
nuiree 0 Analog elan" to an intmviewer,
may be of Want: 44 I WAS horn. aunties
and although I am devoid of those mid
edioncte to tha histosn fume, the arms, I
aro not helplese. for by diligent proothe I
hese hereane ewe to perform all the Man.
eery dates of life AO eadly Ind relatly.1113
those who are bleasea with army. Ireton
been born iirmlese r have net lostIiittol,
therefore, / soma no hew whatever, and 00
am quite as independent as any one. Why,
I oan wash, drool, shave myself. 'prepare
ray own food, and. while sleeted at an or-
dinary table upon a common chair can
feed myself as easily and readily as a per.
son can with handri. I have bean travelling
for the past eighteen years and have never
employed. any assistance Whatever, but
have performed all the necessary offices of
life for myself. X was born in Woodatook,
County of Oxford, PrOvinee of.Ontitio,Oan,
ads, on the 6th of July, 1855, so therefore
am now 84 years OH."
• The Veiled Widow.
Visitore to the ruing of Denby:Mine
Abbey, so long the burial Vitae of Scottish
• . - .. - .
-royalty from the days or, a margaret sue,
Malcolm Oanmore, will not fail to remain.
'be r an exquisite piece of statuary by Foley
in the modern church sr . i hi h '
run n.g, w 0 re.
presents a veiled widow weeping over the
Corpse of Gen. Bobett Bram, brother to a
former English Minister at 'Washington,
and himself cetehrated as the governor of
the Prince of Wales. It is one of the levee
liest produotione of modern Sotliptilni and
is tecalled now by the incident of the end-
den death in a railway station of Mrs.
Bruoe, the widow demoted on the tomb.
She was a great favorite of the Queen and
heldeaposition in the royal household to
the last. Curiously enough she will be.
buried in London instead of at Danferin-
line, where her effigy is the ,most striking
thing in even that historic town.
Chriatmisa Commodittes.
A oryatalvitteigrette in the most delicate
• '
of wine colors, is new, the oover incasing it
being of filigree gold, over which rough.
sapphires are strewn effeetively.
'Pendent from % itolden pipe is seen a
hunch of pearls, the link invisible, forming
an oaa scarf -pin device.
In Park one of the latest batmen of
evening drawl, catered to by &oilers in
noveltiee is the °reactant of nnburxiished
gold. '
As taste rans toward the fanciful, a
green tree frog forms an expengive brooch,
the effects being obtauThed by the •
priate use of emeralds, the eyes beainPgPro°f
rubies e • •
A glistening lizard has the natural colors
effeeted by means of emerald blending off
to the diatnond and ruby, while a realistic.
looking eee.tartie is a flashing mass of
emeralds, the bordering of the shell beingof
diamonde, the eyes of rubies.
A small brae, with handle of chased gold
and bristles of fine silver wire, is a late
Queen chain pendant.
A new brooch stinulates a large Gains.
borough hat. one side being turned up,
forming the groundfor a number °Hashing
diamonds. -
An Opal, in the shape ole heart, !rained
with a eqaare of rabies and eapphires, te a
novel brooch.. .
Among the new Queen chitin pendointe,
so faebionable a domino, with the imote of
different jewel's, is 'unique.
In silver bookmarkg, a Petty oddity is a
tflag-staff, from whioh flies a pennant ; at
the bottom is a small insert between
the leaves of the book. -Art Stationer.
sleep is Necessary;
_ ...,
in this ago of hurry and worry,
oonsegoent nervotte exhaustion, of N
much a now heard, the neoessity oi
sufficient sleep cannot be insisted r
forcibly, says the London .Hotpita
TO lay down any hard and fast
its reget-'ation Ulna possible, for. us
. -
tahaaire bearamatwaoaraikeertayfeqinuirefacizoreaaatet3
k 'I h - h h*
wor ors i e Wia " ta Power*
shoulti take from eight to nine hoot
out of every twenty-four.
a Charles Lamb did not think eigl
nongh, whereas Sarah Bernhardt 1
hoots a sufficient quantum of sleep.
Cannlbalisin in Africa.
According to meant information maw&
balisra is very 'prevalent in some places
in western Afrioa near to the British
settlement if not actually in* the pro-
tectorate itself, and so serious arid Ire-
qnent has become the .kidnapping of indi-
vidneas who have gone out alone that in
some parts persons dare not venture beyond
their own town for fear of capture. Several
oasesare reported to have taken place on
the broad road from Bendoomah to Dodo
and Itibbim. Six persons are reported to
have been killed and eaten.
A Hint. Por Tour Lovers' Christmas.
The •new osnes which •
are occasionally
seen in the hande of men uptown combine
a good many . valuable points under the
usual and neat looking exterior, says the
New York Sun. The.cane generelly has a
silver handle of thatirdinary right angle
shape, with a email Watoh set , in one dor-
nor; the lower end of the.handle is arrang.
ed so that it will hold a dollar in five-oent
pieces, a spring pushing the coins up go that
one may drawn out at the top by a gloved
thumb or finger.... The other end of the
handle has a sprileg top, Ind is fitted to
carry matoliee. Thus equipped, a good
many of the unnecessaries of life are avoid-
ed, pertionlarly in the winter when unbut.
toning tWo or three coats to get at a watoh,
a match, or a pocket book involves every-
thing, including &Ms and profanity.
Testing a Spring Chicken.
Young Husband-4We= tome, r
this chioken is pretty tough.
Young Wife -I know it is, and
understand it at all. I picked it out
"Did you examine it oloasty?" •
"Indeed I did. I looked in its
the first thing, and I could see it
even out its first. teeth yet." -N
His Vocation Would Be Gene.
"Young man," said. the terriperance
orator, "i* there was no liquor in the world
you would not be standing round on the
corners, ont of work."
"But you would," came a yoke from the
Circumstances Alter cases.
Moneybags (to Hopefulj-See here, yon
eoemp 1 You'll have to out down. your col-
lege expenses. Now, when I was a boy-
Hopeinl--That's all right ;." I have a rich
father and you hadn't.
How to Eat in Company.
The knife should be held by the
only. Do not tote% the blade wi
finger. The fork ehould not be hel
the whole hand except when outti
raising the food to the lips holdthe
the end of the handle, propos tips
tween the first finger and that
handle resting on the Second flog'
roit Free Press. .
PRINCE Cnatenten,. the Oldest son. of the
Crown Prince of Denmark, who is at pre-
'sent serving his year in the rank* of the
common soldiers; ie the tallest • Prince hi
Europe. Heretofoke the Emperor of Reside
has had this honor, but "Pr3.008 Olariatian,
as was discovered during the Czaens recent
trip to Predenshorg, is several inches taller
than that monsioh. When the Emperor
was received at the station. his regiment
was ordered as the guard of honor and
Prince Christian was obliged to *" present
arme " whlie the rest of his family greeted-
the Emperor.' The only mary which d id. -
tingaished the friture King from the
peasants about. him was the 'Maximilian
decoratiou whieh he wore on lite:breast.
' 13 • t ' Moody,71f South Dakota, las
Sonator o,
made Mansell a reoord early inkis career
' . ' . - .
by ..'getttng hie eon appointedt a Page 10 the
Senate at a salary of e2.50 *day. Se fax
..,... ' t't t the most si nificant
see, youth tons x ta ,es e , m ..e . ... .
page in his thrifty sire's record,
,, 7 ..
mornin ..' the ' body of. MTS.'
' &Atte,' Who was cOok on the steather (Shinto
at the time she was horned, was .fonnd on
, thealiore a short distance from the place
where the, steamer was desteoyed. The
body bore bet few reerke °I injury' When
the commission resumed its investigation.4
. into the 'Quint's , disaster at the. MayOr'S
office . Belleville' yeaterday, damaging tsvi-
„. • , , .,_ ,,,, A 74. s4,
'dence was given "y ereniut; :741arcleasworl.
, one of She pa g , . . .
t.that had the crew lowered the lifeboat in
tithe not a lite- *hilt'. :•..liatae -inc.n lost.
,,Clie,e. A... tlarte Med gave similar testimony.
tHe said the life, preservers were not avail -
',--‘, t celled. to sett yeti joriCail a';',13illtter•
of curiositY " shod therdime, ratiohni. moo.
He •He roaehed'Iter •
P .
" My dear," said Mr. Lushly, in a tone
of mild reproach which, broke a silence
which was becoming oppressive, "when I
came up the steps last night I did not walk
with the firmness that is one of thy char-
aoterietics when I am--er-in perfeot
health." .•
"No," wag the. coolly spoken . reply;
.'" yon did not."
,'" And4 remarked just before entering
the house, 'Mrs. Lushly, the mcion is fall:
, . "Yes, you dJa."
" And you dtan't say a word."
"Not a word." • ' , .
" Perintt. me to remark, Mre. Lushly,
that you. boat- the opportamity,of yen life
for repartee. •
A New Cold-Atir Supply. ,
A company fa said to have .been organ.
ized in New York City to supply 'cold air
jest as deem heat and gas are . supplied,
through pipes laid in the , streets. It ie
proposed in a short time to supply' this
cold air. to the .b,utohers .of Washington .
Market,' end; if the prOjed 'pr.:lifer!' 'ft , end-.
gg to teOd the slimily its restaurants'
Ce , ex , .. . ..
and saloons,' and possibly summer resorts.
The supply may be . regulated bylecock.
The lir ie made ' frigid by the ammonia
. . . ..
System. ' ' ' - - ' ' . '
Re w,onid Live Alwayro
. A man who was deeply in debt 1
unto death. -
"Ah," he sighed, " if I dada o
. ,
until I had. paid off My debts." •
"Humph 1" sneered the dootor, t
"you want to live ;forever,,do you?
-A great many " buy " 'words
used from now toteg ()bridals&
. -A child looks-imon the most
boy peddler as a man of rare gifte.
-The traveller, like the ' biri
sometimee be daught by patting sal
tale. - . , ''
. ' • - '
• wHAT ISTAmm you BLUE?
- •
why do you yield to the lblues ? ,
You can be gay if you choose ;
-, Ilaydl our full'ineasure
of joy and or pleasure.
are a fool to refuse l
What though you've bills overdue
What though no msid'en loves Yen
You can laugh. , ,. • . •
Ela l ha I ha!:
Yon canehaff;
1 ha 1 ha 1
What :in the world makes yeti blue
--7',hat nine lives and occasic
kit ten
-,-Jeff Davis , ;died in .poverty,
$45,000. . .-
Barometer. (to ,,alcusticffic therm
-I san happy to.dey. 1 am es,
How .are you? Thermometei
. .
t ' ' h d d
spin a ate very nano °prime .
. . ..
` T --Fast TurkeY.---How do you fee,
and TarketeeaToneh, .
__ - . . • .
. a Deek's Age.
Age 'y' you Iona ,.tif.dtiok ? seri a...writer in,„
the ()hinge !Tribune. Do toti shoot your.
sante or ny i v „„
Is ' 1? If on buy it ho do
- - ' w •','"-"
know. it is young. or old? Do ycitt ',want tO
- ' ,..
knoW, Z I'll tell Yen.' ' '''' * . ':' '' - ''''''
Take the . duck and hold . it . at arm's
length, 'Straight from . the .thoulderilitethe
lower part of the KM. „If the . bill ,breaks
, f ..'t *eine the meat then the duok
.roht sphere 1,..j . „„ , _ _ _ ,., _ „ , _
18 Y94.11. g*.. It doesn't„atm', !)..oy,i.t?.,i. 0 . .
The duck being old the meat is 'nigh
tb . - - t - grail . t' . b ejii
BO. 0, ,.1, ,laii „90:, , y,., ,hong , 0 4F; , ;,i
It is au infallible rule.: -Ha
, ,
. -z, , .,-, ,-7, -r,, • •
,.., " .„,,e. ,. ,„ , ' z. ',I•ertienlI8I'f'
, . ".y do you call 'that . colored Man s'
. blacikmailer 7 " • • -
" Because he: is employed at the post-
office. And that ain't the worst of it."
4. ICT 9 41
t•'° - -
" No, sir; his wife takes hush money."
. ,4.Y on don't ,saysot " ,' ' u
, tt.I do. • She e e___..„...,_child nurse.
What He Wants.
"Give me free .ore,” said, . the speaker,
"*d I'll sell pig . ' iron in Liverpool and
send Steel rails to Londint. What, Arnett--
oen„ industries most want, is free opportn•
tatty, and not legielative protection nor
eeeteietion."-Intervitto with the • President
ot the. Pennsylvania Steel Company.
. . . , . , ____.......a.
4. Fehaergba (arguing . in, , defence of 'hie
f 'It ale Shat personal beautyis not
. svg 4 .° , .
'Yu -.1 ill t
wooru o au u. r,03 104), , contend., ° -
bean)* has nothing *0 da wttet. a you,..n.„ g we:
man's ohtef °hence of getting a hueband.
. 2 , -.. ... '
1"11 leave it to any married woman oa ,. the
moraine ifema, eo ' - - '
' • - - ' ' '
.--,There will he ap eclipse of the son oo.
. - ' , ' ' ' ' • .
. —Will get. it in the neck—The Christ.
. .. - • ' ,
mas turkey. , , , , , . .,.. .
---One. reason trhy girle.Oannot be logiaai
. , ,
is that they are', too fteid of begging the
nru.cition. .• , ,' ' •' . .
ao wadi
ill for=
to akt..
lie haft
ote give
ba Mil -
store 01
Jed at
ya gide
y thaara t
1 fewer
hem fa
ters oE
and nce
tad thl3
le mtUI51
et 13-53
isp San -
with its
hi& so
pon too
1 Kean -
redo tar
an the
• brake
ta lane
d sleep
t bona
ads Bic
y learg.
ezo York
bit your
d. with.
g. Its
fork at
gad, bee
b, the
as sialk
nip live
will be,
on his'
nalltr se.
ay up.
- My
2 Sees-