The Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-26, Page 5OGS WJNTEDI campers burry on your store hogsand,fat- ten thorn for the market from' Jaituavy to June. We have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hog.' in order to melte the paomita of ho • a bu,,ucss throughout the year. We endeavor to' buy at whatever the price is. enough live bogs during these months to run oar packing houe. As this business is beiogzaeglected during• the late 'winter and sprlug utotabs, we think those who have hogs suitable for our regniremeats will reap a big benefit. We want hogs not less than 140 lbs., and not over ,229.. lbs , and will ive a handsome price for the same. Recollect we shalt not buy a ilret;Ket1 hog this ss -inter, whereas we pack ect 0,000 sed tl e; hogs r 't x• h g after fit, as winter, J. L, GIANT & CO., Ingersoll. TO THE LADIES, Miss Down wishes to inform the ladies of Exetersnd'vzcinity, that she has learned Prof- D. ?* oody's tailor system of Dress and Mantle Ct;tt ig, and that ithe lass Opened a Dress Malting Establishment at the Residene lately occupied by 11UR. RICHARD HANDFORi) on Gidley street, She will be prepared to receive orders fron all Ladies wishing neat and; glove-fittiu dresses and suits, and tea& upw the totes aityles at re ;sous lima prices. Dee.1S,Onz conEverest's utty I spppakfrom expgriencc•n,„e'h Syruis the ,'0,P?o], leek Oatpt Militias, Forest - 0, The•'tnarelaist; Frattint, who threw a bomb front from the cllatmber of de- puties into the Piazza Colonni,r in Au- gust last, waS SOiltenee . at Roane on Saturday to fiftetn years'. imprison meet, As he was led from the dock he cried. "'Long litre anarchy!" Everest's Cough Syrup is, the best in, the country—Deacon 1'ursall Pottiest,1. 0, Irl alu opoix leiter to Archbishop Du - Immo], Mr. A Freehette, chairman of the French committee of the Ottawa seperete school board, reports an inter- view with his grace in which the let- ter gives expression to his views as re- gents the powers of the church in the school irlattere--'vie- 's that will lee Toad with interest, and possibly amaisrnent,. Eay School Report. The school report for .S, S. No. 2, is as followsr---I''ie•riR—.-John Chapman. bat:. Fouarnr;—•.Isomer Russell, John e Campbell, Willie Hurray, Jur Penn- th,--F,,llen Shirray, Chas. Aldwortb Alfred lleTaggart, Tllntee-TSarah Blackwall, Kate chalerien, i .het At- kinson. Slip.. Srags.u;--,Nettle O'Brien, s Atlee Gould, AnnieNortli Ott• Jti' t SECOND:—Ralph Chaprrta n, ll'inud Rus- sell, Beatrice Warren, SRN. SECOND B It '-lolliti Northcott, Nellie Gould, Joseph. No �t1(o tt. S a ,suC oY D PaItT. •--BNC t>,io Nx oitllco � tk 1 l l le Jackson, Sarah Tierney, FIRST, l?�, ti:—Jno, 'road, Willie \\ arron4 hnry Bush. That tirl,languid feeling anii dulltl hea . tceisvery disagreeable, Take tWII of' • , tore Little Liver Paha before retiring, and you will Andreliet', They never fail to do gaga, The ppaopa has itstrueted: the Catholic la .rar,y in France to issue orders to iso clergy to pursue a conciliatory eoluse toward the republic in the fut- ure. The% snake ane feel us thougl➢ life was worth living Take one ofVarter's Little Lives er Pills after vatting; it will relieve dvape,p• s,a, ails i qaC on ' d t give uterava t vigor to o S andthe A disease of the eye i8 "'epidemic a• Illtint; tlhce ehildren attending U: ,. Iaeo at Worms, ;end all of the institutions of learning in that city are consequently* £AS IVr, TO 3zov ETLS. Aix you disturbed atnight and broken ofyens rest icy s sick child silrrering and erring wit pain or cutting trent ? Ir so. send at onto an get aAotalooflTnv.lV a.ow'aiSoosllanoSrlw.!' r018C11irysi i'.t'ana1cNo. 'Loraine isincaalcul able, 1tn i11 rn 1evotlsapoorlittiosul1ereriuim dinteiy Depend upon 1t, mothers, there 1w><s rosins to abouti1. It coma dysentery antl4in . rine, regulates thestotnaelt and bowels, cur whndeoltc, softens 1llogums,reducca 1oanmui tion, and Rives tone and anergy to the nhol system. M its.wryaLow'aSoorulvoSrnvrrro Czi , rsTlatirut:inispleasanttothetastean is the proscription of'ono otthe oldest anti. new Tet n 9 nlenu C r, a and iil;yallolnns In the United states, anis SS for 11410 by all druggists through. vat tho world. Brice a1N maw a-40We. A NOVA SCOTIAN'SOPINION Ralrort C. W003maia➢ 1)l 1,s , N. S writes IN t'oltuwi Enclosed find a'it for another .Large hottlaofNa,salSaint.which you will place ,eua ma ltv first midi. The bottle' gent for gonia Unto ago henelltted. ma very much m ore than s.ny other 1prerttration laver tried, 'fhe London letter carriers and other employes of tht; l,ost•oil cot department held a blas, meeting in Hyde Park yesterday to agitate the question of a general eight-hour law, a yearly he eye'ast', of saleries end the right of work- er: in the civil service to put liely air their grievances wialout prejudice to their intaalists. THE LANES'AND STREETS Of aetty anrelilosilto, veins and arteries of the boilytif foul or impure. disraee result. Cleatn a the hl000d from font humors by me tog Burdock Dims& hitters, the frust blood Fi „ medicine i q quer devised to euro roll lased dis- orders front as common pimple to the worst scrofulous ,ore, *There is great excitement in the City of Mexico over the ennoulreeluent of the successful floating of Mexican loan, as it had beee officially announced that no loan was contemplated. PREVAILING SICKNESS. { The most prevalent complaints at this sea- son are rheumatisrm,neuralgila,sore throat, these' �nii other and ainfulo congestions. gy ard's Yellow Oil is the best internal remedy. An express train was held upon the San Angelo branch of the ,Sante tic' road the other night. The robbers only got $42. Brakeman Penn was fatally shot. WORN OUT AND RUN DOVE v. By disease and debility the human system becomes worn out run down before its time. Keep the head clear, the bo~,volsregular, the blood pure.. t he kidneys and liver active by the use of I3arriocl: • flood Bitters, noturo's great tonic and regulator, azld disease can- not licDoriaalel, the St. Jelin poisoner, has been found not guilty on the ground that he was insane at the time of com- mitting the act. Fie will be kept in close c confinement.. IF YOU HAVE A COUGH, Do not neglect it, It•thoulcl be loosened as soon as possible and to do this ;nothing ex- cels Hagyardts Pectoral Brlsam. obstinate coughs yoilaeto .cetoitsexpectorant,sooth- ing and healing properties, while colds,. horrsonoss,wbnoptng cough, asthma, etc.,. aro promptly relievedby its perfect aotion on the throat and brogchial tubes. The soldiers comprising the Papal army are hensaforth to be armed and ;quipped with guns' uniforms and ac- outremerits• patterned after those in use in the Prussian military service. cure Farquhar. Mr. Henry Webb has assigned to Wm, Cornish for the general benefit of his creditors, Liabilities about V1500 assets not stated, -There will be a grand. Christmas Tree �and entertain - p meat tit the Thames Road Presbyterian Church on !Christmas night,—On Wed- nesday, of last week Thomas Bell went to the woods to have revenge on Itis neigltlwrs Iiuld judging front the way he used his scuts asci tongue we judge Ire will yet be a match for,I L. Sullivan n at any rate his sparring stems good u. for one so young, Sunshine, elesed. The anniversary services, in connect. as ion with tilts appointment of the Elim - k vine circuit, went held on Sunday Inst, the 221ttl insD,, and considering the un- favorable tt- fav r b . o a 1(r :, kat#a of the roads and wcatlt- cr were a ;rent success. Rev. W. H. Guile, at former pastor of the eiren't, preaclted tiro sermons, morning and 'evening, and delivered an address to the► parents and snpportors of the Sun day School on the sub•act'"TheSunday tieIiool of today, the xlatiou of the future." All these services were well attended laud Mr. Galla Mlle- austatiiled his reputation as a close and topical reasoner, •1 he eulrjt'ct of the morning discourse was based on the old and well-worn text --"Train up a child in the war he should go, atm when are is old he will not depart from it." But though the text was old the thoughts and ideas deduced from it were Trow anis original and well wtleulated to in- spire Sunday school workers and par- ents with a true conception of the great responsibility resting upon them, for on their hands was consigned the power of making or marring thefuture of those committed to their caro and guidance. The sermon in the evening based on "For every tree is known by his own fruit, For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes" was a masterly eflbrt. For upwards of fifty -minutes the preacher kept the attention of the large audieneeriveted, ns with his well known ability ---he unfolded the rich truths as conveyed in that passage. The closing exhortation was.touching, as the preacher urged upon all the im- portance of Godly livin; that the great average would be swelled by each in- dividual's effort. Mr. Gane is proudly called by the people of this'appointment "the Fathczr of pSueshine" for ` to his energy as an organizer, this place of worship owes its existence, It was only mete these that they , should feel much interested in hearing the sound of his voice again'withirt.the. walls of that edifice. Those who were fortun- ate enough to shear him this tine -were not disappointed„,and wi;ii, no 'doubt, feel e much benefited,. spiritually and intellectually.r SUDDEN CHANGE. HRS. GEORGE FLEWELLING' St. John, N. B}V . rites.—, I suffered from weakness and costiveness. ro I bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before.i finished it, not- ieed a chang�e. After Wing three bottles I aril now entirely eared and recommend B, B. • B. as a positive cure for costiveness.” .Ml the colliers in the greatest mines in the Charleroi district of Brussels have gone on sri;ike. They paraded the streets, mold g a very tubulent demonstratioe.. "1 he civil' guard' was called out. WELL ELLE ASED. DEAR•, SIRS,TI can recommed Hagyard's Yellow Oilas a sure euro. .fozr 'rhenmeitism. T had it foga some time and was cured bo two bottles, and l rust say 14 is the best'thing I can get forgeneral use as a pain reliever. J.Mv'rSelty; Stratoavon, Ont. The Russian government has issued a decree imbosingadditional limitations upon the traffic on the German fron- tier, making the regulations : goverr•- inn commerce almost prohibitive. A general outcry has been raised against the new order on bothsides of the bor- der line, but it is unlikely that the pro- test will compel a modification of the edict. Usborne. , ScnooL REpowr.=The following are the names of pupils in S:S. No, .6 who obtained 50°/, or over, during the month of December. FIFTH CLASS.—E. Brit$acombe 89 C. Johns 88, A. Andrew 86, C. Andrew 85, J. Turnbull 79,,D. Cathcart, 76, G.Pow- elil 69, E. Robinson 63. Femme Ce Ass.—L.. Andrew 73, C. Delbridge 69, R. Johns 66, N. Hind 65, H. Spicer 62, E. Turnbull 61, W. Johns 60, (Y. Miners 58, E. Johns 54. THIRD CL ASS,—ilI • Brimaeombe 64 A. Francis 62, A. Earl 60, W, Clements 55, L. Halls, 55;'.-E Smith 55, L. Hey wood 50. Sni SECOND CLASS—A. Hunter' 82, F. miners 79, L. Krause 76; E. Andrew 75, S. Johns 74, F. Brown 74, H. Kyle 64, I. Upshall 63, A. Miller 53, E. Powell 52° , Jn. SEColvd—CLASS, =S. Clement e 89, N. Fletcher, 79 0. Franeis 71, T. ; Flet- cher 70, E. Clements: 70, A. Smale6t,M Miners 68, S. Smith 53. PART SECOND CLASS L. Johns 85, L. Vail 72, G. Spicer 61. FIRST PART.—G, Wilcox 88, E. Fran- cis 86, J. Herdman 80, E. Delbridge 76, W. Francis 75; N. Fletcher 74, 0. Haw- kins 68, C,. Johns 68, E. Cooper 67, L. Robinson 56, E, Brown 56. G. W. Holman, Ther: To :Oar Subscribers. ' The SI'ECFAL ANX0V110EAIENT which appeared in our colunius some time since, announcing a Special arrange- inent with Dr. 13..1. KreinALL • Co, of Enosburgl;allisVt,p , u biishcrs of "A Treatise on the Iforse and bisDisease," whereby oursubseribers were enabled to obtain a copy•of that valuable work FUEL by sending their address to Dr, J, B. ICENDALL Ce. (and en- closing a two -cent stamp for mailing same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaning this val. nable -work. To every lover of the Horse it is indispensable,as it treats in a silnpi° manner all the deseases which aWiet this noble animal, its pIienorn- inal sale throughout the United States and Canada, made it Standard author- ity, .Wsntion this paper waken sending for ',Treaties" .---Oct,.31-I3t, Winohelseaa Mr. John Richardson has purchased Mrs, Peuwardon's house and lot. Great preparations for the Christnllts tree at Sunshine aro being; made, It will be held on. 25th. On Friday last the stock of the estate of 4r,. John Sample was sold, by public miction, The weather 'teas wet and bidding wasvery brisk, WasllerwOman's friend is London Electric; Soap, Catarrh, Catarrhs,1 Deaafp4e4snay Fever. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagion; or that they are due to the presence of tieing parasites in the lining mem- brane r'al 1G ofU t tl nose .call and ousts h' a tall tubes Microscopic researe1i,however,hasprov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a supple remedy has been forme Weil whereby eatarrh, catarrhal dee - ness and hay fever 'are permanently eured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient ()mein two weeks. N. B.—For Cater. that discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat memt is sent on receipt of ten cents by A, H. Dixon & Son. 803 West King. St,, Toronto, Canada.—Sciantitio.tmeri- can. Sufferers from e° `•arrhal trouble should carefully rend the above. (10.22'88) When Baby was sick, wo cavalier °Astoria. When abe Has a mid, she cried for Maori When she became Miss; sho clung to Cnstorla.. When ahohed Children, she gavothean Castoris,. TICE. A Fresh -and New Stock of• 1roceris Sc OoRtiois. JUST ARRIVED AT TNR Family :-: Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with lib of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood. Rxoller, Flour For Sale, - Why is it Call and : examine our : goods . that in other towns before purchasing elsewhere. and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs hoto- gi aaphs that are :taken r� 1 i 4 41.P i ly)xepter, Arid how is it that there are SO loony photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any- of the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz,. while they get them' at 'Senior's for $3.00. CLOT N J. SNE: st_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock E5 f�66 AN➢ WINTDB IN THE, FOLLOWING LINES ;: West of England Settings and Trans cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser - bags. Freneleand English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style - at best Rates, eS. A. J. SNELL. S'G]DLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer or THE TOWN ? have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand,w • which � will sell at right prices. llNDERTAKINQ A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GI Central Shaving Parlor, EXETER, Ontario. Lr i PROPRIETOR. Every, Attention paid to Ladies' mid Children's Hair Cutting AGENT FOR TROY LAXJNDRY, a. Massa. Exeter PotoSillaio. G. A. HYIlD»1Ai. HENRY WELLS, Bwer an4 jilaISior GODERICH, ONTARIO., —o—o— MANUFACTURER 'OF Wofts' gcicfirafgg Pf}RTER, ' XXX Porter, a Specially. EXETER 'MARKETS. Wheat per bushel: $75 to 82 Barley 4o, tm 47 Oats. 2S to 25 Peas - .. 52;to, _58 Eggs per ion' 13• to .13 :.17 Butter, Roils . ;'„ „ to ei,. Butter, Crocks 16 to .16 Geese per •. 6''to 6 Potatoes per hush— 60 to 60 Hay per ton 9,25 to 70.00 ROYAL HOTEL, LSGAN, ONTARIO, L HODGINS PROP. The Bar supplied with best brands of Liquors and Curs. e,rand *Union Hotei�, CS.FSISTOMT ` — C1�TT liR20 n14 r'sed and -;.Imprqved. 30 rooms elegantly' furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season,. 8 convenient sample ,rooms. House : heated with hot air; `Electric bells thoughout.. Si PER DAY, R. 3. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. READ -MAKER'S 50 "1"3E1.41.01/3 NEPER FAILS T0' OIYE SATISFAOT10N FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, Furniture and Undertaking. _-0: TO— Rowe viii Andrews' BED -ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOU GFS AND 1 THE PRICES EASY CHAIRS. Veterinary Dentistry The undersigned h vin g a Ea purchased a corn= plete sot of Dental Instruments, 50(1 having the:necessary experience i8 that tiny, wishes to inforn, the people of this section that he is fully prepared to execute all VETERINARY DENTISTRY intrusted to him en the Shortest notice. Oharges moderate, A Trial Solicited. Wnl, Sweet, V. S. DOWN GO Tia Largest Wsa'erooms ilx town. Undertaking outside of the Undertak- ers Ring, in alt its Branches. opus day and night, STAND --One door north of Molsou's liA Bank. IN ST. EXETER. W. SOUTHOOTT, Col'. Main and. John St. Exeter,.' • Ontario. Ilas just opened out a full line of FASHIONABLE Fall a�� Wifllel' TWEEDS, Together with afill line of LtBN1I FRNIinN aS Such as t'nlaundred Shirts, White dressed, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Underwear, Collars and Cud's, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Suspenders, Gloves and iIalf hose, Our prices aro close and liberal terms All our Tweeds cut free of charge. W. SOUTIICOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, zn order to make room for; our fall purelaas- es wiaielt are now arriving, we of- fer reduced prices nz Summer res$ a-Dods, MusUxzs,Prints,Lac es, Dmhroideries, &s, ;also balance of Summer 'ifillinery at coat. SUCARS! pch ehe lwas pureI quantity Srf'cof r Sugar vyl�Ad- vamp which we are offering at less than pre• stilt wholerale cast. Car values in Teats and Coffees aro A-1 and are not exceneti in the County. call 11 sa ic' 1 tted and an inspection invited .111 kinds of produce taken in exchange. eor Butter. -14 cents; Eggs, 14 cents. Happel & Olcgboi'n, ZURICH, The Old Stand a SR If you want an e,..'ac ti shave as gored as barber ever gave �j7uTstt Ball at E. IL FISH'S SHAVING ING " SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon, He will cut and dress the hair gracefully- to suit THE CUSTOMS OF THE FACE. allies' hair dressing done to perfection.. Stand near the Post Office, ►is. The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his FPIL ASI WINTER STIJIJL INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS .AND SHOE. Thosewishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices. Best Roller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22-'8S.) s. GofEcML) LRiz) First Class RI6$ And HORDED. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW 7 . ► HOUSE . r t sr OR A z THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO, Terms r z^,e�oa Flo Telephone Connectten, 12 Pounds OF WHITE For $1. c. MALLA OIbs. Raw sugar jilefoliao Tailor. FOR $1. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. � xuth 50L hon, Ile has in stock some of the ` finest Winter goods to be .found on. the market.. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SM11144.COMBE. AT THE CITY II OTEI'J LONDON, 'ONTARIO. per day,. 3. & J, ll eMARTIN Proprietors. J. MATHESON. Naw BOOT a ZO TOflC W.H. Trott wishes to announce that, he has • opened out business in the stand recently occupied occu P by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class rs-class BOOTS & SHOEs for all customers. A CAL SOLICI TED. Our, motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT.