The Citizen, 2005-03-17, Page 13THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005. PAGE 13. B. McGavin greets at Duff’s United FROM WALTON Family travels Marvin. Wendy, Derek and Halley Bachert have returned from a trip to Nicaragua. They were there to visit with Marvin’s brother Mark and his wife Brenda, who are missionaries. The first day was rather exciting for them after they left the airport. They were warned not to stop at stoplights, but being law-abiding people, they did, and promptly had two of their travel bags stolen from the back of their pickup truck. They attended Sunday school classes, and gospel meetings with Mark and Brenda. They toured the area around Jinotepe, a sugar cane factory, took a boat cruise to Granada, where an entire village is built close to the shore of the world’s largest fresh-water lake that contains sharks. They had a special close encounter with a mother monkey and her baby, that joined them on their boat. She left with a small bag of peanuts in hand. A tour of an old jail used during the last war was very creepy. After a drive to Managua the girls got to spend 30 minutes in the very pricey shopping mall. A trip to a pineapple farm was comparable to a roller coaster ride with scenery, as the road accessibility was not great. The purchased about 20 pineapples to bring home. They had a day trip to the Boquita beach where massive waves rolled in and a hot dog cookout was enjoyed. They went on a canopy tour which is a journey through the forest on cables with a harness around your waist and legs and a helmet for head protection. Gloves to protect your hands come with worn spots from braking to slow you down before crashing into the next tree stand. While there, they distributed baby packages and ladies care bags at the hospital. The hospital was nice but very plain. Packs were left for the premature babies as well as those in pediatrics and the baby ward. The main language is Spanish. Marvin helped Mark by giving the ministry with Mark interpreting at evening service. Their final tour was of a resort called Barcelo (known world-wide) where they swam, kayaked and enjoyed a wonderful buffet. Members and friends of Duff’s United Church, Walton were greeted by Brian McGavin on the fifth Sunday of Lent. During the time for the young at heart, the children heard about Stubear and his trip to FloraHouse, Winnipeg. Rev. Joan Tuchlinsky continued reading from the storybook on how Stubear was learning about taking care of the world. She asked the children how they could help and they thought picking up garbage and recycling would help. Stubear went home with Meagan and Matthew Campbell for his next holiday. The Walton youth presented the children’s musical Don’t Rock the Ark. It was the story of Noah’s ark from the animals’ point of view. The story was related by Grandpa and Grandma elephant to their two grandchildren'elephants. Noah’s family gathered and were discussing the plans for the ark. that God told Noah to build. They questioned Noah but he said “you've got to have faith.” The ark was built and two of every animal went on the ark. It was a very crowded boat with. Noah's family and all the animals and everyone was a little irritable, so a meeting was called. Noah reminded them they were all in the same boat. When the rain stopped, a dove was sent and returned with an olive branch, so they knew land was near. A rainbow appeared and Noah said it was a sign of hope, peace and God’s love. The family discussed their new world, as did the animals and decided they would try to live God’s way. The group received a standing ovation for their excellent presentation. Director Brian Black called all the young people to the front and introduced them. He also thanked them for all their months of choir practice and hard work, the parents for their commitment as well for help with props and costumes. Daughter Laura Black helped with staging and daughter Jennifer (Black) Spaulding for playing the piano. Taking parts were Ryan Baan as Noah; Bethany Black as Mrs. Noah; Cassandra Banks as Shem, the oldest son; David Pethick as Ham, the second son and Brandon McGavin as Japcth, the third son. Animals were played by Joelle Glanville, Mr. Elephant; Elephant; Jacob McGavin, Elephant; Abby McGavin, Ellie Elephant; Adam Baan, monkey; Cody Wilson, monkey; Mackenzie McGavin, lion; Edward Glanville. lion and Melissa Glanville. mouse. Congratulations to the wonderful group of young people who travelled on to Bluevale United Church for a second performance. The offering was collected by Graeme Craig and Ian Wilbee. This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week service. Rev. Joan will lead service on Monday at noon at Brussels United Church. Good Friday service is at Walton at 11 a.m. and Easter Sunday will begin with breakfast before service at 9:30 p.m. regular time. Congratulations United Church on successful auction. Congratulations Corrigan who graduated last Sunday from the Centre for Christian Studies in Winnipeg. The Bluevale Church family were able to experience the event via phone hook-up at the Bluevale United Church. to Bluevale having a very Laura Black, Mrs. Eli also to Nancy t ten NOTICE Returning from a pre-March break trip to Cancun, Mexico were the McIntosh girls Brenda, Jodi and Nicole. Joining them were Bridget Blake and two other relatives. The young ladies enjoyed speed boating, parasailing, snorkeling and other water sports. They also went on a jungle tour. Congratulations to Gary and Rachel Sutcliffe on the arrival of Ava Kerrigan last week. The baby is Man gets off to a rough start, however, suffering from heart problems. Following surgery in Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital, she is reported to be doing very well. We hope all will be home to Moncrieff Road very soon. Our best wishes go to the Sutcliffes. Marianna Ryan was celebrating her birthday many times last week. Joining her and Jack at the Walton Inn were Henry and Marianne Grobbink for birthday lunch. A special Chinese dinner was enjoyed by Marianna, Jack, Joe and Rhonda Ryan in Stratford as well. Congratulations to new parents Chris and Colleen Smith on the birth of son Christopher Alexander Marks (Cam) last week. All are doing well. Our sympathies are extended to Gloria, Keith, Kevin and Mark Wilbee on the passing of Gloria’s mother, Margaurite Hart of Seaforth. There were some local Walton ladies in attendance at the shower for Vicki Carter at Northside United Church, Seaforth. Grandma Marie Coutts, Great-Aunt Marg Bennett, and others report there was a good crowd in attendance with Vicki receiving many lovely gifts. Cassandra Banks is sweet 16 and celebrated with a co-ed birthday part. She had eight invited guests who enjoyed a delicious supper, numerous games and a great movie. Happy birthday Cassandra. birthdays last McCall, Alex Baan, Scott Williamson, Others celebrating week include Carali Melady, Allison Newman, Victoria Colton Hastings, Danny Achilles, Janet Webster, Karla Kale, Joanne Black, George Tervit, Jo-Anne Workman, Lisa Gingerich, Jim Humphries, Ross Mitchell, Murray Sholdice, Jack Nelemans, Edward Clark, John Welch, Ray Huether Jr. and Celeste Ryan. Celebrating an anniversary were Stan and Donna McClure. 2 years for drug charges in in tocourt March 14 of a controlled possession for the of trafficking and of a controlled One of two people arrested March 4 following a drug raid between Brucefield and Seaforth in Huron East, was sentenced to two years jail. Donald Hooper pled guilty Goderich production substance, purpose possession substance. The charges against his wife, Darlyne Hooper were withdrawn. During a search of the Huron East residence, officers found a large indoor grow’operation in the driving shed. They seized approximately $483,000 worth of marijuana plants and processed material. There was also $62,000 worth of growing equipment and an industrial generator valued at $12,000. Hooper received two years for the first charge, two years concurrent on the second and six months concurrent on the third charge. PUBLIC The 2004 Annual Water Reports for the municipali­ ty of Central Huron are now available for viewing at the Municipal Office, 23 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario. Steve Gibbings, Utilities Manager Municipality of Central Huron r Ml Think of it as spring cleaning for your mouth. When spring cleaning rolls < around... remember to book an appointment with your dental hygienist^* A spring cleaning in your mouth does a lot more than get rid of dust bunnies - it may prevent respiratory and heart problems later in life. Visit www.cdho.org or call the College at 1 -800-268-2346 for more information on dental hygiene and oral health. NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Huron proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act, 2001, and amendments thereto, for stopping up and closing and selling that unopened portion of James Street lying between the northerly limit of Goderich Street and the southerly limit of Queen Street in the Hamlet of Auburn. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear any person who claims that his/her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council scheduled for Monday, April 18, 2005. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all interested persons at the office of the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of North Huron during normal business hours, prior to the passage of the by-law. DATED this 16th day of March, 2005. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON Doug Layton, Reeve John Stewart, Clerk .Callage of Dental Nyglanlata of Ontario Colobraling 10 yeari of lelf-rogulolion (We have the authority to bind the Corporation)