The Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-26, Page 7AN ADVENXURE ON TklailIVEll.
Lest sammer, in the Clubdtouse of the
leenonteliewae Bait fiehers, a well-known
Venedian lewyer, told the following beery :
"Some yearn ago, wilds out for an atter-
aoores flailing with my eon Harry, who Wats
then ten yr e old, I anchore4 our skiff off
the northeaite or lower one of Goreezuk
Island, where oue divieieu of the S. Law,
replace rues in a d 3O groove, mooh fregoented
by ehennel chtfieh,
"Steamers aeldom paesed through the
channel where we flosted, though the wash of
upwsrd bound beats dieturbs the surfeee
slightly as they wict$ half around, about'
three huneleeclyoede down river, to enter ehe
southern and svraighter, though shallower,
channel, which mese pilots prefer,
" Herry fouled the ogee:do:eel rocking by
ateaufeeet wavee a pleasent variation from
the scarcely perceptible metioe with which
•we drifted—only one of our fiity-aix pound
weights being onto ea a how Ancharewagaiout
the gentle cement, wader the preesure of a
breeze up streem. The ehorp etorn of the
-skiff fleateci free, end, riding with forty feet
of line eut, she swayed trona side to aide of
the deep water, which never furnishial me
with better spore than on that day,
"The big, dun -backed, yellow -bellied,
S trOng, Plea% tenta.01001, Hsh took ray min-
nows eagerly, And fought he a highly setio-
feotory manner for their 'ern liven. So it
went on, till Herr?, who heel enne out with
emphatic aseeveratione that he would gladly
fith till midnight, disoloaed a keener en.
thusiesm for something to eat abouttea-tiree
than he did %belie the flela I WaS caballing,
Aad often inquired anxiously when I intend-
ed going betue.
"el lingered, however, for Nati 9134 Tatira
"blte,"-etaking four geb, her the delay, --1111
the aim eank elowly hailed the bleed. Then
glancing under ray eyebrows at Harry while
stoopieg to impele a new minnow, his worebe.
gone lIttIe fent gave ele a Mere dlatizatittbrill
of 00111PW30104, aud, flieging zovey the belt,
I eaid " anuell boy:: nmethethe mode
tee hungry, leappoae, We will go heMeneW,
"I WW1 rather astonlsheri that his tnet
W13101i bad brightened with ney words, mid-
Veuly clouded, aa he looked kenaly down
tiver. Then the explanation GAM%
Y‘ 4014 thews another eteambeet earning
up, father 1' he cried. 'Do ;tiny a little
longer 1 I Whill you would, etey till we get
her swell.'
"it was to me A striking illeneetien of
helr onithely and wonderfully boya era
zed°. Ifore was it led too hungry to etloy
the deep and pidimplata pitmen of &hies,
but not hungry eneugh to forego an Abeurd
delight In eat% rooked by heti a dezen
e teemboet rolieral However, kb requeat
otdpoided with my leclinetion, and, putting
on a now hat, I engaged again in the most
stiuldetiefylug of human pastime!.
"I set In the tow, with my 'too np
atettm, Hero wiaohinge with 'big eye', the
-oncoming stonier, the entermIttent rumble
of wheel, Pellille.wheel become momeetnily
more distinct, till tho elop mud thrust of out
tort could be bend close behind. Stidelonly
-my little boy lumped up and exclaimed, Ina
tone of much eurprieo
44 4Wire, father, look at the steamboat I'
44 X turned to see itt the twilight; the big,
White Theban, Deft three hundred. yards
$1WOV, int swinging into the eoutle chmeuel,
but oomingeat abcut hell aped, fittAiSlat At
where we lay 1
44. Dazed, I eet •Uon it MODIetit ikon
reared at her, "Ahoy, Theban ahoy 1"
With All my power of lung, owereleing my
pockets at the sem° time tOT my olaeleknife
to oat thee:weber rope. There wee no time
to heath' the weight ; to out way wee the
only chance of oectspe.
• 'Tbo ;cleAnnel of the river, a 1 knew
well,-wes too narrow for tho big boat to give
ue more than the naxraweee berth, and there
wee no sign that her pilot intended to yield.
ue any. I could see him dimly in the wheel-
house, and, opparontly, not another soul
WM on board.
"She did not slow down, in. the loest,
thoughl eontinued to yell mealy. The roar
of her paddle -wheels was terribly loud.
" Kerry's ohildieh treble shriekedthrough
my 'hoarse shoute, but there was no sign
that we were seen or heard. Yet it WAS It11-
possible to believe the pilot to bo tunawere of
the boat in hie course, load colored though
It wait, and deep as were the shadowe of the
"On elle oame, during the few aeootide
while theme obecavations went through my
mind, straight at ue. The swampleg of our
aid:Tin the steamer's roll was oortein now,
even should the sheer off a3 muoh no pos•
sible in passing; certain, even if we hei
been suddenly freed from the anchor line.
"1 bad paased it through the ring of the
painter before tha bow, and ism:urea it to the
seat. This fastenhig I tore away with one
erk, but there were fifty feet more rope in
;he coil lying at my feet. To run that out
through, the ring would requIre more time
than we bad, and torow off vapidly with the
rope dragging across our bow was imposeible,
even though mans inbeutes had bean to
"Peeling very helpless and desperate, I
went through all my pookete for the knife,
till ib flashed on me that, none time before,
in had, dropped from the gunwale itt which I
had seiwk it, and WAS now lying oue of reach
under the footboard. Harry began to cry
loudly, calling,' Oh, what will mother do ? '
"The undulation that precedes a Large
steamer rooked -us, Raising my eyes from it
vain endeavor to get a glimpse of the knife,
the steamer :teemed almost upon we I
never sawn vessel shoulder up ao monstroue-
ly at the distance 1 So olose was she' that
in the twilight I could clearly see thered
paint of her run gleaming in the water about;
"With the quick device and lightning
activity of deapair I seized an oar, and,
kneeling on the bow, with one downward
drive of its handle knocked the staple that
aeoured the ring clear away, and with an-
other motiou ,flang out the coil of rope into
the water.
"Rut the bowsprit of the Theban was not
five seconds away then. I struggled madly
to get some headway, hoping to move the
paddle•wheels, but my poor little boy, wild
with fear,impeded me by clinging :snout my
lege. Using ell my force on the ger as a
paddle, I did, however, manage to give her
a slight motion up stream, stern firet, but
too lafie ; the next moment the figurehead
and swelling bow of the Theban blotted oat
the eky, and she was upon no. '
"Not with her cute water, fortunately, or
we should have been instantly smashed
down ; it ran out twenty feet beyond before
we were touehed. Had she not been half
slowed down to take the windlogs of the
channel, we should doubtlees have been over-
wit:shoed by the roll of water from her bow.;
but somehow, the skiff rode, this, and the
'next moment was thrust ageinst the river,
and crowded so hard against the steamer
where she widened that we moved on as if
glued to her side.
"Obviously, this' strange situation could
endure but for it fetv moments, and then my
little fellow and I must be drawn under and
battered to pulp with the remorseless crash
of the paddlewheel BO terrible and so near.
them was impooeible. 1 hacl olaeped Harry
ray arms with some unreesonable imagie-
ation thet my interpeaing body might aave
him from the oruehing blows of ,the fleate.
The bope to oink beneath thee/did not a IA
emong the firet crow4ing Thoughts of those
despairing elements, not till my glarice fell
on the aity-slx weight thAt ay still in the
b 1,
fostently I stooped; seized it with my
right hand, and, with my Attie teay close
hugged, leaped desperately from the boat
into the water..
"The saner:410n of being sucked ot trailed
through an amazing current, the YOST of the
bettered waver, the overpowering feor of the
gruel paddleo—how well e remember I Sud-
denly—it was as thougb WATO bad Hang
its mime at me—my. lege were wept: dowel
with the water driver; from the inapeot of
the ileate, my bald was UearlY jerked from
the fift7-ew ponneui of weight thret I held,
then downeedewn, down until, the weight
touched the rooky bed. I lee go and rose
through twenty feet et water with itgaga
to see the " Theban' roaring away steadily
oz her conree,
"Poor little Harry lead never ceasecietruk
gling ; be struggled more violently nilnoW he
caught baleoheked breath. I tore hie
erne from my neek with a deeperate motion
as We begoat to lank Again, Mul, teened his
back to me. We rose again, treadirg weater.
I managed to melie him understand thab be
113319t1 become perfectly metionless if he wish-
ed ale to SAVO MTS.
elThe poor little man bobeved aplendidig
after thew but by severe' alight tonnerolone
haa bet thIs eenee,s iza it lealf•clrowned faint
before I managed to get ashore, Fortenete
iy Vlore was it hOUSO on the islan4, and there
We (meet the nighty,
"You may be mire Met I len, no time le
investigating the conduct of tho Thcban'a
?Ilea Tlee Wan denied oil knowledge of tho
oemirrence, aod I could eee thee he was
really eurprieed au4 sbookedt but that he
felt ip gone degree guilty, I (meld Mao per-
celve. Not one of the deek.beeds, eerie of
the ofEeera, would confess any knowledge iu
the wetter, ad net t1 tho 4/TOdiaeX411111L,
tattoo of the grew on my relit for dereegoe
ageism b the ateereboet eempenv did the truth
Walt Oflfit Whew A '0191% bremil wm made,
"The pilot lied aeoretly brought A jeg of
whinny almerd, And while the eeptidu was
At hie tere the mete and the whole ;vetch,
defying ail the ruleof the ettropaayie ear
vice, had taken oecaelon to &deli the liquor.
As for the pilot, he explatnect thee he bad
been too drank to do reore'n otecie air and
could jeat °ley ase my lend. =trite. air
the north glue:melt' be couoluded, 4bOOSISSO
X Wanted 101kli to know thee 1 WW1 plifeckly
W. Traoatene
May 4or Them Think it Daily Bath ia
Olemtlineas is it virtue whioli le nob, arm -
posed to be prectlead to Any !ergo exkrtt
etriong unclvilized people'. fele A fad, how-
ever, that Borne savage tribes aro dandy In
their liabita, and In tide reaped aro far
superior to rainy people who Beale civilized
lands. In acorn( of Attic= trite,' the deify
heal ie regardcee fie it necrostity_of life, mad
the fleet duty of the morph% ilk° bathe in
the river or little atream theiellows near tho
waive village. lliefly Africans ilia rower
think of °WAR Without washitig their bends
and 'feces after the meal. .,1 Tele heigt is
ividely prectleect,'And has been observed liot
only among such advauced people se the
Waganda, but ale* among email awe less
promislog tribcs,on the Congo.
It may starprito some people to loarretheb
the nee of tiwatlabrushee is kunen itt ell
parte of . Africa. The Atrium is noted for
labs floe whit* teeth, but he does nob keep
them whlie without an effere. The tooth-
brush tilted by the native Af don consists of
it there 'Wok of fibrous wood, which is
chewed until the flareo at the end realizable
brittles. The natives spend comilderehlo
time rubbing the end of this little stick over
*ter teeth, Mr. Atilie says that the
Weauyernweel, who have aplondid tooth,
seldom have the brushes out of their
We would think it very hard lino were
we compelled to try to keep clean without
soap. But many African:1 have their soap,
too, vidaieb, though it is soft: and rather
dirty in appearauce answers ita purpoeue
very well. The Vag:en:la, for instance,
pleas ashes in pIanbain leaves folded up du
the form of it funnel. 'Water is poured in,
and is oeught as lye in another vessel. Then
fat is Added to the lye, and the mistnre is
boiled down. The process is almost exiletlse
the ISAMO me that need by our farmers in the
manufacture of salt soap. There le little
doubt thee it was introduced into equetorial
Africa from Egypt and the Soudan,
The condition of the King of Holland is
again serious.
A heavy frost visited Northern Whiconsin
Sunday night` •
The great cyclone operating in the
Gulf of Mexico.
Shoope, the victim of the Glanford row, is
likely to recover.
Meth of the strikers heve resumed work at
the Londosa docks.
A railroad disaster is reported at liege
junction. It is rumored that twenty par-
sons were killed.
Della Walker, aged 19, a beautiful and
accompliehed girl committed suicide by
drowning as Langdon, N. H., on Friday.
Chakir Pasha has issued a fresh proclema-
tion to the Cretans, threatening with revere
punishment anyone assisting the insurgents.
Frank :Amos, a prominent oitizen of Mor-
gan county, Ohio, was hacked to death by
Mrs. Hamton, ,his niece, with a butoher
A Story of Edison.
Edison's brother, it Michigan farmer; tells
this story of the great inveneor:—"It would
require a vivid imagination to beae the
truth in Tom's case. He hr, a had nanny sin-
gular experienwie. When a watehbean se the
station in Stratford, Ontario, he was ex -
peeked to pull it button eiery 40 minutes
during the night to inform all parlieseintere
ested that he was en dock. Before he had
been in the position long his inventive haul -
doe were set to work, and he soon had the
button pulled by an electrical device as ree
gularly as clockwork. Tom then went
calmly to bed and 'slept all night like ,a
white man. This worked firet-rate until,
two trains mune near colliding, through his
lack of tuition, it faot which. caueed lebn
throw up his position and return to this
eide of the line." ---[Philadelphia Ledger,
d. petition ger the releace of Mrs. ' May -
back is 'being circulated in America, and
veill probably find its way to this country.
All lemons who, having read the oable• re-
port/I, are =oh Vetter informed upon the
owe than the British Home Secrery, are
Bble Gouvehhoue
$2116091011 IN CAE
And Other Rewards to be eive;),
Y4xtended eteview or sue Near Witte
Coneretiteon or the el•rolies* Journal"
No, 24,
Vor over five years pen seelee o Bible
Competittons have been in, pregress ut
Toreoth, Ceneda, which have greeted goat.
and wideepreed bete/reek., hieny of theleek
log ,thoa and WOMOD of (Nowa, in feet of the
world, loeve. taken pert, as well es thousands
of otbere in All grade, euel SOnliiitiOla$ of We.
Rewerellete the velee ell holt a 3101.10A dol-
lars bave been distribnted to the etiocesefel.
' Moro thou two hundred and ditythormand
peraths have received prIzee eiftee the leaug-
oration of till's system, ranging from A dee.
briek house and lot te one thoueand dollars
In cosh, as well as magnieeent plauoe, organs,
allver tea sots, gold and eilverwatobetegues,
silk dresser, hooks, 40, Over thirty-five
thousand people. heve volontarily teetified to
the valet; of the rewards reeeleed: and t5''' the Bat if one wane to get e eetwe o
feireese with which, the prizes have been (Ile -
Gee. Bleck, No. 4i Rest Ave. St, Ilsugiton, Out.,
exprearea /oneself aa greatly please4 with tha PI0/10
he won in a recent Oezepetittoo,
our citizens have been vary eueeeseiet in TUB
UsIss' JorST*L134,ble Competztlene, Several hays.
reeeived valuable gold and silver watches, imodeome
eilyer cake baskets, gold ringe mid broothea, /seeks
t To e iol whine ---
efre. A. D. Vanatone, Organ, 19 Stops. $259; M.
Rosetta. james. Sfher Tea &vitae, 5100; Ito& John
wrialeat, W. J. fleard, Fred Brae. Aweeda ,nouct
Thoe. Sbettfan, each a Lunn' Gee IVaieheeee;
up). W. R. Bond, Mrs. Theft Sheridan. .33111014
weary, Bra. Wna. trieNewan, Sin. Mtn J, 11.
James, Kra, Wm. Jewell, lire. X. Damen. W. W.
parablvo, .3.1„t., tacit bilver WOO, $30. -enet
A rixlt Itan LOOORtOtire,
We cannot tell from the time•tables how
fast we trevel. The achedule timee do not
oidioste the clolayethet must be mode up by
!porta leetWeen seetiette. The traveller who
is cOrlotti to know jelet how last be It go- •
awl likes the orienting ef thinking that he iii
ba A MOS OSPer, may find ananaenoont in
taking foe time between mile poste; end
whets thous are not° be seen, be een often
get the speed very accuroteiy by ooanting
eh* rale Indeed in it given timo. This may
be dono lieteniug :attentively At an opea
window or doer. The regular elleke of the
wheels over the rail-jell:de cao s000.
be angled out fz'oin the other noleeo, and
ceunted. The otemieerof raillengtho peseed
ill twenty neonde is almost exactly the
nember of toffee rue he an hour.
trileletode The Editor of Tem LADIES' aTtil/Ra
NeAbaa condueted twenty-three en‘
teePrisee toed ,emlet Afford HOW to fell to keep'
hie preteens. He annolthoefir, recently, thee
AO more competitioee, woeld. effereel, bet
whee meene to ruth through open; et
afty or slaty miles an hour, he meet get ou Then only does be • bp.gta to
teal*, whet trities etseed heiween bitie end
deeernethlia A few vrethe ago A le4y at AA
"VDT ID eab• of it 117001119tiiie • A
°wit% to the elemoroas appeele ef tbonseucle ,
of tato eabecrieere And prize wienera, he ta fAat4 eXPre" trl4n over A /31°411t4/4 "Ad
,, She SAW OM narrow bright line of %he retie
really compelled to go en. , T,ht,,,,a °°*12.1,°`''' owl theelencler pehate of the ewitehoe, r3he
tiou will. be °Plc' to the elle le .13evell'wer* hand the thunder el the bridge., and sew
closing with the teat eley of that moth, but the track Want la by rocky bluff*, and noW
th°46 Of our reader° vi'll° wiatt t° 44° "va°' perils emideeiy• revealed el; the engleeewept
TIM ninTS GUESTIONS• Almost appal/Mg, To hove made her expire
Where aro the three following werde Are; 10130 compiet34 atia gun" two t4k3u 033 4,3.,
meetiobed in the Bible re-1410elien, Seerea, g130 ricia la A dell, mg reley ,fli gilt,. In
received At Tun LADLES' .Tolleeteer. CISda will fastenInge, compered with the pondereue
be rem a very Atm toned uptighle plane, ta,,oefaa .keefoe tiny carry. wra 000 ofbat a
Ono leaudeed'and fifty dollere be geld, and te Aut
....onerioe between life and cloth, W41041'4
istmegAntibrigIbUtilprAiALT 404,4w4",4 Ti, aele.. 2.00 and hew dote clanger site Ott .olther Inn&
Sad. Gael% in Gold., eat eta- •Cede in tiold"" 4Q bow dependent the englueer must be alter
by co,,Ilva ova, ...4.50D, am, eau la, Gala „„ ;4 Bo ltla only le A eight rt_ de tun we Iona
eu next fro, each. ti Lady or asotlenuateraloe nu " filo famital vfloaace 44 otherL
Oold width tee ,...,........ Tbs. too ug
oil. Aud Um ghostly telegraph poles and
ewltcb target*. Were it ANTILOlt open, at red
taken up, or A pile of tic* on the took, we
°odd eoeposeibly IMO the dauger le time to
telee or thee° meet °frelll 417°144 Around sharp 011rVeZi, The experleeee was to
do no ziew, her mageldeent, bat the of deuger wee
light ride On a 1000MotiVeo. we ecome to
To the sender of the first cotreet :answer iza how afeaeor fa .010 rAii 13 bew :mutt be
to t sender of the eeeorta oerrece :anewer wain moromooe of tt 13wIteli mak" the
on till all theta doebrawards aro given away- hew Ilhott the look ahead must oftea be,
oe Agee acti NIA, flee, SW& Dun rimer*, tea sago a • bbreNtAlli 0.10W yardi of glietee.
To elTgeft 111: 254
creet.45..• ••• ••• • 41%0
VO next 10 eve a Ana Gold gi
To next so. 'cierfrit 1;i1"t'slieW iiQeee
nountl Ramey es kle nth earacenbiece.
bible eiders' ieel. ell TOmPittAt 20C3 flteh
tradlene. . ....
Then follow ihe 'aim. WassaTcfs, when
to **polder of the naiddle cornet enterer
of the whole ooMpetition:;from first to last,
will be given needier ono OL these rowArde,
the lteX9 followleg the mtddle number two,
aud ao ore
. . L SWAIM.
tat One iTprikht 2ud. Cash. ..... 4150
, Plano vary lino" trd: Coal*" 76
' toned ineteureeno th, Cash. ' A .. ./A0
b celebrated Cna. tb. essh." -- ,...N
sdian ...., .. . $ 40
The next 0. OSSA A La,d104" Vinci 0Ord WAteh,
KA,. .... ., .. . Ind
To the mei; le. 'e*al; .a. i;i4;.;tiftli WalirViiiistr",
, Woe Whiewabcazt loa plea% $25....: ..•... 1675
Next 146,, s'ech,* superbly boiled Yolenio ot
Wexl)f)t Ver.t'eleoallib.11.GedlittearYq"lble*i* 1.1tiO;:,*Op'e* ;as; "5°
or Hunting Caw %tole ete.. . a . „at 2t0
Zioxt 41, each, a Itediet" heavily' •Geld*Platert ;
"art '123
Neat SO, each,* Ledior.Gentiluutufe's.said ewe -
Chaffed or 3000131 Ring, 52 ..„„ „ 112
Neat 1.00, each, Ladies Slue Gain ReaVieee
meg .ar Broochea. MAO. . 350
Next 0.5, tact, i doz. triple Sliver Plated Table ..
_SPoonrt Oa 00, ... . .. ... . . ... . ..... ..,..", 1$2
To the len corroOt anaWer, recelVed poet
marked whero Mailed nob later than the
3.1et; Nov., viiII bo Oven number one of thee°
Immolation rewarAe ; to the imoond to eh%
last, numberhwo, and so on till then ore Alt,
1St. Cash in Gold...,elr 411,. Oath in Gold. -.$50
2rd, Cash in Gold.... '75 r, -h. Cub in Gold.... 10
and. Oashin-Gold".. ;00 501. Oath in Gold—. 25
To next 100, eerie a Lady or Gentleman s Fine
Gold 'Watch, 350 . ......,...„*„... .
To next ITO, each, a IfueSilic Drese'Pattee'n,.385 350
To next 35, osoh a tins solid Gem Ring. $10." 750
To next 2004 tine lilaicel Sliver Watch. SS.. „ 10t 0
To next 120, Chamber'. Etymologleal Diction.
ary or a Nircriflat0yolopatita e i. See
' 'Fifteen dayes will be allowed for lettere to
reach LADIES' jOrIENAL from distant points,
and whatever they aro inalledolf they bear
the( postmark of the 30th Nov, or earlier,
,thest will be eligible to 'compete.
Do not eergee that :mole -person competing
must send one dollar for a year's tube:nip-
tion to Luaus" a011RNAL, a sixteen page
family: Monthly, which eaten° is worth
the subscriptiola price aelted. Any person
owe compete any member of times and the
peeer will be tient to tiny desired address,
Immediately, at the close of the coMpeti-
tion, the Mimes and aedreseee of the winners
will bo peblishird in the LAMES' JOURNAL
—The Deoeniber issue—so there will be no
evaiting, • , ..• .
Don't delay sending In. Do it ilow. If
you are netin time lot the first rewards you
may be for the middle, and if not for the
taiddie yOti will be in time for the Oonsolation.
If you delay all the prizes sway be taken up,
but if your answer is corrent and your letter
resohea LADIES', Joerowoh office be, time,
you 'will eertsinfy get soniething, os there,
are over 2000 ptietie offered, and the .sooner
you answer, the more certain you will be
of success. = ' ' • • .
but *don't run away with'the idea that every-
body whe ()Devotee is same to get a prize.
Avery priee offered mat be given, of that you
may, bs abeolutely Certain, but Tomember„
first come firse served iu each of the diva
effiee-prder is alinost equally efficient, Amere:
es:ono sor,:seo hitruryowi um oy osuErNpanswers.mosy ,
By registered letter is the best, Poste
dollar bills are taken at par. Don't
send Literalist °tarty kind, unless you add six
ciente extra for the diecount. Address,
Editor LADIEe Jona-ewe, Toronto, Canada.
We have only apace to give the following
four testimonials from thousands, from col.
lege and uniyersity professors, clergymen of
all denomination's, sehool teachers, membere
of parliament, mayors'of cities, a Lieutenant -
Governor, down to boys en/Jerk/A alleges.
and people of all grades and conditions in
Dear sie,—The Plano anived all right yealardayi
and appears to be a very gond instrument. Will you
please except zny beat thanks, tor such a bandsomd
prize. It seems to be quite a wonder among the
Londonere, so. many have mid to me that saw your
eompetitione, but did not believe any one ever got
the handsome presente, tbat they were all a hoax.
I invite everyone to come and Bee my pita°, they
will then see for themselvet, 11 is a reality. Many
intend to try if they no be as fortunate as I have
been. I haw always hal great faith la your pro.
1111F8I4 and now 3 will have more than ever 811100
winning such it baudsome prise. tor which I again
thank you. 'Vara truly. ce. Via rearm. t hope to
continue well doing. London South, 22nd Feb., 1880
The Piano wen' by my son Benson in Bible Com-
petition Po, 6, mid which C11/110 to ue a year ego,
proves to be in every respeot a superior instrument.
The tuner, a Toronto gentlemen, says its tune and
iinieh are complete. 'A large number of people dura
ing the year have called at the moose rout exanzinel
and tried and are-, surprised at its' excellence. F.
ve, d
" To leap tar enough out for eecape froni earnestly reepeeatedto eigo the petition,—Ex; aite,ireganiftaart.t Anorews Preabyterian ()hutch,
Rept RIght aux a
i?ottvtattc he Advertishig 10 the only
ante /Wane to aueme, The falltiree and
disappointmentof Stet attempte night
rather to luelto than diteeerege, The ad.
Yerther %unit keep his wens or iVare14 don.
etantly befere the publio. Spaemodie ef-
fort( rarely succeeded In any enterprise and
ievarlehly fail* le Advertioing. Exercise
patinae* altd reoolleot that the zombi:Woo
at no geed is prorooted by the ridleulotis
Inehit of exlitioalog it every now and seein
be order to testita vitality. Above all, see
to lb thet the soli It °magenta sad of it
elle,recter to enatite the beet yold.
A string of opinions Is no more Chrietien
faith then it eteLeg of beetle is Chrlatien
inVea molt,
it that width yielde large Tatum" from it
email outlay. Reader, the way Is clan 1 No
speculation, no chance, big return:11. If you
sarelike numb of Mankind you have :some-
where it weakness—don't: fool At all throe
lett as you'd like toe -headache to -day,
beckacho toenorrow, down sick alextr week—
All hemmer; your blood, la out of order, 0.
smell outlay and what largo returns 1 You
west in Dr, Pierce'; -Golden Metlioal Die.
°ovary and soon pure, fresh blood courser;
through you veins, mad you aro another
"I heard you were flailing yesterday,"
maid one man to another,. " Yes." "Have
any luck!" "Veil, some; 1 dein t get
"The women tell me every day 'ee'ee
That alleny bloom hasepasseci away.'"'
But they meld no longer *hide you with.
loss of blrom and beauty if you mede use ot
the great restorative, Dr. PletOni.a Favorite
Preeoription. .All female weak:assess and
derangements vanish before this excellent
remedy. Thin, pale and emaciated women,
who find existence burdensome, on account
of their ailment', should as once have re-
course to Uhl unrivaled speolfie. Drueesiste.
Goes without saying—the young man too
bashful to pop the question.
The Book of 1.4tbon.
A Man Without WiadonaLiVeSiii it Fool's
Paradise. A Treatise especially written
for Diaeases of Man, containing Facts For
Men of All Agee I Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half it Million to be the roost
popular, because written in language plain,
forcible and instruotive. Praotical present-
ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who are -weak, nervous and ex-
hausted, showing new -means by whit& they
may be cured, Approved by editors, oritios,
and the people. Sanitary, Socha', Science
Subjects. Also gives a deenription of Sped
fie No. 8, The Great Health Renewer;
Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor of Medi-
eine% It largely explains the meanies of
life. By its teaehinge, health may be main-
tained. The Book wiel teach you how to
make life worbh living. If every adult he
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would be it
world of Physioial, intelleobnal and moral
glaists. This Book will be found a truthful
presentation of facts, caloniated to do good.
The book of Lisbon, the Talieman of Health 1
Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart. Itt is a. message
to the WiSe and Otherwise. Lubon's Spool
fio N�.8, the Spirit of Health. Those who
obey the laws of this book will be crowned
with a fadeless wreath, Vast numbers of
men have felt the power and testified to the
virtue `of LuboneeSpeoifio Na. 8. All Men
Wbo are Broken Down from liverwore• or
other eanees nob mentioned in the above,
should tend for and read this Valuable
Treatise, 'which will be sent to any address,
sealed, en receipt' of ten cents in stampe.
Address all orders to M. V, Lubon, room 15
50 Protit Street E., Toronto, Canais
Verstild-be purchaser: " How much for
this picture ?" Artist The price is £500,"
Would-be purolnaer : "Why, Irian alive I
you expeet to 1.)e paid for yOur work as if
you had beeri deed 100 or 500 years."
A kitchen table with as many araWers be-
neath it as a writing -desk, and having a
high back like it side -board, full of pigeon-
holes for the kitchen utensils, is it recent
addition to the hired girl comfort.
" lhirtkr RIO P.eldom 'What They $eerct,"
While the above Is, in the main, true, :still
there is an exceptioo to ehe general rule, a$
is the ease ha many insmo,ces. We refer to
Dr. Pierce e Pellets, winch are not only all
they SecinA hue more. le torpid, liver,
iztUgestion, slugglebnese of the bowels,
biliouenees, :wad eeedeolee, there/fief 4ff/rd.
ed by their we fit wonderful.
Rena Ars kept buee fleabag the meem; for
moving their crops.
The Tutle•Rotultain Region,
Thowiazads of 46M of choice free ghwana.
meat heed, now epee foe ;settlers in the
Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here
was raised the wheat thet took Ant premium
at New Orierme Expoeition. leach. moil;
*Ober IA mmintalas, good achools,ohnrohee,
(silage:04i eociety, 'or further intierrdatietl,
maple, rates, etc. apply so Whitney;
TA., St:P.., M. 4 M. Rya Et, Paul,
Minn., or de U. auokins, Casm, Pss, Aga,
A.P. 4118
M' Imo tit ahr41:4"
Travis_ arra and rialieltora
Wellington at, owe °laurel; (over pank of room*
Penne wieldng to purelmee eePeoved efeellete"
Earmee from 80 aerie reminds, with laottdlaia
nesesselon, oell or write 10 0, I. MailT,SON*
Arthur's Jacek, Malta WJAISM. yAIOYArOWSOW
fernabee free of charge, *Led se141erS smistad isa
teshioc seleedoa.
AZIPOIMITIErir VeCk X*1014016210
, , , •
Mstnbllehed for the prevention of steam nolier explo-
sion by 'power "latliceziOnsar Sze Marx OatreartJa
44.-0ev. of oetario, Oneklent. Kea*
. Orlier•OTerouns lit.. Toronto, Ont. ("Mesa=
' DIG ,PNOINEEtt$ and
GAO, CRAM, Chief' center. I A. Faalitat.Seciar.a
• astmg rig'eggs
clQrful Flesh ProduPfore
t'e Ellat114031 if.: Rat A Everazt remedy.
Contnuilng the eilmeleting Hypo/dere.
ea Mid Pure Norweglau Coll Liver Oil,
ttney of both tieing lamely in.
It fa used by Playeacins nil over
o world.
ttj an •Th'uDGfiffia OVA -and
alai TUMOR Sonia
liatoare, Ni toffy.
O. li.tactStozzast.,
rfo.aa Niagara 51.13;444
IsAVUX _ can melee money emme vrienico
by oalweadn4 for ens for mom et eartast iling
Das and Bibles, eveolally Bietery el Ganeds, by
IL Wave; P.1a, lifted and beet edition ref
and. pram low. twine Vasa WYRS or
eiNalere ead tame Wee Ulifelee
bus the 1argeat sale
or 4E7 Toilet Soap
jot tlae, country oa
account ot its uni-
formly excelleut,
delicate and Crag"'
ant qualitiee.
Sand in' ellestretwi datelegue sea
thee whertheranie with pair order
iPt NCWItiligihii and ws will
allow yea
$10 ELEETrld D18001111!
BROS,,, Wrga
.4131STAininTil 14eisi1inTe 131 TB*
Serel far
welt, Tono
ere row peoe14141
ant/A*103g Ma-
e ;ie. It OUtti
bo without at.
P`Ig.TrIlltl, G 41... -JONES)
4,141-louviTittaTtillytic4N,10.aoto, S'r*wr T EAST.
Write for reale Genunerela
and Shorthand CoIiego itt Canado0 Over three hut:.
dred pupils hatsrer, op c Monilay. Sep.
1889, ADL& 91IhfliE'd
Inill/ESSITT, ratite 1.1brary3bel0lar, Toremo,
Tilett Bazomocio Cutts 13. BROOKI,
Priallent Secretary and Ilatugmr„
H84 WILLIAMS & 00., • • •
111 efenutac users end deelers it:Boothe: lieter
Ica and Buil:Hag rapers,ttc. Orrtea: 4 Adelaide
. East, Terearo_, rroprierom or Willletusi Fiat
%Med Wei. T. eitplassagl.
"IQ un NA Ms oe this r aud ran ellinenep.
te Aortic al laic sad owe, SO% 0 to *per der
or me:. I
pis sad te
raw Stamp
Ilmesta OM, Radial
annum wemy 'between liONTRE &X and
EIVEEP0014. Estoon Tickets, $40, $50, and
lteturn Tiokete, VO and' 5110, theordlog 10
steamer and wasommodation Intermealate $10,
Round Trip Tickets, $00, Steerage, 320. Apply to
0. II, MURRAY, General Manager Canada Ship,
ping Co., I COST011 ITOOtin Somme. Monalm, or
10 Ltesl Amu:tab all Towne and Cates
VETONDEltrilt WATElt cures Id IIIEVES.
Raymond, journalist, Dinito0. Haas..
nye: "Wee troubledwith incipient Diabetes, Indiges.
tion, ago, Tried freely all the famed weters of
Europa and America; but absolute relief and cure
waa wrought in me bySt. Leo% Mineral Water.'
True,11 need freely and persevered in, St. DeOn
never UN to etteat lite.lotog lasting curer; Patent
mixtures aro as trash, a momentary delusive, cont.
pared with nature's pure cyanic°, the eixnert ele.
manta of En to the body-, the work of a,,aes, and
evolved by hydrogen gas from dee t Ilineral-Caverna
to earths bosom. What an Amin ng study 1 Freida
life springing from the cleft rock, to restore fluttering
humanity. From this grand apting.flowing life we
trace connazelon on a sick Ulm -ran. The St.
Xeozi. Mineral Water Co,, Ltd., l'orOnt0a
Iloateeal, Quebec.
Allan Line Itnyai Nail Steamship
Sailing during winter from Portland everyThuredey
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and insure -
roar from Qualbeo every Saturday to Liverpool, calling
M Londonderry to land mane and passenger* for
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, 710
tax and Si. TohieS, XII:, to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steatners of the Glas-
gow lines soli during winter to end from Halittax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum.
met between Glasgow and Itontreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Pbiledelphia
For freight, passage or other information apply lg)
A. Sehumeober it Go., Baltimore; S. Cunard a Co„
Halifax ; Shea te Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm, Themp.
Son as C.O., St John, N. IL; Allen t Go., ()Weep
love 5Alden, New Toth ; E. Bourne; Toronto;
Altana, Re103 5 Oa, Quebec; woe Brook's, Philadel
Phil+ R, P, Alien Portland Boston Montreal.
.......... 2 A. DORENWENDy
" 3 • 1 TORONTO, manufacturer of
/ Fon EvannonY,
Ladies' Bangs, Waves;
Wigs, Swieches; etc.,
• GentieWige,Toopees, &o.
The largest house for hair goods in Canada. Goods
ordered by mail guaranteed as eatief eatery as by per-
sonal eelection. Send for descriptions,
• 103 and 105 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada.
srs le all kinds
HAM Used In.
and AIM SI g
00g•liattutso oral 8-110
Begin the world, ILIA
Yeae Oto.rentee. exd
for Illmtrated Oatelegte
d Tuft:waist&
113 Tango Et
Provident Lire and Live Steck Assoen
80E1n INIVESTMENT—By paying to the above
Am:elation ONE Celir rER DAY, a person aged.
twenty-two, and two cents per day a person aged
forty-fonr *an aecure Rive Dollars per week whBe
disabled through idelanees or accident, also for two
and throe cents per dart, persons aged as Jame can
amen for their dependant, Five Iluodred Dollars in
event of death.
uva STOCK OWNERS can provide agalintlose
by death through disease or accident of their stook.
at easy rates. Thom intonate& send for prospeetnes.
ate. Reliable Agenta wanted in unrepresented dii-
WM:LIAM MIES. lhowelctr Director.
111 ,,....111,171
WANTED =t'mreltE,";orai
employmeet. or a llou.linrutag Acid Proot
Kettle, send for our circular, ully explaiaing its
use and construction. Remember thia is a standard,
article, not a novelty. The second canvass is ofteu
more euranasful than the ant.
1',S.—We are Canadian Agents tor the SeIaWringina
Mope. Sample tittp, wringer and oloth, 85o.
SAWMILL ENGINES, Gang htliiis,
111 ALL
Wrth Steel Carriages
JGATIli and
VEIVEIOR Machines'.
Elevators, Conveyers, Carriserat
Engine Works Co.,