The Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-29, Page 4THE holding the mirror up to nature, dnzl- or thematises them because, intent upon uter 'O.Gt .e. making Canadians satisfied with their i7 a1. SANDERS. Editor. country and. thankful to Providence for blessing enjoyed -they publish. figures to prove how many starving Mil1ious brag out a miserable exist THE 2,f I'B.l ran G.i1S:i1 once in the United States; ;tow many mortgages rest upon agricultural des- trioti ;tow many municipalities and lee• Ilona Secretary, praying that a state debts> are paid by direct taxation! LIVERPOOL. AND cayreying out of the death son. This Is but right, so long as true, and QUEBEC SERVICE Thursday, August 29th., 1889. The monstrous petitions presented 'ALLAN:: .'.5[4.INE. ROYAL. IAIL Mice upon Mrs, lifaybriek proved true the statement is be! and the sllad- w a;;etive, so• for as on ertam of lire oared shadow of at doubt, We are told ,s•.< ��tRe; , it sec , lowevet, boltlex thatttt t0 S:t that these things :last the very set of clemency is viewed ntOnentis,; circles as a virtual ad `des ion of the existence of a doubt as Ise it=r gztilt. Recent;; , basing ou ;*tynelusio:;s upon Justice. Stephens urge, we gave the salient points against tat? ulifOrtunate woman, 'bu a: tian:os by and the: hi;la.st legal iii; s express opinions, it taus. sal�zfc? el a very strong prima facia a�azht is cast open the tines i s ilia 1lkd I;irieriv been IhiuM 'in should dissuade Canadians from seek- 1 hag the market of sixty million people, ;which lies at their doors, is surely a o4 r great demand upon their credulity.'' Thur day , -. $21$4°,..,....: "Eli lay so? If there is an overstocked, " June 6 s- market in the United States, would it Friday, 4: ,0 Thursday, R; 20.. t be i muzercial wisdom, to send pro- Friday, " d'. cs tlsere? Would it be conantercial j Thursday , duly 4 . wisdom, this being the case, to open `� tt 11 :,tax: ika .rhes for the r.*ertzton of sets Friday, �: fot 19 kThaat sday:, 25., ' this st,seks, girodueed by vast Armes Friday. August 2. , of eeznpetilag artisans, manufacturers ;'Phos: ft e,y, " S oz Friday, Th ursdaty a . Friday, Thursday, Friday, I\ ERPOOL. STEAiIIEIt. p`noac QL;1+aBEC. .April 16 ,,,,, *CIRC; SSIAN,,,,., Friday Nay' a 26:. , , , I'ARi„,1Ai� .. ,, Thursday � 16 Nay 2.: -. POLYNESIAN, ,. ae a 3 44 14,.., =• jCATIM AGENIA1 " 16..,,,.i SARDINIAN. ,... Thursday, .June 6 at .. *CIRCASSLtN ,.,. Friday, o 14 Thursday, bt - ,a 27 Thursday, fait, 1wia.•sv, r, is s -*id, he will shortly ,-,r nv.--Mr;s.-Maybriek would e - and graetticur ;t •--th:se having been " ..v, salad mad owe f I 1, Friday, ,1,;•a I at•ed Pn the evidt„nc *. ht,if o e uttuy of't xtreme preteetioza? " ;c e Ile crime was waaaatetl. It is: folly to tail: of an arangetnent f Thursday, � > � 4. ,tzitd the glary rendered '115'11' 1 salify bi, to handled ft^otia eta aIle t of •.-; uilty," const!ttucut upon • aracll.ienc�. 1part front these eonsiti- zea*' 1 ?air rather than positive atIrms, altogetlwr-the Amerieaus do rof Mat site administered poison to UOt want to extent; fair play; they * maxi whore SyStem setas already i demand the turkey- every time aud. Lac ad l:y deiota+rlous drugs. We donbtiess monopolise the . buzzard as if any Canadian or American 'ell. sl;ratalfl circumstances' favor them, gam+ or Jury lvould hove sent a To toll Canadians they should "tab.� ',7's'soa i to 111,3 gallows upon such ; adti antag a of a market of 60,000,000," ' t :i isti't : --even thought 0. strong, very 1 is flue coons;;; but quite as reasonable Mtn, presumptive case was made al5 pra'Senting at moan with a tooth Lemon doting •hos hut one pica:, and the advice to go and capture the riser of Gibralter with it, When the p:'ophe of the 1 Idled States are 1 prey 'arid to meet Canadians 'upon ate. etluitable footing, then will be time mature a reciprocal policy;. Mesin- 3neo .con- while, let Canadians have confidence iz eau sar itis. 4 in their country, left them be united teaace fres Iv criticise the; and self•assertiai,g, let thein develop A&act`, and nae strong points their marvellous natural resources, tatted in the defence. The • and within two decades the Dominion Mired as to whether death will aar,;ttit5 the Proud l Osition Of being to poisoning or ultimo taus, s, than right arm of the British Empire. sic found in the t°it i organs • _ +its hardly sufficient to kill, It •gas.: mesa might have been accounted Irby the,• fact that the det:eas ed lutd Tg ara".t %x. ---.If Ikaghtivood, on 24th Inst., teensame laalaitttal arsenic e Ltc�z: Thin that infant Sall of :Air. sand Mrs. • a;cd 3 mannas sand 17 taft...$ of th,. drug' found in the apparel days. tnzu, " ai. th.s ap artint nts rad Mrs. iti:Lybrick BoscatAN --In rabarn e, on Vinci inst., Mary, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Bowman, aged 73 years 8 months and .23 days. i?3 4TFHHSON.--If Exeter, on 26th inst., James Matheson, aged 78 gears and 3 months. cies live wherever civilization a•ztce the humane dread of i stn ••� sib a v It for aT*zut, yw-creature. Learned hat fills. Maybricit is might possibly have been due to hr aged habit of using. . arsenieal pre• atariations us eosanetics. This conflict- - evidence evidence diel not establishthe =sanOv neof the accused woman. 340:•did it clearly prove guilt. It left ,� ANINMONL .bo question in doubt. American law a t iaaxr that the amused di have 8eitoo7 hoard. o The Beard met on Aug, 2tird, in the the benefit of a doubt, juries usually= 'Town Hall, ,letting adjourned to the give a Roman eSpecia.ily that benefit. nous; of the chairman. Ali the mem 'This c'as. suggests another uut+resting' hers were present, Minutes of previous iiafference between capital trials in meeting passed. Inspector's report England and in the United States. s Maybriek was not allowed to take tae witness stand in her own behalf, Int she was permitted by the judge trr•road her story from the dock with - Out being sworn or Subjected to cross- exaaznination. In the States, a prisoner c+ulsl not be allowed such a privilege. but tit 11 itnCS$ stand is ofcn to him 1i wit -his to take it. In that case e must testify- 'under oath and is uui,;ect to cross-examination. Alto- ;tiier, it is better that the doomed. woman was reprieved. She had been -unfaithful to her marriage vows, but the divorce court, not tho gallows, 'is: the arena usually chosen for remedy- lg evils and punishing oMincesof. iia:), kind. The unfortunate woman asMS= paid the penalty of a crime she atznfe'ssed, and doubt existing, it was night that her life should be spared. TAHT OLD, OLD STORY. VII 'ciiief Opposition organ of the mLiberal" party is again worshipping Unrestricted Reciprocity idol. Despite the fact that our neighbor's across the ou ler have snubbed the pretentions of those who advocated reciprocal ar- rntn g tents; despite the fact that the 33aautling has been tumbled over and willed into the gutter, slapped upon me check and pounded upon the other aand..finally ejected from every promin- ent place wherever introduced, it would seem, that Canadians are still a„_Iced to harbour this little trade Arab' though entitled to be considered the *.gitimate offspring of intelligent par- entage. Surely it is time to give the ,jjlblic a rest upon the question; the a:; of. Brother Jonathan's boot has se m7rlaiset3:the monstrosity; . that time should be given for recovery. Like A-temua Ward's monkey -it may a be a°aarm:losing little cuss" -but there is jut such a thing as monotony, even 5t the monkey business. The Tor`on Glebe condemns other, journals for 1 . . • POLYNESIAN. AN. •, iCAhir1h GENL N • SARDIl IAN .... CIRCASSIAN .... Friday, PARISIA'I , , .. , , • Thursday 1k LYNESIAN C 'IR HA(; ENIAN ▪ SARDINIAN.,., , Thursday, ct - •Cdd.i" 1�SI 11� Friday, PARISIAN . ,.. Thursday, €s" " September 20 A4 July 11 19 tt 25 u 'atst 1 15.......P1)I YNESS3 AN. 23.. , , , i l:'ARTUAG$' NIAN 29, . SARDINIAN. , is tt ,:C1I►t'.l R.+I,IN ,. Friday, as 12.. I' 1ItI:�[A�" t Thursday, 0etobor 19.,...,.6 POLYNESIAN.�,.i to as 15 It ' . 4 Eyes front, QUICIIC MARCH W1 SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and 0 -eats. riarzusunioSTORE ETER � a - ONTARIO. Soma of the #nest o goods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GEl!v'aTS' FURNISHINGS IN TFIg LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICKS. A CALL SOLICITED. &OUTBCOTT Corner Mein and John Street. Fi `. ~b, ONTARIO, 3IARKET SQUARE NERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public, that he hos just rteeivetl Itis NM ER I *4 STOCK, INCLUDING A RUM LINE OF DRY U0OIls, RATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND .SHOES. Those wishing. anything in my iliac will 1 flied i to itthew advantage 't cath, g caul and inspect my goods and prices, Best Boller MOW? always, An 11.1.11(1. Highest Price paid for Butte and Egge, and all find of Produce, RATES OF PASSAGE BY TAIL STEAMS. ia, s:,Si4a415LINI, (ITC r•titag to zteeoninioliatiott. Servants in cabin. VO. Tater,- nit • P. •stctrH e, y:8' lactone Tieto..t ., 'C thin, tt4, *8', it;it�. Second- Caa,biR, ; Tom' a r.�gt,, 6`t 1,113. • rcltaeiau or other extra er$. C31'in Fal. PIO, aaai ala, aea:ortting to aecomaala, nut robin, gra. Sterrag , age etas. t'ls`iial I41''avi11 not Carrs• pmseur„ors, from this tido There will be n trying passengers from Qneboe diaayStat,July Sthe .Augusteth, September 1St rs eau SOU Erato '.alontra;al. z Imam tleuots, $so,ilio•and tae, jntermecliate, JOHN SFACKMANI the only authorised agent for E: etet-: Ont. ook before you Leap. .AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware,Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING IN STOVES C1a11 and see BISSETT I3ROS,' large stock and get prices, TURNIP and ether field seeds a specialty. Cash paid for Eggs, Hides, Skins, and other farm produce. BISS:E,TT BROS. and accepted, excepting- the "' suggestion to open a new department discussedQu action on which was deferred for the /TYZ (,resaut. New lis� TEsT P t of text books adopted for economical reasons as well as their partial advantage to the pupils. Pass ing of the following resolution: --That whilst this Board sees the necessity- of introducing the complete list of new telt books it desires to second and publicly express its strong disapproval of the repeated changes made in the list of authorized text books at such uncertain intervals and for such indefi- nate periods and that it further appeals to the subject of education in interests of the Public Schools of Ontario that all changes should take place at the same time and no further alteration of the list of text books be al'owed for a subsequent period of not less than file years. -Mover, T. Fitton; seconder E. Rollick. Pointers to be procured for the use of the teachers. Appointment of Mr. G. H. Tomto the pri,tcip;alship for 1890 reconsidered, the majority as per last meeting ad- hering firmly to the choice made. Read- ing of the resignations of the chairman and Dr. Lutz, forced by conscientious opposition to Mr. G. Tom's appointment. Motion to adjourn. J. GRIGG, Secretary. Public Meeting. A public meeting, called by the chairman of the School Board was held in the town hall on Monday evening. Mr. J. Parkinson was appointed chair- man and after announcing the objects of the meeting, introduced the chair- manof the School Board,Mr. Wrn. Grigg. Mr. Grigg informed those present that he had resigned from the Board, and give his reasons therefor. He was fol- lowed by Dr. Rollins,' John Grigg, Dr. Lutz, D. Mills, R. H. Collins, D. Johns, Dr. Browning, J. White, T. Dearing, and M. Barrett. The following resolu- tions were adopted. -iiIovecl by R. H. Collins, seconded by S. C. Hersey, and resolved, that this meeting regrets the decision arrived at by Mr. Grigg and Dr. Lutz in resigning from the School Board and that their resignations not be accepted, and they retain their posit ion. Moved by John White, seconded by Thos. Dearing, and resolved, that this meeting ask the trustees to recon- sider their action in regard to hiring' the teacher. „This is to certify' that I believe Ever- est Omagh Syrup saved my life. --Thos. Marshall, Forest P. 0, CI -MA NESS. J. 11-1e THCOTT -o-I NOW OF + RING -o_ A 9 BIT CA ES Etc., mem CrC7., I I "2 - Of Every Descripti,at.n :Made to Order. J. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT an so TY • ds from which this paper is printed was supplied' by the ��b TYPEIiI Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 80 &':82 Wellington Si. west TORONTO, ONT. J. P. ROSS. 22 88) J. 9. MA1LAOMDZ JiIercliarti Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's UTardware Store.. Xie ;las in stock some ofuhe finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMALL, eCOMEEe, London Huron & BruceRailway GOING NOnTri London, dep.;rt. Lucas Grossing. Clandeboye .... Geutratlia -Trus TAELE--Pass'nr. ..8.05 A. .ar , 4.25 P.31. ,8.47...... 5.20 , ,5.52 5.28 905. 5.45 EXETER Hensall , ...... , Kippen Brucefield .. Clintoiz. , . Londcsboro' .. Blyth....... . Belgra.ve .. . . Wingham GOING SOUTzr Wingham . Belgrave Blyth.......„ Londesboro' ... , Clinton. . Brucefield Iippen .. •. . Iiensall. . EXETER .. Centralia Clandeboye Lucan Crossing . London, arrive 9.16. . 5.57 ..9.28. - 6.09 9g4 6.17 9.42 6.26 .10.00.. 6.45 .10.19 7.03 10.28 7.12 10.42 7.27 11.00.: 7.45 Passenger. . 7.05 A.M8.40 P.m. . 7.24 4.00 . 7.38 •4.15 . 7.47 4.25 ▪ 8.07.:4.46 .S26.. 5.04 834.. 5.12. . 8.41 5.19 3565.33 9.07 5.45 9.18 5.56 9.24 6.02 10.15.....: 6.45 FOR BALE - Warmers, Warmers, Gardeners and Florist, A fair sized brick cottage centaizifag dining -room, sitting -room, 3 bedrooms,, eel trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x10 foot with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with aareg:of land, all well fenced ancl• in fair eondititm. This property is within five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLEN, yExeter, `Ont. April 11, 0 m. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LN CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITivE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND P.ii,IVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY" DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. , ADDRESS; ALL LETTERS 4T0 THE E. E. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON, PLACE; TORONTO. CLOTHING J. .,�., 3 ► t. EXETER, - ONTARIO, SPRING 91�� SUMMER IN TIIIE FOLLOWING LIN ,'/ES of England Settings and Trolls ering, Seoteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ngs. reneh and English Worsted Cloths All male up in the e LateSt. Style, at best Rates. L.H Dickson's Il � Litato T,tat 1u.2., in the 1stconcessionof the town `•t" ' 'iiihbort.eoatainint'j' 1tr1 aero... Timm. t trine will bitmad plica .and on Cady' terms 'f he fame I . situated today l'atweetabrofortla and 1ltahlilt, on the Tiarr:u, brave; Road. Church and R.ritoei within too }•::rill or gyrus. Sail the best iia the cotatuy. A nt:wb. r of F,xeter villa s rtaperttes for sal@ Aft thw best of ternna,iueliuiiug sumo of tlaaoroost dcsirablo resi+icnceoin town, 4 •Ir a,., lushheaviuilt o bought pia3 t TA Itourdiug House h;eep.ra--Qat eorrtpIe. f'V LAA tiri aA tr �A tuada'v i 3 Li colval d titian Estee ns to xdAitiatta iiatnob aar0#A he @AAS Mores;, A Iaouae to let at aa.moll VIA CAM. nkat oftnvottaoalatina: a to AO !,oaralcrs,..Artiest Ave v a;LAmteu'walk trona the foundry. Parfnrtttcr ,pArtiettlors apply to .L.1i. DICKSON, a t. Darri.,.:tr.Exeter. S. GJBLEY. THE LEADING tiridertalmer AND furniture Dealer OF THE TOWNP I have an immense Stock of. Furniture and Undertaking "4 Goods now on Band, which T win sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An exainhiation of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. YOU WANT A Clean anialy Shavi OR Neat Hafr Cut, CALL AT THE elltral Barber Shop, Fanson's B1ook, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exeter Pijoo$tuaio, Why is it' that in other towns and surrounding. countrythe speak so highly photo- graphs the they . , 5 rape s that are taken in Exeter. And how; is it that there are so many photos sent into 'the different cities of Ontario from. EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as gooey if not better than any of the leaching galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per cloz., while they get then.. at Senior's for 53.00.