The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-11, Page 8Absolutely Purea �1iss Au ie Gregory orad Misselary Ellen and Lilly Call, are spend iug their holidays in Guelph, for which, they left al Tuesday morning last. --The wonder of "to -day Is Leiden Electric Soap. hiss l3elia Acheson, wlio has beets v siting her sister,Mrs, George Knight, Ethel, for the past few weeks, arrived home on Tuesday evening- last. --Washerwoman'ss friend le London Eleetrie Soap. —A petiton is in creu1:ition and is being largely signed praying that the council -will establish a cash butter and egg market. —The town decorations for to•reor• sow are being rapidly pushed forward The toan 'will present as holidayappe, ar nee. —Insist on your grocer giving you Loudon Eleetrie Soap it is the best.. ---Remember the great clearing sale now on aat Richard feel}ard's Goods at -our own prices during this sale. ---Prints, Ginghaans, Embroideries, Tie,. Lewder r4 ver rarity. A rga v.°1 of Cloves Nesurv. Par. solsRettenvnirt- xr• r, stteugta and a ora sozneaesa !Stere ; , iy,Covornic.'y1 than the, oetimorf hinds. and WY's, `Tweeds, ,,,hoe s .Sc. at IeSS than air: a st,lul 'test, t omal+rtirr�a, wish trim wholes els ilaea t's;at Richard Piekurd's, multi, nit, of low test,-hort weight ,Nina oa -_, , m,Iro£ Hand arrived ineia ehate p i m �,1d only an cans' last eveMuge, and will retake preparations to -day for the Grand Fireworks display on Friday evening. --Members of Exeter L. 0. L. 10 "Wheat per bushel,......, S $0 to '5944 will please meet at their Lodge XETER MARKETS* to aF ... ....•,.• 5itaa 5, %ever Seth' .,. lUtai isil# Lgraper dos,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10.o i1 B utter, Rools, •, .. , 17 to 13 B ntt.w, Creeks. ,. 15 to 1 Potatoes per hush......... 20 to 2 i Hai per ton ......... 9.25 to 10.00 Area: oom on Friday at 7 *leek a. ea. order, W. Sunders, 'W. M. Jus: think washing day made by rasing; I oedon: Elmo ne t a.. One of those pleasant afiairs took piaee in the the Trivitt eleuiori it church, yesterday, 10th iost., it berg the mar- riage of Miss Priscilla, Deterin.g, of this. place to Mr: Saninel L, Wisler, iof Mar- celona, Mich. The knot was tied by the Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector, in the pres mice of a. large gathering athe friends and relatives of the eontraetin partieas. }l e wish the yeti?g, couple every pros perky and success. We have been informed by one of our town butchers of a certain man who in Hay tp.,who sold a beast to hire for a certaiu sung of money, and a few days after another buyer came along and offered him three dollars more than the former which he thole. 'When the first man came to get his beast it was. gone, and he at once mitered s: sant against him, but before it went iat. court he settled it which cost him three dollars more than he made by the sec- ond sale. This is the way all parties shottid be treated in playing. such lots ineau tricks, A 'veteran Gone. Irian of our readers will learn with deep t;egaet of the death of Mr. Win. Welliug,toe Calmer, of Bnytield. Ito was one of the oldest Orangemen in South Huron, and his bind advice be gro ttly missed an thtaOaatiatty Oeaanwe Lodge Of South Huron, He was for may years county master and ftp to tante of ins death stags W M. of the Bayfield lodge. Ile was buried with. Orange honors yesterday, his reanaies beteg followed by a large Cencomso of sorrowing, friemis and relatives, great Summer Sale At R1E1.�!4r::]D Everything . must go We want the Money and you the goods. Dress Goods, Millinery, Cottons, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Embroideries, Prints, woos, Musltns $hoes, eta., eta, eto,, air your own prices during this sale. Everybody should come.and secure a bargain. We have the best values in TEAS it tow].and anyone wanting a Try our 25 first class anisic should not fail to give us a c HENRY 1..fLIS • cent liO O #� it ll t you. Richard Piekard. akadita?Y Cant. R# aotl�, The postponed beautiful eautata of VV ag 111 1sten -•-Don't forgot the .Fixe -works in the the dowers entitled v"Tho Flower Q110011"j Agricultural Grounds on Eridaa• even- or 44T en of the Roise:"" Will ing, ,Admission Ziac and 10e, tae given under the auspices off the The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Guild of the Trivitt Memorial aliurcfi Aioleorial Church will provide Moner, in. Drew's Opera Hall on Thtarsday et rink for the Qraaugemesat atm 'melt the 18th test., eetneteae*iug at is tends -.Michels 25 cents. S o'clock p• m. The committee who ion forget to try Loudon Ele etrie kava this entertainment its hand have ap once and . •on will use no other, spared no pains to make it:the most Successful musical event of the season, :1tr. Daniel Demme", of London, All the best local talent has been was in attendance to the wedding et secured for the occasion and this with the i rh I la chorus, prettydresses, e Trivitt the large c is, , made watt Memorial Ghalrcit ori 1cd- floral decorations, handsome scenery, y laud beautiful tableaux will furnish �--:',sk your grocer for London Elect- un entertainment of the highest order sic $ oap. of merit and attractiveness, --lj a have received n copy of the 4o ss tb o t ti lonville (Mich,) Echo, it ispublish- Before another issue of the Anvo• mad by Simon Stahl, lately of this office, Gar1. the ether of July will have It is ac tidy little sheet, and contains a reat deal of news. We wish him ome And gone. To Taos- every succuss in his new vetature row, the village will be All astir, washing made easyand homes b., the streets Andcomtheiretely blockaded b., Orangemen And their follovreara. made happy by using Londong he Coroaati ae twelfth o celel ;atcd the t i.'A hundred tieing or other aanaiiv+e: Battle of the Boyne. wise deeision of the c been selected as the place iti wlnic]i :honor it. Thousands of Orangemen from this western district win meet Lev.) axed under their grated oral flag renew their scan's of defence of political equality. The procession will be one ;naiad line of our country's pride and as they proudly file one after .luother into the long and well-known businc. house of J. Grigg, fancy -goods' dealer, dignity will be forgotten and quick needs beckon eagerly in the open d oorwayto invite wires and children to conte and view the rich display of goods. Each, will have, something by hieh to remember the day and place .and though dust unci glory may have. an equal tight, a calm sttisfactiou will steal through their breasts and parcels will. be bu;geal while each one feels that if for these alone the day Inas not been 'wasted. 1 -Our school closed on Friday last. —We area now on the lest half of the year. -The hey crop` is• reported fairly good in this vicinity. --Mr, John efeRste, of Michigan, is here spending his summer holiday. --Mr. Johit Vail, of London, was n fSunday. in town o —Dr. Graham, of Bay City, Mielt., gave us a friendly tail on Monday. —Don't forget the grand fireworks display on the evening of July 12th. —Mr. Frank Toms, of Coburg is vis- iting friends in town. —Mr. P. McPhillips, of London, was an town East week. —Mr. Soloman Manning has returtt ed from the Northwest. -lei. L. iiillin„g, Dentist. Goldlfillings a specialty. Oiti.ce over O'Neii's Banat, 3::teter. —Miss Sarah Turney, of Parkhill, once a resident of this place, is' again back in our midst for a few days, —Mr. & Mrs. Debt. Verity were in Mitchell on Sunday of last week, —Large crowds of Orangemen will throng our streets to -morrow. —Rd. Pickard's change of "ad" in this issue. —Senior's: change of "ad" appears in this issue. —The weather for the past few days has been incessantly home. —Workmen are busily engaged in decorating the town with arches. -Great Bargains will be offered on the 12th July, at Richard Pickard's. —London Electric Soap will not ir- eure the hands or clothes and do more work for the money, try it. -B. L. Billings, Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. —Mr. Thos. Swallow,after an absence in Chicago for several months has re- turned. He is on the sick list. Largepreparations are being made for the celebration of the glorious 12th tomorrow. —Our baseball club did make a wise movementwhen they secured fifty litho- graphs. itho- o aphs. —A chimney on the Central Hotel caught fire during the heavy wind last evening. -Quite a heavy rain and windstorm passed over here yesterday. Rain was badly needed. —Everything in Millinery is bang cleared regardless of cost, at Richard Pickard's. —On. Friday, July 121h, hot dinner rimy be had at the Roller Rink for 25c. Lots of room for all. —London Electric Soap is only made by 1) Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. Electric Tha regular trains will arrive about Soap. half past nine, and the specialat ten, :The EeeterBrass Band serenaded Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Millar on Friday even- ing, and Mr. Jas. IL Howard, and wife en Saturday evening. -•None but first.elass groders selis London Electric Soap. --Two or three of our young men were spending a portion of Sunday on the hanks of the river, when one of the number not taring to sit on the grass elimed up into a tree and sat out on one of the limbs, He did not sit long, before the limb broke, and ,he dropped into the river,getting a real good duck ing. 4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25e. —The South Huron Fall Show will be held this year at Exeter on Monday .2 and Tuesday, September 28 and 4, in connection with the Stephen and Lesborne Branch. Baseball. To -morrow, July 12th, a very inter. esting game of Baseball will be played between the Goderich and Exeter clubs on the grounds of the latter. Every= body should go and witness one of the best games ever played at Exeter. L U. F. elect Offleera. .A.t the last regular meeting of Court Exeter, No.123 Independent Order For- esters, held on Friday evening 29th ult., the following officers were elected for the ensuing half year:—C. D. H. C. 11., Bro. L. H. Dickson; P. C. R., Ed. Roberts; C. R., G. W. Holman ; V C. R. 12. Eacrett Fin. See.. A. G. Dyer; Rec. Sec., 5. Westawa'l , Chap, J. Down; Phys.,J, A. Rollins M. D.,- S. W.,J. Gould J. W., G. Anderson; S. B., D. Mill. St. Leon Vater. The Great Health Restorer. If you feel ont of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. Etixin VITA for Dyspepsia and Piles; positive cure. George Sanders. Swimming A teacher teaching his class to swim says:—There are two things necessary to acquire the art. One is to grow used to being wet all over; the other to realise that your body is so much lighter than the water that you will surely float if you will only stop trying to prevent it. The teacher should have added, while the body is so light as to float, it rarely floats right end up for comfort- The thing to learn in swimming is to keep the talk- ing end out in the air. Garden Party. The most successful garden party ever held in Exeter was that given by the ladies of Caven church on the Manse grounds on Friday evening last. The grounds were beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns of every conceivable size, shape and color. A huge Japanese umbrella over eight feet in diameter served as a refresh- ment booth and at the gateway a very pretty arch;' having three entrances, was erected. Over 350 persons were present and the proceeds were $72.25. Music from an orchestra composed of Messrs:' Gundy, Gill and Grigg with Miss Hicks at the piano which added to every one's enjoyment and it was not till eleven o'clock that the last person reluctantly left the grounds. We congratulate the ladies. and all trains will be crowded to their utmost capacity. The visitors will be meat at the station by the Exeter Lodge and Exeter Cornet letud aatel. the .' ole will march down Mainest., eta polite Rd. Pickard': store, where the crowd will disperse for dinner. Imfnedietely, after dinner,the procession will be form cd on the race course and march up Main st., which will be highly decorate ed with ai number of arches And bunt - in,;, to Mr. Pickard's beautiful grove, where addresses will bo delivered by Bro. N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., Grand; Master; W. W. Fitzgerald, Provincial" Grand Master; Bev. It. S. Cooper,Grend Chaplain; James L, Hughes, Deputy Grand Master; Oronohl*atekha, M. IL and the local clergy, The brethren ther ofth •tocentre e will march heel. town and disperse,those who cannot re. main for the fireworks, will .leave by the regular trains. At 7 o'clock,, grand promenade concert and fireworks will take place in the agricultural grounds, and we can safely say, that it will be one of the best displays ever given in Western Ontario. To those wishing to remain to the fireworks, special trains will leave for the north and south at 10.20 and 10.30. Everybody welcome, DE&TItS. Jsernar.—In .Staffa, on 3rd inst, Mr. Wm. Jeffery, lead 73 years. Coxxon.--In Bayfield on 8th inst., Mr. Wellington Connor, aged 75 yrs. MARRIED. 'Mama —DBAer. G.—At the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, on the 10th east., by Rev. S. F. Robinson, Rector, Mr. Samuel L. Wisler, of Mancelona, Mich., to Miss Priscilla, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Dearing, of Exeter. Chiselhurst, CODE I ; , ONTARIO. FDRTU$EFDWI It is said that every person has :a chance oneee in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if theyx allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. THAT TIME RAS COME. ,,�, You coat depend upon it that everybody purchaslatg their goods ;it I :arionsoai.'a siiti es money, by doing so will ;soon crake their fortune. His prices axe Always dew%, Ceu arta not asked high prices to make np )oases, for debts contracted by badeustoreers; dont you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceiries, Crockery, QWASS- ware, Tweeds, Iaoots and Shoes, in fact everything -usually kept in as ilrst•elnss General Store. Soo his Black. and Colored cashnu'req root 25 cls. np. 'feu can get the cheapest all wool suit in Exeter made to order Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you -will sada save enough for a fortune. You (2111 do better at the Chap C&ish Store than any other plaice in Exeter. Highest market .rice allowed for harmproduce tt IGe0`e PARKINSOS, Fizstdool: north of the Town Hall, Exeter. 18108 00011111 Wciis' CNN Jll PORTER. DOTS—Mr. John McLean hasbarley measuring four feet and two inches. The pugilistic sports have again commenced around here. We would be pleased to hear of their immediate termination. We have succeeded in getting a daily mail, and find it very convenient. We need a letter -box very much at this post office. Mr. James Dalrymple, who has been ill for some time, is now almost well. Mr. D. McLean had a horse struck by lightning, while at the:Rippen 'Fiicalic on Dominion Day. Many of the aged people of this vicinity attended a pic-nic at the Lake on Wednesday last. Those of this place who attended the Lumley pie-nic and entertainment were highly pleased with tete whole affair. AN OLD TIME FAVORITE.: The season of green fruits and sum- mer drinks is the time when the worst forms Of cholera ',morbus and ' bowel coinplafn.ts prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry should be ktpt at hand. For 30' years it has been the most reliable rein ed v. 0•••••••••••••••• XXX Porter a SpeoiaIt A GREAT CHOICE OF fly ndnian's,. We are prepared to supply the Public through- out hr ,ughout the season with Ice Cream, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Plain Soda, ,e. Lemon Soda, Lemona � lilt -shake ..FLAVORED WITH— Lomon, Strawberry, Van- ilia, Fine Apple or raspberry, G. A. HYNDMAII. dew BOOT & MO STUPE W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand. recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SHOES for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician,rotired from pracHee ,hav- ing had pia cedin his hands by an Bast Inclia missionary the formula ofa simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections. Also a positive and radical cure for nervous Debility ,and a1»f ervous C omplaints,after having test edits wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering „fellows. `` Actuated' by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffer- ing,I will send free of charge to allwho desire it, this receipe, in German, French or English with full' directions for preparing and using: Sett by mail by addressing with stampnam ing this paper. W. A. Norss, 140 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. Oct -18a' Its Sllflplij Absurd For any man to claim to Make money by sang at a lose. Its simple to say it and simple to swallow it. If the farmer raised only grain for grain iw-hat he planted he would starve. If the merchant sells his goods dollar for dollar at the price he bought them, he is out in time, labor and. expense. ATE MUST LIVE. and we live by our profits, but we don't prey on the public. Our price is actually lower than the muchbragged up E of others. If they sell below cost they paid big prices. Bad buyers don't make good sellers. Cood goods don't have to be sold below cost to get rid of then. Our Goods are .good. They pay us to handle and you to buy We don't have to bribe our buyers or sacrifice our sales. HERE ARE OUR GOODS, at fairest rices. We don't crowd you to buy. Take them or leave them. Highest price paid for Bt TT lilt D EGGS. WE SOLICIT A CALL. ARLI 'O.J! BROS.