The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-11, Page 3diesseimmeesnatefemoshosethien. .....DOISOOMSIDOOPINDAPPOPIOR__ liOLTSEHOLD. when once fastened on the syetem, are diffi • cult to gebtrid of. Tee ;mind; too, becordee affected, : "with a run-dew:1" body goee MakeHome Attractive. "ruaalown" mind, and irrltability, fretfal- • s and blues," become obroato companions. Nothing will make your homes so attrao- ttue aria eatiefying to , your children as mueic. ;There ia acharm to it that is found in netbieg else, It awakens all the grand impulsee of the soul; it hatraonfzeti all the discerdaut eleineate ia one's nature, and, brtnas oat .all our better ;feelings towards humanity. It has beetruly said "that a man was never's(' entireltr loot but that a song would redectia," Then fill, your homes with comic aud song and let the chtldrea have books and paners, molt as will elevate and instruct' rather than demoralize.. Their growing minds will not fest on dry sermons, but with the advancement of knowledge and the liberality of, the prem toadayt there bin 0 lack of intereating and ennobling hooka and periodicals within the each et every home. Let each book that you got your child be a mileeteue that fatal& point to great possibilities in its fature life. As far as you means win allow fill your home* with Matures ad amens. it they Are ever so simple they are attractive and go far in eultivetieg a love of the beautiful, A small landempe painting even though it may be poorly executed wial oft- timee create a love for the heautiee of nature, end the impreolone formed from thatlittle picturemey elevate one's thoughts and give one a desire to reprodece en eanvo other and lovelier thiegs. Then give your chtidren ptints andbruehes. Kelp them to relieve tbe dull piano= of year }mare,. ler be assured if there is nothing ettraelive et home they will be attraeted elsewhere. How to gale Mitriiage eSHOCO3S, By observing as closely as possible the, following '1 tete " the narobert of beMes to let » will be materially doreased ' Let each, allow the other to know some thipg Let each, consult; the othere folings. Lett eeeb rearms the fact that they, are one. Let the tinebatid freauent his home, not the glob. ' Lot his having " to see A man" wait till next day. Let his Utah key gather ante itertff rot from disease. Let him opea k to hie wife, not yell "sayl" t b Let him be as ceuriteona after maeriage as before. L3t bim confide in hie wife ; there intermt is equal. Let him assist her p beautifying, the home. Lt ii annual/lath her s hie beet part, • Let ber not worry him with. petty ton - lob her net? narrate Mrs. Nest Ltoor'il gosseip. Lee hornets feet Nome , tire. Releaser Pm eealskin. Let her mike home mere pleasaut then Let her draw as tastefully for him rut tr angers, 1.4st her sympathize with him In business eareir. TAP her bente Olean 10170 and root, not nein and strife* Let her meet Itha with a hies, not a frown. Bow Dint Verne About? Isa qtreetiou now sulked In regard o .C11.0 marriage of a popular writer. The same *petition was Mired Ave years ago when a society MO B Calton mewled A ten -0114o home body, aoree ,yeara hie signior. Tne ereakero croaked well, and decided that it was an unfortunate affele or evenid tam ,ont to be in the end. Oorge Eliot say*, that thie love et ofiudiog out how it name about" le due to "an OECOSti of poetry or atupidity." ,don't knew that that le just fair, but I do think when a marriage la contrary to estate lishedralea, croaltere are stupid and beteg, otely are of ten in the wzong in their preph- Gay, * le written that when SI Marriage Wets ebetit bit tske place NitageTateee used to oh "Whet le the Woman's MalledOell, and her blue= r The day* af (4113ratnet1041" are now 0/Insides:se to keen outlook to , the direertiltiltif paraand comfort; ; reakdom and Daimon stand one *Ideated the question to be anewered firet will Vale woman xneke niy home restful to tee, end will she live on wlaat 1 ean. earn Settle htut been the pro, cosnithat burled to this grades" amigo, but a °heave has come. xhs brillient moiety emus refereed to, le now a regular starat-home for the !ample reason his home is as perfeet as a home can be made to be, The %moulage, brIghteat room, in. the houee le his menaturn ; here are his favorite books, pleteres he Ilko, the 'Meet tope/nes, loyal out, and no end of pips& When,ther trate whletlei into the dopey, in Whit* IS this fortunate man, fire is starred on the low hearth to make the room ohoer. fel although the warmth, is not needed. To title room he brings hie friende, awl here -husbencl and wile alb when alone. Everything that will help tide wife to make home a Means of grace she read,; on her table there are always to be be Nand books and megednes that talk of the higher lite of the.horne, I mama geed cookieg when I say higher lite; A hitherto much nestle° part of religion. This man, formerly out every evening, rarely goon to theater or opera, party or ball, because bin home has greater attraotions and he brolly nowso seneibite.well•inform- ed, and amounting to somethuag teat his friends are rejoiced that the arainlingly in- congruous inarriage came -about. When I was asked what consIderea the reason of this trandermation I answered la- " Clean, well -aired rooms good fooa, and a a wife who is more anxioue to be what n ; Getman writer cells ' a serene house wife' than to keep, her weeper eye out to h00 if she will over get her rights' 1 --and vote."— (Good Haueekeeping. An Ideal Armband. A writer in a Western exchange gives ad- vice which will apply very well in the East. He says to the young man "If not married, get it. wife, a good, healthy, granger's daugh- ter, and commence to build a home. If you are poor, pull, sing, play and economize to- gether, and art soon as you are in some de. gree independent, get out of the ruts of routine and extra.ot all the honey there is in pasting hours. But if yeu are already pretty well fixed, than do not compel your wife to cook for the hirea men, slave over a wash. tub, make butter and ckeese, hunt eggs, and raisetturkeys and chickens, until her beauty fades and the sweetness of her text per sours. Get her a piano, music and charming books and magazines to read, and try a.nd make the charms of the country as cheerful and pleasant to lier as possible. Never grumble ab the milliner's bine. If your wife loves a nice fashionable areas, and a bewitching, daintily trimmed hat, you should be all the more proud of her. What are you for, you great, strapping, stalwart fellow, but to make some woman happy and your home a little heaven to go to heaven in. If you love a fine horse and bright, shining har- ness, why should not your wile be gratified in the line of ber tutu? Than do nob labor so long and hard thatyou have no time for reading and intellectual improvement. Soul - wealth will out lash your orchards and vine. yards." The lady Dodo= of luala. The Eugliehman'e Overland. Mail says In India lady dootora are now familiar to ancl although at &et they may bave isen somewhat tiaieuled by them who uld not appreciate their VAN!, they are fast making their presence felt for good in tamest every earner el the land. So far rue the netts° WOTaida et tlae granary are con - it is gratifying to note that their Engem in all breaehes of College edeestfon 1; progressing to the =Ike aselefaction ef thew protestors. Not only have they proved themselves to be generally well tatted for the arduous dutits attendent all medical etudiee, but they have in some ewe sue. coded beyond all erateary expeotation. Ilembey, Minim, the Northwest Rcovinees, end the Puej tub alt returrs A stteriag re. ports on the sabjeet, end when we say that a class of kende students can AVOraga Orea 700 marks out of 1,000 in. A 541.81Pal aminatIon, as we beer ban recently ham" the cue, little can no said ageittet their power or eldil or aptitude for &dog know- ledge in ono of the meitimportank branches in the medieal profeesion. Indeed, ap- peare ;apt enlikely that women la Indio. (nay prove theenselvee by no mean* Inferior to men In most blanche* of the presage of medicine, if the progress made by native !tunnies in hospitel work nifty be teken ale 14. criterion. In many dalell they have proved themolvee supetior to the mete students le college exeminetIont, Audio no way behind theta application, power of reasoning ansi resourn. The feet that much of their sue' case is due to the great interest taken in their studio!' by their lecturers and, profession is not without a certain special significance. Food For Nerves. One writer attributes as one cause of fret- fulnees the habit that some women have of underfeeding themselves. Whether it la from careleasnees, from a geperal indifference to food, or on account of having no appetite, or because they are too busy to give the time to eat thentroper quantity that their system demands, many women are underfed, and the' result is felt in both mind and body. Many women really live on two meals a day, taking only a cup of tea and a slim of bread and butter at noon. They say it is an they require and all they want; they could not eat any thing more. Bub they deceive them- selves, for this is not true. It may be that they do not want to eat any more, but if zo it hi because they have not been properly trained. Eating is a matter of training as much as anything else, and RE the systera regaires a considerable amount of food to keep the general health up to the proper standard, women should be trained to eat a &efficient quantify of wholesome food at reg- ular hours. Three mule a day, or even four are net too much for some vromen, ana meal thrice a day is indispensable to good health. underfeeding cannot be too severe- ly omuletnned. weakens the system, mak- ing the victim liable to an inumerable list of ailments, such as sore throat, backache, and neuralgia, beeidee many other ill. which, DutolzBuTh Oolture, The centre of bulb culture in Itollend, says "Gartee-flora " is stillat liaarlern, as it it hal been duringtwocenturies and a half. Hyacinths aro especially in favor justreaow, and ground suitable for their cultivation bus sold for as muck its $13,500 an acre an againet shout $1,000 given for land of -Aber kinds, The expeese of cultivation ispliteed at about $300 an acre for hyacinths and 5160 for tulips, and 11 18 noted that artificial manures are never need. Narcissus is also grown in vast quantities teat Haerleno, chiefly for exportation to Eagland. Formerly the export trade in out /towers was enormous, one Haarlem funs having exported in a single season 10,000 cases; but an agreement was last year entered into by a majority of the Datch florists to abandon the sale of out flowereas competing with the interests of pur- chasers of bulba. Atteinpts have been made to extract the perfume of hyacinth, but only with moderate success, especially from the commercial point of view. DE0 BUNOT BuBIED, . and often brought raelehmenttupon hinoseif. BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL , imd to get 210 or Te itortatite Lite or convicts in ase *MHo ei*. ego . ZASI1 as AT A me 4.5 Meg Spinet East, Toren -tot , aa Sines.far Ooneeny, toe over aye years, adaelp a ot the saort. Keating foul the other prieoaers. Upon hand Immure In eonneetion with the Canadian Dud Mr. Alexander Baranolf, who was a Ras. one offeaston he was punished fa nettle MIS. ne.44 UniVerSjty. TyVeWlitint4c1PfbrtillO4 404er the man, army c Meer, and who was EeAtintee'l 0 deed by Wing throve into a dark cellar, mawgement et 31.a.car. CRAW Lagar, agent torthe&herb, for alle.gea complicity in revolutionalthe inteation beteg to keep film there for tinnatite=31P'vl" ul" cm'; en 13 ary eetternes, se now in this country. lie . two haunt But the overseer win" was a related reeentln genie of his experiences as aratt fellow, forgot him, and he was not AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS follows :,- , ; rale* a "Were lb not for the 404 E; 41 "Dating the. night the other- COnydra.all aact end eteem eleveture. XIVICt8 people of Bueela and Siberia rat conviett beard an awful veiling coming font the ad. LETCH ag TURNESUL4 would ever live„to se the end f isjorarneYlar into- which Ilstenelta had been throwo, canzuan kntrater works. Pater and Queen streets, The amities of the City of MoScoWt front In the mieanng there was nothing no be seen cintt „ whieb. 80 Marty prisoners start for Siberian in the cello bet Batouskete beam. Toe rata are great It is the custom of the Owlets, bad eaten the met of him. to cheue One of their own, nanther as tore. man WhOD about to 444 on their long jearaey„ vete, tmr emps,p7 of 8)0 men etIMPlinteate Freely Rzellanged, 1 and women, escorted by the BOIAliefs With );d124 Clara " be muemured fondly, can AttlisamarigIvarttmgd, agt:,...,1°Igm. 11:74,': weut UP and down the linee of people other- ri a • Plan to. i Ctinati Dorn fitextee. tdorair ez EATJan LINE STRAMSOWS„ Smligg Weehy betweea aioNritiett end LITEnrettere. stem Tickets. ea Oat rod $00. Return Tiolteta. ga0' $0e told Me, according to fixed, baYeuetts itft Meeeetrs °ur foreman yen tellme wily your evea are like snare E- 111314 t:Yri General -Manager f4ingda II"h h sus „ y are t ey . Leal „Agents na all ToW;111 and Clues ed to witness our departure. LIB co *eaten" zz Beqsess they seise so brightly.s! alms from the Proved, the money being Put t'Alt. thanke, Bat you are like the stars into bags and carried along to the ,firet tact jt) e station, where it was divided. The amount Atn. 7 t I W,,-, way 1 ask colleated Was so great that every m%•11 h4"Itstause you may until *daybreak." 527"9The Goverement tIoes not interfere wrth haw hem twat& as they pattered along the . And *hardy afterward. his izaatetepa 00uld this alma giving on the pare of the people. broad %yea, 0_, (B otos B4dget. In every little town 'through which yon pos each villager takes off hie last, mid ceeeeea bizneelf, and throws in n penny for the bents. OW Broke the fil.staZeillerit at of the "poor unfortunates,' 44 the • vide are termed by the peep* becanuahe eaw that he had ceased to love "All that the people OA this continent her. tier beeuty bad feeled, her formerbigh bare beard and read, about the sufferings epte had givers place to a dell lassitude* endured by the prisonere exiled, to Siberia la What tad catreed-ehie tannage 1 Fresetiortal true. The Yew? nee szven DUN AAP. I derAngernettb ; elle was eufferteg freer thoo Animate pecular to her sm. And so their The aoldlere in Siberia have a name for the two yosug lives drifted apart. llow need. emulate -which well expretwee theireeoditien. Peas, hew cruel 1 II Ad iehe taken D. Fieroetio : vrawagyakeeatoh,awalatad. freely es, s you are .eoee , Favorite Proariptien elle might have been bat net burled.' Thle is the truth It la a ' restored to health and happiness. If any !lady reader el thew lilies Is eimilerio e ditet. 6% TY0101,C1 fever fettle wept tfourge of tbe , 54, let her Nes no time in precurieg the exiles. Mere conviote die of that than et any i " VAYOrite Preeeriptiem" It will give her a other cause, It etnild not in Qt1leZwIfie, [ new Italie of Mo. Sold by druggetts, ueder The ledetteribable MO and frighlfra AtelOri. i A positive guertuatee freer the manniecturere, phere of the crelVded Sleeping 111aceli al; Hie Of partesteatiaraietien In every case, or reerley gationt &RAIZ the route are edy and Bora ; refunded- bee guetentee ell beta§ wrap breeder* et she dittoes*, which meices dread.. per. I'd r4vagekarnopg the prhoner4. The feverI The lor,.,. etraight scarf mantle, wo broke out araoog no when we were at To. around tho-ebeeldere and falling to the be bottle, and the prisortera died, at the rate of of the dame In front, is revived among Othe thirty or forty a day. 1 was sie,1z With the wrape its Tendon. I fever myeelf. The prisoners; restetviel mecli. '1,-. "n . i 0 DEAL BIWA:Ill OM atteailanee, smelt as it was, Tobelsk wm a great eteppuag place ler traueleut a , awl et tie feel away OUSell predates tines in eperl. thee time there were 3000 genVitste eenfirreel meeting witb. Imeertela snerlieinee, whee IR Tarktill b3rracke lYperilds upon a largo id- en* 14 $1tretCds tvltbeut tittog out ct eloeure which was strongly fortified. (pocket As welt. The only medicine of IN "AnIttleer thlogfrom which, convicts; ;inter i close sold by druggists, pawned of fuels to Siburlasiatbe cold. Theeold of ils kilbstireet palliate curative properties as '4 Warritalt iell wInterls intenee,eand the vonviots as the Eno! rosecufaetuters la guaranteelug lb to cure, or at raerehoseeble to we -Mint and keep their i money paid for it returned, iit Dr Fierce% blood In circulation 'became et their olisimi, , Oeldea Medical. Meet:may. For all liver, suffer "mob. I remember one day, near the " blood and lung Macao it le speolfie, City of Tara, in the Ptealice of Tibet*, I tfackete Ara never out of Whim This when it Wee 10 best, tbeiii *MO at IluI bug* sown they have deep terms and ideovea full gagoiseieureven lay deem and died. We !ahem° the elbow, but they aro not worn with lost three women and Ryerson -that day who, I dressy toilets, chilled through -wed through by . ; 1 -D,aft hawk, and blow, and spit, but use , succumbed and died in the road, their boasts SO 011. being Picked up and brought along ta the 1 Mauy summer dresete for street wear are t tion7 Durum= cum, , i Dr. Sige's Catarrh Remedy- 01 titoliffitte. 11414bSeon4m of the primmer' died i at tele way They are iluished !netted with Ps fen 01 140e, ; withent the high collard so long la TOgue every week, eepodelly in theBeatakiabeppe, , Empire plaiting on an Eton collar., and yet it was only the ordinary Siberian The Book of lido% wiCuO t '? nvict life in the mince of Siberia le ' .1., nett Without Wisdom Lives In a Fool's well illuetrated by our daily rentine et the 'endive A, Tfetalee olPecittilY tirItten on Rohl miner, of Nerchinsk, We got up at 4 DIserteett of bleu, containing Feats For Men o'clock In tee menders and had.4 brealefut of Ail • Agee I Should he read by 04s. of Wok bread and s, bowl of gruel. We Middle Aged and 'Young Men. Proven by worked in the mines till noon and theta had, , the Selo of ilalt a Milli= to be the meet dinner, consisting of more gruel and lalaoketplzatt! become velar= in language Plant broad, and alto a plece of, meat. The meat ; forcible lid instructive. Practical preetot* wee often hero meet and young bonne Jet : Mien of Modica Comtnon Sense. Valuable me tell you, isn't half bad, capecially It yew ' to Invalids who are yeah/ netvartt And ex* are a prfsoner in Siberia. 1 boasted, showing now means by withal. they "We worked irk the mines again until dark. , may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, Sapper coneisted of cabbage or some other ' and the Penh). SanitarYi 80010, Salon" kind of soup, meet every two or three days, ' Subjects, Also gives a description of Seed, th potatoes or oer vegetablee, which were fio No. 8, The Great Realth Renewer ; requently xotten, and bleak bread. Inethe hiatveI of Healing and Kolai noor of Medi - mines we worked ba true minor fashion with I oleos, It largely explaine the mysteries of pick and shovel and lautp en hat. We still ' life. By its teachings, health may *be main - wore our ohms. They sumer camas cat The 1 tained. The Book will teeeh you bow to convicts bad to live in them and dio In them. , make life ;worth livina. If every adult in "Stuth a life, of amuse ;sooner or later, 1 the eivilfzea world would read, underetand caused the death of )31%1;y °out/iota. The and follow our views, there would be a political prisoners, many of whore Were of 'world "of P.hysioal, intellectual and moral high rank and totally unused to Manual 'testate. This Book will be found a truthful labor and to such a diet and manner of liv- presentation of faces, (misrelated to do good. The book of lathon, the Taliannan of Health 1 surrEliED =Elton, liringe bloom to the cheek,litrength to the body and joy to the heart It is a message and succumbed generally the fastest The to the Wise and Otherwise. Lahore"' Sped,- ordinaryeffenders, thieves, cemmon malefic- fie No. 3, the Spirit of Health. Those who tors, etc., who CaMO from the lower classes, obey the laws of this book will be crowned stood prison life much betteta for it more with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of nearly resembled is its diet and daily toil men have felt the power and testified to the their former life. I have known ordinary virtue of Lubon's Specific No. 8. All Men offenders, men from the lower °lamest 1 Who are Brokert Down from overwork or who were stout and strong, who had lived , other causes nob mentioned in the above, and worked in the mines for twenty years. I should send tor and read this Valuable " The women prisoners at the mines were ; Treatise, which will he sent to any address, employed in scrubbing, washing and clothee- sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to making. The delicately nurtured ladies' pay postage. Address all orders to M. V. aniong them who were political tffenders laibon room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toren - did not generally, live Ion i "There is only one chance in 100 of ever'to' Canada' getting back to Russia when one is once sent to Siberia, for if a conviet is suspected of having further political schemes it destroys his hope of a pardan. "Many of the convicts, as I have said, are desperate men. )3ere is a story of the re- venge some of them took upon a Siberian who bad murdered one of their number : This Siberian was on of the Mongolian race called Brateki and he had a farm about 9.00 versts, from Nserohinsk. It lay in the way by which convicts escaping from the mines generally a aesed. The region was ' MOSTLY A DRY DESERT, but this Bratski farmer had a good well of water which attracted the conviote, espe- cially the green ones who had never heard of him. "It was this farmer's custom to call to a convict whom he saw passing by wearing a good pair cf shoes or a good coat and entice him within reach, and then shoot him from a round hub which he had loop -holed all about. He killed and robbed a number of convicts in this way. ''Oae day a partry of seventeen convicts went by the farm, and some of the younger ones were for stopping. The more experi- enced convicts dissuaded them from doing this, saying that they would surely be shot By means of stratagem five of the convicts captured the farmer unarmed and away from his loop -holed hut. Then the beat me ne of putting to death the inur- ing him but one convict said : 'Ill show and Tumors CURED; no knife; derer were d smiled. Some were for hang- CAN you a bettor way than that.' The farmer's lestfMeaDran;amottiofi,itEale: legs were ripped up with a knife, from the inside of the ankle, and a lot of finely chopped horsehair was rubbed into the wounds . The hair was obtained from the tail of a horse, which was cut off. The finely cut hair irritated the wounds much aid put the victim in great agony. The _pm misruss conum, andpiti convicts at Norchinsk later heard, through the convict system of signs and comma- in selfs°9in'ofli; th7rhouergehaoruetnthoeveanottrieon;4atrh.e cgligefaedtuears are meeting wish distinguished success AB book-keep- ers, business managers, sborthand-writers, court reporters, eto, individual instruction is a feature of the institution, • Graduates easieted in obtaining The Use of Eelsk7ns. One of the queerest demands for eel skins Is that made by colored women. The pic- turesque bandannas that they wear serve another purpose than that of merely covering their beada; they hide the eelskins that these women wear to tauten and stretch their kinky hair. For, as long as white men have known the colored race, the latter has been imbued with a hopeless envy of long, straight hair, such as white persons are adorned with. Generations try to pull the kinks out of their woolly pates and fail, but other generations step into their places, and try on, and on to get long hair. White skins the adored folks don't care so mach about, because they see that white folks, like Italians and Span- iards, are often darker than mulattoee, but they do envy the rest of creation He long looks. An old amity, a very pints old wo- man, said to the child's mother one clay "I'm sure of pin' to heaven, but I'd give it up widout a sigh ef I could halo Miss Alice's long hair."---aNew York Sun. elesTretteelOtere.-reene for ear .4.yje 3.mze muttretree cetatous ot Hand 'patina merits. Violins, Guitars, yen^ etc.. see ail klnd of Trimmings, Agent for Trenehear and DeWitre Playa. nurla,ND13 AIVPIQ ATOUra IT King Ut. NY*, Tormato, Oat E4COE2S old make nteney during varadaon by canvaseing for one or more of oar fast sePipX vire and f3ibl s. elsPeriaA7 .111404F Gt °44i+ RV W. It Withrow, 110 • iateet mod b* e:itioe ever publohed, ptleee lova. teroas literal. Trite kr Illustrated cusadara and togas, WE„ ERK32.2, pnblisber, Toronto. ENGRAVING rd Fon ALL ILLuSTRATrvE. WOOD ENO RAVER, & ADvERTISING v.a.Kreic Srats.E. r EAST. PURPO2E.S. rzsati TORONTO, CANADA MONEYmow, clias gt turw.*iiitertuf,ia,171,044:`4. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BI.ACKST:004K9PZ;T narristers aa. I Solicitor% arelliegtea ea, ;or. Otterela /ever Bank of Taltellifil TORONTO.; QfilT. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PAM MANITOBA. Indlea *Mtn to enrehase Immoved *valet* name, from so acres upwards eatlx itnnediatte Peaseeeloo. call or write to tat I. allatlEntata, IffiP Arthae4 P194k; )IabA atti WieniPeat, log fareinted foe of cause. Ana settlers addistest =lbw who*" IN4C 0 isT70-2- Micts Ar CURBEN7 AME IEERRAMT. Tlie Penberay IMPROVED Automatic Injector lenteetau e ilea:344a; 25.002 in totem tee United Stew. Ther are et-Tpte aud oast least Euro other makes, while perforaung the same work. eneiy start easy at 25 firs. steam. and work to 1,5014; Taft wafer ia to Mt. and w ork froze a bead 41/1 well. Aetsmatte ands eetartingereen es -rent to. teeter le ken- Sead for circular to able caeca renbertla Injector Co„ Detroit, Micb. Winclear, Oen. end Detrelt, tin* .tetton tete r. kg doting wieder lrora EOM.% everaSerarday 10 from geebee everySaterday adoaderry to load oraila and pastengero ;trend Ireland ; aka from Ealtimore, via St. /oho% N.V.. to I4veracer itt ortner racatbs, Tbe attaBBIT, of tas goo durtog Muter to etel tem Ltsillex. Portlaisel, Breton and Patizaleitible Anal dozing soma leer betweea alazgow and Atookeal weekly Mara Row Ind Boston weolda, and eisegow 4144 vista foot trightly,, Far freight, passage et ether intennstlen so 3 A. Schaanaberas Co., Balt:Mere; artaatal Fiallfaz Shea Do., St. Jobta%Ntida Woo. Ara le CAA. Sk. ;OA. 51,5.; Nien Co, otiessoi 1.08 441clea. New York ; Barak; Tweeds ons.11A0 qaebea ; Drookie, tr. Alien t'ortlAsni Ilsatkla Nqutrtil. A Great Globe, The globe in the Paris Exhibition repro sent3 the earth on the ecale of ontamillionth• and is nearly 100 feet in diameter. P aris oo °Ivies about a third of an inob. All the great lines of communioation by land and sea are shown in detail. The earth% daily rota- tion will be precisely imitated by clockwork, O point on the globe's equator inoving an eightieth of an inch per second.- (Ex. For the Babies It is not necessary to buy corn cures. Men and women should remember that Putman' Painless Corn Extractor is the onlysafe, sur and painleas corn reramier extant. It does its work .quickly and with certainty. Se that the signature N. C. Poison & Co. ap pears on eech bottle, Beware, e poisonous imitations. Perla milliners say that ribbon will soo get' the better of flowers as the trimming fo stylish hats. It is used in all widths from "baby" up to ten inches, and appeare th richest weaves and the most daring, ye artistic color combinations. A. P. 457. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S - EMULSION or COD LIVER OIL unii ilYPOPHOSPHITES. it is Palatable as Milk. /t is three times as efficacious as plain cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does tot separate or change. It is 'wonderful as a flesh producer. /t is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, 'Chronic Cough am'', Colds. Sold by an Draggi8ta.50o. and $1.00. r FOR CIR0CTAR ADOXESE, sit ID.OAN ee, COI $7 NOVIZOOte Ave., Toreittes Out 'ARiVISmaim - MANITOBA co 1610failloba, ifortb-Wegt RS*arn Q0,, line, W/1 Akin, Mgr, 07 Main St i Turnip 1/,/,a,/ In ell putt* of the Provieza Pazes. Fan' Ten" fasts ems tert Fattest lettortatuao FUT. &Shad= Application. fiend as Scar name magma VIC deatapD7Stedata44311 PDATENTS prooured, Patent Attorneys, and experts. Est'd1867. Donald 0 Rklont 0o., Toronto. flOMMERCIALAND SUORTHAND IEDITCA. TION is a 'sayable acquirement Inc every yoang man and woman. Address ()ARABIAN BUSINESS DNIVEMITY, l'ablio Library Building, Toronto, for partioulars. THOS. BENCOUGH, OHAS. H. BitooKS. President. • See'y ao Manager. cation, which is spread all ;‘, oyert Stberia, like the tramp language in this country, that the farmer died of his vrounds "1 remember a convict at Nerchinek pontwne. Mdress named Batouaka, who was an unruly 1el1 ow 14 laAo001I7.Iin IOH, Principal. INtsa Butchers d Traders geueralln • GOOD nyouriirshllyio pizle up CALF SKINS us. Colt Furnished art intildadory glarnantt address. O El. Math -Gail, iltax Para. Verroolit, Stained Glass IfOR 01111ROIIES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. IIIMAUSLAND- '81, SON, /6 King St 1Y., Toronto* ALL THE WORLD OVER Johnston's Fluid Bee dent Life and LiveSteck CHIEF OFFICE, RAPE, TORONTO, CANADA BOOM D. (INCORPORATED ) A Mutual Benefit Assoetattou. Sam INVESTMCNT.-13yal,agase to the ;have Association 0E8 CENT PEA DAT, a pease aged taentaatwo, Audi two cents per day a ptraita torn tear exa secure F.ve Dilate per vetk w disablel throwah Aolzarele or imidenta ran for two imitate* cents par day, parinua aged se abo-c can Seam for their deo:Mute, lave Rata a Dollar. La tem et' deeth. XIII: STOCK. OW:VICES can prealle 'spinet km by death throualr Mosso or eandent et tette *tack. at tier runs, Thou interested, send to mean date et me, useable ezeats wauted uorepzenented triete. ONCE, Naugle; Blzezter. Is used as a STRENGTII'GIVING FOOD for INVALIDS, 'CONVALES0E:14as and for ATHLETES when train. log and in Domestic Cookery for reeking Soups end Grevy. A GREAT LIFE -GIVER _Is — ST. LEON WATER. Leads of tee:futons as fellows: I have wed at Igen. Believe it loheboth curative and iefrefloIng.-Itav Jong PODS, 7) D. Bone, Mona lath !sad bloed-nothing en the European continent to equel tale builder -Up of poieoned. wastsd humanity; St Tmon Is to such better 0 an gold. -Ba Cored of dysagnis, Was A Ski leton; am now at Sethi le nom. orders or go to the Springain Quebec, the fountain of fresh life, vigour and 30y. • THE ST. MON MINERAL 'CO. Tettenes. Itonertal and On ebet., And strong. -W Pawls; Ct sibs°. MONTANA'S WEALTH LIMITS The Fanner, The Mereltant, Thesteenntan. The Taborer, TheMirter The Banker, . The Manufacturer, Iln Empire Opened for Settlement/ Comprising rich ainoultural and grazing lanch, gold, silver, copper. lend, iron and coal mines- Climate nn, surpassed. Moth easy of access by the Sr. Plan, Muctorsroms Sr. MANITOBA By., 'width pieces in service, beginning Nov. 10tb, a train equips merit unexcelled, furnishing splendid Day Coaches, Palace sleepers, Free Colonist Sleepers and Surperb Dining Clara of latest design, limning train through solid from St. Paul, andilinneapolie to Great Falls, Helena and Butte,Montana. i For Maps and general nformation inquire of your own Ticket Agent, or P I Whitney, Gen'i Pass. and Tk't Mit., St. Paul, Minn ; J. M. lInchins, 'a Pal- mer House Block, Toro/to; or, V. v. Russell, 8 'Inmate Temple, London. p TORONTO ONSERVATORY covanimarr citanTcos OF IVIUSIO. NON. G. V/. ALLAN - - PRESIDENT. 1000 Total Attondo.nCo first 2 Yoarsa Al 1 1:r:etches uotrah. -instrumental and Vocal music; ocution, Lanatuoget. nehelanties, cartilitotcs,clioica snas. Free TIMory, Violin, Concerts and Lecture% Near Fall, organ students, besides the 11,A or several completo church organ% can hove In. nt practice and hats upon a GRAND CONCERT ORGAN, built. prossly far the Carat/votary. iaAseeiation Ball. fatitirsagER NORMAL TERM, julyS to Aug. aca FALL TERM OPENS Sept, 4. Send for freer Calendar. Address. EDWARD PIONY.fr, Director, cor, Yenge St. and Wilton MO.; Tcrozta. IIILLIDAT STANDAIID WINDMILLS For supplying constantly pare aal halt water for the following purposes. viz- t Pumping Water ;ea er. They US for Stack, -5 ta. perfectly cans Farm Buildin, r gs, °` tronatie logales 'fustian% , and uniform to TillaResidencea speed. Pablio Geottd MiBt Institutions, farchzircultb3g Gardens. root pulping,. Green Houses, threshing. taw. Town lb Village mg wo td,grind- Waterworks, ing corn, etn„ Iretels,Colleges, etc. Also mann. Pumping for facture:sof feed Railway grinders,baying Stations, 4,,tools, iron and Fire Protection, Awood puraps„ Ittigation, i and a itilninator Tanneries, -7•R Annoy, Town, Breweries, ..!-- Farm, =dams& Sewag.e, Mines, mental Water Draining -Supply Mater" - Low Lands. ale. Catalogue Thrse cele- and ?sloe Lists, brated 'Wind- with references, mills are made mailed free ors Iran one man to' ';.--A-.. -,st, ,„.apllicatiorttO tortyhorae-pow: - -'"--- . • ONTARIO P11111) CO.. TORONTO, Or., CANADA.. Mention this paper. THRESHING BELTS Guaranteed not to crack, split, puff, break, or part between the plies. Send for descriptive circulars and. prices. The Wateous Engine Wokrs Ltd., Braniford, (torfeberation ite TORC:01\T TO OVER .27 mit iEs noxi cto) mar 31E., :asr'sr 3 000 000Assus AND CAPITAL. SIB,, W. T. HOWLAND, President. w. 0. MIEDONAILD,1 WII, ELLIOT, E. HOOPER, J. K. ILteDONALD, Actuaar. nataateetnants. t. DIstacinio Dissolve,.