The Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-30, Page 3Success Under Ditoulty A lady reeently asked what a woman could do ta earn money who had neither teem for gardeniig. or poultry ratting. I think I owe aleggeamething by telling her a little atory, if she will Hetet+ Tne Lenhopes were poor, Where was no disguleintt the fact that they had 'more ways for using money than there was money to ate, especially during the winter of 1885 ; but it wee through no miodoing or negligence of thebn thee they foetal themeelvee za more then usually etraleued circumstances; at the Owe of this particular winter, They were both intinateioes and frugal, Mr. leenhops wee 4 sober. hard-working otten—juat eto much breain forexeouting the ideas of someoe eleete brain; and, since there were many others like a** he twA uttk oIsy eon- cerning his wagea, anti woe oonteet to re^ cesve oteady eraployment awl enough to , satiety his simple Metes. Mrs, Lenhope, no lees inauetrtous was, however, lees easily satisami and.' wee anxious to get ahead in the world. Never -very ruggea, she was debarred from engaglog actively in the strife for bread, mei so far had content, ed berself with making" one dellar do the work of "two, anii patting the other dollar away againse a rainy day. Their home wee made he three room on the third floor back of one of the eeverel tenement hotted, vebiele differed Mao respect from the ordin- ary tome:lent house that fa alvraya in dose proximity to the huge, block-threated mine time tauter pear large citieS, The Lenhope epartmeete were, however, distieguielled teem asset adhere by the 444t13N4 WI air of refinement preemste Though moat of the furnitere wee of 40010 etleke, it wan pretty ana everything barmorsizse. The ;stoning glory of the roomewee three eoetes wiedowe, where ;leveret thrifty pleats; bloomed 44 144(4440y in their tin emu!, 49 though pleated the leteet improvrea pate end le- oated itt the dlleat greeghouse. The Teethopee had begun Ohs special vern. tor with bright hopes, Leta in the fell, the at dealer ueetwary to complete the Arat Inuelred bed been depoeitea Le the bank; saed with clothing enough 441 band for theme selvea and their one child, of three, We, Len" hope promisee re speedy advancement or the 444944 9144dre1; but, alms 1 " 41441 pro. patie4s. but Clod Ilispeaste." Ssekneae, alweye the bane of bright prop:tote, hut eepecielly tae to the poor, toweled her home, The wife, the Innee.keeper. wee Ida low. mull fer dart her feeble life hong on the ticket thread, Batt the Odd* peueel t little by little, the !might her way back to life teed ite boraces, The little ensule ace,orate melted u we before the nee, in the fame of tbeex peens of those weeka of atilerieg for be; aud of anxiety, owe and leila el time for her hushavd. Teey mut live even if the bread- whuerraust terry over ad* bed, Ieeteed of labouring in the mill 1 Then there wee the doetor'e bill, largely diteettutedott Count of their eireunsatencee, but still it made a fearful. bolo in the little pile. But the hrothena thought lietle of thee Indy thaokful that the companion of hie life, hie pt2ert Iovio wUe, wee dyed to him. With her beddelitm. he felt that he touiti face r. ((bonny world and wreet *bright fature from reluotane fate. Mn. Leuhope bed 10 far recovered tee to be left aloe° eluting the day, but bet beebend Mill did most, Of the work before and after Mill hours*. ' "It Reeine toolod this I triuet Lave nub dokness just as we ware beginuing to get &hoed," she +mid, al she watched her bus band getting the evenieg meal, and !cellos Impetient for the time whenshe °cold again resume her duties. "We might hese got too proud and hido. pendent, if we didn't have any back tete, " was her husband's' reply, "You naust home had to draw on ourneet e' egg, aim add musingly„ hardly daring, yet :sexton% to ask the question that tremelea on her tongue.. at wee the drat allualon to the subject sho had road° a.edever buthand dread- ed the tinsels le would hew, on her, If knew it wag; not only drawn upon but • haute& He attempted an 4V443,V0 answer but alas, not being skilled in rhetoric, told the very thing be meant to hide, by sayings "It was lucky welted somettiffig aimed. We- can start pretty near equate -with tee world now, winch .ia better than Iota of men • She only only heard one phrate of Ida &newer, "start pretty near tenare with the world." "You don't mean to say we've had to use at/ our money and main debt beeidea 1 Oh, Henry 1" she exclaimed, her face deadly white, her tone stratned and unnatural, "Don't take it to heart so, Betty 1 We'll pull through, now you're getting well; and we'll live to laugh at our caring for each a small sum as that. Don't ory, Betty, you'll bring on the fever again. There—there,"her husband said, atrolting her bowed head soft- ly with ale horny, toil -grimed hand. "Oh—it's sohard to—begin ell over again," sobbed Betty. Poor woman It was a dreary outlook to her, still weak from a long, severe illness— the hoardings of several years all gone, and in their place a balance on the wrong side, which, even if small, meant months of pinch- ing economy to efface, with their small in. come. 0, why wasn't she strong and cap- able, or else why wasn't she destitute of eny desire to rise above the low level of simple existence 1 ,Why was she given a Icrre for dainty things if she *as to be always denied them And she asked so little, so very little, of this world's abundance. It waen't something was wrong. With these thoughts surging through her brain, the tears came like ram. It was a pathetic picture to see this woman's pain -racked frame heave sob after sob, and tbe strong man beside her powerlesa to comfort, mingling his tears with here, and all this morrow for the lack of a few paltry dollars, less than many a pain- pered child ofe fortune wastes weekly. Little Myrtle, at play on the floor, slue rounded by a wkole family of paper dolls her mother had out out, was startled by the sud- den silence of the room, broken only. by the elopk and her mother's sobs. Leaving her play, she trudged up to them with wonder- ing eves and quivering lips. "Don't k'y, mamma 1 Myrtle be good," mid the child leaning on her mother's knee and trying to pull the tiglitly clasped hands from her inother's face wibh her tiny one; man Lenhope drained the child to her breast csonvuleively : "0, Henry 1 what if ib had been Myrtle indeed of the hundred dollen 1" she exclaimed. "Yes, Betty, it might have been a good deal woree. We've got a good deal to be thankful for yet," her husband replied. "And we've got God's sunshine " she said as the low descending sun' sent its rays athwart her face in loving good night. "We must count over our mercies, Betty, and not forget that: Ho knows what's best for us," her husband said reverently. "That's the beat way. I'm going to trust Him to show US the way. I don't mean to be so weak again. As you say, its lucky we had that money for juat this emergency, but it is so hard to think it had to go for almost nothing," and there threatened to be anoth- er deluge. ' courteously to her errand and agreed to talte promised me at twenteefive cents a week ; cently dtteevere ere, t g 3 "Well, it you call all that medioinet gave two dezen plenae if they were thrifty. 22 they all come that will be two dollars and erbe. yon nothing then you have a differeat 01)113.1 "We had determined not to buy any more a balf a week, whick would pay the rent, O 4 of the stuff than I have," 3 that were started," abe said, "we had such Dun you think we dare try in Henry ?a Mre. Lenhope laughed at -this view of the poor luck with those we got last year. All Bite salted in oonelusion. case, as who wouldn't? Just here Myrtle, tint fear of the three dczen died and those 1 don't feel quite as yen diet abet a who, having seen her mother'e eyeenneover- four took halt the season tenghening to out. J year ago," woe the teasing Ammer. ed, had left them, spied the waiting aupper 'door air. They force them too fad at the table and exclaimed, " I.se hungry 1" Thus greenhouse." admoeished, they were soon aeated found "That will be one advantage of miee. I tho table and theered by the simple yet can't force them so fast 444 they will be neatly crewed meal. Melancholy was more hardy," mitt Mrs. Lenhope, seeing one effectually banished, Mr- Lenhope enter. advantage in her limited reeourceo. Mining his wife with alt the bits of new " glad you have made the attempat be pieked up from hie fellow.vverkmen, atsc- I don't think you will have any trouble ne eeetlea et, well in his role that their early disposing of all yet; can raioe," was her en. retiring boor came on apace, and don, oouragtrig reply, wrapped in a restful sleep, all worry and "I hope oat, for 1 en anxiona to help care was forgotten along,", It was net until left alone the next morn- "You don't look very strong." said her ing that Mrs. Lenhope agata dwelt an tneir bodes; Poting the thin features, the pellid shattered oneuete neo her brain, mere countmance and darkteireled eyes. busy because of the enforced iclleneee of her "I'm not as strong as usual now, for 1 ern getting up from A long alokeess that body, began to revolve ninnies; for the comes j"t img of malt auras into the fa .eily exebenner„ has thrown us behind," Men. Len.hope add, The outlook was certainly discouraging. riaiat7 toO. Not a rod of ground where she could perform " 1""Pl" be are apx3.°46 to 1°1P. then'. velvet( ought to have the oltaece, aUa, they miracles; with garden vegetal:dee ; not a chicken, or A place to keep one; debarred generally find la, Be Imre to aall at those f row numual work by lack of drengta, two houses over on the odner ; they always even had she been In a neighbethooa where such baY Plattte thereon work, outside of the mill, was plenty. She Tbu Mra. t.ubope departed from the was handy with her needle, but had never drat house rented and cheered. She bargain - learned a trade and doubted her ability to ed for twenty-five deeen plants thee after - do any hut the plainest work for others. mut and, better than ther, discovered Palmy work She knew practioally nothing another avenue of employment °pep to her. about. If they only could afford one et It heppeued in this wlee. Ceiling at te houge thou Uttle cottages with the gardens attade- where the was mmewhat acquainted, the ed the mighb do wonders I Bet, pahow, wan lady noticed. Myetie and edict Bede! as well white for the money to grow pretty yen alwaye keep Myytie too-kir& 1 on treen 1 Ste bad atuit thteo tooMa thira with I had the talent for Oalog things; ever twee beeee el a big tenement hoti4e4 and that you beve ; but everything that 1 40 tts that we., ell elao wa 1kely ever to have; that Hue le A eemplete Where," and ebe eua a hia tor found tee wey slowly down epeeker leugherl 44 ;laugh It were aC444 her thiu ebeek tte the faced tide umber cee. joke. Otago% Several days peened in fruitled "D you ever hire any plain awing rneditetien, $be had Ab94t given ep in dee- done 1" :$Xra. 'metope ina new idea pair, believing her utilities; eves seemly -CI emedeg to Ler Pat theu. wait, when it ilethed into her mind, like a "Yes, a lila; I beveeoumat work fora the menage frere heaven, 44 On ;Wady 444, Cm, 431111•134t 1dnd ltttle tune for sewing, and erging from 110134 4 P444in cloud, fleetied melte such work of that 1 emeetinsee ebb* it she mall mom with sole= light, Why mold he egenorey for me to biro it all done, pot try window gerdeuseg 1 if mad Sled gotneue willing to do the mid 47U4t the thing 1) exeiaimed fdre. Teets- jobs for 4 f0444441)14 price," wee the ettrekteee, hope, torgetting In. bor cuttestiasro, that "1 aboulel be very glad of Ilene j AR like there was zio one to eddrete, 'What amnia that, if yete could trnet me, and woued met she put in there thee would take up little be in too mode of 4 hurry .er them," Mrs. room and promise Mlle return? That was Lenbope eeicl the next location. She turned toward the "Trust you; I ohauld be only to glad, to, pant Oiled window. A geraeluee aglow and You can have YOUr Own time for Odell - with tot biesseeee ateeaceed bee Attentige, kg them. Would yon be Waited, if I gave It was one that she had traneplauted In you thee two dream to dx up, so they th444 dive of weastuette boom the deleneee weuld ba hell way preeeutablet %%bed ber cense. The tin MI bad never reeelvea it* friend, produeleg two dream the worm for eoeuaterneti diagetee and the original label the weer, hut eeptatle of doing moeit Ioager. deed gut beak. " Wity, of cowed" the tervice 11preoerlymenled, exclaimed. She meld hardly wait her 'Vest the work I eits debeee "repliedMra htsebenaes bemememing, zo iropetiene wet Lenbepee the to cellist bim in her projeet ; tut she "You are. it is pet the work 1 cam not therteneel up the time by building air do beat. }Tercets a ;specimen of my medius mustles—not very large oust, but quite high —lode worse thmt A- bola," elle seld, tahib• enougb, considethett the very emelt fowler ting a far Rem oreauseutal Attempt at tion, dee, three not very large untie win. 1niendhig. down. Again elie saw heroin the podeeeerIt was with 4 light teed, deepite ber A hack account, and, farther ors, the weerfeete, that lire, Lentope roomed leer ecupeut ef one of thou little oettegee at steps borneward, for well elso knew thet epo the end o tbe street where she eouldgerden job like tble weolti open the way for au- to her Iseert's content. other. Messy of the women round *bent "Why, ) ()Woo got dapper all ready, worked all day in the 11111 and Lee little little wife 1 and how bright you look rex- t.w ar ludinetion for owing, even had elaimed her 13141,41141 49 he came In.WA bow, the time the team "1'ra going to get well fast now, for I've were ready for treneplentingt fennel moreethsng 1 on do to help," was leer Leuhope Wet netting quite re little In the buoyent answer, way of sub work. elm WOO a, USW VOW "Mo help, too," clamored Myrtle 'drag. don for solution. In what were the tome. ng her their towards the table and climb. toes to be trausplanted! To buy the little • tp.pato at the florietts for the purpoite would *Yee, you shall beip, too pet," dad require too moch of the expected prate, her mother, tyintreou the chilats bib end "Why can't we melte some pots eat Inking her owa seat ab the table. "Henry, 'het stiff paper we have down at the mil you know how nice my plants always look ! 1 0412 get lots for a nickel," mid her bus no ono oleo has ee many Woo:ores all the band, to whom eho had doled this maw difil winter as I do, and it is Just on account of catty. thou South winelewe." "That will be. juet the thirg. Ten can it wee n Henry mud, hardly geeing the out them cut Nadler to the rarer basketa drift of his remark. they use for twitter; only mailer. How a lucky tbat yat can reinforce no when tun "Well, you know all, or a good many, out of ideas 2" Mrs. Lenbope did merrily. the people round bere wbo bave garden; go " Oh, you'd have thought of in if oonla+3 into the oily and buy toted° plant; Now, seen tbe paper lying around As often se 1 I propon to furnieh tome at them this year. h Tomato plants won't be any more care then ave," her buthand replied, loth to accept the idea. that for once he had been tricker house plunte and they will pay better," alio than hie wife to see away out of a difficulty, exclaimed. "Why not 1 sure enough; but you Tho paper was obtained and two evening(' of couldn't raise many plants in taose win- sufficed make tbe memory number pote or boxes,. The planta were quite at dews," amid her husband. " Bopped we shall make our for- home in their paper houses and throve as tune in ono season ; but every dollar helps, though inetind with a desire to aid Mrs, and may be I shall think of some other wLenhope in her lendable undertaking. There ay were fifty-two deem of tho thrifts', hardy to Cern money. Ono thing leade to another, plants when the time came for delivering you know Vthem. Everyone was diapoled of, and more "What will you grow them in?" asked c her practical husband. ould have been sold, The vreeks passed quidely with the busy " I've thoughb it all out,' ehe said. "I want you to get me some map bone or little woman, and it was winter again before she realized that the summer was over. It something you can gob for little or nothing and fill them with good oil. I shall want found her with heart and hands busy to their s utmost capacity, for she had never entirely six boxes., Then there mut be some slate regained her atrength, and she was planning put up at the windows inclining a little, so box how she could do both herself and another the upper box will nob shade the lower one wilt a good turn, by giving someone a home who and so that the inner edge of the get as much sun as the outer edge. I can would help her In return for it. The oppor make some cover& of cloth to draw ver the tunity came in the person of Lena Ziegler, a O box when the sun is hot, and thus give them poor deformed girl sadly in need of a home and a helping hand. Mrs. Lenleope decided steam baths on the most improved plan. Oh, I know I shall do nicely even with this to take the girl, an she was docile and ani - small beginning I I shall send to Blenk & ions to learn. She proved juet the help Mrs. Lenhope wanted. Oo. for the seed as it will be reliable. will cost me ten cents a package and I can "1 donn know what I shall do, ' a recent - use a package to a hex, and plan to have ly widowed woman was saying in Also. Len - one hundred plants from each box. That hope's) presence; "I must do something to would be six hundred, in all, or fifty dozen ! keep he wolf from the door. If I only had And if they are nice, thrifty plants they some place to leave Flossy, the problem will bring twenty oenta a dczen. Ten dol. would be major." lam 1 that's a good deal to us," she said, "Do you think there are many who would rattling on in joyous style., • like a place to leave their little ones while " You've goo a good many ifs between you they are away at work 1" inquired Mrs. and your ten dollars," her husband said, Lenhope who, now that she had Lena, found not to discourage bub to prepare her for par- herself capable of undertaking more light tial fends. work. " Oh, well, It -me wasn't built: in a day, "Yes, there are a good many who would and I can try, was her courageous answer. be glad of some place besides the strecte for "And good luck to you. I'll do my share the smallest ones," was the =ewer. by getting the boxes and earth. But how "How much could most of them afferd to are you going to let folks know you've got Pay for having them cared for,—the parents them to sell; they won't show any from furniebing the dinner ?" Mrs. Lenhope oak. these beak windows ?" said Mr. Lenhope, ed. who always saw every possible chance of "I don't know, not very much." failure at the firet glance. "Would twenty-five cents a week be toe "Why, you dear old goosie 1 I ;hall much ?" suggested Itre. Lenhope. make it a point to call on the dear people "No, 1 don't think it would, unless bhey ana advertise my waren.' Mrs. Lenhope re. had two or three to leave,'' was the answer, plied, laughing et this easily surmounted " l'll think about it and perhaps I an objection. errange so as to care for them," Mrs. Len - A few days after this cohvereation, Mrs. hope said. Lenhope's windows bore a changed appear- "If you would, therea nobody whomfolke and. The ?tante had been given a baok would sooner taut," was the frank reply. seat. Large, businesalike looking boxes A fevr days after this, Mre. Lenhope filled the windows. Everything had been done as well as she knew how and her limit- ed resound would permit. The tiny green leaves were but just lifting their heads into view, when Mrs. Lenhope, her strength now much increased, and wish- ing to take time by the forelock, started forth, aocompenied by Myra°, .to solidi: orders. Although having a elight acquaint- ance with many living in the part of town toward which she bent her steps, her heart beat loudly as she neared the place ab the thought of solioiting patronage. It must be done, however, and selecting one of the more pretentious of the humble houses, she walked boldly up to the door and knocked. A stranger, but a pleasant -fatted woman opened the door, invited her in, listeeed • "'Oh, don't, Henry 1 you know was sick and eesile digeourage4, We've heen pro- spered MOre tb44 ever this year," replied his wife - "Sat IM afraid your ambition will carry von tepoud your stosogth , little wife," Mr. lesielmee replied. "It is easier to work when one has an abjece 33essidea, it will be better for all of us to be wbere we coal atep out of &ors more," she replied eargestly. "I thigh we en riele it. How maeb have yea earned already ?" asked her bus. bud. "There's my book; I have it all footed, up. Tee tomatoes brought me ten elollere Z4 y sewing. fifty. Total sixty dollars,, Just thlok ef it 1 and moat tt esette le Solt litde driblets, twentyfive and nay ()etas, and lets ; but it makes a wand total, don't it, Bente?' "Not more grand than my pleckv UttIO wife to deaerving of,'' be said galimatlye " Weed have thought it ayeer Agar she said, piehicg up her peneil end paper with wieleh ehe had been kering, " Wto knowa but My attempt windew gardening will put es in the way el Willing one of ehete crey 400144 4Q1)14 t Small hegleniuga often lesel to lerge enainge, heard," she old. remingly. "12 anydtody ma win with 4 email Allow, her earee m Petty Lenhopee" woe ber hue - WAN deeteive aeewer, Let sus helm *114 411.4 may be preepered in her new Lem width else he* done se tottob to ggtm old tbat the day emynots bel for dieteet vvhen Betty foulsoptea new; then epeear Ai a reel ettete °weer. DB ovzoN, ur MaBzEzim, e Fatal Floptt 1-11ye My htre wee Oeeme an eminent eargeon of Marteilleet The plegee raged with en- ebeted fiery, tbreetensug te depepulete te city, he fatal ntelatly etelketi be nearly every hogtehold ; eympetby wee aud even tho lectimet ef motherheed forgeeten. Beevelelems were beipleess. A member et the brevees; of them met in es'esteltettoe at the flora de Ville and geeeleded tiea'''. front the peculiar eberamer ot the alteeses waist% cenla he Unewse of it witeerat ptertmortem exazniaatiai, But that 4V411 an fropesseibi. trowaa the meatus OP Taint to e. Oet et their otidae steeped Guyer. "Be Ib ee," he tate; "1 devete =spelt te the tafaty oe =ante y. Befere time retembly *weer in the name ef Inemenity and Wig - foe's; tele te morrow et the break of deer I disteee cerpse and write dOlf44 As I (mete whit °Nerve," ffe left the its, ruble' LOA Pte:etatta to bit dom. Ile wee wealthy and nemarritel ; he VA is will, neet to conftessen, and at assidelg ceivea tee recrements. de) breek he ;ou ell blemdf in a ream with a centegioue rpse, and, kneeling by it, wrote: "Mould dog rerstaine of an lmsnortal soul, not culy A gaze on thee without horror, but with ay eed gretitudo. Isa discoverieg to me the secrot Paillie of this terrible Cli444110 width de tree; my seethe city, thou wilt enable Yee to point out tome araetary remedy; thou wilt render my eaaelfice useful, Oh, Ood 1 Thou wilt bless the getters Those but Thy eltlilearereee. w4450tIOP WAS Unlia0 end observations eked. ( cool brainwaa needed ) tie Ruble ad, went out and placed his manueeripts In. jar of v egazeth on departed to thopest hone; where in tvrelve hour' he was a corpte. Lena of BM5prto and Imre werahlppere, can ye match hen ? alr. Bitter, can you ? WHY THE BOY DIDN'T c1014B HOMB What It WaS 'that Screamed at Nome in the Woods. Four milea ()quell of Stodelardeville, In a fereet of dveral htffiered tierce, the agree= of a wild teest have freemently been heard for three years peen Two years ago last winter fe4141.0 panther NV44 ehot by Itlireni Cole who had been huntino for bears in the mita of the ideate Vole and, the rest of the people who live within sigbt and hearing of the weeds ttien believed that the panther he bad plain WAS the beau *hose geresesee they had (melee:Quality beerdee the deed of night, For two menet:is after that no noises any - bike the ;screams. echoed through the foreet After WithtfalL Awl Cele felt certain that be had rounded up the tele panther in the Crone:kern woode, But when sammer came, more noises of the earns oert Panted front tan woods at uight, and Cole didn't kuove what to make of them, Now and them fl reesseet LANZ .from his littleneck, and once Ira 4 while there ??44. g04.49 or turkey 1444 In beeneerd he else mething than there had, been the night bzioele Cele laid all the weleettiet to beep; at first, and he get bear trace ewe. atebee Platy se tight for the thief, but without reault. :Witeu winter set ist else depreseetiene 404. 44, seed Cele then .fele satisfied that bears baf stalels texas and ...pepItty., But tabeet. once W4414 Olt wheter. long he Or oeme f hiss family beard the ewer*. ery of *lee Ild aelmel after auk, AO .Cele.4.011 tree tope le the weeds telt 4 rOttO -49 CIAO eed tried Us ceteb ft, taeW it* treeless everel flume eeta mede up ids mirel that 14 44 4 Palather5 bot the heeee didn't gat steer Ls trona, and he newe.r got eight Wit. A age this eprieg, an 4 eserssieg after san Q er 44 Of 4.444.W liWilfelDe4,. Cele mieted lemb from an oaen:ehed, Tan etrenott traUtti Wore th.e thew, 'AO; Vele ele that the game 'mute am] hell robbed hire et .lese fowla te:e previees eatmore Then axe eL the eneny etrereemee at lest Week . ,AiOk. and heated th.e API.' &Ire. Li 4 tvly whe loteweewtrobedy whene r daY, hut be aidn't hove tite eb.e.gbeetee to Wow, aterica Otit 14 despere husk iter twee; get 4 :glimpses et it-. at4 44.44AVOr t144 *amenities. it the. Up be begetabeg of leuse ' emeter tbe ey of roduclog tee number -usenet OP Zbf4 wild ettimalto debtor eiele at ber !erg eelliere liate eten.rrencren SC4.148115 T441444rOOPO so p14.4.k4.4t";'41144CPbt. MAKING FABROff WINER% o.nensing story *2 the Alleged Falai Scathe" et Clarets in Frituce. The felalece.tion of whim is ono° mere be- 001XLing buraine subject in Frenee, bays George R. Sim% 14 the Leodoo Refine, Is) Ib notorious that millione of botaea of the via rouge which le emmunied at home and gent eleread are ebselately gueltiees of one drop of the j lice of the grape. neoerning this wholeeele " feleffication " of laertleimar wbeeeI wet told ao. (ant:ming etory this 'Ain - ter by F4-SaCh geetletnee wise was py traveling oempanten frexa Marseilles; to Peeie. Here is the otory A. farmer in Normandy,. seeing a wine edvertioed by a firm ea Bina 4:10A4X, wrote far a couple of eeeke of it, ana forwarded the money, A fertneght after- werel it arrives/ at the statien, awe to amatT bis outer tc bring it borne, The wetter beught two aseks, ban to the farmerta astene lelement, only one ash was fuli; the other wee empty. Aa exensinetiose of the cask eboweathatithedeotb teenperedwith,ana there was he treere at lealtege, Evidently eta empty eeele had ban see; by mietake. feroser at ouce wrete b the 13 erdeaux wine reerehaet to complatio of, the oereleettewee Io doe ceuroe reply was reeeived, wldcla was asfollow: "/ax : 1 WM [ferry for the mistake Made by my Man, bat yoo easily rectify I' you &lithe ea:ptyalin-It with water and keel; it tor fOrtaigbs: you will fled the wine all right. Tim icereaiente are at the bottom of tte ask, bet my man fooliebly omittea to add the water. Wai6taa* your forther orders I aro, eta, yoore, et; lety Freoeh friend eseneeeme tleat this was teen Ttle atery News cob% threugh. he Norwell former eieumndies the resume bitmeney, awl, the wine reereheut eteeete the 041#0 came befere "444 law eP441V. 4tter Ode, wiser, riete far " vie ordieseire ? 22 betel sense teey give peliticel peve no wearier Betaereer ran away. II\WWWIN,RI,MNIVSW.Rf.111•IPITIM ,Eqoal any DraargucY, OS e0141MMICII with /tenet', " the.; Pro*, were heard 4 ember of times; by Stave Cue r re, to our, erre ie tele ewe, eleeu dela awl hie Vika, who live te tied cf to wake% twee hole in elle line" Celees phsee. seesueteeel'a Wee ;dee !need theta, Oinsettera lives hal a raVe it I* oste thing' so /Oen gni etette to execute. Not mily was vevertrelye Cele. Oa differeet ttighte tile oat ,gree wbiee et fete. ot beetoo pealed to he let different vete of the e teem were ;pep -es wleo Cole's folk; geeerelly beard the kiret re alre, X. itOeut evapo- e on Wedeeseley tie's% while Cee- chilareus were feuded by thee; 4= ar, so IWO *he WU every. At teat, when *he stew the asiehtsa during laeb Oisretead'i lippieg away kern Ler, elea beard any of the weird seam stesLive te enter ea teem V enenInge hut they slid Tbere s deternaued etougle end d Feidey please Oe the other elle nd fax tte red, of the day thumkore weals the femiliee of se width, in the lenguage ef Bentley, Realer Wetermeu, Jowl elb Foliose frevently hears/them. Mary in Deeember the se:rearms meited altoe;ether, net by the middle of daugery Cele aua the abets telkeel about it, awl ammo t; the gee. elusion teet this animal was &Al No one eed killed it, end the euppeettien was tbat It heel died a, natural dedb. Lett Seturdey, tete in the afternoon, Cele sent hie sem Auguatue, et 12 years, to look atter a (taw that had not been seen eine° mertang. Tee rust of the cows were an the proroleee long before sundown, end, as the lost cow had bell on bar meek, CA* ought the boy wousd be *ado to bunt nor u before dark. It was n littla after tlark w en Cale heard the bell nettle, mad the cow came centering along the muddy road at smiles feet gait that Cole noshed out el the barn to chide the boy for melting her run 40, Augeestue wassn't there, and the 4.311r pant. ea SA though the had ran Tato a distance. Oho lammed to be grestly frigittened at some. thing, and SHE MIMI= .A.M. OVER se ere after:me teele booed, dever ea be pleye the detas.o Ameneate geme, would, be eellea genet of beef She aid xest treat Ler foeueen, but at mule emelt peeteuted Lereelf at, the deer it, pewee, "Is el -a. Seems -nem lel' ells; v,euld in quire, eked then before t:hss aervene cerda reply, else wouldeuratieue, witu no onpropele ate change of zone; n1 very eerrye pleases give her my cerd when elle returoo." And before the oadoolshet aervent ceuld eoever her preset of mind, the was In her eserisago egetn. Wu way she suceeeded Welty, and now she ateelaree that sbc ebout to propeee a change in tocial man - Imre, ea that when one glee to pay 4 deft el MQV) 4410144Y it shall ettquotte not to go in but simply to inquire at tate door.— ilioston Courier. Growth dee Beet -Sugar Industry. The doeple and :Inexpeneive methods adopted is; the °emus fectotiee heves made the heat...sugar meetdacenro ono of the moat prodteble of Industrlea, and tbe work goes on day stud night, at n prime coat for con- version of teo dollars per ten of beets or Ono out per pound of sugar, nab estimating the coot of the beat -root, but including labor and all ineterIele odd, like coal, coke, lime, obarcoal, wear and tear, and interest on the investea eapttel. The monthly disbursements of such an establishment exceed sixty thous' a.na dollars, sold oleo employment to thous- ands of wage-earners in (tired and collateral induatriee, One and corporation, in Fiance repotted a net profit derived front the manta facture of beet -sugar a few years ago of two millions of dollars and the damn dM not extend beyond onehundredand twenty days. Under them now condition e the produo tion of beet -sugar in continental Europe has doubled in the last decade; mid, after she home populations are reteplied, the aurplue is exported to Great Britain and the United States, reducing the price of eugar in the markets of the world more than fifty per cen b. The sugar refineries of this country nee the beetand canetugar indiscriminately in the manufacture of the block sugar of corn- oaerce and the familygrocer sells the import- ed redned beete anger at reprice from twenty- five to fifty per lent above the price of date - sugar. Before our late we; Louisiana produced more sugar than Germany; and elthough the beet sugar iadustry in the latter country was greatly stimulated by the high prime of auger prevailing, incident to the entire destruction of the cane -sugar industry of the Unieed States, yet as late as 1872 the empire produced only twenty-five hundred tons, while for the year 1888 a production of one million threcebundred thousand tom of sugar and saccharine resultants is recorded.—A. H. Alone in the Popular Science Monthly of May. Hidden Demure in Ultima Thule. What is supposed to be a hidden treasure was found lately in the North Town Moss, Island of Burray. Orkney, by eteorge Petrie, while cutting reeets for fuel, Afterwards a Sheriff proceeded to the place and secured the find, which consiste of ailver coins, arm. lets, and necklet% The coins are of the eleventh century. There are 25 armlets or proposed an idea to her husband which she . bangles and other p eces, and 22 neck rings having investigated the matter thoroughly, vvould have thought herself insane to think II of raver wire, rope pattern. All the articles of a year ago. It was nothing less than are in a good state of preservation. The that they rent one of those cottages she had 110aurnieceet exmlet or bangle weighs over two so long wishecito 000npy, oneof those which the smallest about one-half ounce.— had Just been vacated. Philadelphaa Ledger. "You see, Henry," she said, well arrned with argument; "there's the garden which will furnish us with plenty of vegetables, I, formerly her footman, sentenced each to which will be one item. I shall try miming ' twenty years' servitude. The Baroness was plants on an enlarged dale next spring, . married when young to an old man, trend putting in cucumbers and inelons, as well ' she fell in love with his footman, She pots. astotnatoen I shall still have my odds and : oned her hothead and watt arrested, but the ends of sewing, and very likely more if we footmen eseeped. She subsequently clamped live down stairs where its handier to find from the hospital where she was confined, one. Then 1 shall have my new enter- . sought out her footman lover, and married prise,—the babies, I've had the oare of ten him. They eettled in Kovno, and were re. Cue of a recent potty of convide bound for Sibera wasa baroness and her husband, when Cole drove ber Into the etable end fast. ened bar in the atanchioote Colo fettered that sometlebag bad Injured her so thee he would lose her, and be called eel° Tompkine, his bired Mitt and haa him ermine leer. Jake said the cow appearea to be all right, anti he malted Colo where Annotate was. Ho hadn't readmit:me yeb, end, after they had waited afteen or twenty minutes for hiro to come, they concluded to go it derail of him. Jake got the gun out of the houee, ena Cole rook a bundle of atravr under his arm and carried a lantern They searched on either side of the road thab the colve generally took toward the woods, every now and then calling out to the boy, bat they got no reeponee and saw noth- ing of the lad. Fax the next half hour they yelled Augustus's name along a lonely path without; getting any inkling of the boy's whereaboute. Then they struck the edge of the woodio still calling to theboy, and follow- ing a path along the borders of the forest, where the cowls roamed. After a 'hila they reached a big hemlock tree that land been blown down by the a incl. As Mr. Cole yelled out the name of hie son AN ANIMAL SPRANG from the darkened space neat thoafallen tree and ran up a smaller tree near by. Mr. Cole placed the bundle of straw on the end of a long stick and set fire to it. The bright light showed Jake -where the animal N. as crouching in the tree and he blazed away at it. It fell to the ground and pitahed at Mr. Cole, but Jake put another bullet into it and killed it. Without stopping to see what it looked like, they called again to Augustus, and heard a moan underneath the big tree. The men sprang forward, and the lighb from the lantern revealed the face of the unconscious boy. He wee lying on hie baok and moaning. There was a little spot of red on his right okeek. Mr. Cole and Jake revived him with water and much shaking. All that be could tell them was that a beast had sprung upon his back as he was driving the cow along. The dead animal was a male panther. Ib was old ani had only two teeth. It had bitten a small chunk out of the boy's cheek; otherwiee Augustus was not hurt much. Cole is of the opinion that the panther was the mate to the one he killed two ,years ago last winter, and that he is the last et his race. The Forest fires in Minnesotan and Widen - sin continue. Commenting upon the fad that ten thou- sand emigrants recently left Liverpool for America in a week, the Chicago "Tribune" says :—"An alarming proportitan of the itn- mignents to this country fall victims to a greatly stimulabed drink habit, and often be. come worthlees as workmen. Usiog their increased wages to rum themselves by drink indeed of to better their condition they Marge their resultieg poverty and wretched- ness to the institutions of this country or to its industrial system rather than to their own violate indulgences. The great tido rolls in, bringing 600,000 or 700,000 immi- grants every year, end a sadly large propor- tion of them go to swell the ranks of the drunkards, loafers, and self made victims of poverty and vice." DR. TANNER OUTDONE. ' ewe essay In Quebec' mho VIM lived on. leerier for F.101, Team Mn. C. Smith, traveller for Meads Nor throp & Lyme; of tbis dty. tends the following inter( sting letter to "The Empire" writing from Richmond, (axe. I vate isa Tingwiok. QU.nr, vcaterday end my attention while in 31r, I'. Herbert.' dere, was direct- ed towerde a farmer that entered about the same time, and whose name is Ambrose Bed- ard, a. farmer of only ordinary means and living within four miles af Tirgiviok, and who le the father of whab can trtay be eallea a living wonder, a young lady eighteen y ars of age, wave° name ia allas Mary Joisephine Bedard, and who ball tun elided any food of any kind since eight yeare ago lad Decem- ber. This person, of whom you have pro- vieusly heard, no doubt, exiete on water only, and that she takes no more than any other ordinary indtvidual, and has occation- ally gone six days, during which thne slue has probably drank a couple of glasses. Petroleum.Proanoinz Strata. The interesting fact appeare to be nova well esteblished that petroleum -producing strata do not always belong to the same geological period. Thu; in Kentnolxy and Tenneseee, the petroleum is turnithed by the lower siturian stratum, diet is, by the most ancient atratified rooks ; in Upper Canada tt is found in the lower Devonian,, and in Pennsylvania in the upper Devonian. The springs of western Virginiaafiow from. the upper carboniferous strata; isa Connecti- cub and North Carolina coal oil is found in the tries; in Celorrdo and Utah in the lignites of the ereteceous formation, while the oll.producing regions of California, belong to the tertiary period. le le stated as 8 remarkable fact that moat. of the deposits :of the ancient world exists in comparatively recent tertiary forme - tions, as, for instance, those of oil -impregnat- ed sands of Alsace, of the south of Franc; and of Abruzzi.). and Emilia, in Italy. There are numerous deposits in Galicia end the Danubian provinces dmilarly placed, while the strata that contain those of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and the 'eland of Taman are of nearly the same geological epoch. Another fact stated is that the oils coming from the greatest depth prove to be of the best qual- ity, those produced from nearer the surface ofethe earth seeming to have lost some of their volatile elements, vor She was Seeptioaeerielere-rel'el - sni-Tung man vv—h—owished to sand sonae complimentary verses to a lady whose beanta ful singing at a mimed had pleased his faney asked an impecunious friend who was a brilli- ant rhymester to compose them for him.. The result pleased him greatly, and be copied them and sent them to the lady as the "outcome of an idle moment. from. yours----" The next day they were ,return - veal an interrogation -mark under his mon; To his chagrin he found that he need a sheet, of paper without noticing that his frimed, who had coaled when he was out, had scrawl- ed across the back the following—" Dear J,, I can't let you have the last verde to Mies B. for lees than ten ahillinge. Please be, more prompt than you were lad time."