The Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-2, Page 8liSettoxes Table,.
We have received from the publish -
or, Mr. William Bryne, Toronto, a copy
a "Charlie Ogilbie," a romance of ,scot -
land and New 13ruaaseeiele, It is writ -
might worship under the dome .of a
great Cathedral. In conclusion he
gave therm the true password; it was
Christ. Oddfellowship might do much.
for a maven's moral life but it could not
ten by L.e lie Vaughan, end is one of save his soul. Only; Christ could do
the many interesting stories issued by that. This: large eougregation and
by the, Bryce hoose. For sale by your himself as they now stood might never
bookseller, or direct from the publisher" meet again. By their next, annual
Price 25 cents, sermon might separatemany of them,
*trios item,. the wide prairie be the Rome of some
If you, expect to do business without and some WQ-uld be beyond that bond
advertising you will be sure to repent front whence no traveller returns: As
lyour mistake. It is jeist as neeessary
touch of the Lord restored the
not a let the people know what you leper once the sante faith that :made
have to sell as it is to have good and binge ask for that restoration could en -
cheap goods. You may make a living able them all to come home and dwell
without advertising, but, you will find forever with Iiina where rich and poor:
kon era ninin the list of sueeessful bust . were eve trod partings forever ended,
Bess men, in this or any other country , , e itten.
that those alien who were most success- ,—rnanstroww- is Arbor Dan.
int were the mien who spent most mime ^Cash id for eQ'KF
with the printers. No town eaan be a pant ee , at Bissett Bros,
pc, giE good Ilse a -r established ii lt,ana xao nyeeh, •
mood business Dant without Navin za Mr. Erect Moore visaed Birth last
paper eanPbe successful unless the bust —House eleaning isaiow in full open
mess men assist it by giving it employ- ations.
Absolutely Pure, meat, Dota't fro to other plaices for your -Far field and saelm seeds, call on
This powder never s>a=acs. to marvel of work, your home paper can do your Bissett Bros.
aunt- tren tl2 an,t w,gaoresometaess, More s`" . as cheataply as f?t1acD`s, :utfl .""^ ""
t; --Miss Mitchell, of S: -Marys, is vis
..c•-,t,...r, r.11 zh n tom. . %lin ars,- l ends. and i receere }ourenpgort,
tan It 4 ica ,r;,.n v;atia tints
-a r ,, e r s; t t lit w nght alntai or . Wee vee sent is the nee,
Aosillate r.swaer sat onlyin cotes his a cowman expression of finer.
E,Fot.BosnsG oirnEn, 4 o.. "NG Weil $r 'ti.
bants'tit that 4 -business is so dui/ it will
a v tooat w e se. What would o not par f ria i➢ at u al
�� i~ �; l �witnntT as taxa think o$ the ws't7rking non wwho,
when work is scarce! word( not try all
$ fit) tot* the Roaster to rigid it. The duty of the
Barley .. .. In to 45 uercbennt or maaanufaeturer at such Sevexfa cow.
Shots . 24 to 2tt tunes is to create business by offering
Peas...... ...... 5:3 to 53
i stew and attractive styles, by seelciug
f.11over Seed... , ,., , 400 to 4'W customers and pushing beyond us.ial
5 e o.
G . l not sit
neighboring 1<I h o d
tl to 11
per b
Dittf' Roots .. 17 to 1R-! down and wait for trade tta come to him
1utt;+r, L woks , ..... , .. 15 to 16! hat seek it en every side and though
t>„ t;sa,tsee per Isnt�lt......... 'vivito 24 the use of every lawful instrumentality
Hay per ton........:. .4.25 an 10.00 l WIwn trade is dull more exertion must
H be made to secure it than when bust-
fl mess is brisk. When times are flush
hen Fi x laDnsi '1
--Ts now showing DIRT NSE BARGAINS in the following lines—
lack and Colored Uenrietta Cloths,
Black and Colored Cashmeres,
Black and Colored Jersey Cloths,
Valley striped Dress Goods,
lalck and Colored ilea#yellienx,
All ore • Embroideries aautl loser*#ions„
Pas asols, Gloves PAW, siei* 'x
Carpets,Laace curtains and Curtain roles,
'4'.all 'aJ avers and Veiling Decorations,
Boots and Shoes, Felt and Straw Mats,
b•e latest novelties in Mid, .ix ery are
iend� in rowan.
being they
passed into stock as arrive from
.TfI- I:,.I3illin;�, lleistiet,;or thR Tnest -
as~tifefal teeth.
---For perfect fitting, reliable :and
cheap hoots and shoes ago to Iiielaaird
the Parisian and New York Markets,
Picketers, •
A good Wally of the villagersa
at present snaring from all attack
--Mrs 3 ikieeatt, who bas been visit,
ing friends in town, returned home on
day this week.
:Mr. ,i. F. Jaynes, is removing from
harts to London, where he will Fermen-
ta:« reside in future,
Gants, if you want a nobby suit
o eiothcs and a perfect fit go to Rich=
and Pickard's.
i and money alentifanl it rectums but .r a ..,
a I q This neat regular meeting al 1 Fy
i little Kin( to sell evade, There is not mouth Lodge Sons of England will be
sat much n(�,c4 of aactvtrrtising at such h held on Monday ci ening next.
c alba Restorer. if you ' times- The far oil` Province of Manitoba. is
n tir4161. St. Leon Water. t I.i;tia ta'aa:tcenses, being filled a rapidly by Canaadians, r
r la°•F>a Iola read Nest sc Liquor➢D(f n,�:.+ hive been granted and memo of our oiu ' men ricogoing
Ll.•rarge :..putters. P to the 'following hotel and shop keeper out there.
. I in ttheSSouthlRidingnof Huron:: �,.afaard➢a g. _,ylr fMll>rAlt a4' l�imclae➢�;i'n r+etD.traD-
. outlay :naariniuu Mr•Ch�as, Snell'ni teverns.—'Ila. 1'. Kennedy. Joseph Reil, N G
• I;Qncl.-a. � , F frown Rahe. Czt➢, last ,vekT wsiacr(,tie:
Law Du :seating the Daxrit Win. llatwlash;aw, 1a m. Mame Jas.
Du tit ta u t runt and Weir, Tlus. Stephens, and Rutter ti 1'sl'7'°t u teri� uaoantlas �xidh tale' sstIts t're i -
F rtel! :and JQtiii,
wsh�at. Rode. Shops—John ti:ilie*r,an and I`,(I
tg opue.h
f Gain:son, Exeter. -=-11, L. Waalper, 1%a na. —Great drives in teas at Diehard
Opus, T. W. Acheson, T. W. fl l slinw ; Tieka rd s, Call atul get a. t;unple of
and W L. Ilrin:acoatihe. Shops -,Faruk• our 4 e.enit Hoe.
er Bros. and S, C. Hersey. Hayfield.— —Mr. A. Mcfonell purchased a tine
J. 8warts anti John Pollock. Shop=- sorrel horse for Mr. Wm, Waugh!,
Exi. Elliot. Tp. of t'sborite. Taverns -. nensall, a few days ago. It is an ex-
cellent beast, and Was purchased at a
high price.
Richarci Pickard s.
a aa, ctDinT
taring riga
The AnYovetrn will remove to
stand t(t-dky, Delft forget ttbe
Ial ee tw+h,et wanting, anything' in the
printing line, uppeeite Jas. I'iekerd e
340StOre~ .ref*tt�i Joseph Arxnstrctng,n. (l. Brown, Joseph
Exeter L. 1. en , - meets Friday 1ndAins and Mathew Kennud. Tp.
tfIIDarviNwfnIIl', Every member $tc hen.-°-V.JMofat Thos. Iiogus
ug St Hill Walter Clarke. til'in. ,bolt
he ,,,matters!! u ,
�s tl4acstt aF tt� gra st fat as iri:itt rS t > n�• , .• > , , .
Importance will coin4e i. -.fore the X attriel. Half, Ed. k ortree, Joseph Brea
tnf �It .
ner. and Hen
ry iiner. S
p .J
C3i its f,Iet#t,t,GgirfltnDaitetm, 'I. Iiay.-Ilz1Ph Sa
—A meeting of the Grand Orange
Lodge Reception committee will 1*
held in Clinton on Friday May 10th at
2'eluek in the afternoon. Every naevi
bor therefere is expeeted to he present.
taw, Oilire over 0.No 'M moo:. tyre, Rd. Reynokis,.fd. Dossenbepry,? For the prettiest, most fashionable
Chas. Orel), Henry Wove end ti zn. and cheapest dress goods in town go
to Richard Piekard s.
Wyoming once had. a man eroded A.
Fool andsomebody asked him why he
didn't give his whole Christian mune.
He, it was bad enough without
salving it Adam Fool,
—The close season for n dheel start
on the 15th of April and ends 15111 of
May, and the close season for bass is
between the 15th of April and the lath
ofJune. No person is allowed to catch'
sell, or have in there possession those
fish during the titres mentioned.
�•A new invention to prevent col.
lisions at sea, consisting of rp small
plate fixed at the side of the vessel, has
been very successfully tried on the
Thames. Electricity is the active agent.
The approach, of another vessel within
two miles causes a bell to sound, and
an indicating arrow shows the direct-
ion whence it eomes.
—Win. Sweet, V. S. of this yillage,
engaged has onra ed the services of Mr. A. FI.
h Veterinary Dentist of Niagara
Fitch, '4 t , �,
Falls, to', take charge of his practice'
in connection with the teeth. This is
something that has been neglected
during past years therefore every per-
son around here should pay particular
attention to it and have their horses'
teeth examined.
—Mr. John Elliot, barrister, of this
place, was in attendance at the Belle
ville Assizes last week in connection
with a suit brought by the assignee of
S. R. I3alkwill against a creditor in
Belleville who was alleged to have
secured a preference a. short time before
Balkwill assigned. He reports thing .
east pretty much the same as in other
parts of Ontario and Spring no further
advanced. Mr. Elliot was also in Ham-
ilton the morning after the terrible
accident and had a view of the wreck
Of which he did not give us a descrip
don. but said that no : person could
imagine what such a railway accident
means without seeing the malt bodies
A o
being mangled to such an extent that
the searchers could only tell when they
came upon a pile of human flesh among
the charred remains by its white ap
pearance when turned over and ex-
—Dr. Mackid, of Seaforth, has been
appointed by the Dominion., Govern-
ment assistant medical supertindent of
the sanitarium at Banff, N. W. T., the
new health acid summer resort establish
ed by the Dominion Government on
the main line of the Canada Pacific
Railway in the Rockies. This place,
owing to its health giving qualities,
and the grandeur and .beauty of the
scenery, is rapidly becoming:, one of
the most popular health. and `summer
resorts on the American 'Continent
The doctor Will also have medical sup:
erintendence of the. Anthracite mines:'
and a selection of the Oanadian.Pacific
liailway., .The appointment is a most;
. cl:esireable one, and we have pleasure
in congratulating the doctor of his good
fortune in securing it, and we are sure
tfiMay we received a, letttar trtinra
ohn Parsons, late of Centralia, who
a""err weeks ago for Manitoba, ate•
nfr(l by his brother and Mr. Chas
astir, He reports halving arrived
scare and things heomixx ;. The weather
is delightful, and evert prospeets for a
successful crop.
41.0. F Zicction of (emcees.
At the regular meeting of Canadian
Order Foresters, held in their hall on
April 29th. 180. the following officers
were elected:-- Bros. Jas. Fairbairn, C.
R.; iS m, Creeeeh V, -C. Re Alex Davey, for street watering $2 CO per. day being
Melt SP cinen Lee.See.: I. A. the lawcst wait accepted. d. Itloveti by
Ross, File -8m John Taylor, Trees: T. B. Carling, that Bissett Bros tender
Geo. Bill, S. W. Peter B.iwcdt'u, .i. W for nails $ 5 per keg be accepted, not
Fred iS hitwer. S.114 T. H. McCallum, seconded. Moved by T. H. McCallum,
J. B. seconded by W. G. Bissett, that Mr. W.
Entertainment. H. Moueur's tender ela.75 per Imo; be ac
A grand musical anal literary enter• edeept. Carried. --Moved by W. G. Bis.
t'aianDnent will he given in S. S. No. 33, sett, seconded by T. 13. Carling, that
Stephen,1 miles west of Exeter, on this council assume the south half of
'� a sr
May 10th, in
1 lavhe fenbetween the Town Hall to
1 fun of I rn tt fence t
#1 L°FL
:, 'wr
` 1 hr nr for the 1Parsons. �iid of sa new hell 11 c r i and . ii. W. H.P. so , Carried.—The
scli'.',1. Thr committee has secured the road tom. to supply help to fix Mr. Par -
very best talent possible and promises son's part of the fence. The Reeve,
rich treat. Everybody go. Tickets, Dep. Reeve and Mr Pickard were ap
15 eta. For further particulars see pointer} a eon n ittee to inspect gravel
pit, and make such arrangement as
they deem proper with reference to the
same. Bylaw No 8, 1859, to water a
portion of main st. was duly read and
passed, rate per foot frontage Ge. Moved
by T. H. McCallum, .seconded by T. 13.
Carling, that this commit adjourn un-
til call of the Reeve.—Carried.
M. EMMETT, Clerk.
Nicholson. Tp. of Semi ere.•—Joseph
Abell and Wilson Cook. Tp. of Tucker-
smith—Wm. Dixon. Wm. Kyle and
John Daley. Tp of Goderich—E. R.
Coanril Proceeding.
Council met pursuant to adjourn•
ment at the Council chamber, Exeter,
2tlth April 1S$ t. All present. minutes
of former meeting read and approved.
Orders were granted for the following
suras: -Jas. Creech' $R1, part salary;
$20.75, meals to tmenps, and Jas. Belstlon.
$2, for Labor. Mr. A. Bissett's tender
'That ;s a:Vallee.
'Windsor has a uitiz; n of the name of
,John Mud.saa d in spite of the commiser
nation one would expect to be meted out
• to him when he fell off the sidewalk
there on Saturday and broke his leg,
an onlooker could aim help exclaiming.
Yes that's it nand to fund." And
Mount Forest has a young hely named
Booze, and the companions of a young
man who is rather sweet on the young;
lady, answer inquiries about the said
young man by remarking that be is
"goi.t" on a booze,
'Wait on the Children.
A prominent grocer tells the editor of
an e_xch?tn ;e that he always makes it
a point to have children waited upon
before grown people. He remembers
an wet accession a little girl conalu� lux
to hi store with a card pinned on hE r
shawl, on 'which was printed these
I am little Mary Gray.
Wait upon me right away
Mamma. s Lys, 'cause I'm so small
You will not see me at all.
The grocer not only saw the little one
.but waited upon her without delay.
1'nele Chanes Cassel) Coin.
A recent circular issued by the Unlit -
lit•ed States Treasury Department propos-
ing to ship, free of charge, to persons
desiring them, nickles and pennies in
certain qua'otities,on receipt of the face
Amine, has suggested some enquiries in
egard to the cost of these coins to the
United States, and how it is';..that they
tan afford to ship them at ,par -value,
paying ' express charges upon them.
The he result of these enquiries has been
-the discovery that the nickle costs at
the mint less than three—quarter of a
scent, while it put in circulation at a
xalue of five cents.
1. O. O. V. „o to Chui eat.
The Rev. N. H. Martin, of Christ
Church, Chatham, P. G.11. of the Inde-
pendent Order of Odclfellows, preached
the annual sermon at Exeter ori, Sun
day last. • The day was most dreary of
April days, wet and cold, but in spite
of the 'weather the lodges from Bewail
and Grant= (the latter place 15 males
distant) sunt representatives. The
Trivitt Memorial Church was fairly
filledwith between four and five him -
dyed people when the service began at
3.p. m The her. S. P. Robinson read the
evening prayers and the Rey. N. H.
Martin the special lessons appropriate
to the sermon. The text was St. Mark
I.41 and the sermon a striking exposi-
tion of Christian charity as exemplified
bythe sottetie then assembled in the
church, Mr, Martin showed how our
Lord. chose'The lot of a poor man incl it
was among the poor that His
home life was spent. The great deeds
of the world have most of them been
done by the same class. The .founder
of Oddfellowship in - America was
Thomas Wyllie, of Bathwind, a
poor man. The speaker values the
society for it bas shown him much
good which lay in his brother man be-
fore -Unmarked. Among other things
it has shown him this that the poor
man who worshipped in the humble
Salvation. Army Barracks has the
same hope of redemption through the
the same Saviour as himself though be
was a minister of a historic church and
high medical still ww-ill enable
to perform the duties rtaining
Q position him
with credit o hi 1
t _ea
nd benefit to those who may be under
his professional care, while bis genial,
manner will oke him a universal
favorite with all whom he may come in
contact. The doctor will leave aea.•
forth to resume tho duties of Ws taew
position about the 15th of May.
Robert ;'a, (iumi, MSI, u, 1)rau anc_
Profl'sor of surgery of the United
States Medical College, Editor of"Med-
teal Taleane."
MedteaalTralna,ne.' euthor(af "'Guinea Nvw
laiipraved Handbook of hygiene and
XZ,oiamesiie Me (limine;' says over his own
signaature in addwsging, the proprietors
Warner's Safe Cure: '1 cannot he
trial' to lady convictions unless I extend
a lwiping hand and ertdorso alt I know
tta be Dearthl and trustworthy. Your
;r aphie. dcseriptinns of disear,eaa of the
fta(lney s and liver have awakened the
tikedie at profesilon to tho fact of their
great inereasc Physicians haev a been
tsxperinentall„ treating this disease,
and while r,iatiug about for an author-
' ed
uthor.eet, remedy, their patients have (lied
on their hands,"
!vs.—Am.-1n t5sborno, of
26th inst., by Rap. Mr. Penball,
Mr. Thos. Hern,to Miss MaryJohns
all of trsborxnc.
AiIETItG-yw; ilit•ix\T = On the 29th inst:,at
theresidenceof J. C. McIntosh,McI to y
the Rev. S. P. Robinson, Mr. Jas.
Airth of this place,to Mrs. Margrett
Vincent, of Otterville
Fonn.-.In Stephen, on the IlOth
the wife of William Ford, of a son.
The aetiou of Carter's ittle Liver
Pills is pleasant, mild and natural.
They gently stimulate the liver, and
regulate the bowels, but do not purge.
They are so sure to please. Try thein.
Brewr all JilaIster
le1I8' Pie1BbIatC91 JllE rij1
0 0
XXX Porter a Specialty.
L�G YF ��
Go A. K¥ ws;,A
Pring foo
Groceries and Confection-
ary of the Best
Best Pipes
Tobacco and Cigars
r •i- -F _�'� x. x x �t• -i• •F- •ir i- -f^ -1• •t- -F ^i• ��-t' -i- •#^ •t-' -t�
xxxexxextxxxxcxxaxxaxxxsxx xGxtxxexxeDtxexcxcXxxRxexx
Qin is your Chance to secure your Spillage Goods, at prices
never i clow heard of in Deter. Owing to the great de-
epress on of trade. and buying far cash, as we do., ag e
have secured some special- bargains before the
present advance Of the market, so that we
are able to give our custoret'stho very best val-
ue, We do not advertise our goods at cost, or.
less than cost—such advertisements are a fraud.
!t1I' rices are right and will 17e found as low as any - other
house in the trade.
FACTS—The people say that tate prices of press Goads. Groceries, Boots S.
Shoes, Prints, Cottous,&c., at I':ARItINSON S are better vahw than in
all the combined smelts in Exeter. We have some special drives. We in-
inspection. It will pay you to call and examine our stock, No taoub-
t n goods. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember
lace—first door north of this Town Iiall, Main St., Exeter, Ontario.
Petty's Hams, Bacon and Lard
Thorley's Improved.Hoise
and Cattle FOGA.
Dashwood Roller Flour for
And all from a practically unlimited line of new, bright
tyles for Spring* and Summer. Facts and figures convince
� p
ail comers that we offer the opportunity of the season in
Drys' oods, Groceries,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing,Fur-
Coods, &e.
This stock is made up of the 'Thoroughly Genteel" in styles
and fashions. The lowest prices yet named. For
equal values von can't do better anywhere
than at ()AIMING BROT Di S.
Not in price, for yen can't go
Not e than thelowest. Igoquality,
lo'c li a owes t Infor
you can't get better` than the best. Not inquantity,
for you can't get more than the most. Our last word is
t aa3ae ,
We are receiving daily, our ) '.'l ; tock of
and ather nee
Which we are in a position to offer to the public at the
o Pllo3
•we have also on hand a full stock of
&iclt pd 11111614g Iii1s, ails, Nag, ,EtC
ST. +0.+TI
Of all kinds always on hand at prices that defy
competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages,
Field and Garden eeds. Eavetroughing a specialty.