The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-28, Page 1VOL. IL
AY, FEBRUARY 28,',889.
NO. 9L
yore Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, zs ?.)
'aid up Capital, .. ,.. , .... $2,000x000. fi'
1)000,000, S1
Head office Montreal, .
GRxnRAL, 111AliAGElt. tl
Twenty Branch offices in the POjnlnion• ,
Lgoncies in the Dominion, U. $. and Furore. a i
Harz, 1
!peas everylawfal tlav from XO a, an,to 3 p.
not Saturday's 1 p. in, -
l general banking business transaeted
Three per cent. per annum allowed.. for
140113V On Deposit IieetaptS, 41111, ft Sa,yrlags
?,xeter, Jan 2'Z'r. �. Il,aitaiger,
is published every Thursday 3Torningt tl
at, theotliee,
1��Mp,EE T E++Z�••�..
I�ALbT-�'T1t°i�l?,T'A "•' '�'•RA+MNlt,
ly the6 ,elnr,,Re'RUBfa'ISIR\frCOMPANY.
)nstaDollarper annum if Dial In Ativaalie'L.
a#1„ SO^ if real Oct maid. i
.-s a "- :,c, .73,./.tori -
Vit& es di ltaoretinite until ail arra'«arasgass , t
ar6 i71, ,sl tivertisement 4 without q4i el0e f
lir ticns vizir be nbli teed tat fanned avail
Siargat atce"•oriliugIy Liberal di,aromitm ^h'
Air 1t,1'L`iln C mit tearyertibeinetip, Iwo:'rt4•.sl or I
Long periods. Beery _description of Jami
PlitINTL:iGturned ontnan the 'Uncut style,
oral at'rtllmie �i a ar-:ito.• ClUIVO��1x9�AGorpo/i ord .
prat &o .for advertising, slatnra:rtptione, ate, to
«e made payable to _
•' r�i'�i1lit lu Sanders, r
_ _..
Clitareb 7 lrcetoia '.
'reivrri' ;wlr:ztnauuM, .t'nrnen.--lien S. P•!
Robinson, Restos. Sunday Serviees, it
ndI p. m. Sabbath School, 2;n p, m. t
il€arnonisv a mato--,Tames-6t., Bev, It.
Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services,io,soa,ns.':
aaradi n,/ p.m. Sabbath Sehoaol,:a p, m.
, • s Wilson. Past Stan
Mass ut2.ittx�€ .,Ttt'v, J. `i't*
.tuvServaeera,itt,hia.m.atial63)p.m.r.ibltaatia ..
Selina %lie p.m,
Punsitrri:RUA.N' CilPR:l n—"tee's. W. Martin, t
OAS Pastor. Sunday Services, la a. in. and ti,3 iw
in. snbb;tth $0)1001, h,SS tem.
rs•AfOSSIOnal VaartdS.
• L. ETLLT.Ycie.
Office over O'lv'"eil':s Bank, Exeter, 0 tario,
NitrouxOxide Gass for painless
tracts teeth without, pain
Vegetable Vapor, or using the now
&niesthetie on the gums. 3faltes Gold Filli
Jugs anti other dental work the hest passible.
evOtx to Zuriciz lnsdt Tlauralday in epees ,south. f
Beat aide of Main street, Exeter.
.1/R. 7 x
Streets, E eter O tario. Andrew anti North
ri M.D. C. M. L. C. P., EDIN,; L. 1
A. Agro., ,
r� ILO. S.,Glasgow' cr
I. . II.G. .Pg ,
L. M. Edinburgh ancdGlasgow; M. C. P. & S.
Ontario: F. T.M. S., Toronto. 'Night hell at
office. Grediten, Ontario. Jy12-s' ,
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra
Rotel. Side entrance on south --James street
leading to the Methodist Church.
'T W. BROWNING, M D., M. C. P. S.
e . 1
Graduate of Victoria ani' ersity. Ofiice, and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
;�, .7 t 1 nary Surgeon. Graduate
flits" �'lL Toronto. Office and Residence
t one block east of Samwell &
-t' - .. Pickard's store. Opposite skat-
ing,rink, Exeter, Ontario.
• of Supreme Court, Notary Ramie, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Orrice—Fanson's Bleak , •,alar.
A i 'tors, Conveyancers, &c. 'Money to loan
at 6 per , cent.
Iliary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court,
conveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Lance.
Aggency. Goiterich and Bayfield. hayfield
office at Swartz's Hotel, open every Thursday.
Money to loan at very low rates.
,ON.E, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
TAMES Auctioneer for the County of Enron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. •
Ifir BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also : for the township of 'Osborne.
Sales promptly attended to and term a reason
able. Sales arran god at Post office, Winclielsa
BOSSENBERRF, Zurich, Ontario. tic -
_12.4 Auctioneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and. satisfaction
UT HOLT, Iiliva, Ontario. Licensed auct-
V1' , lancer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambton,and the townships of Stephen
.ai LHay, All sales promptly attended to.
EILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for.Hay
i. Ste hon and McGillivray townships.
Office --Crediton, Ontario.
1!armors 14lutual.Firc Insu a Company.
llay Farmers Insurance
Parties desiring to insure in the best arid
cheapest InsuranceCompnnyin.tlie Domin-
ion, can do,so by applying personally, or by
mail to the undersigned. All applications
prom qtly attended to. Also agent for the
Wellington Compahy of Gnelph.,
E. BOSSENBERRY, Agent , Zurich , Ont ;
The church in Sodom was pretty well
Iled on Sunday last, lint as the per -
n who was to preach did not arrive.
:1: John Ifarris took charge of the meet
g. Two or three disappointnientsof this
art has happened. We understand the
to person planed to 511 the appointment
as Induced to fill the appointment of
pother local preacher who was sooner
bat indisposed intimating thereby
telt Sodom was a secondary Aftliir•
Mr, ,Audrew- Robinson had the li s-
utnne to fall and cut his cy's pretty
Idly last week,
11r, Kelly has had aa, severe sttatck of
rysipelas of tate head; but is siawlr pto-
ri'ssntg as favorably as could be ex-
,ler. Tilos, Gilbert, teavher, had
orse die last Fe*. It WAS rather dif-
cult to awl the cause, but it was
lion ht to be paraly's'es of tate heart.
his is as haul year for horses.
FOURTH eeass. Total 800 —Minnie
Cave 623; A1iee Kerslake 621; Laura
Hicks 529; John Heamen 414; Wesley
Handford 300; Chas. r(crslake 218.
SR. ening Total X00. Thos. Sea=
men 614; Warren Snell 419; Maggie
'Axton. 3,30; Thos, Smith 319; Geo.
Walker 306; Jas. Essery 264; .Alfred
Hunter 209..
JB. 7a'1llitA Total ?00,—Nora Hale
ellen 543; Percy I,,uaton 516; Malcolm
Dempsey 467 ; Edgar Busted 437 ;Lena
Roney 408; Lottie Uaudford 377; Annie
Smith 2'79; Willie Piucontbe 257; Nellie
Dempsey 193; I.i:zzzie Coats 192; Lilla
Hunter 157; Eve Donee 124; Annie
Qzlance 119.
Secoxte—Total Set?. -Minora Laxton
416; Bernice Rook 433; Isla. Cave 339;
Eclwanl Luxton 32.7; Alma Dempsey
148; S.lruel Chaffee 143; Fred Persons
149; Lizzie Jones 77.
No. 2 oeess,--Total 450. --Myrtle
Walker 244; Frank Hunter 1`'6; Fznaaaa
Smith 110.
Pani oxo. -Jessie tendon; Blanch
Roel; Rd.11tuater; ;loggia Handford;
chafer(& 11:tnilfortl, Biiss Dopey,
The average attendance for the
tooth was 33.
A. DE,UPS417.
Revivals closest ou Friday night Inst,
The was not that success as It
n the past.
The snow i;+ abann four feet deep in
he bush, It makes it rather bed for
o hunting.
Nearly every ;iiiiui in the neighbor•
tnod is frozen , and those that are not
ir. kept blanketed,
The boys took in the concert at F'aar-
liidler onTuesdtay evening last and
sport an excellent time,
The Salrbatit School entertainment in
lle Presbyterian n church last \'edues-
tay was well attended. Some parties
tr•ha;att ni roes were on the program . did
clot appear. Most of the pupils were
Ilresentedl with with copy of tilt+scriptures.
ilr. A.Smith, the sullerteuilent occupi-
ed tete chair. There are 69 names on
he roll. Proceeds $13.66.
,, a ��.
t it
The Bible Sgcif.t, mceki i�, will be
tete in the Presbyterian church on
ThtirstLiy evening, 2Stia inst,,when the
ent,Rev. Mr. Gemelr:andothers will.
address the meeting. As the Soeiety is
non•denoinizuttional it is desirable for
all denozninntious should be represent
ed:at themeeting and encourage by
their presence those who :pre to deliver:
Exeter, is visitin
hiss Lewis, s, of g her
Ister Mrs. Wood at present,
Rev. Mr. Brawn, of Exeter, occupied
he pulpit ,in the Methodist church on
Messrs. Scott & Gillies have a num-
er of men at work packing ire for use
their egg
business next sum
The revival meetings in the German.
xlnnrcli terminated on Wednesday night
after seven weeks of hard work.
Mr. Fife's nutuy friends will ba pleas
d to hear that he is rapidly gaining
u health and will soon be .able to re -
a ane his work.
We understand that Mr. S. Wood has
seen offered a lucrative position in Sea-
orth as head agent for the SingerSew:-
ng Machine Co.
meetiu is aitDammed. for Friday
'tight in the Town Hall for the purpose
of farganizing a branela of the ImperialFederation League here. This is the
outcome of Mr..1.11', Gl.;trl;e s address
on the 15th Inst.
.A. frame baro, together with fourteen
head of fat c .ttle, the property of :'tier.'
.Archie !laird, merchant of this town,
was „destroyed by lire Friday uight. The
barn_ was situated in that tp. of Downie
ax few milt's from here. Origin of the
fire unknown. Loss partly covered by
+A. very painful accident, aesulting nu
the death of Mr. Wm: Haines, a. laborer,
oceured on Wednesday on the farm of
Mr. Wut. Sorrier, tri. of Blaushard. it
appears that Haim was engaged elm -
Ing out a salllt pit. when sluldenl • the„.
pit caved In, burying the unfortunate
van in the debris. He leaves a. wife
and several amid children to mourn his
arlingros. Announcement
T. B. and W. J. Ca ling have completed the purchase of the entire business heretofore
belonging to their fabler, Gee Carling: We shall continue this business in all its depart-
ments, strengthening it in every possible wayand it will be our aim awl purpose to retain and
extend the e which s enjoyed b - our predecessor for so many- -em's. We 1
Il hae blislll ss wltr let 111 been ena. � eci � p � �
liem with the extensive capital at our command, } •e are In Ix position to bake ourbusily
. i offer goods,a i not
of the largest rll2cl menet efficient in this c+ount�-;Ga.Ild guarantee to fl' 1 equal, f
superior, to anything heretofore shown in Exeter.. We will offer during the comin • week,
bargains in.._...._
Overcoats, Overcolltings takkets Outtofters, Eater
Diss ROI Breakfast spawis, OIollts, Jlleito Mills,
()Yoram, Felt Boas, Felt Shoes awl Felt Slippers,.
_W all other ai Blares gall be sold equally cheap: The abov=e rim t be soli m order to make
100111 for our spring' stock `which is constantly arriving. Farm Produce taken in exchange
for Goods and.the highest price paid. Trusting, for a continuance of the generous plitroznaw
of old oustomers and soliciting a call from the public generally,
We remmn yours respectfully,
.";„ ""C- ='” OSS
. o'the basin esu f 11 which I have for the past years 1°ecn engaged c., to
axe Inx,, cies xl.�ci f r � engaged
". • generous -. s Ei .o 't'. C--
� amdesirous of acknowledgingt11e Li,f'1 it 11 i It
�. l3, and , sT. Carling, . � I?1
e, and solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm.
1 ersons whose accounts have not a yet been; s tt1 1, lila~. call at the store and
ire the book.! will be kept for
Mr. Andrea Rutledge an old resident
of this place, died on Tuesday last. It
has toast a.gloom over the entire neigh-
The Methodist tea meeting last
Thursday everting was quite largely
attended and proved a financial sue-
ceac. Interesting addresses were de-
livered by Rev. Messrs. Jamieson and
IForest, of 13ayfie1d;Rev. hit.. Livingston
of Clinton,and. Rev. Mr. Richardson, of
Goderich. The musical portion of the.
program was furnished by too Rotten-.
bury st. Methodist choir, of Clinton, and
they make a grand mistake if they
think a Bayfield audience appreciates
Isuch miserable attempts as were then
This winter there scorns to be no end
of amusement for the young people.
The skating rink is well patronized and
much enjoyed by both old and young.
The Literary Society is another feature
that must be remembered. We would
like to see more interest taken and to
have any who are able come forward
and assist. Tho committee experience
considerable diffiicnity in securing the
necessary aid to carry on the society,
and the work of preparing a program
rest on the shoulders of a few. Good
debates should be arranged and there
are several who possess the required
talent to make them very interesting
and instructive, and it is a shame that
thele arrangements cannot be made
and successfully carried out. Unless
something is soon done the Literary
Society will be a thing of the past.
Bruns.—Mrs. H. Beacon, of Midland
City, Mich., is here visiting her mother,
Mrs. Geo, Erwin, sr.—Miss Tillie Birks,
of Goderich tp., is visiting at Mr. Chas.
Delrar's.—Miss Lizzie Waiwin, who has
been for some years in Detroit, return-
ed•ltome last Saturday. --Rev. Mr. Mag-
ahy,of Seaforth,has been holding Missio
nary meetings at Bayfield, Goshen and
Varna during lastweek. Although the
weather was very unfavorable for night
meetings very fair audiences were in
attendance. -On Sunday evening last
the Rev. Mr. Hart, of Varna, conducted
the services in the Methodist church. A
very large and attentive .congregation
being present: --On Thursday ,evening
next special services will be comment
ed in the Methodist church. -Rev. , Mr.
Cluf , of Brussels a former resident in
this section, will exchange pulpits with
Rev: Mr. Hodgins next ` Sunday. -On
Friday evening last the literary society.
furnished a program of readingg, recit-
ations, solos, tableaux, &c., in the town
hall, when a social,for the young folk s.
following the tea meeting- was held.—
One day last weer:; Messrs John Park
and Robt. McLinchey, on behalf of St.:
Luke's uhnrclt, Goshen line, presented
their pastor, Rev. Mr. Hodgins,with tip -
wards of forty bushels of oats.
We regret to announce the death of
a son of Mr. John Lawson,of the 9th con,
aged 9 years,onFriday 22nd. The fun-
eral took place on Sunday.
Orange News.
County Master Floody will attend
the meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge
of Ontario West which will be held. at
Hamilton next week.
Howick District Loyal Orange Lodge
of North Huron will donate $20 towards
the reception of the. Supreme Grand
Lodge in Goderich in May next.
Messrs. W. W. Connor, of Bayfield,
:and Henry Perkins, of Gorrie, both
Past County Masters, are honorary
members of the Supreme Grand Lodge
and we hope to see them both present
at Goderich.
Biddelph is said to be the largest
rural Orange district in Canada. It
has 12 lodges at the present time. Its
District Master, Mr. J. Neil, of Centralia,
will represent the banner distri;,t at the
Provincial Grand Lodge at Hamilton.
County Master J. 11. Young, of .Brus-
sels, probably the most popular pianin
East Huron, will leave for the North-
West in April where: he purposes resid-
ing*. He has disposed of nest of his
property• in Brussels. He will be much
missed in Orange circles.
Eden School Report.
The following is a report of the stand-
ing of the pupils of our school for the
month of February, based on the merit
of v, ritten examination.
Frrrii CLASS.= -Total 850.—Frzink
Coats 660; Eddie Buswell 652; Adeline
Cave 615,°Charlie Coats 542; Archie
!iii l s `342.
day alight, eh' Alex?'
Mr. ,!'red Flixton says be heli! vas
the thermometer wont clown to about
40 below Toronte on Friday night.
amnel Melts is busily enganedt
iu drawing eoniwo .: filnnt Ofla. to Cen-
tralia He says there is money in it.
Dir.Alex McFalls, say., and Miss Kitty
Walls, te
. � • ' Sl In in
ile, who have been ti i t „
Exeter are vicinity, Rave returned
While going ai short iia teuce on
Friday oreuing )ir. Jas. A. Dempeoy,
teacher, Tanen, had Itis ears badly frozen,
Better stay in during a blizzard Jim.'
The, roads are "just lovely"' now
sines they have been ploughedand
and shovelled. Considering this, don't
forget I)empsey's big concert at Eden
toanarrow unght.
Mr. Oscar 3feFalls, who Me been on
a proton ed visit to London, has return-
ed. Holidays seem to agree with you
Oscar. Thera were a few lonesome
ones around home during your absence.
I guess you know who?
'Alias Alice McFalls, who has been
visiting in McGillivray, has returned
nice driven
]loanc in
to be
'Ti0 0. 's
the moonlight with a dashing pair of
bloods by a pleasant companion in a
brand new cutter, isn't it Alice?
.Tom feels his rejection by the "Sons
of Rest" keenly. The only ground for
rejection being his size. The chair-
man maintained that the `eider house`
would not allow him to standand as no
member was allowed to sit during the
meeting he would have to be debarred..
What may yet prove to be a danger-
ous disease has broken out among the
cattle in Biddnlph. Mr. Stewart Hod-
gins hasone in particular which is
seriously afflicted. George, the cvet',
says it is "nervousness" brought on by
the over -taxing of the mental machin-
ery. The only cure, he says, is to draw
their teeth at once.
Two young men of the 2nd con. are
in the habit of meeting every Sunday
eve at the sante house, a large brick.
As is usual there is but one parlor in
the house and of course both cannot
occupy it at the same time. It is said
that there is a fuss nearly every week
asto who shall have the parlor. Well
this is natural but boys, try to be agree-
able. Draw lots if you can't conte to
terms any other way. However, Tom,
do not allow any one to come "Alex"
over you.
A social party—not a ball ---a dance,
was given in Mr. Doney's barn on Sat-
urday forenoon. Notable features-
Mr. Doney's graceful waltzing, having
kept the floor for eight hours straight;
George Rook's extraordinary °legging;
John Dempsey`s lightfoot fantastic;
Donley and Richard Quince in the
"Rush Polka"; Sani Skinner's w3i stg• and Mr. Geomelodi-
ous-whistling; linrge Buswcll's
song Little Brown Jug''. It was a
very pleasant party considering the
inclement state of the weather and the
excited condition of Billy Bray's nerves.
The second concessions of, jsborbe
and Siddulph, from the St. Marys Road
to the Sauible Hill, can boast of more
professionals than any other concession
in Ontario. The following . may be
found: -Two men chop wood of cradle
?yrainagainst any other two men (wlnte)
x41 Canada; a `roman' who can knit
more socks in the same time than anv
other in `America; ,a roan who can hold
down more chairs and do it better than
The snow was pretty deep last 'Slue any other in the world; a prvfessionai
wrestler, singer, whistler, giggler, don -1 Lli1'a 011,4
and axe grimier.
What might have proved a fatal
aceideut: occurred on the farm of Mr.
Silas Staulake early on Stuuiay morn -
nig last. The caretaker, Mr. George
Roofs, sr, while attending to itis usual
duties, noticed that one of the cows was
being crushed to death by as portion of
the straw stack resting on her. By an
almost superhuman effort Mr. Rook
reseued the imprisoned animal but in
so flout; was caught by the stack. Mine
self. He was thus held by it until near
evening when he was rescued by some
of the neighbors who had been warned
out to hunt fo} hien.. He was not seri-
ously injured„ however, but he says he
does not want another dose of the same
The 2nd cont., liddulph, known A'
the Pauls settlement, is never without
some social trouble. A few weeks ago
thebays went out to have some fun
and before they returned hid the mis-
fortune to li'tve their drum cut to pieces
an account of which was given in the
A»voc. rz some time ago. As no one
would pay for it something had to be
done as the owners would not be at the
loss of it. To equalize things Bob and
Billy seized a goat the owner of -which
is now in the United States, killed it,
tanned the hide and mended the drum.
The owner, upon being notified of the
death of his goat, at once entered a
suit against .Bob and Billy to the
amount of $500 damages. The case
will be tried at the summer assizes in
1 yt'rBilliard was in Myth this
week atteediztg the Division Court.
The Re v z A Stewart lectured to tete
I yountt,”, men on Monday evening. last.
A large number of people will re.
move from this:melon to Manitoba in
the 11
Mr. T. Godsave is at present working
at the Kltive hotel for Wm. Holt.
Miss Annie Godsave, of Shipka, is
visiting friends in Rhiva at present.
Mr. John Barry who has been to the
woods is home looking hale and hearty.
Mrs. Madill, of Madill', is at present
over taking care of her mother, who
has been very sick.
The weather is very unfavorable at
present and the roads are very bad on
account of the severe storms
Mr. John Thompson, of 'Chive, who
has been very i11, is able to be around
again. Glad to hear John is getting
The young men and ladiesof this
place were very much surprised at the
valentines which were sent from Dako-
There was a party held at Mr. Holts
one night last week there was a very
pleasant time as the crowd was not a
large one.
Miss L. Teoterman is visiting friends
in Khivati at present. 'Ye think L.
must take a back seat as M. hes taken
L's. place.. Sorry to hear it.
A shooting match which was held at
Khiva hotel on the 19th was a grand
success although the: weather turned
out very stormy in the evening.
Thele was quite a number of the
Khii>a folks attended the Crediton ant
tertainment and report that at enjoy-
able time was spent, They also atteed-
t;1 the Shfpka entertaintent and
thought it much better.
Prof. Oakes
. •. of he O Or
GCni't Oakes
gab Factory rouduets as singing school
Miss Nina Buchanan has gone to
Strathroy, to reside, she having obtain-
ed it good situation there.
Mrs. Shaw is selling mat her property
here rteth the intention, we'understand,
'of removing to Milnitobn shortly.
The .A,tsvlar.;tri:: is becoming nioxtt
poplar here every defy and its circul-
ation in Goderich tp. is rolling up,
Mr. l'releaveu, a student, occupied
the pulpit of Ratte:lb-are- st. •Church on
Sunday morning, and alikough only a
young roan, he delivered a very inter
esting and eloquent discourse.
The furniture factory is still being
agitated here. A meeting was held in
the Town Hall on Monday, of those
terested in the enterprise, but at the
time of writing we have not heard what
was done.
Division Court was heldhere on Fii-
dar last Mr. C. Seager of Goderich
acting as Judge. Judge Doyle was
snowed in zip north, and consequently
could not take his place.
Mr. Wm. Sanders,Editor of the Exeter
ADVOCATE ATE eras in town last week or-
ganizing a. lodge. of the Sons of England:
Mr. Sanders is District Deputy for this
section of the Grand Lodge of Canada.
A lively race took place in town last
week, between the two trotters "King
John A." and "Young William" the
winning post being at the Commercial
Hotel. "John A" took the lead and won
the race by 30 seconds.
Ald. Charles Howson, of Regina, N.
W. T., is at present visiting his friends
in town. He is a son of Mr. Jas. Howson
auctioneer and is one of the enterprising:
young men of Regina. Charlie is quite
enthusiastic as to the future of the
Northwest. He will return in about
three weeks when he will take a car
load of stock with him,
The people of the county of Huron
generally will be sorry to hear that Mr.
R. M. Ra cey hardware merchant of this ,
place, has found it necessary to call
a meeting of his creditors Mr. Racey
has boon fn business .for many years.
and being a man of sterling qualities
industious and attentive to business
the present condition of affairs is to be
regretted. We hope he may effect a
satisfactory settlement With his credit
of S, and still continue in business as his
remo vel would be a great loss to the town.
Sale Register,
On Monday March 18th on Lot 13,
COn. 12 tp. of Hay, farm stock and im-
plements &e. E. Bossenberry .Act. Wm.
Wing prop.
On Wednesday March 13 at the turn
rug factory Exeter,furniture, land roll-
�,. ems' mates &c Jas. Oke Anct. A.mbros
O THE DEAF.-A,person cured of Deaf- C: Jt11e prop.
T Hess acid i
noises n the head of 28 , ears
wi 1= eine u On 12 1. r \Tarsen 16th, Ilouseho11'
stayncling, Not simpto'remedy, 1 1
description of it PInit. to snn
y,persowho an- , &Teets, . John will 11Ctione r }..Mrs.
plies to NICnotsoN, 30 St_J:ohn St. Hontreal it. Piilcombe ro �1.1'ietreSS.
1 , P