The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-14, Page 5t ATTENTION I Eyes Front? Quick March __. TO.....__ W. SOUTHCQTT'S Clothing end Gents /� + TZ ISa iNSTQ .ti,�w .. ETEIt, - ONTARIO, Co) .',.� Some of the fAnest goods that can b seemed, are arriving every lay. GENTS' GENT; Fd,IRNYSIIIN GS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED, W. SOUTk1CQ T, Corner Main and John Street. TER; ONTARIO, MARKET SQUARE 'GENERAL STORE ►gee,_ _, The undersigned would inform the Publie that he has just received his MINTER e - R STOCK, INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, EATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and invent goesle ,'41iid _iuc;u In' Best Roller Flour always on Ilan& Highest Price pard for Rutter and Eggs, and alt kind of Produce, r WashingtQn's 2 ' Ne.�..�T VISIT. Throat and Lung Surgeon, To Erceter, . PILL BE AT TUE CENTRAL HOTEL, pQSATURDAY, EhrBRUAR tOtttt. 5 o'clock, p. m. Au English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory-, Cownw•ali, Ont, D3:, W esel'eaves,---- Dn l~ Sill, I am glad to he Ode tel inform *salt Iciest env daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time site has hese snared of gPATe byonebial trinities t4.':veer ereettmeet; wlat"n the usual rowdies, s, f ailed, I write es express nay gr ninths Piearso Rrceet siu- rt:r a til'; she. Yellird truly, C. I3, I'E'TTI T, Ucsrhagr: TIatevei ti—Ctatarr1i. of the heed awl Threat, Cadent. Deafness, Chronic l3r(Inehitilr, .cttithrn t and Core hemp:len. Aho los; of voice, sorb tlirt}tt, a+Misr ed tonsils. 1'olvirtls of the nose removed. Com early. Con- sult:ation free, A fess of tie many cured by IDI.. Wrashineton'ai new method. W. Ii, $tomy, of Storey & Son, manu- facturers, Actin, Ont., also President Manufacturing As'l. of Canada, per- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Writh to hien for particuinrs, Mrs. jetzt' . I • 1 s tali Ont., t. A Catarrh and Consumption. John MWEeivy, Kitgston, Out, Cat. nub. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, 'O1ltarlo, Broncho Consumption. Mn D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs,. ,John Bertram, liarrowsmith, flet,, Catarrh. throat. Miss Hairy A. Bombonrg, Centreville Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Post Master, Acton, Ont., A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippth Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napauiee) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. Head Office 82 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. Hurrah I Hurrah —FOR— J. G. FOR-J.H. Smallacombe, Merchant Tailor. To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. J. C. Smallacombe. THE 7E11 TO HEALTH;. Unlocks all the clogged avennee of th. Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, °saying off gradually without weakening the sy9- t:om, all the impurities and tout humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity 'of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, n artburn e e., Dizziness, 13eadalel D . , ,.He Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nero vousness, and general Debilityy;all these and many similar lar Com plamte yield to thehapnppti t inen cp of BURDOCK IlDOC= BLOOD BITTERS. Far Sate Ti omit Dea fere. y, • • • TI>IDURN &WProprietors, Torah. P. ROSS CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO 1 per dyA 3; t1 "AlenAIITIN, Proprietors Pounds f?F W � ITE Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO -- Rowe 86 Andres' For $1. ao1s. Raw Sugar FOR $1. A'THE BED -ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION t I th TAB .ES, 1.OU GF.`� AND 3 r ontft DDt EASY CHAIRS, Core Tile Largest Wnreroone i; ANY MAN town. is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated,who ilia leis earn agnomen) rs Trend away his Vigor ody_Mind and Manhoad,causingeathauet- drains upon the Fountains of Life. Head, e, eacka;che, Dreadful breams, Weakness emery, Bashfulness In Society, Pimples on the pace and all the effects leadingg to Early Decay.. Consumption or Insanity, will And in our specific Nn.23 a restive Core. It imparts Youthful Visor restores the Vital 'Power ill old andyo ung, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syat- ten itnd 'zrou,es into action the whole physio ala•uergv of the human frame. With our wpeci tie} No. $,3 the 1-40P1 ebatin me cage can be curet! In three months, and recent ones in loss than thirty days. Maedi paokago oou, taiga two weeks treatment. Price $2. Cures (:unr.snteed, Our apecitio No. 24 is an intltll- ibleCure for all Private diseases no matter elbow long standing,, Sold under our writteu Guarantee to effect a Cure, Price ti;,, Toronto Medicine CO:,Toronto, Ont. Nov -Res $50 PER MONTH, A,trd sillexpenses paid. Wewant men, women, girls and buys in every Town, Village and Hamlet in Canada, to take hold of a light, agreeable and perfectly honorable employment. It will cost you welting to give it a trial. Send for cireurl ir. Address, W. II. ROBERTSON, Peterborough' tint. AN OPPORTUNITY, To hoarding House keepers -On comple- tion of 1 erisy'a I omaarc, it. veer atetea tint from 15 to 20 additional hands are to be em- playnal. A House to let at *small rent OM. able efnccomodat7ng 5 to 10 hoarders. About Ave minutes walk from the foundry. Apply to Novn-tatf IL.Sear RDASTin Sha . r LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Ilx rior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or talo. Endorsed ev the thousands of ladies vibe use them MONTHLY. Nevar ftil,:ralie- vo rain,INSURE REUULAR1Tk', Pleasant and Effectual. Prion QA. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -:9-8 --WILL BE AT THE— Cct1It1. Weds Feb'y 6th, 1889 ONE DAY ONLY. FEOM 8 a. m. TO 4 p.1n.. Patients please call early. Thos. S M II Snrgeon, &c., M. C P. S. G. S. & L. T C. D. THE GREAT EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. For the treatment of all Chronic Dis- eases and Diseases peculiar to Women. Thirty years practice. Head Office— St. Thomas The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in. Europe, has served as Surgeon in the British Army in the. East Indies, Surgeon in the American Army during the late war, from 1861 to the close of the same, has treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe—His thorough education, large and varied practice and experience,en- titles him to rank as a Specialist—Sec- ond to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult diseases that have baffled the skill of the local physiieinn. The following diseases with many others successfully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of,the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Dis- eases, Piles, &c. Electricity used whee required. Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many others from nearly all the leading; medical schools in Europe; Trinity College, Park St: School of, Medicine and Royal Gollege of . Surgeons, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; TAcentititte in Midwifery, and endorsed by the high- est authorities in th est medicale United States and Dominion,;of Canada. ' The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a' medical ,past port -without re-examination doubt or quibble over every sea, and in every land from the rising to the setting of the sun: o l : free.` C nsulCation Read circular and remember- the date. Undortaal:iug outside of tlrtt Underta - ers Ring, in alt its Breaches. . yen day and. night. door llortll of Mtlolson's Bank. MAIN -ST. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT IA" EJ0EI.I.E0. x It sod be convinced at its wondertnt curative propertica Price 25 cents. J. MATHESON ca mg ca he Subserillers wishes to inform the Farmers and General Puhlie that be is Prepsred to furnish all Sizes and Kind of 4 el/ Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. c.11eEee am' SIN ou An Street, behind Cbristie'rl Livery Stable. '+ l)14.101TE,D, JOHN MOORE cHRISTIE ELY s3'Aeir frl Tri lt�rt;st's Layer Regulator tar Memo of the Liver hi,lueye. he.. and Purify - tor et the laloed. Price R. Six irottles .far 0. For Sulu by ALL VIWUQISTS. utactured n1 by only dry OlO. M. SUREST. MONA; loam; Oar. COOPER SHOP 1 Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood and surrountlingcountry, that he has open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in D S `WOOD and is prepared to do all classes of coop erago work on shortest notice. A call solicited, Oetl1-3m Fnrax WTLns. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has bad a ilio long experience ia, treating female diseases. Ia aged tnontbly with perfect success by over 10,000Iad es. Pleasant; safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal, Wafers and. take no substitute. or lnelase post- e for sealed particulars. Eorlld by Adreat EUREKACHEEMIC L druggists. O.., 41 per et or efaca Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan.1-t♦ This Year's MYT Cut& Plug Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See a -IN BRONZE ON Each Plug and Package. as. The Great English Prescription. ,R` uecessfui Medicine used over 110 years is 'thousands of cases Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous `�►, Weakness, _Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. fsaroaa) indiscretion, or over-exertion [Arran] Six pages Guaranteed es Cewe when an other, Pan. Act your Druggist for MA Crani Entails)* Pros,rrfptti.,'take no substitute. Oa. package $1. Fits i5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address . Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. Mich.' Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists ran. -1•i; everywhere. DESTROYS AND. REMOVES WORMS. or.ALL: KINDS1N CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP Ario CANNOT, HARM THE, .M05T rc:c.rot_ttr COMMERWAE)LflT!) LIVERY First Claws RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT TIIE STA,T3LE WILL BEOaII l: � PI T LY ATTENDED TO. 'S'Owzsm : 1-'vet..einxIslald- Telephone Oonnection. THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Stock As soclation. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Head Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terns available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.6,'88. 1f4AhTAGING DIRECTOR BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses -and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - . REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. A guile e,,VRC en 19I1.10VSSCSS, SONSTIPATIOil, INDIGESTISP , '•IZZINESS. SICK HEADAC,tE, AND .tSCAGES OF THE STOMACH, -LIVES ANS SSWCLS. TH Fr ASE MILD TH6ROUGH AND i•NONPT. roam 'A' V ALUAstt'AIR IN ACTION. AND F TO. BUIIOocK !toe. eITrtais' 111 THC TKaA'rll[er an. .;envies es CHRONIS AR SASTiitATS DIi1J1111Ca. should ad Ise all othersekS before e giVkn g upto do likewise, wishing you every success, I remain ever your friend &c., Meestene W. Asx Jan, 2nd, 1889.. Sebringville, (Int HOSPITAL„ REMEDIES, What are they? The growth of !nteili gene in medical matters has stroll xi&e to a. demand for a' class of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant, quack, who grew nob, curing everything out of a single bottle has passed, To supply satisfactorily this: demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day. gathered from the hospitals of Landon, Paris, Berlin and Vien- en. Prescriptions which cost the patients pf thesespecialists from 1”,/f) to 4100 are here offered rpexe d and readf ruse at the nominal sl Prise of ma'doltdr t t k. ioten sof them is cure all; each one has onlp the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps ie. contract. Sufferers: from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Jiheumatislat, Dye„ pepsia. Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Percale Weakness, Leucorrlicea or Nervous Debil ity,should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Respite' Remedy Co., 3031 West King St., Toronto, Canada, If your drug=diet toes itotkeeJitiaese remedies remit price and wewili send direct.` Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia shoald we Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly fear asleo sleepless, mans - ns, dyspeptic suffers. .Price 25 eeuts, Soule men never like to be alone. Because a man is judged by his eom- pany°, n w. A'•omyoen with pale, colarlessfacela,who feel weak and discouageil,will reeeivo both mental .and bodily vigor by using Carter's Zion rills, wlliela are made for the blood, nerves and domplexioi1, "Papa,wiaat Was Adam's other name: "Just after the fall Itis name was Deu- Isis." Smart Weedmei Eelledonea, tom - bitted with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters,mahe Carters 8. W. & B. Ilackache Plasters the best in the market. Price 23 cents. Tommy--S.ay pew, was there a beast MD at your wedding? Paw--Istwukl .nnaark. There site ensrighe maw. A I'ROFES SIGN AL, OPINION. Rev, F. Gunner, 11. If„, of a.istowel Ont., says regardding B. B. 13.. "I have used your excellent Border% Compound in practice and isa hay family since 18884 and hold it No. i on any last of seauative remedies. Your three busy B's never sting, weal:.en or worry." Fair play nitay be a jewel, but satiety actress shitulcl remember that, jewels do not make a fair play. A GREAT SUFFERER. That person weo is adducted with and ' • r .at sufferer is a rheumatisml greatly to be pitied if they enahnot pro. cure klaagyarcl's Yellow 011. This rem- edy is a certain cure,not only for rheumatism but for all external aches and internal pains. g r—r'is your guardian, ttardii4n I,u- Tile Ininste sidle, Iniust insist upon your regular attendanee at devotional services. His charge—Wee then.guardy whet uutkes you use such dreadful dreadful words? You needn't instst at all. I've got a new love of a bonnet and a perfect dream of a wrap, and I'd just as hove go as not. IN BETTER HIYMI.'OIS NOW. "My son aged elevan, was cured of eruptive Humour that covered his head and face with sores by two bottles of B. B. B. and Pills," testifies Mrs. Mary Ful- ford, of Port Hope, Ont. "Ono of these dollars is a counterfit ma'am" "How can you tell?" "Simply by sound. Just tap it and hear how clear the genuine sounds. That's tenor Notice when I tap the other one. That's base." This is to certify that I have used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used.—P. B. Rosenberry L. D. S., Arkona, Ont. Gillispon—I called to see Billy this morning at 11.80 o'clock. He wasn't up yet. I don't see how he can lie in bed that way. Flipl:ins—Lie in bed! Why he will lie anywhere; when he can't help it. This is to certify that I believe Ever- est's Cough Syrup saved my life.—Thos Marshall, Forest P. O. I know from experierience that Ever- est's Cough Syrup is first-class—Geo. Brock, Forest P.O. POWDER Absolutely Pure. l This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, Mose econotnical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate •potuders. Sold. only in cans. ROTALEA.x*a ] 01vbsiu Co., 106 Wall St. N.Y ..tI tVIC O I T >u Are ,' a Gist rb dnt i a u. e . UC y rw 8 andbra tn crying alit' rest, by a sick churl suffering anti crying with pain of cutting meth? if so.:sen,l at once, aunt get a bottle of plus, WnKsr.Ow'a Seiornitte Stunt gpi; Qultn iggis Tgwril,sc. Lt,-sclue islnealclrk able,lttvt71re1 kro1Ucpeoriittlesursrerartz._ =kittyet7y )Serena! upon st, mothers, tharp is nor anatase about it. It omtxea dyseatory send' dial+ rhaea, regaletes the stomach and bowels, curse wind cel ic, softens the gums,red❑ccs lnfiauluia tion, pgd gives tine ,incl energy to the whole s stent, i~1a8,Witcsrow'asooTB1.$0Srat?P:Pelt (,,w , eitzwu aa;TH*Scttepleasnntiotltetnate nQ is the prescriptfort of ono otthri oldest andtttat female, nurses, and phystctisns in the Unite 1 States, and ie for,- tq by an chugglata through Rat the world; Price Wi cents a bottle. LOOK OUT FOR IT, If you are troubled with a cold or' cough, however light the attack, look out for it, do not allow to settle en. the lungs: break up the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with Hegyard's Pert oralBalsam. O THE DEAF lrs n cured of Deaf- -I - tress and notes in the head of 25 ears,' standing, by tt simple remedy, will scud r description of it ruse to any per,on who ap- pliesto Nzenonso:t, ale St. John St.Montreal The immediate friends of the family_. are not always the ones who come iuz- . mediately to relieve them when their are in distress. CONSIfe ilETFoN (IL tI D AN old phvilcian,retiredfrom pr..r:•ric:^.R,SaT,. ie,g ht„i placed tar lass hands by an 1 :..t India missionary the formula ore simple vegetable remedy or the speedy and. t career Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and aid throat am/ LungAtlee.iena. Also .s. positive and. radis,l cure for } mite and all Nervous Cera rlairr tt •.riuSaz 'r.•st edits w onderfut c nrntiv o powers in 4f casein, has felt it }_5...:.!5'. tt, uaal,t. it ta,t ... . to itis suffering tn•11. t.s• . ,ctut.:..1 1+:1, :his motive and A desire to reit;, vke hung an '.':t r' nng,1 tvdllsend*IV ofcharge teal! t+tido<laa:re it, thi i r,.ceipe, isi German, VrepcluOrBughxli with tall. directions for rpre} alis anti using. Sent IT n,rell by mid re-yit,g 's itla . t,.,.: Punter in this palex. W. A. INinLd, 172 Power's -Blocky, Rochester. Oct -o.1' IRambier, Ilr account of the late snore storms. the roads are in an almost ;impassable eoedition. Mr. John. Matey was out exercising his blood colt on Thurday l:isi. It was an exceedingly fore day for such work. 1)o yon remember? Jog your memory. Thos. John A.tl:iusou of the tt.wn Hine is busily engaged drawing ran dark fromSkipka toCent r alien. He s tys there is more money in drawing heels thou in lfailroadieze A certain yourng men frees BiQitluieb 1s feet acquiring the I ,hit of driving zap to Eden en Suradaayaafterhuosee. Attrat ion Jim. Be cereal there is another on your track. A literary and musical entertainment will be given itt they school house of 8.5. No'2laidtlulph, (Miss Maud Dempsey tcatcher) on friday evening.,,tt'-:tzorrow lull inst. A good time is dueled for. I3e onthe look out for the big concert to be held soon in S. S. No. 4. Usborne (;Eden). The teacher J. A. Dempsey le making great preparations for a No. 1. concert. Due notice of the exact elate will be given. Mr. l obt, Mel:alls of 2ntl eon. Bids dutph,who has been visiting friends Caivalachie has returned home. Ile looks well after his trip. Bob's friends down there must have used him well. John is a tip-top fellow anyway. Mrs. George Hodgins, of Erdaulpbi, who has been visiting in Usborne, has returned home. She seems to think Usborne is a very quit and lonesome place especially the southern corner of it. The Sunday School at Eden was unk usually large last Sunday, the pastor Mr. Thompson, of Centralia and the Supertcndent Mr. John Essery being present and delivering long and impres sive addresses. It is currently reported that some unknown person or, thing is in the habit of scattering five dollar notes along the roadside from Eden southward we hope to be lucky enough to rua against a few of them before long. We think we could easily remove them. Mr. Steward Hodgins, of Biddulph, while visiting friends in Usborne was caught in the blizzard and snowed in for two days, Steward says he was content as he knew that things would be all right when Garnet was at home. Mr. Andrew Dempsey intends taking a trip to Oregon Territory in the spring Before he goes however he says that he would like to let the general public know thathe and Sam Essery can Clop more wood and cradle more grain in the same time than any other two white men in Canada. Things are quiet on our line again (2nd Bidd}ilph) George says when the boys wants to kick tip a fuss again on the road they will do it alone. He says he is going to be absent on that oecass ion. Alice says whoever writes for the "ADVOCATE" is a bad one. Mary says she is very glad that she escaped his notice last week. A Deserving and Friendly Letter to Dr. Speer. Dr. Speer, DEAR SIR: I feel happy and hasten, to inform you that my leg -is entirely healed, no pain 'of any kind except a little itching where the worst sores were I canno,,bethankful enough to you for healing it; as I told you it has troubled me for more than seven years. It is only, two months since I began to take your treatment, I am now attending to business as usual; in -fact I _ never al- together quit work, as you told ins .1 ought to do, but my business did not permit me. - I did not give you justice, but you healed it after all. T told you 1 had been doctoring with five dif- ferent surgeons before I went to see you,and for the last two years with;, doctors of all kinds, I was t l about Od a 0 you but was almost discouraged to go;'. I concluded I must go and am happy to say I struck the right 'man, and.