The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-14, Page 4THE xiti .bar: -,c. rfii.. M. SANDERS, Editor, Thursday, February 14th, U 89 • it if such were the ease; but it might have a tendency to mare the presidency: of the greatest republic on earth look cheap in the eyes of benighted mow arehists. 'UNITED STATES EA7 PLi'NS./, O..# S. A;New ':ork contemperary points out that there is at deficiency in the alin4nn11t necessary for the payment t of United States pensions for the current' fiseal year above existing uppropri'. aitiol>s, anlountiaug to about $8,000.000. TheComlanissiolner of Pensions asks for the necessary eansid', ra#lona of the sitte. Aden, byCongress. Thesumapproprkr•it- i"4 for pensions for the current year was X79,178,000, and $-13,709,3..n 1 were 'expended during the seven, months ended 31st Jan. It appears that during the seven months there were issued ;146,440 pension certificate, or 24,489 in excess of the issue for the correspond- ing period of the previous year, and the same ratio is expected to continue during the remaining five months of the fiscal year: The Commissioner ex- plains that these increased. disburse- ments resulted frock the operations the Act granting arrears +lf pensions to willows of the civil war of 1861, in creasing the rate for total .and penial , and deafness d from the fact tint tilt' zlloliths` revenue-•5wl. i0 254.5'; --daces value of rens-Jolts -epee the voile i on. ext is an excess of revenue over expels• i tautly being increased. If Congress diture of 7fe olt31,49, It will be re- meet the demat:tls of the Commissioner membered that at the close of the first of Pensions, the pension roil of the itix months of the current fiscalyear-- current ear --current ;seam will reach over eiglaty-;;31st December—the revenue showed ar t n naillioans o£ +boars, swhieti suns' an excess over expeuditure of ever canal be appreciated bvC'annadiana whenl$4,000,01,10; 4,0QQ,00ti; but t large portion of the it is stated that it .exceeds by fifteen =reins Was taken, up in meeting ti" millions of dollars more than double the aanlotant of the Iltintdu on`a total ex- penditure on me:taint sof the Cnnseildet- ell Fund in the year 1$ 87-881 During the past ten ye its than tullorants pull in pellS1o1). by stet" United States Govern= anent have beet; as Senors: in the 1S7$ it was $274:17,1119; +37,1119; in 16-71t, 121,482; in 11441,430y777,174; in $30,059a2;ef nit A'i'> ul,lltrelfel;ru f:05,O12,57 in 18.id,Vgielr2O„22$ tan 18.4., C40,102,207; ill ll SSLi,$63,4a4,S£r4; in 18,i7 e75f 2 ,calfs; and for last year it v}•ill" reach over $57,0i10.0,f I3. From the ,year 1322 to the.close of 1$$7. the national' ,pension' expenditure amounted sono,, 711,106. Previous to the civil war it average about $.2 000000 per atnnum. REVENGE4.+1x,1) RIPX N i i�J4+E, The revenlue of the Dominion for the month of Jtaninaxy hist amounted, :according to returns received to the 31st ult., to $2,9'f1,190.30, front the fol- lowing It>sving' sources: Customs, $1375,709.74, against $1,617,448.40 in January, 1688; Exeise,.f1584,690"46,�against $502,577.88. cr Q Against ,,fx�a ,"1Q, S -a Q ., . n QQQ 't t r 48; Public Works, including railways, $152,331,45, against 0,143.35; nits, eeianeous, 5273,433.05, against $G5 n o a rJanuary last of 4.,. , o e 1R9, rattlf $,2,971,190.30, against t2.63.1,61010 in Janilary, 1885, The revenue for the seven montlls of the fiscal year 1848-89, n ended 81st January this year, amend- ed to $21,830,254.55, against?{?,022T Qt12.84 for the eorresponding seven months of 1.337 -88 ---an increase for the period of $2,808,192.21. The expenditure for the month of Jetliners- last, artnounted to i .5.3.43,435.- against 20,058,97e1.82a durbee the spending seven:months of 14 7.81 ueting tiw seven months' +expendi _elite 1,59;.06 from the seven semi,amntaal payments in advance of asides to the provinces, amounting to ueaarly $2,000,000, and that from tlttn tints source about a million and aa: ter was available to Lancet interest uing^ on the public debt. The finance mister is to be con xatulated upon the financial situation. There is every mason to anticipate t he will be able to report a good urplus at the end of the current iiseal ear, on they 8Qth Juane. `FIE 1 OICON GOLD .FIELDS. I'r to a recent period it was thought that thin rich gold fields on the �i okon river \ere wholly within the territory The natal .mouth �1raid iii pensions', of Alaska; but it is now known that tite largest and richest portion of thein is under statute ill Canada the last fiFeal ill British Columbia. Two years this year was $284;.180.80—under the fol- lowing heeds: Judges pensions, sue spring the Dominion government sent 527.4; intiseenanyotui Ilelisions, ell;, ; au expedition to study the resources of reit 1; militia pensions, war of 1812, sheat country, and to learn ito\t mucltof Upper Canada, i:10i militia pensions, this new mining. region belonged to Canada. A partial war of 1812, Lower Canada, SliQ; milt inspection was made tart' aas� lnln p!'nsinns, 5 inti; supe eau. in 1877, but the exploring of the lower nuaations, 3i'.?,143.t2.: In addition tributaries n£ the Yokon, about GO de - there were paid under the Supply Bill q grecs north latitude, was left over till the following moulds; Miscellaneous lust year, and cotnplete details of that pensions, $1,818,04; Fenian raid pen - sinus, $4,968.69: veterans of 1812, 41710; eompensations for land, ,i;1,'2.fi1,15; vol- unteers, $22,415.80; Nopth-West Mount- ed Police, 4412, 488.28. EX -PRESIDENTS. On the fifth day of March, 1889, there will be in tite United States two citizens who have held the highest office in the gift of the republic. From one of these gentlemen one may buy eggs. The other will be open to an engagement to defend a thief against the pinch of the law. The poultry business and the law business are both honorable when conducted by honorable men. But there seems'to be, to British eyes, some- thingaineongruous in reducing a man from the proud position of servant to, all the people to the occupation of cat- erer or servant to any single person of the sixty millions who inay choose to pay for the eggs or the law, which, on r by men who will be for sale e 5th, March5 have been republican kings, having more power than the Queen of Great Britain is permitted to wield. Of late years the ex -presidents of the United States have" not, as a rule, returned to the presidental which the business election interrupted. Lincoln was slain .in office. Grant'aied as general of the army, n position Which, in his ease was as high as the presidency itself; Neither Johnston nor Arthur lived long enough after the expiry of the presidential terms . to flake up their minds what they should do. Garfield was slain in office. It was perhaps a wise provision which made it necessary for a president of the United States to be a man well advanced in years. If young men were permitted to occupy the presidential chair the United States. might now be full of councillors -at -law, heir farmers, tailors, rail splitters and tanners, who once had more power than ,the reigning sovereign of the. British Empire. We do not know that `rev uldbe anything.. #bene o wrong about survey ]lace not yet been made public. The Vancouver World, however, has learned that the gentleman ,comprising the expedition were satisfied that it miahtbe converted into oneof the greatest gold -mining regions of the world. It is partly in American, but more largely in Canadian, territory. According to Dr. Dawson it starts from Dense lake,In British Columbia, and ex- tends northward along the Cordillera belt for about b00 miles. All that stretch of country has been found , rich in preciou smetals. Besides that moun- tain region, however, there is another in the southern part of British Columbia which, It is thought, is equally rich and which extends 700 miles. That 1,200 miles is almost equal to the length of the same belt in the United States• Prospecting hitherto has been confined chiefly to the larger rivers, and plices diggings have been alone worked. Abundant evidences have been found of the existence' of rich' quarts leads. ThePt i members of the ex ed1 on are satisfied that gold occurs oil illi the streams; and they say that .the extent of the gold -bearing bars is is in "the aggrragate almost unprecedented." If the public also become satisfied of this then ways and means will be .provided of more easily reaching that hitherto. unknown region, and at no distant day gold mining there will play an im- portant part in the development of the Great Canadian Northwest. Greenway• The north and south roads are badly drifted up. We had no hail frena the north on Thursday last.. Mr. 3. A. Wilms sold his Fane new cutter to Mx F. Diens. Mr. E. Fioody, eounty Masher of the Orange Association, paid a flying visit here last week. Aar. A. 1d. Wilson brought the avail from arl1l on Thursday 'and C, 13, Wilson jr. drove back with, it OR Friday Mr. William Eagleson tool; rather a sudden move and, tratisportedhisgods :an fromd chattelstie eounty ofiu Huron into the county of Middlesex last Stature day. Mr, Chapman of London, assisted, At the Special meetings in the Boston u Methodist ci Church last week. He has a very winning way about him. Be, together -with his wife and a Miss How- and are to conduct special services all this week. The public are invited to attend, J(O1 TO CflEOffQS. 1CRSCAlr'T TO CHAPTER 110 OF TILE. Revised. Statutes of Ontario, 'SR. the Creditors ofFraui:is Armstrong. late of the township of Hay in the County' of Huron,' Teenier*, e.1e, 7l RIA dP-e 1+F . d. w died , fid. an the , fib of #[arch, A. la. heti, and all other tpersoi h*'* mg deltas aeeinst the esteta of the said deceased, are rebutted on or before the FIRSTDAY OF MARCH, NEXT, to send by post prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors for the Esecators ofthe wilt or the said de2Paaed, aa.tatetaoatof theirrospective claims against the said estate, with their Christian and surnanmaddzeeses and de, seriptt°n, the full partIeailara of their claims and the nature ofthe security (ifaavt held by them. Atter the said first day of litireh next, the said Execntor,i swill distribute tha .,sats of flu° ould estate, bating weenies to the claims Onlr Of which notice has leen re- ceived,aandwill not he liable fur such asset./ ar any Part. thereof to any person of whose claim they; had not notice at tate time of euclt, dtstribntitin. ELLIOT & ELT.TOT, Solicitors for the Executers; anuary, 1W9. Sale Register. On Tt1esday Feb. 26th, on lot 12,Lake Road East, Hay. Farm. stock .imple- ments &e. E. Bossenberry Auet. Henry Cook, Prop. Today. en lot 2$f con. 16, Stephen, farm stock, Implement &c. F. Gratton Executor, E. Bossenberry, ` A.lict. NOTICE. riCENDIISHS will be received by the Clerk _ for the erection of a wooden bridge •t lot 8,, con. 4, Biddulph; until 9 p. m, of the first Monday in March. Plpt'&e eau he seen on se/potion Vection to Mr, F. Davis; Centralia Ont. - D. t3TANLEx, Clerk, Granton P. 0. lKE WEEK: THE WEEEhas entered on its SIXTH year of yublkalien. greatly enlarged and im- proved ,o every respect,rendering it still. more worthy Die cordial support of every One interestedin the inaantenanea fife. first- class .Literary .iourn 1. The rodePondenoin polities and criticism which has characterized, THR \VY1:K ever since its first issue will be rl ridly maintain, ed;andenceaaing etl'orts will be made to izn, prove italiterary character and inorense its value a l l attraactiverae b u,s a, 1411141u i 'for the cultured house. Idany new and able Writer. are now.or have promised to become, contributors to its collimate, and the con - dant aim of the Publisher will be to make Pig WEE folly 8qual to the bead literary Journals 1s Britain I ' itedSta t,a Aa heretofore, Pee` GOLDw INO Su tra will, fromtimeto #i me contribute ar iClea. Loudon,Paris, vashin'g&ton and M,'oratreal letters frem accomplished correspondence. will .ppear at regular intervals. Special Qt- t4wa .i' ter. will mppear dnriig the eeasipn 01 l'arliamelit. ";jr WEER in its enietged form will ho the samesizeas ""Ilarperes' Weekly," sand the largest paper ofitaelasson. the .coutin,- ent, 1,►+ Send for F reeSaarrpleCpy. B A4ICETtR033INON, 9> 1 b•, 5 Jordan sic., Toronto. ATTEIT Just arrived at the allhiIy Grocery A Fresh, Stock of Oystorgpscae o yoga a, "' a s, Spiced -. v and. �►a.� Bacon, a�� �a o Also a good sttaCkof Teas, Shears, Coffees Spices awl all kinds of canned goads on baud, Fresh breaclandbun$, Dashwood Roller Flour f ° Sale. 0i,l A. Hvndman. it =8S Solid Gold grtaRlLagtdlstf�LRoreeat timrkseprr. war- 1Wfor$lUQ. nutja5,atrhs ?ha ,orl. rostra$oar•, t90 ,3. Geld 0,411411f Caux,, Bath teAaea' ane• Faux of oceot Toler:. tisay$AraiPlafela..,li Toe.. salair sea sante, exie.x 1iee, toceRbsr inset Hou al:Awe: m(elo hoe of 1Bouseaaok4 $.11 a. oe. Ttesasaat.., as .il ae rats. teat?.. •q. Asia .ssadao . 7eaa,1 15,.ni. �R is raw*Om Roma for y moan.* &este !Lew. rtes to, those RAT.1 s..aea. L?eyb became seer wen prop,rtLL tell whe "aria et a. .p Oe .Tore of r.ceme tie wattle •als ila eogtos. wa_pox wtp,we. lre9tiit..ae, 4.414tas 11.41grgilsIZcobs S12,Pertlaud,Matnet CARTEKS $ lid,VER Sickldeadache and rel eve all the trouble/4nd• deaf* a bilious state of the system.anon as Ilirxitress, nausea. Drowsiness. Distress .atter eating Paaa in the Side, fie. Mile their most lreauarhabae ,cocoa bas reel] Shown in enritig leadxae, yet Varma '8 lima Ursa rata re equany viduable in COustrpatlon. curling audPreventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stiiuulate the -liver and regulata the bowel., E', ea If they onlr eared Aclts#iasy would be alms-�. a ,-- ^ they srh4 Wier ta'fiin tbla tlistr ssitp COMplaint; but fortunately their galenite tea .not end bore. and those who once try them will find thee* little stink valuable in ea many ways that they will not be willing; to do witioaat theta. Pat after sC nick head CAPE BRETON RA I •'WAY. Tenders for a klrldgo at 411e rand :liar ruts, (7.,.13. QE/LED TENDERS addressed tothe under 11,..-1 signed. alta: marked en the outside "'Ten der for Bridge," will be received until noon on Wednesday, the Oth March, tensa Plans and tiLwri©cations can be seen at the office ofat to Chief Engineer of Government Railways, Ottawa. whore forma of tender may be obtained on and after 'Wednesday, ;attic February* instant. Feel; Vender rand he Aceoiu 'anted be a 4o - posit equal to 5 per centum of the amount. of the tender. Tide dolsosat. may consist of cash or °fan accepted bark cheque made payable to tae3iinister of 'Railways and Csna1' , and it will be lorfeited if the person. tendering Toe ksts or refnt.rs to enter into a contract, wben called titian to do so, or if after enter- laginto a contract lie 41,11b to complete the worst satisfactorily aceer:ling to the plan, apeeifications and contract. 1f the tender is not accepted the deposit will he returned, Tenders must remade on thnpxtntett'Aiiina cup lied. Tho Departtne nt trill not be bound to so Copt the lowest or any tender. A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals,. Ottawa.7tla Fcbsuar1,1839. PLENDID CNdNCE.s NO OAPITALBEQUIRED w r lien from _., to 59 years can increase their inoonae looaIly, er get permanent em- ployment. /Ey business is rapidly growing and vary succexsful. specter inducements given which insure suttees, tellary and ex- penses to pertaaneat pion. lifig cOmmieslcns'. for local -work ifdesired. Don't engage until von write me. .8.pplv'to Fred. 'E. Yours g, :lawEngland;Nurseries, Itochester, N.Y. • Extensive Auction Sale. ON 1111111117f ribr'y 26th'89 Lot 12, Lake -Road, Best, HAY. The following property viae Stocr.-1 span of working horses, heavy draught, well matched, four and five year, old; one mare, in foal to "Lord ' :Haddow"; C yrs. old; i. aged mare,in foal to 'Lord Haddow'; 1 horse, eyear's old, general purpose' 1 colt, two years old, sired by "Tom Kimbell"• 1 colt eared by "Good. Che9e�r" tido years old; 1 colt, sired by'"Warwickshire Hero", 1 year , ". 1 ooS Cheer also old; 1Sll. 1 year o d b . tp g y y gg orted thorough- bred hor u h- a aroofthocelebratedim 0 bred stallion Lord Haddowp5rst-elves stook getter; with A 1 pedigree. Meese can be' soon at the stables of T.Ra:npeyer; lob L5, con. 14, Hay. b cows, in calf; 2 st