The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-14, Page 3.It is, a Cipilume !Teat Preparation
That contains all the Nutritious and Strength•Giving Elements that
Meat itself suppliee.
It Has Stood the Test of Years.
!Ind has earned for itself the reputation of being the
The Eighth Wonder Of the Weida,
The stricture was named after the con-
structing engineer, hi. G. Eight, who has
been assisted by geesra. Nangier and Eoeele.
lin, engineer, and S, Sauveetre„ architect,
Some idea of the meormene height of the
Eiffel tower Pori he pilled by comparisoa
with eeveral of the highest beware wed
MMIUMente in the world ae follows :
Eiffel ToWer, Perla,
Witehingten Monument, 4350 feet
eathedrel el Cetogne. „.... .511 feet
Great Pyramid, Egypt... feet
SiAtqe of LibertyA 'slew Tork...., .324 feet
Ste Paul's. Londen— — ,,36() foe
St. Peter' Roe. ..***1111429 feet
Notre Daine ati, —210 feet
Cologue Cathedral..., ... .—..522 feet
Straebure 'Cathedra 4 ....**41•6 feet
The not story Of thatower le 184feet from
the ground, the soma 7 feet, the third
892feet, and the fonrth 971 foet. The (Awe.
ture hi entirely of iron, The four pillare on
whieh it rests are 324 feet apart, measured
from center to center ; the1i1ar8 join in one
tower between the aecoai and thud etoriee
at a height of 584feet.
Four elevator ee one In each of the four pit -
Uri, will carry peeeeogere to the eeeend
story. Thee elevatore follow the incline -
time of the /Altura, Two elevatere will carry
eight-aeera frone the secoad t the third story
distal:lee Of 510 feet, These will ;is ear.
*ally.. Two eiecero motora will farnieh the
operating power. The speed of the oleo&
tore will be about Ea meter per teemed, &ad
it Will require eavele mimates to complete the
Jouruey from the eroao4 to the tided et.
Four epecioue etairwaya will lead from the
Minya to the fitot
The weight el the tower will be Moat
7,00 ten% It him bort caleuleted that the
realetanCe of the etrecture to the wig(' will
he 300 kilograma per Nave meter. The
strata of the whale in etee gresteat etorree
that have ever vialted Peels lute not exerted
over half that preeaure. Tho ooat of the
wonderful tower will aggregate about .1.000.
000 foam. Of thie 41119TInt 1A00,000 frallea
will be peid out of elle expooltien fiend, And
the balatMO WW be furatahed by the illeeere.
Eiffel, who, efter eiljeying the lemons derive
od from the tower for * period of tweedy -
Jive year*, will deed it to the City of
The first form of the tower was dedgeed
by Bourelele and Sibillete wbo propeeed to
build the etructure of ateme and /0Cate it in
the elevAtiou el the Place du Tracer:ler°, and la
atilize the otreethre for the illaraination m
the eutire city of Pairia. It Wal estimAted
that the liglitiog apperathe would comilat of
100 electric temp, put up he a circle of 12
mete= diameter ; eaele lamp to be of 20,000 c
cereela. or 190 OttOcatelle rawer ; this would
a w
give total of 19,000,000 candle power. It t
"Tms 'Aearne-.-tho. the tesci
That weary souls have sighed for ;
Tb4S is ACILdiatlAikl the loud
Heroic heartahave died for:
Tot strange to tell, this premised land
Has inver been applied for 1"
It meow to be 04 uncloabted fact that not
oily Enrope, brie also in a great part et
the Domielon, iteelf, very little la compere-
tively known of the Maritime Provinees.
The Whole country aria flooded
with all kinda of literature in connection
with Upper Canaria and the North-West
but the equally rich and lertile territory,
With even more Velnable reileUreeSa kaown
ea aueient Acadia, has been 41004110141y
neglecte(1, Yet it is f anderetoeci fey
the few who have atudied, the „reeoureee
of theee provinces, that they Innen
ell elelnelate neceSsary to rieir
elevation La tie ANN? nationa—a
healthy elintate, an exceRent soil for agri.
milord hali
purposes, ineXStible forests of
valuable timber, zieCeeSible by au exteueive
eeaboard and by navigable rivera, immense
mineral resOureetla and an unparellele4
cent and elver fishery, ell of which when
developed, are highly Calealated etuiblein
the inhabltaate of these Provinces to co*
pete with theee of any _other cenntey of
egnal extent, on the Anierieen Continent',
In thie age of peneramie repreaentetion,
it will not do merely to imagine the (Wet,
ono of resources, Withont Making tiler% 64
well as their work, both knowu and apprech
ated, so that,
nieeonn TeattatOn PI-Raga:ST PassIMRS
on ink throegh tele meet intereeting tent
tory, it weauld whim &Nimble to give a *light
reunite of the eariy hietorY of Nova Scoff*
with which the printery history of Caned&
itself to eci indbuielahly onneeted.
Thus, hien/dealt?, Nova Seotia wee iiret
eettled by the Atereols de le Rohe, who
willed from Freoce to 1599, taking with
hint a norater of convicts loin the prilooe,
6ity of whone he honied ea the emelt and
narrow bland of Seble, eititated Ohmic fifey
leaguee to the oeuth.eaet of 04344 Breton.
The aufferiehe of dim um may be well
Imagined, when, seven years iifter, only
twelve of the number were found alive,
aud thee° in a MOS wretched mid eumeiated
Sethi Isiland„ rendered fatneini by this incl.
eat, and etill more se hy the menthe: of ehir
Tooke) winch have tehen place en the ehoree,
eloped like a bow, about twenty -41x
Ion, and a mile in width, awl has been
t all thine a terror ro merinera, Ite outface
caudate eutitely 9f (seed, formed bate ridgea,
P4 Whieb, in the Summer thee, are pertielly
overed with verdure. De beech La ;towed
ith t1;0 wrockege of vainly, telling &woeful
ale of death *nu dieeeter, The vegetation
consiete miiinly of long, reuk gran, and a
Waage ehareeterietie of the Islandfa the
aumber of wild home thet row, iludietarla
ed over 14 sandy marine. How this breed
we" introduced, all reeoria foil to ouggeat.
Iu form they ramble the wild heron of all
!suds the Urge head, thick, shaggy neck
f the mid°, low whielters, paddling gem,
nd sloping quarters, have all the °muter
erts In the mustang and the hone of the
In 1604, De Monte timed a aottlement in
ort -Royal, aud after various viciseitudeo,
er again broke out betweeu Eogland and
enee, in 1683, when Port Revd was taken
y Sir Walley) Phipps), Whit A aquodron-
ont Metsachueette. Phipps wits the son of
blsoksinith, and followed la hie youth, the
umbra ocoupatioe of *hophord. He was
prentioed to & carpenter, and afterwavds
mit a visaed. Rearing of the wreck of &
palish *hip with bullion, he succeeded In
overing gold, silver, and Oevtels, to the
lue of 4300,000 aterliug, for whieh service
wee knighted. By the oelebrated treaty
Utreolata, 10.1713, between Folio and
the latter power, who changed the nem°
Port Royal, to Anuapolui RoysI en hon-
our of Queen Anne, made it a seat of Gov-
ernment, and named e Connell of the prin.
hffiabitants, for the management of
the oivil affaire of the Province). Little pro.
greee however, was made in the develop•
mootof the now country, till in July,
1749, the Hon. Edward Cornwallis landed
th upwards of 3,000 emigrants at Chebuo•
where the city of Halifax now stands.
pidly the infant eettlement grow and
thrived, nothing itt partioulae disturbing the
peace of its early growth, till the year 1758,
whams powerful expeditionwas fitted out in
Halifor harbor for the reduction of French
authority in Acadia, the strong fortress of
Louisburg—The Dunkirk of America. ---being
the operative point, The fall of that mighty
stronghold is a portion of the history of the
World, and of those who sailed from Hali-
fax harbor on that campaign may he men-
tioned Amherst and Wolfe, who left names
as glorious isa history can ramie. while Boa
°avian and Rodney are stars of .the first
magnitude in the naval annals of Great
Britain. Thus %elites the London Chronicle
of October 7th, 1759.
" Amidst her conquests let Britannia groan
For Wolfe! her go Ian*, her undaunted son.
For Wolf., whose breast bright honour did inanirol
With patriot ardour and heroic fire;
For Wolfe; who headed that intrepid band
Who, greatly daring, forced Cape threton's strand
F.r Wolfe, who foltowing still where glory can,
No dangers daunted, no distress appall'd ;
Whose eager zeal disasters o uld not check,
/dont to strike the b ow which gained Quebec,
For Wolfe, who, liko the gallant deban. dy'd
th' arms of viotory—bis country's pride."
he general history of Nova, Scotia must
ever be associated with Longfellow's
vangeline," and the very opening of
t sweet pastoral in a great MaaSure de-
bes the outlines of thierAcadian province :
"This is the forest primeval.
The murmuring pines and the hemlocks."
mileS and rollin nothing is to be seen
bleb the clear blue sky.
erhap,s, is gigantic; skeleton pine or hem-
lock, seethed and spectral, stretehee,• its
runt outline above its fellows, Spruces and
s cluster in neverending profusion; an
aromatic and unwonted odor pervades the
air—the spicy breath of resinous balsams,
Yet another feature of the forest primeval
presente itself, not less striking and unfam-
iliar. From the dead branches of those
skeleton pines and hemlocks hang masses of
white moss, snow whiee, amid the dark ver-
dure. An actor might wear such is beard
hi the playof Klieg Lear. Cowley's trees
"Patricians," these are Patriarchs.
waa prepined f0 els/ploy ireatem of reflect-
ors. To furniele euvreett for the temps, se
originally propeeed, would require 6,000
bora* power.
It ISSN eine° been demonstrated that any
such pion for illuntimithig Palo would prove
A failure. The tower le uow to light the
expoaItlo4 grounde.
Aleut' litive Winked as to the eafety of a
the tower from lightning. It le affirmed E
that it will act as a tiuge lightniug conductor o
for Perk!, auclenoasibly, may be It ilefoguard
to the whole city. juataio; but whato1! the P
eonduotor Irian`, and those who may be w
ventertng upon it! Feara of thle kind aro Ft
answered by enthusieetle bellevera with & b
amile, and, far aught lee krovr, the amile la fr
the %newer of wiedore ; but the following in- a
oident recorded in the Times, of Nov. 28, h
enehlee up. to repeat our question without sp
fear of being vondemued as unreasonably b
"Tho Guion Lino areitiner *Alaskoe' ree
from New York, which arrived at Queens. eV°
town yesterday evening, bringe intelligence IT
of the ehip Edward,' from Heart, with a "
cargo of iron ore, whose captain reported E
that the yowl encountered is terrible eleo
Weal stern: in the Atentio, on the night: of to
the 31st ult., when in tat 51 42 N., long. 54
42 W., lastiug for 'leveret hours. The ves.
ect waa continuously enveloped in lightning,
which prostrated onethe doh, eleven Sea.
men, and deprived them ot eight tor nearly
half a day. Tho Boone offioer and the
boatswain were also dished to the deck,
and received serious injury, and the former
woe epeechlees for five hours. Tierce balle
of fire exploded with is tremendous report to
over the main rigging, mosetering flaming al
fragments over the ehip, and driving the
remaining tramper) of the °row in terror
into the forecastle. From 3 a. m. until 7
p. en. the captain and mate were the only
persona onboard eitelable of doing any work,
and on them devolved the 'task of keeping
the veteel before the easterly gale. The
captain states that all on board the 'ship
were trembling with fear during the time
that the eieetrical storm lasted, which was
the most terrible ho ever witnessed; and
he adds that, no doubt, the iron ore with
which the w Edward was laden acted as a
magnet to attract the lightning."
It is more to our point to believe that our
readers will inquire—vet at is the use of this
modern Tower of Babel? The inquirer
Immo) as much as the writer. It is to be a
feature in the great Exhibition, and to be
talked of as the loftiest of buildings that
man bas yet piled upon the earth.
The Ohinese Primrose.
As the name suggests, says is writer in
Vieles Magazine, the Chinese primrose
comes from Asia. For the window, censer- T
vatory, or greenhouse, from holiday time for
. nntil hot weather, I know of no other plant "E
so certain to bloom in such profusion as thie. tha
It adds much, beauty and life to every plant seri
There is considerable diversity both in
foliage and flower), especially of the singlet For
varieties. The fern -leaved sorts are ova- aga
(daily pretty, but in amount of bloom they do
not equal the other kinds. The colors run
from red and purplish -edition O white, and °r P
in many cases wear striped and mottled
forms, all being very beeueiful. None of
„the kinds possess a great amount of odor,
although both leaves and flowers are some-
what fragrant, of which I am very fond,
while many persons think it offensive.
The New Pain King.
Poison's Nerviline 'cares flatulence, chills,
spasms, cramps.
Nervihne cures promptly the worst eases
of tteuralgia,.toothache, lumbago, arid sofa-
Nerviline re death to all pain, whether exBear(
Oriel, internal, or local. Stand
Nerviline may be tasted at the small cost
of 10 cents. But at once a 10 cent bottle of
Nerviline, the great vain remedy. Sold by
druggiste and country dealers.
Tho committee of the Reichstag has ap-
proved of Prince Bienetrok's East Africa
bill. This means, no cloubt, toot Germany's
°ionizing scheme in Zmzibar will be for.
warde A and subetantially aided by the G,ov-
erninent. The history, of the East Aide.,
Company thus fer ie not very dissimilar to
that of the inception of the East India Com-
peny. Does Prince Biemegok look forward
e murmuring pines and the hemlocks,
ed with moss, and in garments green, indistinct
Iii the twilight,
like Druids of old, with voices sod and pro
photio, - •
Stand like harpers boar with beards that rest on
their bosom."
So much for Nova Scotia generally; fu-
ture letters will deal more minutely with
the many and various points of interest in
this favoured land, which in the variety of
its scenery, coupled with histOrIcal and nat-
ural associations, offers inducements not
duplicated by any sectioa of the American
F. J. M.
Stylish young men now were silk elastic
gleotrioity movea 288,000mi1ee pealleQ9114;
light MCVeS 192 000 wiles per *wood; a ride
ball moves 1,460 feet per seoond.
St -Loafs is the greatest mulemerket in the
world, The sales amount to over $6.000,000
Per Year, "ideate, Qa.„ cameo nexb, and
tekeein over 2.0000. The stook is raised
10 Tennessee,Hentucky and elieeourt.
English atetistice of divorce covering the
three decedes from 1858 to 1888 allow the
billowieg facts ;a -Petitions for dissolution of
marriage bore increased from 2,188 to 4 7011
Petitions for judioal separation from 030 to
1,230 ; decrees etiolate, 1,279 to 3,371.
The output of the Nova Scetie coal mines
during the past year Viiaa 1,586.500 tons, ale
inerease over 1887 of 01,500 tow. The Cum.
beelead eellieriee 81015( is decrease of 0.000
One owing to the eeoppage of work for some
time ea the Springhill 1Dine,$)k but ItlotO4
County shows ati Increase of 78,000 MLA Cape
drawn of 23.509.
WithiA racliae ef forty miles of Rocheo-
ter, N. Y., there are more dam 1,500 fruie
evaporators, giving employeneet during, the
eliter-na and wietet to about 30,000 handy.
Imo; season the production of these evapor-,
atm Was about 30 001 000 newels, worth at
deet e0,4 aheatS2 000,000. A largoproportion
of the prodilet ia expoeted.
The parka ha Paris cover 176,00 acres;
in Lender*, 22,000 awe; Vienua, 8 00tioree;
Itaiin, 5000 acres; Dublin. 1900,aneefOblo
cage, a 000 acreat Poiladelphia, 3,000; Boa -
ton, 2 289h aeree; St Louis, s.23,2 acres; San
Frandeo; ',Mamie; New York city, 1.094
Acme The, Neliowatene National perk, in
the Territory of Wyoming* has abont 4,000
alitare Mile*
John S. Belle ehief et the WWI Ststls
Secret Service, /me eubinitted his almond re,
Pelt Itshows that 447 arreete Were made
duriag the year 1898, and of Um 146 were
vonviceed. The illeea collected amounted to
$22 494, The ounterfeit 091,13 ceptured was
$2,117,023; epurieue plates, 85; Mei% 46;
dim 40. Couuterfeit mew t) the amouni
of 4.820, sao ha been (betrayed during the
yeer, This has been accumuleted siege 1876.
tif the pereone Arreettel 182 are American
and 132 foreigneee.
Att eminena study this, of armed Europe.
Seven oatione—Germany, France, Ituteia,
Austria, Tut key and the ihaiken &Mee
--eleuve ewer etrength of 10.480,000 meta To
Ode are added the Segelld reserves, 8 3341,
000, and the gust reitervea, 9,1904000, in ail
28.4g0i000 el Europeans, in the prime ot
manhood, liable to ha expeeed in, the emit 0
war, The war strength Is euggsetive ;—
Oerrnany, 2 420 000 men; Vcance, 2440,
000; Ramie, 2496000; Italy, 1 010.000;
Auetrie. 1,14600O; Turkey, 620,000
Ida Sithe, 250,000.
The Life Current,:
Deprive- the vegetable world of moisture
and it pales, withers and dies; the wholo
earth becomes parched, end deisolati.on
pervadea the landscape. Deprive the hum
40 aYstem ol pare blood and health is im
possible, disease inevitable. The akin be
oemee eherged Witte repeleive humors. the
lungs loadeit with foreign seeeetioee fevers
ensue, and, unleea speedly arrested', death,
follows. Renew to healthy eetiou theliver,
the ereat blood-purifyiog &awl, with Dr.
Pierce'e Goiden Medical Dievevery, and
health items, throegki firmer avemie, reetoriog
every organ to vigor. At druegiete,
fe gete the bride,
zet the hest men et Sm Wedding WhO
A .14adro Malleea of Marrying.
I'lvert' woman has a eqi,109oi"ettehing.
hneheald," but it is eeoeafee thee your.
ladle% between twenty and tweaty- five
Of age are more likely to drew tele znatri-
al tnbt ai gPTrieze#4c.argo°f.wtlivoerra* rilAngecloitfu auntuasclue;
who hoe passed the three quarter century
Mark. Yet, how can tvoliete, weak, dile
eaervated and termented by diseds-
ea OamMen to her six. lope to beome a
happy wife and mother? coulee she caa-
noO; yet by the Inagk aid et Dr. Pieree'a
Favorite Prenriptien, di thew elestactes
are swept away. As a powerfui, invigorat
ing tonic', Bre Pierce% PAvorite 11:ascription
imparts strength to the whole system, wed
t9 the womb and ite apnendageg, in vertigo
ler. Per PrerWorked., wormorit,”
down,' debiliteted ;where, millinery, dope -
woken, iteametreinaa. "ahoR-iris," below'
keepere, mushy; inothere, IMO feeble winnen
generally, it is ehe greeteet eerehly Won,
being uuequaled as an Appetizing vordiel
and zee:wade* tenic.
Every Eregol4b4ok )14, is phetegraph
„every vinptayev.
Do Net Think for a Moment
that catarrh wilt itt time weer out. The
theory hi fialge, Ma try to believe it beemee
it would he pleaeent if true, but it le not, as
all know. De not let fin acute Atha* elf cold
in the head remain uaaubdued. It is liable
to develop into catarrh. YOU Can rid your.
self of the old and avoid all chance of eaterrh
by uelug Dr. Sage hi Caterrh Remedy. If
already aillieted rid yourself of thie trouble-
arelne dilfe:40 speedily by the same means.
At all druggists.
The poor in Isladver have good reaseu to
less the gunorvairy of Princess Christian,
is were lig the whiter menthe,
they are made happy by the dinners which
she peovide* ler them At the TOWII
The epf, eptorneit, th a morphinc. hal
wrens tho v4 el tith4n
walniedin oc,s;Iteniug tin 194
pronantra of Iiitadity cod 1.
er exertiaci ot tin m
'0,1101101 Siren
rota aoy 01460Vh4 r. —youtio, c11 or
!paged—who ate ries cbar..1 troui any el the
loon CAldcp, et an aano notmentiong Okr,P,100%
41' *Oran !tail 10 oats In starupa for Laboal
nth% in took form, ot Masan ot Nen. Hoar
et Amend and NT-471mm alwervation. addrectlf
The phylloXiire, ilea been. a coldly gift
from 1:inited States to Europa. Since the
introduction of tho paratem in France the I
yield of wine has decreased from 1, 820.00, r
000 pitons to 677298.000, and ereat pare di
of the latter is is wits (teetotaler( from Wake L
currante And other aubatituteafor the grape
intim departtrients of Charente and Charente es
VIuaes. real t. Totonta, Oot
SOWII at the rate of fifteen pound o per
acre, timothy would have 490 acedo an each
*quer* foot,
n emir) the yield bail falleu from,
320,000.00 gellosio to 14.000,000. Iu
the champagne aud burgundy distriote
the yield fell off ousaluilf laid. year ;
but that) will make not the blighted differ-
ence to the quantity coneurned.
No rnsh-Balla that Day.
An honoured geed at is city hotel re.
meetly wet is portly Asa dignified old Imly.
Inereating deaforo isa the old lady always
to carry an eartrumpet with' her.
It happened, however, a few morniugs
ago that the old lady reached the hreakleat
table without her trumpet. She did not
seem troubled at forgetting it, tut, adjust.
Ing her gleams; inimecting the bill of fare
And ordered the breakfutaelonduding with
a request:for some fielaballe.
"There ain't any fieh bells, ma'am,"
Sail the waiter, reepeotfulhe
"I prefer them done brawl," she mid.
"There ain't any fielaballs this morn -
"Ansi I wieh you would toll the cook not
to fry them la lard. Uen A little pieoe of
salt pork."
"There ain't any—"
"Ansi wait is moment. Tell lier to be
very careful not totem halibut for fish -balls
intead of codfish, I understand it la frequent-
ly done."
" There ain't any fish -balls," re.
vested the waiter in loud tones.
-4 You really oughtnot to serve fish -balls
every day, John," she said, plaesantly.
"The old way was to have them for Sun.
day breakfaxt."
" There ain't any fish -halls," shouted the
"Yes, serve thein with peraley."
The unfortunate waiter glanced helplessly
about, and then bending down to the old
lady's eareein tones that proclaimed it to the
entire dining -room, he roared out again—
"There ain't no fish -balls"
"Why didn't '
.you say so then? John,"
she added, gazing at the flushed waiter
severely over her spectacles, "I think you
have been drinking. You have been mutter-
ing to yourself there for the last five min-
utes. Never mind about the fish -balls, but
shall report you to the manager."
Reports from all puts of the province
show that the late atorm was general, as was
silo the sudden ohange.of temperature.
It is now reported that the body of is
young Bohemian lady was found in Prince
Rudolf's room, he having murdeted her be-
fore committing suicide. '
An offieer fired into a crowd in New York
the other day, killing one man. The officer
was acquitted hi, court, as his life was in
danger when he fired
It is stated that owing to threatening lan-
guage used against him, Mr.Balfour has ob-
tained special police proteotion.
The contract for the lat e Calt R. ear
ferry -between Windsor and' etioit has beeti
let to the Poison company of Torebto.
The London "World" Bays the tree story
of Prip e Rudolph.'s death will diselosa a
I tale ot aiirror and disgrace without a par.
Goff No More.
Watson a cough drops are the beat In the
world for the throat end chest, f or the voice
unequalled. See that the letters, R & T W
; are stamped on each drop. •
i Cheyenne has one of the, "smallest "(Aube
, Consumption Surely Cared.
To the Editor :-- •
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedyfor the rthritre naMed disease.
I3y its timely use thoueands of hopeless
oases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to bend two 'bottle i ofrmy,remedy
free to any of your readers Who have con-
sumption if they will,send me their Eiprelgi
,and P. Oaaddreeit Resp'y, T.A. SLOCIrM,
M.G.,' 164 Weit Adelaide St Toro to
Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Sestes 211111181m is note seere t remedy.
Containing the stimulating Hypophos.
phites ana Pure Norwegian, cod Liver Oil,
the potency of both tieing. largely he.
creased. /t is nsed by Physiemus all over
the world.
Sorg ,Drugaista, 10c. nag S1.00.
CANCERd1363 lagaranerffalo.
aaTamircasCURED3, ; 001= ;
MrI:A rairIII .
mein& Violins, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and all kinds
of Trimmings Agent for Preaches and DeWitts
Plays, IttITLAND'S MUSIC STORE, 31 Ping St.
West, Toronto, Ont.,
Allan Line Royal 'tail Steamship
Sailing during winter from Portland everyTharsdal
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and 10 8001
ruer from Quebec, every Saturday to Liverpool, canna
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers fen
Scotland and Ireland- also from Balthnore, via Bali
fax and fit. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnighttt
during BUMMER' months. The steamers of the Glas
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during nun
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weakly; Meagan
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
fortnightly. -
Fortnight; passage or other infonnation apply to
A. Schumacher di Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard is Co.,
Halifax' Shea & Co., Nfld.; Wm. Thorn; -
son to Cc., SP John, N. B.; Allen Ss Co.. Chicago;
Love & Alden, New York; H. liourller, Toronto;
Miami, Rae k Ho„ Quebec,; Wm. Brookie,
phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal.
Brown Engines
J. Perkins /6flo - Toronto,
toung Men
SUFFERING, from the effeots of early evil habits, the
result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves
weak, nervous Ind exhausted ; also Mmorci.Aesp and
ts Mao who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthfulexcess send for and read
M. F, Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of men. TM
book will In sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 80. stamps.. Address,
ti. V. LUBON, Wellington St, R. Toronto,OnS
Dealers in all kinds of
- Agents for be BESSON
and IIIGHAIIIisnd In
strumente.f filgrEMBET
MU SI 0 and SflTSCC
BOOK. Manulactorers
of the
Best in the world, Eight
Tears' Guarantee. Send
for Illustrated Catalogue
and Testimonials..
233 Yonge St.,
Diamond Dyes excel ail others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
Norte other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
creek), eolors. To be sure of
success, use only the DtamoNP
Dm for cawing Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feather;
Ribbons, 64c., We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to gym more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
fir the Diamond and take tut other.
A DIM Pyod rOri
A Coat Colored 10
earwigs Renewed 3cENTs.
A Child .can use them!
At Drogens aod 3iptalianta. Dye Bock free.
CANLIES.wn laNCL11$11$ Peter2,er0, Onl.
fl'OliaONTO CLTTING fictIOOL.—Gentlemen
desirous of ocquir Aga theZOUgh Iircivaedge
01 garment cualee Waite vidt Slebtit. dud
itii4W.003I1t11.3 taitabe whereby perf?ct &Ding, gap,
Arnatt are yr -Wined. Ciwalar with M. loformatten
1011043, it. CORRIGAN. Prep., 1.2a Tone
75, Der.tifel &Mrs. Tte Ilitectr if Canada
Tbe Uliitcry et Ittanitimi, Livi.g Words Fits),
in Mai :',Unrch of Bowe. Trio Cottage Pty.
. Batt rai E baa. Rovid Patii of Life.
arallel um( Plelorial Fatally 3ai les. IVII,LIAM
RUMS. Painter, =TOMO.
On receipt of pratve etamps we olfl one ace by
waiI he tonoone•sp endid anklet; ;
One Ektx on Pure l'asell me, 10 rents.
Otte Hex or vitseune them/her Ire, la ernes.
One Ilex or Vacate c C014 5resuu, 13 cent&
No Yaselins, le genuine falba+ our name ta on the tante
Cueseneeren.K1bre0 go., 24 SlateSt, N‘w York.
Send for Price Lilts aad Diaconate.
0 Oli. our FOR 111:10.1411S S700,000
&oink= the flanS at Bull I Protect your
b1441, 1/outio, Stabli s, as Pell as Goads boat' on
Ise outside lay using the Champion Burglar Alarm I
No ono can get iota a room or building without
rtern:dug the whole nrighborboot. Can be put up
. miaute Commercial Mon can attach ono to any
door by simply t10s104 it. Boos int roar the door In
the least Tills Is no toy, but is well -made article.
Made, patented and sold by o wenailoan House.
Ark your hardware dealer tor one, and be sure say
x Ann 115 00 It, ar sow tt and receive one Inc. Good
Agents wanted In every place, E3:, 5. 1/1111BAL1,
P,I). Dem Ms, Sal.sroom 677 Craig St., Alceninini,
el IF YOU ARE BALD, have
GitEY or TIEN HAIR, send
ta A. DOREN IVEND Toronto,
and get patioulars of his
Toupos, Switches, ole.,
also Frontpleees, Bangs, oto.,
nada of finest quality human
hair, as natural as BM.
Paris Hair Works, 103 and
105 Tonga St., Toronto.
All Colors, 10c. per dozen skeins:
BERLIN WOOLS, all tolors, So per oz.
per oz.: Fleecy Wool, extra quality, 10o per
skein; .Anasene, all colors, 30a per dozon skeins;
Macrame Cord, 16 colors, 10e per ball; Felt, best
quality, $1.00 per yard; Women Java Canvas, all
shades. 45o per yard ; Stamped Toilet Sets, 6 pieces,
350 set; Tidy,, 15c ascii; Splashers, 40 and 50 cents
each. A la,ge stook of neweit 'Stamped Goods tor
outlining to hand. Letter orde.s hay paompt and
careful attention. Goods can be sent by past to ear
part of Canada. Write for price list, REILNT
DAWIS, Importer, 232 Tonge Street, Toronto, Ont.
Please mention.thispaper„„,,,
None genuine but the Royal. 1-repared by
Ellis &,Keighley, Toronto.
BAKiNC PowDER ric,t4R.':;-
Assoaa , Ear PUR rtikaidSTA3R;41
AND 511,1DA -`41
To, 51Ron...-ksPoRcsi."-tcl? 84$1
KNiTTpionrettnian Brwi„ CHINES
j fIerorcO
eron,n, n t.itlii
motlEy liter,47123-A'lliaboel4ecr af.lrefird8
Es rat o:6&4 o .108-• 1&1•14rrenen..414.
1041 f'if
amass class WI P
19W rate of interest °nitre*
Barristers and Helicrters,
Wallimeon hum V*
PartiRS WSi4Fg to pqralaSe baptored 4sta:ha
Vann% !mu 5 sores opwarde, alth eau -4014W
poemplon. (A or writ* trl IF, it. BiartSten, Bo.
ttbur's Ricci; 31aill hinlyeg. leceneetion
robbed tree or edam; and settlers atiogedi to
Ar C.C118Z.vr HAM tenoteer
thtN.440.4A. IFJt1LttjENT
Read Offfoe t Toronto St„ Toronto
Subscribed VapitaI, 4,r4s.s0•
PAW tip E'Sp841.. ;caw*
row „,.. . .. . . Matioemie
Tee waned oapital mut resouneal 01 tblo Comieweni
teeeitax with tte inereaseit talbte, It La mammy
Se9niredforsupplylegland owners wlth cheap ancney,
eeetie the Meatus to meet with prnmpfnese and
the lowal earrent rate or interest Alt
for ;a-onewo agastr.ltorv real ettnte stacnty.
Appinaloo um to t..1 tither or eta Compattro
igelk Aparcisars, or to
J. 13E1WERT MASON. Ibanez Direetnr.Terenta,
When I eay Com Ido not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and then have them re.
tura again, I stuAir, A. RADICAL CURE,
I nave made the disease of
ITS, En:IMPS:1' or
A llfe long study. my remedy to
Man the worst eases. BeCaUSO others have
failed Is no reason for not now receiving:1., cure.
Send atoneefor a treatise and 11MM: Bonus
o rovitmktranz.E nr.sumv.,. Give Express,
and I'oat Office. It costa you nothing tor a
trial, and it alit euro you. Address
H. G. BOOT, XV., 164 "West Adelaide St.
UMW 53800.55580
1.1F5 TINE
• EVr
. a?-aeRANTFORO, a eel Ana.--eea
W./ are children who ehereutlyjoin in Ms charm
Witex Breadmakees Yeast 'saes:Weer Waren...
Mamma tried all,
80 :59 itnows it's the best. [14-ehissto
'Cause her bread is as whitest, her bans are At
And we eat all the pancakes she dare set beforea.s.
Brick Machines
With All the Latest Improvements,
The Z. 8c C, Gurney Co.4
41:, it Ca Irt a