The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-14, Page 1V014.11.
The Molsons Bank,:
(Ohartered by T'arliarnent,1855.)
Paid up Capital, - , , , , R , „ $2,000,000..
Rest Find.. • . • 44 A . 44 34,QQQ,00Q,
Mee o#lice 3 oetreal.
'rr. inner. MANAGER,
Twenty Aranoh giee4 in the Dominiotl,
Ageism* in tibeDoaninion, V. S. and Europe.
Open every lavrfm doss Gore 1tO a. ea. to 3 p,
114.3 turdays 10a.m.'0 I P. zu.
generel banking bUsiness transacted
%%ree ler caret, ver annum 'allowed %r
. xi1 ea Deposit Reliant* end Seeing*
it N. ARQR1 R,
Jan 2$, tea 1~taneger,
publia►hea avery whiarafg. gornina ,
et the Office,
MAIN -STREET, ---4x4TgR.
tlr tlaeS4,sNDElrS'rueldsUINGCOiitl'ANT.
Gee Doltar.Eer a„tinaai if pe►iel in Advanta.
11i1,tietfuotso paid.
.a,sikerertaxasare ietreei gem.
paper Meeantiartesi anter *R3 swears ee
repaid. Advertisements wi<thoist epeedo
tlirectione will be published till forked end
+11&ergea aorta...Guar. Idberald ssountvase*
usetent Advertisements for
slods, Every deseription of JOB
blit turned °utile the finest ,style,
moderate ea, tee. Cheenea 'dn9ner anis
r advertising, subsertptlone, en/. to
yable to
William ll,i.ttiu: Sanders,
':rltsvree Itxmoitl1t. esteem..•Bev.
Robinson, hector iunday servicee, rt a0 aa•'
a lid t p m, Sabbath School, SAO p. m.
UtT1100I3T Crrnaq ..J imee-at., Rev. 13.
felement, Pastor. Sunday Seriicee, MOOR, rn.
mauli.tae ;stn. SebbathSchool,3p4la.
WAIN STAART-Itev.3. Wilron,.i'sgtor. Sun
L elfat, tm a. In. and aasl,.rn.Sabbath
itY,SIlrTIMIAN finuACR.-•ROV. Martin,'W
Pastor. Snndst Services, a sae p.
tit. Sabbath Scampi ,t4yL n.
iix remalon*t Cards.
Office over O'Neil's . Bank, Exeter, °uterlo,
Nitrous Oxide Gait for peinlese
tracts teeth without pain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the now
Aatet,thotio on the grunt,. )Lakes Gold EMI
Ingo and other dental work the best poyniblo.
Goes to 'Zurich last Thursday in each month.
:East aide of Main street, Exeter.
Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
T.A.'AlitOS. M.D., 0. It. L C. P., EDIN.; L.
• It. C. simile.; L., P P. dr. S., Glasgow.
L. M. Balinhur h and Glasgow. M. O. P.& S.,
Ontario; P. T. M. S.,Toronto. 'Night ben at
office. Crediton, Ontario, 3y12-8
I1 Exeter, upstairs, opposite contra
leading g to the Methodist Chu Church, street
W. BROWNING, M. D. M. 0.12.$
• r
tilradnate of Victoria University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
' ` inary Surgeon. Graduate
Toronto. Office and Residence
one block eat of San -mall &
Pickard,* store. Opposite skat-
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
.1.1. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &o. Loney to loan
Office -Ban son's Block, Exeter.
• LtsCoven3&ce BARRISTERS, Conveyancers, Money
at a per cent.
.13..V;ELL1oT. - J. ELLIOT
E ary Public, . Proctor in Maritime Court,
Conveyancer. &e. Solicitor for Huron Land
Agency. Godeieh and ,Bayfield. Bayfield
office at Swartt'e Hotel, open every Thursday.
Money to loan at verylow rates.
'T AMES 'ONE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
Auctioneer for` tho'.County of TCuron.
Sales :promptly .attended to and satisfaction
g uaranteed. wales arranged at this office..
Ty BROWN,.Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
. ioneerfortheCounties,of'Perth and
Middleees, also for the townshipof Ilsborne.
Sales prom ptly attended to and tones reason
able. Sales arrin ged :ot Post office, Winchelsa
JJ•BoseAno�rhnd ineerfote County iof
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction
g•aa' ai teed:
•1 -gr, HOLT, Strive, Ontario. Licensed auct-
,t • ioneer for the Cmin ties of Middlesex
and,Ltrmbton, and the townships of Stepphon
and Hay. All sales, promptly attended to.
.1�EILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
• Stephen and McGillivray townships.,
Office -Crediton, Ontario.
. RayFarmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co>p,
Patties dosiring•to insure' in the best; and
Ohne :estIninranec Company in the Domin-
ion caan do lip by applying persozrally, or by
mail to the undersigned.' All applications
promptly attended to. Also agent for the.
. Wellington Com pony of Guelph,
g.130S$TNBT1tltyj Anent, zerielo Oat.
SDAY„ FEBRUARY 14, 1889.
NO. $9
ing dissolved Partnership,the business will in future
conducted be.......
ROIL&R:D 12.10]•:,:AR1.j.,
Who in order to reduce the Stook will offer Immense Bargains for the xzext O da
Old Prxces Paralized.
Don't i" ii to the unprecedented values offered in Tay -Goods, Boots, Shoes tied Ready
large glass front a the. Gagettd office,
completely demolishing it. Watson's
tailor shop windows were also badly
broken. The teeth was stopped at the
Tudor house and found to not much
injured, beyond one of the horses being
somewhat cut by glass in his plunge
into the Gazette office. The sleigh. was
completely demolished, At heist reports
Mr, Phippeu wassligittIy improved, but
le stilt ^rezy low.
Tlic council met pursuant to adjourn
in the 'Temperance 1aall, Granton, lust,,
eelm and all the meretera present'
he following .accounts ■vera ordered
to be paid, vices --.f. E. Iias, error
in deg In; #I; D. liclllutzgy error in
degtex, el; T.Etley, tiu box forassess
rent soli, $125; the Collector indent=
salty for costs ill eeizure for taxes, f40;
e pees ehatrges onassesssasentroile and
telographing,40 ets, It was ordered
that tentlera l e levite t for the erection
of a wooden bridge at lot 5, conA, over
River Sartble,
The Clerk was instracted to procure
a letter book and press for the use of
his of ico and a+, atalup for the use of the
Three tenders for,township printing
were received, fig:- 'l..uean Enter rise,
X42; St. Marys Awned, ; R eter
a . ,ower ;, $4U.
On motion the Conder of Lucau
Errteryrise wee accepted.
Moved by F. Davin seed by 'Wm. Mc -
Geo that the Reeve said Clerk sign end
forwards petition to the Local Legis-
lature praying that no action be taken
In Initiating or passing the measure
,asked for by the County Council of
Middlesex. Namely to make counties'
lisblo for the building and maintaining
of ell Bridges in Local 11.1unicipa1itiee
of a span of 100 feet and over. Carried,
Tho council adjourned to meet in the
Court Room Chandctbn •e on. the first
Iffonday in Murch at 10 a.m.
rondo Clothing, Bats, Caps, Furs, Groceries,Crockery
Ladies Astraackets, fel l ly sold for Gin Flannel all wool,extra heavy, �f
7,O0,now Offorecl. for $245.00 pens :Celt boots $1.55,
Ladies Mantles formerly considered cheap at lgens Overcoats from $4 uppvards.
$18.00, fQI' $13.75. Neils Wool Undershirts Wets,
Ladies and Chi
ldrens gloves flim upW ands, ; Persian Lamb caps for
$1 glom for 40Cts 12 lbs Tea for. $1.
Ladies corsets from 24eqer pair upwards. Fine colored 44 piece Tea Setts 2./r o.
Gn cotton Sots - .r arra upwards.
Big Inducements ill be offered in all departments. Come and see for yourselves.
iccessor 10 SRN & Pickard, MK
No choir on Sunday last. What • 14
the reason?
Miss Lee, of S. Marys, is visiting her
friends in 'Uaborrte,
Revival meotinga are atilt bang
carried on, with some success..
Mor a�
The pupils of 5., S. No. 13, TiiaGIllt•
Tay, intend giving an entertainment
next month, and a big time is expected
Last Thursday* night, the barn of
Mr, Win. Seth, 22nd eon., caught tiro
and ons burned in spite of the vigorous
efforts to save it.
A steer belonging to Mr: John Grieve
died last Thursday, and a port enontom
was held, but the surgeons innttend-';
unto could not agree as to the cause,
Last Monday Mr. Neil 11[cGrogor'a;
four hounds got in full pursuit of n fox
in this vicinity and several of the old
hunters got out with their shot -guns'
but ere they got on their trail, batik fox
and hounds were out of sight,
G. W. Miller is spending a few days
at home.
Some of our Young folks took in the
Thames Road tea Monday evening.
Mr. H. Brown our noted Auct. is
knocking things down now almost.
every day.
Fox-hunting is all the rage now but
the boys Haven't meet with such sue -
cess as they did on their first trip.
Mr. W H. Clarke has about finished
drawing the material for his new
house, of which he has about sixty-
ixt --
thousand of brick and ten cords of
stone on the ground, besides • lumber.
and shingles. Messrs. Powell and
Spicer have secured the contract. We
would say that W. H. will have a tithe
house as he has secured good mechan
J Ata: TtTE RIPrExt.-A hand bill was
found posted in an old building by one
of our citizens announcing. the arrival
of "Jack the Ripper" stating, ..that he
had about completed his bloody career
of fiendish slaughter that he hoped to
be pardoned after he lead killed seven-
teen more and was very anxious to fin-
ish his business in.a week at the ,fur-
therest. Signed "Jade the Ripper." .
, bEsq., Of was
sq ,
in town last weed.
Miss Nellie Noble was visiting
fri"ends.inGodericllast week.
Mr. H. B; Proudfoot P. L. 8, will re
move to Toionto in,a few days.
Miss Filinea Floods, of Blyth was,
visiting friends in town last week.
Mr. T. C. Doherty has•opened out in
the livery business,' in the old Royal
Hotel stables.
Mr. R. Irvine shipped"
PP 28,000 bushels
of barley from the Standard Elevator
last week.
Chief of Police Tedford has been re-
appointed for the ensuing year, at a
salary of $400.
There were
pen delegates from
at the Orange County meeting, at
Exeter last wet*,
Mr. Adam McGuire barn sago master
of Q. T. R.,Lendon,was visiting !deeds
in town this week.
Mr. Chas. Spooner has rented ,his
hotel to Mr. Loch Kennedy who will.
take possession on the first of May.
hir. Arthur Cantelon got "showed he
n the county for two days as week.
le nays it was pretty lonesome out
The Salvation army bad a grand
bttnquet In the Town 11&I, on Monday
evening 'last. A number of officers
were .present from at distance and a
hallelujah time was spent.
John aDtv4Ine, of this place, was up
on Monday before John McGerva, J. P,
ekarged with burglary at Thos. Jack•
son's store on the1rd of Feb. The goods
were found in his possesslon,ftmounting
to about *100 worth,consistino of tweeds
dress goods, cottons, underclothing,
kid gloves, etc. Ho was committed to
stand his trial at Goderichat the next.
court of competent jurisdiction,
The anniversary services, of the Rat-
tenborry.street Sitbbath school, were
held on Sunday and Monday. 0n'
Sabbath Rev. Mr. Edge preaced in the
morning and Rev. Mr. Livingstone in
the afternoon and evening. On Mon-
day evening a public entertainment
was held, at which the scholars Requit-
ed themselves admirably well.
The annual meeting of the 'Osborne
and Mibbert Farmer/Mutual Fire In-
surance Company was held at Farquhar
on Friday last. There was.a good at-
tendance and considerable interest was
taken in the proceedings. The reports
showed the company to be growing and
prospering and that the losses for the
past year, were exceedingly light. A
change is being made this year in the
Secretary Treasurership.. ' Owing to
some misunderstandhng between Mr.
Alexander Duncan,the late official, and
the Board of Directors, he retires, and
Mr. Thos. Cameron was appointed in his
stead. Mr Cameron, we believe, is a
thoroughly competeet man for the pos-
ition, but the remuneration he receives.
$75 per year, is ridiculously inadequate
To perform the duties properly is well
worth four tints this. amount. Mr.
Gardiner, the first president and one of.
the founders .of . the company, retired
from the Directorship, and Mr. Henry
Passmore of Usborne was appointed in
his stead. .11irsGardner was accorded a
hearty vote of thanks for his past
services and a slight tangiblerecognit•'
ion was granted the of 526. Mr. Donald'
McLaughlin; the retiring' director for
Hibbert was re-elected. The company
decided not to Send any representative,
to the meeting of the Underwriter's as-
sociation at Toronto. It was .else decid-
ed to discontinue the insurance of vil-
lage:and town property.
Business is booming at the wills.
Mr. R. St. John is still confined to
bed with a severe illness.
Mrs. F. ;Montgomery and, Miss M.
Dodd who has been ill. for' ome time,
The managers of the Sunda school
y of
good food for both old and
Abundance of the beautiful now.
The little boy' end his sleigh le one of
the familiar sights again; evert the big
boys stem to have caught the spirit iu
the air and are as merry as their jing-
ling bells. The farmer knows that now
is his chance, and wood -bees, log -bees
mad -bees, are the order of the .day.
The foll'orving are the pupils who re-
eeived the hlgest marks in each class
for the month ofJannary.
5th class --Thos. Lawyer, Jos.fortt,B,
Sr: 4th -A. Walker, W. Switzer,
Jr. 4th -Mary Stewart, W. Wynns E,.
Sr. $rd -Laura Circ:, J. Corpeland, N.
Jr. ere -3, Stewart, A. Shier, A.
Sr. 2nd --YM. Lawyer, A, Kiri., ?i*aud
Jr. 2hld_ T. Milis, .Mf Fords J. St.
2nd part -Wes. Shier, Alex Arens -en
Sarah Shier.
Orange News.
W. Bros. Dr. Oronhy atelia, of London,
Grand )efedieal Referee of the Orange
Mutual Benefit Society will remove to
Toronto, during this month.
The County Orange Lodge, of Lon-
don and East Middlesex, decided at
their annual county lneetin r on Tues-
day by a unanilnous vote to celebrate
the coming 12th of July at Exeter.
The County Orange Lodge, of North
Huron, at its meeting at Manchester
last week, donated $80 thwards the re-
ception of the Supreme Grand Orange
Lodge, at Goderieh, on May next.
• An ammendment will be introduced
at the approaching session of the Pro-
vincial Grand Lodge, at Hamilton,
providing for sick benefits in connect-
ion with 'the Orange Mutual insurance.
This will be a step in the right direct-
ion and will make the Orange Mutual
second to none in the county.
The annual meeting , of the North'.
Huron County
• Orange Lodge,held at
Auburn la was •
s week, was well 1 attended,.
over one -hundred delegates being pre-
sent. The following officers were elect-
ed for the•ensuing year -W. C. M, Bro
J. H. Young, Brussells; D. C. M., Bro.
W. H.:Oiegg, Gerrie ; Co. Secy, Bro. W.
Laidlaw, Blyth; Co. Fin. See'y, Bro. Dr.
Holmes,. Brussells ; Co. Treas. Bro. ' .W:.
McGill, Blyth; Co. D. of C., Bro. It. Mor-
row, Nile. It was decided to celebrate
the corning 12th of July in Wingham.
. Farkjiili.
A serious and perhaps fatalrunaway
accident occured hereon Monday last
A farmer named F. Bartlett, from near
Arkona, was driving along Ring street
when his, team were frightened by a
train and speedly became . uumanage
able and ran away. At the Royal
his hotel they took to the side walk and
ran oyer Mr. Geo. Phippen, who was
unable to get out of,the.way injuring•
him so severely that he -rosy die. The
team rushed up the sidewalk, many
pedestrians narrowly, escaping, g, till they
P . 3
reached South Main street, where they
became released from the sleigh and
turned south again, taking to the side-
walk, Here they crashed through the
have added about two hundred new
books to their library. The committee
have taken great care in selecting the
n no on t lave supplied'
books d d b 1
Lots otattow now,
.The butcher shop is running in; full
Mr. J. Brown arrived home with his
fair lady.
. Albert says ,skating is good at the
as 'amp.
I>. lifol'eatkc has taken the contract
of cutting fifty cords of wood. for Jae,
Mr. Geo. Webber who has been visit-
ing friends In Toledo, Ohio arrived
home on Monday last.
Frank, Handford •. declares he has
caught the largest fish ever seen at
Grand Bend. flood for you Frank.
Mr. Jas. Neil, of the 2nd con. McGilli-
vray left on Monday last for . London
where he intends spending his holidays.
Mr. John Parsons who has been at
Winnipeg for the past six weeks ar-
rived home last week looking hale and
Our two learned friends can be seen
every Sunday morning going to Exeter
church. Centralia is to common for
The sports meet three times a week at
the club room. One door north of the
pastofficc. Ike has took the contract
of supplying it with wood.
Tommy visits Adare quite frequently
now as there is good sleighing it saves
him of hiring a buggy. Tommy will be
in pocket when sprints comes.
Soy s or REST. -On Saturday evening
last a large meeting of our citizens
was held in the garret of the old church
having ascended thereto by means of
a ladder. Among the number wo notic-
ed Marshall Bloomfield, Richard Sando,
Robert McCoy, G. Thompson, Charles
•Lingard, Robert Luker, Jas. Wilson,
S. B. Windsor, Jas. McPeak, Jas. Daily,.
R. Cobleigh, John Hodgins, C. Basket.-
ville, and Isaac Luker. Mr. John Hod-
gins, Vice -Grand Chairman of Ontario,
took the chair and explained and ex-
emplified the benefits of the order after
which the whole crowd present were
initiated into the mysteries of the "Sons
of Rest," After all initiations being
over Dufforin Tom stuck his. head
through the manhole and asked to be
admitted. After a great deal; of dis-
cussion a ballot was taken, fourteen
members voting and fourteen black
ballots were found recorded against
him. He was then. pulled. down the
ladder by Billy Moffat who was also
seeking admission in this high and
noble _order. Billy's application was
discussed but he fared like Tom receiv-
ing fourteen black ballots also. After
the balloting was over the lodge then
got down to business. It was moved by
Bro. Bloomfield, seconded by about
twelve that Bro. Chas. Ling and be chair-
man. The following were then elected
unanimously, Vice -Chairman, Bro. S.
B. Windsor; Chaplain, Bro. Jas. Daily;.
Rec.-See., Bro. Jas. MaPeak; Fins Sea,
Bro. C. Baskerville, sr;; Treas., Bro. M.
Bloomfield; Sir Knight Herald at Arms,'
Bro. R. Sando; Committee, Bros. R.
Luker, Jas. Wilson, R.Coblei„ lh; Lodge
Surgeon, Bro. G. Thompson, M. D., C.
M. I,., C. N, G. After the inst Illation t
was. over the following motions were
carrieda-That we secure four gallop
of whisky at Moffat's for the use of
the chairman. That we secure thirteen
boxes of tobacco for the use of this
lodge, and also four boxes of clay pipes
That our surgeon receive 17* center a
mouth for services. That no member
be allowed to engage iu binding grafi'
during the remainder of the -tinter.
That we secure the services of the
Exeter brethren for the plrrpose fat
initiating "Mushy.": At this junrthrrw
he meeting wet: disturbed by ,Btu's
Ungava nearly falling through tits
ening while in search of some lager.
After° the charity calleetIon wan taken
up, which amounted to Z cents and to
cheque: olr this poet Once for 2 mute,
the meeting dispersed resolving to meet
in 1 as"kervities be en Saturday
evening next.
Division 0eurt,
Is isitlsl Court amt he en. Monday,,.
Jnage Doyle presiding,
The following eases were trite
DrcaScei- Mei'saae,..,-•,A.etioa for ro.
ouprornissary note. L. H. Dickson
plaintiff in person mono for defendant.
Judgment for plaintiff.
HO I,'v-PRBNBEGRA&r, Auti0n to
recover conduct looney paid witnesa in
County Court eaten, Casa adjourneai,
till next court, J. Elliot for plaintiff, Li
H. Dickson for defendant.
Nextor tyros. Lafxxr.*r,-Action cur,
piront seory align.. Adjourned till next
court, .It. Ii. Collins for plaintiff, , L. H,
Dtakson for defendant.
ANN t*s-.IfnlllNs0lr 7llsel9.�-rpt tion
for $10Q, damages for breaches of cifv-
enanta in a. lease of a farm from, tim.
plaintiff to. defendant. This carate wwt
watched with interest by sures of ftarmp"'
ers, The facts are shortly as follows .
The defendants coirenanted with plain,
thrill the ,lease, amongst many other
things, to seed down ten acres each
year daring their term of tenancy and
further covenanted to keep up fencers
Tho plaitxtift claimed that the defend.
ants had committed breaches of the
aid two covenants, It was proven that
the defendant entirely overlooked their•
young to seed down ten acresdurilrg
Bial last year of their tenancy until the
last of Oetober, when the p aintiff'inadn
a demand upon them for dahuiages for
breach of the covenant to .seed down.
The tenancy expired on the illst Dee.
ember, and on receiving the demand
for damages the defendant immediately
thereafter on the 1st of November sow-
ed. timothy seed upon ten acres of
wheat stubble land and harrowed it«
This the plaintiff contended was no
compliance with the covenant to seed
down. About fourteen of our retired
farmers gave oeidonce for the plaintiff
All agreeing that opting was the proper
time to sow down and that the defend-
ants seeding was improper; some of
them going,. as far as to say €hilt no,
person but as crazy man would seed in
the way the defendants did; others be-
lieving that it was simply a waste of
time and seed, For the defendant
about as many farmers from the vicin-
ity of the land in question gave evid-
ence, The defendants witnesses ally
spoke of the,excdllency of the 'defend-
ants farming operations and were of
the oyinion that fall seeding of timothy
was better than spring seeding and
were of the opinion also owing to the
mild and favorable weather of the first
part of November that defendants had
acted in very proper manner in seeding
when they did, finis shoaving that with
farmers as with every other class of
people different opinions prevaiL ..4s
to the fences it was proven that the
were in as good a condition when the
defendant gave up possession as when
they entered, still they had been mov-
ed about some to suit the convenieace
of the defendants. The plaintiff con-
tended that defendants had 'weight to
alter the position of fences. The des
Pendants contended that it was necess
sary in order to make the farm tenant-
able to removed portions of the fences
from one place to another and that the
removal and alteration of the fences.
was accostomed with all farmers and,
and was in this case for the benefit and
improvement of the farm. The defend-
lents also contended that the action of
plaintiff was premature as to the claini.
for not seeding down. And; thus the
ease stands its trial having taken up
tett hours of the court's valuable time,
judgement was reserved until the 6th
day of March next, and will be watch-
atched by many, farmers with much inter-
est. R. H. Collins noted as counsel for.
plaintiff and L. A. Dickson counselfor
A boon and a blessing to mankind is
Aagyard's Yellow Oil, the great pain
destrower and healing retiieds for ex-
teimal and <internal use. Yellow Oil
cures all aches and pain, : rheumatism„
lame back, sore throat, croup, deafness,
cramps, constricted cords and lameness
Procure it of your druggist.
"My.l ireMo1 cure ils w
c erasthat I had
suffi;rad from kidney diseale'' for about-
two 1.ears, was work all that. time. A;
friend told file ofi.
P B 33: , I tried ti, ttiilcx�-
am happy til sty that I was cured br
rr-o bottles., Win. Tier, St. Mrrys,Ohht