The Exeter Advocate, 1889-2-7, Page 5ik. Eyes Front? Quick March ....,,r0 --- We ., ATO W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents FVR►IIS IING STORE. EXETER, L z ONTARIO 0 Some of the finest goods that can be secused, arearrivingevery day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS TN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES.. A CALL SOLXCXT D. W SOTUTHCOTT, Corker Main and . John Street. i .}... °N .4.5 4MIOE Or. Washington's EENT VISIT, Throat -arid Lung Surgeon, To 'Exeter, WILL BE AT THE CENTRAL MN UNTIL 5 o'clock, p; m. ;.Au English Church Clergyma MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform, the Public that he, has just reeeived his WINTER - : STOCK, INCLUDING A FULL, LINE OF DRY GOODS: HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line to their advantage t I ;lin thscat w Editr and inspect my* goods and prices. Rest Roller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Rutter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS (1Q-22-'884 CITY HOTEL ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debnitate4, who in We Folly and Ignorance hasTrlfled away his Vigor efeody;Mlndand Manhood, cousin g exhaust, iii drama upon the Fountain* of Lit•. H.ad. ach.. Da;k.ch., Deeedful Dreams, Weak nese of Memory, 040441014s In 0ccist sty, on i til. Face and all the effects ';ceding to Eaa•ir+ Decay, Consumption or insanity, wi find in our specific No, 2s as postivo Cure. It Imparts Youthful Vigor *restores the Intel Power' tri aid and yonng, strengthens and invigorates" the @rade and Here., builds up the )(moonier *pit- ies and arouses into action the whole Ovate alenergy of the human frame. With our .pacific NNo.1% the most 'obstinate case eau be cured in throe months:, and resent ones in lees than thirty days. Each package+ von* titans two weeks treatment. Pricolss, :Cwesa speaks. Guaranteed. Our *pacific No. Kill OR infill* lblo tZura for all FsiYsite DI aea nQ ttiattr Rectory, Cownwall, Ont, of bow lotatetendieg. Sold undo our written DR. WAslil ccxabs -. CGuaranteeGuaranteeto effect +t Cairo, Price 05% 'vetoers lv ielloine Co., Toronto, Oat, NoYdadi DEAR SIR,—.1 aro glad to be able to inform you that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she seen. ern o raveronc h has b ed, f bronchial g troubles under your treatment, when the usual .remedies failesd, I writs to express my gratitude. Please accept my sin* .t+ere thanks. Yours truly, C. B. P TITT. ThorAaar Tau/Mani—Catarrh of the head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Con- sumption. Also loss of voice, sore'. throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of. the nose removed. Came early. Con- sultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr. Washington's new method. W.' II. Storey, of Storey & Son, mown. facturers, Acton, Ont., also President Manufacturing Ass. of Canada, per. rnanently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by notedspecialists in this country and Europe. Writh to him for,pestticutars. Mrs. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ant., Cat- arrh, Mrs. A. Hopping, :Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Harrowsmith, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Poet Master, Acton, Out., A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napanee) of Catarrh, head, throat ind lungs. Head Office 82 McColl St, Toronto. Consultation Free. • Hurrah ! Hurrah $50 PER MONTH. LONDON. ONTARIO. si. per day. J. 4 J. VCIARTJN,'Proprietors, And all expenses paid, 'ii'ewant men,! women, girls slid boys in every Town, Village and Harriet in Canada, to take hold of a light, agreeable and perfectly honorable employment. It will. cost you nothing to give it a trial. Send for circular. Address, W. H. ROBERTSON, Peterborough.' Ont. � —FOR— aa�G. Srnallacombe,t Merchant Tailor. To Customers and Public at large; here is the place to get yourselves suit- • ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. • A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes. Cleaned and; Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs erverl'ost Office. A CALL SOLICITED • -� J. C. Smallacombe. AN OPPORTUNITY. To Boarding .Mouse 1 Loptwors–On tunnel* tion of Verity's Pounder, its calculated t at from 15 to 10 additional bands ante be ern- ableofac a alattngatoleboarderrs..Acan. t five minutes walk from the foundry. ripply ovl—'atf :a S.SPACI raae'STh Shop. LADIES ONLY. Furniture andUndertaking. —GO TO-- Rowe to Andrews' --FOR-- BED ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS,. SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABIL s LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS, FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladle* who aa. them MONTHLY. Never ts.il, relie- ve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Price $L Toronto Medicine Co,, Toronto, Oat. stow -SD -It —WILL BE AT THE— Coital !ot1, kg, ----01a c The Largest Warerooms town, Undertaking outside of the Tndertak- ers Ring, in all its Branches. Open, day and. night. STAND --One door Perth of Molson's' Bank. MAIN -ST. - EXETER. Wed.. Feb'y 6th, 1881, ONE DAY ONLY. FROM 8 tt. m. TU 4p. m. Pettients please call early. Thos. S p q ear. M. D� Snrgeon, &c., M. CC. DP.. S. G. S. & L. T THE 'GREAT 'EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. For the treatment of all Chronic Di - eases and Diseases`peeuliar.to Women. Thirty years practice. Head Office— St. Thomas. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served,. as Surgeon in the British Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the American' Army during the late war, from 1861 to the close of the same, has treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe -His thorough education,. large and varied practice and experienee,en titles him to. rank as a Specialist—Sec- ond pecialist •Sec and to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult diseises that have baffled the Skill of the local physician. - • The following diseases with '`many, others successfully treated: --Asthma, Bronchitis,Catarrah; Diseases of'' the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseates of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Dis- eases, Piles, &c. Electricity used when required. ' "' Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office,; with many others from nearly all the ;,leading medical schools in Europe; ",Trinity College, Park St. School of Medicine and Royal Q Gohebe of Surgeons, Dublin; Royai College of Surgeons, ,Belfast, . Ireland; Royal College. of Surgeons; Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentitate i'n Midwifery, and endorsed by the high- cstmedical authorities in the Unita States.and"Doniinion'of'Canada. The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a! medical past- port—without re-examination°doubt or quibble over every sea, and in every land from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Read circular. an'd remember the date. 'TNE KEY TO IEALTL Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels,Kidneys and Liver carrying off gradually without 'weakening the aye tem, all the $impuritiet tnd foul humors' of the secretions; at the'sam° time Cor- roding • Aeiditq' of tho' Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision,, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Flutteringof the Heart, Ner- vousness, and entral Debility Rall .these and many other thriller Comp'faints yield to tho happy latrine. of LQR:DOCT. BLOOD HITTERS. For Sate by aU Dales!. T.R1LBU.ri & CO,, Prepsietoa's, Toronto. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT sz EXCELL D.. Tv it *NA f* coitYingts et Rs wonderful OWAIltte somata roc* ss scat*.. 2 Pounds SUG For .$« very Inch a Man. She sat on the porch in the aunshiine As I went down the street, Awoman whohair was silver, But whose face was a blossom) sweet, Malting • late think of a garden,, Where,in spite of the frost and snow Of bleak November weather, Late fragrant hikes. blow: X heard a footstep behind ine, And the sound of a merry laugh; And I knew the heart it came from Would be like a comforting staff In the time and the hoer of trouble, Hopeful and brave and strong,--- One of the hearts to leap; on, When we thin);, allthings go wrong. I turned at the click of the gate -latch, I --- And met his manly look — A face like his gives me pleasure, Like the page of a pleasant book,— It told of a steadfast purpose, Of a brave and daring will; A face with a promise in it, That God grant the yearsfulfil! Ile went up the pathway singing I saw the woman's eyes Grow bright with a wordless welcome, As sunshine warms the sides: Back a6'alu, sweetheart mother," He cried: and he bent to kiss The loving face that was lifted For what some tnathersutiss. That boy will do to depend .en; I hold that this is true--- Pacoul lads in love with their mother Our bravest heroes grew; Earths grandest hearts have beenlovinh Since time and earth began; [heart+ And the hay whet ki.a2sekisseshis menth Is ;very inch a Limn. ate: he+ Suliscrlbara wishes to iuferm the Fanners and General Public that lie is Frepsred to furnish, all Sizes and Kind of Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence ad Sliap ell An Street, bdiad ($ri'a Livery Skis. A CAl ,L SOLICITED. JOHN MOOREA CHRISTIE'S Itterestl Wer Regulator. Eos;hi f tees Richey!. be., .tett Par* e1111 a°a Mali, Paries el. Brat bottles for 116. • E.t sate hY ALL DALFSBNITa. !Ietietestured Mel) l+y OW Rh Immo, o, cszs A NOMA; ale• NEVS COOPER SHOP! Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood and surrounding country, that he has 'open- 'ed out a new 'Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and Is prepared to do all classes of coop erage work on shortest notice. A call solicited. Octll—Sm Flamm Wm*, PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription or a physician whs hashed a lite loci[ experience to treatingfaun}e diseases. Is nese rnontbwith perfect success by over 10,030ladies. Pleasant, este,. effectual. Ladies ask yourdrug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no eubatttute, or Inclose post ago t rorsea�lae ertticulars. Sold by WVR!xA AALhiE�MCCAL 000., AaxacaT4 cin Boldin Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. 14. This Year's MYRTLE Cut & Plug r. tea• s'- ._..a.._..�a.p..� • kin Tobacc Smo 0 FINER THAN EVER. See 1. IN BRONZE ON Each Plug .. and Package. VP rite Great Eug'IhhPreser$ptton. A auoorinful Medicine used over 5* years fa tbooisands of cases: Cures Spesnhw .R` s , W.akner >a,- Eenisafoatorrx....iaxpote nc,Jervoea and all des/ases caused by abuse. I[a�a�,ojsil ir"d1icretlon. or, over-exertion. I(ANTOgl... Blx packages Greartoateed to Curs When sll.thee Ara. Ant your Druggist for Tit* avast l.gH.k P " tis. t a. n U$ute. One ra. .ba o-,....1. .. package ii. biz $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address. ;)!arena thewerleaal 0o.• Detroit". . "alai, Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lute, and ' druggists everywhere. Jean.=lit DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OFNALL KINDS,LN bHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND GANNO•T..HARM•yTFe1C MOST ..-3 • ILLIATle HiLi I First Class RIDS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK sir4Ns `. " 'ifff YS* ,0-$ 4T THE STABLE; WILL BE PROMPT - LY ATTENDED TO. Ta.rma i : M/OS'Yaalai,ar. Telephone Connection. TIIE PROVIDENT Life and Lige Stock •.As- • sociatlon. • INCORPORATED, AUG.1887. Head Office room D Arcade. 'TORONTO,: - ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness' and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the • relatives of deceased member's at•terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for lose of live stock, of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.6,'88. MaxiGING DIRECTOR, RISSETT BRAS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL J EN. • -Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS :;REASONABLE... A TRIAL SOLXCITED. BISSETT BROS.. E_° Cr K U CL Si_nc CCATEDLS. A SURE 'SRC ' Fa* DILIOUSNESS, SONSTIPATI ON, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK MEADASNC,'AND OHINAIDIO Or SNL $TOIIAGM, LIVES AND ROWELS. TNLY ARL MILD,TH.11•Yi1t AMD PROMPT tN Acru s.- AM. FORM: A YALUA*LE IItA ' TO BURDOCK 11L..D-eirrenS 1M T L T*EATMRNT AHO cunt or CHRONIS AND.O54TIMATE DISEASES. AuvrCE To lldto)l+rralats. Are yon disturbed atulgivand bracken ofyour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth I' Jr so..sen t at once snd get a baattlal4t.t+Sn¢.iYw&1+4FIC'41&V4TaE1TQS7RsE+ ]rux CI11LAalietf'l k iH!NG. Itivaine is fneaicni. able. Itvrliirelloveilia+paor#tirel:a 3ereruannr di=tet y.. Depend uponit,, mothers, tber i• ua niist,i1 a a Lout ir. lc aures dysamtery and dist. rho*, regulates the stomach and bowels,, cures. wiudcolie, softens the gums, reduces in gaMina- tion, a nd yea tone and eucrgytothe wholaa: system.)[xs,li'Sxanolv'ea&oortiI5GSTKUSio& CNILDI,aetTltrr,urcispleasanttotleeta to,ant is the preaoription of o,Fe� of the oldest and beat fanolo ,purses) and physicians 1n thal'United, Statesanal to for Salo by ell l ruggi.ts throngll. font the world. Prise Pa cents a bottle. A man who doesn't tike Inusie says that the most pleasing artiste he ever' heard WAS a young woman who was asked to sing and refused. A PROFESSIONAL OPINION. Rev. F. Gunner, M. D., of Listowel Out., says regarding R. B. 13., ia1 ,have usedyourexcellent Burd ckCvin Du n d in practice and in my family since 1884 and hold ft Na. i on Iny list of sanative remedies. Your three busy B's never sting, weaken or worry." - TO THE DEAF. -4, person curer) of Deaf- * Ikea* snit r..oisa;s , the heed of sa years' standing, bya simple remedy, will send.. description otit VitED )itto anyperson who ap- plies to 1,1CiLOISCat, 50 St. John .St. Montreal 11-r1- SS.--ly. CPMSIIaiYTION Cr4 Ara alt p1a]taisian.setirc1 from psaatice.ba'r- tP hid reseed la hili bends by agtast India; Misslonery theforoulaufu siixask,vegetabla rGoarsnuelymlfpothn. ,ater neyai'tsa C.mrpaunaAt1 saat1br s potlitiY )andrAdieatcera G..merveus i tay �darrow~omplaints afterhavingtefr end a t root and Lung ffoctionsA2Q a t* wonderful curative �ov'xsilthotipsnd* cases, hes telt ithisduF tOmake it known too ttar aaafferin, yellows. Actuated by thus motive and • adesire to relieve human sourer- ing,l willrend free ofctiargutuall whodente it,this receipt+, in German, l repch orling?ieb with foil directions preparingtor and ting. tient.by mall by a<delma.Un,K wth starraasssmr kg tl. W. A. '401 r 9s IA ower'* Mock. Rocator. N. -X. Ott.111^11 This is to certify that I have used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used.—P, B. Roseuberry L. D, 5.. &l:ona, tint. Hello, Bromley, that isn't the fair thins! You promised that if your side lost the election you'd shave of'foue whisker. Well haven't I? Yea but you have shaved off both of then;, Oh, that is All right, I lost the other on the saute kind of a bet with Darrington. This into certify that I believe Ever - Cough Syrup saved my life. ---Thos hall, Forest F.0, lga zine Editor, --I am arranging* turd on the subject, lI1e marriage 0 failure! Wouldou like to contrl- butt! Authoress married 12 months) Indeed I would! 1'1 contribute a photo- graph of just the sweeteat,prettiest baby you ever set eyes on. A BOON AND A BLESSING A boon and a blessing to mankind is Aagyerd's Yellow Oil, the great pain destrower and healing remedy for ex- ternal and internal use. Yellow Oil` aures all aches and pain, rheumatism, lame baed;, sore throat, croup, deafness, crampe, contracted cords and lameness Procure it of your druggist. They wore viewing the leaning tow- er of I'aisa. What do you thick of It, , Ebbs? asked Mrs. Porkchop. Don't it strike you as being a little erookedlc It's the wo$t out o' plum thing I ever seem replied Mr. P. The contractor couldn't build a chicken -coop forme: LOOK OUT FOR IT. If you are troubled with a cold OT cough, however light the attack, look out. for it, do not allow to settle on the lungs break up the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with Hcgyard's Peat oral Balsam. I tell you Candidns said Scribuler the public is fairly going wild over my poems. Indeed? replied Candidus, I are sorry to bear that. If you wish to con- ceal yourself until it come down, why my house is at your service. Must not be eonfounded with eolnmon cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liver Pills are entirely unlike theta in every respect. (lots trial will prove their superiority. Chicago (to friend just arrived from Wyoluing)—Well,Jones,how are things out inSltnnty' ille? Jones—Blaotlingl We have got six inhabitants now, and only two of them children. Don't you want to come out there and start a, newspaper? There is a One opening fur a newspaper man. The well known strengthening prop esrtics of iron combined with other tomes and a most perfect nervine, aro found in Carter's Iron Pitt, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complectlon. Twilling ;feel;; --What are yougoing' to swear oft' on this year,my bay? Wino, looker. --I've thought it all over and. concluded that giving up swearing off; is the only thing that I eau keep with any certanity. There it no ono article in the line of medicine that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strength ening plastor., such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- ers. �AKIN� POWDEII Absolutely Pur& ii soder never caries. A marvel of purity, strength an& wholesomeneee, Yore economical Chau the ordinary kind., and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight slam or. l in cans. phosphate powders. Sold onorA.LBAEISG PowDaa 00.,100 Wall St. N.Y ene I know from experierience that Ever- est's Cough Syrup is first-class—Geo. Brock, Forest P. O. Mrs. Gabb—I see Mind Reader Bis- hop's wife wants a divorces. Mrs. Gadd —No wonder. It mustr•be, perfectly awful to be married toa man who can read your mind. - Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Slay Fever. A NEW .HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,however, has prov ed this to be a fact, and, the result is that a simple remedy has, been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- nese and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple, ap- plications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N., B.—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy y is a specific. A pamphlet ' explaining this new treat- mentis sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Sox. 303 West King St., Toronto, Canada:—Scientific Ameri- Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) ; MIRACULOUS. "My. Miraculous cure was that I had suffered from kidney diseaie for about two years, was work all that time. A. friend told inc of B.B.13.,I tried 1t, and am happy to say that I was cured by two bottles." Wm. Tier, St. Marys,Ont Farmer Oatcake—You won't find any chickens hese to steal, Fresl Frestrade Ferguson—I know dat, boss, for I tools 'em all las' week. But l's willing ter take ver chicken crops off yar hands at reas'nable figgah,ef you'll call it squad • AEGREAT SUFFERER..: `" That person weo is afflicted • with rheumatism is a great sufferer and greatly to be pitied if they cannot. pro- cure Hagyard's Yellow Oa This rem- edy is a certain cure, not only for rheumatism but for allexternal aches and internal" pains. Minks—ley. stars! The worst has happened..- I cannot pay 10 cents on the dollar. Winks—y,ou luckier than i ala. When I failed.I had so much property left That I had to pays 50 cents On,the. dollar.. IN BETTER HUMUOR NOW. eMy son aged eleven, was cured of eruptive humour that covered hishead and face with sores by two bottles of B. B. B. and Pills," testifies Mrs. Mary Fut- ford, of Port Hope, Ont. Hay School Report. The following is the Jan. report based, on the attendance punctuality, conduct and diligence of the pupils. The names are in order ofprecedence. FIFTH -Jno. Chapman, Albert Eac- rett, Alfred Eacrett. — Campbell,Homer SEN. FouRrH: Jno C mp Homer , Russell, Jas. Campbell. JUN. Fouirrm—David Blackwell, Willie Murray, Cecil Ross. THIRD: Chas. Chapman, Chas Ald- worth, Ellen Shirray. SECOND:—Henry Jacksoil,Kate Chap- man, Fred Eacrett. SEN. SECOND 'PART:_ -Mary Jackson, • . Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien. JUN. SECOND PART:=Maud Russel, Jessie •Hawkins; Beatrice. Warren. FIRST PART: --Ralph Chapman,Joseph Northcott; Nellie Gould.