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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-10, Page 8
Ar►.pltC» Ti*xeTlltS:. Are yea"reedatnightandlxrokenofyour rein s a eh1hl autrerine end crying with. rein of cutting teeth i" If so. fiend at once and Zeta leetsiaofdfk .Wreseese'aStaoTu1Nosnore r`oe CRfr,Dater examen. Its value is ineaist11 able. Ittientreiteeethenqerlittlesettereximnie distal Depend Upon.% methers, there 'Jana- latiatalite18 about it. It entre* dysentery and cilai- rheas.. regulates the stomach; and bowels,, cure* winUe f ic,settee%thegutna,,redueesini3aananA,- 'tion, and gives. tone matt energy to the whole steno. MSS. W,INI E.OVs. SOOTHING STRW ED:, a NN Txixrslfawis pfeaaant to thetaate,Rrtf: is toss Prescription of ono of the oldest, and beat female re a io ;Ames e li n. ties. n 75 lA In U' is lri>!e4 ists iP.a theawo le, r'rioe DO cents a nd fa ter sato by all bottles ou t. ev eritdle ?ifr. Parke, wito was:recently engag., ed to teach the Central Scheel, arrived in anown olh Yr" etb esday last. Pia has moved all his goods and will occupy the house recently' occupied by. W. R, Miller. Welcome, Ne. T. , YzanEver, ,a: former resident of this place. but now of Minnetonka Lake, Minn., wap here for several days visitieg ikielzds and. relatives. Ile retnened on.. Thursday Inst. $n old pihyaaigsai,ret,r. i from j razifee.hav- Jog4044pacediaileahan is by au Raaf Italia' ltiaiori a y the formula of a simple vegettalL le aaedy for the speedy and nernyar.. iateurr of tt ourumpptien, Bronchitis, t ;ttarrh, ?.shelf caPel.all thtroat R?ad Illavig Affeatiaila- Also ?(Sueitive and raiiteiti Cure Ariaeryontl Debility OdlialiNerrouaCuii IA101 ,nftv,ehavfngtest iiawonderful e .: t1ver,Fowszetothew:ands +afeeiea, laws felt ithiaduty to inAke it known itti lain aut:f%rn. fellows. Actuated by this `iiig ITyill er4fete cfcht�rsooteal'r%) o ix xt,dxiareceipt,its Irrirun Freischorrn9Aisli With. tiff11 directions fur k= -i Brants esti Wang. £ent by mad, by c!.lressin.t w. t 5t4aieu u:;. ing this pa}aceer;hil}gs, ata I'awer'a 11 eke, li:eclseater,, A• Qot•1S•R Oran ... a NOW& I3ro. Wm. Crooks, V. D. M.,of GWedeln attended the District meeting int Clinton, .on Tuesday. Coxnty Master .Floedy and District lia;t;ter carlett paid an otlicial visit to Chlwlhurst lo,;lgc{ as Monday evening fast, On Wednesday eve ieialg kith inst., eorepli,aeftary supper was tt.tldered to Bro. Joseph Fester, 1i'.Me of Hillsgreen F, O. lam. No. SIR!, where a presentation Ira13 noetic tel him with a compliiiientary address. Full karat:a=rs next week. Fare. Joked Beacom. C'aunt;-Treasurer, tills elected:as deputy -r e:ve of Goderlch Township est Monday last by as majority of 1511 over his oppenelet, Mr. Whitely. F V,. (..k. Ccoper, W. M of L.0.1. No. AOC,'WAR ()Ira k% 1t councillor la ate same tiiYw Wahl::. efinn J.PJI gaTKICI' L.0.L. On Tuesday least the Loyd Blue, Orange District Lodge of Biddnlp]e met et Lusa. The atteudaitiee was fair end the .greatest enthansi .stu prevailed. The election of officers resulted in the following brethren being chosen to fill the +ditfbrent otrices:-W. D. M., Bro. Sohn Neil; D.I)..";.1., Jas. Cathers; Chap. 1), Poulter; Rec•See., Wm. Sanders; Fin -Seca G. Greeve; Treas.,N. Greave; l)ir.of Cer., F. Davos, Jr.; Lecturers, R. Culbert and Hedges.. 1IULLT„TT DISTRICT L. O. L. The annual meeting of :Iullett Dis- trict Loyal Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall. Clinton, on Tuesday, 8th inst. The W. 31 \L, Bro. 11, Scarlett • occupied the chair. A goodly number of delegates w*ere in attendance. The following officers were elected: -4V. D. M., Bro. Robt, Seatriett; D.JJ.M., A.M. Todd; Chap., Jas. Marney; See., P. Cantelon; Fill Sec., II.Scarlett; Treas,, D. Cantclon; I)ir. of Cer., 'i .A. Rosa; Lecturers„Wm. Homey and Thomas Kearns; P.D.M., E. Moody. The place for holding the next meeting is left in the hands of the District Master, Catarrh, Catarrhal, Deafness, Hag. A NEW 1-8OME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generallyaware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of Living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and. eustachian tubes Mieroscopie research,however, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness' and hay fever are peamanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B. -For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining t.ais new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by DIxolo & Sox. 303 West King St., Toronto, Canada -Scientific Amen - can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) Everest's Cough Syrup is the most reinarkelSly mQclielne I ever used for Cougies r; t.11 Colds, two or three closes ills ittilay effecting a cure, -Wm. Gillis, a 4tI ,st,l Q. A New York. leather znunufaeturer says f', ._t old boots and shoes, steamed to a pulp, are now converted :into the soft, stamped, ornamental leather so popular for artistic book. binding. A. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. F. P. Tanner, of Neebiug, Olet:, says he has not only fount: 33. B, B, a sure cure for dyspepsia, but he alsofound it to be the best medicine for regulating and invigorating the, system that he has ever taken. B. B. B. is the great system regulator. The fate o£ the British steamship Kildare, lest recently in a typhoon in Ithe China Sea, reports that his clothes iwere blow oA'by the fury of the gale, and til t leis skin was flayed ,from his Intel; by the pelting of the spray. PRESENCE OF MIND. Presence of mina is good iii case of accidents anti emergencies, and when coupled with Ilagy ard's Yellow Oil will often e:::. life. Yello'+Ir 011 cures all painful ia:juries, bunrs, scalds, bruises, iirast biles, rheumatic and neuralgic pains and is in fact a handy slid reit- able snrgicel ;f1d, p0 THE »EAT. -el person ensu: of Deaf. ,i. 1WeS anal noises int, the hemi: o>• ss years' stendia:g, by a, simple remedy, will Senaa deserrptton of Lt eaxe to any person who tip" s t0 1. plies to :�Iczzul.so � t, Jahn S. Iipai .r a soils �h p , ii 6e- 4:v. A Sr+, :iLh scientist, who claims to have discovered the secret of petrify- ing wood on la large scale, says that by means of this process the lar st wood- 11i 1? e buildings ea:t ifi . But as nmay be per it will cost V2,500 a cubit inch to petrify wood it 1s not likely the invention will be vier; popular. ON TRE VERGE OF STARVATION. "For three months I could not eat a meal or du aA day's work. I bought a bottle of 1x.13.13.., began using it, end in thr, a days my appetite returned, In ;i �veck 1 fel, like a Itwtts w on- d:erful whit that one Mottle did for me' . writes Arthur Allehin, of Huntsville, Muskoka who suffered from Dyspepsia, .A l'itt .bnrg paper Saye that a great' bawl; swooped down on a Loa Ilea I'a., cat a they or two ago and carried it aloft. The feline soon caught its eapor by the throat and choked the bird to death. Theca; was killed by the yawl:. The pair could 1W ai" patatod. A CURE FOR DDAFNESS. There have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the rase of ilagy;u-d's Yellow Oil the great house- hold rented). for pains, inflamation and soreness. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism sore throat, and croup, and is useful in- ternally for all pains and injuries. The astronomers who porch on the top of Mount Wenneinucca, Nev., next Jan, to observe the total eclipse of the: sun, will be in the center of the path of totality, 6,000 fent above sea level, and in an atmostphere almost totally desti- tute estitute of biunittity. They'll have the best place to be found in the United States and great results are expected. BROKEN DOWN "After suffering with dyspepsia, kid- ney d]sease,loss of appetite and pail in the head until discouraged, I heard of 113. B, B., took two bottles and am happy to say I feel as well as ever." Mrs. Rufus F. Merry, New Albany, N. S. "When ". 1 hen .�. man dies suddenly, with- out having been attended by a doctor," says a popular guide to the law,. "the coroner has to be called in and an in- quest held to ascertain the cause of death. But," adds the writer, "when he dies after having been attended by a doctor, then everybody knows why he died, and an inquest is not necessary." CHRIS'TIE'S CQMMERCIAL) JJ!) tiVERYa First Class RISS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE. HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMR'T LY ATTENDED TO. We of r xaeaaosavolole. Telephone Connection, 1.2 Pounds OF WHITE SUGAR 21 Iv le 2016s. Raw Sugar FOR $1. «1T THE tct;r Iorth Gin MAThE&O Everest's Liver Regulator has proved the best medicine I ever triedfor im- pure blood and liver complaint. -John Jones, Hillsboro' P. 0, The Empress Frederick has given to', Queen. Victoria the small writing desk used by her husband in the last days of his life. I really believe I would not be 'alive at this time had, I not used Everest's Liver Regulator. -33. Scoular, Foaest P. 0. 'Miss Davenport, an Irish lady, is the governess of the Kine of Spain. She ,, as $3,5000 ;x year salary, and will n when her task is have a life pension, done, Of -$2,5000. AHEAD OF ALL. I have used Hagyard'8 Pectoral Balsam in ray family for years and have found it ahead of any preparation of the kind in curing colds, etc. I can especially recommend it for children. Alex Motx"att, Milibrook, Ont. .Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- ziness nausea, constipation, pain is the side,guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. :Small price. Small dose. Small. pill. Mr. Blessington-I'll be home at eleven sharp, Daisy. Mrs. Blessington -So glad, dear. You're usually so dull at that time of night, you know. Are free from all crude and irriating matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very small; very easy to take;,no pain; no griping; no purging. Try them. Minsters, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious- ness. One is a dose. Try them. KI1 OWDEN The Subscribers wishes to inform the Banners and General Public. that he is Prepared to furnish all 'S{i�zeesandd Kind of r. ✓ . + Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residua and Shap on Ann. Street, behind t`hristie's Livery Stable, A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. Absolutety, Pyrep This powder never ♦ieriee. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, Xove economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only:: in eons.. ROYALBASIwr# POWDER Co, LOG Wall tit, N.Y THE PROVIDENT Life and Liye Stock As- scciatian, INCOttPORATED, AUG. 1887. Head Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation sso ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as-'; sistance to the relatives of deceased', members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live 'stock, of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.6, 88. MANAGING DIRECTOR. ANY MAN WiiitksWeak. Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folt'yand Ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of Sally, Mind fond Manhood,eausin exhaust- ielgs skeins- upon the Fountains of Life.. Head. ',twee, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness txfMemory, f Bashfulness in Society. Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or insanity, will find in Our specific No.23 a postive Cure. It imparts' Youthful Vigor r.istores the Vital Power iia old and young, strengthens and invigorates the grain and Nerve, buildh ay the Mnseular sq,t tin and arouses into action the whole physio al energy_ of the huxnaatt fre i e. With our s reific No.2'3 theobstinate case ear, be curd in three months, Knd recent ones in less than thirty days. Each paokage con- tains two weeks tretttmenLL. Price 42. Coxes Guaranteed. Our spectifiol.tira.% is an infall- ible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter of how long standing; Sold under our'written Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price *5, Toronto Modiciue Co„ Toronto, On*. Nov -29-8 • MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Pubiie that he has ,est reeeeivetl lzt>t WINTEll : - STOCK, CLUIOE tG A FULL LINE GP DRY GOODS, RATS AND CAIS, AND CROCK - EY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find, it to theiradvantage to call and inspect hay goods and prices. Best Roller flour always Rix baud. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Producer J. Y. ROSS (3.0-22-'8S.) L 13 AT .T T {trI tot; Pridap,. Jan. 4th 188`• O3 la DAY ONLY.. PltMls a a. in. TO 4p.,. - P'ata.er1ts please call early, RSTT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at. Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT • BROS. A OUSE OVEN Fan BIUCDS IEDS, oeiiSTIPATIOS, ".INDIGESTION,. DIZZIFCQB, NOR HEADACHE, AND .DuDEA$Di`, Or TH8 STOMACH, LIVER ;,AND Lown*. THICY ARI uILD,THo6DUCH AND PROM's`'. IN ACTION, -ADD FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERN IN THE TREATMENT AND CUR[ OF: CHRONIC. AND.OSSTIHATE DISEASES. Thos. Spear, M. D. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the elogged avenuoe of the Bowels, 1hdeYs and Liver, cloying off gradually without weakening the sys:- ter.a, all the lgapuritied anti foul bum, of the secretions; et the same time Cor- recting .Acidity of the Stomach, eilringg Biliousness, Dyspepsia,. Iieadaelles, Dizziness, heartburn, Constipation, 'Dryness. of the Skin, Drape., Dimness of Vision, J1 - thee, Salt Rheum, Eryysipelas, Sero - yule, fluttering of t e eart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these sea, neany other similar Complaints Feld to the happy infttcnee of BURDOCK A013 BITTERS. Por stirs by all D: tiisu `. 8 &Cid»,11,foprietor'S, To onto. Hurrah 1 Hurrah I ,:.-, k'OR J. 0, Smallacombe Merchant Tailor. To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard timep rices. A line Rauge of Qoat&s a,. ways In Stock. A;, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at 3 oderate Prices. Up Stairs overPost Office, ALL SOLICITED, S.S. co Surgeon, ass,, M 0 P. S. G. S. & L T C. D. THE GREAT EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. A' aslrWDiseasesne Dixaespeuiato Yom . Thirty years practice. Bead Office ---St, Thomas. The Doctor has been educated, in nearlyall the leading Medical. Colleges and ilospit- els in Europe, has Served as Surgeon in the British Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the American .1rmy during the lato war, from 1801 to the close ofthes same, has treat- ed all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe- 33is thorough education, large and varied practice and experientialentities him , to rank as a Specialist--Seconto none on , this continent --for the treatment of those dangerous and difficult diseases that have bafed the skill of the local physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated ;--Asthma, Bronchitis,, Catarrh, Dseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Heart Diseases, Ep' csy, Paralysis, Stri to es, Ruptures, , Skin Diseases, Piles, Electricity e , &.o., Elea r y used when required. Testi m onials of Education --The following testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many others from nearly all. the leading medical schools in Europa; fain ity College, Park St. School of Medicine and and Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ire- land - Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentiate in Mid- wifery,.and endorsed by the highest medical authorities in the United States and Dom- inion of Canada. The above with many letters from differontparts of the globe are a medical pas ort --without re-examination doubt orquibblo-over every sea Raclin every land from, the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Read. circular and re- member the date LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed bythe thousands ofladieswho use them 1rONTTiLY. Never fail, relic- ve ppaain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Pride ett. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. BTov-99-8 "The Week, one of the ablest papers on the continent." Descrtptsvc dtncrica. • Enlarged and Improved. TIIE WEE 1 21 Canadian Journal of' Politics, Liter- ature, Science and .Arts. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. $8 per Year. $1 for Four Months, THE WEEK has entered on its SIXTH year of publication, greatly enlarged and im- provedan•every respect, rendering it still more worthy the cordial support of every one interested in, the Maintenance of first- class literary journal The independene in polities and criticism which has eharaeterized THE WEEK ever since its first issue will be ririgidlymain'tain- ed; endunceasing efforts will be made to`un- prove its literary character and increase its value and attractiveness as a journal for the cultured home.' Many new and able writers aronow,orhavc promised to become, contributors to its columns„ and the corm start aim of the Publisher will be to make TAPE WEEme fully equal to the hest, literary Journals in Britain and the United States, As keretofore, Parr Gel:memo Seam Will, from time tb time, contribute articles. London, Paris,, -Washington and Montreal letters from`' accomplished correspondence Will appear at reularrintervals SpeeialOt- taw'a Letters will appear during the session' of Parliament. TETE WEEK in its enl'arged form will be the same size as "Harperes' ,Weekly," and the largest paper ofits,class on the contin- ent. Send for Free Sample Copy. C. I3LAUKETT ROBINSON, Pub. ROBINSON, 6 Jordan, at., Toronto. Washington S MAIN -ST. -Bank.- ., EXETER, te DzSTROY, AN.I. RKIMOVES WOR1vis. or ALL KINDS IN 01.444:EN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT -HARM THE MOST, r :• D El-ICATV• QH1L12*4. CITY HOTEL LONDON. ONTARIO,. per clay'. J. li clMARTIN Proprietors. Furniturt and Undertaking GO TO - owe 85 Androws BED-ROOM AND ['Ails 0It SUIT s. SIDEIIOARLISD. AN Err L;\ I S_4x TABLES, LOUNGES AKD EASY CHAIRS. The Largest Warerooms it tow:. Undertaking outside of the 1.'ilertalt. ers Ring, in all its Branches. Op0n day and, night. WAND -.-One door north of Molsoni NEXT VISIT, Throat and Lung Surgeon, To Teter, WILL .13E AT THE e 4TRAL HOTEL, JAN J R.l 1ST& • nl TxL- 5 o'clock, pa nt An English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Commal1, Ont. DR, WASITINGTQ,I,-- DIa Art Snit, --I AIR glad to be able to inform you that my daughter isquite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of ;sive bronchial. troubles under your treatment, when the usual remedies failed, I write to express my gratitude. Please accept my sin- cere thanks. Yours truly, C. B. PETTITT, DlsBAsn Tam -run -Catarrh of the head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Con- sumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Colne early. Con- sultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr. Washington's new inethod. W. H. Storey, of Storey & Son, manu- facturers, Aeton, Ont., also President Manufacturing Ass. of Canada, per- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. 'With to him for particulars. Mrs. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, ant., Cat- arrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Harrowsmith, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Post Master, Acton, Ont., A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napanee) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. Head Office 82 McColl St.,• Toronto. Consultation Free. EVEREST'S COUCH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. y It it be convinced of its weaderful tura14311 p1eptrtie.s, 'Price 93 casts, ATTENTFI]N R Eyes Front ? Quick Y.`. arch To SQUTHCOTT$ �Q Clothing and Gents W.sSYdaV �ia d�,Y VT S i OZ �1 E■ EXETER, - ONTARIO. -(0)- Some (a)- Some ofthe fittest goods that can be secured, are arriving every flay. T GENTS FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. 4. CALL SOLICITED . W. SOu1[HCOl / , ... Corner Main and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO.' es Re Try Everest's Liver Regulator. For Dleosros of the Liver Kidneys, de., and Purify- ing of the Blood. PrIc. gi. SIx bottles for i6. For Sele ba' AI.L ""ala r*nuiactnrcd only hT 0E0. 1f. EVE111iST4 Cnrst*T, Fonar, 0 COOPER SHOP'! Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood andt surrounding country, that he has open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and is prepared to do all classes of coop erage work on shortest notice. A call solicited. 0ct11-3m FELIX WILDPI PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience its treating female diseases. Is used) monthly with perfect success over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies ask your drat gist for Pennyroyal Wafers aunt take no substitute, or inclose ppos age e for sealed particulars. Sold b) 1 •' : all druggists, $l per box. Add`;ress 'rI1'EEUREKyrA CMICAL' CO., Barna' int*. Sold in Ex©ter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists J'an. 1-8. everywhere. This Year T_% . F S'nkngTomcce ]FINER TITAN EVER.' See IN BRONZE ON Each P31 g and Pao/cage., ", s ion Me Great English Prescription.. `A successful Medicine used over. 80 years in thousands of cases, , Cures to Spermaforrhea Nervous .> .1-t�'eaknesa.• Emissions, �mpotency and all diseases caused by abuse. • foEFonEjindiscretion, or -over-exertion. rrAi*rsij Sixpp ackages Guaraateed to Cure when elTethette n ilex Fail., Ask your, Druggist for.The Great E Pre..erlptlon, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $ by mail. Write' for Pamphlet. Addre e, :Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Nichi -` Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggiett:;. everywhere. Jan: -14e: s Si