The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-10, Page 4TI4 WM. SANDERS, Editor. Thursday, J'amiary IQth, 1889, VIXGS /MAWS Tuna Public Accounts for 1887-88 show the amounts to the credit of t1 - Yiositors, inclusive of interest allowed, in the Government Peet-Qmee Savings Bank at the Mid of each fiscal sear. since 1867 to have been as follows: 1868, $1,994,u65.22; 1869, $3,02n,405•0$; 1870, $4,387,538.10; 1871, $6,058,194.29; 1:872,e8,171,644.69;1573,$10.221;393.48; 13:x, $12,242,900.21: 1875,81%021,549.- 60; 6 f5,$13:021,549.-60; 1876, $12,408,745.99; 1877,812,770e. $18.06;1878,$14,898,010.37; 1S70,0.5„- 373,124.45; 18,80,817,572,8e8.16; 180.1, $22,231,416.60; 1S82 y30;06610S.21? IBS, 830,575,010.69; 1884, $40,522,318. 86 45; 1885,$44,671,,742.90; 1886, $49,412,• 992.69: 1887453„90,335,05; 188,3,- S12122:2 ►. The Brealey iuerease in the s tviings'ef the people in these and other savings banks of tine country is one of hest evidences of their substantial prosperity. e 1= . TO31 AND E.1t'I . RE- CEIPT,: Tine penile account,: fee Eisi7-eadeers that from and Indust ..f 1847-i18. tete first year of Ce?aafederatieen the receipts of the Domittian for enseens and Ex_ vise have M'e'n as Mama, eennt' long Canned: I - sestinas year ended :lath June, 1868, Sae574^y"4: sN,A72.a7.k $lareir'.'.li 1871.$11,841,1O:1ST:.81'2.- 787.0Q: 1876.812.854.104; 12.- •t•t 0Q:1876.$12.834.104;!^ ►4,$1Von. 192; lr±S ,Qi x,11;11,011; 1870. $12.gdel a? -37 1a77, y*;t1,o 7 197u. $1=2.7'+'.821; 1879, $12,900,656; 1880, $14,071,343; 1$81, 818,4114,092; 1s,"2, $»1,501,170; 1588, $23,0813,584; 1 4, 120,823.880: 1875, $18,935,428; lead, $18,376,551; 1887, $'' ,x78.800; 1883, $ 2,101,9''6; Excise,1809,83,002,586;1869, 82,710,028 1870, $3,619,622;1871, 81,295,944; 187''x', :$4,735,651;1673,$4.409,08111874, $5,564- 909; 1875, 1 a0f!,081.iF 7•4,$rr,564- 909;1875, 45,069,a97;1870, $5,'u48,487; 1877.$4.911.887; 1918, 84,38.671: 1879, 45,390,763; 1880,$1 23 2;117;1881,022;1882, $5,884,859;1883, 80,260,116; 1884, 95,459,309;1885, $0,418,101; 1886, $5,852,904;1887, 86,308,201: 1888, 86,- 071,480. North, -West rebellion lessee, $539,020•$7 total,, 4,680,793,4$ --.fess contribution of Imperial Goveriltnent for Eaquinmilt Graving, Dock, $24$,333,3.3, leaving net total of $407460:16. The sum of $1,027,041.92 was paid oaten account of railway subsidies, as follows: Albert. Southern Railway, $18.- 428.57; 18.-428,5 ; Bale des Clfetrs Railway, $50>- 3fl0; Btictonehe Moncton Railway, 820,573.57; Caraaquet Railway, 840,050; Drummond. Country Railway, $25,057; Dominion Line C&y, $11,849; Internat- ional Raailway,88,960;Joggins Railway $26,135.721; Leamington St. Clair Rail- way, 832,000 ; $32,009; Long ,Sault Lake Temiscamingue Railway, $3,000; Montreal and Lake Chaplain Junction Rahway, $16,400; New Brunswick and Prince Edward. Island Railway,$16 000 Northern and Western Railway, $159,- 400; Pontiac and Pacific Railway, 824,- 1-58i Quebec and Lake St. Jolie Bail- way,$232,013; St. Lawrence and Lower laureation Railway, $28,383, T emis- count:► Rltilwa ',$249,fhg4;Toronto,Grey and Bruce, Railway, $14,6;16; West Ontario and Pacific, $60,000. D1^ni':O the month of November the net debt of the Dominion degreased by 8297,589.71. At the end of No- vember it amounted to 0234, 85,319,06, anal at the end c+i De4embei to 9333, 987,72935. SIX MONTHS RF. T'.L '%'F. AND EXPENDITURE. The Statement of the revenue and 'expenditure of the Dominion for the six months of the fiscal year 1888.89 ended 2lst Dec. last, it is a very satis- factory one.as according to the returns received by the Department of Finance up to the date named, the revenue shows an excess over expenditure of no less a sum than $4,170,906.33. The ex- istence of this large surplus proved convenient to meet payments of inter- est and provincial subscides due on the let of Jan, amounting to between two and three million. The Revenue of the six months amounted to $18,859,064.25,and the ex- penditure to $14,488,157.92. For the corresponding six months of 1887-88, the revenue was S17,30,422.24, an in- crease of revenue for the lastsizmonths of $1,518,642.01, and the expenditure, S15,098,080.68, or 8409,922.76 more than the expenditure of the corresponding six months of this year. For the month of Dec. the revenue,as reported, amounted to $2,885,496.52, against 82,701,581.52 for Dee., 1887,and the expenditure of the month reached $2,080,799.12, against 82,777,312.43, The Receipts for customs for the month. were 81,635,749.83,against 81,630,975.08 in Dec. 1987, from Excise, 4681,729.52, against $628,223.06;from the Post -Office 4218,325.67, against 8141,124.89; from Public Works,including railways,$1.78- 576.49,;against 8275,198.62: and from in scold nous sources, $171,115.01, against 888,058.88. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES. THE following sums were paid on Capital Account during the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1888: Canadian Paci-. fie Railway, $52,098.65; Cape Breton Railway, $689,450.50; Carleton Branch Rail a • ail w y,$504.17., In ercoloziial Railway 4742,203.09; Oxford and New Glasgow Railway, 4280,932.85; Short Line • Rail- way, $397.35; Lachine Canal,$19,414.34 Murray Canal, $146,754.37: Ottawa Works, $65,480.83; St. Lawrence Canal 19 556.88 It : $8,145b6; , $ 4, a Bu eSteMa Marie, , Tay Canal, 854,1666.57; Trent River 8avigation,$114,879.35 ; Welland Canal 6429,720.94; Cape Tormentine Harbor, $4,744.43; Esquimalt Graving Dock, 690,727.48; Government Buildings, Ottawa, 8121,719.46; Port Arthur: Har- bour, $79,919.98; Lewis Graving Dock. •4910,000; Dominion Lands, .y$135,047.82 Crediton Items. Dir. S. Lint;, of Detroit, le visiting friends here. John Young ie finite ellre now tti3t ti" ha4 fully rectevert'ai freeze his fate Illness. Mr. Harry Either bat. had a tcicptt nw e aas:rateted between his house and off- ice. fice. :ale: ssrs. Uneston and Hungerford are ss esaratag :n large nuuiber of i tfe Assns. awe Policies here. We are ;lard to see Mr. S. Woad on the streets again and able to attend to his usual business. Mr. Chris Swiker seems to have for• sal en SMpka lately. There Appears to be more attraction here. Mr. Israel Smith who has has been confined to his home for a couple of weeks, la able to be around again. Our teachers began their work on Tuesday last, Mr. Tait has able assist- ants in Miss Halsc and Miss Richard- son. Mr.S. Wooda has disposed of his house and lot to Mr. C. Trick. ITe has not yet decided whether he well remain here or not. The election passed off very quietly here. Sherit and Whit© were elected. The total votes polled for each candi- date were-Sherit 495, White 970, French 297. Miss Sate Hawkins, who recently graduated from the Toronto \ormal school and who is now teaching the sharon School, spent Sunday .among her many friends here. A missionary sermon will be preach- ed in the Methodist church, on Jan 20th by the Itev. D. M. Kennedy, of Birr. On the following Wednesday evening a missionary meeting will be held in the church at -which the addresses will be delivered by Messrs Clement and Ken- nedy. A move is being made in the direct- ion of having this place incorporated as a. police village. Many would like to see this accomplished as complaints are constantly being made of the disorder- ly conduct of young men and boys. Also a little better fire and sanitary arrangements are much needed. A telephone is being talked of from here to Shipka.A number of our prominent business men are taking an interest in the matter and we may soon hope to "hello" at all points west. It will prove of great benefit to the business menof this place and to all who live in the western part of the tp. Clinton. Mr. F. McCartney, of Holuaese ille, met with abed accident on Monday evening last. While passing ;a rig on the road he was thrown; out of his buggy and had his smoulder dislocated. ;Medical aid was called in and uuder the circum- stances he is doing as well as could be expected. The following. officers were elected' The tramp that entered Mr. Hick's house, while the family • were away, has been seen around again. People be- ware and don't leave money ;n the clock, or watches on the wall In vest pockets. Mr. -Windsor having sold his property west of Centralia, intends becoming a t resident of our village, He will now for Mailoch chapter, G. R. C., for the be able to devote more time to his oc- current yearn -Comp .T. Young, Priu- cupation, fruit tree merchant. S. B., is civet Z,; Comp. A. Slemmon, Principltl l a good talker for business. H. Comp. 'IV. Hunter, Principal J.; f The young men of Centralia will hold Comp. IP..lf. Dlallocln, fie rite F:.; -Comp. F. G. Neelin, Serihe� Vii,; Comp. �1,', �Y, an oyster supper in the thisbaseint ofrs the Meredith, Priucipal S.; Comp. J. Ryder, a Methodist church she this Thursday Janitor. ' � erenin�, in aid of the church sheds. Every person with a true ehristain h ew organ Ten r companyhas m- onl n co t�spirit s zdl 1 helping I� r hau lend a elp reg hand. mewled operations, It 'is to be knownTti a have been creditably informed as the Oake's Organ Company, the fol that the old '`pump #akin„ leas been in lowing being the verniers for tine Pres one Inidst. This tit a the unfortunate tent:--.11esars. Geo. flakes, i . S• svaf- l vietiln being Mr. Andy Behan, of ?(fors - field, and Jas, Ti'1'erry, They are rimy vine. Tine old fashion of aiming" men busy filling up their factory, opposite & unto the trap was resorted to, and like the Queen's Hotel, and putting in no's of • , „ machi*ncry. 1 ttn@ mouse he 1pit �t the cliocso and of course tine verdict as usual, two-hiun- Thel managing edito>< of the Minton Bred donate se foot up. Xetrs -Record% in his supreme ,iudfdment. The elections on Monday did not past is of the opinion that your Clinton eor- eondent, i:A ills *ninth" Fes bene 7A11.i t- agiuy etliaear calls them. has lilze➢led certain individuals in this town and he Sflqni'etii assome: people : predfeted , the contest was keeu from the start,iut front the outset White and Sherrltt dames to the, resole. If he will kindly s't'r' tial favorites of the: tlav . To prove point out to the eorrspendent any thin ( eye,. a,e the were tine ls on btteh. fanTl e. fe- de- e eta a stated that is not a fact 34 -;";,*1 male• #r.naachise was more than exereis- shallbe glad to hear from him eke f:ar eel this,ill.tte, in fact ewer; lady as ba slobbering people• aver is co'1 , voter wee t ai.en to. record their vote corned we always eousider it right to for Daniel remit but alt to no purpose, eomplinneut tlw 'deserving one and re•- as Rufus indutuee bore littler weight, butte the wrongdoer, +leer, and ir. have herr,.- i although, no doubt the female electors bone e ne ugh for it, a 1tt1R of which ved witty hien, but when it came to cloned "o4 tie the ,'1ot•6 RceuiJ an; :Folk hllsin:ess "he got left." In *Teoln- Mr. J. J. Sims, of the "Brethren, is holding evangeliatic services in Perrin's Hall. and Mrs. J. W. Cook, of Dungan- non, spent New Year's with friends in town. The annual meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday 10th inst. Mr. Geo, D. McTaggart,of Morrlsburg, spent New Year's in town. The eastern climate seems to agree with George. Mr. Harry Ingram is back from Hen - sail again. Harry thinks there are -worse places than Clinton to work in. The Oddfellows of this place have engaged the Fisk Jubilee 'Singers to give an .entertainment in the Town i Hall on the evening of the 16th Inst Mr. E.Welsh,of this- place,has per- chased from Mr. H. G. Ta for of Auburn his celebrated filly "Kitty Clyde," for the aur of $100. The animal is not a year old .yet. Mr. D. B. Calbeck has sold his interest in the furniture business to his partner Mr.,Jas. Reith, whowill carry on, the same Since embarking in business here Mn Calbeck has made many friends who would be sorry to see him leave town- The election for councillors passed off quietly, the following being elected: St. Andrew's ward,J.Johnston, H.Foster; St. James' ward, A. Couch, H. Walker St -John's ward, D.B. Kennedy, C. Over- bury by acclamation ; St. George's ward, D. Cantelon, W. C. Searle. harm. The Managine, Editor will dine rete e for hie herd labnr he was enter- dae:ly neaila *+.and that he tanner vane toinealta�Fr,'.�nnusicf ern .irTown bamd, the* [lint;tnn eorresRandnnt car Itiet arcs tovice 871 from him we shell send for him. other- hint either. When we want any ad ,, which t�on�isted of tin horns* tin tans, etd hailers, sr+alnbn x Je, horsts fiddles, Ind hat but amt hast the bell ringers. sviss let him atteed to Inis own news- Tete bend was irnder;he able leader. Alp (4 Mr. Robert Craig, wean was mounted on a Newey must nue', waving Centralia, .a lenaane►i' bearing the inseription &Willem the CoinquerorInas overthrown No winter yet; nothing. but rano. Polder' of this, lions den fame. Robert Bob predicts aprian;; at oiwe' H e 0el4 s?rres gi a�at credit for the way hi sT'en u ratan. V. tell led and coiatntaaudeal his noble ars lsa+quet loafs quite fresh yet, i¢ Iii sats mlaaraw ing tine sewer sc ntlal. urns: be a good 011e. R. S. is keeping hatch now as Jimmy bee gone down Fast. Vu:;, lie paid Lenexa Ea visit on Sun- . :OH day last to set' lei• best girl. a: are g The fnnle!r.9busyMhtn out timber for next suunnier:s work Tom gets a top buggy now to go to Adore. Times are getting better sn they say. Herb Mitchell, of Petrolla, Is visit- ing friends around home, he looks bale and hearty. The town was lively on Monday last over the election. Some one had to get left. Mr '4Z'In. Quante who has been laid up for eome time with a cold, is able to be around again. Miss Mary Winers, now of Hensall, was visiting at the Dnfl'erin House for a few days. Owing to no snow the tan -bark and flax have to be drawn on waggons from the back end of the township, While J. Hepburn was engaged iia'. breaking a colt, one day recently, it raced up and fell on the hard ground, fracturing its head somewhat. G. G. Essery has opened out his new shop were he will be found ready to re- pair all breaks in the carriage -making line and do all ordered work on the 1 shortest notice. S. Kenny and T. Jones has bought some land in the big swamp. They are busy engaged clearing the same. as they propose sowing it in turnips in the spring. Don't forget the Oyster social, on Thursday, January 10th. Come one, came all as there will be lots of oysters, and a good program in connection. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON:-McSSSrs. Neil &Davis erected a large barn on Friday, Jan. 4th, for Mr. Elston, on 2nd Biddulph. Sides were chosen of which the captains were Wes Snell and S. Hicks. Owing to the timber being green and heavy it was a hard race but was won by S. Hicks. Benag .ts ,wone Ge.taaa.tr, nest *Satch, is Fk4 were!, PetlaM #gtekeesoe. wu- iaa4 4 C., SPIN told. truttat Casa, A.t► Caltex' ws q .a*..q.tw funks n MAO aalit. Onerossonlasscblo- ealtar ens tows ens On. tettlor Ada Gar 1e' Ass 'lona i. 4; AcunOle v'rt'cnwuut.i.s,4 wen tie tie 1,445, w+ tend "Free, s d ah4rrTPn Laskgt ftmala 9Pr s,0=.frtotasa14•r4►I ►Q 4. 11►x44 )bto Thom VI* mitt Al O;Ko to); Qe axo r too,4ts►t Watch sad Ssaopte enQpexpos, dd.ei r#1 wlCo., Os$cai.a4ad,1144epe Ai ITERS TIE VER PILLS CLOTHING This SPACE Next S. GIRL Y. Vtatck Cgfs space NEXT G. A. Hyndman. A Positive Cure. A Painless CuVez FACTS FOR NEN OF ALLAGES. DISEASES O("'c MAW. . V. 1.117 BOINT'S S1�±C INTO. 8, TIME GBS4l.hlT 1IVitdSTH ATla, frrERt, Marvel of Heating,and lCohinoor of Medicines, 4tailaurthe terrible consequences earls:discretion; Exposure and Overwvork... 'YOV Zai-C'$r . \c1==_a-trA-AG-=;)) ..�,.N OY.t17 Z.. -+1"s' Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radioal euro for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses. eta SsnrPxoxs lroa wares No. 8 Shona,, sat Uerti. Want of energy, wedge want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, Haileesnes% and inability to r x the attention on n particular subject. cowardice, -de depression of spirits, giddiness, loss � memory, excitability of temper, spar. r . matorncoa,or lose of the s minal fluid -the resvit of eelf•abuse or marital excess -impo- tency, fhnutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysterics feelings in fomales, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, ex.,.are all symptoms of this,texrible i,abit,pfitentimes innocently acquired. 1n short, the wino of vital force;hatirig 1oit'its ' tension, -very function lianas in consequence. .Seicutillc writers andn 1 the superin�teeuta of insane asylums unite' in. ascribingto the effects of Self-abuse the great majority of wasted lives which comp under their notice. If you are iucompotent for the arduous duties of 'business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life; lie, 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. "If you are advanced in years, No. 8will give you full vigor end strength. It you are broken down, physically and morale 'from early indiscretion,; the result of ignorance and fonly, send your address and 10 emits in stamps for M. V, Lvsos'e 'Treatise in Book. Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation., Address all communfcaatione to AI. V. L Ja.9N, 47 iVeIainprbn I5#. E., Toronto. A Mnuwithout wisdom lives in a foes, paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. " HEAL THE 51CK4 A Permanent Cure. 14F A Pleasant Cure. IRE start eeesetpantireltevealatltotroubteaatncf- dent to a Wham s ,tate of the system. such s,,4 D Dines, Nausea. Drowsiness. DZstress, after eatSoi. Para €o the Side, tie, While their roost remarXabte mi;cess his be shoom is curing I Ailitet e, retE Ctazr as fear,, Dureq 1144,s are equany.vialu,tble iai Carsstrpatioaa, seeing mid tuevelatssig this sieroyiI5 Com !slut, whtie they ulao emTe.t all diseaZiot et the atomacb, &simulate the 'liver and reRtaiatd the borates. noose if rheas oaalr' coma EAD Iota tboy -would La nlmos6 pri:efeaa to those who &rater from this distres,,3n, complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try fettles Will fled ttie5otittiopit (avaluate fa au re smy ways that they tin a•nt to willinz to da w ut them. iltt attert :ch head fs the bane of ea many flies that her:. is where we rua%e our great Laoast, Aur gals carne it while otl ors do not. Ci.wrslt'A LisTi41.iYra i'uit,q arerery email andTerscysytot.., . fTgeortwo altsrnaiie A dam. Rhsy are strfetay vegeta/.-.4 ad do r0: grdlea or purge, taut by r the Pontin nest^u t'tw-eG''ITI.iL s them invfa sat ar.3,Ra• wo tcx 81 Sw:S oremshere,.r tient t.v nag-; CU= =teens.' i ., 3.1ta Tuk, AiW Eittt e. ExErER.- ONTARIO.; Has now in stock rALL AN THE FOLLOWING West of England Suitingsand Trona • ,'ring's, Scotch Tweed Suitiings and Trouser- ings, French and English Worsted Cloths All rode 111) in the Latest Style, at best Bates. --, i tea Sewlosi •Hach,*•• To 41 es;,.etokkitf b ,rale It, Ott Dien.. A, 1:orte0 41 .posla..,,� atooa, we will lead sr. co w coo M 15•;4/ .aA a.'atitti t$41,6144134:541 ,, ra N, . s. h wcr! +sit :a 1 A■ h , Y u tip xgild.P eaa4,4 ' tore* ualg';. o' , em etear ic., X 4v4 tt.Ru,oart" j ,..y:es- lttise ti .1. I. a Rua .bee; ,�,�v 'stilt aro ,o>: I. 4,•sa nCP'1 avte.l4t xr rE.,:e t-nea es r: ienietli,saa.,at erns :. z.. rr 96.3 (: 7:1 r.4.15:* t,- :. 437afer Ws, 5.tn ger r4;11, ,i .':6taearnci:t> tie.:,=; nialmitat, .glt'-aet► ii sub 1he a,, *..,rut...... 0,4% a, +e : •alt. -,,,,,,„..1„„....4,4,..... rMM.a r a=a•t an in ii . a s.t. an q,( e �r•e. t!t NO ti r aittt. Fra. 4./ ,ris 7s, .1a'aY>n .,:, Yt39,rr t:,.. SJ . tip care ,tele st... e.b : .:.;:.. w t,, area 1 4.s,.. A-..a.,aa�fcr':ieCtb aunassxt.•.c.,xa t:`tSCsrr9 A..:aa "ZUVI:.ra 4'a1R.. J.Tex 3454 Auguste* *Tata . 11 Sen'.oi i:at.'�7IY,4a=+ ••ly ria res TRH BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT which this paper is priinted was supplied by the ONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealer.; in Typo - Presses, and Printeraa Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 S: 82 Wellington St. 'west TORONTO, ONT. A FEW MORE 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17 WANTE PgOTOGRAPHFRAMESl Po v 1 iry, Butte -o ---JUST IN AT -o - Eggs aid X11 Kin eons six Dont fail to see them. Also a, New lot of Chromes and OilPainting's, such asyou have never seen before in Fiveter. The highest finished Cabinet Photo's in the County, $3 per doz. J. Senior. 'V ircan3 •1/0p110'1 - 'aoI.eao41aY0bAQy'Cmorra V,I ssasppy -ranvav led t$ e»i.ett •seal seWoo elda:*gp0tn. v sgu95V v4101000't*anainott$� pus sii0uno3 haoop pu Js, 3 Aftpapesemwxo •aeuPP Io sno(i e( q,mom an�oweal s;dieoea aqf pasnoao -al ewe it : soseostp *or ! asotae1noo to pnerds pus ttoplonpor{ai eq; Samego eq sasmop;oe(( scam -lira carina*; aq3 po►es tet a{ a ma*; siq ;o s*o( ell} moa; ascots s dvm *ppaA*s saq t( :n0xpng0 per s0IPs1 aeil Aq gastaue I q*(q sl pas'tar% oei qt1. Ileloaauoa segaus.tqll8 no sgsaig 11 poor AM °WoN reamnunenuneel taeaJ papuedso renop ea itwie oaea s slow; des spassnotn -Eseu(sng nil( n; poioeop not emit d gunpaedopul Arne pas '°ir" I eel pro.r rx o to aeuurl haemal �au�n y slue-{ tg Alta pd s,relurt: •iss.iv3H0 SI IS!8 $AL .s.u. IF YOU WANT A Clan ani Lasy Shaw OR :Cut,feat HairCALL AT THE. Centrad Barber Shop) Pawn's B1oek, , Exeter Aa Hastings, PROPRIETOR. rs1,11Z PRODU For which the hig lest CASH OR TRADE . PRIG, WILL BE 1ID. S C. Hjrev - �1! Hotel The Gram Uel .. Cx.Inq 'OS7•, O aaszO . v e Enlarged and. n P10 . 30 rooms' elegantly' 4ii .rnished, Tables supplied with all of the sehson. 3 cony rooms. "House heated Electric bells thrd ie Delicacil tient samp ith hot ai ghout. Si PER )AYR;. R, tT. TUFTS,j, PROPRLETO