The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-10, Page 3The Women of d'apan. The better glass, of Japanese women are by no means nneduoated. They receive, I am told, a better training then the women of any other Oriental nation, slid they are better treated than thous of any other Aefatic nation, The Japanese girl can, as a rule, read and write'Japeneee• She learns all about household matters, and she takes the whole charge of the household. This ie her sphere, and she to known ae the honorable mistress of the household. Her husband has no right to be meddling with the cooking stoves,. She pays the eervaats and the mar lest bill. bathe case of the poorer merchants IMO often acts as one of the clerks in the atorea and takes, the place of the husband whoa he is not pre et% In the country you will find her often working in the fields, apo air Nikko I saw great numbers of women who acted an the leaders of pack borne carrying oopperandooda up and down the mountains. Still, I think the women here have alt osier time than those of the, lower ola,aes oi; Ger- many or Holland, and you see fewer labor hardened faces among the other sea bore than yeti do in many of the countries of The wife is, however, lifter all but little better them, theservant of the bnsbend, and the ties of marriage and divorce are here so loose that he can diapeuae with her at plea- nre. hfarriege in japanan fa not attended nd e d with the aolemntty andreligione ceremony of the American wedding. It is a civil con traet, and theaegotiatione for itgo on, as a rite, through the parents. The young than AO, woman have no prel#urinary couriahip, and the seeing of one another^ for one or two tmeis theonly ahece c deeiding whether here anyombatibitity of tern- perement.•—[Frank G, Carpenter. Decollate Areas, An interesting, U not particularly vale, able sympeaiur has been m pro7,reara in twa or throe prominent American papers recent. ty on the vexed. question of the decnllete dream-.eaitt modest r otherwise, a . therwI e, healthy or unhealthy, btantiful or the reverse? Mew different opinions were given by all eerie of men, The women' views on the matter don't seem to have been calked. There waa roue strong dennneiatian, a good deal of noat•oommbttel fencing with the problem, d no little openly expressed Admiration Id defence of the eastern. M an every other snbjeot, so on Site one, the dootore disagreed auaang themselves, some holding that the "taw neck and short $leave$" is highly harmful to a woman'a health, while others, equally prominent, declare that ha the case of women of fairly good cetlatitutioR{ if ottoman ' senna precautions are taken, there is no den - ger, One or two medical gentlemen said that in their opinien women are really stronger than men., and. that the average wcai fan% powers of endurauce are far in Ada Venn of the average man. It is notprobable that the opinions of men will have much weight with the ladiesone way or the other, and that they will continue to wear what style of dream they ehoete, as song as they choose, and until faibion ebangea for tome - thin else. For the great majority of those vabo wear the deoollete drat, neither mod- eaty nor health, enters much, if at all, into the computation. It iefasbloaabloand drat ends the matter, There are agree women, however, who can't be got to nnderatand that fashion is intended to reveal the beauties ot nature, and not to blazon its defeats and deformities. rt Scarcely." This word "scarcely" ought to ring in the ears, and reverberate through the hearts of them who are at ease in Zion. They go to sleep with a eertifioate of church•mem- berehip under their pillow and dream about " sweet rest in heaven." But rest is for the weary, and tho weary are those who work, Peter says, " Give diligence to make your calling and election sure," But does not God's promise make tem sura t acme one may ask Yes, as sure as possible, we re- ply. But no aiaaranco is possible until the condition, are met. God tefle na that mad - time and harvest Shall not fail. But he means, of course, for those who sow, since he tells 112 that the man who will not plow by rectae of the cold shalt hog in hat• vele and have nothing. And the aamo law applies to the spiritual harvest. God gives us all that he can give. Ho does for us all that anybody else can do. He even works in ue to will as well as to do. But we moat work with him, We must etudy the truth or the Spirit cannot sanctify us through it. We must pray, for it is only those who ask that receive. We mush do good as we have opportunity, for it is only by our good works that we can glorify our Father in heaven. Asluggard in rehgion is the worst of all sluggards, for nowhere elee are there such promises of help and of reward to those who are faithful. Do Not Worry. Some women do a large amount of extra ork that amounts to nothing, and yet tires nd frets and worries to a great degree. A omen may be a good housekeeper without eing a /new one, and making her family ncomfortable. Many people in telling a tory or giving an account of some facts, este so much time and the patience of their tenors, in detail before the pith of the atter is reaohed. I think it is about the me with the housework,' If one makes a eat talk about a little work before it is gun, there -is liable to be leas force when arted. Fuss, fuss, talk, talk. all the little rtioulars add nothing. Understanding e work and doing it is what tells, Spoke From Experience. Fond mother : " Now look here, George 1 ant you to break off with thatirL She very pretty and all that ; but I know her well to want you to risk your happiness marrying her. Why, she knows no more out housekeeping than I do about Greek not a bit 1" George: "Perhaps not; but os learn." Mother "After marriage rat�br late for that, George." George : nt you said yourself that you did not w a thing about housekeeping until after were married." Mother r "'eery true, orge=and, yourpoor father died of dys- ala twenty years ago 1" . • Had She But Known. nweloome Suitor That's a lovely song 1 lways carries me away. her if I had known how much pleasure ouid give us both, 1 should have sung if ler in the evening. e was from Philadelphia, and Hi was not 1 the next morning, in the train, that he tight on," and his heart grew sick as he ed the- kindly hint in the dight of sub- mit, events.—New York Life., blio, cariosity in` this age is so short that where it- took years and years ekes to grow :stale. in past days, now .ory is a „ohestnub before you can -get nd th`e oorner to tell it to the first fellow meet. Treatment of Doubt. We are in a good deal of danger of falling ont of sympathy with Christ in our treatment of doubt, There is abroad a disposition to coddle the doubter. Christ was astonished at the doubters and left them, We admire and pet them. We are sorry, indeed, that they .cannot see truth clearly as we do, and reat in the miracles of the New Testament, as we do. But along with our regret is veryapt to go a feelit ig that somehow our skeptical friends are the victim* of intellect- uality. They doubt mote than the average' marc becanee they see more. We are dice posed to admire that larger horizon which gives them more intelligence in questioning add perhaps, therefore, more reason for doubting: Perhapswe think they have entered more profoundly than others foto modern aofen• tiflc critical methods, and while we May still be thankful for our peaceful Christian harbor, where our anchor holds without any strain, we have a secret feeling of admire, tion for those plucky fellows who, following their new "Critical methods, are battling heroically, if nnJiucceaafeeliy, with intellen- teal storms., The Bible, en the other hand, treatsin. e a sin,i belief as Indeed, It e the nes n In ee , i a .. which sends Christ away. And the•depth of the in is proportioned to the force of the evidence which unbelief reeista. If we#all into a ditch when the sun shines we aro r e- eponaible for the injury we may suffer. There is a polntwhere rebellion against hu• man testinteny becomes an affrsnt and a sin against /awe of evidence. And God has made spiritual things so plain that a refusal o bell h o t ever alt a moral gharaerer.'--ETho l atericr. itteltt1U 4edneett• Thera was lately unveiled at Lynne, in France, a statue of Ampere, a famoeeMan 0f science, who wrote sumo wonderful works on eleetrigity, when that aeienee was in its infancy, and wboee name fe perpetuated in the word which eiguifes the nuit of an elect, trio current. It waa said of hie "observations on Elea tro-Dynamics, " published in 1822, that "tine vast field ot ph aical eolonce perhaps never presented ae brilliant a discovery, Oen* delved, verified and nompletea wins snob rapidity." But Ampere waa so great a thinker that be forgot everything else when his thinking waa going an. Ets :duplicity of life made him an intereating character, apart trout his soicntif o work, Probably there never waa a more absent- nziaded man. Hun wife had to keep track of hie eugagemeute for biro, and often had great difOcnity in gz.tting him to keep them whoa his worts was as hie mind, Cue day he bad. an very iaspartant engage - meat, to go out to dinner with some public then and inen of science. The engagement W42 for six o'clock, and though he had been warned, Madame Ampere found him, when that hour had muscat arrived, titin tolling at his dash. By dint of a good deal of effort, she got him to leave bis work and go to hie bed- chamber to dress for the dinner, fig went to his rooter, with his thoughts et.ill on his work. He took off his coat and' waistcoat, and finding lihntelf in his ehirt- alcoveo, he imagined thathe had gone to his room to retire, and whereupon went to bed There, an hour er twa afterward, Madame Ampere fowid him feat asleep. Tile Same Identical Bottle. A mea wholiked his glace was aoouabomod at long intervals to viatt et friend who was a water -drinker. Oa one occaelou a very flue bottle of port was produced for him, onwhtoh he pronounced a due oulogium, .A year after he called again, but was treated very differently; the wine set before hits was so vile indeed that he com- plained of it. "Nowthat only shows," exclaimed his boat triumphantly, "what affectation there is in you wino drinkers 1 Twelve months ago you praised the wine I gave you, and now you abuse It ; yet, as it happene, my dear friend—for I know no topers: but youraelf—it's the very tame identical bottle that I opened for you when you were horn lash 1" Why Wasn't he a Comet? Young Stir. Staylato oaf sitting in the dimly -lighted parlor the other night watch- ing s seventeen-year- old girl trying to keep awake long enough to see the morning star rise. They talked astronomy, "1 wish I was a star," he said, smiling at his own poetic fancy. "Iwould rather yon were a comet," she said, dreamily. His heart beat tumultuously. "And why?" he naked, tenderly, at the same time taking her unresisting hands in his own. rr And why?'' he repeated, im• perionaly. " Oh," she replied, with a brooding earn- estneee that fell on his soul like a bare foot on a ooldoiloloth, "because then you would only Dome around once in every 1,500 years." He didn't say anything until he was half way to the front pate, when he turned around and shook his fist at the house and muttered between his teeth: "By the gods, it'll be a thundering eight longor than that before I oomo around again." But by that time the p,or girl was in bed and fast asleep. A Warning. An English paper. delivers itself in a snap- py way of the following little bib of some- what epigrammatic ill nature: That Mrs. Shaw, the American whistling lady, who so recently did much to vulgar- ize 'moiety's taste in drawing -room amuse- ments, has obtained a divorce from her husband -bearing in mind the old proverb about crowing w1 g hens and whistling women— will adrpriae no one. That she is to be mar- ried again says much for the intrepidity of American manhood. That her residence will henoeforthbe on the other aide of the Atlantic is much to be thankful for. There is solemn warning here for any Canadian girl who is ambitions of imitating Mrs. Shaw. Just fancy how horrid it must be to have some crusty, orossed-grained, small-sonled, editorial noodle saying things like that. He Reoognieea 7'heill. At a whist -party one night the rector of a certain parish eat in and found himself in partnership, with his churchwarden. Pre- sently the person produced four threepenny pieoes as markers, when the.' churchwarden observed, " Ah, parson, you've been robbing the plate, have you ?" " Oh," growled the rector, " You recognize your beggarly oon- tributtons, do you ?" For the Yea; 1889 No better resolution can -be made than to resist buying any of the substitutesoffered as '' just as good' as the gleet only sure -pop corn ours--Putnamas ].'sinless (lora Extrac- tor, It never fails to give satisfaction. Be- ware of poisonous flesh' eating aubatitutea. Por Love's Sake. Sometimes I am tempted to murnl►aar That life is flittingawe , With only a round of trifles Filling each busy clay—a Dusting melte and corners, Making the house look fair, And patiently taking on me The burden of woman's, care. Comforting childish sorrows. And, charming the childish heart With the Ifitnple song and story, Told with a mother's art ;, Setting the dear home table And clearing the meal away, And going on little errands In the twilight of the. day. one day is just like another Sewing and piecing well ' Little jackets and trousers. So neatly that none can tell Where are the seams and joining-- Ah I the seamy side of life Is kept out of sight by the magic Of many a mother and wife; And oft when I'm ready to murmer That time is flitting away With th the sek-same round of duties Filling each brew day, It comes to my spirit sweetly, With thegrace ofa thought divine : t, Yon living, ' 't' aret it forla Pare And the lovinahouldneverrep sake,. " You are gelding the little footateps In the way that they ought to walk ,; You are dropping a a word for Jesus In the midst of your household talk Trkviag, your life for Love's sake Till the homely cares grow sweet ... And sacred the self-denial That is laid at theldester's feet." Time -tried, Truly Tested. for fr peace; severely tested, and still growing .in popular favor and use, in the reoordenjoyed by Dr. PIeroe'a ,i'leaaaatPnr-. getive Pellets—the little auggar•ceeted lana - ave granules. sold by druggists, atrti•bilicus and cathartic). 0 • i A1.N.E: $.' C-ELE•jRY ars'' y c0Ma • fi;s.sC. ACTS AT THE €APCE TIull£ ON TH E NERVES, THE t..HVER, THE EO0 1.i9 and the Kra:PREYe This co'e hie4 action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great naps to become clogged or toorrppjd, w ouS hnr$ers are therefore ferced into the blood that should. be expelled naturally. ,�AINE'S CELERY 'COMPOUND itllLL Cili22 71zL tmeNass. PILy$, CCNSTIPA•TIe1r, $IDI.'TxY c ow . MU:KTa JR3= nienatctn, FEIetatai'F ratglnnO, TUN, tignnateTat. Pi.4 AIRY. IiEZLVOU$ DISORDERS, By reacting andtin " the nerves, nd causingactif the l ivw•r bowels, end D .trine and restor- ing their poer fo throw off diseases Nn -'7 a"•-ff aaiPOMP auddshta'L wincteneseted-Rat Para noottleetimit Wht idghtea edovorliieoraereii,iidaerel '+may *acme eereens Or tick hCadeelmall why have aicapletarrightal 'Use Parna's Catnnv Commie aro relote in health. Isis an entirety vegeta. ltie rraudy,lrateileaa 1R nil decal. $skits'all Prgsgfslt, Pricet$r,00, r°ut„far, too Vater, AIGRAADSOti &GO.lProptletrral 13iON'tt1,33fATr, z q • Lady Sallebary hes plaoed heranelf et the head cI a movoo ent to preaeat a bracelet to Ms FOR i3At a or 191.T. Ata, Bu , Dire. I'llelpa Asa soeveolr of her stay in Lan. FAR Klaus ant Para:aa Some upealal bargain* don. U. S. MITCIIEL.L, Drt*r'roe, Orr. ARENTS WANTED t1 tsair parU azs about the patent Poi• ,,sss thg nriui,tri, I, re oe apPik+ation, tt new. Mc- cmMei eta cheap, Tatrmr Supe. • Toronto, Oat rr".i : • iii►.. tl„! Pnvarite, .1' acne is a word aaabitfan loves, A net art has offer ice portrait polkaed, V Woe the heed Of avaricercelives, O Mice* t2 the," ehektls" WOO R arer than even thee, by far, I4bealtb,defiin poet'sdlali,a T hen with it trice no{, nor rnar-- E nd ills that floosie pleasorea bar by taking I)r, Pierce's Favorite 1.'rosarlption A remedy so eat'ssfaatory for all tholes wealtataaea and diseases peculiar to women, that they ne i SW longer sud'ar from them if they will but nee tide world -famed remedy. The daughters of the Empress Frederick wear what would be coiuideted widow*' cape. The Empress wears a widow'* cap with strings nearly to her iota, The Sultan is afraid that the Swddrn a. fair will bottled as a pretext for prolonging British occupation. "Timnely Wise " S Por Shalp Eyes. ":rot' love. norhanor, wealth, ocrpower, Cm nllscl,Wheheath io BtiOwedmely vilest 1 With ilt•hotlth all taste cf pie:taare filet," So spcaketit Gray, and who denies i No surer fact beneath Moans. .Alas t for him who early dice iiecaufe be is not timely wise". Alas d for blot who will endure The Mho might so quickly care ; Nlrsht•aweats, and Mush, and hard caught breath Couioup:cn'aheralds, sigma of death. T. be cured, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Thousands have been cured by it who, othorwlee, would now be filling untimely graves. For all liver, .blood, and lung disease", It is speclfio, Harry Mackenzie, eon of Bir aforell. Mao konzfe, la playing at the Prineese ,' London, in Henry Pettitt'e melodrama, " Hands A- cross the Sea." $o fa down on the bills as Barry Morel]. Coif No Nom. Watson a cough drops are the beat In the world for the throat and cheat, for the voioe unequalled. See that the lettere R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. Since Joe Emmet bought his St. Bernard Pl.inlimmon for a thousand guineas, a star has arisen, Sir Bodevere, for which fifteen hundred guineas has been refused. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor ;-- Please inform your reader" that I have a positive remedyfor the above named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fees to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send mo their Express and P. O. address. Reapp'y, T.A. SLOC JM, M.C., 184 West,Adelaide St., Toronto. The Ontario statute reelniring hotel pro preetors to provide iron bre•eseapes in all oases where their buildings are over two storeys high name into force last month, but so far there appears to be no indication of a general compliance with the enactment. Ta this law to be one which shall be more hon owed in the breaoh than in the obser- vance ? ITEDIEN ,1 PILES. Sralrcoi —Moisture : intense itching and stinging moat at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors tori, which often bleed and edger. ate, booming very sore. Swe toes OrxmraslgT dope many oasesthe and removes the tumours. ulceration, Iteqlly er• oaoious in curing all Skin Diseases, DR. SWAYNO k SON, Proprietors, Philadelhia. Sw,TNS's Om. mom oaa be obtained of druggists, Sent by mall tot 60 Dante, Different Points of View. Very stout old lady (watching the lions " fed)— 'Peat*: to me, mister, that ain't a very big' piece o' meat for tech an ani mai.' Attendant (with the most- etupend out; show of politeness)—" I s'pose it does seem like a little piece of meat' to you, ma'am, but it's enough foe' the lion." A Cure for Drunkenaesa. Theepium.habit, depsomanfa, the morphine nervous prostration caused by the nae of to 3000, wakefulness mental depression, softening o the brain, etc., premature old age, less of vitality eaueod by over exertion of the braln,and loge of natural strength from anycause whatever: lien -young, old or mid• die-aged—who are broken down train anj' of the 31)078 causes, or any, cause notmentioned aZooe, Beni your address and 10 Dente 3n stamps for Lobnn's Treatise, In book form, of Diseaaee of Arran. Book, sent sealed and secure from cbeervation, °AddreeeM. V. Lison 47 Wellington street East. Toronto. One A.P.481 PATffiiTS procu red. Patent Attorneys and experts. Eet'd1887. ,Donald OE !Mont atCo.,Toronto, MERCHANTS. BUTCHERS, ' and Traders generally, CWe want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up IS or ue. 'Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty Address, ': • O B.. Him Pana. Vermont, U. S. O.TG LOA1; oa ., rams, ,,o rt Rates Sa delay. Ca Raenoe son. -fled Tr. D. TIF>CI!„ P'1tsaReial Agt. Sstas:lsked It80 72 King St. E.. Toradol. CANCsalrDua .t,zset'ssa, at1 Y'. 22 i i (1lE IIANDI""*' PATENT LIAQHQLDBR, .EE which every fartuerwaafi new. emu Qa'y 78 eta., ndifthere L zolocal ar^eat,way beobtained free by 0exppr�efit er e2alll, no eendlogprice to Q, F. ALLEN 1k CO., Wer'+d f»ildfog, Toronto, Art4 si I6 MRS. For circa tr uL �.{lr' ��' RI CO., Toronto, gab. MUoMU 1r8NS-SleasnES-Nwd im• FinetArncrlcars iiom Cottage. Orders filler any desired quantity, Witte far prices. JAMMY -t PARK alt SON, 41 to 41 St, Lawrence Market, Toronto. U MAY HAVE ONE 1 1 Jurat sand: ola name and address, and lea. for resume, sed-reertve by Malta HANDSOME NI LitIIA`7Ill.EncLuiIyandThn1[atrl cedlell MstonloiteaovoryouoI Aonrese vrotonllovcoa7 l o , Toronto, Out. 0. WILLIA MS & 00.0ZSOBFERS liA•1YTACInaa3$ .0:0 r1R..12525 n7 ReCalg Felt, Slaters' Fell, Deafening Felt. Carpet Popo; Building Paper, Roo2ngPitch, 001 Tar, Lake Gravel. OIDce it 4 Adelaide St. hist, Tereate. riANADA Elii1'i'IYG CO.—Beaver Lino of IL/ Steameblps, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool, :at Ton tickets, Montreal to Liver- pool 940, Quo and 660. Return tiokete,180 990 and 110, according 20 Witmer and accommodation. 1n- termedinto, *00; Reund trip tickets. 60, 'Steerage, 920,14roundtrip tleketa,740. Par further partiouiars and to secure berths, apply to H. E, MURBAY, Gen- eral Manager,1 Custom House, Square. Montreal or to the Local Amite in the diffetcntTowa" endeitloe, BUSINESS Education h very essential to the euecree of ovaryyycun m and yonugwoman. Good�ea ook- keepers aro conetantlyin demand by Bubo:* mon. nett 1t aoShortdandandSHORTHAND watt 1 than Shorthand and e Typewriting. A new aven- ue for ferrels employment that pays. Constantly growing demand for shorthaaders. WRITE for desotiptivo Ciroulars, containing full paracutara of alt branches taught and rates of tuition, Address—OAN.DIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, PablioLibrary Building, Toronto. Taos. Bmaoron, President C -1L Baooxe, Seo y to Manager. St i FOR C lined Glass HITRCHES, DWELLINGS, M'OAU AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. BLAND & SON, "The aces''' FARM LOANS Thin Baak,Lance.-Tooth, Croes•Cnt Saw' MREOIT FANCIER FRAtiuu-CAKAOIUL CAPITAL, $5,000,000* HEAD OFFIQE, - MONTREAL. OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION: WELLINGTON STREET. - TORONTO. TbisOompally lends on good Area property at low est current rate of interest and on tavoreble terms For information apply to local aoen% or to W. E. L.UNB, alauaoor, T'groaise. The MAP'S lett Raon' and Lando dross -cur saw are now stud in all pinta of the world, The quality of these sawn is unequalled. Their excellence fe wholly sine to their superior t.mper. the process of which is kept a profoundeeoret by Shurlyls Dietri: h, tnanu r o ea the taotu era 0 ¢ f times wa. n rhe beat evidences of their "a rbc quality le that ether taw i?e rmanutaoturera ant 0n the market as does an irons. Lien of these tans as they are able t0 produce. and represent It to be as good as the Mapie Lest saw. They res theirsew np00 one name mai the public become famifer with,ile inferior quall% thee: they charge the name, In order to humbug the public another season, ail whih isth o very beat evidence of the superior quality of the Maple Lexi saw, as it It not the custom W ccuntertelt a poor Ptosis. 'Shue e rnnterietts are sold t earned* macer rrtce than 'ha btaplu Leat saw cars to bought tar; the dottier, of Coarse. endeavors L? sell thein at roarlp the same Prise, thereby minder a larger proof. And Nome sit the more uepriecapled dealers. la order to tell the oountertelt saw. wnll tell entrelh0 0f sashes rdadt regarding the quality of bath the geoulne and the ooualerfsit. Good goud-a are alwaiar cheep; poor goods are dear at ail price. A saw. IMO a icoo. will not cut fait Wells n will hold a keen c ottiog edge. Prlee $1.00 Per foot. ,itarsufa Lured only Lv Sk1.il1 LY /6 D ETJIl,1OR% SAW H1dN1TlTAQT(illCRS, r°.:... l" a. at.. TEMTEM BOA INSPECTION owl lasers duce Company, of Canada, Consulting Engineers and nolicltors of Patents, 0 hose, Chief a:;,user. ,A - Isa,Seo'y.Treat, THE TOROKTO SILVER PLATECO --ktanatset^iren of the High Gado et -- SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARE. FACTORIES AND SALES/MU: 420 to 426 Sing St. Yost, TORONTO Ea Q. MODERNLY, J, C COP_ 3lanarr,. &or�. CANADA PERI A.NEXT Loall& 8aviastomjany L1.0001'OliATBBD 185$. Head Office 1 Toronto Stn, Toronto Rubs orlbed Capital, 8 4,se0,eor Told Up Capital 2,500,000 Total..triae114..' 1e,08e,tios Tho enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities it has moistly aequirodforsupub logtend,owners+dilacheapmoney. enable the Lirectcte to west with promptated and at tbo Iowtet current rata cf interest all requirement, for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application ma• be mode to either of the Company's los AAppprateere, or to J.11eaati 2r.8 %-fOS•1rroil tr, Dlreolor, Toronto Young .ad.en SUFFERING from the effects of early evil babits, tin reenit of ignorance and folly, who fled themeette weak, nervone and exhausted ; also Idmat:s-.am and OM Mot who aro broken down from the effeots of abuse or over work sad in Advanced life feel the coasequenoos of yontatul excess, send for and read 1I. P• Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be Bent sealed to any addreas on receipt of two Sc stomps. Address, 1f. V. LIII:ON. Wellington St. R., Toronto,Ont Allan Liiw Royal Mai $teamsJiipi galling during winter front Portland everyThursda7 Seel lifax. every Saimrday to Livernool, and in sailor " et from Quebec every Saturday to verpooi, galling At Londonderry to land malls and pimento for. .Sp?tiand sed Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Sa1S. fax and St, John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly d summer months. The ateamere of the Glos• gow lines eail during winter to and from .Hs.'J"r, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during glum mer between (#laegow and Montreal weekly .0/wow and Boston weekly. and Glasgow .and fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply *0 A. Schumacher As Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard as Co. Halifax; Shea e; Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wrn. Thome. son as Co., St John, N. B.; Allen A Co.. Chicago Trove d, Aiden, New York; lel. ,Roamer, Tnsonlu Miens, Rae fai 00., Quobeo • Wm. Brookie, Philado" Alfa : H, A Allen Portland Boston Montreal, asommommismimmim. no CURE FITS ! When 1.1347' 0ax>tg Ido not moo merely to atop them, tor ,a time. and then hate them .e- nngetnIMeteRaDICAL CORR. lame the In>� �, Ek'TT, FPsr or s'.,dLI4INa' BIONNTss Liffe long study. I wa2R.l.xa my remedy to Cyan the wore owe. Bee -Anse others leave felled islnareason for not nave r^eoolvla sowe, PendatonoetorAtreatise and, aINA); orrun of m Dtvar"Lrn1.w Bxrtrlrtly,. Give pros arm It o d O will cure ty000u. yeanothing :or a U. 0. B00Ti N.0.,164 Week Adelaide Si. roll0NT0, ONT. FPe allegro esolo thenfltO•PiX fJa40460 4 WA.aBreadreakee'sYeast frSU =Ordbrfontrtwa Manna trlra allOrrrsI,, 'Cesar ire ekeas Es lie l*Wiest hoc l ms are fel Anda astallliefair.ir#oaskw 'dare*4lefaarea, BUY THE BREAa1AKER'S YEAST. NUDE 5 CEIiM; STANDARD CHOPPING UISESBESTIVIEH MILLSTONES Pf1r2TCRIN02R WKS IVoaMR 24 444GWlt4 Ptaltlila.1a!1 Keene._ J�o!Vat)14 i UIDDEE THE GREAT STRENETH:GIVE - /jPERfECT FOOD ,{ ORiitstcK !'t ARMING ale OTRITIOU58E'ERAGE A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR A arming6 Palatable Are the words need, by everybody to express their opinion of the merits of Johnston's Fluid Beef as a WINTER BEVERAGE. and as a matter of fact it has a Wonderfully Stimulating effect upon the circulation, and not only so but it supplies lasting strength and vigor and is justly called THE GREAT STRENGTH -GIVER. OF PURE COC LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES. Almost as Palatable as Milk, fig disguised that the most delicate stonracl, can take it; Jlemarkabke as a bZESH XJtODUCER Xcraons GAIN rap- • idLy while taking Ix SCOTT'S E11,tt tsION is acknowledged by Phy- sicians to be the FINEST and BEST preparation of its class for the relief of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wasting Diseases of Children, and. CHRONIC COUGHS. 8old by an Druggists, 800. and 81.00. oxo w n Engines ines IRM B3IIEA3 AV t SIZE. TORONTO' ENGINE WORKS PRINOESS AND FRONT' 808. J, Perkins 86 Co; - Toronto,. FOR BEST FAMILY USE, CARBON SAFETY OIL ASK DEALERS FOR 1T. wholesale Depots ONZARIO—Toxoxro, 80 Front street east. OTTAWA, 88 Spark street. " Bamovxu.v, L. W. Teomane dt Go. QUEBEC—Monraaen• E. Cavanagh. hIARITI1E PROVINCES—Sr. Jonas. Jos. Balooic Rt Sons. 1SANITOBA 8c N. W.T.—BnAanox, W. Johnston & 0o. Sam'1 Rogers & Co., Toronto, Canada. �u4deraffoit ° e t-krow-DjkS50 ei.IATTON. Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000. HEAD OFFICE 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, On_ A Donee Company, Established October, 1871. To he hen of To a hbi h lel date, d0otober Stet, 1887, there has been returned : y ( Othclaims)•r.................._. 8649,249 00 To the holders of matured Endowment Policia; ...:.............. ...... .. 26,492 63 To Polloy-holders on surrender of Poloiee -• 98,656 00 Te, Policy -holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid)., ... ., 482,644 02 is To holden 'of Annuity Ronde _ 16,967 84 Leaned to Polioy-holders 0 the. Security of their 82,264 es • _ Sf.s0O,374^'a Policies in Force over 10,000.: . Amount ov',r $00 15,0.0 ' ` PRESIDENT—Hon. Sin W. P. Hownarr», O.B., K.O.ed, G. R e VICE-PRESI.DEN'I'S-Wuarex Emmett Hee.; EDWARD HOOPER, ESQ. 3 S. MACDONALD, Managing Director. CrPotlalee Nonfortalt.hle atoae'2'mars and Indefeasible after 8 veers. RELY ON HOP BITTERS. A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. AMediolne,;not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels. Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS, te. may Save Your LIfe. `1,O00 Reward ppp,�.atd fora case they will not cure. �'e'a'1,61s1,.0