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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-10, Page 1
1 OL, IL EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY !STAR 10,, No The VMSo!sonis Bank.. (Chartered by Parliament, lsS;a..) Paid up Capital . , , ...... 52,000,000 Rest Pend, , ,. , . , ..., .. , , 1,000,000, Head. office teeetreal. F. WOLFERSTA I THOMAS, Face,. C,1resneee Mellen ext, Twenty Braash offices in the Dominion- :, genciee in the Poi znio. U S.and Europe- -Open every lawful day from IA mt. #a, ta? #F p. at.. Saturdays 1,0a.tn. to 1 . m. 'A general bankingbusiness transacted Three per eent. per anima allowed for ralo?;,ey ou Deposit Beeolpts es id Saving, Baab- R. H. ARCHER, :Exeter, Jan 23, %S. Mlamag er, THE • M matt ativinate, Is published every Than:day Moraiptr, at the O.fuaa>, 'RT A fiT,-S.TREET, — EXETER. 73ythe6:&N PERS'PUBLISHING-COMPANY. Tums or Sl`i1SCRWTIQN. One Beller per annum. if raid in Advance, 131.40 Knot ao paid. .;..t 4r No paper discontinued until ail ;sue are paid. Advertisements without a-' stir a:ttonh sin be, •nalled., 1 Lill farl,nl aaa� b lasaed cordinRiv, Liberal des, ount made for trattasreent aiivertiaa gimpper;' i for lont Pecr1030. Evert* ,lett raptiort of JOU PRLSTING turned out in the #lsat'::t style, and at moderate rate.. (`ltegepc i. oney urd- ere, &e, for advertising, auna.'.•rti.Slaatta. etc. to be made payable xo Wi11ia < Saudevs, Nlitavor 'brill c#1<3itxtt't+dry: Tntvirr ML;M UM. Cu ren...Bev. S. P Robinson, Rector. t+nneltat Ua.in anti p. m. S. bbatb;4.11, ,ui, ts'i p• rd. ]tlr,TaroP#aT e`nt•nCsr.-Jamee,st,, Beo. 71. 'Mein eat,Sabbath oot,'uni®. a#n.nap.m. Shtp. MATH S2#aBn;T=ia e9. J. Wi won, Pa:,tor. Sun -,lay-.i .ntces.10.34i1.m. mt t) p. m. Sabbath School,,ao p. m. Panenl iontiAB Canting—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services,11 a.m. hurt 0,30Ia TA. Sabbath lo`hool, Professional Cart Usborne,, lir, Sam. Seedercock was the ,rest of Miss Hodgins during the week. Miss Ellen: Whyte of teeter waa :one Mr. John Davidson of ball. of the guests a Mr. John Grouts the last week. Ile l Exeter, waf er tp, - oolong,: sifter the carpenters writ of Mr. R. Coslrsrd's new residence. John, is a thorough business man. Gaderiolt'Township. Mr. D. Lindsay has been elected trtls- tee for S. S. No. 5, and Mr. John Weir for S, S. No. 11, The entertainment in eonnection with St. 3oltn's church, Holmesville, on New YOU'S evening warts a grand succuss. Adel;eases were 4etiverecl by Rely. W. Craig, of Clinton, and others, aaad un sxc was furnished by St. PAWN Church choir of Clinton. Proceeds 11111ountei t 026.45. Peke towll+. socialite deuce was held e tel; in Poleertowu, there being uumber In attendance. Th part of !;hes evening gassed quietly unitil two of the :paling ladles Miss Martha, Zaai eta and bliss Emma Hawker, hada few blows which ended in a good .fight. One of tine young Rows present was going to put one Of the girls out, but she Catching hint by rte put him out. Hurrah torPoker town girls u repairs, janitor, secretary,. and other accounts 53740. is return loesna 768.8O Balance 841.,18. Total $4269.18, Examined and declared, correct' by WD. W ees T. B. CARI G j LAuditors. T- GRIGG, Secretary. Zurich. miss Katie '/Much. has returned to Berlin, Ks. Dan Dyer la enjoying his hole, days at home. • Mrs. S. Miller, of Michigan, is visitin friends in this vicinity, The patridge sewn closed Qtl t 81st. Sportsmen beware. b¥r. Rob. 11.. Stelubarh and Mint': Lousla Hauch, students of our Pattie School have one to complete their ea uc:ation at the High. School. Wo have this week to record the nth of W. F. Fuss, of the Goshen lino, Deceased was 940 of the tintsettlersitt this vicinity and hand, reached an age of ut 80 years. School opened on Thursday, Mr Sana tta, Principal, has been .engaged . Mr. San#. M. Hauch, taai ea of the second division and Miss Jams Coilims the Junior's. !oray, Fal.Smithers,of litit.PleasentiMich visltiuv friesidsan4 !relatives here. Mr. John Snowden who has been v. y ill for the past few weeks in now speed- ily recovering. We hope to see hien about soon. The Christmas tree of Calvary Sun- day School was held on Christmas Eve and enjoyed by all present. After a, long list of dialogues, readings, songs inuale and recitations were given,thetree was !plied of its beautiful stud costly bur- n, urn, and the crowd (livened. well Ieased with regatta- of the evening. coeds $?0. IX L. BILLIN tS. Mace over fkl1eirs prank, Exeter, Ontario. Nitrous Oztdo f#as for patnlela extraction. �.. If. XING3iAN, DENTIST, L. D.S., ex- tracts teeth -without pain by. giving Vegetable Vapor, or usingthe now; Anaast1uiioonthe gums. 3faabes-Gold IBiel lugs and other dental work the rest, po>a. sible goCB to Zurich last Thursday in each month. East side o1' 1dain. street, Exeter. DR. 3. A. ROLLINS. tele rICE--MAIN ST. Residence—Corner Andrew and Borth Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TA AX£OS, 3t. D., C. lt.Ti C i.'., BI)I T.; L. R. C. S. Edin.; L. F P S fi„ Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. (1..P. & S., 'Ontario; F. T. M. S, Toronto. fright bell at office. Cred'aton, Ontario. Ty1e-8 71R CONVEX. 0PS:'tCE--MAIN STREET, 17 Exoter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. TW. BROWNING, If. D., M. 0,P. S. -Graduate of Victoria 'University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Eteter. 1111ETILLIAM SWEET, ©ETER- `. inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Samwell & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. T S. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR of Supremo &c. honey to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan at G per cent. B. "V, ELLIOT. S. ELLIOT EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ' ary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court Conveyancer. &e. Solicitor for Huron Land .a eney.. Godorich and Bayfield.. Bayfield office at Swartz'.s Hotel, open every Thursday. n Money to loaat very lowprates. r�AMES OICE, Exciter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of 3-iuron. Sales promptly atte' nded to.amd satisfaction s arranged. at this office.y, guaranteed:' dale e g BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Auot ioneerfor.the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of U'sborne.. 'Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchlisa BOSSENBERRY,Zurich Ontario. Lie- .11.21.•onsed Auctioneer for the County of 'Huron. Charges moderato and satisfaction riaranteed. iv-HOLT, Rhiva, Ontario. Licensed auct- • ion .eer.for the Counties ties of Middlesex , skid Lambton, and the townships of Stephen .rand Hay. A•n sales promptly a tended.to; t-{ IiLLBE1.a,Licensed Auctioneer for Hay' .1 . "'Stephen and McGillivray townships. ;(ffee--Crediton, Ontario. 'Ka Frnlcrs',MutualTire Insurance •Coln an . Y� pY Ta;.ties desiring to insure in the best. and eheai.est Insurance Company in the Domin- ion, can do, so by applying personelle, or by m ,ail;to the ,undersigned. Ail applioations Wfoin�,pptiy attended to. Also agent for the ellington Company of Guelph. 14. BOSSENBERRY, Agent, Zurich, Ont. Grand Bend, On Wednesday Dec. 2Gth L. O. L.No. 826, held their regular sheeting in the hall, Grand. Bend.. It being the Annual ;fleeting the members turned out In full force. After the business of the order was dispensed with, the following offi- cers were truly installed: W. M. tiro, Wm. Haggart; T): M0Bro. Jonas Green; Chap. Bro. Peter Haggett; Bee. See, Tho. Oscar Wade; Treas. Bro. Win. 'made; I). pf C. Bro. Wnn. Gamble. Sr.; Leet. Taro. Jas, Wilson; Conn. Bros. Isaac Green; Jas. Lettaa; Paul Wilson; Wm. Gamble jr.; and Elias Disjardine. Bayfield• Mr& T. J. Marks has 'leen conned to her bed for some time, We have much pleasure in welcom- ing among us Mr. Thos. Jowett, an old resident of Goderich tp., who has pur- chased the residence of the late Chas. Middleton. It is said that Mr. Jewett's son will work the .farm n. the tp. The social held at the residence of Mr. E. 0. James,iast Thursday evening for the benefit of the Methodist church, was a decided success' Every one seem- ed•tohive an enjoyable time. Scarcely too much praise can be given to Mr. & Mrs: James for the excellent arrange- ment made for the enjoyment and en- tertaininent of their guests. Brinsley Oou11.0ls for 1889. The follova'inag iii this result of t vuRug to the rowdy on ;il ttdaaya Sti.pitti�i,-- ldeletie, Y. Mitzi Deputy - Reeve, H. Either; Councillors, Sherritt anal White. B1rfIakleense- eel e, C. C. Hodgins Deputy -Reeve, S. Hodgins; Cuunciilo: Magee, Deatson and Davis, SRAVywru.--:aIayor,R, iilsall} rev D.D. 'Nilson; Deputy -Reeve, A. Strong, Councillors, Geo. Good, C. Wilson, J Dorsey, It. J. Huncherd, J. Gillespie,' I.)r. )dstckid, J. A. Wilson, Jas. Beaattie, Janes Watson. Ci.1zerow..bIaycr,Jost pia }i'initt�lacatl, R eeve, A.hiaciTurchy; Deputy -Reeve, 1,IbiIn Counci}i oiw i. a atelo n W. S. Searle,, John Johnston, Horace Foster, Arthur Couch, I1. R. Walker, 1).B.Kennedy, Chas .Overbury. 0ODBRICI.---Mayor, John Duller, Reeve, WIn. Froudfoat; Deputy -Reeve, Abraham Smith.; Councillors, J. A. Reid, David Cantolor, Thos, Naftel, F. A.Humber, 3.W.Smith, R. 'Thompson, �,Holt, J lf.Colborne, F. Pridhell, aud , Neciber}all" Trustees A. Morton, i►i.Nicholson, If .Dunlop, Olaudeboye. Mr.& Mrs. Grundy, of Winnipeg, are amore; our arrivals. Mr.l'.J. Thompson, at former teacher of S. S. No. 2 liicGillivary, but now of Lobs, is visiting acquaintances. Mr. Ii. Simpson,operator, of Ft. Will- iam, and Mr. E.'Simpson, of. Parkhill, spent part of their holidays with friends here, Mr. Elmer Hodgins contemplates re- newing his studies at Parkhill, having successfully passed his examination at Loudon Model. Dr. Marshall Sutton, of Dakota, is at present visiting at his home after an absence of ten years. His sister, Mrs. Wells, and Mr. Wells, of Windsor are also home. On Friday evening, Dee. 21st a depu- tation eputation from S. S. No. 3 McGillivray pre- sented Miss Amends Hodgins, teacher of the school, with a handsome writing desk and a plush perfume case as an ex- pression of appreciation of the interest she has taken, not only in the school but in having. such improvements made in the school room at serve to make it pleasantfor study. Miss Hod- gins expressed gratitude for the tribute of esteem and most generous gift. EenSal1, New Year's prised aft very quietly here. Ma Ezra liae,ddiag is dais; = :may° ill. We wish for him a speedy re - A. Iiterary entertainment will be given in the Presbyterian ehurele Monday evening next. Mr, Robert Johnston, who has be spending a few days with frienalb here, returned to Toronto on I ridey last. A great mans- young meet are lime frownt i)aaketa said Manitoba this winter. Most of thein are tired of baciseiez life there and may have come to seek a remedy-, They could root strike as het - he tie first meeting of the young pea- I#nprosaeint:ut Society was held in rood church, on bfondey everting tit, ;and was a grand success. If we an take this ue a. sample 1,1 ei ever meetings, a prolitehle and a i+:• -..,..lit time will he spent. The musical eutcrtainmant given izn the Methodist, church, under the ;allsp- icett of the Hensen North circuit, ora Tuesdziy} evening last,was a gaited suc- cess. Owing to the bad state of the roads and the inclement weather the ttendauce was not as iarge as it vtiaer- Ise would have been, but those who attended were well repaid by the ex- tent ctlaracter of then programme. Bed ervi ie. Ties Asegle Ilerrisen, of '1' inehelseat who has been spending the halid_y ,l R; i.Ia her parents of this piece ;turns to her home to the dismay of the actteeir iirethertl of mu' village. Thtipe5rap of ram burg Will 310 den bt lie glia to hear that Mr. Freak :fbanr>liel 'tine it?(t soniti, wets alga for zrandon, elan., has resided that place in s:lfety and has engaged in business. 'Ir. ('teas. Johnstone, wife and family of London. are at present on a visit to our reverted village. father, Mr. Matt- hew Rodger. Conductor Johnstone iA a jolly .fellow and wo w11e all re ;ret parting with him. Mr- (Teo. AIcLeatl, our eutt rpri ing blacksmith, :has quite a curiosity in shape of a pet pigeon, which he, haps taught to perform .. great many little prazlks, it would well repay any birt1- faancit/r to call on Mr. ft r.t t'i :and see his pet, Mr. Rd. Tapp, of 'Virden Mato.. is at present visiting, his brother, Mr. Jas. Tapp, of this place. Mr. Tapp speaks very highly of Manitoba and especially of they country around about Virden ars farming ternary, he believes it haps no equal, as they escaped the summer frost in that pant and consctlueutly, there was an abuntiaant yield of gratin of all kind, for which they rneeived re- munerative prices. It is whispered around that Rd. intends capturing one of Merolla' fair lasses to take to his home there when he returns. That is all right Dick "go in" and try your luck. Mr. Thos. G. Rarlton is visiting his friends in this vfeinity. Mr. John'Iiloalmfield is clerk at the McGillivray Bargain house, Mr. 4 Mrs. W. H. Harlton,of Toronto, are visiting at their father's Mr. Wm. Iiariton, 11th con. 'Mr. Harlton teacher in,the model school in Toronto. Mr. John Bich i ison is spending his Christmas holidays at his father's, here,•; John has' been away a long time and his" old school -mates were glad to have a shake hands with him. A very leasant event occur"edhere on Christmas day, in which Mt Massey and Miss Lizzie Faulder were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. We wish them very much happiness. Be p orti.. School p FINANCIAL SBPORT OL' THE EXETI]R PUBLIC SCHOOL .FOR 1888. Balance from 1887 0810.73: Municipal grants and, aSsessm'tas 2545.85. Government grant 233. Loans' 678.,45. Total receipts $4269,03. P DISBUitsmu NTS. Paid teachers $2095.70, as interest' 12.44. 7lippen Briefs. SOIRTE.—One of the most successful soirees ever held in this village, was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, on Thursday evening the 3rd Inst. This congregation is in a flourish- ing condition which is largely date to the labors of the earnest, energetic and God-fearing pastor, the Rev. S. Aches- on,.'Although the roads were` some- what muddy, yet the church was liter- ally packed. The good ladies of Kill- een ippen have a reputation for always doing everything in good order, and the pres ent;instance was no exception to the ru.le,as`there was abundance of. every- thing very ,thingin, the shape of refreshments. Oii account of there being no hall, or basement, the refreehments were sery-„ ed in the church and no doubt many object •. to turning the : house of prayer into an eating house, yet inthis case it was unavoidable; sand we hope 'this, defect will be remedied: before long. Mr . Acheson perfornitd . the duties:, of chairman in his. usual able and affable manner. Excellent addresses were de' liveredby the Rev. McDonald of Sc.a forth, the Rev. Martin of Exeter, alai the.Rev. 'Simpson of Brucefield and Eevds: Henderson, Bridgeman, Cook, Cousins and Fear of Hensall. The pro- ceeds of, the evening amounted to nearly see: Offa Sunbeams. lir. Thos. Broom, of Detroitais visiting at his brother's Mr. Patrick Breen, of this place. Mn John McLeod and Thos. Stanley, of Parkhill,paid our burg a flying visit one night last week. Mr. John Kilgallon, svhc has been visiting friends around hero for the last two weeks has returned to his native city, Guelph. Miss Nellie Carey of this place intends starting a dress maker's shop. Nellie is quite a popular young lady. We wish her success. We are much pleased to learn that Miss ICatie Nevelis, of this place, who has been sick for the last two weeks is again convalescent. On Tuesday Sth, Mr. Wm. Rowland was united in the holy .bonds of Matri- mony to Miss Mary Aun Doyle,of Clan- eboye. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. Grahan. The young couple have the best wishes of the en- tire community in their future happi- ness and prosperity. One of the best parties we have seen for some time,was held at the residence of Mr. Matthew Regan on Thursday evening the 31st inst. A large num- ber of young people',�vere present. The principal amusement was "tripping the light fantastic toe," and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The music was fur- nished: by setae of the young men of the: neighborhood on the violin. About midnight refreshments were served to which all did ample justice, after which the clarlcing was resumed and continu- ed, ontinu- ed,'i ntil the, approach of another day which broug'ht;the party to a close, when all dispersed to theirseveralhonies feeling satisfied with, the night's enter- tainment. by received by the Reeve up to the, 21st of January for ten thousand feet of ceder, elm and beech lumber, cut .ac- cording to order, two-thirdsof the same to be delivered in Zurich and the re- maied'er in :IFeneell. Moved by Mr Heyrock, seconded by A. McEwen, that tine ,following salaries and oF'naneillors' es be paid:.--llichaet Zeller, treasurer postage and .atatioaery, 15.49 f cord of wood foe 1atsI1, 01.50; extra vices preparing financial statement of township account far printing, ; S. Foster, balAnce of salary, 075; Select- ing jurors, 1 8; poetage snit stationary, 41L69; H. Lippleaardt, collector, $55 - select log ,j urers, postage and stationery, sib; J. lionthron, aeleetang jurors. ee; H. Ha.ppel,,select-nag jurors, its; Cere- taker of diad, ltt0; H, Happel, reeve eoutncll ia, letting and inspecting t -on - tracts, McEwt. is,duput •reeve, X24; A. M-eE ren, eonncillor, 424; R. He, of pauses o folluwinj passed laaacald 1; 3, rina t rxaiaelC, ilk, H Kopf, i!F.lael, ;nue; bt'hroexler making Belt, lura tend boor, #14..22; G. Bell, balance on lumber, 03,08; W. Charters, services atteegimeer, 47.85; J. Williams ee Co., floor for indigents, fa; 11. l oder, grevel,34.iO; Stanliako Bros, lumber, 02.40; Mr. Jacltsazu, t:harity for bade, gout, $3;,. W. .Enter, maktug ,Titch, 18; R. Deli, lumber for Hens;nll aaidewa Ike, 1'& a; W4 hite . lulu, balance for print- , 024. Moved by Mr. Hess, seconded idr. Ss, !leEwun, chat: this council Turn, S. Fos`refn, 'Cis'rl:. ; F. 11=4 424. The sum many presents were given out, after which the pleasant event was brought to a close by all elegimg-All hail the power of Jesus narae. Preceedis amaiuting to *27. Iiihborte Muss Nelite Whyte is visiting in Stratford for a couple of weeks. The new ehoe-maker, Mr. James Miller, of Seaforth, lzaaa started In sines in Cromarty, Bach Jack still keeps his: eye on the Widow Young-. We think there trill be as 05 job for some Rev. -gentleman. Mr. Dowd, of Mellbank,,. has been holding gospel temaper apee meetings is Statfat, Methedis;, church, during the put ss -eek, and we think rnuctu good. has been aecozuplisked. Monday was election slay; , There �mzrted tQ 'defrac thewas considerable excitement, the re- Ifta trd of ie;sIth. The eves were busy last week. eanvaa,ssing, and on Monday >sf d y aa4rfaing we saw Lhetzt itiolaatl ascctlaarats were driving their voters to the poll, We , dog tux refunded chintz it was as close competition, • ,iia tint mdunticai'; n §0; W'e see that M. Dinuinr,l, foreman, , , has starred to sellaoi to ilnprova !:tis 1' dart tau B, 42. T, 1?, education till the sluing; work starts, as he is anxious fur that time to come. Drysdale. 4.n luteresting examination was 'hc,i4 in s01001 Mittel No. 1, !lay, on Deeem• ber 18tia. the school was beautifully decorated with evergreen boughs, and presented An invitlug appearance. The scholars wore their moat pleasant faces and prettiest dresseaa, combined with an air of satisfaction and confidence, show- ing that they were pleased with them- taolveal and every one else, and were not of raid of Ova trying ordeal. The teacher, Miss O'Mara, was assisted by liiiss Dunn and Bliss Morrison, of Zurich, and Mr. Ross,, of Bloke. The pupils were thor- oughly examined by the; .- teachers, and answered its as meaner which was •Alike creditatl le. to tholnsclves and 'te.'aeeter. The work was interspersed with read- ings, songs, recitations, dialogues, etc., and all. was done so well that it Is aI- most unnecessary to particularize, but the musical part does deserve special mention. At the conclusion of the work Miss O'Mara was pleasantly surprised by the pupils presenting her with at beautiful and valuable work -box ;and dressing ease, accompanied by a kindly worded address. Mr. R. Drysdale was then called to the chair, and after ex- pressing himself, in an, neat little speech, as well satisfied with the day's proceed- ings, called on Rev. Father Kealy, who gave an instructive address on educa- tion and the necessity of parents assist - 'ng .and encouraging their teacher as much as possible. Short addresses were given by others present, all expressing themselves as well pleased with the manner in which Miss O'Mara has con- ducted. the school during the past two years. This pleasant affair was then brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Hay Council. rlt.a mg cerin �- of thea council, hold on - Jan.`5'th, it was moved by Mr. Heyrock, seconded by Mr. Hess, that Mr. Jackson, of Hensall, be paid al per week' for an indigent erson for a limi- boarding, b, P �. 'ted. tilyae. Moved: by aft. G. McEwen, seconded by Mr.'Heyroclt, that tenders Greenway. • Messrs. John and Thomas Stinson, of Ripley, were visiting here last week. Ontario isthe garden of the world it will boom out in due time; stick to the old Flag that has proved the battle and Breeze. Mr. Robert English is offering to rent or sell his blacksmith shop, as he has decided to seek his fortune in Wash- ington Territory. At the annual school meeting No. 10 Mr. J. B. Hodgins was elected tt'iastee, in place of Mr; Henry Shank in No. 14. Mr. R. L. Wilson was re-elected. The annual missionary sermon in Boston will be preached by Rev. J. Rus- sell, of Parkhill, Sunday evening, Jan. 13th at 6.80. On Monday evening Jan. 16th Rev, Jasper Wilson B. A., of Exe- ter', and Rev, J. H. Fife, of'Crediton' will address the Boston congregation.- The public are cordially, invited to come and hear them: Mr. Henry Villa offers his 50 acre farm for sale as he is`thinking of going to Washington Territory ;+: also Mrs. Elizabeth Woodburn 'offers ,her •25 are farm for sale. • We ,are sorry to ; say that a number of other „good citizens are talking of selling out and going West. We would say with the good Dutchman stohp•a Addle, we are going to have better, times in the near future.. The Xmas entertainment in Boston Methodist ch/Arch, last Tuesday Dec., 25th,: was a time long to be 'renaember- ed. The entertainment was one of the best they have had. The-secreetary R. S. Wilson reported the school in a pro- sperous condition; no deaths during the year. Ali those that took part time exceedingly : welly and showed careful and patient. training. A great We thiui: that "Joe" will make a first class mechanic, as it is not many that come out as foreman in a year's ap- prentteeship. A social meeting was held at sties Prospect appointment. last Wetbneedeyr tuning, for the purpose of raising funds to Fey entre debt cru the Feint - Lege parsonage. We think. that the malingers should have looked into the raid had this debt paid before. The crest amounted to upwards of 320. Ilink that it is high time that fit roper peraens wereappointed to tai: after matters, Mr. andaairs. ,haloes b'fuir alto have been visiting friends far the pest twe months, intend retu.reling to their home in the far West, on the 15th. We understand that Miss Lizzie. Leary, of than 12th con., has consented to go with them. We think that Lizzie has good pluck or she would not leave her Rome sand go so far away. We thiuk that she will do well, and we wish ber a waft journey and great success. A very pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr. Alex 2ZeLaren,. warden of the county,on the evening of the est. Welters! refer to the marriage of his eldest ala u;ohtet.:Minnie,to :lir, Alex Morrison. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. P. Scott, of Cromarty. The scene was 'witnessed by number of friends. Th, presents werenumer- ones and costly. May their joys be many and sorrows few. Godelioh. New Year's clay wasp. dull one here. Prof .T.A.Hawkins, of Staffs, was in tawnt last week. Mr. Thos. Farrow, ex M.P., was in town one day last week. A runaway in town on Saturday. The buggy was demolished. Our ;schools opened, on Monday. The attendance was as large as usual. Mr. and Mrs.Martin, of Detroit, spent Thursday visiting friends in Goderich- The water works were well tested last week. They are fully up to the mark. . Fifteen pupils were successful in passing the entrance examination at the Gnderich school. This week is the week of prayer, and meetings will be held in every church in the. evenings. The county council meets here on the 22nd inst. Rather a decent lot of fellows attend the county council. OnThursday evening a jolly lot of Seaforthites drove to town and spent the evening at Mr. H. Macdermot's. Thirty-three was the number that passed the entrance examination in the county and nine were recommend- ed. .. Miss Cook has resigned as organist in St.Peter's church. Miss Bella Shan- non will preside at that instrument in future. Mr. Alex McD.Allan arrived home from British Columbia on Saturday evening last. He speaks very highly of the country. The anniversary services Of North street Methodist church was preached on Sunday. last. There was a large attendance. The customs receipts for the 'God- erich port for the last six months was 87,151.88 This sum far exceeds' that of last. year. pn Thursday last one of the water mains bursted and the water was soon running over the road . The cause was the main, being cracked. It was promptly repaired. The election here this year was e. most bitter one for years. The run between Messrs. Johnston and Proud foot was a hard one but owing to Mr: Johnston not getting enough votes, Mr. Prondfoot was the winner: Al- though the electors have made .a very bad mistake as Mr. Johnston is. an old tried servant, and his abilities are:too. well known for us to eulogise here.