The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-3, Page 7--lir Tugging on the Tow 'tope. BY L. A. XOBRISON. [My friend Auderson told me a story the other morning, that, without inteadeng it fernithecl the moral for a, SOD& and a forcible ilestretien ef the folly ef genie hu- mauindulgences aud labors. He said ; I remember, way bade the fifties, a bevy of Skye fisherineo who landed at Poetree one fail evening with a t creel #1313' and 'Whs.' dry.' .8.fter tying Ferpetted. (+motet Budhiet prieste,„ in order to coefient tbe. fettle of the hewer etaeseein Ohba, moo. the habit of theerterts into the thell the young Beeolved to Beane, Tee author of The Five Talente of Woman" eays theft often a lutebeed toore difficult to ma -nage than children, but the pearl oyster ralleute repreeentatione ot thew wife, who keel* her temper end werseveree deities, which are, in process of time, corn in heir efferte to pleat; will in the end Oen,' Pletely COVered by the formation of the 412(41, geer by kliednees. He telly the following ao that when it is epeited, contains the fee- story to confirm his assertien ; Zechariah tures of the gods inseelibly fixed lei mother- Hodgsou was not atatally fil-teeePeeed of -pearl. men, but lee treatedibie, wife mere like e Itorticulturiate produce similar lasting efi slave than an equal If his temper waa their hoe to the dock aud. dispoaing of the f"t4 en their Plantn- igniirdP while nothig riffled abroad* site was sure to ellifer who Ash, a weep orrner in the public house and u and green, fa tied at 4 certain point oath a ho cam° home, wiet meats )3e imitated were • ribbon, and. when hard and eldt etilt reteins badly eooked, thoegh the good woman did 4wmasatveberuv a`44);tri:fa441:r hale4fel°r•ewahafsreYer the unnatural [shape thus gwen to It. they were ell rennin' fui and lumpy.' A few drops el a dreg are poured about Midnieht came—all toe 80011—and with. it the r°°tit of young Identi and Its flweeee bloom with a Color unknown to any of ite a drenching rainstorm and inky darknese But it mattered httle to 4 band et OF:iliermeza uPeefeet whether the elements warree th dark- l'eodeolYethe same laz000m gueu on 4 flees ee not ; votes were wentng end a, girl or boy m the tormation of habits, good 'respectable public how° meet he dined, " the filth in Reverei different ways, thet for so jobajog haude and -seittea they managed " Ttlere le but one thing which tune eau^ once, if potable, he might be pletteed with to keep together and rem& the dock auti rdittl hint" ette's l'ointe, "and that .La habits bis dinner. See did mere, .be soared a ecramme each tate hs aceattemeg piece, t. "Grace,' said the old.. preacher Baecolin frog, from the brook back of the hohlet and. and then tuning their veieee to • SCOtS Whe ca'n eoeleter the devil m you. But your pulit into a 'Argo dish. bad habits coequer grace." Hee,' they started for thelr Istaed borne in At noon Z%ohariab ilpole home, with ba Hawley. But, though they Wiled patiently No matter how trivial or alight the custien tuuol, fal,h,finding look 44 Well, wife," and tugged ferociously at the ore, hour 4"4141r4d Yeath Lieu)! be tht'ugh it be but Rad he, •hew aid yea gook the dell? I after hour went by and dill no 4 week, d. the misprouneelatton a a word, `vulgarity kuppozo you've 41Miled it for my teting." Ramey ' loomed above them. Detylight, at at tablet or tho use of elatigo it will come Teen aa LA took riff a cover, he centinued length, began to eteal over the etenny bach he after ufter Yet•tta E°11°°Ibag "1 tkowtht so. TN by did you Iry it? I'd waters of Ramsay Sewed. anti roweled te h-hd StrOggling with it: freeh oad Itier°ita; as eesto.Deat 4 fried frog ! Why alditit you thero—netthe rugged cline ot KmaidistAtuaveig itet, "e °lel °tete* in weztreeitriwee jurr,. oPteek eon IW but the ap ening fact L4.:1; hed been the tat'att,ug° e"""c°4, '''Qrg(4e4 "I have betted genet alto," knee ehe, toiUng Wiee jaw) 311 W., right. wed en wie toroutett tot thetr tedtkile Ter and abetting eheehouldere oi the cad dock, tegging 44 the tow , peel A habit of gelatle heet.ieg, oflowgpleezent nicely boiled. hiteention, et univereat courtesy, es worth Bated ae,,Ichito and vcrrtago,i. growl - mere to ha petseeaor threeghout life than ed Zacbarieb. "11 you had not boo stupid eelth or greet telereen It emothee ones yea woind hew vw,do 4 chowder." her best to pleatieblite Coe day Zethertaih sent home a large fresh Pod, with orders to emote it for dinume The wife blew that whether she boiled it, Or Wed. it, or made it into a ehowder, her husband. would eceld her where he came home, She, therefore, eeolted portiere of Rietory repzats tteelf, he leackn phrme 5s, Beerv age and tiele re? at- lea=„ the ben Deihl% ton" preeed 411 h-4 veith elie =cleat lay enye— Mortale all Mediate 313e aq.140.4334.4 alb:" 'Tie tollieg in the higt t, bro teggIng th.4- towlo Am:Ogled to under -t Air bath woe 1; Piall or Fame retlietel iteni leg.tnet al Ore, lope Mormon light wig dul us ca fettered to the (.-zrth, Yonder, in his counties -house weights tho gold in — Addieg up the hebucit lo hie "mono itega" below. Never Weil the cod of it nor the tort they hold in All Ma lieher4ea are gerdiel eneV. Eterni will ahoW:— 'Twee telling in the niglit, trot er, tuggieg en the tow Tope Attained to the raider -tow life hut Ittee Worth ; Weenaglehent perpene nothing but a tore lio Judge -sow dente will fdeel thee Piet fettered te the eerth. k. Jeries, the farmer but ene of Tette bend yet), ettrimplog, hoerdieg 'q; not gene above, Nor a cent ler charity—be wante a WWI land yet— Children, gaunt and inuerent, whitest bent to lave.— telliug in tho night, brother, tugging on the tote•repe ; And:iced to the under tow leaves thy emit in &nth ; Wye ?urn= reedited b nothing but a soreehore— STA'TISTICB. — An alarming state Of affsdre hi s1own in The toyed eadleet I Why do we cell them France by the !daddies of birtha arid. deethw loat ? 'wet year there were $99,333 biett a end Beceuse we misa from our onward rcad ? 842,797 cloths, ehowing en almost station. (ods unseen engel (e'er our pathwey monk ary population. For oven yore the num- ' Iteoltedon us all, end laving them the tneste i ber et eleatha eave remained abeat the /tame Straightway relieved them of life's weary while the birthe be eteedely decreesee: load. quarters o the Animals in the menagerte. Tasheinnueret14:1 laniet tthtateltoten.r4heakoNj31>owvevret Allig(it teheisWenweVeaelritae 1"nfeh"lie' ett4 01 tePtlittlhef4fgallt°1ewl ?Pr:141i at sibqattilte wtr :Ord 1.13040111141944r :ix4; per gent of the euttre number. Let ns look witted, genet' ttheameat t° eippopotseni, who begin" to fled their one- • Some of the i' ettain" or " prOgreSilVe " borrow Pawnee eor ratfong morey wen14 134Ye gerk Why we ;a patienee Should Walt the -dw b4th 4413 -1e -*844 a 4 keen' fritin°111" , , . . . . 444 melte if earned out. For instance, oue of them 44114 upon "No.1" to *end, tea ceitte and send the appeal to tete other person; eech of whom er to do likewise, the precete being repeated fifteen times. Now if thio "chain d should Hot b3 broken it' would reach 1,111,111,111,111,110 neePle* an ha' neeeibilhy of comae, and would net the anther of the a theme $111,111,1114111)11-- [N, Y. Tribune. The Loved sod Lost. BLEXg.ANT WO)31C.. amine rine or wheir strength add. entewii. hence la •CiaotraX Work. The New Toth Triune of recent dete Rath :---For a fortteiglet the employee abeln the Arsenal in Central park 43aVe Wen OCOtt* 13U(1 With the preparatioa of the winter The ehaimien eteeplejaele probalny liVilliata Green, of London. He hes repeirecl no fewer than 53 tower e and spire; melud- log that of Selialtury Cathedral, 4e0 feet high ; Louth, Liziormehire, 350 feet; Grant- ham, szo feet, and Whittleitee, Cambridge- shire, 280 feet. He has Abe beat or repeir- ed over 559 ohinaney stearin the highese be. morrow Theft eerely mop emceed. tide night of deeth. Ay, leek upon this dreary, desert petit, no Otero and thistles witereetteetr we tura ; Whet triele and whet tors, whet wronges ewe wrath* Whet etrugglee and witatetrile the journey mg. The prune dega are getfieg reedy to retire for the wioter, the black bears are ' becoming stuggitla, and the Polar bears correepoedingty active when a sharp north west wiled blew and the aky and the sir are ectotirtrgey.oi these vinre0Sptiraaotrovnae a4nlyerisbeetna tit.; elephants. Three young elephauta which have been in the menagerie dettleg the sum - neer were veenred Direetor Conklin for intor yearet Tat y arehhe property of Cele, They here escaped I one thetet and lo!f the old Innate proprietor, and were with bath we mourn. Barnum% animists lese year la Bridgeport, when the big fire dedroyeei so Lewes, portent AA the Per sailor, when "OA woe% 18, of the colleetion. Theo animate eseeped done, inniejured, though beg:11y gored by the CM. Whe with thetteeetteit strove the tileare to diagrattem These elepbeets were redeem reach abent tweeLy yearn ago Whel3 they were While with the reging waves be lattice on a I y a few remold, met have p.athised moot mg 32J feet, Oneof the hardeat reeve et Was it not joy where every jay mew work Ito ever bad vira 04 4 big ehi3331n7 gone, Seeleiett tie; wiii, Limed% Thia obitutiey To Wee hie loved oho beide!, me was tlli0 feet tette, dite 3 dierneter of 70 beech foot at o't the b33e 3r4 8- et /be euinealt. It peer wayfarer, lowing hy the bend !argon bat Jenme„ the female, ts by fax the their livee optivity. Thew ages are ut tweety-Wedyeare eaelt, which.= the lepinueei =ear le the full perled of palette Tee two males, Tom one Billyt are the 11=10,3 114eitete6clikeyltdoe°4eutoalethrelltriPeetctuatelBtrel Thtil wliattet chiftrat flea: hgttrteflegbere tthbeew:Nneetag en° letetakteetelpekgeril(Yeetrettlet4Itat op that elie hell eet it to debts by es:mg ecrewteelesi ene iketette ever the e *it e eel , abe 1 ... e ee Wint a The C41214413 cidee have within to 13 And tell the tired boy of that bright land, hill UNA' bleil eteett if eeetrettel, like an - • . - 4Y at eveq' 'm1 "t1 e""'s 14.444 will W"11 a 544e' 44e P*4•.e4 11 f e • 1 h d f ' di th wended amen Where,tM ion "ouraey pelt, they levee] itn44e4e0Newit.nadlatil dug. The eeephanta o pleneure in mitlitinetieg to CRP iata is urem al eletwelex. "My deer,' twid tihet.g6-3 44T4C- 44 44 44 grw '' • e t4ettf 3 4'.' roYeNge in weight tteerly 5,0,ineee pawls Witte nad CPUthitrate, U413 by talgr, hhe ' I was deterndhed to p!tun you. Tnere ihplle last tne4V rArf3. th e hew olottitiou.to aelece, awl thele delve heve titivate ronnd opringted iron tie 0901a 181 1 to 17 . keeiettee habit hat lealle it natural fur btea your leveritettieti." 1 4 W119 many reemiansikud - - gr et tette anti eleiereet growing event tee ene in• When 1 - 4 t Lltamg .heetimmer rem eetme: peat "FaVerite dish, leaved I" ewowled tael . - • T 1971 to 1e6 Gees in 1850, Henn tell our g iquentitlise of feinit. CenrInd p:.3-4. greet% In. to be CO, • A behit of pratiert formed. in chilillifeedtieurey man. "It ft 3 WAShy.wcsbY MM. i - -I -D--"'w 444 14°44 °Pa the duffertIV wiener 'thew: attinetie ere kept la 4 beg° though neelectee for many yeera wilt come nether bye a honed twig than tee whole ee the wee per1O- tweeze -Aug rota tisr414, to outer buildieg in the mt reignite but timing 41-25% "(1°33 Item 15 Stlff '146'6911 1444 1143 itying spi.lte, "Give tee the itbs ninmet, they - t h . rereetur 3413t.n al L time the *pm au-, and have beome sessoilitteted and able to eutitiee oeteerriely severe weather tbout taking cold. The only wee' of tetheting them enormeue animate is by thew beelt 34 age end serreW .4334 perhape erten 4 i et." hleseing front heaven with it. . i We Wne had outtelpetee hie favorite e Oar babite, in abort,. aro ehe ellen geese, pi-COND. She erwienettesi. 4 large dish en hes Semi/ eapetetitio4 Whielt once zeatdotheogefl. it holt-frog,. etretelieel. out at I U heerth oeiy ge from it with deattittleeete, • -"ak° '''"'•fti t41"°S t'c'w w° 011,54 'ut4r 44114t134 splatigicom bit cheite 0 a ea them, "My deer."' eseiel MA wily, "t hope nu u will melte an ertellent diauer." Three Ilholfy ebb. Tee haracr of the whole melee overeeme -3 4411034€43 ; he buret Luton heerty laugh the Beetea Ilexalti 3 few days one . el declared Jihad never again aheolid elhe ettcr meaticeeci a .family .canetetizIg of 'ctleelon to expeee UW1 me. a croeher. s 4pod AI hts wewit - d three elleughtere which .arittved m %lie bleitne Statea for the pur- ' d the ghee end gieien, t31434 ill the work they had wi- ther 'WM Amettneu, the Caart judo% ed, a Derlen44 but the tv list% in Cute etperts diet a philot rienle in pluck, and in " Chineuesen wee Oct howl IP rewthelt, veey yam% et thie thee, eet on Pawl =ow um , tug ?men en the) !Stead for gizmo tune, teatate a pectellexity of the comet Athlete To -day ane that c . town etattmhAci two prmeopt Ith 4 inuch,F415, beltdings. OAP CI which, .the ducat was ot- - - Ineigettetien en $iittet Teaterpretnteent. Ian' f" wh'e4 slle. w414-4'4".444°1`7'w3'emPtY" 443 the 4)ttlre 'wandered= h mecum+ let melee to the *an ;" the second the .; 44,• (dwap cicebd ota .oiwaye full. Eoterpreteden of the leusgbetive parte of 3111474 pheeician in The same tourett Metes tat beitlent which Ottewe front 21.000 to Wee%) le the lire era intweeu 1831 teed 1986 Mem:reel -titled 32 per cent., Toronto Se. Hamilton 7, Linden 32 and ()Wiwi* 36 Ce npare there keno, the growth ot the thited tetee leerder deice and in the 41/U3100 ef enieg a beau chant erouud the male el one e effitiel returuit'teke then) of the CenStld Dn olio nuke wavier itouney saw wgoug ; ''.:,'Ot and ettaebing the end of the chain to a ptimers : "Noy, bat the woes 1 feel he too 111113 dtPledictlefYltobeilde4 he the nevelt& Thts 1870. 1630. share I" were ell ordinary pup :s, but by pat. ............117,714 105,134 04 rather buratingede jelled eoug, g forth a email rordori of their eitornmo leadaport................. 1242a 13,529 Go on bor way repioieg and made etropg egtlet they on reedit; env the meeelve oiledehurgi wi • • • •• ••• • • • ne10-0,t0e 1,0,./4,1 To iitoggle on, niece he was freed from 1 0 Won. Vegri)4444•40••••••••••• WhUIV '41,4W ore, The ereasenelousetreugth whiele them 413i. 0 eater. • • • 444•44,14. 62,3ie b9,3If6 we .„ nude ore cepalaie of putting forth 444404 he i in. 2 . r4a.all. .1 $C.. J01;;S.Sun te net Wray wheti it we Vet do neewati r eh, to hut made 140 reetweal uutil it is mein Tee teeeper eve that thecittee en the Cettediete eide breach w thet any Ctle et the eleuheute has theattetigth lakes aro fax outstripping in the In lora and. '11.1111thVa in heP3 and &ewe; i of a deem berme. Who they exert We dity of their grewth and develepatent If outward edge or sound onr ears neer power they eiregest tome tnennwee eogine whets tbeherden Toth, whittle Lae beetoete melee:ed. with heti teemed There le 411 inWArd epirituet speee.h ..--0.---....—.. ng eleauleelie. by steam power. Teta greete utt still, though mortal tee y seta; ia te be moved he dud. e eiepitante ere employ - t hide us de the work tliet they Lela down &hen Leek which he Titke no the eopg where they broke directing the ardeatil lay a . A few dayeeno e bevy me fastene i ea a tut iti 4 tenl. The etclett4_'5: teaset eautil not budge the neg. titeength renewed, and gloritete heaut eled, Di bring him with me when I come tete " s /ale end a dear hold ea the reelitio the &train ; Mena and is ttow Ithe wine of the lAW t3"311r;:tierre vow IU5 4.4." 'Pc5 ohvAr ttat etihdi rt° cittitr lineeth' t tat le -1 !gamy reeth 1184 jemmying till wo welch the heevenly hcee IcaggQn vaettitulary. WWI)) street ewer the ewe of Northen bow uO etienu c tee: 1.0 tueeteeee eteee duel en tea rvAz elettere are laid no our trt3tUre3 414 . Hinhe °GA' 11. TrAA A ar.m km= te bllight( f certain • . • 04 erten et as me ey regieg, re. faet, the sreiy wee of her metre which, otter here net t • aftmeted with, tho respeneible him ter the =omit. Tim deferideett Went 1430 ttP perwmat teieult for many seeerai 4erS tog" aetrozomtr re. [lute court, teed meele the !allowing ahowistg tItuct ""13111"1"gr44;* 4113tIsinn4n'eert'lln* by the Reedit Onetto. "Thet, at the time the eald tailor's atition ly toyer oupht to be Ana tete prose man zireMen record for the Wee brought, he, the eifel &dewing, SIMS By, c5F I ecuntry where the uhout cemel•etca the porchato of a valuable gretenf wort:mete the Welter yoked= is pr a ptrty, aud the troxecx:tigo, 'would have Ailyietved with meteorite, end. may mimeo resulted la hie greet pecuidary benefit. outettio of the bea.en Week revolutienaty, But the terme of the sale coutempleted a de* fermi payment by the said defendant, and the party selling, haring of the 'action of tetior egeti et the eleientlitar, bad de:tith- e o uteceietv :weber, kering thee if he e mid hot jetty eie tatter, the re twee email eitexce of hie re Liee goad Lie agrternent to is much greater nunt. 'hinter° thin defendant and men el mournirg own thin Lo is not only jnetifies ht not peeitig the said, tailor caul platediffor he old eleihee, hut is entitled to Oamagee wand him foe I:lolling a nrofitable triton etion legieleture wettid not maid A hew takhog The jodge decided for the clekndent, and way the property withuut compeetation. the tail Iaot onin tont his flee hundred dole The court elm detected tint game from an. Inre, but was mulcted in &mains to tbe other htge it net protected by the net, and omennt of two hundred dotterel can be received and edld in Miehigan after I van 014 and that all the intelligent being killedat any zeaton of the yeox. nativee with whew. converted abent the Tao game law of Wieconsin lorbids tho duo ecemed to regard tho finding of the killing of deer and certain other animals court as very reasonable, just and niece and game birds except during fixed perioda, and then only for food for consumption within the state, and makes it unfamful for any person or corporation to carry out of the state or have in their poasession for thekt purpose any of thoEo animals or game crown, or ewer , mew s r t Yin den, 4i:item-hey for eur pro. Iteleor nteat flee 1111(altea wor;:k ef ten, At ail. as -1 a Ana our los lovz11 ones will be found le %%the inhor Cent -die, wiso heel dapped ely 'airmen tospleyed en. the c!ot-in and fared te pey the billiov""At t;i-" It- • agelo, Le i(01.k en, CEn:. oee of the etcpitiate. puede teem at; , Of21;), ate:Veil' 43 b.etti.tillrety# treaeur- wiciteiteet el pelautin undawne, Tee heeler directed the aufm43,1 to ?mai tte wangou free hehinh, ise ri 'wed btu heatleseinet it w,:h elight effuet tho Isfeadowo of Aeat. henna started and the wheie vehiele roe out 0/ he rut ale if by megice. tho tuunhetated preen men—thud:a there i Life% hot =ern will find thee hot to eMy nufemiutria, in the exWerne. enfettered to the etath. le "gilded velem)" (i) where Settee bag bis rum void, Itoole, Incfrce, are sippirg (not the eli of life); Peace and love peel purIty are never "epirit Important Gme Law Deeikion- The arum cart el fdichigm rie tetl imared an impertant dteitien ew rard to the twee lew tel the peniouler den. teat maydead, to a teat of the genie hove of Wis alum sold— and other ditto. It decided that 'Vice hath Incubation there, tied poverty gamo kided in sea011 may lee hey; for any and etrife. 41enth ef tune, in rout et temon ; and held that whin en tedividuel came lewfully into 'Tin Millen in the night, brother, tugging on the tow.rope— poontelim of any kind of property, Wm state Paden -bound and numaeled— %were better not had Meth. Life in sin a 11e elevery, kluge nothing but a rore-hopo— Anchored to the undewtow fettered to the earth. Loose thee from the Unto of lust, sin and 'shame bequeath thee 1 Brother, litt thy vision where eternal • things invite I Though thou ort in bondage to the elements beneath thee, Jesus Owlet can lead thy soul to liberty and light. 'Tie toiling in the night, now, tug- ging on the tow rope. Longing for the day -dawn and the life to eorne ; Christ thy Lord is calling thee, yield and have a sum -hope — In the morn supernal—to an- chor safe at home. ' The Elms," Toronto. Good-bye Old Year, Nireloome NeW 3Y JOHN IMBIB, TOBONTO. Listen 1 'tie the midnight bell, Tolling out the old year's knell; O'er our hearts there comes a spell Such as when we say—"Farewell 1" So we ponder o'er the past Eyes are dim and overcast, Silent falls full many a tear As we part with thee—Old Year! Seasons come and seasons go, Summer flowers and Winter's snow, Like the ocean's ebb pnd flow,— Joy and pain, and weal and woe! Birthday greetings—glad and gay— Wedded hearts were linkid for aye; Not a churchyard—but a mound Tells what reaperDeathhath found. 'Yet we welcome thee—New Year, And approach thee without fear, . Though we know not what may be Portioned out for us in thee; Let whop, and watch, and. pray, Growing whiter day by day, Learning lessons from the past— As this year may be our last) Though the Old Year now mud go, Shrouded in a sheet of now! May the snoW an emblem be Of the New Year's purity 1 As our footsteps in the snow Show the path our feet fnay go, Let each day our record be,— Drawing nearer, God, to Thee 1 Great importance is ateached to the fed- lity with which Banda placed her loan on the Paris Bourse. It not only enteleios her to redeem her old loan, but it gives her free. dom from the dictation of Berlin financiers, who at times brought pressure to bear upon leer at the dictation of Prince Bismarck. False Drawing. The extent in which the ordinary services of the church aro understood by the poor ia not easy to determine without special in - (Fairy and yet sometimes the clergy come birds. Minnesota, Iowa and Dakota ale° upon alarming proofs that things are not forbid the ehipment of game to other states vita or territories. The .Iowa law forbids the no clear as they suppose themeto be. .ch the kidate except is not so long. ago since a Yorkshire in shipment of game withinthe :Welch et cambent, dwelling in a valley where the during the period in such game is not prohibited, and Dahetaea people are uppo eesed to be particularly long. law forbids the sale of certain game tam. pt headed, told me of a mournfal experearece which befell him when visiting a wick for tonsumption within the territory during parishioner. The Yorkeltireman was ill, very ill, but doggedly enema to :pending a penny upon the doctor. He had found, he thought, a more excellent way, and was accordingly conducting, with very alarming result, some eeperimente upon his consti- tution. Exoesswe devotion to a cheap but far from innocuous quack medicine was fast bringing him to a state in which medical aed and the infallible pill would be alike superfinous. My dear Mr.. ---," Fetid the Vicar to his obatinate parishioner's wife, "your husband is really killing himself with those pills. It's a case of suicide—a downright sin." Yes, Sir," replied the tearful partner, "I know it, and many's the time live prayed againet ie in the church service." "In the church service?" said the Vicar, a Hale doubtfully; "yon mean when we pray for the side?" Oh, no, Sir," was the reply ; " I mean where we always say in the Litany—isn't it 1—' ]From all false doctoring, good Lord, &Ever ue 1' " the open season for such game. The Wisconsin law which makes it un- lawful for express companies; even to have in their posserwien game for shipment be. yond the boundaries of the state, the Min- nesota law which makes eimple possesaion out of season by individuals or transporta- tion companies evidence of violation of the game law, and the Iowa and Dakota laws which forbid the sale of game out of season, seem to be open for test by the Michigan deoision. The "Wisconsin " favors a rigid enforce- ment of the game laws, but the decision of the Michigan supreme court raises serious questions that should receive just considers.. tion by members of sporting elide', and by other 3 interested in the preservation of wild. animals and birds. If the Wisoodsin law is defective it should be amended without de- lay by the Legislature which meets in Jan- uary.— [Milwaukee Wisconsin. Benevolence flourishes in China as well as in Christian lands. Whenever great floods or famines occur great soup -kitchens are established. There are societies to provide coffins for those who cannot buy theme for gathering human bones which have become exposed and giving them suitable burial, for distributing plasters and drugs,and for presenting 'virtue books." Mr. Caine, a well-known member of the British 'House of Commons, who lately vieited Canada, evidently takes a Very pleasant, roseate view of the state of thmgs hi this Demicien. Daring a stet week& Young Westernet (proudly)—il reinde m Adobe City. I bog pardon, but really I do visit spent in various hotels, he says that he never saw a Canadian take intoincabing not remember exactly where Adobe City is. drink with his meals • that a minieter oa Well, well 1 Thae le queer. Adobe City is religion who is not a totel abstainer 'elatedly only 970 miles from Mud Guich. exists in all Canada • that medical men do A number of influential Philadelphia. wo their very utmost tat maintain hebits of men are contemplating thieesta,blishment of abstinence from strung drink anteing the a ribbon moiety for temperance in dress, community, and that members of the just ae there is a blue-ribbon imaiety for Dotninion and Provincial Parliaments take temperance in drink. Every year the amouri t the vvarenest interest in all laws dealing With of money the average woman spends for the liquor traffic, With " clivieity, law dress increases, until extravagance seems to and physic" united against :as, the liquor have readied high. Water maelt. Many traffic, accordiag to Mr. Caine, is carried on would be glad to initiate e different ado against ouch heavy odds that its extinction of things; a reaction favor of ea finer is only a 'natter of time. eimplicity and purertaste. Meet be ewe° oloWeet of UterelitY in— th---1"--1 I realember the beautiful meadows tlint Gua has In biz Wear thmethfuSinte Aud their eweet etreams terliug clear, theologiea linewe that them mighty adject. /Yes are bet tile teraultuation of -the treagin. ation 'Mktg up her tieneed01131 ireagers—to preens( of et hingeo esare ee meeting, but, truth, hot thte—tbat Ged actually has feeling the littrel cc enter terte of thoee al humen b ihieliety eanal. (Weis rmiforna- Veltere alumberiel laughingeweel boy; n.9y ecutal. God Inver had a i Deeth found him at play, he :urea hien n of in petienee. God:ewer steude 1 away, . a levity tine restiats litanies, Gad Aud with him went half our joy. hover int e le:waste laid au affront away; We raeuldei the turf that Ma feet had fa hinxneteery aod nettled few on opportuu- printed, het to get in a With g return utrolm. Aud t And kept his veva green iu the ineedow oaf how could Hm Hs Grames aurview anether rest. minute if It t at re tuell a terrific being as 1 remember a silverdreired father, teat ! But, in the way Gad. enforces I tev • Who walked b the river wave them *several thelemenelee. But the Peale With flowers beeprent, w ere my you daye were p Whore the birth their intuiting rear. I was sheltered then in the) dear home not, Where mg feet turned oft to the .neadowe of wan I remember 4 grave In those meadowee thrtughout his domunono, we have a ditto of tbiega as though all those adjectiven Moat hien were tree words. When we trausgreas law, •we smartfor it, and it hurts us and frightens es, es though hack of the law were acme great persona anger. When the miedoines of some ancestor ot mine re- port themselves in my disosed bedy, it is as though God had remembered those mis- doings of bit backshore and lead a chancei to atify his revenge. When I resist the oly Spirit, and 'herefore qtdto lose. that Spine, it ban though owl would not endure en molt, had lost his patience, had grown sullen towards me, and had left me—per- haps forever. The hither side of these realities is such as tojudify.those lively and fierce adjec- tives concernrag Goa which I have quoted from the Seriptures ; and those adjectives become infelicwous and intolerable only when innocent literaliate get hold of them, and, forgetting the essentially figurative character of all language when applied to supersensible objects, proceed to practically demonize the divine Being by thinking of hint as actually living up to the whole ina- portof those discreditable descriptives. And it acme particularly ourions that they should thus literalize those descriptives, because She Bible has thrown in a whole other class of descriptives which talk in a way preoisely opposite to those first ones, and steam to be striving with all their might to save God's honor from the aforesaid imputations of Meridiem. eye Knowing Friends in Heaven. God Not Unreasonable. God is not unreasonable in his demancle. He doe not require impossibilities of any man. When we do the best that. vve can, he accepts our service and regards us with divine favor. We may have but one talent, but if we improve it we shall itch lose °lir eeward. What higher commendation could be given to the poor woman in the gospel Shan, "She did what the could' ? Philadelphia Girl --Where is ib you live? There are some minds which trouble them- selves with the fear lest their present life and its natural affix:don should be irrecov- erably lose in the future world. The places and circumstance seem so indefinite, and must be so different from the present, that they are tossed in unoerhiinty. Will they meet their blends again so as to know them or will they not be separated from them by the vast expanses of than world, and by the varied courses they may •have to pursue? We may have our thoughts about these things tranquillized, if we bring them into connection with Christ. Our eternal life begins In unison with Him, and it must for- ever so continue. If we are gathered round him in Heaven, and knew Him and are known of Him, this Will ensure as iac- quientance with one another.. 1118 strahge that, ib could ever be made Mateo of doubt, And when We think that, Be gave us human hearts,, anti toole one into His ow bread, that He bestowed mi Imam homes and afteetiens, anct soleeed Himself with then—we need noWidarthat lifit wilt not deny us , our hearth wide where 15 14 natural and gout VarierY of permit: end temperament • ueedatue Moen sepahatesius there' thee it ithee bete, aid -hie own wenie for! heeven—the Father's house' of metati mansions— speakd of ° MILO: as Well as diversitY, of one home, one roof, one paternal presence. , • , REV' ,Toati Ki, D.D. ' To watch theme s grow, or the sweet wat re flow, • Otto muse by that little grave. Be has palmed long ago to the borne ho loved best, To the infiaite ptete of Gee's rneedevea o rest. -wonder if green are those meadow; If purling and clear aro the stream, If the moonshine's as bright, if the stirs g iv such light As they did in my youth's happy dreams. Oh, anget oe destiny, heed my requeat ; Give me back, give me beck my dear mea- dows of roan —Dirs. M. L. Rayne. 143 V.TO:i a Winne buildiug wee to he zee, emcee to another part of the grouude. 11 vats a small tr2.4,ttoroystreeturo putty tilled hit grain and implennute, malting a Wdelt of twelve or fifteen time With h4340 di& tro werlimen raised the huge macs on wad The elephant Jetatio was then brought up to path. She wouid plaee. her et htiel eganust tee denature end teraect if ; then the lentilitag weuld drain, and and move on r an the renew; ould be placed in penition. J 'nub and Ler keeper wheel toile,: itup, and the would b aul her head to give the building another pueh wheu ftet f.rmn *owed "R.atly I" elm crewel Mitch telleetwe to watch the epeatacte ebeereil emir admitatiou, and Jennie would reply with a tnuripetnike mut of pleasure at their eppreeieeiou. "01 coureo she lemma nebut is said to her," re. merited. tto keeper " Biephente don't for. get very eon. They will ativeye remember tilde /tight at Barnum's fire. When I caught them afterward they shook all over and were as nerveua au children. And. you may not think it, but they know the meaning of the word fire. len% that to? ' he appealed to Dr. Conklin, who nodded his had in germ- ation. " Last autnmer we 03431e near having some trouble, Men were blasting out trenches in the Traneverae road, north of the Amen - al, to put in wate, pipes. When the blast was ready one of them stood up waving his red fleg and shouting "Fire I Fire I" The elephants were fastened outside of their buildings, and at firiat about they relied their Voices in alarm, and at the second every one of them snapped their chains as if they had been thread, and the way they went jumping in the opposite direction, as the blast was Arad, startled the people, who got out of their way as quickly as possible. found them down ia the trees very much frightened. After that the man was told not to shout "fire" any more where the elephants could hear him." A Fool and HIS Money. One man at the end of the season (says Viscount Milton in speaking of the extrava- gance of some Austnelianminers) found him- self possessed of thirty or forty thousand dollars. Having filled his pockets with %I- dolisr gold pieces, on his awned be Victoria he proceedecl to a bar -room and treated die crowd to chempagne. The company present being unable to consume all the barkeeper's stook, assistance was obtained from without, and the passera-by compelled to come in. Still the supply held one, and nob another drink could anyone swallow. In the enter- genoy the ingenious giver of the treat order- ed every glass belonging to the eseablishment to be brought oub and filled. Then, raising his stick, witb. one fell avroop he knocked the army of gloms off the counter. One hamper of champagne, however, yet remain- ed, and, determined not to be beaten, he ordered it to be opened and placed on the floor, and, jumping in, stamped the bottles to pieces beneath his heavy hoots, severely, cutting his shins in the operation • but al- though the champagne was at lad finished, he had a handful of goldpiecas to dispose of, and walking up to a large mirror, worth several hundred dollars, which adorned one end of the room, dashed a shower of heavy cobs against it and shivered it] to /shoes. The hero of this story returned to the mines in the following epring without a coat, and was workings a common labourer at the time of *Ur V141U„ .,,,, -- "Wheat chaff with corn meal and brau makes a good mess4or the horses." A prgenslr of natural history, op The Washington Oritio wandered away from She StOthsonian. the other day and got into O hineyere.ordoe on F street, where there is a very prompous young clerk. The profes- sor askese twit or, three gnostical on the point at issue, and the clerk finally remark- ed to hitn very largely: "1 tell you it's true, and 11 18 -true, What do you know about law ,anyway 2" " Nothing, nothing attain" eeplied the profeteor, meekly. bra I know a great deal aboub natural history, and I think you are au LOB." Giving Signs of Reoavery. An ill-tempered old Scottish laird lay dangerouslyill. His tenants were naturally i interested n his condition and awaited with anxiety the daily bulletin concerning him. The laird'a factotum, Geordie, was seen coming from the "big house" with a very cheerful countenance one morning, and was quickly surrounded by an inquiring group.. "And hoo's thelaird this morning?' they Inquired eagerly. "Oh, flue, fine!" replied bleordie joyously. "Please leaven, we'll sune be haen him abed yince mair He took a hale basin o' broth this moraine and when it was dune he flung the bowl at the lassie's heid 1" The' Galena's Best Weapon. The war vessel Galena will take to Rya the billy -gob which hart been on the vessel for a year pest, and in case of any show of opposition on the part ofthe Hayden author.. ities when the return of the steamer Hayden Republic is demanded, Hilly- will be seat ashore to pay his respects to Legitime anci his retinue, and give them a sly poke known as a header." Billy has a way of bowing his head in sympathy with the victims to misfortune, and he will no doubt "hook on" when he gots to the "seas of war," A SI Luis suicide wrote :--" I am 62 yeas old. In eight years I would have been 70, an old, dilepidated, tottering fossil. I have played the world out and it don't owe reeet cent. I've had more fon them a mule in a cornfield and I've got enough. There- fore I will cheat the course ot nature and jump the time to come."