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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-3, Page 5
London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING Nolan—Teem T terse--Pass'er, London, depart ; , , 8,05 4, . , 4.25 et,at. Lien Crossiug. ,. .8,47 , - 5.20 Ciiandeboy:e ,852 5.28 Centralia. , , , , .9.05. , , , 5.45 ENI~a'Ti1R,.,, „ ;i.10,.,n5.57 Hensen.,,, ,,,..,9.28 6.09 Eippen,.,, ,, 9.34 6.17 Brueetleld . , , 9,42 6.26 Clinton,,,, „1000,,, „ 6.45 Londesboree - .10.19 , , , . 7.03 I3ly,•th,..., ,,,10at3.,,,,, 7.12 Belgnave,.,, ,1042.,,.., 7.7 Willgham 11,00 7,45 GOING Solute. Passenger. 'inghe an, , , , , , - , ?.05 a. t,, , 3,40 teat. .Belgruve - 7,24.- . 4,00 ,-, Blyth.,, ,,,,,7.38.,, „ 4.15 Londesleoro' , 7,47 , 4.25 Clinton . , .. 8.07 4,45 Brucefeld,. 8.26 5.04 1 ippen.,-,,, .... 8.34 — 5.12 Hensel'.,... .,. 8.41,...,, .5.19 , EXETER- 8-56 — 5.38 Ctrrltr tli'a .... 9.07 . , , , , 5.45 Cl:axndeboye ..,,. 913,.,.— 5.50 Lemon. Crossing,. 324. .,, 0,0g London, arrive ,,.10,156,43 ESTE _EY Rel Winter, per bushel„ .8 05 to 1.00 Whits! OSSto 1,00 95 to 45 to 1500 rinse of electing a Peesident, Tice -Pres - 46 Diaeetors for the melting and the team:meting °realer Innis• s. Those interested are requested ,.—The bntsiuess during last week was attend, A meeting of the Directors rather brisk although not so mucic so will bo held out the saline a lay, at 11 as tau weok before. o'clock: 4.11/9 inn the Town lull. Jaques —Mr. E.F. Clarke of the Toronto Bellentvne, President; A, G, Dyer,, See- . entinel,was re elected Mayor a Tom. rotary. to by acclamation. 1ia'agar ilontlaly vials, —Mr. Hugh Spaef ntan and W. Thos. Speer, AI,1)., Surgeon, etc-, ee. monism spent a fern days be Owen c P S tx . •suit L. P C D head office Barley ..•••• Oats ...... ....... ..,. , so to 3 I'ieaaa,... ...., .. ,...., 57 to 57 Eggs liar iln! .,,.. 18 to is Butter> Routs, ......,, , 17 to 20; Mutter, Crocks,,,., ..,,,. 15 to 18 ( osis per lh,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,a to 0 Turkey leer 11+ . ........ . ..... ( to 8 Woe' 18 to 18 Potatoes per bitell,,,. ,, 3 5 to 40 Hay !tee tori � 1 25 to 13.00 1)aork Installation of A, F, & A.ilk Officer&,' At the regular convoeatiou gf Leb Quail Forest Lodge. No, 183 A. F. Se A. M, held in Masonic Hall Exeter, on Thursday last, the following officers were installed:— Bre 11. paekman, W. " J, McLaughlin S.W. " J. Parkinson, J, W, "S. F. Robinson Chap, " G. Saluwell Tronas; e¢ Ai, Eacrett Secy. 4t E. Christie S, D. tt C. Sanders J. D. W. Brooks Tyler. I, O, F. Eleotion ofoflicero, At the last regular meeting her 1887; of this year, the following officers were elected for the owning term.— Rro, Lewis IL Dielcson, C D. IL C. R.; a E. Roberts, C. It-; -' "a 1, W, Holman, V, 0.11,; " 3. Clarke, P2 C. Ii.; tt 3, Down, Chaplain; at J. Pickard, Treasurer; to S. Westaway, Secretary;; tc D. Mills, S. W,; to ILRowe, Ja�nv, w.; " J. OQuld, S. D.; tt G. Anderson, J. B. Annual "looting; The Annual Meeting of the Directors of the Stephen 4 llsborne Agricultural Society, wail tae held at the Town fall, Exeter, at one o'clock u.,, oil Thurs. I leay, Jtiwwsry 10th,13 6, for the pure .en.ems:is,,c:,,..�--r_.o........a..,.. AN OPPORTUNITY. ro p '. m ..• i --Slee el 1 $'eu to=lo a i1 'a a P von t,t Y'aaitse l c ..pa a id,c•iairnllaat,e4 that from 1 na a a ESA :An ,al 1,at1diore to ie em• rams,t r 'i Lou.,- so x t of a*Frain rent ran. Garda W4 a ..a0 ia'tatietu r. ah. Iln4 1 sniarolers• About ar. e:ti:io ;;ilia tC¢i 1 the feu airy, c1.Frl,1' a,a NOW1, ssti il.1l'ats aaa'sTinStora. �rluuafble Property for Sale in Seaforth, L gen ,1 co twee lees to Meek eornibilin:; et t..ear, i:ores with gc,t.rl ;,renin., cellars under- inmkt, lorrneit TO 614 1J a , r x.e viii 3i.at.a➢. im *til l.pa the Ci.€+trr' ea •l.li0a•et- r .et e,are a,i 1; rs•l. . l•1¢n P tai rr;i=.. ?, . 1rmil•oaou. aalpd i LIkrattlirria sale. Good res-aa.z +Ailing. Apply. to d :1141 1N,'iR, Qrort'r. Ssaafortln. LOST. la.t t7turs,lac a,a;t. '.¢si ult.. between l;tt'ter 4„ *' lr .6ru,ixx+?. u 1 c-hetltonle ruutaainiug .,.7 t •_•hs•'W,ithI ,..rItatpt,ri.Tile limier will lc atutat4 r¢9c:ar.a.•t1 by Having the Sanaa at ilii; e,laure. or rctatr:+istg it to thiA uW a.¢ r l`l" 1.1 X WI LI,!; , laailiwnod, Our Council for r it$0 Reeve. Dr. Rollins: Deputy Reeve, l'. Cr IThei *:t; Ci,lulceillor a. T. Is Ceiling, T. H McCallum and Joe•Pieltaril„all being (*haled by acelainatloai. P,a esh txrsa, rteSh r, stow; at Clio. Sanders, by the quart car served 'alp by the plate cooked or rare. ,lust look at our stook of eon- feetioiwre and sporting goods. all fresh, new awl' tirs,oa $, Iltu taeraS'. Yesterd.ty morning as M. Jsts.1'illis was drawing lumber from tlfe station, the horse tool: fright running away, scattering and littering the; lumber all along the road and, injuring Mr. Willis somewhat. No serious damage was done to the wagen. Canada's greatestpaUy. On Thursday last Canada's greatest daily, The Toronto Empire celebrated its Sirsa birthday. The etnet er'ia stands to -day, at the head of all the dailies of the fair Dominion. The course pursued by the Empire has been a straight ane, and success was sure. We wish the Empire every prosperity,and that their efforts may be crowned with golden succe. Watch is:gitt. In every church in the village, - con- gregations gathered to watch the old year out and the new year in. At a few minutes before twelve o'clock the band surprised our natives, by striking up a rather lively .air which sounded to the ear most beautiful . The playing of the band and the ringing of the Trivitt Memorial church bell were the only things to be heard to mark the incid- ent. Institute the i 17th addressed Pettit, together is speakers, 6th, a an e� Officers. folio G; V Cr; S; P S; e, 'PPal Chapla SN n L S , S G; I�.S V S V G Rep t 1#ierf, —1889? 1889? 1 —Mr. Wan. Ryan returned to Cblcago on Tuesday. —The roads in the village. are in, a fine condition. W, Pickard, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday in town.. -,-The weather hasbeen most beauti- ful for the past week. The Hon- W. E. Gladstone was; 70 years old on Saturday., —Thi seats in the Trteitt Memorial church axe being finished, Geo, I3awdon, of Limn, was in town on New Year's lay, --Sir Jolla A. Mel?onald will be 74 years of age on the lith inst.' --Mr John Bawden, of Toronto, is home for a few days at presseot. --Mr, Jas, Ramsay, Jr. is spending Now Years under the parental roof, •.s ---lir. Rd. Eaerett of 'l'i:lsonburg spent New Y'ear's with his permits here. —Counterfeit bilis on the Ontario bank are in eareuletiou, Lookout for them,, —We club the Anvoca.T...R with any city weekly, and give the best possible rates, - -. An eclipse of the sum took place on Tuesday last, and was seen by as great slumber. The ]editor of the News Record Clin ton has been taken with an attack, called biliousness, —A meeting of the Young Men's Liberal Conservative Asssociation, will be held in Fanson's Hall, on Monday evening, 7th inst., at 8 o'eloel p As matters of im ortance will be, dealt with, a full Attendance .of the Members is partieulsrly requested. —Ameeting of the Rural Deanery of the eounty.of Huron, will be held in the Trivitt Memorial Church, on Tillers day January 10th 1889, The Rev, Rural Dean Craig, of Clinton, will preach at the morning service and the ROY Mr Young, of Goderieh, iu the evening -.-What is the use of grumbling et the weather? It is not a politican, that can be made to change by grumbling. We must put up with the weather whether or not. Besides this is not bad weather for people who are short of fuel and clothing, many of whom find, out door employnnent,whneh tiley would be deprived of were the season not an open one. The rich people will probably have a chance to show off their tine furs and feathers before long. In the mean time this mild spell is a bloom to many a poor family, t owes to rc'sa „9 lr sicialn and Surgeon, for the treatment -•-On. Tilurstlay last Mr. NN Baker's of alt ehronie diseases eulartowomen twa sons wen Ploughing= lens farnun t _, of to .hen, the 1\e „spe eri P P v -well qualified, 11 bo for �► hack he i. so art rite Central hotel,E;weter fto-morrow) —Mr. E. More; an, who has been the Fridey Jan. 4th, 1839 from 8 o'eltaek a, NortkwestTerrftory for the past suus- u4, sofa of leek p. til, one day only. trier has returned home. Mr. Fred. l lug, of the Hill St. Wear job ?eluting establishment, Toronto was in town during the week. --.-;hiss ItfeConnell, of Parkhill, is spending her holidays with friends in the North End, of this village. —Read Parkinson's change of ndver. tisement. Goods at slaughtering prices. No hurubug but first-class goods. Perseus aauft'euitag with clis+�a,s. s thaat. halve baffled the skill of the heal: piiy- siefav should not omit this favorable opportunity of calling upon the Dr. Ile has been educated in nearly all thebest colleges in Europe,bas been in the army of the GnitedStates and the British army. and has circumnavigated the glide. By all means give him a earl. Consultation frt'e. Remember the date, Jan. 4th. Patients should caul harry so -Our carrier rctur,aas his thanks to as to give plenty of time. those who has so kindly remembered fierrarrctl. Proceedings. hila. on the annual Christmas round. The Council met pursuant to a d- -�-Mr. Arthur W. H'otlaam of 8.S. No. journment, at the Town hall, Exeter, 0, Stephen who has been spending his '._'8th lee.. 188 8. All present. The holidays at Statra, returned on Wealiles- minutes of the previous meeting were day. read and confirmed. Moved by T. B. - Mr.. A. Bissett spent a weak in the Carling, sl'e'd by T. H. meC"alhuu, that township of Grey recently hunting, orders be granted for the following and; succeeded in shooting forty-seven sums viz. --James Divan, 1":3,03 for rabbits. blacksnithiug,JamesCreech, Tarts for —Mr. GregoryH Tom,who has been meals to tramps; JaamesBeer, $1 select sojourning throughout Eropa for some ins, jurors; tit's. Clack, . charity; Geo. time past, hiss returned looking bale Fisher,82 55 lumber;'il in, Trevithetick, naiad laeatrta*. 75ets. work at Town Hall; Edwin 131s- , Bis- sett. $5.50 livery during 1887 and 1888i —Every member of Exeter L. O. L. Bissett Eros. $7.20 spiki�s;do, 420 sup- No. 924, is respectfully requested to be plies to Tow Hall; T. Barton, $3 bel, present at the 're^•ular meeting to. —The Arthur Enterprise is respons- ible for the following rather tough yarn;—"A hugb bear was shot near the marsh in Luther last week, and when beteg dressed a pint flask. of rye whls- key was found in its stomach. The bet - tie was tightly corked, and now the question is how did the bottleget there." Some are on the opinion that the bear must have swallowed and digested the original owner of the bask who carried the whiskey in his pocket. This theory utast be dismissed, as if true there would bo buttons, jaaekuife, clary pipe and other indigestible articles found along with the bottle. rnllt. 'once for gravel; W. J. Clarke; 70ets morrow me error in a assessmont;Isaac Carling $2. --New Year's day passed off very 10 do.—Carried. Moved by 3. Pickard, quietly. The only* amusement ivas see'd by T.13. Carling, that the Exeter skating which was largely indulged Brans Banti he granted $60. --Carried. in by the young people. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seed by J.-..-Biddulph District Orange Lodge l'ielcard, that the following taxes be re-. (John Neil, "4!4'; D. M.,) will meet at Lu - Hatted, the persons being in indigent can on Tuesday, Jan. 8th. Every lodge eil'eunlstnnees viz: ---Mrs. Cann $2.10; in the district will likely be fully repro - Wm. Webster $3.50; Mrs. Littlejohns sentod. —What a change h'ls passed. upon the rural districts of Ontario during the last quarter of a century. The •fashons of theelrlier age and of the simpler time have gone out with the progress of Not,only a -astu inthisimmediate is •eararlet the country. ln t all over the Peovineo in all the Mee settled districts the peoples : have so advanced in manners, refine- ment and edueation as to be Batelle alis. tiugui4hable from the purely city -bred population. And a good deal of what was best in rural life and custom has been lost. Them is not the sande syn- paathy neil;laboriae"ll, not the old ready helpfnlhaess, not the community of in- terest of the earlier days. Time was when you would be deemed unneigh- borlF if you knocked at the door of as country house before entering, when the farmer first got through bis harvest would hurry with his men and team to the help of his neighbor,whenoxcllange Of work was the common currency, and a verh.al promise was sound as amort- gage. But still t:he farmers of Ontario are grand neigbbnrs, gencrous•hearted hard.werl ing deep—thinking, and the very bulwark of our institutions. If alliiur people had the spirit and Inde. penitence and principle of our farmers there would be less political corruption among us, less toleration for wrong and neglect in high places and a strong- er sterner, healthier public sentiment, $8.40: Carried. Moved by W. G. Bis- --A meeting of the Ladies Guild of sett, see'd by T.H. McCallum, that the the'Trivia Memorial church, will be collector be allowed until the 15th Jan -held on Monday evening next. Every unary, 1889, to complete collection of member theoeof is requested to be taxes. —Carried. Moved by W. G. Bis- present. sett, see'd by T. H. McCallum, that this —The celebrated trotting horse couneil adjourn.—Carried. M. Eacrett, "seldom move," belonging to Mr. Geo. Clerk. Cudmorc diod one day recently. This Nomination. will be a serious loss, and he was offer - On Monday evening last, a large and ed a "large” sum just a few days be- enthusin stie meeting of the electors was fore the death of the animal. held in the Town Hall, for the purpose —One evening recently the Miss of selecting men to handle our muni- Brimmacombe's were returning from eipal business for the year 1889. At Elimville when their buggy collided 7.30 sharp, the Returning Officer, Mr, with another, damaging both rigs con - M. Eacrett, declared the nomination siderably. The occupant of the other open and was ready for names of those rig was asleep, thus the collision. whom the electors considered their —Many an oyster with the pale blue choice. Nearly half an hour elapsed tinge of good heeding on its sliekery before a voice was heard, Mr.'Jamas surface has had pepper thrown in its Oho broke the silence by nominating eyes, salt sprinkled on its tail,, and its Mr. T. B. Carling for Reeve, seconded ruin accomplished since last issue. by Mr. R. Terry. Mr. Carling withdrew What a lesson of calm resignation may, and stated his reason for so doing. The we learn from the mute, uncomplain- present Reeve, Dr. Rollins, was moved .. to , Farmers' 1nstittcte. The Farmers'In e for South Huron, -will meet in own Hall, Exeter, on. Wednesdayand Thursday, January 16th and next. The meetings Will be add by Prof. Jas Mills and Prof A. II. of Agricult- ural College, Guelph, with a k rs, on ther loci e boy of other , sub- jects of interest to everyfarmer. On the evening of the 1 grand con- cert will be, field and cellent pro- gram has been preparedfor the occass•, ion. Admission free. I. o.0.` P. lfnstaii Of At the last_ regularmeeting of the Exeter I. 0. 0. F., thewing officers were installed for theensuing year Bro. ltd Crocker, N " Arthur Hoskin, " W H Moncur, R to J J Spackman, " 13 Lainbrook, Treasurer .; " S A Poppleston den • "` Albert -Puke, RG; " George Hoama N G; " James Jewell, I "'George Vosper, G; " W H Trott, L ;'' E J Spackman, to Dist. Mcetg• tt Tha rias Prier, in; , by James Down, seconded by E. Christ- ing oys r. ie. D. Mills moved, seconded by Rd. —A very painful accident occurred Davis, that W. G. Bissett be Deputy- at the roller rink on. New Year's day. was atteta tin to Mn. ' Stewart Moved r- see- J. b P Reece. N oved by J. IIaw, l.shaw, ride a bicycle, and it not being so easily onded by T. Prier, that James Pickard be a candidate for Deputy Reeve. Mr. managed he received several falls, in Pickard withdrew. Moved by W. Hard - He of which he sprained his, wrist. ing, seconded by J. Hawkshaw, that J. He can be seen doing up parcels with Oke be a candidate for Deputy -Reeve. his left hand. Mr.'Oke declined the nomination', The —Mr. Samuel Stanlake, of Sodom, nomia.tion for councillors was as' fol -held his annual supper on Tuesday lows:—T. B. Carling, by D. Mills and R. evening of last week. A large number Davis; E. Christie, by H. L. Billings and from this village attended and an ex - Jas. Down. (Declined) James Willis, cellent time: is reported. They report by S. C. Hersey and. Jas. Tom. (declined) the supper as being the best they have Jas. Pickard, by A. Hicks and James ever sat down to. The night was pass - Gould i T. H. McCallum, by D. Davis ed away in singing, music and various and A. MCD'onell; W. Harding, by Jas. other•amusements.. Mr. Silas Stanlake ou Oke and J. Taylor,(tleclined.) � The will hold his in the crse of a few time allowed having, expired; the nom- weeks. • inations were declared closed. M. Eac- —An exchange aptly r:remerks:—. rett was appointed chairman, and call- +Your local paper may not compare ed upon the members of the,old council with metropolitan dailies, neither do to speak. They each gave vent to you compare with. metropolian , mer- their different views, and thanked the chants or professional men. At _ least electors for past support, and promised your world. It is the paper that tells that the business of the village would you of your coming and going it is the be as. Well done in the future, as in the .,paper that speaks of you as a prominent Past' , citizen; it tells of your death. It is the —Read J.Matheson'sMatheson,s change of adn..pper that guards your interests ;speakseale s He is offering great bargains in sugar. out when you are wronged; praises you Remember the place Exeter North gen- . when you do agood deed. Therefore eral store. give it your support. „ Facts.. 115001. . Knowiri 0 • 0-0 Where you can get the cheapest Prints and Cottons, the best and cheapest Dry Goods; the best and Cheapest Flanels; the best and cheapest Corsets and Hosery, the best and cheap- est Boots and Shoes, the best and cheapest Teas for the money - If you want the best goods,at the lowest prices see PARKINSON'S STOCK. Ladies and Gcntlemens 'Under -Clothing at exceptional Value. We are determined to sell our Goods at right prices - EVERYTHING E PLAIN FIGURES! No old or trashy goods,�everything new, stylish and of the first quality„ Our Gooc1s sell and we want you to know it. We want you, to examine our stock and compare rices with the tali No trouble to showP i and selling r ty l.o goods. Buying a d -,e lll,�, fol AS as we do, we defy competition- Ulster Cloths and Jersey Jackets very (gimp, Farm Produce taken at Market Prices.. Remember the place, first Poor north of the Town Hall, lipts mom, .PARKINSON. Sunshine Dots, The Christmas Tree was as grand success. Owing to the roads being in such a miserable state the attendance was not so large as it would otherwise have been, however, the antral was very well Riled. The recitations and dialogues were well. rendered. The music was excellent, especially the mouth organ, guitar and triangle by Mr. Frank Smith, of London. He was encored heartily every time. Miss D. Clarke sang one beautiful piece ire ex- cellent style and was loudly encored. Everything passed off pleasantly. The proceeds netted over $30, Ribbert. Miss Wren; of Chiselhnrst, is at pre- sent visiting Mrs. Wm. Crawford. Christmas and birthday parties are the order of the clay around Cromarty. Mr. George Upshall, of Winchelsea, spent last Sunday with Mr. Arthur Vin- cent. Miss M. Erskin, of Cobourg, is spend- ing pending a couple of months with her cousin Miss Joanna Miller, of Cromarty We never heard tell of so many dried apples going into the market as at pre- sent. Mr. A. S. Case, the,ieading mer- 'chant of Cromarty, has already handled over six tons. Mr. Mamie Speare returned home from Woodstock last week. He intends spending a few weeks with his parents. lir. Adam Bruce, of Brandon, Mau., is visiting his father Mr. A. Bruce,' of the 12th con. We are pleased to see him looking so well, which shows that all the reports of the N. W. are not to be relied upon. Mr. Bruce gives a good account of the country and intends re- turning about the first of March Mr. John Whyte & Son have at present upwards of two hundred hogs up fat- tening. Mr. Whyte & Son have a large pork packing establishment in Mitchell, and thinks it pays better . to buy the hogs and fatten them on the farm rather than bity them fat from the farmers. We think there is money to be made in the •above plan or Mr. Whyte Would not'try it as he has a keen eye to business and 'knows what will and will not pay. UALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF cam` ; APITES J. H. N BRE o=1 --o-- S NO1 '` OF BUNS OAKv, COTT Of Every Description Made to Order. J. HNorthcutt, OPPOSITE TOWN N HALL. MainStreet -. Exeter. BORN. pian.—Ili Aneaster, on December 27th 1888, the wife of Mr. Joseph Orr of a son. OT E DEAF.--:�: P ersoit'cured of .Deaf - T ness wind noisosin the -head of 2$ ,yearn staridinc,, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREI', to any person who ap- plies to 1 ic1cOLs0V, 80 St. John St. Montroai. ,11-2k '88.-1y. Sioves, Tilard��i'�, t'rival'e, Etc. 0.2S-1_1=4 ©1NT BIS s They are offering their En- tire Stock at prices that will Astonish you. A Call Solicited.. rt {ROS ISSSTT STOP A:':B ?'EAIJ! There is a ; ''aei7iie r it called RhIiNFfl IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY McCOLL BROSU TOHIJNTO, ONT. See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious ' oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. . FOR SALE BY Eissett EXETER J��ly-243'88.