The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-3, Page 4THE exam lxl'octxt1.. lAnw. S.A NDFRS, F:et lox , Thursday, January `3rd, 1889, Or ang a Notes. County Master Flocdy will visit number of the primary lodges during the coining week. Biddulph L 0. L.1'o. 493 has shown. their b::tevo7.enee by a grant of $1.00 to the grand LodgeF.eceptiou flu -10.493 Ore is always to the froui.iu support of any good cause. The members of L. 0. i. No. 526 Hullett are considering the aadvisablhty of moving their ball to the aa1 iugbam Gravel Road. We thin:k the idea would one. t e .. good . ne An effort is being trade to re -organ- ise Ailsa Craig Orange Lodge, We hope the brethern iraay be successful hi their work, and that this good old lodge in a short time will be on the e T erity. theread to ..os d prosperity. Bro. John G. Holmes Barrister of Toronto and W. M. of L. G' ne No, 5 (Mayor Cl art e's Ledge) e) was visiting. in the Northern part of the e aunty during the lest week. He spent }part of a day with County' Diaster Fleetly, of Clinton. L. O. L. 1o. StO, London Tp..Will hold their tent regular meeting on Wednes- day it;th iinsr, when Conte blaster Fleody end Distaiet M �.x r Neil will be present Etna prole el.ie t`„unty Sees, Sanders. A big lane.: i is to s.peeted. The different Ilit+'.riiet iutenitialgs will. beheld on Tuesday lith Jail. Every Primary Lodev should be represented and have their report welly and cora• pleted in. every pertienlanr. This will be a big convenience Fnience to the ltietriet, Seereeiry ail will give him a chance to e•t hie re+pare w, t-tl,lete for the County Lodge Ay tine e attn,al lir:tele,. of l.. i 1.I, 3. Gtallerieh the feiQewine. el/Deers. were elxertest far daps ye 3.r 1S`'ti: Bros. Ind. Ticilb ncee„ ti .:t M. reelected; Jas I en :he, I .:�i. rets. 00.'41; W 1i. i�lnalR,; Tlif+`a. .` b eyti. a"'at'. reelected;. Le ie Elliott.pin. See.; .Trio. Ideitl,Treas, reelected; Jais. Yet;sig, D. of C. Geo. Me. Milieu, 'W. II. ;turney, e.etse ti. F. Gra- liari ,Cee. Batc;�.1.. tri..--..etbt, Plunk - by acclamation. A vote Of thanks WAS unanimously tendered the councils for the efficient manner in which the town- ship business has been conducted dur- ing the p;1 -St year, A grand public review of the Ellin- vale Sabbath School was held last Sim - day in the body of the church which was well filled. The $rst thing on the program was the reading of the Secy. report by Mr. John Miners, which was very creditable indeed. After which singing, readings, recitations, and dia- loguestook place. We must say that the infant class, sang remarkably well under the leader -ship of Mr. Thos And- rew. We must also say that the duet sang by the Misses Bennett and And 1 ews ,vas beautifully rendered,aud was very mucin admired by all, They can do it every time. There was also duet sang by 3.1r. Andrews and tills ss' Bolla viola 'Irste1. Soldfor'I�100.4etn lal,hr. net ti SS watch IA the woald. Nape}timrkseDer. Wss j• ,ranted. Se4vy Sold Gold rauattag Cues Doth Indies' rials.!► usas,erithworka Sad pasts of squall solus. Oate Icrsonie each is .anti sin ntcaar .as tree, t�ogethor witk oar Iarge aad,al,. .. cls 1188 of Ilousehoid Samples. These eatapl.,t a3. welt as Ono watch, sr* seed ryes. sod after rou b, .kept !hent la our hood for ,yJd moaths, .. 4 ehawn !heap, to, tho,s l.'hto watts MAY sAt cvs accep 0,0 isms or rcceaiAcmattertAr .g too % 'atcl} Siad SaraPles. wo r and *amen. raigatett. kick***fnitlinsot k•Co.., Jox 1S,# ortinnd,$RAiue. CARTERS ITTLE 1VER PILLS. 1 h ortllir, Coulrice, wl ich was of a ling l t ,t, W9c1ieS t0 remind the public thattime flies, fact the and had they been in a public ha i, incl, � li '1>:tltT3 express el'ai115„ certainly. ould have been encored a : b1W.Sy days of the fall trade are like . • _ °, p , areview •tarn- 6 they * come and go, the holidays are approaching great deal more. The cen do quicklyc10 � � ly was t:grand one; and reflects muchyou know it, they before 1v ill be here, wi ll flash by and be- creatt on the, committee who had Owl e affair in hand 1 COUNCIL PROCEED'S:OB.--The council e, met After tile ona nomination closed ed w ill T gall p �I� gone, do not delay your orders for the members resent The minutes I of the previnne were reed need ,s Jewelery. signed by the Reeve. Moved by T Cameron, seconded by W. Eydd, dint S. Skinner's taxon lot 2 con. 10 be re- funded be being in semi -destitute eir- mstauees.- Gaarried. lIoi,ed by W. Held, dd, seconded by J. iiaalls, that the account of Dyer Sir. Howard for benches far the Town Hall amounting to 37,50 be paid. -Carried. Moved by T. Cam- I eron, seconded by J. Shier, that T. Coates receive 68 for postage and s:ation,'re 1 for 1:561. --Carried. Moved by J. Shirr, v; seconded by. J. Halls, that the selectable; of jurors for sS be paid $ 3 each. Carried- Moved arriedMoved by W. Hydd, seconded by T. Cameron, that G. Ferguson receive $12 for 8 weeks' board of T. Bennett, and T. I rimmaeouabe $G for keep of A. Car miehael, and A. Carmichael S5 for forclothing: +Carried. Moved bay-'1'.Cann eron, seconded by: J. Shier, that the account of the Board of Health amount-' Quality Guaranteed ing tea$21.5Q be paid. --Carried. Moved 1 by J. Shier. seconded by W. I+ 4 dd, that G. W. Holman be paid Q:l for poetaane and stationary for 1858.-t'arrit-l. Moved by J. Halls, seconded by T. Cann eron, and resolved that orders be grant- ed as follows, viz: -T. Jones, 322; Mre. eet.liobt. Thompson, Come i of ea meets Barnett, $3.50; T. Coates, $tl; W. West- on the last Tuesday of cath Mouth. I S1.50; J. Swan, 35.92; R. Bell, $1.48; M. Satnwell, $i3; J. Hewitt, 31.75; Board 111, TOAs of Health, $21.50; G W Holman, 311/2; W Batman, 3i.25; 0 Ferguson, 812; Mr. Rebt. Mellis our .fief, nt post- W Steuart, 85 ets; IN Earl, 32; 1 master who went nut to Maui last Williams, S1; A Carmichael, 35; T 131 spring hes returned, ho looks well and ° Brimmacombo, 36; T Heywood, $3;T ;likes the country. M Baty, 358; J Hunter, $2.25; J To 1. r The soiree which is to be held in St. 32; A Shier, 36; II Brown, 751 cls; J Andrew's church on Tuesday evening, Gourley, 39; W Wiseman, $2.20; J is likely to be a success. Music will be Shier, $10; J Allison, 50 ets; T Canteroa.: t furnished by the choir and several -.t0; W Kydd, 031.0; 3 Halls, 340; J speakers will be in attendance. Kerslake,$31.50; Dyer .0 Howard, 87;50; I Handford, $1; IV Snell, 325; J Row- cott,$20; W. Quinton,624; L. leTr ggart. has i0 fine stock of Pias presents and New Years -Gifts. represented and Prices as law as the Lowe PRnSO ►Lse -Mr. Frank Scott WAS. ctitc, 63;50. on motion of J Halle, vision ; it. this vicinity last week. -M..• seconded by T Cameron, the council adjourned sir t C � H0L1TA''�i Clerk. THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. rler's Advocate &Noma !w!3. ina`v ib Dallas, teacher, is spending his hole days visiting relatives and friends in. the county of Lambton.-Mr. Henry Murray, of Carson city Miich, is visiting friends iia Tuekersmith. IVEDDINGBET.I.s. --Oil the 27th ult, there occurred oue of those pleasant events which always muses a.ripple of excitement in any - burg, when our esteemed Mr. Wm. Watson Wile united in holy bolds of matrimony to Miss Annie Schaffer eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Schaffer hotel -keeper of this plate, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Ache- son. The young couple have the best wishes of the entire community for their future happiness and prosperity in their journey down, life's turbid streams, and it is our humble opinion. that their most s .n;uthe hopes will be more than realized as Mr. Watson is a steady, industrious and exemplary young man and he has secured for a partner through life one of Kippeu's fairest and • most popular young ladies. A suacE5setiterercr .-one of the best parties we have ever seen was held on Friday evening the 28th inst. at the residence of Mr. Bobt. McMordie. A large number of young people were present and most hospitably entertained by Mr. ge Mrs. McMordie and family. The principal amusement was "Tripp- ing the light fantastie",and all appear- ed to enjoy this exhiliarating and in- nocent amusement. The music -was furnished by several of the young men of the neighborhood on the violin and by the ladies on the organ: About mid- night refreshments were served, to which all disi ample justice. After. the wants of the inner man had been thoroughly satisfied, dancing was re- sumed and was continued with but little interruption until long after the 'wee sma,' hours, and it was only the approach of another day •that brought the party to a close when all dispersed to their homes feeling well satisfied with the night's entertainment, %borne. Iwltetllot®. G HOLMA er•. Falgat livery tanner sbonld read the leading and only independent publication devoted to his business. Thousands say there is none equal to at, and 110 dollar expended from the farm returns ria m,lell goad. It treats on all branches connected will: the farm, and Is highly prized by the ladies aw.t chlldrnn; it has saved many a farmer from the loss of his farm; it has salved the farmers mil- lions of dollars by chocking the introdnctionand spread of contagions stock diseases: it has in- creased the receipts from our cereals bymillions of dollars. Commended by City and County Councils and Agricultural 'Societies. .Agents wanted. Sample copies free. oeM Price Sl per annum. .Address Fill! sYclt•S A»v Lond ti Canada. IF YOII WANT A 1in and Easy hve OR Neat Hair Gut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Panson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR. Miss Georgina Coultiee, has returned after a'tleree months trip down the country. Sbe looks up fine and Bill is smiling, now. Mr. Edwin Braund.of Exeter North and his best girl were visiting friends in the vicinity of Elimville Sunday -last. Ed. seems to be rushing the girls: Mr. Thos. Shute and daughter,' when returning home ' from Exeter Friday evening, the axle df the` buggy broke,' participatink the occupants to the ground. We are glad to state that no serious injury was sustained, only a bad shalzing up., The old council, viz: --T. M. Kay, reeve; J. Halls, W. Kydd, J. Shier and T. Cameron, councillors, were re-elected FEW MORE =OZEN' 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17 PR4TOGRAPg FRAIVIE S -o-JUST IN AT -o= Elk's Radiant Hume . STOVES* ter gra the Best and most handsome in, the Ma�a�keta FOR \LE BY Jlar Dont fail to see them. Also a New lot of Chromes and OilPainting's, such asyou have never seen before in Exeter. The highest flnishedeabinet Photo's in the County, $3 per doz. 11„ r$ef9],9x., EXETER, MAJ are, Stoves TINWARE. ONTARIO Parties intend building during the coming season should call and get prices. Eavetroughing a Specialty. CASH PAID FOR FURS. A /'pp��'� 'e'. Eats4, ®S�.�x •44'.- nta�. •.W.+ it A Positive Care. A Painless Curs. FACTS NOR PEEN Or ALL AGES. SSS i SE'w OZ-' MSN. SP'.1CI IC N0. E, TSI GREAT 11ZE0 .ET N J EJV'E.WER, tdarvei of Healing, and Kohinoor of fAedtis i nes �.a� the terrible eon.equenccs of Indiscretion, Ve.,r lExpo9aearo and Overwork. YOTTN.G RvStZ�3�S�AGs=t-r) ,dNaD OT .R'7 isArm1. Who aro broken ,own from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical sure for nervous debility,organic weakness, invo'untary vital losses. etc. SYMPTOMS FOR waIOH No...SIIOIILU BE USED. -Want of energy, vertigo want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of,memoryy, excitability of temper, aper• matorrhoia, or loss of the se{oinal fluid -the resul6 of self-abuse or marital excess -impo- tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, tremblin,,jmelancholy, disturbing dreams, etc., aro, all symptoms of this terrible Jeabit, oStentimedinnocently acquired. In shoot. the :spring'bf vital force having lost its tension, Avery function wanes in oonsequenoe. eionti50 writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effect's of self-abuse the great majority oi. wasted lives which come under their notice. If you . are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of lite, No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of, early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 Wii1 give you full vigor end strength. ,If you aro broken down, physically and morallyfrom early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and 4ol1y`, tend your address and 10 cents in stamps for Id. V. Dvsox'S Treatise in Book Forni on -Diseases of Man. Sealed and. secure from observation. Address all communications :to 11[. V. LV1t N, 47 Wellington St. E., Toronto. A Mac without wisdom lives In a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEE! NEAL THE SICK. rtaralrad A. Permanent Cure.' A Pleasant Cure, URE Sick Iffeadacheand relieve all the troubles incl• dent to a bilious state of the system, Such as Dlzsiness,:iauseit, Drowsiness. Distress after e .ting. Pain in the Side. kc While their most remarkable awect:as It tleea shown iu Suring SICK headache, yet Cat rza's Llrrr.s; Lw en, Pitts are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whin they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate tha bowels. Urea If they only cured HE c t Ache they would be almost pr , t; less o these who surer front this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try then', o•Ul find these little pills valuable in so many ways that the will not be wiling to do wit,'laut Dann,nutiifter all sick head is Mebane of so many lives that hem is where we tnalm our great "boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cauraa's l far. flys Pats are very small ami very easy to tate. One or two pillslaaake a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not grille or purge. but by their gentle net Erin please all NSW 1150 them, Ill Vials at „s cents; /Ire t'4r $t. Saki everywhere, er cent by wail. CM= 1=1114M4 C3., Nay Ter'•. &tall IA 114Il4cat gnw11 rl14t CLOTHINO. t ... SNELL, �", iza St- EXETER1\41 r ONTARIO, Has now in stock FALL A}ill 7111111:11 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES ;. West of England Suitings'anti Trois erings, Scotch Tweed Snitings. and Trouser - inns. French and English ish Worued Cloths AU ivade up in tine Latest Style, at best Rates. A. l e S t�i+4MiZAal. a .stobt ashy1 is sal Data,. by las' ear aa:Prbano 4'r$ srboro Allo !haat 3.o f. 83. ,ss,ralasood trop: tot po Stat sr..o:.le baoslaayjbox A6 69s.aag-rr4t1a o .9rcoa"d,aatb oil as t 01,13tanWO win 446,16, Acne 410 et OW) .�tnr Salon .9 -• az .Senates. to atlostassoont,.-.J WAN" l wbffia KO 1 Shu++ o aa. asra.aas..v.1, , s%.,'c^,r;.!, au,a P9ta.. '.1.l"d tae ...x++ eur:a 3. 33.36 . actor tb•Si to e 1 F= ha oc:v..1a. a t" 4 7 3. -:9 4,et i .Y t, 13., ata. ➢ .. r 4' e-paa.�1.n "a6F n r r3.a. a : ttetSR ai,419A+G11 A: ,1^,13 35 -,0.441.;. IR tit ,gta1 3.::v:3 rieP .C613.6.1..331.3,3 1863 THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT hieh this paper 151 was supplied by the ti TORONTO TYPE F.001111 Deniers in Type, Presses, and Printers!' Su z Ues. J. T. JOHNSTON, 8Q & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Om' stock is complete, and we are ready to meetthewants of our customers, and would say to all intending purchas- ers, not to buy until you have seen our We do not say, "give us the first trial," but we do say, do not part withyour until you have given us a call, then you can buy intelligently and be'sure of getting the very best value for your money. Clocks Mild Watches. cleaned and repaired and brou- ght to time. Ara. WORLD': e G L Rq.Z 1 X T IL 5 SilOigIO:i0 YIli X11 D. esu T. Fiff n. IJ! Poultry, Butter, Eggs ani Alt Kinds of FARM PRODUCE, For which the highest 41AH OR TRADE PRICES 11-1 BE PAID. S. C. Hersey. The Grand Unon Hotel CLZITTON., --OST2'AR=0 Enlarged and Improved. , 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the.. season. 3 convenient sample rooms, House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY. R. ; J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR