The Exeter Advocate, 1889-1-3, Page 1VOL. II. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1889. The illiolsons Bank, toberterte netnetnent, me) Paid up Capital.- $2,000,000. Rest Fund. „ • „ - 1,000,000, Beata office Montreal. F.WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq, GHNERAL MANAGER. Tweuty,Brench offices in the Dominion. A.gencies tnthe Dominion. tit and EaroPe- ====2..=.5.="-c.X, Open every lawfa day from XO m., b7aterdaya 1.0 a.m. to 1 p. A general banking business transaeted ee e cn ier anMVPA ADAVred for Opening of the Trivitt Itteinorial Char& This long expected event is now A thing of the past. According to all- tsivena text 0 scripture to reme and then appeared before the large congregation, as tnembere in full gout - reunion with the aural of England. The -words 0 the Bishop urging upon the candidates the duty of holy living, nouncelnent, by well circulated posters none that heard will soon forget. Ile and through the press, the Loper:trig allowed in strong language hew he eerviees were held ouSanday,December ehristlan must belike Christ. The 23rd. The eVening trains from both bough of the oak ite reminded turn, north awl sonth, carried number of people front l'oroute, London, 'Logan, Clinton find other places o witness and tette part in the intereeting event. Ott was ItIse the oak and no other .tree. It was the emu° natitrees Om oak, it bore the fruit of the oak. So the christian must he like Jesue Chriet NO. 83. bleb they have. been working for sometime pest. It is 0 grey granite, beautifully carved to mateli the gener- Al ornamentation 0 the church, a vat- uable gift, being one 0 the handsomest fonts in the diocese, and 'bears sin scrlption "to the memory of departed relatives.0 This last timely gift makes eomplete, within and without, one of nnest cherehes in Canada. Standings as it does, in a eoinumudings site, it is a great addition to the beauty of Exeter, and the Church of Euglend people he are to be cougratulated Swiday a number dot -a from tOwIlki ard bear the fruit of his good athespiritand sececasthat itestnarked it, and villagesin the neighborhood, Mitch- Works. Plainly and clearly the Bishop from the lying of the foundatton stone, to the operates S2rvtees on Smolay, ell and Se fort seeding the contins mats, Molded thstitutions were well ni leney "OA Per '• 44eceipv, tkud. ea.VO4g6 6' kktik. rt R. H. ARCHER, al tete', Jan. 28, We.' 'elituag • ' te THE , 1 1 (5XttCr. Abrinate v1.1 D. published every Thursday Morning, e at the011ice, 11A.,DS'SittZZT, - - 4-1CZTBR. $y theSANDERS'PUDDISHINGOOMPANY. a -. TEEMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. tl )ie Dollar per annum if paid in AvIVA C . 81.$O if not so paid. tl .7-43,roxtickIP.g Z1,o,ton cm, ra„..g ,..z il tlarrt,„ b I No ra.rer dideeAtilieed uutil all %nee sato paid, Advertisement4 'without s ti 0 directions will he jtublNaed till furld 4. b :.liarged aceardingiy. rditerAlodisettuntoiafte for trauerient ativ, dioramas inftortedk tor u Lo int periods. Every description of J011 PRINTI.NO turned out In Um finest style, P 4.nd, at moderato rates. Cheques.money ord. ,.., ers, ant for al,vertialegs'enta-Aoriptious, etc. to be made payable to Wi1Ut1M &Meters, Editor. Cliurelt Direetory. 0 TAIVITT MEMORIAL eilr114111..-11014 S. F V Robinson, Hector, Sunday Serelees, it a. ire I, and 7 p„ in. Sabbath Scheel, itl‘i p. in. MEV.I0MST Citritem-Jamos.st., Bev. i - i. I Clement, Pastor. Sunday $ervice:410.80 a.m. ands= p.m. Sabbath Schaol, 2 p.m, ll I MAW STRUET-Rev. X. Wilson, Pastor. Sun , il&v Services, dadt0 a.m. and 030 pan, Sabbath I S tool 2.3S pi, In. I 11810111711.11Mg elltintirite.-iteY, W. ltertitti 0 Pastor. Sunday Services, it a.m. and In, Sabbath So'hoOl, 0.45 a.m. l'xore'*lHIOUUImIS. li _,......„ IX iii DILDINGS. I ..11.A.* =2:12TWXQW. 0 0111a4 over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario f Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless c extract(on.1 - -- ) IL *KINSMAN, DENTIST, L.1). SA ex- 1. . . tracts tooth -without pain by giving c Vegetable Vapor, or using the new ( kinesthetic on tbegums. Makes (told PIM ings ana other dental work the best possible. 1 .Goos to Zo.rich last.Thursday in caehmonth. I East side of Main street, Exeter. I rill. X. A. ROLLINS. OPFICE-MAIN ST, 1, 1 / Residence -Corner Andrew end North I Streets, Exeter, Ontario. , i 111 A. AMOS, M. D.., C. M. L. C. P., EDIN4 L. i .1. . R. C. a, Edm.; L. P. P. & S., Glasgow - r... m., Edinburgh and Glitsgor.1 M. 0. P. & S.), " Ontario: F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at 4 office. Orediton, Ontario. ' 3y12-8 1 , TNR. COWEN. WEIGH -MAIN STREET, 1 3.../ Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centro ' Hotel. Side entrance on south -Ames street '1 leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0.:?. S. CI ,i Oraduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. IXTILLIAM SWEET, TETER- _ V Y inory Surgeon. Graduate y L. R.' • Toronto. Office and Residence one block cost of Sam well & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. T H. MESON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .1.1. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. 'Money to loan Office-Ranson's Block, Exeter. -fil LLIOT &ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SO/AC- .11i itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at G per cent. B. V. ELLIOT, X. ELLIOT EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court, Conveyancer, &a. Solicitor for Huron. Land Agency. Goclorich and Bayfield... Bayfield °Rice at Swartz,' s Hotel, open ovary Thursday. Money to loan at very low rates. TAMES OKA Exeter, Ontario, Licensed CP Auctioneer for the County of Nitron. Sales promptly a ttended. to and satisfaction guaranteed, iales arranged at this oflice. • . HBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anat- • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of TJsborne. Sales promptly attended to and toms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa V BOSSENBERRY,, Zurich, Ontario. tic- i...d .. ensed A.uctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. NXT ROLTI IChiva, Ontario. Licensed watt- ,' V . ioneer for ‘iie Counties of Middlesex and. bion,Lamanc the townships of Stephen ,and. Hay. All sale •spromptly attendedto ix EMBER, Licensed. Auctioneer for Hay .1.1.• Stephen and McGillivray townships. •Office -Crediton, Ontario. lay Farmors' Mutual Fir 6 Insurance Company. Parties desiring to insure in the best and cheapest Insurance Company in the Domin- ion, can do so by applying personally, or by mail to the undersigned. All applications nromptly attended to. Also agent for the .Wellington Company of Guelph. E. ROASENBERRY, Agent, Zurich, Out. presented, no less than four bank anagers and several peivate bantors ere noticed at the moroluie service oue. The morning was a perfectly luter one, the frosty air and bright Plight comblning to make one think at Canada, has the lovelteat lrnata the world. The beautiful building eriding clear and distinct in the early wn while from the massive tower e bell pealed out,calling the voinutun, ants to the eight o'clock service, and the street, cutter, carriage and pe- strian showed that a tine congrega- on was assembling for the lxighest af hristiatx worship. Within the church e largest number of eommunicants the histoq of the parish had tiesems ed, wed eileuce reigned supreme. his was soon broken by the tolliug the bell, and at the finielt the Reetor gait the Lordte Praetor, tile first part the grand service of the Churett of ngland, calle.d the order of the Holy omtannien. At this time the sun was ining full upou the east wtxidow owing the beautiful figures„ aid acings, reflected by the stars in the newel roof, coloring oAk panel and uttered corbelnied innkinte rielt 61)44- ws on truss and rafter. Those who itreassee tlutt early communism will ever forget 11. It was something to erticipate in and not describe. The service at 11. o'clock was well ttendeel, every set in the chureh be- g occupied. The church wardens ad made arrangements for s. large tunher, in addition to the attting cap - city of the church, which is about six neared. The large space between lie last seat in the nave and the chancel tops was filled. with benches and each ide of the wide passage between. the •wo rows of oats In thenave was filled n a shelter way. The side passages nd western end h ad also accommodation r the public. One unfortunate eirs urastances tended to detract from the usical portion of the service, and. that as the unnnished condition of the ran, Owing to the work of four laid before each one the envoi -tame of the step they were taking., and it would be hard to imagine a. more impressive address. The manner of epeekiug to the wind ida tes ffevedslig,Itt le' from that usual practiced. in the diecese of Huron, being the same as the practice of the diocese of Salisbury, hEuglAnd, At the evenieg service tho crowd was the greatest of the day. Long be fore the tirst hell rang the °Introit was full. Fresh seats were placed in every iroatelualtle spot, and when the service began the western entrance under the tower was packed with astanding crowd, and the north porch the slime. The choir stalls and cherelt steps, even the kueellug platform in front of the altar aud the pulpit stairway were tilled with people of both sexes and all age Looking down from the chancel th large nave and wide trausipts were on Member 23rd. ONenway. Mr. Jas. Shaillock lately valu- able colt. Mr. Wm. Holm sinesbed his finger itt a cutting' bon theother day. Mr, W. J. Wilsou accideutly ran nail lute hie foot one day last week,. Albert, son a mr. W. 3. Wil' son Wilt at tiro ent ra met examinations la 5 twec ir. ,A,utirew ilitkeus sold his 50-a mem, on ndeich he recently 'milt a new brick. house. Mr. 'rhos. Harken is the pueclisteer. 154; Audrew Ilepburn 147, Pens' nnisea---Maxiannut number of marks Me -Clara BeStle1-041 Frauldo Short8; Albert Walker $5; Geo, E, Hicks 88; Fred Mitchell 85; Steal. Walker 83;11lioreto Baker 77; Alla J. Hicks. Derseserve Teacher. Gederioh. o sleighing' set 1^Zew Year's passed oft pleaettutly. Things were a little brisk last wee Revs..fas. Isivingeton of Clinton and A. W. "rouge, of Bietia, excltaelged pul- pits 011 Suncley Lest nearnIngsAnd even-, few. In 3 of the wards, the returning true - tees were re-elected on Weduesiday, Mr. Thos. Jackson Jr.beIng the new man for St. Jaldle8- We understand Mr. 11`. C. Doherty intends going inte the livery hnsinesa here. if so he wIll, no doubt, get good Aare of the patronage. The ladies of the Ontaeio St. Metho- dist, Church, held A reeeption itt thebasea The weather hes been emet beautifullmeot of the church eu Nor lesr dels for the past few slays, I and lied a concert the evenivat beat The Issue, number of visitors Ate ill 1(4.7.!41:F2 t,111:"rel QE1X1 a aaelMaa' reetersteee tea: ft new organ the circule f0917ar town apendiug thew holt- „ bp towuTba da,r0 3A, r.) , es,,a even, u , three princieete C44 WA" eaMplilSy$ At tbe regular meetIng ef Mettle/el wre, wen liuown merehauleo lop No.s3. A,,,v,& A, M. OR St. Jame whow aa doubt make a, atteaaaa of daY the f*II*IYI"g *111*er* wer* tnbtali- it. Operations will be Clot ememenced ed, W. ,?4, W. Bro. Jaw. Addisou; S. W. in Down's henlinceploote the 446ezeli RoteL Mr. W.MeGete heekselier in the Do. herty organ Newry. was married lest week to MissJenni 3 Crnikehenk seemed mid tm fotelats the contractors ef Liam Elect= Matetfactuelug us, of Waterford, Ont., complet- contraet with the town, and the ar was ushered in with a bltiett • ric llgltts, amid the lingual; d tiring of guns. . he municipal nominations pa oderich Waterwetlet system is ssed off-verv quietly. ..4u following ere the Bro. R. W. Bali; J. W. Bro. Jae, Craigoe Chap, W. Bro, A. Straiti011t Treas. Bro. S. Sleets, Seep The lighting of the town of Goderich le*tn*ItY nemnPlisbed daueitter xr. (.1136. taufitehank,bosit And Shoe mercheuft of our towu, Mr.J. Atkinson formerly:of tidstown hiet now el' Seeforth xYa5 married ort Wednesday to Miss Noble, milliner of this town. in both eases the contracting parties t a good send og at the Min. Mies J. Feder has been re-eugaged for No. 10. Miss N. IMvitteon has beeneus gaged for No. 14, in plaee of Mr. (e. sea 0 heads. The Rrvico IOW t140 US. sleets, who was offered the echool at 4t nal evening one, the prayers as in the it redneed salary but declined to take ' morning being, wad by the Rev. S. F hos been a faithful teaelter In t Robiuson, the Bishop reading the les- I school for a long term, has given good sons and preaching the sermon. TheI satisfactiou, and leeves the seetion held subject Y. tho second Advent, and in the higkeet esteem, the text Reveletiort I and 7 verse, "Be- hold HO conictb with eloude." The Bishop 0 Huron preeehes like one whose eaWu havabaorbedallthingeabaut hint that aro of earth. Irt & initunerof an in. The eliviqtrals entertainment last Friday evening by Grate Church Sab. bath School was a pleasant oceassion. The building was tastefully decoreted, Ree.M. G. Freeman acted as chairman. tell$0 believer, be tali 1119 bearers at )1 Mr. Earnest Jeunings, the, Secretary, Once that his message Is one that de- gave a good reeort, sltewing the school mends the first, care of every soul upon is •nrospering. Though the efforts of algusthaereen aro asleep. Eating, and seated with a library of 85 Villtiable blis. R. Armstrong, the school was pre. earth. He shows how all about us are making money, 88 Christ said it hoo143, jt tho close the children and would be, so it is. Just as in the days parents received presents from the tree. before the flood, just as in the time tee proceeds amounted to WA when Sodom and Qouterralt were fair cities of the Syrian plain, is it to.day. Showing by what has been, how liter- ally prophecy in the past was fulfilled, and tailing attention to the propheey Mr!. D. Stanbry has gore to Toronto for the tuture as contained in such for thda e purpose of attenng, the con. passages of the scripture as the textithe vention of the "Canadian bociety of sermon was one to make even the most Musicians," of which she is a member. =elm atopand think. The Bishop The 'Young People's Literary Society' has a clear high tenor voice, mid is held its second regular meeting in easily heard, even m a large building. Mark's hall, ast Friday eeesonfs. Time When opening his sermon with a plain was a good attendance and an vcollent statement of the subject, his ,style is A program. On Thursday evening the English emelt Sunday School held its aunual Christmas tree. There was a good crowd a good entertainment, and tine presouts for the children, Mr. William Harland, and Miss Grace Robertson, of Clinton, who assisted with the program, were highly appreciated. There was quite a crowe attracted to the Town Hall last Wednesday evening for the purpose of seeing* the much - talked -of "broom drill" which was given in connection with the. Presbyterian Sunday School Christmas Tree. The sixteen young ladies who took part in this looked decidedly charming in their military dress and. the accuracy they displayed in goine•°through. the various revolutions, fromthe intrioate "serpon. tine movement" to the simple "right about turn," showed that there must have been an immense amount of ar- duous labor undergone by them, as well as a great deal of painstaking by their instructor. As a number of people were unable to be present that evening and aS same wanted to seo it again, the young ladies intend holding a bread and butter social in the Town Hall, on Thursday, Jan. 3rd, at which besides the drill there will be plenty of music, recitations, readings, etc. Bayfield. 1.15a*hiug ****Pletl*"' and will narnesief these nominated, tho Mayer, te31"1. in aiewfb-Fze whl it Reeve and Peputy Poem being eleeted pected Gederieli will be sukplied acduawava.,_:43.yot. white, **WY of P1111;/ WateX "gable heRe ad; .eve, Me3furchlin t; oputv puriteses, drawn frona it depth of u. Q. 1150 feet below the level of the Xnifre,a;,,, ;ad, y A series of Artesian well% ontraetors being crowded into the last quiet narrative, rising into greater eek, it was impossible in the confus- force when warning of danger, or ten- on, to tune and regulate the line in- ing of wrong. Often his sentiments trument. The swell organ was not are beautifully worded and those who layed,the groat and pedal organs only have the privilege of hearino.°him,learn eing used. The singing. of the choir something of the power of eloquence. as very good, reflecting much credit He has always been popular in Exeter, pen IL H. Collins who Ina trained and the two grand sermons at the hem.• His powerful and well managed oponint, of the Trivia Memorial church nice was heard with fine effect in the have, ITU were possible, added to a re- ifferent chants and hyranathe acous- putation already at the highest point. ie properties of the church. being The offertory for the great crowd was early perfect. The Rector Rev. S. P. not as large as the committee and obinson read morning prayers, and public expected. Numbers could not he Bishop read the lessons, specially gain admittance, whose gifts would elected for the occasion. His lordship have been large, an unfortunate eir- rea.ched a grand sermon ftt the morn- cumstance, but of course one that ng from the second Epistle to Timothy, could not be helped. $350 is not econd chapter and nineteenth verse. large sum, especially when many in - "Nevertheless the foundation of God dividuals contributed literally. The tandeth true." The Bishop well main- members of the church are thankful allied his reputation as one of the fin- and do not complain, so we suppose the est preachers on the continent • He public should be satisfied. So much traced the circumstances under which for the opening service, and now a word. this Epistle was written and showed the or two about the churchitself. We have sad interest with which it is invested, described each portion as it has been. behbos penned when the hours of St completed, but still of interest columns Paulwere numbered. The hour of his could be written about it yet. The fine coming death made darker the gloomy roof shows grandly at night when the prison of Nero. Friends had deserted gas jets are all lighted, the massive him and already the signs of schism principals standing out and throws and heresy had begun to make them- deep shadows along rafter and rich selves seen in the Infant church. But moulding. The beautiful painted win In spite of all this there was one thing dow glow in the mornieg sunlight, and that would not change -one thing that as the day advances gathers a quieter could not be moved, and that was the but firmer hue. The effect of the foundation of God. Man changed heavy oak furniture should be Seen by Everything' about him was unstalle, all. The beauty of the chancel stand while God. remained unaltered though in* in the western passage and looking years and ages changed and vanishedeast is most striking.- T°he ors.an ease The Bishop showed the marks of this its gilt pipes and oak caso fills the stability and concluded. a powerful ser- grained arch on the left. The wood mon by a personal applicetion to his work of the organ being red oak is hearers of the leSsona of the text, and carved in quartrefell panels in hat asked them to second Mr. Trivia's limey with, the stalls iatci prayer desks noble work, by a liberal offering to of the chancel and wainscoting of the the furnishing expenses of the church nave, The Holy Table is of massive remaining unpaidoak, with the words "Do this in remem- The confirmation service in the after- berance of me," itt English letters. It noon was one of the most impressive shows beautifully against the hand - ever held in Exeter. The church svas some reredos finishingthe centre pes- crowded even to the doors. The Sun- sa,(re through the gates of the altar day school children, under the superin- tailing with pleasing effect. The Ben- tendent, Mr. Archer, sat each class be net CoMPanY, of Lender", have furni Sh- hind the candidates for confirmationed the church throughout, with sub - The lass nernbered twenty-three, and stantial and handSorne furniture. The consisted of both grown people and chil- pulpitascendecl by several steps, stands Siren. The service opened with a hymn, under the twin corbels firm with the a f ter which the litany service was re- cited and followed by another hymn. The Candidates then were asked to stand and received a short but earnest address from the Bishop. They were then called into the chancel and again addressed at greater length. Then followed the service and laying in of hands. Each candidate afterwards re- ceived from the Bishop a eztrd, with date of confirmation, and was also diagonal truss springs in the south transeptIt is a massive piece of solid oak. The gas works are partly in the crypt and partly in rear of the chancel, about fifty feet from the eastern wall. All the gasoline is cut away from the building, except when the lights are burning, these *umber about fifty and give a full soft clear light, On Christ- mas Eve, Messrs. Weekes Brosplaced in a position, the handsome font, at k, Fred W. Johnstone is before the electors for the Rceveship of the town. The electors will not make any m's. take by electing Fred to fill tint honor. able position. Ile has a wide know, ledge of municipal Affairs, and we 0,1%, ire he would do everything to advance the interests of the town. Let the electors rally and give him an over- whelming mejority,such as he deserves. Etederioh Township. Mr. Harry Sweet was visiting frie d in Exeter last week. MIN John 'Teo was elected trustee for S. S. No. 8 Cliohnesville) last week. Rev. J. W. Churchill, of the count of Halton was visiting friends in the Township during, the past week. The f uneral sermon of the late George Connell was preached In Sharon church on. Sunday last by the Rev. 3. S. Fisher. lir. W. Rutledge, of tho Bayfield Line took unto himself a wife last week in the person of Miss Mary Johnston, of Clinton. At the election of school trustee elect- ion for 5.5. No. 10, Mr. John. Thompson was elected by a good majority over his oppoteent Mr. Thos. Beacom. Councillor 3. H. Elliott, we under- stand, is seriously ill and will not be able to to take part in the election cox - test. It is likely however that he wilI be re-elected. An unusually- lively contest took place in S. S. No. 9,011 Wednesday last for the position of school trustee. The fight was between Messrs. Adam Can- teion, jr. And George Miller, When the poll closed Mr. Cantelon was found to be elected by a majority of 12. ton, Smith; St, Joules ward, Thee. Jackson, Thos. 'McKenzie, 11. wanier, A. Conch„• St. Jchns ward, W. Cooper, If Moors. O. S. floan. 3./1 Cooh, e. Over. buy; sL wal, 1). Cantelon, T. C. ileherty. Seurle, B.Fitz- hitons„ D. R. Meesiet Off a Sunbeam. 1 is talk of starting a akee own this corning winter Mia s Katie and Hanna Reardon of Detroit, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. JiVi. Davis of Mount Plasma Miele spent a few days htst week at the Ontario House,. Miss Annie Coughlin, who tau1it school here for the last two years, left for ixer home in Saginaw, Melt. Quite a mumbor txf young men re- turned home from the Michigan lumber woods and report dull times over there. Mr. John Killeallon,of Guelph,is visit- ing friends In this vicinity. Ulad to see you Johnny and hope you eome often, Mr.Jas. Iiteliell of this place has left for ilarrisoftlitlich.,where he intends making his future honte. Sorry to lose you Jint. Some of our young men intend tak- ing their best giri to tOgrand ball and supper to be held at the Royal hotel Parkhill this week. It is rumored. that a party is to be held in this vicinity this week. Come Mike get your girl ready, or Jim will fret the start of you. Mr. Sohn and Jas. Lane, who has been sojourning in Manitoba for some time, is home spending e. the holidays at the parental fireside. They are enter- prising young men. we are glad to see them back. Mr. Martin Breext who has been spending the summer in Dakota the Northwest, is home and. he speaks well of the. Prairie Province. Martin. is a general favorite with the boys and girls especially with the girls and. ali are glad to see his smiling face once more. We are sorry to ehronicle the death of one of our oldest residents in. the -per- son, of Mr. Patrick O'Connell, whose death occurred on Friday of last week. He was buried on Monday, when a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives followed his remains to their last resting place. May he "restin peace." School Report S. S. No. 1 Stephen. The following report shows the num- ber of marks each pupil obtained atthe written test examination held itt this school for work gone over during 2nd half year of 1888. PIFTEI orass.-11/1arks obtainable 700. W. G. Walker 588; Thos. I3oyle 540. Penal% CLASS SR. -Marks obtainable 700. -Ida Krause 504; R. E. Walker 442; Andrew Hicks 431; J. L. McPeake e03. FOURTH CLASS JR: --MArks obtainable 055.-V. C. French 478; le. Handford 480; Byron. Hicks 455; Edgar Pym 294; Lottie Thompson 240. , Thum CLASS sn.-/vIeximum number of marks 625. -Nelson Hicks 478;Sopb ia Metz 453;Evelyn Baker 888;E. M. Iiieks 878. M L. lIandford 374. THIRD CLASS nt.,-Maximumnumber of marks 500. -Freddie ThompSon 379; M..Handford 302; Franklin Hill 284; J. HOOman 280; M. L. Boyle 256 Geo. Rog- ers 217; Thos. Rill 152; Wm. Abbott 71, &Von) cLAss.-MarkS obtainable 250: -Ernest Hill 225; Lonsia Hodgiu 214; Icla Abbott 203; W. J. Hepburn 198 Blanch Walker 191; Samuel Callfas 190 Thos. Boyes 189; Etra Pym 185; Abra- ham Walker 170; Ellen Hodgins 1.68. PART SECOND.-MarkS Obtaillable 230. -Oliver Walker 201; Wilber Hieks 188; Matilda Motz 161; Uemond Walker There was a lively time at the nomi- nation at Holmesville on Monday last. Mr. John Cox has been elected reeve this year by acclamation. It would have been impossible to brine out a candidate stone.c'enougha ' to awn. Mr. Cox this time. He is a very popular inan and. has done good work during the past year. The following are the nominations for Deputy Reeve and Councillors: -Deputy Reeve, John Bea- com, Jos. Whitely ; Councillors, Thomas Churchill, S. Sturdy, 3.11, Elliott, G. A. Cooper W. Townsend,- DIPurvis, Sohn MeLellen. At one o'clock Mr. P. Cook was appointed chairman and the ean- didates made their vow to the electors, some of the speeches being very euter- taining It is altogether likely that the old councillors and deputy reeve will be re-elected. , Clinton. Mr. S. S. Cooper is one of tenderers for the Blytliatfethodist church. Mr. Thomas Diamond was visiting friends in Lifeari last week. Mr. John G. HolmeseBarrister,of Toron- to was in town on W-ednesday last. The Salvation Army ushered in the New Year by a parade around the to Mr. W. Cooper, Contractor, iutencis spending next summer in Manitoba. Mr. J. W. Green of the Parkhill Getz- ett and family, spent Christmas in town. Mr. W. McGee and bride arrived home from their wedding tour on Monday eve ning, last. -a Mr. Fred1W. Johnskone, ReCTO of Goderich was in town on Saturday also was Mr. PeKelly, Reeve of Blyth County Court Clerk McDondald and Bank Manager Williams of Goderich were itt theburg on Saturday- last Everest's Cough Syrup is the most remarkably medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure. -Wm: Gillis, Forest P. 0. Ohas. A. Long, a Chicago newspaper man,left Chicago for Dulatth five years ago and reached therewith $1,5 in his pocket. Now he has a fortune of S250,- 000 which he has made from lucky real estate ventures. BROKEN DOWN. "After suffering with dyspepsia, kid- ney disease,loss of appetite and pain in the head until discouraged, I heard cif B. B. a, took two bottlee and am happy. to say I feel as well as ever." Mit. Rufus F. Merry, New Albany, N. S. If it pretty girl doesn't want to be winked at she ought to keep steadfast away from the soda fountain. If you are tired taking the large old fashoned griping p1118, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some corn - fort. A man can't stand. everything. One pill a dose. Try them.