The Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-6, Page 3"Or Father Abase!"
BY JOHN Hair; TOrtotao.
The ifeht o' the mornin" alioula aee us a -steer
The work to' the day to begin,
Bit afore we eenetuenee our hearts it wad
To speek to our Ribber abune ;
Ilk daY has it cares, an' ite Wale, an toil,
Ate pleaeuree, its praise, an" its blame ;
As dew teethe grase, er like rein to the Emil;
God% bleesin' afore we lea' hame
It sem e to uplift ua on winga ci" the dove,
An' eats ts!' out heart in a flame,
To feel that our Voither La watehin" abeve
Am" kens no each one by our BaBle
ft mekeene feel afabag for the battle o life/
An' glees us bath courage an' yin?,
To :eche temptation, an' win in the
Prayer brings us aye nearer to Him 1
An when We 001110, hame, ere we gang to
Our prayers ro forget is a aleame
For be klis braid hook how often 'tie ;
"1 be them thet Ma My Name I"
"The secret o' God is wT them tb4t im
Tien shiel4 them free a' Setsn'a blame,
An when, we lie doon for tap dee Hell hte
To fetch lits an beirabe a' lame I
Serile fame are Silpritnely fair,
Sento sparkling in their aplender
Setae aro demure ;mid debonair,
one divinely teeder,
Some win ne with QUO fatal gismo
From eyee too brieinly !teeming ;
Seine SION the entile that brioge a tree
Tiii We ie ititit ii dreamieg.
Some flit before Ile, sweet and gay,
We SU Atir Insert* with blighter ;
Then fade, eat feredee fWie sWay.
Add lee'fit achloge cater.
And some-in/Me hone sorrow -kissed!
Where holieat thouglotes are threngto
Come hack, come always in the Mist
Of everimting longing.
So teem come end fame go;
Some melte exieteuce ;sweeter,
And ileMe, they make lilo rad, we know
Yee, being tI4t; completer.
Until one faee eeined up at bet,
(Homan knows emh heeete don% doubt
it) ;
The figure fade*, the pest Is put --
We cannot live without it I
We ask not If wall call her *west,
Dr fair, or who, or clever;
We aek, we pasolonetely entree%
"WIU you be mine forever 1"
November in New York.
A disembodied epirie of a jaded, harase
Approaching Romeo% portal by St. Peter
late Was geen ;
The spirit had goloaliese on, two overcoats,
a shawl
And a mackintoah across Eta arm lodripping
folds did ;
A helmet hat of waterproof material it wore;
A large and wet umbrella In ita dexter hand
It Aetna so downcast at s garb tippeered
so very queer,
Tint a sympatuetio exile St, Peter smiled
from ear to ear 1
And be asked the wretched epirit what the
trouble was below,
But the wretched spirit immersed, with a
look of silent woe I
I never," said St Peter, "since 1 gat to
keeping gate,
Saw so singular a spook au you 1 For good,
nese sake, sir, state
Were you drowned in the Iberia, I Rave
you jumped from Brooklyn Bridge 1
Have you ante:united in the Arotics, or oamp
ed out in the Bine Ridge
Why aro you so a0Oontred for olimeticel
Do you think the heavenly Lahredor adjoins
the heavenly. Nioe
Do you think you're liable in Heeven to
burnand fleas, you» dunce
Do you think you're wet and dry and bet and
cold up here at once?
Where did you come froirt, anyhow, you
spiritual gawk 1"
And the spook he up and answered; "1
Novembered in New York 1"
--New York World
The reportthat an effort hi beteg made to
secure the re -appointment of Jaerd 'Sackville
to Wasniegton as British Idheieter can
sparsely he true. It is not likely thee lord
biende weuld IMMO. in the matter
without hie consent, whieh under all the
eirulantatantiea Wold peobably be e difdenit
thing to Emir% The highest autbori i
to which the rumor ie ascribed may be .
Clevelauel himself, who ems rather late ii
the day the erre*" of his Adlniaiiltretiene
Since the legiesiatera have got together
agein in Undo% talkw beard of an ims
Portant measure whith is °notated to he
forthcoming at the mutt session. Tide le the
Tonal cievernment Bill for Seething, While
It may be framed upon the same lines m the
Aot AMU se foro iot4ting of a peeitivet
oharaeter le known about the meestare. as
ia believed that the Cabinet have tiOt 704
(11201204 it 0113 all. The Seoteman, however
believes thet 4444 moirtere "fully reseoge
Wee that the requirements ef Scotland Mitef
not be limited altogether by the measure rl
reform, that has been found antdeieet smith
of the Tweed,"
The Icatlihri;ge Neve, representing the
TieW4 of the dittrlet where the bard of Mote
PPM We Settled. i In %VOX' Of elleWnig
the Blormoaa to Come int -et Canada ea any
ether inallakranta would be invited and
we/cowed, but dam net wane their excep-
tional deriminha mended to. It thinke thee
ad long an the Mermona elInferna to Cane,
dim IWOua01001iitiOva he taken to their
residence by the ether seettlers in Alberni,
Tide le exectly the view whieb. the Qum
dim Government hue taken of the matter ;
so the ;hidden to refine, any privileve to
he Mormons; not enjoyed Py °there will
meet with the approval of the whole dis
There to every evidence, lo
the lengthy
dbeeseicem Wilielt appear to the priricipel
United Sat ea papere on the eelsjeee, that
the Re ublimua think that the party hass
a white elephant OA ite bends in the permit
of 11r. Blaine. What will we do with him!
la Ole ebeerhing feaeetien. Boding Replan,
Mem aro interviewed en4 their viewa pub
Wiwi freely, They ell agree in the gingen
that Mr. Dome mot have ;something, end
that a geed, eoneethieg, but whether it
will leo the Secretary of Stew or the
4 Sonnet.
Me my own fate to lasting sorrow (hoc/meth
• Thy woeeare birds of passego, transitory
Thy spirits circled with 4 hag% glory,
iri senamer still a manner joy ewe:meth.
Ahem ray hopeless ruelancuelY gloometh,
lekei„Pativion:cyprein through the twilight
From an 04 garden Where no flower
V blend promontory.
_ boleormexietb94 an
Bet yet my Imply *tot follows t1211114
AS round. the rolling earth night follews
But yet thy liglate on my horiegi shine
Into my night., when thou art far Wing -
4 sin; so dm*, alas I and thou se bright,
When we two meet there'd nelfer perfeet
1 Ott,
Did She Oali Mine 'Cabbage'
fisocly VMS a angry gortleoer, Otto!
palmy Other eettlatrY lade, he had A 4Weet. I
heart. One night Seedy told her that he
likit" her "` weel." She oimply re
Vended, " Sendy wes not VerY SUM
What that meant.,. bee eaeug4ebe wool ask
hie father ; field whito at worlc,
*Ad, Father, can ye ten me what
tare--" Cm, ay, Sandy 1" replied hie tether.
"Dee ye eeethetcebbagel"-I' Tee." "And
dee ye, that tiler ane, 'that lee jist
giamelc-" Ye*, " Wee], that's ditto, P.
'Ormieus maidneser exclaieled Sandy.
"Did *he Ce MA a cabbage?"
Iler Kimble Duelr.
Fine Sweet Girl -460h, It was mantle 1
We were at pang Idnensoh, you kuow, get
beyond my depth in bathiiire end he saved
my life, end glee that we inmate mimed,
Isn't it lovely? Sewed Sweet Oirbeenhet%
jest your leek, dear, I worked one Impanel
my depth ;six tirtleil thill SPASM and Wad Wed
by yin different young men, but every moth,
nee doll of MM. Wati
Row Die Reed Was,
Oa a voyage Agreed the Atlantie a lady
received a great aback from geeing ewe of
the abless efdeera Weak down elle tir UMW
who had inetined to metilly. See, retreated
to ber cabin, and did not rigain appear on
deek until lend WM dighted. Then the sew
In relettlel mmenree, wenn arel free.
I eine. dear maid, and dog tor thee I
BO I think I would he performing A ••
greater aeevice to you and your eels. by Sing -
Mgt not in measured rythm, but by eet- '
tieg enti Nome arcing trethe simple prose.
If Yolk or any of 'four female friend* are atlf-
ferang from, Ideeratlend, diepleeemente, hom-
ing -down aensationse or ennatured diseher-
gee, u44 Piercee Favorite Prescription,
which le ewe to eradicate theme oomplehote
in shortl timo. the Indy' Medicine
ter women's peeling. allmeuts, sold lay drug
fr-NDIat A PORTIVE QVAGatter SA. from
the mginfecterere, Om it will give isetiestace
den he every meo, or ineseey will be refund:-
0de Thie gemantee bas been Pith' ted
the hottle-weapper, ao4 leithfully girded
out tor maw years,
Among the niany creatione in oxidized,
silver is a banish hem pin elP en which
Prawn; *Mal ofts.look4pg
Vital Melte.
"'MON are three wicks to the lamp of a
Mans ; bele, blow. 444 breath." Time
writee an embeet Aineriesai author. The
Moet freeneat deraegementa oceur in the
bleed end in the liver, by which, when in
bealthy Condition, the blood is purified.
Lesik one fer the terrible cheio of aisemeit
that ewe their inceptien to towpid liver and
eeneequent Impure bleed. When the quip
teem of liver and kidney trolablea, consump-
tion, Omtg-seronth), Inenchitio, and droPeYe
wake thek arpearange, the SiFemella 14 its km -
mediate aged of 4. WPM* of Dr. Tureen
%Men e PirveVery, niervelone
effeeti have hem *lied and preven in the
WS Of tette et tbeemande et cemea. pneis
rue awl enriellee b -140(L zogtoom bee
vitelity, end effect-IA.41y ereellegsa theme&
of the weret reatediee that eilhoreankind.
A large diver berket, haviog tbe centre
an emerald men:sanded with diementho, le a
reeteat itepertetim.
I% With, inna nith
04(1. MiXtairb Of word?, bet theeefferer
freincomtipetleo, indigeenen, 'einem bleed,
alai other =eh sun, --114 he
cored it he wtihorittakiestheherriel,
old-faehismed rum. Them are impereeded
la our ;ley by them weeder weekiog, vet
tley, glebaiee, lt-neWia Ail Dr. Rierce's
Pleasiest Pellets. No gripin,g, no draetic
purging ; not ;ream enativennea afterward%
Ad the AM etyle villa; de. Doe Chenille
liritibumizgon 01,40una xe-a awed at the wheel the Ulan whom, the had see U don,
knocked en the heed, With deep ;sympathy
aloe asked hint, "SW Is pi= bead COW 1.1
"Wog by Wirth* illaieria. WM the =wee,
thet. Mr, Harrison la a man of too deeided
thareeter to permit anyone to "run" his
adeneistretion for hire, en thet the Udine
gateman% serviontwill not be required to
that capacity.
W0111011 in Anoint Nome.
7.xemiciog historn, 1 thiek we niast
it to the comiluelon that the Rommel
"What ho Wes Thinking.
The Rev. Mr. M Deugel, Pah o
ceatafeners ',wang
hen meppede moues
lei4" FA
hinsejwitee these ffiewateloglowereclinto
grave, end said, very actienuel "Dm yo
ol n, ugai, what I aye ink, mien
tha 414471°g° /1°4 3144 a bad tire°% enh" n happlueor morals el the 000441191t like thise Ina when they're lathe'
m lemma. If d
Uri e
Durable I
Diamond Dyo excel all. others
in Strength, Ptirity and Fa.stness.
one other are JOS' AS good. Be-
ware a imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials* and give poor, weak,
rocky colors. To be sure of
success, u$e. only the Dawn) ,
Diw for coloring Dresses, Stock- !
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, $te. Ste. We warrant '
them to color more goods, pack..
age for package* than aly other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diantond and take no other.
A Dross DyedFOR
A Coat Coloive ' in
Varment$ in
&md c'it4Te,
A Child can use them!
At IimigItte AO 31eze1acte Pr Vet* fire
morxrunar,„ r. 44
EtAittis POWDER is elan-
t-eaara ,.Y143tf, c„5,4041..AVAR
Soo.. •
4 044442axma Artrawas faun Pterrra,Jt
tblee tor hog wb r ereeiogs iarste puU. ose eon
bate Gy mail. post Paid, on rozeip. 01 25oente.
Aleirt*,li, 0. W. DENNIS, SST lIrcogq $1.. T.
roue. Gat.
A SAGE f11.1,72
60,414y. Wri.
41 to sr St laerrenne
urealueine 40,rlarao• Alnile1C
see etineen,deneinewnsene
t*ki the period of Roman history from
B.C. to 150 A. D., we shall be surprised
the number of the women of whom it Is
rded that they were loved ardently by
hobbit:de, exercised a beneficial in
ea on them, and helped them in their
political or literary work. 1any of these
women had received an excellent education,
they were cripeble and thoughtful, and took
annotivoluterest be the welfare of the ;Rate.
It is well known that it was Cornelia, the
mother of the Gtne.liti, that itiepired her
sons with the reeolution to rope with the
evils that Wet the State, and her purpose
dtd not wever when she brow that they bed
to bee death in their eountry% cense,
the daughter of Jitilue Cigar, and the wife
of Pompey, kept the two leaders on good
term es long as the lived, and meted with
great Swootuotte and prudenoe. Cornelia,
Pompey's second wife, was a woman of greet
culture and a most faithful and devotedwife.
Plutarchthus deecribee her'The young
woman peesmeed many ohm= hentdoe her
youthful beauty, for sho was »wall instrnotte
in lettere, in playing on the lyre, and In
geometry, and elle had been aoongomed to
listen to philosphical tliseourecs with prefit,
In addition to this the had a, dispositioh free
from all affectation and raised°duiplty
which suah h,cquiroments generally breed in
women." The intervention of Ootavia, the
wife of Antony, in Affairs of state, was en -
tholes benefieial and judicious. Tbe Brat
Aggripina die loped courage and energy,
herself aruebed a mutiny among the solcherao
and was in every way a help to her husband.
Tacitas grebes his mother-indaw, the wife
of Agricola, as a model of virtue, and he des-
oribes her as living in the utmost harmony
with her husband, °rich preferrbg the other
in love. And Pliny the younger gives a
beautiful picture of his wife, Calpurnia, tell
ing a friend how she showed the greatest
ability, frugality, and knowledge of Mara -
tare. Rpecially "she has my books," he
says; "she reads them again and again; she
even commits them to memory. What an-
xiety she feels when I am going to make a
speeoh before the Judges, what joy when I
have finished ib I She places people here
and there in the audience to bring her word
what applauses have beep accorded to my
speech, what has been the issue of the trial.
If I give readings of my works anywhere
she sits close by, separated by a screen, and
drinks in my praises with most greedy ears.
My verses also she sings and Lets them to the
music of the lyre, no artist guiding -her but
only love, who is the best master."
Increase of Deaths bY Suicide.
Of late years there has been a remarkable
increase in the number of deaths by suicide
in those countries which rank highest in
civilizetion. In England from 1830 to 1840
there were 62.8 suicides out of every million
of population, while in 1876 the porportion
was 73. In France in 1827 the suicides were
48 in a million; in 1852 the porportion was
102. Of allthe kingdoms of Europe that of
Saxony has the g2reateat number of suicides,
the proportion in 1849 being 174 out of
every million inhabitauta, while in 1877 it
had increased to 391. Par the United States
accurate statistics are not furnished, but
physicians who have studied the» subject
state there has been a proportionate haorease
# in the self inflicted deaths. It is supposed
that the terrific strain imposed upon the
mind by the feverish tictivitl'es of modern
life is responsible for the increase in the per-
centage of suicides. But may it not be that
1 the system &modern education develops in
man tastes and needs Which were formerly
not generally felt, and, at the same time,
teaches him that life is not worth living un-
less they can be satisfied? If this supposi-
tion is well founded it will not be surprising
that enicides have increased in civilized
countries, seeing to how few it is given to
• do more than earn a bare subeistence.
Who was Bose.
Twolittle brothers, of four and six years,
were playing togethee a few days since.
The six-year-old corrected lab younger
brother. Said he:
"Mother told you not to do that, and
mother is boss."
"No, sir,"aaid the four-year-old, prompt-
ly, "mother ain't bose-God's boss 1"
Have You Th011ffht About It 9
Why suffer a single moment when you eon
get imtnediate relief from all internal or ex-
ternal pains by the use of Poison's Nerviline,
the great pain cure. Nerviline has never
been known to fail in a single case; it can-
not fail, for it is a combination of the most
powerful pain subduing,remediea known.
Try a 10 cent sample brittle of Xerviline.
You will find Nervilhie a sure cure for nen
ralgia, toothache, heedache. I Buy and try.
Lugo bottles 25 cents by all ,eruggists
Labor is not in itself disagreeable. Ac-
tivity is a vital element in life and growth;
the young child is full of it, the young man
cannot restrain it, and, if in maturity it
seems to decline, it is but transferred from
She bodily to the meetal functions.
Charles Whymper, the well-known en-
graver and animal painter of London, told
the following story a fetv years ago :-
"I dined. at Alderman So-and-so's last
night and as a mark of honor, his eldest
daughter was assigned to me to take down
to dinner. She's a bright girl, but the way
she drops her 'Vs' is enough to rcake a
man's hair turn gray. But I got along very
nicely with her, and Lady Bletherington
on the other side, until the ladies were on
the eve of retiring to the drawing-rooma
"The alderman had but recently moved
out to Highgate; and I was talking about:
the beautiful scenery near the house, the
views to be had from the windows, the fme
air, and WW1, when Miss-euddenly said,
'1 think I get prettier every day, don't
" What could she mem I didn't dare
to answer her, aoIsaid, "Ibeg your pardon
--what aid you say ?"' '
'"1 said I think I get prettier every day."
"There was no mistake in her words,
so I said, 'Yes, I think so too, and no
wonder in suck fresh air and --' ,
"But juet then he caught her mother's
eye, and with the other ladies she rose and
left the room. As shelwent out she looked
back, over 'her shoulder with such a wither-
ing scorn in her eyes that I knew I had put
my foot in it somehow. Then it flashed
upon me that I had misunderstood her:
she had dropped an h: what she had said
was not a silly compliment to herself, -
the sentence really was, I think Highgate
prettier every day."
lyfr. Whymper was never invitedto Alder-
man's again.
A word of kiedness is seldom spoken in
vain; while witty sayings are as easily lost
as the p a ;dipping from a broken string.
Own th 0 eV II? 4No; what do you
think, sebum thoughte of eternity, 1 sup
O50i" "No; I aye think I"m web' glad Ws
no line.
A Faxent's Delightful Pranknele,
Stern and commercially respeeted end
eeeteful parent to his youeg son;
"My son, you are about to euter
Remember what limy to you now. Lot it
be buried deep in your heart. Be hotieet.
Claming nosy pay for awhile, hat In the
end honesty is the beet policy."
"Fsther, I think as you think
(Solemnly) "Think, soy boy I I know -
for I have tried both."
allied Giass
Olt CHURCHES, DWRIe7.11-fa%
t TO King Ste W.. Toronto.
al prea-ed
E tielatzea "‘"43matetti to $D4e4 tAi00tha
fa -73 ore of ratting ell garoeute wuro b
hlIce" and albite-a. Pit0F. SMITH, 44
kratio Et W., Taranto. Ageote Wanted -
For Ps,stqr,rarent,Tea.4la,r. Et.1131, or.
Frieloil,boibeletpneetin rasef Gave% will hotennd
Verebrined 7.copy of Walieler'e .liaebr/Seede
e therBelting
LIE5T V at% IN zus nomixoni.
Send IA' retz4 4'43 IlEtoti;tata
111 7.1f - 0V
ive CoPeroprr RDAIND Octo •
'41 DMU Y. S.. TOrooto
mirx, Age
Zatatittaked -559. 72 King tit,E, Tornatiq.
outran errillia 5CU0OL.-41catfirsent
4etin314 t anyiname'n tharanX1 lanawledle
Allan: Caning tGit ua,Szlentan oat
Vida eyitensa tyrght where'iy ;ram ;Niue ear.
team moducel Curatar aka fail 1aimnOtlj.1
liatt103..E.CalettIOAS, Prep., 122 Yens eta
Why Mr. Sim Perished.
",The drownlog of fdr. Sissy is cortably
a very replier thing," said Ifni. Center -
Tit was his own fettle, mamma," replied
Miss Ginterhory. "Tho signs warn people
not to go beyond their depth."
"Yes, my dear, but Mr. Slew was drown.
ed in less than two feet of water."
" Well, mamma., you know Mr. Suety was
always very shallow."
What Be Meant.
" Amanthy," seld the old lady from the
heed of the gains, "what does thee young
feller mean by stearin' so later
"Remise me one moment, Mr. Herrin ,"
said Arnanthy, and she closed the gar or
door softly and whimpered hoarsely up the
"1 think he means business, ma. Van
get to tea."
rTHING.--alTesitaraSr.uut AR
affnme-Worke on Stores Pipet,
City mi
aty Rights, or Eotire Orwonlian Patent
7147.1.11E5F.ItY, Memoir, Orr.
CANCERole.,cured pmaausatly Vibout
e knIa».Arer to Ds. W.
ellIT11,1,21 queen Si. E. Teroure.
7 of Iteligiouti Thought," byJ. W, Duel and T.
Do Vitt Talmage D.D.; htautiful illustrations. ecloG
ad and plain; handsaw* bound; Dirge quarto book;
plain type and Pet %inch a book that takes thLiaro 85
a glum; 110tUll to *onto extra liberal. wararati
Thum Poblither TOrento.
I, !V WKS, all colors, Se per oz.
per e.; Saxony Wool, all cal;:ra, per skein;
Wool, lust itaelittalo: pit net; nmereidere
ik. every abide, laadez/n ieelob ;Attaavtaft. al
CFR 3 -Ar derentirelna ; brat quality 4.%
AEU dozen 01013411; MSZtanto tea /15 Cqerti,
; Felt, eitta Tway, yarde taee yer
; Weelee Java Canvas, ell e-leni, 4Se
ai-e calmed the Morelt matey it far foal wens,
owed raise*. LIfer rcrilere have prtnapt earl
11 We; tic% 4424s carg put c
hva,lov pit, Wd. I 1' pre:: lee. Atrial teLelt-
1. IIENItY I)AVIS, iv:vac:4 r,a. Vona tame,
Tarente. rt..a*e Mr -MICR thin paprr.
Why the Gook Stops.
Paterfamilias (sternly):-" Seems to me
you are beet:Milne quite interested in that
Daughter (demtirely)-“ Why, pa, he b
homely enough to strip &clock."
"Ah 1 that, then, accounts for the fact
that when he is here in the evening you
never know what time it is," -(Philadelphia
A large opaque sapphire of a single star
pattern, and smoky gray in color, is a mag-
nificent necklace pendant.
°off No More.
Watson a cough drops are the best in the
world for the throat and chest, for the voice
unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W.
are stamped on each drop.
"Pa," asked the small boy, "what is a
heroine ?" "Your mother is a heroine,"
replied the parent. How a heroine ?"
" Rhy, she married your father when his
income was only 5300 a year -and she knew
trimpa nusisess COLLEGE. Iktelpli
A.X Ont. -The Fifth Scholustio Year begao Sept
bit. The *stern cd odeoation punned is at 01200 in
tellectuel and eminently preetimil, mooting in A very
marked degree the requirements of this progressive
and commercial ago. Few,it any, of the graduates,
Mccording to the showing of past results, need be long
unemployed. To mention their training school is. lea
rule, a pervert to eligible and lucrative situations.
Address, 11, 1iiacCOR510K, Principal.
A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine
nervous prostraidon (mused by the use of to scan,
wakefuhiess,mentaldepression, softening o the brain,
eta., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by
over exertion of the brain, and besot natural strength
from aoy cause whatever. Men -young, old or mid.
dile-aged-who are broken down from, any al the
above onuses, or any cause not mentioned (Oohs. Pent
your address and 10 cents In stamps for Lubon's
Treatise, in book form, of Diaeasee of Man. Borth
sent sealed and swore trona observation. Address 11,
V. Limos 47 Wellington street East Toronto, Om
Something out of the common in breast-
pins is a knife edge bar upon which are
two ilk:aloud-studded kittens facing each
other and playfully disporting with a
FEABruL ExrLoSioNtr are sometimes
caused' by the use' Of Poor coal oil. . For
absolute safety andhrilliant light, nee Car.
b n Safety Oil. Soldby dealers everywhere
in the Dominion.
• e
Asneat a design in gents' scarfpins as could
be deoired is an acorn, the upper half of
which s a fiery opal, while the lower half is
of Roman gold with a row of diamonds just
below the opal. •
Svirevoits,-Illoisture : intense itching and stinging
most at 'night : Worse by scratching. It allowed te
aoritinue,tumors torn, which often bleed and ulcer-
ate, becoming very. sore. Swevirs's Ourratesm stops
the itching and bleeding, heals .nloeration, and in
many oases removes the Intimate. It IS equally eat
ominous in curing all, Skin Diseases. DR. EWAYNE
& SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swertuts Oniv-
sarsr can be obtained Ordruggiete.' Sint by naafi for
SO Centel ,
ICA bettutital photodithograph, shootototy
000 to each sullectiber to WilaTERN Atwontrusawbose
subseription h pild by Um 20th at December.
Twelve lame pages every week. New type. heavy
Frper, illustrated departments. Only 31 per year, or
for four subscriptions. Balance 1888 fres. tlyi-
em Auvaanssa. PRINTING Co., London, Ont.,
Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamship
Sailing during winter from Portland everyTburadru
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum
mer from Cauebeo every Saturday to Liverpool, calling
at Londonderry to land mails and piteeengers tor
Scotland and Ireland; also trona Baltimore, vb, Malt,
fax and St. JOhn's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
doting summer months. The steamers et the Gins
gow lines sail during winter to and front Halifax.
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum
mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphn
fortnightly -
For freight, passage or other lotormation apply
A. Schumacher & 00., Baltimore; S. Cunard &0s,
Halifax; Shea be 00., St. John% Nfld.* Wm, Thomp
son & Oc., St. Jobn, N. B.; Allen 0'00.. Chicago
Love 81 Alden, New York; H. BonrIler, Toronto
Altana, Rae & Co. Queboo; Wm. Brookle, rhiNa5.
phis, .4 H. A. Allen 'Portland Boston Montreal.
Iat40111POR &TED 1835.
I °Moe Toronto Bt., Toronti
nakar ether v iefeatoN
A Dic
ISM Weird
1ngand ditaezinleg ;A,
phical Diction
A Oictionarx of Fiction
feline •Ce,147;.y
AU in Uno Book
urrolVords rind nearly 00004rasrellinai
-ns than nny tu, tlialt,rtean
-*Ill tynlHotateNers. Pamplatet foto,
ANTE 1:),,
1. e.423.1A 'Woad for
el fate Mwenandfittain
nror Vitro in
ineiremeete and
in ell kiuds et
S83 Yenta et.
Subscribed Capital, 4,500,4be
raid 114 ifitpAtiti••• •••• 4444444 • 4. • • • * I 50 UAW
TOPOLAWela ** *** ••••••%.••••••••• 10•1000411.6
The enlAradaapitAlintA resources ot this Datimeny,
together with the increased Sacilities it hos recently
acquired tor supplying land owners with Oheep money.
ennifie the Directors to meet with promptness and at
the lowed current rate et interest ail requirements,
tor Ions upon satisfactory real estate security.
Application ma- be made to either et the Companv'r
ises -Appritters,or to
INK SCUM MA10 tT.Manueg. Direetor, Toroam
Aftet spending Ten Winters South,
was enired by Scott's Emulsion.
14,6 Centre St., New York,1
June 25th, 1888. I
The VVin ter after the great tire
In Chicago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and sinoe then have
been obliged to spend nearly every
Winter South. Last November was
advised to try Scott's Emuission of
Cod Liver 011 with elypophesephites
and to my surpriseirvas relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
threamenteis was entirely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
WWI able to stand even the Bliz-
zard arid attend to business every
day. C. T. 01,11.11SC1411..L.
Sold by alt Thwggists, 1800. atub
'&606 Any
Don't wait until F:10
0,T0 burnt out or robaed
finy s Bete pow and
sleep tsar, and be stare
and ;it mites, etc., of
the hesUumplouliate.
377 OraigEt., P.O.flex
We ore ehikTres who ekeerfigypix lithe acme
„Stamm& tried all ihtlC54
Manufactured by IVAra.Breadmakor's Yeast so t esstled &fire:a..
ElliR Keighley Tong() .0...,fffIlarlf:Fitrig., her aufs_tileM
; alsidrieeat all thelflioneeees sea ctaresel orjoresa.
Jost send your name 11 sorg,,TAlaolvi
liCilill'Anitgai.opi:and.Tlia Magic Neetile:
Won ishes everyone . Address,Wititon Novelty
• Toronto Onb
eztrrewne. sonesormmatawstornonnoreara
ladling our, Try Dr. Dorenavemrs I
Wats AS IN 1RG N
• 0
in the Hair Tonle Qat
world. 3
It is the finest
Price 11 00 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 35.00. Try
For sale by au druggists everywhere or send direct
to the manutacturer enclosing the amount, g
o u.n g Men
• cd
SUFFERING from the effeots of early evil habits, the
result of ignorance and folly, who find themseive
weak, nervous and exhaustealso &fronts -Ana and
OLD Man who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and read
M. 'V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diemases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of WiliTROUS
two 80. stamps. Addrees, E.W. C°.-BRAgrtogol•OANA et:•1144;*'''
IL V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto. it. It will wake your hair grow thick and strong.
op Hist su NS
CTI -1 E ari EAT
(:::,f3R THE SICK
Delicious Bee 71
. -s' fie; eP eeelitd
cure All, Diseases of the' •Stomach, Dowels';'311.11V6i,;')( Uri ti*ity
3Ieeptessnessg Femaiet-orn plaints, DR U N K EN ESS,threarl '000 Re1Nd0 pa id Tsiteltanleiteofvniminumminninifayahifil'netdiefike