The Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-29, Page 1VOL, II.
The Mo'Isons Sank
(Chartered byParli;ament,laze
Paid up Capital f?,OOO,OQQ.
Rest Feed.,. 1,000,000,
Head office Hentreol.
GENERAL ;tfA11A0Lan,'
Twenty Branch offices in the llorniniom"
Agencies in the Dominion C :a and Europe
Open every l twful day frinm IO. ca. rm, t -to : y.
us., Saturdays 10 a.m. to I. p.
A general banking busiaress lraaisacted
Three per cent. per annum allowed for
money on Demonic Receipts and S,;virags
meter, Jan2 •tin, Marna el'a
EXETER, 0 'TARR), rillURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1888,.
'ceased the salute ,. f of Mfessr a l l tG 'ah
on the dollar; and >_ addition las a adde son
Oars s of new choice goods. We mill for tai
'.ft days offer the }� hose i..t prices unheard of n Exeter
The farmers alae btnsygettinh in the:
winter supply of wool, -alai otherwis
repletuislting their stables etc.
Miss Martha Newels, of Marlette, Mite
LS •. C ! '1''
at 1 t t tbaall
e -e 1 (;
r f :1:13
p ., r as
'relatives here.. Glad. to see volt 'ottc
The season for butchering has arrp
ed, and of course it is as fashallabie a
ever among theyouug as well as t
ofd to wind up with at 'waittsker soap.
:fir. Frank- Cartier, our tett€"rparinil
b!. tclter,is obligetl to nrtilltfacturesa•alts
ages, by steer t. 1st Get a•r to eze p►ly th
wants of heti a nsc,a.a:e n prank is a
energetic. atnel hushing bu mesa man.
✓ as it is yore disagreeable for people+
a after night.
All the young men of the village are
a 1 on the ltrlttl built filling up the new
(1 bridges on11 railroad' 0o the a ra where agent
e sixty leen are employed.
J, Clark, of Exeter, occupied the pulp
v-' pit on Sunday evening in Air. _'hemp•
s bucks place. kle is an able speaker and
ho ! svelte one hour and ten minutes.
" 1 While coming from Exeter the other
Ig evening Thomas Parsons was upset
�- out of his buggy and bad his collarbone
(e : ba tk(ett, but under the care of Drf Cowan,
n be is getting along as well as can be
li it:erected.,
A large erterd g4 in front
the post -officeI,°ast Paley evening t+
weleonxe our °•profesaiuital" eaveson
their neturu from Mus11olet,witere tbe3
have been on a bw
uta expedition fo
well weeks. They report betting
very enjoyanlr' time. its the midst o.
hardshies, and breugleimutte with the
11 (Pacer, 2 of whin:la are: the, noes
brougbl a town. 'They a alto ;+.:tile
red 7 and, sola d to other pude
wood. We tcougraatuiette um
penmen, Messy& 11. Eile:t, e. Reaav
and V. Retie on time•' . i uccess.
Miss Nellie norrisoal erred nine ,John
its evert• in Remelt last wee k.
nbank, of Clinton, and In J.
t on,speut T1uui sg iving
TERMS OP SitileertienneA.
• OnIDellatr lei :summa if paid in .ASvaneo..
'S*.40 rt auoc:uo l•czrl,
-coati outi4 until all agree
a+riiasemexats without silt
1 dao Iattialmheal till forbid teas -1
I::,36M1 tl i.=st►{arat
�trn4.-ifkr5inserted Ito
eseriq'tien of JOU
n tho idaaest style.
mc%rnone;► ord.
ig held, ete, to
Tesivlrt t6'ariaatlltt5l, eat rant.--itev, Q.
.iR ataraaatx, Ilat ta.t, ar rdltay a+a rvid+d°c, 11 a.
8447 T p.ea, ::illylua tka i+nBtc.cle ani p.m,
mernixeisr •4'larik t-erastul• nat.. titre. ..
•(hia:de Netter. Ptun/lnv!•ervivut,lei„trsi,,n.
ilgni la.a) :aAhbMkt Ssa+boat : arts.
71Lt a TtiiF,;tie ne"a . J. Web c . Pootor, Sun
ha rviers, at.r°i.antlOall p. in. PAblaatlt 1
Plll;stlarrt*e*Z Ram(°rt>a>Ttev. W. Van iia,
Part ir. ' $41tr aIt SgorCIVi ae i ..s na, and 6.5a'la
m t;a irlratdk'Schott, SIP tter>a,
' °ince over
'r. iia:. S rtes , ,11E:R TfsTL L.1).:51 ex-
tant •cath without pain by giving
Vtgt table Vapor, or using the now
kuseiturtia'antihORumh. Makes bold Filli
lama end netherr lentat work the best possible.
Goes to Zurich laid : Thursday in t aeb month,
East side.of Main street, Exeter.
1) It.�.14,.11OLLIN'S. O1PICE.-MAIN ST.
1teelillenre—Corner Andrew and North
Strong., IE:cc'tu Ontario.
t A,::1l31OS.3t. D., 0.11. Z. t'. P.. 1DIN.; L.
L. 1., E
A 1 TLC.
5., Edi n.;air. F. f�':•. 5,, Glasgow'
td, Edinburgh and Gelasgow. M 0. P.
(!n earns; F. T. 7,t.?b'.. Toronto. Night bell at
office. C'retliten, Ontmcio. 3y12-8,
Mae ter, upstairs, opposite Centra
Hotel. Side er:trnnce,onsouth-James street
leadaegao the MethollialiChurdk.
oraauate of 15 ctoria•tiIniversity. Office and
inaary Surgeon. CiraYIuato
Toronto. Office and Residence
.one blocs: east of :Samwell &
Pickard's store. Oroosite skat-
ing rin'k,Exet: r, Ontario.
of Suprem.o Courrt, NotaryWublic, Con-
O� �lansot T lock I: eter Money to loan
it ors,tOorc+rcyanoers, &c. litany to loan
,at 6 Per Cent.
B. T.E,ILL to r. T. ELLIOT
TAMES ORE, Exdter, • Ontario, Licensed
t Auctioneer for 'the County of Huron,
Sales preamytiv+itten&3dto.and satisfaction
t4 .guaranteee55. Hales amen:ged,.at this office.
T• lROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
A• &sn,eerUrthe Counties of„Perth and
M,Middlesex,.alsafor the township,of Usborne.
'Sales pre+malrtlyxttended toand terms reason
able. Salesxrrraenged set (Post office,WiYinchelsa
BOSS item,
RY, Zurich Ontario. Lie -
• eased neStroneer for mune,
'County of
Huron. Changes.moderate .and satisfaction
R • T HOLT, Rhine., Ontario. dlicenserl auct-
ioneer for She Counties of 3Trridlesee
rid Lambton,.andtihe tewnsliips of Stephen
Ana Hay. All. sales, prompt1,y,atton&sd to.
• EILBBR, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
•t1 '. Stephen. and. Jett illi
.-pfiice—CrePditon,Ontaeri4o:: vnay townships.
ti1Iaf &store lliutualFire fawn eeCompany,
aaties desiring to insure in the 'best and
, afl est Insurance Coin paaryin the Domin-.
Jon, ern do so by u{, piyinggsersonwlly, or by
hiieil to the undersigned, All applications
Dromptly attended to. Also agent or the
.Wellington Company of Gnelph.
R BOSSENBERlY, Agent, Zufic1i;, Ont.
Per . day.
d. J McMARTIN, Proprietors,
'Wonderful how we do it, but We do I
The stock consist: ofneral
-Goads Rats, Caps,. Furs & Ready-inade
(. Vit, §"T BE SOLD. COME AND SEE .i
Old Stand
Bcwr j t rvice.
ridersigned, having pr,relausc,
oroughtretl bear. ittoo lb keeping
r;h4improvement of stock at 1
o St. .ltatrys(toad,'(Z ehe�4r,no.
11°T JO els prop.
To Hoarding Homo keepers -On cvin!.tn-
lion or Verity's Faund M.! live cal rut* P41 tlte,t
troam ,a to Itkailditiotal lands *roto be env.
lowed. rel Rause t0 a, l eqJ snsanlirent Can.
al•le ( i'acconrorh•tingi, Oil •lxarxdera.,llbout
live termites walk. $aqua tis a ,ourt.iti. Apply
Nrtylt Ii. .r• .A
Nova— n ixIao}r
Afessrs. Sammie eSandercock and
Iislgh Markin were the guests of the
Mimes Cooper, last Sunday -
We noticed Messrs. Willian Davidson
and Jas. Parkinson, of Exeter, passing
through our tp., last Friday. Both
have the nppearance of being keen
business min.
:lir, Robt. Cooper is at present con-
fined to the house, suffering from a
severe atta.ct of plenraey in the side.
\Ve elope it will not be long until w43
clear of his safe recovery.
Grand Bend.
Everybody is getting ready for, win-
Bitter 18 cts. per lb and eggs 16 cts.
per doz.
Mr. Calvin Elliott is dangerously ill
at present.
Not much hunting is done in this
section at present.
Mr. Frank Boulton and family have
removed to Bayfield.
The weather has been•somewhat fine
but the lti4ghts are frosty. ,
Mr. Wm. Stibbens shot forty musk-
rats in one day recently. Who can beat
tris. ,
Severa1.head of cattle has been sold
in this section. The average price
aid was about 2 cts. per lb,liveweight.
Mrs. John Holt is at present paying
her parents in Michigan a visit. She
has not seen them for about twelve
yeas s, andrwe may be sure thegreeting
was a happy one.
Mr. B. Blackwell is hurrying to com-
pletion. his +large refrigerator.
Mr. HanaldSutton andElmer Hodgins
were hones, for Thanksgiving holidays.
A few ,sIf •our young people spent a
very pleasant evening last • Thursday
with thea& Adare friends.
Mr Bailiff G: Hodgins has moved t+
his lately purchased resdeinceat Liman
his tenanrt,Mr. MdWiliiams ismovingin.
Jim has re -gained his position of con-
stable again and is as diligent as ever:
The West end boys had better be on the
look out.
Mr.P. Currie is re engaged as princi-
pal in our School et an increase of 125
in his salary, Miss Lind the assistant'
has secured a school clear her home at
Pond Mills.
Mr. Wm. Elena .gan,iatelyofWilmipeg
is making extensive preparation for a
fanning mill factory here, and has se-
cured (70,000 feet of lumber already
planted, for the building of the mills.
Our villagers are breathing freer at
present than forsome time past, 110 ex-
Xltent pre v ailfeend everybody,' ._ .
fav" are )happily engaged aat, tlab.i_
•eral'•-ie tnnos,lmalay cll'an„ ei are be=
ng inns(' in our booming village, 1
irst•claw gratin market is cst:abl lted,
1114 fartn(era'for utiles anemia are tale
il)gthe attl.elntage of it, litany kk:11i14;
ttielr lultivtt snarl etf.. Higher pric els
rtt2Th e4 Is the cause.
Mr. J. ttlee:Miller jr is at present very
!; Ile has about tfairty bails on the
fi of his meek which ranges hien to
set sane r,9 ° gi•iinr
a arta is still 'iitereasingeht prap►a-
t Satur4lay night Mr, Sera-
IeL."peeutvrnattlae.reelpientt'i were
fine girl iia+ fc is etielther and
t is not what; ¢lace ;r;. ordered,
Prof ' en tr, els 'I? yS1t•
su I i sue,, from a h +e'r'rs" r14,1W.1 a•f nen.
gree, wowed is unable• to anted has sing -
'Liss in ezeuterte. In bee absence
tun I°eaaallt1.t11 It li, pd'y'a,Ftlaeal.
dpainftsl alaeldea thappinlatrd
°tt(s1I1 c.b Gitaappel jr. ashil , elev.
p; iia time W4 l:amt snail le. lis
term• means be let the ante . eine :mei
with the Pz,t is ion of a very' set ail Lit
elle lie met nark ltia big torfrom hi*
frost of late, sterna irOp.' '
t#1ts pro„e- .s of fawners In the wary of
gett nag their fall ploughing done.
Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mr. Joseph Fent-
ler and Mr. Montgomery, all residents
in the vIeiuity of Chesley, are visitiu
Irl this locality tet present.
The annual Missionary Serinon,
preached by Rev. Mr. Casferd, of Lon-
don, on last Sabbath was given in a
very eloquent and forcible manner.
Mr. T. E. Slack and wife lines moved
to 'Merton where he proposes erecting
a sawmill immediately, for tete puspose
of working ups lively trade during the
coaling winter,
Mr. George Brown has made a great
improvement to the appearauee of has
property by leveling uptime front and
ere,eting a substantial and nice fence.
We noticed a few days since that he is
carrying a very large and complete
stock for a country store.
Lots of wood passes through our -vill-
age (early.
The sound of the woodehoppers axe
can be heard,
Skating is the kaStime for the young
folks every evening.
The roads are frozen up hard, and
business is becoming more brisk.
Mr. Edward Sanders, of Exeter,spent
a fete -days in our village this week.
Mr. Geo. Kilpatrick and Mark • Wilds,
cut, split and piled 114 cordsof wood in
one day recently.
Mr. Lawrence Decker's team ran
away one day recently smashing the
wagon and breaking the harnesssome-
it is our sad duty to chronicle the
death of Mr. John Kelly, who died at
the residence of Mr. Thos. Kelly, his
father, 1; miles east of Dashwood. Mr.
Kelly was a man well known and re-
spected in the community. He was of
a somewhat reserved and retiring dis-
position but a very honest industrious
and upright citizen. He had reached
the age of thirty-nine, years, eleven
months and twenty-five days, and was
single. Messrs. Thos. Kelly, of Stouf-
field, County of York, and A. Kelly, of
Newberry, Michigan, brothers of the
deceased, attended the funeral. The
funeral service 'was conducted by the
Rev. John W. Ortwein, and the re-
mains were interred in the Exeter
Crediton Items.
News, late game in the woods,is very
Owing to better roads, etc, business
is quite brise-.
Miss Rachel McLaughlin, of Biddulph
is thy+ guest of Mrs. Bedford.
A large number of our .citizens
tended the opening of the R. C. church
at Offa, Sunday last.
. t ue c•'. acs lzd• l ai gentlemen drive
Gtr„e°at, `arab a are: ' isithtg; and seem
a,° hesen etlir1 a"';telt t•) S:t:ijitl;Shat belied
,4leitl!r*" kar'i ?e,ataw'* .4t th4.V would feel
' s.0°i ¢a1,'..11,1.'zea •wird :aursr.11.
t gteittll<ntalt wild if such a gentleman
tuarret si:d a L<tly &e. We wish therm
to remember that some of the young
gentlemen that they refer to are just
aispielrulaar as they are,aand tlaeirfrieends.
just as 1111111017011,1.
Zi rioh•
We have very fine weather at pn--
The roads are good and business is
Mr. A. Rltswell 41114 Ed. i�`ippis, of
Exeter, paid as a visit lust Sunday.
'Miss Mary A. Beaver, of Dashwood,
is at present visiting: friends in town.
The last council meeting was ad-
journed to =tenpin December 15th.
The boys Idve great delight in
skating at presnit. There being a
great deal of ice in this Vicinity.
On Sunday oftiast week, while Mr.
Peter Wa,gne was returning home
from visiting;” °tends in the country,by
accident he 'txts caught by a wire
clothes line inthe mouth, and had three
teeth jerked out.
Mr. S. J. Lette, principal of the Zur-
ich Public school, will have his exami-
nation Dec. ?1st. In the evening•there
will be an cittertainment held, in aid of
echool library. Alt are cordially in-
vited. This is what is needed and we.
wish Mr. Latta success in his ultdertak-
ing to secure a library.
We are sorry to record the death of
Miss Eberintrdt, who died last Wednes-
day, at the residence of her step -father
Mr. H. IIyeroek, of the Sauble line. She
was twenty years of age. Her remains
wero enterred in the Bayfield cemetery
on Friday last. The cause of her death
was consumption, and her demise • will
by many sorrowing friends.
Our streets are in .a very mutiny con-
R. Neil was in town the other day
and looks hale and hearty.
Mr. Wm. Boyle has secured a situat-
ion as bartender at the Duiferin House.
Nearly all the young folks went to
Limerick to the church opening on
Our grain buyer takes in an average
of a thousand bushels of grain a day
since the roads froze up.
There is going to bo a cantata in
the church on Xmas, Eve. Come one'
and ell as ittwill be a treat.
Mr. T. Handford and Robert Walker
are .about .to start abutcher shop in.
our village, Just what we need!
Mr. Frank Handford arrived home
h b e e
from the North West. where h e has lee n
for the past' four years. He looks hale -
and hearty.
It would be of great credit to our
pathnnasters to renovate the sidewalks
D. Rays, Wile has been for a long
e• the mail carrier, removed last
veek to Varna.
Mie Entine Erwin 'wile has spent
he past flacon -40M'; in Point Edward
and her sister Annie, of London,rotuxu•
d bonne last week.
The many fri(a>tids of Mr. Robe. Morri-
ane, of /Jennsen, ect well and favorably
uowu stere, tilibe pleased to learn
�t at his health is now much improved.
Cin account of this Miss Phillips, who
a acceptably occupied the position as
t?rgteast at Trinity church, has been
forced to resign, and. In her place has I
been appointedMiss fr'eule 31orrisotn.
There is some talk of forming” ;t liter• j
t are society here. This we would like
rage.', supported, and there is uo (learnt
4 tint with the talent Bayfield possess(
• a flourishing society could be Orr:RUIZ
, evertal young people spent a most
enjoyable time at the residence of ;ifs.'
1 t4'• J. Stinson. The evening Was spent
i*l;play ing, games and dancing. l in
tie' return trip Mr. Baker endeavored
Multiuse the lead by rendering his pop•
d:.ermrse 011 "Old, Mother'iIubb,rnL'
The present email route is greatly
Geolaiplaifed of, The greater partof the
business is done with London hotisttli,
Now it takes three clays to lnlvea reply.
Thee ntetlsleavea here at 10 a.iu lirrives
Ili Leiden: rttrtrnra, t p. Iit., male deliver-
ed next morning It they replyy at once
it reaches Clinnan. afternoon,
too late to. eonlieetesrltin ten
the stage. This
causes business men here great Incon-
A large number have had their apples
Mr.and Mrs. A. McCurdy and family
.spent Sunday in Elhnville.
Mr. Geo. Etherington visited friends
in this section on Sunday. Come again
Itfr. Joshua nfel ins, who on account
of i11 health, has resolved to quit farming
had an extensive sale last Saturday.';
Mr. Me:ins has rented his farm.
A number more of the young men
have presented the rings. We wonder
if John, of the 5th con., has presented
his dear Jennie with one yet. John
goes Spearing often enough at any rate
A party was held at the residence of
Mr. RachardTucker on Wednesday even
ing of last week. The gathering was
one of those social ones, and was for the
purpose of bidding farewell to Mr.. Tuck-
er, who leaves shortly for the United.
S gates. The Hobab Giant amused the
guests to the entire satisfnction of all.
Again it falls our sad duty to record
the ravages of death. The fell mons -
has boon busy during the past year in
this township, striking down young-
oungand old, on the right hand and on the
left. We have this time to record the
death of A Mother in Israel, in the per-
son of Ann Hall, wife of one of our old-
est citizens, Mr. Ishmael Hall, who died
on the 18thinst. Mrs. Hall was born
in Cambridge, England, in the year
1514, and. hailtherefore atthe time of
her decease, seen three-gxarters of a
century of life, a period alloted to few.
Deceased was married in England near
lyfifty years ago, and soon after imi-
grated to Canada, and about forty
years ago became a resident of Usborne,.
where like all the early settlers, she
with her husband,who still survives
her, became :mired to the hardships of
back -woods life. The deceased was the
mother of seven children, three sons and
four daughters, all of 'whom are still
living except one daughter, the late
Mrs. Powell, who died in Exeter some
years ago. All who knew deceased
speak of her as a kind-hearted old lady
who was much respected The funeral
was largely attended' and the remains
were buried in Elimville. The bereaved
husband and family have the sympathy
of the neighborhood in their affliction.
Goderiah Township
The creditors of the Welsh estate,
are not very saugeine that it will real-
ize much on the n
Mr. Peter Cook jr., of the 9th con., is
at present attending the Veterinary
College at Toronto.
Mr. Tho:. II. Cook, of the 9th eon,,
has been peeking epp les in the Luck -
note. seetiOn for the past mouth.
\1r. LIi lia1te11)Yn, of the ?tet eon., hoe
purellab2d a ."Mediae" stallion front'
"Il: Oliver Johnrton,.of Clinton,
It is said telae Mn Jas, Laithwaite
swill riot be a candidate for municipal
llouors this year. Time win tell.
Mr, 0. W. Pot er has removed from
Iaolinevillt, to Pogue: Bill, where he
✓ rill reside in future alad carry on bane
Mr. Meta Cat1tclon, of Lorlie, N. W.
T., is exp''eted Cf; spind the Cllristerte
holidays with leis intents in this town-
ship. Mr. Conteleu has been away for
six years.
Mr. W. w. Lawrence, of Clinton ll. 1a
been rte eug'*gul was teacher of S. et No,
111.: Mr, l.atwrrltttu is a first-class tt aeh
er ante gives goedsatisfactiou,
Mrs. Middldton, of the Point, near
13ayfieltl, died, Ler et eek, aged 74 years,
The xemaitas were interred in the Bay-
field a x:mete•ry on Setu1•day* last.
Mr. Joanee In Churchill, of the Oth
con,, nnende settling in :llanitolet next
spring; His brother wen SUMO of his
sisters reside there now. 'We are sorry
to lose "Jim," as he is a first -glass Id -
low and a geed Tory to hoot.
We believe that Mr. W. H. Steep,
otherwise known as the •.Gentleman
Farmer," ilateiids renroviug to Dakota
In the spring. This will be a serious
loss to the community, as Mn Steep
Na°vas a man of en (estimate* ability and
vaiuhti have no doubt bea�n1t reeve of the
tai- naahip hi a free years had he remain-
. pie will eaten.' very extensively
in fanning in Dakota, and will devote
considerable atnettion to ecoid: raining.
It le rc 41441'tcd iia:{: he will take a large
quantity of tIvAr<•tlp;hbrell street. wipe
with hien..
mil 1t:y is buying as ,larca
elf p.tirh for shipment.
�pltirtttl the: another medic
taakt: kir. kitarsa�eyes peewee hie
l friend, fpr. Thos. E. egret
opr, was itl town on Saturday
was lrlt-rl:lltlT well..
i''+itteltin, it is rumored, h
liarlr+lt of al?Irl,���en
during circ liatst st°e>t, ,,
grdie;er, 11118 sa
bugle." to los brotllters av
c'ltt•(i ...tit L4Rtti xilt. banxc.
James Anderson Jets
rant to t1xr. �talydr. lately ocean
W. Cooper all Albert Street.
understand. that MnGeorge
is now world ,,. at his
a, he iravittg o lned a good
Geo. of Strttllroy, former-
ly was ill town an Satur-
day a "Amite" with a
l friends.
Alex. Welch, who was seriously
e time, shaves signs of improve-
ment her malls friends will
d tea hear.
ting of the County Board
rs was held in Clinton on Sat-
urday to make arrangements,
for the approarllin entrain
prominent Life Insurance m
the town during the
did very little business.
Manufacturers' Life holds the
all canters.
than 14 cars of apples
from this section to the
on Saturday last and each
]shed withal. stove. 10 belong-
ed and 4 to D. Cantel
Society of the Hi
has established a School Journal
read at the meetings every
be a first•classopportunity
students to cry their hand at jo
S. Swafiieid has purchased
lied property for the sum
Mr. Swafrlelcl intends making
for lumber etc: out of
for the present. The
reel to be very cheap at
Nelson Carson, of Birtle, Ma
of this place, is in town
tg with his mother, M
the d rand. Union. Mr.
e a lot of stock .for breeds
and intends going into sto
on a very oxtensie=e scale. W
every success in the eat
mored that Mri��1T. Doherty
ng with the St. Thomas
view to removing his Ore
that city. ;This would Ile
to Clinton,but our authorities
be "penny wise and
s far'as encouraging, man
is concerned.
Saturday ]est a hungry looks
ceremoniously took
turkey which was hanging in
S giroeery and marched off with
Zoole chis and gave e <1 d when
•ed leis trampsliip showed fig
being laid out: by Mr. Moore
police took charge of him
him in".
It i,, nti: al
loan anile here,
Our ole Hoye,'
of niers illaay
last and a
• Mr,
had 2,000 at
.. ld.
9rra,.ea lie
his restair u-
pier: byh
We unc A.
in Chicago,
Mr. Oeer-
ly of thisr-
day andgreat
many old
Mrs. Al
i11 for sone ve-
ment of which
be please
A meeting of
Examine lastwe.
Three elx
week but The
iMlanufact fort
No less were
Country car
was furls to Mr, oil.
The LHigh
to be week.
This will for
the ur-
Mr. W. the
old drill sof
$825. lIa
store roomthe
is conside this
Mr. n.,
is stayitMrs.
Tufts, atCarson
is buying ng
purposes• ck-
raising e
wish himenter-
It is rumored is
with a an
Factory t a
great loss
seem topound
foolish" amann-
On Sat looking
tramp uli possession
of a turl.front
of Moore',
it. Mr. 1\
encounter ht.
After the
chief ofand