The Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-20, Page 5ft lit i•
denlUu in' cis $flits Railway
NQrttaerr Division
ttom,I NoRTR--; 'Tl♦tn TnAza,•,-Pass'e'r.
Londen, depart...7.45 A,az• 4.26•Teaa,
Luca Crossing,, 8.28 52o
(llandel?oye, , , ... 8.34 4.28
Oeratralia.8.45 5,45
EXETER..,.. 8,56 3:57
gensall R , , R ,, , , ,x.08 6;09
9.14 6.17
rucenekl, «, , . v 9.22 6.26
• +Minton :R . 9.4Q 6,45
ndeslaero' , . io 00 7.03
Blyth .,, ..1i10 4.12
Belgrave: , , .. , .,10;'23 7.27
Wingleam,arriveR 10,45 7.46
flozxo Sooarn, Passenger..
Trtingharn,depar4r, 7.05" en. 3,40 rM
rietgrav :. , . : 7.21 4.00
7.88 •4.15•
Londesboro' ,. 7.47 4,23"
8.07 4,45
Rrecefleld....,' 826
ipper.. , , , 8.34
Ilene/di ,„ . RR 8.41
'Exeter, ,...,, :8,56
O`entralla ,,.,., 9.07
Ojandeboy a .., ., , 938
isucan•cresr,'g R R, , 9.'24 :.
i.'andon,arttii,►, e. , .10.15
*'all Exhibitions, •
Provincial at Kingston Septi.0 to Z5
Western at t ondon Sept 20 to 29
Stephen and Uabortae at Exeter Oct
"gid 2
South Perth at St. Marys Oct 2 and
B1:anshard at 1iekton Oct 1 and.
(Wotan Oct: 19 and 21
Qodericl s' Oct 2 mid ,6
Forest Oct. 9 rued '10.
West Zorra Erato Oct, 12
East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 4
Best Wawanosh, I3elgreveepet
J ibbert, at •S'tatile, Oct 3;
Stanley, at Baydeld,oa Monday rand
tuesday, Oct. 8'9.
Sant. Salt, t sill.,
The Exeter Salt Works C'a.
band s, quantity of Lan
CAriadiau Pacific Ra
Cheap Excursions to tree ''orth.-
west, for ti 28, from hare, pod to re.
turn till 21st November. Apply to
W. J. Carling, *gent,.
*unit, t+tatch.
Servant Wanted.
A good general servant wanted. One
to do general house -work. Apply to
Mre. D. Johne.
New Organ.
The new organ . manufactured by
Wadsworth, Montreal, for the Trivitt
Memorial church has, arrived, and will
bo set twee Soon as the men, arrive,
Entertainment, -
To -morrow (Friday) evening5a grand
entertainment ►will take placein•Drew',s
Opera house, under the auspice; of the
Exeter football club. The progenm
large and varied one, and all gibe* at-
tending will have a yery pleasant even-
Exeter call Exhibition.
One week from Monday and Tuesday
the Fall Exhibition, under the .auspices
of the Stephen and Ueborne Agricult-
ural Sodety will be held in thili village,
The exhibition promisee to eclipse all
former once held hero, The settractions
las usual will be up to the standard,
Look out per Him.
A professional beggar named Vein
Tyre, said''to be from Tara, bias been
solicitingalums b Streatffrd for awns
e anrney bre atxpected to take in
;ter in a few days Re claims to be
ruusIy Meted with the palsy, but
knrern thi+tt bele :already cram•.
9rtably provided with thin wor1d'a
geode he should get a wide ' bertts,It
ad not charity to give to impostors of-.
this kind.
fridge lnepection.
On Tuesday last, the Weide* tem-
u ittee visited Exeter, for the purpose
of ezemining the UAW lion Bridge,
which hes just been erected over the
Ssubls river in this villa e. The con-
mittee duly examined the briciga, ;and
passed it es satisfactory, Thin .iia nue
of the beat bridges in the county of
Huron, and rettects much credit oxttbe
buikicr ,4es'sre, Hunter Bros, din.
ardiae, Out. They named it the "Nrie.
tcarix", The committee expressed there.
selves Inns iant;tzly pleased with our till.
ge, and went Bee far sag to say, that ..
isnot equalled in the county ef, uron
for cte;annesw, ,good streets, pod aide
ea ir%and general aappeararme. - This
thse general verdict rendered by near
v ry one who b ppesza to Visit o
rintelittl4 villane;.
- About fifty th far havetakend:'.
he Toronto Fair.
--J. N. J doper was iul, town fora
few days this week.
-Rev; Father Keay, of T y dal
was in town on Mon«sy.
-George W eekea M , F'iltia
left'on Monday mpr ng fo " Ohicago,
ID, Je hiss and Mr. Hugh Spec...
004Suled the St TbonaacTour
Mfrs. Mair anti deugbter,. Maggie
lraeve "returned hone" to° filiuto , ffro.xx
visiting friends here, ,.
=•-John Speckma ' and Lew
R. Dickson are Wending th
Toronto Fair rials week.
The parlor *octet • held at the
residence of Dr. Roiline ±ons may
evening lane was very imecci r i
Owing tollee rat in the price of
what 4. number of loads of new'r1eat
have came to terms. da ing the week.
--Mr, M. J. White, after u absence
of six weeks '►isiting Wither principal
towns in the United lutea, returned
4xa ►Satttrday,
-Mee, Trebieaook, of London who
has been the guest of Mrs,, JAI. Gould
for the ' past three week*, returned
-Don't forget the concert under
aanspiceue of the Exeter' Football eel_
to.rearrow (Friday) evening.. A grand,
"n is expaeted.
...•..fir, Themes Reedits u bu.v tag i,
g his premiewee ole! ifaaias - ts1
tsthly renovated.' it will be quit
Wm,. Bewden, wino was at
the Mere' f elf the lata Mrs,
dome*, returned home to God-
eedey trteitit>stl,
Gibeny family are
y will / pp54r. in Ds ew'a
October 6th. A gcstcti
re for thea* attending,
Man from Toronto,
13egining pert of the
de arrangements for
li„latitag of the Trivitt Hereon
Church with gasoline.
Sas;uwtyll dr Pickard hue just re•
1 Care nothing about with the . albut i do'desira . Union with
ate, the *Ube* of $xefrer aid•'surrounding country. Owingto tb de-
p eesion ofathe u arkefi, I have been able to purchase ; new' *elk
los We belov the xegular w1 hlesale rices, aid will give ., , custouters
the benoftt .44.t. y stock ns /eta of .. y
Dry -Goods, Groceries, Hats
Crockery, .Glassware.
., a e., eta.
The prioe s which aro in no way. influenced by Moles /Duties or"
other tax impositions, 1 do not gave my goods away, but 1f them at
the lowest }, R R e consistent with good buetneaas pri noipie. Patt ea itt
•want of go , e, consult their owns interests by a xawintug y stock be-
fore p shasing elsewhere. Rean,einber thin, is - a tang aatoc .
!'arra Produce taken at Market priee.s. "ixat door aeorth of tine
d. ' OO , late frotzs. Totnes, Devonshire, would respectfully'
ounce to the public, that he has purcls the Bakery, Bueines a from Mr.
ser_aberger, of Exeter, and iatesade to carry on the trade in all its brienehee,.
eting for the purposo of for
feel :a Rifle Assoeisatioa was }veld in tl
town lici l on Monday ,evening la,
If. L. 1tillhzege was elercteel chainn,
.1 ; cetyead direct from England, a splendid
ur assortnt of ladies' walking Jackets,
Dolman's and tIletere, which will be
ofi'er'eel atlowgst prices.
-Read r'tt Rieke' advertisement eiu'
r mother column. .ft Will prepay you
' well to visit the esteldicitsnent during
,i41 the fair and secure some of the goad
bar nine offered by hits."
The sscaf%ling whiff b is standing
around the Trivitt Memorial church,
will no taken clown at once, :mud the
work of leveling and beautifying the
grounds will be proceeded wit at
0, once.
rUe -Millinery opening for heleere of
e I, 1S£, Serowell cls Pickard will on O.:t.
it ht and 2nd show the latest Novelties`,
1l quoit nista for the championship Aa
of Exeter, took dace+ ye:,terdas.v in A. th
13astine;'a bae yard, ba,tweers A. Finn- int
nes, A. J. Snell, \V. Levitt' sad IL eta
Le Billings, which resulted in a vietnry >hey
for Lovett and Btllinge.->•.Svore ,3 to
Bell Ringesrx.
On Monday anti Te clay evenings
Oct 1st sand 2nd, Will L. Smith's Gels;.
orated Bell Ringers will hold forth
in Drew's Opera house, and will give
a performance each evening. The per.
forstance Bads evening. .All.. lovers of
eperalio music are. should not fail to
We have received from the publish- the
er, Wm. Bryce, Toronto, a copy of tirier
"Black Blood," a military story, by luxe
George Manville Ault. It is an inter- Exe
esting story, and should be in the hands keel
of every lover of fietion. The price is,
30 cents autl can .be secured direct from
the publishbe Wrn. Bryce, Toronto,
Ont,, or from your local bookseller,
Mineral 'Water Emporium.
St. Leon Water, the great health re- +fol=n
stirrer; if your system is out of order . I
drink St, Leon water and be happy; then
ELIAT2 VreAt neagnetic mineral fron resin
natures laboratory, for' ulcerated stony- Sent
and all diseases of the stomach for Preys.
lifer, kidney and piles, the most. -'wort. •Ed B
e1 le it. 1;aoelcuon, eeeretrny. depth
ewe. eddreezed the meeting upon.
c uttinots and advantages of the
ended assoriatiou ie a very awls
terser, Ile raid the stain object of
Zoranntion of the association would
tie to lend Impetus and popularity t
the volunteer company, At the as
tune it rens not iratt nded to nlu!ie th
aseuciatron at all exclusive and that
seas internded to 1nvtte the a,aistance
of alert of good shooting; reputation and
verse Soho will help the association along.l
1fn was
followed by Lieut. Dickson,'
who in his usual masterly style,
pointed out the position the association
would hold with the Dominion Rifle
Assseiutiore also the diti'aerence between
unteer members and those outside
company. The roll book was then
ied and the following names wer
ribed thereon as members of the
ter Riflei association :--Captain
rews; Lieuts. Dia,kse,it and Bailees
W. II. Kerr; Corp. J. Westcott
Pte a. Fred .Hornsl>r, Joseph Carrick!'
in kTench and American millinery,
Every lady invited to call and inspect
the goods,
ti e haveeume extracts•from a Dan.
itoba letter, which, owing to lack' of
space this week, will' appear in our
next lsse3e We -have a sample.of
wheat v 3rich came- from Killarney, ,
winch rangy bo seen at this orrice.
-The Exeter Brass Band hereby
e' challenges any nine in tow* to play a
friendly gine of baseball providing
they will allow Shipley to catch for
them . The game to take place not
t later i irin next week. Who aeceptsl
-A gentleman living ie this village
:tl., G. --' Wei*. 11, Fortner,
t,-. Davie Chas, Sariderrs Thos. Swallow;
Messrs. Jas. Beer, Ed. Bissett, D.
a, Jas. Wemtcott, A. G. Dyer, and
Fiurdon. The election of officers
took place, with the following
C--Ptateon, Lieut. -Clot. Golrral y,
oral; Wee, .r:'Iiyndrnate; Vico
Je,A. P.o111ris, M. D.; 11 Johns;
issett; A G. Dyer; Sec'y, Lieut
derful article ever offered to tha'publi
The great WolverineMiueral wate
from Michigan, for:Rleumatism,if yo
are afflicted, call and see the agert,
Scarcely tor the past few weeks but
weeare called upon to chronicle the
death of some of the older residents. -Tie
week it becenles-our sad duty forecord
the death of Mrs. Margaret Murray,
of Hay township, which sad and melan-
choly event occurred: on. Sunday even-
ing last.. The estimable lady had reach-
ed the ripe old ageof ninety-seven year.*year.*She was among the first seteiers in the
Huron tract and has ever since been a
residents:. Her' death has east a gloom
.over the entire section:, The. funeral
:Look place .from her late residence,
London'Road, on Tuesiay last and her
remains-: were followed to• their lost
resting 'place. by a lame concourse, of
,serrowing friends and relatives. ` The
surviving friends have the' sympathy
of the entire comm:enit_y iii-, tlso r•rl; x
ofeearl afiirctilote.,•
ILL. Billings. Trea., Capt. Andrews;
Auditors D Joints and A. G.eDyer;
Executive come, Dr, Hynde an, Capt.
Andrews slid -Jas. leer; .Executiise
G. D
is, Lieut. T.4 D:elcson • and A.
yer; Range officers, Capt. Andrews;
tLieuts. Dickson and Billings, and D.
Johns; Couieeil,• Capt.. W. Andrews,
Lieuts. L \Dii:kson and H. L. Bill-
ings, .Color-Sergt. W. H. Kerr; Pte.
Chas. Sanders, ,Messrs:' Jas. Westcott,
D. Johns, Ed Bissett, A. G. Dyer,
Jas. Beer, and We flyndtnan.
Ht L. Billings, Secy.
- W,atch fol- Bissett Mee'. ad ver
tisenient next week.
--Mre Wm. Robins, of Stafi'ai' was,
the west of Mr. Jolrn, Renton ,for a
few days,
--We 'are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Daniel Davis is slowly recovering from
her recent severe illness. •
-4321: , Ld Carley, who ,has been
engagers in .the northern• part; aryrxi3dl
. } . tisrr'sllis * ,MVl lljlabf,.•.•.... . ;
visited the salt well and'-»tation on ,
Tuesday. Ile har•/ibed' here ror17
years and never seen the salt : well "be-
fore and the station but twice. He is
no invalid either.:. Mr
-Bishop and Mee.: I3sild"v*in • will;
sail for nada on•thh 26th inst. Mrs.
Baldwin faits had'st severe attack " of
illness during her visit to Europe- bet Il
it is expected she Will have .fully re
covered as to be, leave on than
above date. -
-Our-sporting fraternity areiwatch-
ibg the Iateruational baseball record
with muclnr'interest'atpresent. Toeronto
and Syreeese dubs are elosely looked
for first place, while L• ondon;Hamilton
and Rochester are making a.:desperate
struggle#or: third.'
Thel"Western rEothibition opens at.
Loizdon'to-day (Tlieursday). • A large
number from thissection have signified
their intention of attending.: Tare
usual attractions hive been secuz'ed
especially '"The Siege .of Alexandria,"'
rand theelparachute descent:
-In the case -of, Grant vs. , Jenkins
Mr. Justice MacMahon made are order
at Osgoode Hall Friday directing' .' the
committed of the defeaidant the editor of
the Brussels Budget, to Huron county
-jail for 30 -days, f or .ventem pt of count id
continuing to publish Rrtic]es 'alleged by
the plantiff.eo be libellous, after being
enjoined from aoecloreg by the ceder of
ing learned Ilia trade in the Old Country, intends to I ttei caws, +ac,, itr + t
zeal old b onaslsiro stytt:, tom ezaeitasf o
MONDAY, S.. J .t -EMBB,r ,,15
When all orders WW1 moire pr, -aa rpt anal Ser onal Attention;;
4. 110/4711130Tt
'' =4%44
awm clam.
X =4r-- --=x -X = X-x=x--"Xo.X a.,=.X _;.1,
Xni-irrXrfXn } n-=- f X I-rrn ii
X rr } ri -1 i`
ORDERS PROMPTLY--=4TTENbETt ---- 0= .-....; 'r,;. :•
04e,eiloor` north ol°w d119g -old
11xA t2 -%RT, a E4SET'i"301