The Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-7, Page 8Why Baking Powders Are Best.. (From llraia'sTokrluit of Reath.) Baking powder properly compaaiund- etl,atald containing pure cream of tartar. are no convenient than yeast; and bread and pastry made with them. are just as wholesome and far more Pala' taable, We are in entire Sym achy with the manufacturers of the Royal Baking Powder ---who eounneltcvd and are vigorously conducting the war against the wee of adulterated baking powders. Before committing ourselves, .hoer. everwe made testa of a sq it ciei t num- ber balciat powders to satisfy ourselves' that the substitution o£ alum for cream of tartar i11 this composition Made not heea over-estitnated,wbile a careful es- uttaily tiohl of the Royal Baking Pow- der confirms our belief that Dr. ]]!Lott, the Government Chemist, whea he einglkd mat gaud ecreamended this povr- cler for its wholesomeness did it wholly in the iuterests of the pttblie. We do not hesitate tele say that • the Royal Bal rte, Powder people deserve the gratitude of the emit sleety whom they tate endeaveriaig to protects Dr. Washlnwtun'sviett. 1 FUN FACTS To DU RE)181111rl I 144. Dr. Washiustor, is the enlyThreet mei bat's S"rgeoou iaathe t)ontintart devot- ing Lie whole; time to altse.ee of the "stir * sena]. Ile haat devoted 7 yrlrm to Ili Tj lkittit'-rf`, ea Re makes monthly visits, •fh. Ile eonsulte, exaamtnee tresis cases pert orally and Sat voleto' res alaaaail l 5th. lie repree ats Iiia own It loess; nth. lie denuur..(;ee deity busivat by pros . 7th. Restates in Toronto. silt. Ile gives te¢itttrtaaiala Qf the mcs xis i;tale aural preeeluent character of rest - acetate of Ontarla" of the most wonderful cures ova marded, with when* a Lune timelier of lite eitieeee of flttaawaa are ate Imitated. tact. He gives the name in full Stam l GT. last,]'; as. {not the mere initiate white, fw;:r t tatty "tum, '.1 e1: ate Harrel teed. in - e off s any pewee 'Me:vestal to write Isar particulars.' itiLlt @sole the beet season, tae tr .et 3t e:uit, a'lat 9t Ileeek to a a9ttenaptiett, and sill 61iw-JA•za$ raj' the head, thrrz it anal. Iltttga. 11111. Darilaeltingeon gyeleateil tIt in Termite' with taste -eta 1443 visit - ell New 1 hark um", Dodos teeing a r•tlesi,al lealv.lveie comet on diseases Ad tied. '& ire, it Asa J.ttlega. Ilei ember the d ares ep: t:aq; present visit. '"VointaTiefi(sit free, ed into a number seventeen corset. 0 Lord these women want men who pati ently accept thiswithout using, the power Thou hast given to want] at all women shall be subjeet to man. They will not bear the burden: of married life and obey Thy commands to multiply and replenish the earth, but they aro toe lazy to raise their children, and. 0,. Lord„ Thou knowest the crimes they commit 0,Loxd,haave mercy on theta and take thele back into Thy bosom; take folly out of their hearts give them eommon sense that they may see their own foolishness, and grant that they may be good,worthy citizens of our be- loved city o£ Detroit 0, Lerd,we thank. Thee for all than blessings. Thou hast Ilestewred upon ne and ask Thee to deliver us from all evil,espeeially hypo- critical, lying women, and Thine shall be the prase for ever and ever. Amen—Detroit Fro ,leers County .iuttin . hfr. John Stewart, of the Bayt'teld lime, lost a valeable eolt last week. It was worth about $160. Mr. •Tats. McIntosh, of the mill road, Tuckersmith, has a fine heavy draught 4 day old soft and refuses] $149 for it. Mr. John McArthur, of the U h con. li orris had I•i twtx year old filly, sired. by "Rankin Boy," for which he refused $20A, die. Mr. Thos. Uol'flichael, of linnet, it a very valuable breeding mare day last, alio wase, atpparently good health until en hour before She was four years old. 50 acres an the 2nd con. Qt ullet belonging to Mr. Wm. Aiken :to. bas been sold to Mr. N. Des- d, for the sand of $15511. Ha has ot 1t eheap plaice, aro belonging to :Mr. Ohm. , of the London melt, accidenttyr stick rata into it the other day, oalsituA death Shortly after As it was itir feat, the lost wall ba a;,lynsideral)'.e. The otter day Mr. A. l?rnacr,ox Stan. ley,talet with a+a ltig loss by the deans of Ia fsal. It was from his silver teens] mam was a stallion fort, as fine a colt es he Aver bred, and he valued it at a = oQ. :Notwithstanding the greatest 4 care for three weefi% it died with what s called emit disease, more properly known as inflammatory rheumatism, Notice the sign, "Montreal Cloned REMOVF4D Thoma Dearing has removed to his...neer stand, Ono door north Dr Lutes Drug Store, opposite the Gent real Hotel, where he will be found of- -e--e£ering as usual—sae Bar' airs 1 MI Pt GOOD Groies. REYMoE CLOTHING Boots ob Sham GLASSWARE, WARE, Look out for Spring Goods„ whish will arrive daily. I will be on rho road with nay WO''r,Qu, and will carry a xaxrfety of all kind;] of goods, BUTTER and BOOS TAKEN .. House anti lot, opposite Town Ir'aff; for sale or to rent, Outpraystl Thor, At 1hetr ie, 'Melt., the Women's Tinea Chao; ortion women true- tubes. trns-hale: , semi Salvation ;Arley, visited a leper saloon and tried by hard puttying' to induce the proprietor' to close the 'place. The proprietor invited the latliei to seats and ttsltecl than to pray, slut ]hai+hitnself o:l'ered the following prayer. "Almighty Creator, Thou who hast lnatle the heaven and the, earth and Created man after Thine own image as. rulers of the earth, while animals are livinggrass and water. Thou didrt t°ratlt Thy servant t'o:th to make wine awl Thou. cliilst punish hint for leak- ing intemtu'l.8tr' use of it, .At the 'wed- ding of Cana Thine own " so; Jesus Christ, transformed water into wine; when the juice of the grape was exhautj t'i that the enjoyment of the guests might not be disturbe 1. The great re- former, .lIartin Luther said: ;Fie who does not lore wine, wotuen and song rptnains a fool all his life long.' and one of the divine emntnands of the Hook Than has given us is, 'that man shall chink no longer water, but shall use a little wine for$the stomach's sake and its often infirmities,' All great oxen of this earth have been drinking the wine! Thou hast given Thy chil.clren upon the earth. 0, .Lori], we pray Thee, have pity on the women ]here, who are even lia the beasts ofite field and dei , water like an ox. while their dress e tr asagantly and lead their husbands by ogler extravagauees,not tending to our well being, to be bankrupt, despising them o.E the pleasures of this world ;yes, driving them to suicide. 0, Lord! have lnercy on these ladies; look upon them. They wear not even the color of the face which Thou has given them but they are sinning a; ainst'Thee, and not content with nature they paint their faces. 0, Lord! Thou const also perceive thattheir figure is no`t' as Thou has made it but they wear humps en their backs like carrels. Thou see- s!, 0, Lord, that their headdress con- sists of false hair, and when they open their mouth Thou seest their false teeth; and 0, Lord, just make.a note of the spiral spring end cotton batting contrivances'tliay wear in their 'bosoms for no other purpose than to make themselves voluptuous and to excite in man a much worse passion than the use of wine; and for the same reason six foot pinched into a number three shoe and a number forty waist squeez-, V A. liL lbl<, Home Treatment fa leesrQ c, Qcapt 1 c a ria Ccal:zr hal deafness and Huy Favor. limusAny iA Woo la Week, Nervous, Debilitated,. welt fable FollyAna Ignorance lacy 'lfr' lledaxty igor et Body, Mand 40 manhood, cavus og.oxbanattrah .'tams even the F4irtatar' eneaQQk q Dreadf31rn : Woa0As Brrehfulnoae lu Sooletr, Eat pkkti myon the Faco oni eti til; Emma wales to gaily Peony, Coneumptton ser";n;malt Sell] titan la aare sluice o. ;t3 a Pcrtaltierts tore TO iraPat3 Youthful vigor rotate" the Vital Power U etla at d young. itrergtltena it•a,! dw.tJ;;r.rata.3 the l3raairl at sod Ne,teeeeeeu the a=imameaseems n nae evens* to atctt^atr 'Rho ',}ante Vo-si. it sacral] of tate beim} Snow. With Oats &!Semi a 1 N;r. i slat; axti las ,drhlnttttatti , be enrea in three manias, and reecoterisa ill de's than thirty eels. Ewell inselis fo can two wueka txrat- went. Vries O. tures Guarantee. Our €]sero. Me Litt. «i Is tats intAnible Curs for en Privet* 1 Diseases nomatter ol how long titaftd-. {:ng„ bolo under oar wrttteu Cuaranteoto effect as Came x'rico the Tome° Adcalaa.nu coo.. Termite, Oar. The Ilivro.rtrpe ha p}eNveri that Onto df5eazte9 are. tv.ntt lou►. and that they are dee to the presence of Ivan err e t i .odic ,s 1s the 9 t 'lin . membrane ue in uu wu 1 a s tf th upp^r air pelages and cul ach es tubes, The cmin• rat boniest%Ttiatill. Ilnaley eta Beale easdorte tilts, and these authud hici earntot be disputed. The regular method cr+t trate'; tote thst axes bas Lcot to apply au irritant remedy weekly. and oven dally, thus beeping the deice ttu nztnntranr in a constant state of irritation, allotting it no eltanee to heal, and as a nat• uratwnscquenee of siuclt trcattuuat :sot one rrtnan- cnt t:urehas evcrbeen reeor41e I. It is an absolute tact that these diseases tanaethe loran by any appli- cation made oftener thou once In two aelks, fur ;bp membrane musk get a chatters to heal before an a^r;ali• is repeated. It N now snvca years ;Enos air. I)isou discavemi the futrasite in eatarrrh and formulated his new treatment, and shite then lila remedy has be- c,nn e household word it every turnery where the l nglisit language is spoken. Cures effected by hint ;awn years sea are 'tures sttll, there having been no return of the disease. So highly aro these rentedic9 valued, that ignorant Imitators have started up everywhere, pretending to destrt.ya parasite. of whieh they know nmhiug, by resnetbes: the results of tate application of which They are equally ignorant. Mr. ,Themes rrmedv !supplied only once in two weeks, and faint on to three appil. cations effects perm;anentcuro la the most a rivat- ed eases. Mr. Dixon sends a Ishamplet describing hls new treatment on the rete pt of stamp to p.w postage, The address Is A. 11_ bIXON & SON, Sind Ism•• -street 'west, Toronto. Canada,-Seientifc.1merlean-feb?5 s ,101 t Newspaper Law. 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law) when a side. scriber does not take his paper out of the olizce, and state tlxe reasons for its not beingtaken Anyneglect t 1 to do leaves thepostmaster responsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continuecl, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is remade, and collect the whole amount whether h r i 1t is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the pay ment is niacle. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post officio, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for the pay. —Tan latest laws are such that newspaper publishers can arrest any one for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay for it. Tinder the law• the man who allows his subscription to run along for some time unpaid, or takes three papers from the post office and then orders the postmaster to. mark it "refused," and have a notice sent notifying the publisher, lays him- self liable to arrest and fino, same as for theft !1E1tGUANT Dealer in all ideal of ORWA$H1NOTUN'$HURRA}I, HURRAH —kbR— J, C. SALLACO1IBE. MERCllANT TAILDL NEXT VISIT. 'Throat awl i una,Si rxeon• OF EXETER Will be at Central Hotel ith, Chronic BrQntchatis Cured, An English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Qnt. DB« Wr' su11(tTods DEAR SIa, -I axe glati to be able to in- form you that my daughter dal quite well again, As this is the second time she hoe been •curets of grave bronchial troubiee under your treatment, when the usual remedies failed, I write to eaipres3 my gratitude. Please except ray atzasere thaaaks. TORII truly, O.1, PETTIT., Dlsussm TREATED—Catarrh .of the bead ;and Threat, Catarrh Dea.,fnesa, Chronic Dreertaitis, stkete and Consumption. Also low of voice, sora tbrerat, enlarged :. tensile, Potypue of the mesa removed. Come early. Cellealtativa tree. A. few of the many anted by Dr. Weele- gteete emir method; IL If. Storey, of storey & Son, T- acturera, Aeton, Ont., alentRlil4 o Fres'tl Newt - during .Ase. of Gaauaitta, permanently areal o Catarrh byDr. 1lrsashington, pre- uueeal inearahle by ;toted apectelrsis an .enutt7 anti .Eemie. Writo hilt; ter lore, John MeKelvy, Kluge:on, Ont.. Catarrh and Consumption. Jeplan eXelry ,l%ingston Ont. Catarrh. A. Hotlpieg, Kingston, Ont. c f+oneumptaau. . Scott, li ingetom, Out., eat,3rri pet thrall. tetazt Bertram, llartx+wannitla, On Iaritltt. ng, t enlreTiUo, ti, Iaeaaal total threat. ]Stat';, I? Rttaa ter, Acton Ont. E. l7°Esti. fietat3 Pttrnisltaiage, S' Ata;• viler, Ont,, cures] of Catterall, tbrat. John Plt6topita, $zrnllrtnr,t 1". 0., Ont., nnear Tapauee) tat Catarrh, hears, t aro gt wage. lead Bad odice 2215 Young Street, Toronto. teultetiun Free. MY GOODS ARE 1IRST-GLASS, AND A GOOD ?L'L' GUARANTEED. A CALL SOLICITED NONE BUT FI ST -OL SS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now Is the time to leave your order xOr a first-slass overcoat a:.I1EAP. Sontlieott, Corner ixain et John sts, EXETER -- - ONT Constimtion that dread terror, a disease so long baffling science and the mast skilled physicians, who knew of nothing to arrest, nothing to allevi- ate, nothing toomnol erano. Nowo g incurable malady, even when given up by physicians, health can yet be found. in OUB REMEDY, it heals and soothes the mem- brane embrane of theLungs'inflamed and poisoned by the ravages of this fell disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness actress the chest which accompany it. CURES GUARANTEED Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. EXETER MARKETS: Red Winter, per bus'l White at Spring • Ear ley . " Oats ci Peas Eggs Better, Rolls Bitter, Crock Wool ' Potatoes per hag Ray per ton- 93 to 95 93 to 95 93 to 95 48 to 50 45 to 47. 60 to •60 13 to 13 15 to 15 14 to 15 18 to 18 1.00 to 1.10 Tere's no use in being dis eourraged in Mud Times. To Customers and rithl c tat largo here is the place to get your- self acated,esitla Suits made zip in the latest styles, at hard time prices FINE RANGE OF GOOD! AALWA'S IN STOOD, A PERVECT PIT c IT,t"'w.UA TEE Clothes cleaned and renovated ,s moderate prices. O.A.LL SOLICITED. pa,taaire t„/gI over Peet Office. G. SIVI LLACOMBE • '.l'FLE 11ENSALL FUR N ITV.RE ti'raarerreoros is bound to sell cheap, and ill ;it'll 14 pt'r cent lower than ever to suit the hard tines; also repairing done, and perforated bottoms put in one attire the. Picture fi'ulninl aas specialty. GEORGE INGItAM. PamY. EENSALL ONT, 1Citcs Great EnE1isaat PreltcriptUO A a17CCea5i'nt Medicine used ever SO years in thousands of caw. + Cures $permatorrhea, Nervous t*a'^ ali iasdbyadaldsescueabuse. rrnKrona] indiscretion, or over-exertion, irt laza] fele packagoe Guarnnteeel to Our eidiots Olt othera Lail, Ask your Druggist for Who Great Estill h 1 r.s piatt,n, take no substitute. One package SI. Sit !3, by malt. Write for Pamphlet. Address Zurek*. C1.ewfcnl Co., Detroit, flflch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 uicit theson our.. AN OPPORTUNITY Egli WORTH i%. *i TO SECURE liiWSGUN FREE! 498 , ` .._ Don'tMissi%. it yen trin,t one send nt once thenamesand P.O. Address of erers sportsman or hunter in your county to whomoa will guarantee to show tt, and Rive away PILE1 I some of our steeple boxes of the best Brass Buena and shooting atumution on earth Name Sour County And express otileewhere toshipucods. hon- est men will be paid per day s for expo tet. Send two stamps, and adores SAIitistio ; GUN A.GENC1, 34 Church int., N. V. ml Dotwant to make Sid,I',D1 .DOti Or DOL. LAIt`i yy ,a(et[1t, ted Octout a tot Y 1 tr sat eatrft o!dir ll .Agents mon and 'women) to handle SCARCE xliDJJ' A quick and sttrc'fortune ls(mortal t,ed to all who'wlll keep a secret, and fol)ow my private inatraetfons °'nut -cod," (live truer neo, occupation and express *Mee. Sample of"Goods,"with perueu- 1ars,jn scale[ letter. for 1 5 (nota (stamps). 11,QdrUNa J. t;. 1WWait5, 001 soh Avenue, New York. Two aamtdrrfn[ and impnrlattt accreta! Worth more than tot' no can tail' MBE, 1;, In a platy ((Sealed) Cnrt'loo *Or 4 tents (stamps). !Address, ltlrs.r. Elk r 1. h. L,13a:..,t^,:S,.t et any PEN1YROVAL WAFERS, Prescription of a pbysician wbe hes had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used anonthly with perfect success by over 10,000ladses. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers ants take no substitute, or inclose ppoost- ,, 4 \ alldrfugr sscaled1 pparter rs.Address II EUREKA CHEMICAL ea, Damon, mem Sold in Exeter by !Dr, Lutz, and Lia r eteac dy vett kr l fa:a to c ant baa 'rade. hoer grlsetia aitl9a ataaintaln. GROOORIES :—Tt3 lbs.'sugtr for $1,00 ; la ibs. white sugar for $1,00. We met Ga etutersolt to te-Ao treat 2(ata oo 7:tagrrlh, Roots Shoo: toll $111o3) c low price&. aricety ax stall i stM.t k est *411.1aVWATI 70, SOVT 11 ES and t:L S f altarts ebeep ) I'esl• 9!aikats:a oil. dot gar, -al, C.`atPiles tet' a s ;hell+ot¢t, e Tea Sett of44 p $2.75• iiact a*i e:# I#toa➢crnCo Oltttlirela ter irma,d !•'slat i alt mp Eta :govt st azg;t, Our Dross Gowns are mark. ed down to the Lowest, COTTON—20 -°2O yds. for $1AP. A hew Sod M. nl.0 a sant; for *stet A Se JOHN MATHEEON, pay ';trite i1svtt SOMETHINO NEW TILE PROPRIETOR OF THE DOMINION LABORATORY Begs to announce to Itis veneer - us T ic'i ds tend Patrons that lie has just taut in a full lino of Stale & Fancy Stationery, Account Books, Schoed Books, an dl all kinds of School requisites Letter and s'ote Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full lino of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the lowest remeurative rates. We BROWNY& PROPRI .'X OR. 8.00 to 8.50 drnggtste vere'where, +Tared -8 The subscriber wishes to inform the fanners and general public that he is cprepared to furnish all sizes +and kind of r* di 3311 Well digging prcr.ptly done and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on Ann street, behind Christie's. Livery,,Stable.. .A. CALL c OLICITEIL