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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-17, Page 5
^,f -A, full assortment of T. D. Kim's - - •Y -r- celebrated Boots, Slums and Slippers L ' . et Samwell y Pickard's.. Loudon Euro. 4s Brew. Railway N er tneran Division GQI:CG imi Tia€ TA u1 -•.Ps ss'n'r London, depart - 8.10 , 8.10 A. u. 4.25 P.N. Luean Grossing, , 9.35 5.45 Claudebcyea....., 9.10 5.15 9.28 5.33 Y1':Tllilt,... 9.:35 5.45 I-[ensall , , ... , 9 4G 5.33 -The small boy and his catapult is Rippon , , -....9,31 6.06 doing lots of damage. They are a nuis- Breoefield....... 9.33 6.15 ante, and should be put under before Oshawa ....... ,.I0.10 6.33 some one has to pay a fine for breaking Lnrldesharo'. , . - .10.37 6.55 ;lass or injuring some individual, #:iyth „ - ..... -20.46 7.05 -We uuderetzuid that Mr. David Dele're e • • . ,, ,11,00 7.24 johns, and Mr. Robt. Sanders of this \'V'in;hanearrive.11.20 7.30 village sled Mr. John Puddecombe of Come Sov,,r Passenger. London,will leave on Monday for Mes- Wiuhalln,depart. 7.00 lox. 3.05 real koka in search of thespeckled "beaut- lieltra',e, . , . 7.17 3.28 res." Blyth , , ... . , . 7.31 3,42 -The Executive Committee of the Lotaclesboro' 7.40 3.51 Huron County Sabath School Asso• Clintorr 8.O0 4.10 catiou met at Clinton and arranged a Bracef eld , ... , 8.19 4.26 programme fer the meeting which is to Kippetit... .. `8::: 4.57 be hell in Exeter,en the 196 and 20th. Ileusall .,. ,;, . ,8.33 4.43 Exeter ;..8.47 4,57 Ceert'raslie 8.57 5./e7 C1anclebelvm,.... 9.10 5.20 I,aisan-cross'g , ,, . 9.20 5,2 Lonclon,arrive. - .10.10 0.00 -The Manufactures Life Insurance Compauy, Toronto, of which the How. SIR Joule A. M,t.CnoNA.LD is President, -Mr Thos. Sweet and Mr. Jas. is the cheapest and best to insure with. Beer visited the lake on Friday last, and Wm. Sanders, agent, ADVOCATE othee. had good success fishing. - ---Mr. A. Cottle is rushing up the buildinas, He has just got his factory 9nished, and is now euj aged in erect- ing a new frame house. Mr. Cottle is full of enterprise,. Loc it codec iiist'rted under this head at rive ceute per line each insert- fen. , Ws would ask our friend* and readers to assist us in making this celun interesting by contributing items All Changes for Advertisements in 'roe Auvoceeu must be handed in he. fore Tuesday noon, from, this titan for. ward. This rule will lit, rigidly adhered to, and advertisers will please take no- tice. No exceptions will be made. Local News. -. eeeee Ur. J. . never paid the town a visit last week. -Muir; L. U. Dickson is renovating his (Alice thoroughly. -For Field, Flower and (halm. eeedE, go to Somore11' ti: l "'icllaraies. IiIraee fiord has proved into her summer resideneeiroad side house, --Mr. 3. IN . Watson aatson Editor of tho Blyth Staiular4, gave us a friendly call on Thursday. -Satnwcll J Piekards are now ng the latest styles in gents felt Rate. The backyards .ore being cleaned up, and re hlences commence to have rather a elem. appearance. -A game of baseball will be played here on Saturday nett between the Ifensall and Exeter elubs. -A fine lot of English and Scotch Tweeds for gents suits; Perfect fit guaranteed at Sarawell tt Pickard. of June next. -Mr= John dances wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to repair Binders, Sewing Machine% Wringers, Organs, etc•, on shortest notice. En- quire at Dissett hires. H€ir 1w ere Store, Exeter,,.4 elly. 23rd, 88.-..t f, -To make paper stick to whitewwash- ed walls, make a sizing of common glue and water of the eonsisteney of linseed oil, and apply with brush to the wall, taking care to go over every pert, and especially top aril bettem, apply the paper in the usual .say. --Parties intending going to Europe during the coning summer will do well to buy their tickets via the Allan Line. This lino is old and is popular. Read "ad" in another colemn. --The cross-eyed men has found his province at last It is lovemaking on the sly*. An Ontario farmer, whose daughter ran away with a cross'eyed farm hand,declared that be never could telt when his hired man was looking at bia daughter, and therefore he didn't suspect biro. The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church was held on Monday evenivg last. The Rectors report shows a very prosperous parish.. Since 1885 the number of subscribing members has more than doubled For the past year there were 40 beptisins,31 eonliranel,8 marriages and 12 fueerale. Over 800 visits were paid, 104 Sunday and 23 week day services. 14 celebrat ions of the Holy Communion and 1& private. The total amount of money raised for church purposes, including clergyman's stipend and salary, was 0,585. The wardens report was then received and adopted, subject to the auditors. FI LP, •--.-A Southern Alauitobapaper pub- lishes this aslvertrsrne tit:---•'•Weeitccl, a wife: Canadian born, having goad quid - Wee. a goad home can bo obtained by one fitted to the aeual re :inre of farm walk. Oege not to dowel 1: or 19. This l dere to as decided scarcity of nmatrrntenuil talent. •--Ami exchange rtletes the following', eaf a main btreet iaaearehaort,wlro believes in the old ming! g! t f,' ,See ab pin and pick it up, ;end all the dory you'll have gored heck." ezw a pin in froiat of the poet -of - flee the other clay,€t/rtl while stooping to capture it his hat rolled out into the street,tcva l,trttoliS rive away his collesr split open,aritl his store teeth, which crest 1 3 when new, full out and broke, on the war. Ile picked up the pia, however -Do not forget that the Exeter "Grass Band intend holding their hist grand annual carnival in the Roller; Tank, on :l hureday t'vcning nett, 21th May. The prises 11.4 he a large and vari- ed etre, and all who do not attend will miss a grand treat as all skaters will be in costuame,mnd some comical characters will bo represented. After the carnival a grand hop will be hell at tiro Rink, at which all are invited to participate, and first-class music has been engaged for the oceassion, Let there be a good turnout. Prices as usual. -We are very sorry to hear of the severe illness of Mr. Eli Snell. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. -We regret to learn of the severe illness of ;fir. Reit. Howard from, can- cer and he is gradually growing worse.. - -We understand that Mi'. William Morrison, of this village, leaves to -day for British Columbia, and the Rocky Mountains. -SSeanwell d: Pit:kar l has just re- ceived a large variety, of Wall Papers, Ceiling Decorations, Window Shades stud Curtain Poles -Mr. Chas.. Tom, who has been at Farquhar,for a few months has remov- ed back to our village, and opened out in the boot & shoe business. -Mr. Wm. Morrison has sold his residence, and land which lays jurat west of the corporation to Messrs Snell Bros. Exeter for the sam of $2,850. „Many, when planting shade tre especially along the sidewalk seem think that it is not necessary to re any provision for their future or ©vee present groweeth, but that all is done thatia required, when they hale dug the smallest possible hole in which to place the ronts and cover the same, When. the trees are dug, the roots are often grubbed ot1•: so short that they can have no hold on the soil and therefore re - vire to be supported by stalks. Thi is all wrong. We should treat our shade trees AS living beings that require foul], air and organs, to assimilate the food, with spacee'to develop roots trunk and branches; and this eiinnot be done under the unnatural couditioras in which so many are placed. ,A, large hole is necessary, in which every root. let can ho spread carefully, and in an unerampeal, natural positions with good soil to supply the tree with element of growetleancl plenty of root left. ---From the report relating to the rcgirtration of births, manages and dcatbe for the year 188G,, we take the following partienlars relating to• the county of Huron: ,The cumber of births in that year was 1557,a decrease of 33 over the ,proceeding year. The total number of marriages, 461sa de• crease 16, The total number of deatha, 581, a deerease of 30, 283 being males and 298 females. The average death rate in Huron, taking the years 1881 to 1886 as a comparison, per 1000 oE, population, was 83. `[rile marriages by cionorinetion were: -3 piampaliaus, 60 males, 53 females; Presbyterians, 152 and 153; Methodists, 187 and 190; Roman Catholics, 23 and 25; Baptists 7 aucl 7. 70 marriages took place in December, being almost double that of any other month. Of the marriages, 2 utiles were under the age ef 20, and 58 females; 4 males were over 50, and 1 female; inuch the largest number were married between the ages ef 20 and 30, for while 44 men were married between the ages of 35 and 40, only 14 women were married at the ages. -On Monday evening last, as an- nounced by poster's,a meeting was held in the Tosru. Hall, for the discussion of more railways, ,High School and better nlnil arrangements, The meeting wa,s largely attended by the ratepayers of the village. After Mr. M. Eacrett being appointed chairman, the question taken up was the discussion of better niaiI arrangements, and was responded by Dr. R,ollins,D. Johns,anci Mr. John Grigg. After each had ventilated his views, a committee consisting five were appointed. to look after those interests. The next subject was High School, to which Mr. R. H. Collins, Mr :N. Dyer Burdon, Dr. Rollins and Mr. John Grigg spoke in favor of an High School for Eseter,and thought an High School could be ereeted,and maintained. at a moderate sum, and that a tommit- tee be appointed to confer with the muuicipalities of Hay,Stephen and Us - born, with regards to each taldng, a part in the erection of a High: School. F 1 AJ BISSET'1' BRo MAIN -ST,' EXETER -No merchant can now wholly de- pend for bushiest; upon the fact of his being well know in the trade No mat- ter how many years he has been estala- imbed, or how familiar his name is to the purchasing publie, or how celebrat- ed his wares are, if he sloes not adver- tisd nod keep doing so in some way, buyers and consumers will in time ig nore him, visit atul trade with his com- petitor, who sounds his trumpet upon all occasions to the extent of thousands of dollars a. year, and pays the sure without a murmur because it pays him to do so. -Thursday next is the 24th May, which will be duly celebrated in this place in right loyahand patriotic style. At 9.30,the trades possession will form at the north end of the village, every trade being represented, headed by General Ilurst's and Exeter Brass Baud, London Canton I. O. 0. F., Exeter Fire Department, and will pro- ceed through the principal atreets of the town. At 11 o'clocic a grand foot- bali match will take place between Clinton and Exeter, in the Agricultral grounds. In the afternoon $300 will be awarded as prizes in the different atheletic games, in which some of the best athletes in Canada will take part. In the evening a grand Carnival will be held in the Roller Rink followed by a grand hop, at which an invitation is extended to all. We must say that all the eng,agsments for the days en- tertainment is first-class, and all who attend will be more than pleased, as A committee.was then appointed to. the performance of the uniformed Canton I. O. O..1?., Loudon,. will be worth more than the money. paid. This is ono of the best drilled canton's in Canada the different exercises with the sword is something grand. Every one come and enjoy a day of amuse- ment with the citizens of Exeter. The. hotel keepers are making ample arrangements for, the acconaiclatiou''.of the visitors. -Be sure and call on Samwell tk Pickard and see their grand display of Millinery, including the latest and newest New York and England styles .and novelties. --Mr. D. A. 2 tcAnch, who has been. among the Rocky Mountains for a year past, returned here ou. Friday last bringing with him several relics• and specimens of the different reptiles and Buffalo Horns which, live, in. that sect- ion. Mr. William. Drew, wife and daughter returned: from Calfornia on Thursday evening, kst,where they Neve spent the• winter.: They all look hale and hearty and ae though the climate in that country quite agreed with them. -Parents and guardians of children, attending school should remember that it is obligatory on their part should any contagious disease bo at home of saicl parents or children, to notify- the prin- cipal of the school or schools were such. children are attending within eighteen hours of the first intimation or' know- ledge of: any such, disease existing.. Xn•{-n ÷ ill Xi,X 1 '. i' ., tr x •1 II a nX,..1,„;>ro.`.. YAM'►r„^y r7•,r, .-,m..o..r n.s+s ew•zc,,an✓,nlifn.''..Aataannr ,.nF.,ru FILL LINES OF CONFECTIONERY ON HAND. WEDDING AND PARTY CAI ES i?t ' :: TZtAe ' '' C?RDER I----,PISOMP L - --1TTENDP,1) One cava noriia 1.3ell't4 old staz1c MAIN -STREET, EXETER. +1 ..n' xC+ T a 21I4;Tki>~I5S. 1 Ars lou tilAurbc,1tet,,1: fraud brnkt'n of QLD DR. CHASE s , , anti r .1 with rest ii, a Mel: child autiorina n 1 e fit 1' tA L! p pain or entthte teetit ? if so, send at neer t ltl, „ P1 Ut RECEIPT [lox intallottlestt fita,irsxsaow'ssl n-ralxer sitt r .:' • rItivaluo le. amp= tte trt lleve+tl,i• cc,r1tttl bu1T. rerimn e- ri uratess Depend tonin it, ini,thers,there inan. , mica uce about it. It on r03 dysentery and alar- rlic^a, regulates the ritumnelt anti bowels, ceras windcolic,softensthegame,roditseabalsams- tion, ,d ; r'o.,- tion, and viva tons and ctlern,to1110SvhI1n system. Mts. VAN nova suotarso SratV pi t.,rsnatty T=7,Iltrt;is pleasant Intim taste,and 1n the proscription of ono of this oi St n.1 li tst yt n1 tlo nurses and physicians in titn Ended' ';tate', and Is for sate by all tlralaitists throe a't- 'Nattbe world. Prise 25 centra i,utlle. His Lash Crowing Life Wo rk I Dr. Chase's Third, Last anti teuriplete j Remit Book and Household Yliyslei-in, or i the Look for the Million, cout;uni neeriv Goll pages and sells f,trik2.:3+ iileltetil.l'int}- ing and $2.50 in importe4 id d'th, marble edge, and is justly by him tinned "The Crowning Work of My Life. It is the result of over half a. ccltlur:4', observation, s.utly and 4teperienee. Yet this euibodiesinx c:nmpilatu.n c+! hip fernier books. IT ISWIiOLLY A NEW TAME. If 30 years ago he could produce a t=rek that has laad e. stile of over fifteen hundred thousand copies, and has made his mune familiar ht nearly every English-speaking home in the United States, Canada. .tad thousands of homes in Europe, Austr.dia and South America, what EINE of a lural:; could or would he produce as his Crown - 'ng Life Worlc, wfxil mtnui riuAx THEME EARS. OP ,ADDITIONAL PRACTICE ..ND til.- ERl1n]CE? The book itself answers rho estion, and is the most valuable pro- d ction in the history of book latitlilling. C 1ITION! Unscrupulous such pirating publislaera era attengiting to c y this book by taking portions of it ou and palming it off on the public as complete work. We own the nlanu- ript, purchased from Dr. Chase's Heirs, ee that you that you get the GENUINE ook. See that it has our name on the title page and is copyrighted by us. Agents Wanted: Big Terms: F, B, DICKERSoN & CO., ain Office, Detroit, Mich. Windsor,Ont. 20-01v. look after this interest. The next was, railway matters,, in which D'r. Bollin's. and a few other ratepayers discussed in all able manner. A committee was - then appointed' to look after our wel- fare in this direction. The meeting was then brought to• a close,. each feel ing satisfied that some•good would re- sult from the meeting, and all o press- ocl a desire that each committee wolild do their duty in the direction spegifled. AT E N T R, 3 Cavea s, Re -issues case Trade-.M'atks secured and a other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and care Illy attended to. pon receipt of llfodc: or Sketch of In- v:ntion, I make.careful examination, and a vise as to patentability Free of charge. Edits MODERATE, and 1 make No charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special re frencos sent on ttippli cation. J..B. LITTELL, Washington-, D;.0. 011l?ostt . ;. Pateutoak A. new lot of 8'x10, 11x1,1 and 14x17 PHOTO FRAIES Opened out this week. to -Also new line of- Photo Mats, Picture Frame M0.7LDING Of the Latest Designs, AT EXETER PHOTO GALLERY. JOS. SENIOR,. Prop. Aid EXTAORDINARY OFFER To ALL wANTINQ EAIPLOYMtNT. Wo want hve, energetic, agents in eery county in the 'United States and Canada to son a patent article - of great merit, ex 1T8 straws. los articles baying a. largo sale paying over 150 per cunt, profit, haying no competition, and on which tine agent is protected in the exeluelve sale by a deed given for each and every county he may secure from us, with all tiles° ad- vantages to our agents, and the fact that is an article- that can be sold to every houso owner, it might not be necessary to make "AN ornt.rittr oEptnt' to seeura good scents at once, but um have Concluded to anako it to show, not only our confidence in the ntel-its or* our invention, but to its salability' by any agent that. twill handle it, with energy, our agents mow at trilk neo making $150 to MO amombclean,and this fart" makes it sate for ns to make our offer to all that are out of employment. Any agent that will give oara business a thirty lays' trial and fail to clear at leant 5100 in this time, Alloys ALL EXPR$8EB, can retie u n:la goods unsold to us and wo will refund `the monry pail for them, No such employer of , agents eel dared to make such offers, nor wonid wo it we di,r.. not know that we have agents now -making more thee, double this amount, Our large derriptivo ciroulnrrt explain our otic: (idly, and these we wish to send t‘... • everyone out of es ploctnent who will send vs tluc.a Ono cunt stamps forpostage. bend at, once 'ala. n - euro the spin** in time for tl:e boom such tro to nosh' onthe terms named in our nrdin ty offer, Address, at one xtrnmAt,N°ts r1Cv. ! 311-?. kl k Sm,t zfl lei 5fi ., Pfttsburses.,410