The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-17, Page 4MEDICATED eLECTIRIC wammBELTonamon Dedicated for all diseases of the bloat and uer, soils system. Ladies Belt S2 for female com- pp'aizatsithesnoegna Diens Habig, combined Heft and Suspensory es. Seminal. weakness 4' errors of youth.lost manhood, nightly+. emissions, Etc. Theonly ap ptianoes .. giving a diroot current of Et otrieaty- ta take parts, , can 11e worn night or 'da} w,thoutancouvemence. Hund tiaotTea, tirnoniala on -Madrona e.irona those cured of telltale diseases. p r in beek. anda es.laea . and limns. nervous Cebz ity, general dehility, latmbago, rheumatism, paralyssa, near Jlyda, sciatica ., disease of the kidneys, spinal diseases tor, ld laver, gout, leueorrecee, catarrh of the bladder ;, se=Xua1 exhaustion, seminal emissions, ashmalieare 4zaoese, dy sgep:m. constipation c rysap- elan, indigestion. impotency. piles, enziepsy. dumb ague end diabetes. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated book andliealtfa journal. Corm spo nrieneestrictIl • cona"identaaal, Con-' slzltatien awl electrical treatment tree. Agents Wanted owl where. Rat. le,2Eth, A6a'Y Cure Guaranteed Medloated Electric nett Coe, 455 Queen St. West,. Tot'cgrito, Ganarxa The Exeter Adulate. WILLIAM SANDgRS, rzprgon, Ax.o. Pt%7g.ouskt, a,�.• IO ; - Main Street, Eretel faraDAT, £AY 17th, 1888. ? , l OWAT leas at last got down to businesat in. regard to the inininrg, so0.ir- ees of this province Uo baa ,a►ppoint- ed a t'Onikniasioii of competent nun to inquire into these resources, Clod nl:xnbered 1,543, and for short service 29,682. Of the reeuits who joined during the year, 7„688 were under 17 years of age, 1:1,648 under 19, 6,307 under 20 the total number over 20 was 11,179, The number of reenits was less by about 8,000 than in each of the years 1885 and 1886,and also less than in the two previous years; but, with these exceptions, larger than in year sine 1868; any I ALE luck; to these gentlemen in their task Qf discoyering how rich we are, OF V ALi`Ali ,l."`, innipe r, accordE tingilii:::::7.1asaestiz:\„!:ins::::::::;e1rse°°91;;; , liokv 2,098 PERTY nipeg papers do VI I 0 ,tot priot a comparative statement, hewing the population last and pre- +, /1Mous. years, it is suite likely tbazt' Cher cres2s for the year floes riot an older to aver a mlilUon Tike ii3ltlei ign estimated that the amount r taken from the eortli it teen years aggee;elt ;OQ0,QOI?. Last year was the productinn,$100,006,9Q0 in. ea and Territories west of Kan as told Minneseta3 of this sine, C`olora- 4o prof ueod $23,040,000, while Salk traaneisco shipped $14,445,000 silver 1j0 the East, TIa' fire insurance business of Cart- asale has come to assutnu largo proport- ions. ;pk18. ,alt the close of last year then et 4mount at risk reached no less than 4836,101,557, the gross premium: come on which was *6,043,222, an the losses .for the year were $3139,4+20. This is a better result than the year 1,886 produced, the gross premium iia• come then having teed $5,7$ 4,t G' aalat1 Oa total leases $3,286.014, the excess of premiums being about a hundred thousalld,tlellara less than last year. The statistics of lira insurance in Can- tide antide since 1869 .inclusive do not show a large margin of profit for than cooe- paniea,the aggregate net cash premiums received in the nineteen years having been $68,932,293, and the a,gregatta losses paid 850,6:1.6,1033 leaving a mar^ gin of 401110 18 million dollars, out of which the cost of management has be paid before the shareholders can rive any profit, ed will offer for sale TURDAY MAY 26th. m—cTTIIE - > 11 1 301.04:43; lh. The following valuable property, ko "Cott'', 1. Hugh 11QP lin property, P yert, a t+ Town," London Road. There are up- on the llacs,a frame home and stable, never failing well of water, and a livad er of choice fruit trees. ler of land. 2. 11ouse, and lot of 1: 5 a>,ere, Yoke Road, near F1ay. mill. There are .upon he place, 2 storey frame house, stable, ad good well of water. 3. House, and one acre of la1 I ew-st,, better known as the Q tool House. There aro upon tl place, brick building with three gene - merits, and pied sell of water handy to School and Churches. 4. Station Hotel. A desirable propt'rty, and any canes wishing to en- gage in the hotel business will ilnd this property well adapted and nicely situ- ated. UR ELEGANT PtR ARAMs JS. F^sstcantor wo znanufar :a.e sal eras the sole �rorrietorsof the falloy'- ' f. -pe icit-,s, and tba thegczne ^edfrom noo er seance. 31i$YARE NOT FOR SALE BY esti-amis. Correspondence strictlyy. consider:41M Consultation oven all chrome 4ii_cese invited. NO Ct i'ti6E except for 1ucd a e'es. Alk hart R• sent a ury:ir04: a eerva- HAIR COLO IIID tiurmagniecaontpre ar:,tionsereatla-etantedper- tly harmless. We Q rep .rc t e+ folloviiMg ors—the Hnerre;l•cates -.ai=e''r^rxthe in .tri?.elta Black. Derr Brown. Medium ion. Che;hna>,, Tight Chs.tnoat, taoN1 .till_' Ash cu Edsrndp Cen.lr e. Ee;r.a1 e^ aza3 ra s�.r oNsaing, .Itte4, *g. rar biteo, . wreeto aetcu ams Cee TOILET RF' I (SITE raleriaaa lrle r Ep Sr“`c# trtnle'sk Fm at rrne guarantee glum to 0.4;a entire r'T 3 faettolz. Lap aartsteytr vst azttl the color in -41 UT:?ane:4 of zocalenhoml:Immac simie3 nm builWetetl, VA 1 e 2U,moten urmlfts.r•3. Aro. 19 Ee oyM1...: a Geom. Pal i. Eo tl lemrtesFIExlk a. • ,a No 11 It£-;uoet'r3 F're:el.:a•s. a efie ten„osc5IIMP1 s.$I„ ii. No. 14I:er•ncasea z7lteanaws;if hs. ee. No. Zti ores l'o soan:,.S el, 1.n 2711ensorasnnihia sphatfon .Lt a A ai .Snrbrolutt+naming spceafaeIorfilorowdier; dentopeamt or rester. aatiflAQftlleal:riair. Q14. Toronto Mollehm Co. TM MST No. l9 Is a env:btued int.erna1 and eaternrai eatmeat a'1o! loalol totholeso rtioa ox volas tamp ;memo. Lientiroi 1 reile+gc'.nd oortain la':e Sli . Ertoo . <Torono a+tcx:th ine Co. :Omuta. WOMEN'S 1/.40 No. ;CiAret a .ectridara,.orWhftra Tg17.ng oktl e ii sr le, 1 irarat tee$ x'ainful deme utraaanon t, ^a l'.11";,A" ands IPismcs nd Westaz”, 7-rs protliss, t tryrtqlca, Endors-c4 the kry,,. t it sale at t4 aifei l -s czar un "ittk- a.+a ry;. 1 4.4e•aTcritrttth\s Tar4ntea FRENCH RECULATlON MIAS $uperker ts► DO O*. r naa7,g, 7roo sro -al ex t1 1 e.le.sd s thotho =ands x Isuulieswslbo e+cetl.ew'rto\Tlll.'S'' hese, tail. Iit-Ilirvct raw, I`iselizuni g11a,r, ,nrer,Vicaa stao.lElicacal, rrloo $9 Termatn :a",t,l4ttno tla., `a resate.044 EURA1.0 .A RHEUMATISM ' ! Can lar1enroabyta3ca.z alas ;ie, »2, its wen. d AIM malainane to the maple that it dwea ,cit t11at;fn cl yutaicxrl for it Erica $1, Taranto #talicio CA,.WrantO.Oat* TERMS OF SAL «1`• 19 per cent. down, Easy terml ,nlanee of payment,, S. OKlver, i, ta.141a1 Vie, ti.uetiouet'k. Propri ?irst 0laiss lttlk:z ERY. its Sped l ]atlas with Comm Men. Mors left at 14ISS1TT ,POI'. Hard Ware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. Aa TRIAL Il LETT 1;R OS. GF-RISTI: AL ) ACC 0ItDM0.to an ahatred of state. vents of life insurance comptuaiee du. :mg business in Canada during the year 1,887;, which has just been issued, the totalnumber of companies are 3:1, 11 :eating Canadian, 16 British and 1:1' American. The premiums for the year volved by the Canadian comp.:ma . amount "to $2,843,3998; 1 ritish, $800,- 6.29; and Areericau, $2,2S5,954, mak til; .a tonal, of. $6,019,981, showing an ilicrease of $824,261 over that of 18x6. '11ie total number of policies new and taken up was 29,871, an increase of 1,596 over the previous year, the unlount of the same being $38,108,730 ttn,ibcrease of $2,237,382 over 1.886- The total number of policies in force to date is 118,102, an increase over the corresponding year of 14,078. :The net amount in force in 1887 was i,"41.91,- 679,852, an increase of $20,364,156 during the year. The total amountof claims paid in 1887 was $2,161,528,an increase of $201,733 oyer 1886. LONCO Digs and Horses First- Class. Ureie;trs kit at the 11nu•lcshaii iiaelse or ,ct iLe, citable will lyes promptly attended ter. eheualsa 1 r.%su\. 1Iz :. TRW preliminary return of the Brit- ish Army, prepared in anticipation of the general annual return for 1888, showsthat the = average effective strength of the regular array was last year 208, 574, of which 1,304 were household cayalry, 18,054 cavalryy of the line, 3,898.Royaal Horse Artillers, 80,1336 Royal Artillery, 6,508 Royal Engineers, 5,859.Foot Guards, 134,- 393 infantry of. the line,,2,477 colonial erops,,2,902°commissariat and. 'trans- nort, 2,863 ordnance store, and. 2,610 medical stag. The average. strength el the army. was ,larger last year than at has;been since.1s68, and over 6,000 More than in 1886; which bad the larg-. ast average up to ths;t time., The re- kv2kits,,for loi1g,seryice cluring.,the year. Permanent positions guaranteed with Salary and Expenses Paid. Any determined roan can snee sed with us. Peculiar advantages to be iunea:s. Steek complete, including runny fast selling specialties. Outfit free. Ad- dress as once. (Name this paper.) BROWN BROTHERS, Nurseynen, ROCHESTER, N. Y Ap.26.-2rn. Furniture . and Undertaking. —GO TO L' owe ad AndrieWSY' FOR Bed -room. and Parlor uite8, Sideboards and Entension.Tables, ierettn.eees need &eases- tch:aarg, (44' Largest warerroorns in town. t71NDER't'AIiING, outside of the under- takers' rung, in ltll its b anehes.. Open, day and. night. -STAND: one door north of Molson's bane Makn; st .eetg, '' ,ores. COLLEGE. Subjectse All Business tranches, Short- hand, hort-h nay Type -writing anA Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate with honors in Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Type Writing free with Book keeping course. TI R OLDEST AND BEST Diploma fronl.Western'Fair for Plain and Fancy Writing. Business conducted on latest improved plans. with printed forms. A J OADMAN Box 400 PRINCIPAL. S S511111 •" o A onsA44iac^a ur l) cr. 4. t' ^4-733 fa' is ie? ri=4T1.72.mi egyv 1"it€:rn afl' 117"T t"d r-1 tealclaC r:OlfU. S '1i0.A r6bTra larta#on clown Iron Vh. # t c , s t.11, , ,f t for tar ,solos rlo -c.,.l ; 1 r t1:11 'a3 4i 1aS I ,e`3: . c s. a n T M.ua of Tonpi: tea tliatlanrr7� tg .1i,lat. atom S, P 4,c.., y ,:.r (.!' ceevet -ayaon, dceiXasfars �syiaslAa,uElr s:ar a .1 0.;;,1,i:"./ t + er'ti .', 1 {e e,rank-alar svbtytyc.t, eer. ie•o, a er:v: bin -a o, a ie r1t , r:l. ti Arse , , ,:, 1a a i :4';n* vaat'1`Filth..fvi�*�iofnso r,.;eaeu:►1, lA i.- c r�'o yw ..f.�,:'#a .:..•clerrusx.t-lkact murap,'r.. Joyce, iaaetaittoe, cna:eCitttial. 11.17eantG°., nil a 3ti;+n of i':Ae task:! 4i et*ne fetrinies cro.ublio;, znrie4teclaol4,,iaa taiidie 4ots an 015,1„a,pr{aipmg of *WIis rrttels habit, oftraltirx.eanance illy it4eur •l. €L:4 r nine « e vit.!) force basins t t toupion, every lunation wanes in cousrinot.'a, ac aide otitis amid the anon stet,„aelu'rat:, of ins•are ntsi'lnnta 111410 yn 1,80Tlbyn5 fay f :0 :''t1 t > 2; t ,t .l U.n ilae eras arlKlitY of TeaStOtt lives %thick eo.ne nt lea. Vie194;v'. ,,y s e; sr* E .?13- , et dor the a4Tlwnu`y duties of b asinesg, leenraoitatai tor tee eoneezelerz, et tee .gra: is calf rami a,ee.refreny the e4retta of ea..4y % N xt yon are an ,vance'a a:a y vis .'a S .'all AV:O a hilt ttrcr etaszr eralla. 3f tam are F..ro:'en down, Allays sally anal ttlnrally _tr.'n:a oat: 3t1e' s^,t.ca. t:•e are'sanit of igaaoaranen owl folly. send year r»,aldr;.-i a of 14 gr. s `.a aitsa,faer:4 Tseatis, tar 1t •k Form 44 Dis eses eat Zino. Fc+aO!•et 01 ° E, z: .seen al re4.^.tree. Addres +alt etl onanntea.tlor.,a tJ X, V.a'lt, .' :t) , 4 7i Fel f1:,,y:t.90 % ^.+. S'o *ki�a,"a. A Mani'ahsruttv44asi,reseaatea+rs Paraele7e 6tlit18 UK) A Permanen THIS StFYER,PLATt 0 1IOSTRUMi;N7” 0 Tho Greatest Discovery a the Age. Prigs •. * $3. CATARRH tliPtiSSi94E UNDEF The only catard% remedy over eafcrel t etomeatcru 1.73goal tercet were, oven O. iIS INFLUENCE the public en IN ally trial remota W. T. Woo t Co., GTI THE GREAT EYE AND LUN© NESTOR Aciina is nate medicine or a dlautUn4lotion oraoeeprtslt but a Pelf -a araera- tint; vapor, easily and lrlcasanoy unppllclat all k once, tMese sand. lalnca Acting Na 2 Qtticlily relieves nsnl tborout l ly curia all Threat and Imre; diseases. A.cbaa No. 3. -Positively aurae ail dismal of the Eyo, Cataract Gran Mated Eye.ltals, Inflames; Eyes, near curd far r;4RLtetineo Tun Epi, TRri.TEIy vvutt s. moat n. Tutt AcTure, is Coin =Dan arm w:r.n'rz;N GraviAn=n ON 11 Ia11Tii =Ur,. Enclose stamp for 11andsnsuely Illustrated boo:: raid Itcaltlt 3aurnal. W. T. i3dF.ic aC CO., i:.r,, Queen atree;.Wt at, Toronto, Out ._,........r..,,,a. .,nn..,> .,o. monOr.. The EXETER_e_ADVooli E Only $1 per year. MRS.. I3ISSLTT AND MISS WELSH begs to inform the public, teat they have. opened out business on the corner of William and Gidley. streets. Dress - Making, donfs ressmakin•done in all the latest styles.. Lessons on Fancy Work given. STANKNG A. SPECIALTY.. All girders promptly attended' to,, trial SolLeited. Igeh-1 3mA, Would take this method of returning thanks for past support an& also invites the attention of the general. public to his new ,Fail and Winter Stock comprising the following:— "-A rstt-lass stock of Furs s COW 'TINT OP PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER ..4I.7D ;MINK, FOR WHICH HE IN- VITES TIIE CAREFUL INSPECTION O1 1.115 ' OLD CU; TOMFR AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. EgirtA First-class stock of Boots & S.a..t.OES,1.L4lJBBEI O YEBSi+VES, 1n Lagos, Gents and Chilclrens; colnprising6 tho lull different . hinds.. ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSO.L TME1' T CROCKERY is CIIVIA GLA SSW AT ta ALSO A 000D SELECTION OF Flanriel.s and. incey 3, lin and check;, 72 inch wool sheetin , Heavy all wool Blankets, White;and Grey Roods, Tamosbanters,. Wool: jackets; .n excellent assortment .of' Hosiery: —ALSO— R, ALSO U ET t)1 O{ VI A. GOOD ST PPL ' OF ALL(STAPLES,. AS EEQUIBED TN, k," E R(7HOME.--cm ��r�fy�q �1{��. Fi 1`k`l 'M" 3 �*ewiY� .7.1I�i1