The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-17, Page 3this country 4tstrict5. je4, 00,0 pbjigf; 4 whom Tu reply to the Toronto depu4t1w.i, Sir tijo Or gly 4ro gv*rcely ox;g=4 to r4cmaver. AdQlphi voron V;Ald t,44% be iutcaoloa ViAlt1q. hu';etIg by a, woroxxte ohordyi when he WOZ14 look jAZ4 Vot ,Pa g Of I-% to 53 home, r4ft4gi to gqut the *14" que4l'?ii Of retnoviag the rlaqA W#s sufreage to women. A =�Qrlty of looth tMin GArzkort common. puti e-3 in the Rattric rejesed the IneaAare, rroviouovatlea Pointed gat the probsk]411- is, that the maessachwotts women h4vo. very t th of ftf,�Ab. Pur@has.,@ Pf MiU44L"M vemounu 1*30 grourta forboP4 I 4� f4i,4re. Th 4s for To- kIoR4uQVMq- gofu��!A a! t140 impog-A'Age of th% vd ozi Qua autbonty tbantKo War Mo :P11 QUO Im ovor bcw4 will miklo Urge forthwwa 11dA 4quiriiqr.. ofilo PlIgilm, mother#. A t0pgram hAA ItecLa =4 to, 04AW& *4 Averygovioug bghAf et tito MAT140 jA t0fAts of 011C430. tQ tto P%7m b9cu 414 C,,�t TC b t , urging 4ft in rxp'lva the bill for A Till. CICe.4ta ja tiie State Of NOW Yorj;' A ft9tA' rcaid . x0ge, uiro,,,m the DAWAt Alver, go aj tor Icat in, his -will fftgea tboagand doltara- to cuatlo, to pr%vout'A prQUO to for the, rurpwo qfh,4409 PrAyefg 0114INd In tLat the brIdjo wOR14 r. 1�0=u "thello Churclis, to be by the vxe- to fieviptiou. QillQTA §ejeoted, "JQJ.� *to repQfe of bia 40.1141 At tho meptlpg pf tbo Dawd of Tnifotto 4114 the 90141% of his family, and also the 01 Qneu!�s Uutv�rsltyj the cammittee Wag 8,�)Ub@f all otbfua who ma bg in Itgthorized to piaci-xiiinothl tablew in ro.. The, Counvi app.431 bvl *bat iC "414075 feveUca to t1jo ."4TWrAd endowment fowh pit W;X9 lar4idaud th;%tt1to motityr must Q to th CAS4110 , , a walls of ball, and alaj to t1w belle, on the graund tbato no record tbo uQwen of 1441vidual tvref` %et0t`4 i 04urch vai - pepl.Oa TbQ )=_guaze of the the pr%oica U41yorany -411, the C;utrt deMeol, WCL's broad onough to incluac, 411 the Catlto the Au Whentful ftutAtiov, lie Cli=14ea in th9TQ cb,0414 144VO WVr-a 4QO ito the pitoo ebippVto of Qut`�'N'Q' w'Altca "-" bvivJidoxy, or aue csipalile Qf dotvrmln 4tion. the inirkot e5muiltwo 4f tbo Moatrpl c1q; cava -41 tn� pfvtvll� o?'4144 040 IM P24dou 'Of =,44%et ddl�a ou oxrpqrt @Atlo. T140001- lindou lkq% 46; uAw#p,*p=- V49 The awlg�u at suqftm i.% A'Aly cxpn�tllu& the impat cQR1pj,%,jaf;d of W= l%W11y Q"�" Itcumo to tboe1w = AttQ& bx t,,D gl%-o the 4vV;,jt,%uQa an auuwci at %liQ DA13191 Xarlavty anA Dmilel Wyn r# QZ0 tuljg4ia QtTralee# cvuut�l licyly", an sUar. MQMCW� kkvf fer an "arlou tourder. TTQ cg4toss of the uppulnc,3 It The Ifou'Ac4ter chmaer of Comfocrce opp-,%ra AM aN agdon for the 104 5&,310t Mr. lftlacwevu. jorhy ta favor of, StAt.04T&A amigrAtiou. of blontreal, axiiiiar"out,01 tbo ovidema he The RUjjZjAu G4VQ:._riui 'e;it baVo &Qjfta had givou before tlio CPMmltt;.P. Au 00-1- tu v%FV1 the JQW6 from Rehl"Afore, Zu- ail lotter was cut in, Qua Mr. L�ckvrby X uud. oxcto thowe Who L'Iye "rTed, 19 the t4itic,j a copy ibf ais loutr.- but elaw the army. ahi copying theorl.,luallater L.V, john j)3jDu b%a a long interview with *U4 Njr. 'malhoggon is pletcC11 lat a 4MOua ATohbjahop,CroVo an S*tarfty w ith regard afeadVantoge;, The mAmittC3 to u0W CQM* to tile rapola QA4ndoMn&tjQ4 of the r1sit of elderLjV,q thi de4rability of prow--Rdfig 104- VARVA184. litkian protelifin The Dindon No thinks that th@ Papa!s toLuncpbTA1rqXXQvvk condenniatioa ofthe plan of empalpla SV -r �o, .; 1:4, retiialug from Church at the th(t most formlatilgo, View yet atru& autbe Tillog-0 of obto In 04 country, wera ot- tat-Ited by A trautp wbe Sir Audrow Bxrelo%y Walker, of Imudela struck one of the Affla with a Anti. Via, formeriv mayor of Ltvorpool, has oiTercil ta# other promptly felled 60 on 1*461 tramp a jlAllia'. .1vo g%jo,000 towards Vallaing % cathedr I to the groudd with her Unt. In that tow'11. .� tto p sgjailaurls cap sell pff attiabout two fect of b * rellea plug their Prince Bistimrok is complottl restored � w , frombeficath, prow; M%dlaut to lie not A axw but a femilo, an to health ana on Sunday wan alle to, Me encli-ty of thefro, dretned in men'$ clothin9v trola Berilit to Charlateul-org and blak al with her face sme=4 ov,�r with pot rurat, break -neck speed. that bar feIturo might U14 ho Wcogrisca, Count Herbert Illsmarolk lostead of 1101tif Coutempormpus with the M251 Of the appatuted, miniater of Foreign Affairs,. W Sgutt Aci in rwnfraw the following, atory jumoured, has simply been promoted to b couttis from LPgauvillo . - Mrs. ])Avis, of a Minister of State. Eganville, opened % tan of 14caches, and, Xotico has been Zven In the Britiall diicoverlug that tboy, had 0 wovkea,­ throw Rance of Commons of 207 Liberal and 10" thentintoibe tack yard. -Not long utter Conservative and DIsuident aniondmouta U the chichens began *ating the spoile fruits the Local 0overiamaut bill. suaauthollworltin,cshad oneratearacoitai, The English Government offer to owner the lowis soon became g1tiortott§17 drunk, of over twenty hornea an annual retainer 0 awgggering about in the most rldlculOuz ten shillings for each horso, for tile option a manner. '()ue swia old rtioater, Nyho had p xrohrolug them in time of war. never been known to indulge in P, fight, bo- A sensation has been caused in Barlin bi camo very tights flew over the fence into a the faot that orthodox prsaoliers in veveraneighbourloyardlatticked rroostar twlea I -1=8%n towns areprajing that the E mpero his size and got licked. He managed toget may lmvo An early release from his sitilei home again, however, anadVapped over ap- jngs� parently dead. When Mr. Davis came to Impari home in the evening he throw the -whole After a heated debate in t1 flock over the back fence, supposing they Commons the bill to pay a salary t* Colono bad been poisoned. in the course of a King Itarman, Under-Secretary for Ireland short time the rooster came to� crowed lust- passaa its second readingby a vote of 22 ily, and soon his companions sobered up to 177. she, but their acted as if they had bad It; is stated that the Queen was so please hosasolles, with the warm welcome she receivea in B *0.1-4=D STATES. lin last Wednesday that she at once tali Seth Thomas, son of the famous clock graphed a long account of her reception manufacturer, of Thomaston, Conn.. is joxa Salisbury, dead. To prevent allowing 1,ord Salisbury There is talk in Boston of &ending j ohn. L use his strength at home to the disadvaa Sullivan to Congress in place of Patrick L. tage of Russia, the St. Petersburg 'Yot, Collins. jrvztya says Russia's best course would California was shaken up the other night to create Central Asian troubles for El n by the worst, eartliqui6ke ever experienced in land. that locality, The statement that the popq has issued An earthquake shook lasting thirty sec. decree condemning the Plan of Campaign onds was felt early the other morning at Ireland is confirmed, and the Nationali Glen!s Falls, Newyork. � members of Parliament are agitated mud a MT. M. W. Faller, of Illinois, has been Fonferring as to what steps to pursue wh nominated by the President to succeed the it appears. late Chief Justice Waite as Chief Justice of Mr. Parnell, in a long interview, expres the United States. es the belief thatIreland will ultimately o He sees, however, The largest grain fleet that ever loft Chi, �alu Home Rule' of overturnin t cage, on the opening of navigation, cOmpria- immediate prospect 9 ing 96 vessels, with an aggregrate cargo of Ministry, and says the Irish must learn .4,442,000 bushels, began starting the other lesson of patience. night. The British House of Commons has aga The steamship Bohemia, which arrived at passed a bill to legalize marriage with a d in Hamburg the other night oensed wife's sister. The vote was 239 Now York fro with 1,283,steerage passengersj 'has been de- 181. The bill Vill no doubt share the fa tvjued at quarantine With smallpox in her of predecessors and be thrown out in t steerage. Lords, but it will be by a lessened majorit Charles Watts, of Toronto, addressed the it is only a question of a few years for Secular union at the Forum, corner of Wash. proposed kgislation tobe adopted, ington boulevard and Sangamon street, on - ----- the danger from the churches. He daid the Then Tell it Christian religion did more harm than good, To the victims of pains and aches no tiolin __(04icago Mail. can give greater pleasure than the means one hundred and fifty families have -been relief. poison's XZr.VMjNR exactly fills t driven from their homes at Eau Claire,Wis- Will. Nerviline, cures rheumatism. Nervili consin, by floods dnoe Sunday, and the vil- cures cramps. Nerviline cures heaclaol I of Porterville, P, few miles from Ban Nerviline is sure in lumbago. Nerviline t C %ire, is flooded and completely deserted great oure for internal or external pa by the inhabitants. Trial bottles costing only 10, cents may in the United States last year the losses had at any drug ptore. Buy one and t Large bottles Nerviline only 25 con �y fire amounted to over $119,000,000, an it increase of fourteen millions ever 1886. The alt all druggists. Nerviline, nervepain on # n WORK -iiage 32AW33, toit�on. 7; Tmwhipof Wraswo%lb, Awok 0 sex" cleared, WArt" In, hiirlwood bv_ah ; ehout 4 miles Xrom, Treat Creek Station on the X.P�4� ter lwtky, VIO04 to P9.4 offize, PAW And shingle Will.; there 13 Z log houip, 14'ro sta,)Ie, etc'. *A it,; *M frv� frooA rook ur awwvp. For furthor in- 'arrat; P.O. out' ATF Und Lu & J. TAY For The Nervous AND VAULT ODORIS, &C. 0'**AFE The Debilitated Toxonlv Sale WorUs. ­M�d Thc Aged. sto.ma;;h A;id Liver 3DIPeAiwq. lou,,R 411 ICRF=PMPPMM. thc Uidnoys, Will f5harpert tho'Ka"o without Avmovirg it fr= the A NBRVB TONIC- thetieldwithwatione. SomplobyMail'-w. CA."tNT 4V to., Toronto. "!,�r two YOM= I'va's a i fferer uekw,�us 0,- ismverv: CA W11 9 4h We Awl 1191 Itmobips =e. 14 fo 0 re _K May it. AD411 wiling durigic winter from PortlAud every Thurs- 4;.y *;AR44fax every 1Wnr0ay to 4*4 14 AN AT.TURATIVR. "VerpoQ4 40eft-0 Moo, move, viit Via" Z4, ..... ..... _41 THE WEEKS NEWS. of 6 re are put down so, in- defaotivo Rues, ligh Jug the coZ�neilP ti consumption Surely, fared. To T93 F-crrov, :-Plow jutorm y �ur roadei* V* fte;=VG,-;Fe;. CZ fices with 1,wrosene, being included amonget bav,, , pegiovp remedy lot the Steve named 414- Q480'. 33Y its timely nAe thousands of Ixopplw essot The will.of the late X r,.. Thomas White, the former, Th �mperaitoe party of XaAwhusetta , e to have been ermanently ou red., I Ash be, X14 0 Ft � -edy A Axa to 447, of our 'ead two be tleo of my Zero I readers who have consumption It theY Will Pen me Minister of I qter is , � for eAtate is valued a, a , , has been filed. H I ,bon Its I have g4in t L gis , ed A great victory in I V M xre, mber of . b fail t wheire A Ill 4 iting the ga, th ir Ex-prese and P-0 &.1d,rese, X W Pa, 71 A. $Wcv-4, $7 Yooxp st" To M-0. *At. Imprisonment for two months and sk fine liquor Iteenses, to one i � he popli- I , u 1,000 oft latonforcities and t I outeldo of Boston, The North�WeBb ral)41104 cost Canada, heat ai-�c iniilicii dollars, or, to, be exact, of 4WO have been impoo e don mitorlf,�6w#e,. 40ThoMquouTr script," for contempt ,owns Ana 040 in .500 in Boston. W04 Pa%,40d I)Y,' 4 , aqaQ "somebody bad $5,897,256, and allbeq 11 of Court. vote of 1% yeas to 49 uAy, MERCHANTS— BUTCHER8 The grocers 9 ,nd dry go,odo merehante, Of Willim Jones eind Charles Angela (juar. rQled tho other day in Oregog, each plaimitig care ror Pratt xpb' Cobourg have l:ettt1vuq4 the council to pass A the Fraser _4 early closing by-l%w 4, dgr to ba, the better m4rksmau. Jones bet An- I hit him t" of tobwaw, 'u's prodrAtiqu m u,%,�,d bt the u wa&efuli metitai 4 reason, solteidaz of the less Pt vj%lity cmied Act of imt seissiem� gelis $150 that the After could not in threc� shot.4 with A revolver at Sevg4ty-five v, brain, �rern,#.um a b am artcl loss Q riaxttrzg by over�exeitioa Of the X In the centrA B�mk liquidation the Mos- . I yards� Angola GrOCT twi%e and won the 4tmo^ koin an -Ausc wbitover� goa-yol4n, -Y 4 old or. Are broken 40-614 from AAY ter4ri-Ordluary gave j�ager', liat fie bad to settle with AA under - 0 Allowing centribAterieg to xot-oa dcrslto, iWer for his friend's funeral. send your W drs," ar,,� 19'ecats 1A XQ3 fe r 4aboula against At the AnOU4 beebiess meoft of Jarv:* At ludlartApolls aA -4 gontlemau waa Walk- 1,g long tho 40compWed by two T16"911 In b -Ax term, of DW4,3es of Afar. B'10%,5 "'n ;Jed #Ud s-��oar� from 01,140XV4t!PA, AAiWga X 'T yxeox 0 wellitivioa Oreet Ep^ Toxo1ft on', street BAptbit cuuIrch, Toronto, notice of street, Is on d 9A a dieF _eof this girls stolp;? A P� 4447 x4oulou was given, t4 bowe the Church asscss- e4 for Us fair pr;�purtion of taxes, PAT) in, u juatvut *6 dresses lot wore a. , zo flout head to foot. By, CANOES. vin, umusti, rmorbore. Out. -A joM"t@r UniversilWinet , Ad Appointed Rev. Wot, � I- in. Toronto a 'AU F.9mpt gqfiqg pA yeatle � the 44mes were mothered boforo the, yo=9 , , gp# PATENTS' ologne, free. r4 "azibinilp, Toroatt. colm MoVicar oboncellor. It is p3moAt Vier- tain thAt tbqV Aiverijity will I i4a were terioual, tad yburneo). pax-senger tralp WA's wreolkvil on S*tur- FWATZINTA Procured. PAtRat AtOraey,,. and experts r EMMA. season. Mcording to reports laid before tho, On- t Bq4rd of 1100th At their ,*r; SuArterly meeling In Toronto recently, day moraink ipesx �Now York. by the, sprea4ing of tho ra.119, the. M -AR And baggage gArg and two Passenger care containing Aep.47 forty- paxwAgep Tom F, 4aawn An rom- -C F0,10MOVS fff-USAtt VIRM-trA08-1�' M BEDS. fuls�" u*.Qf Big for Oiphthoru 4pp��Axs to be very pre"Toleut in 1-_L&_. f-. +_g� fee#" Xiicuowaa k1u. Zama, from 6 Oacrm uptrards, with Immediate t elron r. this country 4tstrict5. je4, 00,0 pbjigf; 4 whom Tu reply to the Toronto depu4t1w.i, Sir tijo Or gly 4ro gv*rcely ox;g=4 to r4cmaver. AdQlphi voron V;Ald t,44% be iutcaoloa ViAlt1q. hu';etIg by a, woroxxte ohordyi when he WOZ14 look jAZ4 Vot ,Pa g Of I-% to 53 home, r4ft4gi to gqut the *14" que4l'?ii Of retnoviag the rlaqA W#s sufreage to women. A =�Qrlty of looth tMin GArzkort common. puti e-3 in the Rattric rejesed the IneaAare, rroviouovatlea Pointed gat the probsk]411- is, that the maessachwotts women h4vo. very t th of ftf,�Ab. Pur@has.,@ Pf MiU44L"M vemounu 1*30 grourta forboP4 I 4� f4i,4re. Th 4s for To- kIoR4uQVMq- gofu��!A a! t140 impog-A'Age of th% vd ozi Qua autbonty tbantKo War Mo :P11 QUO Im ovor bcw4 will miklo Urge forthwwa 11dA 4quiriiqr.. ofilo PlIgilm, mother#. A t0pgram hAA ItecLa =4 to, 04AW& *4 Averygovioug bghAf et tito MAT140 jA t0fAts of 011C430. tQ tto P%7m b9cu 414 C,,�t TC b t , urging 4ft in rxp'lva the bill for A Till. CICe.4ta ja tiie State Of NOW Yorj;' A ft9tA' rcaid . x0ge, uiro,,,m the DAWAt Alver, go aj tor Icat in, his -will fftgea tboagand doltara- to cuatlo, to pr%vout'A prQUO to for the, rurpwo qfh,4409 PrAyefg 0114INd In tLat the brIdjo wOR14 r. 1�0=u "thello Churclis, to be by the vxe- to fieviptiou. QillQTA §ejeoted, "JQJ.� *to repQfe of bia 40.1141 At tho meptlpg pf tbo Dawd of Tnifotto 4114 the 90141% of his family, and also the 01 Qneu!�s Uutv�rsltyj the cammittee Wag 8,�)Ub@f all otbfua who ma bg in Itgthorized to piaci-xiiinothl tablew in ro.. The, Counvi app.431 bvl *bat iC "414075 feveUca to t1jo ."4TWrAd endowment fowh pit W;X9 lar4idaud th;%tt1to motityr must Q to th CAS4110 , , a walls of ball, and alaj to t1w belle, on the graund tbato no record tbo uQwen of 1441vidual tvref` %et0t`4 i 04urch vai - pepl.Oa TbQ )=_guaze of the the pr%oica U41yorany -411, the C;utrt deMeol, WCL's broad onough to incluac, 411 the Catlto the Au Whentful ftutAtiov, lie Cli=14ea in th9TQ cb,0414 144VO WVr-a 4QO ito the pitoo ebippVto of Qut`�'N'Q' w'Altca "-" bvivJidoxy, or aue csipalile Qf dotvrmln 4tion. the inirkot e5muiltwo 4f tbo Moatrpl c1q; cava -41 tn� pfvtvll� o?'4144 040 IM P24dou 'Of =,44%et ddl�a ou oxrpqrt @Atlo. T140001- lindou lkq% 46; uAw#p,*p=- V49 The awlg�u at suqftm i.% A'Aly cxpn�tllu& the impat cQR1pj,%,jaf;d of W= l%W11y Q"�" Itcumo to tboe1w = AttQ& bx t,,D gl%-o the 4vV;,jt,%uQa an auuwci at %liQ DA13191 Xarlavty anA Dmilel Wyn r# QZ0 tuljg4ia QtTralee# cvuut�l licyly", an sUar. MQMCW� kkvf fer an "arlou tourder. TTQ cg4toss of the uppulnc,3 It The Ifou'Ac4ter chmaer of Comfocrce opp-,%ra AM aN agdon for the 104 5&,310t Mr. lftlacwevu. jorhy ta favor of, StAt.04T&A amigrAtiou. of blontreal, axiiiiar"out,01 tbo ovidema he The RUjjZjAu G4VQ:._riui 'e;it baVo &Qjfta had givou before tlio CPMmltt;.P. Au 00-1- tu v%FV1 the JQW6 from Rehl"Afore, Zu- ail lotter was cut in, Qua Mr. L�ckvrby X uud. oxcto thowe Who L'Iye "rTed, 19 the t4itic,j a copy ibf ais loutr.- but elaw the army. ahi copying theorl.,luallater L.V, john j)3jDu b%a a long interview with *U4 Njr. 'malhoggon is pletcC11 lat a 4MOua ATohbjahop,CroVo an S*tarfty w ith regard afeadVantoge;, The mAmittC3 to u0W CQM* to tile rapola QA4ndoMn&tjQ4 of the r1sit of elderLjV,q thi de4rability of prow--Rdfig 104- VARVA184. litkian protelifin The Dindon No thinks that th@ Papa!s toLuncpbTA1rqXXQvvk condenniatioa ofthe plan of empalpla SV -r �o, .; 1:4, retiialug from Church at the th(t most formlatilgo, View yet atru& autbe Tillog-0 of obto In 04 country, wera ot- tat-Ited by A trautp wbe Sir Audrow Bxrelo%y Walker, of Imudela struck one of the Affla with a Anti. Via, formeriv mayor of Ltvorpool, has oiTercil ta# other promptly felled 60 on 1*461 tramp a jlAllia'. .1vo g%jo,000 towards Vallaing % cathedr I to the groudd with her Unt. In that tow'11. .� tto p sgjailaurls cap sell pff attiabout two fect of b * rellea plug their Prince Bistimrok is complottl restored � w , frombeficath, prow; M%dlaut to lie not A axw but a femilo, an to health ana on Sunday wan alle to, Me encli-ty of thefro, dretned in men'$ clothin9v trola Berilit to Charlateul-org and blak al with her face sme=4 ov,�r with pot rurat, break -neck speed. that bar feIturo might U14 ho Wcogrisca, Count Herbert Illsmarolk lostead of 1101tif Coutempormpus with the M251 Of the appatuted, miniater of Foreign Affairs,. W Sgutt Aci in rwnfraw the following, atory jumoured, has simply been promoted to b couttis from LPgauvillo . - Mrs. ])Avis, of a Minister of State. Eganville, opened % tan of 14caches, and, Xotico has been Zven In the Britiall diicoverlug that tboy, had 0 wovkea,­ throw Rance of Commons of 207 Liberal and 10" thentintoibe tack yard. -Not long utter Conservative and DIsuident aniondmouta U the chichens began *ating the spoile fruits the Local 0overiamaut bill. suaauthollworltin,cshad oneratearacoitai, The English Government offer to owner the lowis soon became g1tiortott§17 drunk, of over twenty hornea an annual retainer 0 awgggering about in the most rldlculOuz ten shillings for each horso, for tile option a manner. '()ue swia old rtioater, Nyho had p xrohrolug them in time of war. never been known to indulge in P, fight, bo- A sensation has been caused in Barlin bi camo very tights flew over the fence into a the faot that orthodox prsaoliers in veveraneighbourloyardlatticked rroostar twlea I -1=8%n towns areprajing that the E mpero his size and got licked. He managed toget may lmvo An early release from his sitilei home again, however, anadVapped over ap- jngs� parently dead. When Mr. Davis came to Impari home in the evening he throw the -whole After a heated debate in t1 flock over the back fence, supposing they Commons the bill to pay a salary t* Colono bad been poisoned. in the course of a King Itarman, Under-Secretary for Ireland short time the rooster came to� crowed lust- passaa its second readingby a vote of 22 ily, and soon his companions sobered up to 177. she, but their acted as if they had bad It; is stated that the Queen was so please hosasolles, with the warm welcome she receivea in B *0.1-4=D STATES. lin last Wednesday that she at once tali Seth Thomas, son of the famous clock graphed a long account of her reception manufacturer, of Thomaston, Conn.. is joxa Salisbury, dead. To prevent allowing 1,ord Salisbury There is talk in Boston of &ending j ohn. L use his strength at home to the disadvaa Sullivan to Congress in place of Patrick L. tage of Russia, the St. Petersburg 'Yot, Collins. jrvztya says Russia's best course would California was shaken up the other night to create Central Asian troubles for El n by the worst, eartliqui6ke ever experienced in land. that locality, The statement that the popq has issued An earthquake shook lasting thirty sec. decree condemning the Plan of Campaign onds was felt early the other morning at Ireland is confirmed, and the Nationali Glen!s Falls, Newyork. � members of Parliament are agitated mud a MT. M. W. Faller, of Illinois, has been Fonferring as to what steps to pursue wh nominated by the President to succeed the it appears. late Chief Justice Waite as Chief Justice of Mr. Parnell, in a long interview, expres the United States. es the belief thatIreland will ultimately o He sees, however, The largest grain fleet that ever loft Chi, �alu Home Rule' of overturnin t cage, on the opening of navigation, cOmpria- immediate prospect 9 ing 96 vessels, with an aggregrate cargo of Ministry, and says the Irish must learn .4,442,000 bushels, began starting the other lesson of patience. night. The British House of Commons has aga The steamship Bohemia, which arrived at passed a bill to legalize marriage with a d in Hamburg the other night oensed wife's sister. The vote was 239 Now York fro with 1,283,steerage passengersj 'has been de- 181. The bill Vill no doubt share the fa tvjued at quarantine With smallpox in her of predecessors and be thrown out in t steerage. Lords, but it will be by a lessened majorit Charles Watts, of Toronto, addressed the it is only a question of a few years for Secular union at the Forum, corner of Wash. proposed kgislation tobe adopted, ington boulevard and Sangamon street, on - ----- the danger from the churches. He daid the Then Tell it Christian religion did more harm than good, To the victims of pains and aches no tiolin __(04icago Mail. can give greater pleasure than the means one hundred and fifty families have -been relief. poison's XZr.VMjNR exactly fills t driven from their homes at Eau Claire,Wis- Will. Nerviline, cures rheumatism. Nervili consin, by floods dnoe Sunday, and the vil- cures cramps. Nerviline cures heaclaol I of Porterville, P, few miles from Ban Nerviline is sure in lumbago. Nerviline t C %ire, is flooded and completely deserted great oure for internal or external pa by the inhabitants. Trial bottles costing only 10, cents may in the United States last year the losses had at any drug ptore. Buy one and t Large bottles Nerviline only 25 con �y fire amounted to over $119,000,000, an it increase of fourteen millions ever 1886. The alt all druggists. Nerviline, nervepain on # n WORK -iiage 32AW33, toit�on. 7; Tmwhipof Wraswo%lb, Awok 0 sex" cleared, WArt" In, hiirlwood bv_ah ; ehout 4 miles Xrom, Treat Creek Station on the X.P�4� ter lwtky, VIO04 to P9.4 offize, PAW And shingle Will.; there 13 Z log houip, 14'ro sta,)Ie, etc'. *A it,; *M frv� frooA rook ur awwvp. For furthor in- 'arrat; P.O. out' ATF Und Lu & J. TAY For The Nervous AND VAULT ODORIS, &C. 0'**AFE The Debilitated Toxonlv Sale WorUs. ­M�d Thc Aged. sto.ma;;h A;id Liver 3DIPeAiwq. lou,,R 411 ICRF=PMPPMM. thc Uidnoys, Will f5harpert tho'Ka"o without Avmovirg it fr= the A NBRVB TONIC- thetieldwithwatione. SomplobyMail'-w. CA."tNT 4V to., Toronto. "!,�r two YOM= I'va's a i fferer uekw,�us 0,- ismverv: CA W11 9 4h We Awl 1191 Itmobips =e. 14 fo 0 re _K May it. AD411 wiling durigic winter from PortlAud every Thurs- 4;.y *;AR44fax every 1Wnr0ay to 4*4 14 AN AT.TURATIVR. "VerpoQ4 40eft-0 Moo, move, viit relti to C=jruop ti ratlyAv U-415vx Via" Z4, ..... ..... _41 talug 04,24. qau=u. be., Aeld, j per beer Atso R&CR WrIM-0=44� 3Ursoi 42' fte;=VG,-;Fe;. CZ vgrfgelah�, A. Se4um 4R4ti & urmore; 4=1 C�4zldqidg� Refom 1 W�4 to t4n -i it ffercvl n 4;4WAi4_,0 Lr,*r C*W,2 rs A WM&T vww"%� MONTREAL AND U.V9RF00t- 4,-.;) o�'jl Aeturu-,­- -4 Al uiffi,& LQ�� WVA. VZX04ie, P4H%,j* R, AILTRUAN, Coal. 44ra-Zer, 54mite, MOND,= &I,. 9WT. low,% T4,ys- 11 IATC� bog XQ)w rAlst!a clgw,]�Px UI �;JjUg V6 eC4 ly b1AAr0,A XVMtZil SlexAtMWI V 4kets,Xcatrml Until Uw;T7,*l. SA'Am t4 , � I'Dw. _,Q, lcccriia;� 0 ot%Mmer 10U44 trip thupt% 96), $otrAgp 41$, rt,4� MERCHANTS— BUTCHER8 AND 'M&OXAS we W;g;ji A, W�g� #AV In yFwor lqtrl#F� 0 rl�k up fQrt;k C _'tj *4 eget 1;84,5. Kr,- lr4t�j p2w Ca 10 4*14 �'exr Wma C�t tl;a r3r.V41m 0 sp=i: R min 674 UZZin In r= br: wtm ;x kpwahago of % U -� b �,% en -."Vollal to 010 1-3 *021�:ent A14 a 4qr-1-141 =rjacm-ra a It gtv.r tploan;r, apt b=kf ttle rgant", V6140 cc 10 qmva ft 4%4y. 700 Call 1vftTqvftQu v�Nl r,tvr, you Tar. gonvagair.-All 0 'V�A St. Paid. 91untapol.1% aud M.0%. MW X W 4:0 3�B RAlkWATO . Them trlF* twill ulic, you Int3thoirinat Wahl Ault bit;id tromoiadvirttle railw�y and OaRroycat Unds In the 1:11*4 AcItt.'s *[the ri-Ittot ani but wateral Mriw1wr, graft- mul t1m. b6*rcd 2ands for cgo at low rwmi. whoto they raloo jjrrXLN*, 2nv. 111A,%A0. 4 Palmer 11outo I;W-k Lud Conunt-31,nar,.1% Paul. Minn. pCotawly lawtvatei storyFoTna. Ellen markeltlaq - Nearly 4-0,W) &wl *169 fora copy atilgotowo,.1. A.,Qataftble1 Adilten. a A. G. WATSOX, Alanaaer, TORONTO WILUM'o TAA0% D&I&S"U'r, ToRox". -C F0,10MOVS fff-USAtt VIRM-trA08-1�' AVA ff 1h MANITvBA. Zama, from 6 Oacrm uptrards, with Immediate t pesses3kn, (all or write to 0. L XtUrSOS, 110- Atthur's Block, Main at., Winn1peg. latotmation I furnInhed Irtt of ebarge, aiftl settlan wSlItCol ift r Malting tL110tion. of iotcro�t. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE -CO I -Utmutaoturem of the hightst grAdes of - SILVER -PLATED WARES a r- TRADE MARK. ;0 -FACTO111ES and sALESROOI& to 420 to 426 Khig St. WeStj TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, Z. 0. COPP, Manager. See, Trans. 9- st e en b. Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become ao mflolent In Shorthand and Typewriting, should At-, d ihe he BRITISII AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE 116 Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto, For Circulars, oto., Address 0. OTEA. Secretary in a - to to he Y. he MIR R gs of he ne e. he no be A Z K X'R RUTTER W -store- W Keeper's and others engag in Butter busi- egt to ness will save time and money by I vesting. hr I te A sizes, Prices on application.; . e. j,". PARE k SON� Tonowro. relti to C=jruop ti ratlyAv U-415vx I the 01W in lWe'e. way.,, talug 04,24. LAXATIVE. cr,Oio ��ra Loll bave, 114'a 9 9mrA ,mr mnb!!�s. viikh 4-1 vgrfgelah�, A. Se4um 4R4ti & urmore; 4=1 C�4zldqidg� Refom 1 W�4 to t4n -i it ffercvl n 4;4WAi4_,0 Lr,*r C*W,2 rs ]Ragf"Ax. ��-trA 4; Co., jftl Z SL John N, V,-. AUZ Rcox. Cisle3go; icu 4 v1p 4� Vgn� $ew vark, a- Rwlea�,,V, Tmlqw Al uiffi,& LQ�� WVA. VZX04ie, P4H%,j* DIVRETIC. 9WT. low,% T4,ys- 11 IATC� bog XQ)w rAlst!a clgw,]�Px zrtwme, I L3- cy= M­j- =rA wh,,� J;Aie V.-4 Ws wrx4y w4b 1*rXP4;V1i lc_ �­; 41$, C.A,41% for F, liow, Ana f�c -4 FMASON ord "H10HAM-1 Bicycles MUSIC. and TrurcUs. S=dfcrT "t NOW C499.rw Ask wo , an Flin griara av 92 Qzvcr, catel; pto ff a ;Ing lz� Lme4 W, 1jvRE lembir", =Wd UW r Arl 9�4-47 0% Dteptca "*Py It, N. IrOvitz ".",A Fli S I a W5 -.d r� L c5n, Wi4sw CI 2 *g# .nl vity.cunn1do not =(3n merely to 'ItmAlug. Mt. L�a r1f P thein for Atill' .4, Bad then havOthemft- acAl, 143 Sao,% Xtrav tarm*.- AUZ,btelr c' 41=1 0' E. liep:4q. 114 After maao the, Allseaso ot %va 6uleffix: Jolt rus, Zpi=pwr or 14 a Ill -TO, MQ&Iaa� Street. cured JabaWWA.55 G04, nitbrt vr& 4. UzA a AUKU -4 0 ..voter, b TOICL W. At 0. bendatoncoloratrealhona AXilito ;QW= find �Ost Office. it lcosm you DoUllog or a Young M e UN,&n(jjty;lII0ur6yo%I. Addrvsa -Dr. IT, 0, 300T. 87 Tonga St.) Tcv�atoi Oat� Is 0 feel the: and ivad 1few Tb, IBREADMAKER'S YEAST a xvczlq� of ALWAYS AHEAI) 1 4 ronto. Ont- , .11"Al) Inad- -with tMa 1Wl'i t,a% I! tt Prizes at 282 �Toww1ipard Countv Irairs 1% Nervous Debility. ates - It', ruil'. Urrldtam, N7111t. a5l"It. lilt. '01ZATIS Epwfflo bae been need for the pagi 11wr tecAymts. with gttat katecep. In the trext"Atat of rervous Debility, Aud All d1semea Alift from cl- i to tay 114at It Iti supWor to.w two, lomof vitality, Singing 110 yensicier u -,ed by them. It inaltes, the llghtes� IVIM024 be eara, PalpItAti0ii,ete. Vor sale byall druggist& sw a Qnd 311OSt V110IM026 Tolls.and buck - Wes $1 par box, or G boxes lorVS. or wM be wat 111 1 Ire onslacailo gall on Xecelpt of Price. 'Fampblet on App__ witit lulllustractloalr�, THF, GRAY MEDICINE CO-,, TOYOute, TAKE T40 OTH A PERFECT FOOD FOR CHILDREN V B. -cause it supplies all the 'NUTRITION that is needed to meat the pAySICAL DE MAXDS of -�LS & 4131-30EIZX-23 JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF BRAIN, BONE & MUSOL And It glvel to childrin regillarIv it will L,&Y THE Vom"ITLOX for 11VALTRY BODIMand STRONG MINDS. TherecM Many, IMITATIONS Of rl e s s MR RL E SS MACHINE OILY but none equalit in lubricating Properties. FARM- Xn. Mmwnw, etc., IL ual WINX TOR101 9 Peerless made by Ad none eif -to the on. nrqT_ SAMUEL ROGERS & CO -Y TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAI-ITAL AND FUNDS NOW OVER $3,000-000- 16 TORONTO STRVX-T, TOMONTO, ONT. =AD OFFICE, 1871. A Ho-ml� COMPANY, I-STAUX-118MM OCTORL19, To this date, October 81, 1887, ther e has been returned T) the heirs of Polloy-boldere (death al ...8649,240 00 To the hold.rs of 26,111 as ��j To PoHey-holders on surrender of Policies .................. ....... 98,656 00 To Polloy-holders for Cash Profits (including those allocateh'and being pftid)� ........... 482,644 02 To hold rs of Annuity Bonds. 16,"7 U Loaned to Pollepholdors on 82,264 93 $3,806,174 47 policieS in Foree over 10,000. Amoun,t over� $15,000,000. PRESIDENT -How. SxR W. P. HoWLAND, C,B., X.C.M.G. TICN_ . PD9613DRNTS,-Wit TxA x ELLIOTT, Esq ; EDw J. K. RAMON" ='ao 10irectorr, &V policies jqenjohital" after 2 years and IsoletiatiWe after 8 Y