The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-10, Page 4Exeter Abuocate. WTI.LLAM SANDERS; EDIToat AND Poi .zsuz lr. OFk.f0.X: - Man ASVreet, Zreter. uninpAy, AtAX loth, 1888. ,A Fasuien jouruai says diet blue will: be the fashionable color this sea - ems It has been, fashionable for some time among our friends the Reformers. Tuts, New York Stats Legislature is considering a -proposal to give as b41anty of two cents a head for English. spar- rczws.. Soma one lies estimated that at the rate mentioned it would cost the state $2,000,000 An year, and the little pests would still remain. Neweoneanasen has followed suit and adopted the fisheries treaty.A.11that remains new is for thataugust body,the 'United State senate, to ratify it. But at I►reeeat the senators haven't time to give it' the eeremie consideration which it deetrves: they !ATO tv busy citililig t'acli other ieliar," "adirty clog, i'Seou nd Ws„ thud "drunkare from Russia has increased marvelously sines the completion of the Trat s- Oaecasian railway, which connects the Caspian and black sees. The quantity exported in 1886 was. 377,008,120 gal- lees, azo increase of 300 per cent with- urn three years. The total quantity ex parted front the United States in 1887 wits 480,845,811 gallons- Asp the wells in one Russian district alozle produce more than this Atiaount Annually7 it Will, feet be long before Russia Fill be far ahead of the United Staten as an experter of oil. Tan statistical office at Berlin has just published very complete inforwat- ion :on the subject of steam engines, from wbicli we extract the following details: Four-Sfhts of the engines es act ually in use Are twenty-6.ve years old. h duce possesses 49,950 stationary en- gines, 7,000 lecolliotieel , and 1,550 boilers for steel, era; Germany 59„000 stationary engines, 1Q,C00 locomotives and 1,700 toilere far ships;Austria 000 engines and 2,800 locometi yes, The tQQtal power of the afraid engines nosy rcpreeenis: United States 71 mill - iota horae•power,England 7 mil ion,Ger ltiauy 5 million, France 3 iuillaon, 'ustria1 1 willows. In these figures motives are Rat counted; they Ruta- bet* 10'000 and repreeente altogether million . horsepower. One steam horsepower represents 3 draught horses or 21 hien; the total pQwver of the steam en vines represents appoxi- mately 1,000,000,000, men, or alien twtethirda of the population of world» Tien teleph.Qne lies be iatne ail ?ndis- pensable a(ljulaetin the btisieess and so- eial life of the United States, last year the 1American'Telephoi Cowp'y trans- l1itted 370,000,000 ianeesages, The number aaf instruments under rental at the close of the year was 380,277, and the total wire mileage 145, 7'«!2;the vain - lige vete SS, 2,210,506,and the dividends 41,558,336. 3'apaueem compositors ba' lo' fen hustling around afterthe character which make up the alphabet eaf that language. Tineas is only one MO for all the compoeitarrs, and is stationed at the side of the wall. It lla been estimated that a compositor that county covers about twenty mi' a day while at work. 00 Id; man named Atli n of the Collegiate 1 was drowned at Staplet Ile and his rosea mate, nettled Lamont, Were in bathing,end it'. supposed he tarok cramps, arid before EXECUTED AT THE summemesimseinessmssamemeasszwomemage ORK DONE HT PRICES ., ►A SATISFACTION ARA.....TEED. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cures 'umbra and Undertakin CpTO- c aid Andrew, 15,1 Elaral : lie; d-' 700111 and Parlor niter, eerie find Entension Table, ersissi and Eanifty Clktt lvs, t vva,rero ens in town. TAKING, otireide of the under - ring, in call its tem.:Aw , ova day and ani flat. TA.N1): cue :leer meth of 3r'oleaii !bank M:aireetreet. - Exeter. dinplarmemalWe ny urn5,ietance could he rendered : he fair for the Bast time. His home is in ipleyaeaunty of Brece,and his mother a widow. 11is body was recovered time afterwards and conveyed to eine for interment, Ile WS about 1 years of age and was highly thought of by Iiia teachers and follow students. was an exceedingly foolish thing to go in bathing this Parley in the season as the water is still i'ty told. A 1`TiE+v 'Yowls policeman was eaug burglarizing a shop early 3lolrtlay morn- ing. Ile was treated, dismissed from the force, tried, convicted, sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, and lodged in Sing Sing all before 4 O'clock in the afternoon of the name day. Outside the oparations of Lynch law, this is about the speediest ease of retributive justice on record. TT is estimated that among the pop- ulation of the city of London there are 2,428 wives who have left their hus- bands; 2,371 husbands left thou wives; 4,750 divorced persons;121,023 couples that live together in a state of incessant hostilities;: 510,512 couples that are ab- solutely indifferent one to another; 1,- 050 couples apparently happy; 1,102 eouples that are happy to a certain ex- tent; and of couples that are really happy, 6. BRITISH war ships are arriving at Halifax to assist in the protection of the Canadian inshore fisheries. Wlien American fishing vessels are kept out of the three-mile limit and prohibited bays, and the America vessel owner and fishermen raise the consequent bowl about the "outrage," it should be borne in mind that the sapient Republi- can statesmen of the United States senate are the persons who are sorely to blame. vormANY MANIKIN/ink N41io is Weak, Nervous, Pobllitatede wboInlnia Folly and ignorance hay Tri- fled SIM his Vigor of Body, Mind oat Manhood, tensing esbanstditg draiun upon the Fountains of Life. Headache, Bookaohe,Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of 11lemory, Bashfulness in Soolety, Pimples ion the Faoo and all n o Effoots leading to Earlyy Deoxy, Consumption yr Insanity, will Aud in our apcoffl0 2rothf. T ul a Positive Cure. Iz imrarta You vigor rcatores the Vttal Power in old and young. strongthons and invigorates the Brain gad Nerve buU s up the ununcnlar dyatetn anti arouses into .action the v.hoio physical energy of tho human No, the most obstinate CChao can our cured inn three months, oacsi h pci�ocntains two mocks trcaat- went. Price O. Corea Guaranteed. Our spec - filo No. is an inialliblo Cure tor all Private Dleeaseanomatterof hovtriongatand- ing. Sold under our Writt0n Cuarantee to effect a Cure. Price $5. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. BISSE�` m LIVERY h`irst-Qluss HQr es and Rigs Special Bates 'with Com1 I eial Men. at 1ISSETT BRQs re Store, will receive lfrorpt attention, TERMS ' REASONABLE, A TRIAL SOLICITED. DISSETT BROS. Orders, LONDON AN OPPORTUNITY EACH 1?1QBTH + 70 SECURE THIS GUN FREE! 498 :; Don'iMissii. es.. IF the Philadelphia. street car corn party, which issued orders that ,all its conductors must wear clean. white shirts, intends to supply the shirts to the conductors free of cost,no fault can be found with the order. But if the men are to be compelled to buy the shirts its well as to keep theta clean,the. company's action is contemptible and tyrannical. The men should strike, and then have an arbitration effected on the use of paper dickeys. f you an one eend at oncethonamesand P.O,Address of every sportsman or hunter to yo,, county to whom yon will guarantee to show it. and Five away FREE some of our sample boxes of the beat Bran Shells and shooting amnruttononearth. Name oar ee,tmenwilllbetpaidS per day to expo seg. 6 °n- est two stamps, and address sAltiaaoN GUN AGENCY, 34 Church St., N. Y. 1V ei Do you want to make I UNDRE'DS OF DOL- LA:is utetiy,and net quark 1 wnnteonftdenttal Agents (men and women) to handle aSCARCIi GOODS " A Qnickand surefortunq(e suns ant cod to all who. will keep ascend, and follow my prtvsto instructions "nuf-cad." Give flour ace, occupation and express ot5ce. Sample of "Goods,"'with particle. lars in sealer letter. for 25 cents (stamps . Address "GYtE'rrNBACKS," P. U. Box 155:4 N. Y. A-BLESS1 G T .My` OMAN Two wonderful and Important secrets! Worth more than "tongue can tell.. FREE, in a lain nI se E. )LEYLILE 31xe ,i3,searn29Cf y Vain RUSSIA is making gigantic strides in the oil business, and will soon become zt formidable competitor of the United ;States. The exportation of petroleum r\S1 .9, a' d aCc; inaa: al Mn nes. rr3att+ or pszctuee WCLI ist. rEti ten, r etTomo sit % ,a r a illi 1'.ao�d isx r.iQ 44 G T� "@, It �« sizes ser ac s sb Via. to we ll i'c ar vo:n at ra sntnl lu e, ate. ays a is nt; i7r +��.x7 u�nt r� ^ata- , s.rCt�; . s�alat eri Furp;s: aFxn LitSa lCel,iv f9 9?Ea"9aa .�i�bc'^navi�x9'nIItA�. nal to Macy to G*e tt n lana eon tunaabwxticul(1tC&ulA�c,i. a »„, ..- , ITe.Aptu, E i aine,i. lo.s5 r ar. Cacn.a5-nptav eti to*.a�aq +t5�, f t• to elrtes aeSt alieir iiia- l t3eii i dui rt -ale 4•P s t it=.ala 4''r ularit'd cxecta—u pts.. end i, clinsneioa.cin, ra ane , pav5,%.iena 5t tlao is: ta, lai�atari feeint;;,tna acacia„4 .ten5nlnl:Am awns li.niGmi it}. do:sou a a..nJinm 6'a . gyro nit ora»anleaa'+i taa dead tarit`ao • nald �Ptssatimesia Parermlp n aareA. lea a u.c. a„a , 41 ti ::'1 Ar ;w lea via^ l aalta tralarion,awry fuectionvones•meinsraps a ,. 1tit...ctiRo ztn rsa 3the ..As-{x'rintc;n11.exats of tusloo la4j'b ne :mita :a A:era:eel: ie t1n f: »'•`. t:`3 of cele,rd.0 o *Is)T.FIr6 n nuiat.�'Sity� tet wastott loves sclaicta come under tt;e:r• nciira. If you tlra in.2elalr:ten4 tar tono;u':talynrr duties of business,: imearwcitated for ttao ys ent'n 4S life.1;o. tteHe rs to i e iK.'spofavra tboefiecttlnte;Lrl, vista. 3f you ora adec .co'i nn yew:R.110. ti'tnll sive yam taxa vD carvita stren,^,th. If you urea l4rta?leu yl a all; seat •nicrnliy from viii► St;a3a raecitam, i`:ai men naronceantifully.Epindl'Jnr an1,ln s and t4 cenptsin. trtirtopafor t . V.I,nuteen Treatise iii MOIL Forms sou lli wa l;a aII ftlanu healed cud tle;iircl train eb ,ervat ea, Addrevssall conmuunioutfonato U. V. I,tJ"AM% 47 Slrttterraow tit. I ., Torozsto% A Stu wi,lhoutwisdom Wes las isert paradlte. CHM GUAFLANT D. 1fg1R HE Si9& A Per lanen t Cc A Pleasant Cure, Subscribe dor The EXETER ADVOCATE. Only $1 per year. 9 COIL R :1G _Y '1. SUbjects. All Business Blanches, Short- hand, Type 'writing and Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate with. Honors in. Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Type Writing free 'with Book keeping course. ra VIE OLDEST AND BEST Diploma from Western fair for Plain and. Fancy Writing. Business conducted on latest improved plans with printed forms. OADMAN9 Box 400, PRINCIPAL. Would take this method of returning thanks. for past support an also invites the attention of the general public to his. new Fall and. Winter Stock comprising the following: --- )l W NT3D. Permanent positions guaranteed with Salary and Expenses Paid. Any determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, including .many fast selling specialties. Outfit free. Ad- dress a>; once. '(Name this paper.) ' BROWN BROTHERS, Nurseymen, ROCHESTER, N. Y 9.p.26,,-21!1. —o: MRs. Bzssr'rT AND loxias Wraszi begs to inform the public, that they have opened out ,business on the corner of William and Giclley streets. Dress- making clone in all the latest styles. Lessons on Fancy Work given. STAMPING A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly attended to, trial solicited. hush-1-amA Afirst-class stock of Ears CONSISTING or ' PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER AND HINT, FOR WHICH HE IN- VITES THE CAREFUL INSPECTION' OF HTS OLD CUSTOMERS. .AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. 111,=A First-class stock of Boots t & SHOEKRUBBER .OVERSE0ES; In Ladies, Gents and Childrens; comprising the all different hinds... ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT o '---- CROCKERY, C ISA. GSA. SSW.A:' . ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels andViinceys, plain and check 72 inch wool. sheeting, Heavy all wool Blankets, White and Grey Hoods, Tamoshanters, Wool Jaokets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. ALSO E AS •. A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED' IN; te-EYERY B 011111-feM 132