The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-10, Page 3THE WEEK'S NEWS.
Navigation on the Red River wee opened
on Monday.
The Bank of Montreal has declared a divi.
dead of five percent,, without bonus.
Touching tributes to the memory of the
late Mr, Thomas White were paid is the
Senate and the House of Commons.
A settlement has been effected between
the Hamilton master builders and the emt
ployeee, which, It is believed, will terminat
the labor troubles in that city for this. sea
The Toronto City Council passed a resola-
- ion entering its emphatic protest against
the immigration to this country of destitute
persona from pauper institutions of Great
Obieago capitalists have purchased from
Mi. R. Tough, of Sudbury, an interest in,
the Tough and Stobie gold mine for $32,000,
and have invested 170,000 in machinery to
operate the seine,
A bill to repeal the old lav of evidence,
whish, prevents persona testifying in their
owns behalf, will be introdteed by air. Gil-
man, of Montreal, at theappproaciiingseeeton
of the Quebec Legislative Connell,
There are Reid to be three apulicauta for
the Yaaznt brngade•Inajorahip of the sixth
mrhtary district, the most popular candi-
date being Meier Prevost, of the 65411 Rent-
ment, Mount Royal Rides, Montreal,
About twenty thousand ineu of the Do-
minion militiawill perform the enamel drill
thie yeer,14000 going ii)to cane ander gall -
Tim and,
Will held ahautltl he The
Theffty.hitkanteuelilaeetin, of thotllaper
Canada Religions Traet and Book Sacisty
iwae held in Toronto reselitly, wlseueiicour.
ensue reports were preriente4 ehowing that
during last year 598,350 bake land peaks.
etiaite of all kende were issued,
The election of Separate Salhool treaters for
St, Andrew's Wend, Toronto, in which the
pr'irtolple of the tatroduet-len of the ballot
WAS the ohtei 14511e, resulted hi the retawn of
Mr. T. W. Anglin, the a uti.ballotcandidete,
by ti, majority et 85.
At yesterday's meeting of the committee
on the Mobilo:1 of the Diocese of Ontario,
pzaxpositiatl< was presented from, Rev. Dr,
ouutain otTerieg to g ve FI,UOQ towards au
eltieeopal residence, and too to i agleud
incl endeavor to raise $104000 towards the
endowment fund, on certain couditi ane,
Senator Abbott yesterday potitioned Par -
Bement for, and Was, grouted, anthority to
introduce a bill. to iticarinar&te si college at
Montreal for the higher edueation of we.
men, with branches in the Nortin-Weetor;
British •Columbia, whish Slr Donald Snr.ltb
and Sir George Stephen propose to endow,
A special cablegram to 2'i:e elf.til gives a'
nopets of the lielf yearly electing cf the
Grand Trauk Reiltray Company held;et:ent•
ly in Laudon. ;,Sir Henry Tyler, referring
to the newly eoastitutedco apany, salol that
while it was not in every respect what he
could have whiled, there was no occasion for
despondency in: the future. While local
caueee, sash as bad }sweets, bauk fasilure;ss,
tarroingthett�and the Advert* rivalry
lambed operetta unfavourably, he saw Sigma
ev ;,,,, " .r;tr its ahead. Ho thought that
t ,1 to nail an Government, which had been
eo liberal to the Canadian Pacific, sbould ex-
tend some of their sutiles, to the Grand
Trunk. The dividends, as previously an-
nounced, were adopted.
ntilTrat SPATES.
of C, Sam
Small is anxious to become Governor
P. 33. Wells, treasurer of the Senega
Falls Savings Bank, was arrested for embez
Experiments in connection with antidotes
for awake bites are m progress at the Smith-
sonian Institution, New York.
AI{ansaswouianworthamillion dollarahas
married au hotel waiter. This .is a good op.
portunity to ring in that axiom, '" Every-
thing comes to him who waits."
with prayer and hymn singing and groa
lemnity, When it was wen dried it weig
1,000 pounds. It was placed on. a al
the way and Elder
to Washington, It was atjourney
of three weeks. All the oountry hail heard
of the big cheese and carne out to look at it
as the elder drove along,
Font hundred ejeetioept decrees leave been
slued by the Galway Quarter Sessions.
Dr. Juuker, the German esgplarer, firmly
believes that Stanley is naw with Emin Bey.
e Nina thousand emigrants left the Mersey]
last week, half of wham were bound far
t so A,. Care for Drin kennega.
nor( prtum iatb and r }a, the umae o(I io4 aavaq,
sigh Wq,kefuinees, mental depression, softening of the
t all brain, etc., premature old. ago, Ions of vitality Paused
by over-exertion of the brain, and lose of natural
strength, from any cause whatever, .hien—yoaag,
014 or middle•aged—w'ho are boken down from any
Of lhealroee caat3ea, or any -eons notrrlentionod oboe,
send youx address and 10 cents in etempa for l;ruboa's
'great ye, in bock tore, of „thaerses of Men. 'leeks
neat pealed and eeeure from observation, Address kl,
V Lvvoaal 47 Wellington street East, Toronto Ont.
Norfolk, Va., claims the distinction of
being the world's greatest peanut market.
It disposes every year of 2,000,000 bushels
of peanuts, moat of which are grown in Vire
The loss to the manufacturing interests of
the city of Winona, Minn., by the floods is
estimated at $1,000,000. Thelumberingin-
tereat alone loses 5250,000. The river is
four miles wide at Winona.
A farmer near Flint, Mich., is mourning
the death of two geese that he had kept for
50 years. They quit raising goslings 25
years ago and after that he kept them to
help take care of the broods of other geese.
Judge Hare, of Philadelphia, recently
gave this advice to a wife -beater who was
discharged upon the appeal of the abused
woman :—" When you find yourself getting
angry again fill your month with water and
keep it shut till you cool off:"
Mr. Phelps, the United States Minister
to England, wears a suit of West of England
tweed, with hat and overgaiters of the same
material. He is followed by a footman in
livery, who, the. Pittsburg Chronicle alleges,
carefully picks up the h's that his august
master drops.
Mr. Gilbert Fraser, British Vice -Consul
at New York, is accused of sharp practice
against discharged sailors by compelling
them to pay for a paseage to Liverpool to
receive payment of same due them. The
matter is to be laid before the British Gov-
Most of the pupils of a young ladies
boarding school at Buffalo wear birds in
their hats, and the other day some one plan-
ed a crumb of bread in each of their bills.
They were a funny -looking lot of hats and
most of the owners wore them out in the
street before the trick was discovered.
When Thomas Jefferson was chosen Presi-
dent of the United States Elder John Le.
land, a Beptist clergyman of Cheshire, Mass.,,
proposed that his flock should celebrate the,.
viotory by making for the new chief magis-
trate the biggestcheesethe world had ever
seen. Every man and woman who owned a
oow was to give for this cheese all the milk
yielded on a certain day only—no federal
cow must contribute a drop. A huge cider
preas was fitted upto makeit in, and on the
appointed day the whole oountry turned out
with pails and tubs of surd, the girls and
women in their best gowns and ribbons, and
the men in their Sunday coats and clean
shirt collars. The cheese wail punto press
Mr. D. J, Condon, M. P. for East Tippe-
racy„ has been arrested for offences under
the Crimea Act,
General Boulanger thinks the French
Cozlstitution should be remodelled on the
American plan,
A bill ie to be introduced in the British
Commons on W eduesdey to give county
government to Ireland.
The chief clerk of the Greek treasury hes
been arrested for embezzling five million
francs of the public funds.
Forty thousand foreign Jews residing is
the Russian province of 1 be son have been
ordered to cross the frontier.
The .late Emperor William left a fortune
of 24. million marks, one half of whish lathe.
queathed to the Crown Treasury.
The Rusaian war flotilla at Mot will be
reinforced by twelve torpedo boate which
have been ordered in Prance.
The freedom of the tory of Leaden was
01 Lord titiertntgton en Wednea..
1►y awl a baugtlot was given at the Mama3oa
heuee. said the Pope has instructed Arch.
Whop Welaht to compile a report on the
National League for comparison with Mgr.
I'erstce a report.
Eiu retie Wotoria Lae xegqueeted the Mi
later of Justice to interfere to prevent
press assailing the physicians. iii etlegden
urn the Emperor,
Itis. John Morley, is a ifpteoit at Blaclx
barn, appealed to the nation to aasiet t
Liberals is their effhrte to compel the Go+
erunmet to grant linens Rule to Ireland.
The sentence of Uer. l"atber AfeFadde
wlio was sentenced to three menthe' hops
anutent for holdiug anti -landlord and ant
polices xueotinga, on ltii appeal to the Datiliit
contra, was increased to six nonthe,,
TarepIying to aaatddre.a preseuted to him
b the 1V.attenaliat etudenca of Dahlia, ¥r,
Cl I rieu Bald it WAS carious that au address
'Mitt had. been prepared to celebrate his re.
leave frena prison marked his return to
The Czar of Russia is raid to do mush
more work than any of Ida .Minlatera, and
eau he found at his desk at almost any 'Hour
of •the flay, He rhea before any of his biome.
bold, attends Inas% every morning and is
scriipulenely exact in the performance of all
hie reUgious duties.
Mr, Chamberlain, la a ttpeeeb before the
Birmingham Radical Union, eabl be found'
very few notions in America who approved
of Mr. Oladstane'a Trish policy, and he
beliovcd if rhe American democracy
bad to deal with the subject they would
snake abort work of the monstrous proton,
alone of the National League,
The Emperor William was not without
humour and loved a quiet joke, It is told
that once at a hunt tile huntsmen laid 23
head of me before him, which they said
he had tilled. Ho smiled. and quoted
.. There are more things in Heaveu and
earth 'than aro dreamt of in your philoso-
phy" Adding :—.'" For is it not a miracle
that I ehonld have killed 2S head while I had
only 25 cartridges ?"'
The ancient Prussian auatom of holding a
r'B'laek Drawing rootn" after the monarch's
doath was honoured in the breach in the
caro of the late emperor, Formerly in Prue -
ala, so soon as the king was dead, all the
ithe � of
xs repaioreign red inatfuIl
dress to the palace.- The first rooms they
entered were brilliantly lit up, but gradual-
ly as they went through the different rap•
partments leadingto the throne room, the
lighting became immer, and dimmer, till
this last being reached it was found in semi-
darltneee. Around the throng woe group-
ed aeries of waxwork figures, deeply veiled.
with blank, representing the chief members
of the new Court, and before these all the
high dignitaries solemnly passed, bowing
themselves out backwards. The wisdom. of
dropping such groteequemummery is scarce-
ly open to question.
le a
D'AT}HTS bar Sa1B,.-111ua'?raten qwaorentsse .-at•
tlogaie free, I Ctsamberlfn,
PdtirE!fra procured. Patent Atterneye, and experts
Eat'd1$07. botanic" t , RidoutaC, Ca.,Toffont9,
lP'i144.4... iP$afe tYfioJCA40q "
paid. Valeeble outfit end
a cs#a fele.P,Q TWICE /ci,7.Au+i'u,ta.Ata
1elms ' Ttll�flA\Qui'4rws. b4iree;iemr
Itn 7 o dally, Correspordeue sol'olted.
F.. W. JI. Ii1CTL1Ef3, Finanotai +th"t.,
tdcrZ,: NhetE .t33J. 7z Ring -et It., Toronto,
CAI)TIQN d-•Tar:nera sishing to aro.d
Awauitars warned aga sat buying or Clare,
a Infriegleg tsz,i oder manufactured in
iddlesar, Oat, Tao genuineerti:le is stamp-
e Dandy," aad "'t•'at'nte3.ir6ST.," as required
C.W.A¢,a.,rx&Co,. World 8ri!fing,Toronto,
!lints Pawate isralc" fit
AmonniayPoae Cineaa7aur7A1
At.o, 5e at,
&avow:lc a crRaera *sr
ret Slitcaugsrpk nest alga B�$t ,�"
URES Nerve*: Prostration, Nervaue 11.
—1-leadache,, Neuralgia, 7 erveet
Wealcn,oas,, Stomach and Liver
1,31 ieatee,Rheumatisee, DysFepslee
end all affections of toe Kidneys.
P4as'e CULT= CDfit'OVi-o to aNerve Tonle
7rhk'h never f 11 . G lately Celery aad
Coca, those vondertlrl 1:listulants, it speed -
Sy ly sp'ar'es all nervous disorders,
.Push's; Cal aux Calu orr.�-xe puttees, the
blood, It drives out the Inel'e acid, which
car,,sea Bitersnali nt, and rmlor'es the blood•
making organs to a leeoltlrl- O7nre tion, The
tree remedy fer:Illtez.maaLset.
&Ami °s Ca:n rS Go "70 elta'et 1T cram
Ike Liver ane l itlewy tda F:xtesl bealRl+.
Ve.t. enrnilve pones caualifned with #,ta
nerve toni7a, mea It elm beat remedy
forsplbkidueycomp,^.aluta. '
psi' 'a CarXAT Ca*rro>"waras;7'engtherstlrs
facie, a#a4 (Meta Proven -ea of the 45gc ,
flea Mena, Vile le why it eurai VIVA *Ito
Went eases of R, peyrdot.
Itca t'a Canny ce wo nn hot* a tthai"•
tit , It is a laxative. sivi+ag easy axed miter4
swan to the trowel,#. Ne sense rely;Iote
Jews iia nae:
ecemnaeaadedAy'p,ore lcaota,ud,bashaem
tutu, frond far took.
Prtout$1.00. 6414WDa"a pia:'*
Montreal, Qua
AH I* 'rl. tr4FRf5, 1 lu r id. ll .,
f C.i3$lr, w -i ,9,4 Ilia 6raifo. filo
sure, fro ply- is rntl s;.axtp tar
wpb sty W 1, hulaTA, 3I,i? ,124 Qoea aE,Tore�ato.
�t71T a3 ai:ii CHE�II—� 30l Aeric Far,i*—Lots
31, 2.2an.0 3, ice car, T, ¶fowoQhlp cf Wlrnytro tie
aboutiO acres cleared, baaence in hardwood bash ;
about 4 neilea (tuna Trout Creels Statism cm thori.RJ
Itsulaay, close 0' e h ori, church, po%,t of31:e, sal and
slaitaale ma; there Is a log 0ousa, barn, ata?!e, eta , ?
oar It; els free from rackor swamp. Far turtber nn -
"or iosepplytoTm,9 c-iaaeer,Cerrzt6P.O.Oat,
erg, Cts. --Heaver Luna er
^3ang, weer*] between Montreal
eon tickets, a:rontreel to Liverpool,
'eturn tickets, if ] 4, 1, sand $110,
liar and a merod!tka, Par r-
tr9p Velaeta, IP, Steerage, fiYJ
1, J or tortherpaertlenteratant
a; er, r 4;as o rt 11 e 1 quae>ee ¥boa red ar tothe
al Auerifa in the ereaaT'wensand G1ilcr
-�SttbMe Wsi ar 4 azwees—.
Lha Saloon Tickets. W. V;,0. ion. Repro, ,sin,
cad $tlO, Interatediate, •if,4fi ; Steerafie, ai•*0, .Apply to
1I, E 31fl1ttt4Y. Oona'!, Kavas er..
• Karg.4a1t`euse2giare,EIO:�Ii'}<i»AI„
'• j 11 have unexcelled faculties for the SALE or
T EXCITANOEotNewspaper cOlieo. Tema,
one per cent. $nt;efact«on guaranteed. 3 'll a hint
U4 now tear goo3 estehlzaliments tor sale at 0 Gargatrr,
is• and ons publisher wentia„ a partner.
1• ARxI,taryI; ubliolt#x Company,
4'4 and S5 Adelaide St, w,,
Toronto. Oat..
Asleep on the Railroad Track.
A little child, tired of play, had pillowed
his head
rail and fallen asleep. The
train was almost upon him when e, passing
stranger rushed forward and saved himfrom
a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep
on the track, too. You are, if you are ne-
glecting the biliousness and constipation'
which trouble yon, in the hope that you will
" come all right." Wake up, or the train
will be upon you l • Constipation is too often
the forerunner of a general " breaking up."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets will
regulate your liver, stomach and, bowels, Land
restore your system to its normal condition.
A bass drum may be a snare and a noisy
instrument, but it is not as laud as a girl's
hair when it is banged.
Petongue, oe r anare
di order of the Stoma,' cfoul once
ba relieved by using D. Carson's Stomach Bitters,
the old and tiled remedy. Aek your Biennial.
Why are Cashmere shawls like deaf
}leY Because Pan t make them here,
Consumption Surely Cured.
TO,TRS Bnarox :—Pleasoinform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above named dis-
ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless. cases
have been permanently cured. I' shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy rane to anyof your
readers who have consumption if they will lend mo
their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, De.
T, A. Scoovir, 87 Yong° St., Toronto, Ont.
The man who stoops to pick up a cent
often ruins half a dollar's worth of suspen•
Whenever your Stomaob or .Bowels get out of or.
der, panning Billowiness, Dyepepala, or Iedlgertfon,
and their attendant evils, take at cue a dose of Dr,
vareou•e Stomach Bittexe, Beat family medicine,
All Druggist,, 60 cents. •
til by is a dead nigger like a candidate in
the background. ? Because he is a dark
Rua'1 Coosa Cuae sures in ono minute.
It may be that a man can love but oue
woman in a lifetime, but how if he going to
know unless he tries ?
01174AL888 Herd Rsunwaa restorer, grey and faded
hair to its netural.color and preveeta falling out.
'0 PURR.
to roe Itthin,Ianslslinging;
yb b c °r. Meet wad ut to
SWAIN,* Qerirlla "r eta a
r ash uteeretiao an,dp In
we, deal suers, ft le equallydike,
ag all Skin Phlegm PA. rAVA tiE dl
*Pre, Made aem'�tesG3crugS* bmr
0 Rea=
FCTION ,end lanur
v• of Canada,
A tiel«alters of tette%
r. A owns, 8co'y arc»!
OUR ��
AGENTS '''.'" hent parallel llibler,
I, Withrow'eE'optslair"Air�toryof
Canada; tiough',r Platform E hooa Dombrace:1
"Thq'n Cottsge Ply Sem
P Jane s'�"/"LClvinlfi��wloorrth.'
Cough's "Snell grid 111AI4i MONEY
Shadow," "Mentor. Mcrae and lielveaa," oto, Popu
Jar Books 1 Liberal Terme 1 Write tareireulars, tares
tots to Wu jUx BRfaes, Panther, Toronto.
Pantie Library ua d ng, aronto. Salaams from
Dr Ualt Columbia. California, Kansas, Illinois, and
quite a unmoor et other States and Province. now
in attendance. Write for Deeerl tiveClrculare,.
Pr ndeot. Sr.* it Manager,
I'ROOI' PatentNoa•
Conducting Doors
A arsr
111. & J. TAYLOR,
Toronto Safe Works, :
PARTZEI wishing to purchase Improved Manitoba
Farms, from Senoras upwards, withimmediate
possession, call or write to G. 7. )L.tVLSON,Dfa•
Arthur's Block, Urdu at., Winnipeg. Information
furnished free of charge, and settlors assisted la
making selection. Moszy To LOAN at entreat rates
of interest.
etheeD�bgatraepconor tnerent n Llyebeing het
of Eight per cent. per annum, and a Bons of Two
per cent. upon thepaid-up
this day been declred ndathatTthe annex w; be
payable at thebank and its branches on and after
Friday, the First day of June next.
The transfer books
losad om the Seven.
teenthoibTh eaflret dwill ay of Dy, bath days In-
cluded. The anneal (lettered Steeling of the.
stockholdere will be held at the Banking house of the
Inssitution, on Wednesday, the Twentieth day of
June next. The chair to be taken Pluton. By order
of the Board, (Signed) D. COULSON,
The Bank of Toronto, April25th,1888. Cashier.
April 25, May 9 and 2S, June 6 and E0—good icr 39
days, stop over going and returning.
Via St. pard, Minneapolis and
.�. RA x �t�A
ioof take stiaareSt
Minnesota and Dakotawhere t
be bad the most desirable' Railway and Government
Lands in the United States -2,00o,000 ACRES of the
richest and heat
watered ed
farming, '
min grazing as and tim-
bered laude for sate at low' prices where they -raise
both Grain and REOI R8, Trate Pass. Agtock that o4 Palmer RWouse d. Block;
J. Eooarwejree, Land Commissioner, 8t. Paul, Mien,
G. H. Wanan r, Gen Pass. Agt„ St. Paul, Minn.
reins geaees b
oovery of the pre
gent age for Regteet
!ng the bowels, ere
urine all Blood L14
and Kidney Oen
laints. A perfe..a
lood Purifier. A on
in Hanrllton whohavi
been benifited by 10
use •Mrs. -M. ECU=
192 Robert St. mato
of Erysipelas cf 2 y1l
standing; Raba. Co
noi1, 24 south street
aughter ourod to
Epileptic fits after
years suffering Jon
ole Barrel, 511 Walnut
Street, ourod of
weakness and Lung Troub e : John Wood,- 98 Cade
oart 8t., cured of Liver Complaint and Billioueneee
need only 8 fifty -cent bottles • Mrs. J. Beal, 6 AnguishSt., troubled for years with *ervous Prostration, twt
small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. di I1
F. F. DALLEY 3s CO., Proprietors.
ie Ce ebratted Ram,
cock Ieaplretar.
Greakatm'e nodosa die
i,'.e•t fsetleg iuieutor,
.falierrieeres Aut4matio:
S,ghti;eed hubrhstor.
Engineers' &, ,Plumb,
ers' Su plea of every
descriptor. Seed fox
76 7�.d,deU.Ide
r t1B'3fl1d J z.
self of s1) Imo/aid
%gado in the
.ir rod welt
An eery re.
for 11 0, to de -
t vnw atataon,
alar. .$,
at 41&.
avian ether hrddla4ai
window 'D:'A?
IarSi,ttO ..., 4.444.4
ilextlans will tura arc:
<il i. ttn•9 .0 f{eft
WIT,,W,P, BkWs., b'LO1US $ . Ittuu, ;e,
aux. 444 i;urnina lima*, Erb. tar»d
i el:Melee ke. MAW=717OS,C(t,
97 heatt St , Tarenta,
i e
nave all the latest ino
for darebnitYe. style 0211
Carriage Bellies sell them.
VIM NOj �Tnn19t{��Ctt,
Allan lam Ito
urllugdareg venter trete
and Rohl= peer Sato
tam 4t4tIAZ ewer
74lea ierry to tau
x1 awd Ireland'o'x.i
ani are rtae-aausited
niiee e. The leading
Reseed * nand >ttley'eles
pad T'rleie#ea.
Send tar List. Ness fatalo4ne
ad), le iprll.
Ferly Thorn-
%, and to
13 aad plena
1laltanore, sial
aA .1.a. a, t., 7', fa l iwrrpac l#artuzglatty
r rrmauths. Thoe+tteuler,t e4 #Ire tl:as-
+lilring %inter to and tsar li a1itex,
slulxl rlpbla; and dnria7 amen.
131antrcat se.Idg; catevew
G➢nrgaar and Pa:iate:petia
taer lteeneetien epplr to
Proure; S. C0nsrd a Ca,e
°baler N. i;; Wor. Taotnp.
Ian a Co., Chi a�
Dandier, Tars
BMX*, Philedele
it Sharpen the Knife without. removlegltAram the
tthint. No fanner should send his Meeiane into
field without one. Semple by mall, COe.
CLEMENT afi CO., Toronto.
d go to work,.
Oi' TUE AISLE -III' enA1141s
Fouls. Profusely filoatteted
gales nmrsellcue e Nearly
89,1118). seed $1 two for a copy
nts Wanted. Address.
A. 0. WATSON, Monger,
TORo\"70 Wmaa*i. TRAM ,Derosiroar, TOBOMO,
EST IMPORTED ENOL/811 SURE!'$. ate- Smell
Amerh an Hoge Calle/at Quality guaranteed.u lots to auitpurchaaore. Writo forprlees,
Jas. Park & Son,
R. PARKER 8c 00.
Works and .ilcatl Offices r
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
208 Yonge Street,
City OSloes: 808 Queen St. west, TORONTO,
225 Queen 85. East..
100 Colborne Street, Brantford, Oat.
4 John StrootNorth,.... Hamllton, Ont.
Cooks' Gem
Why do you use those Expensive American and
Canadian Baking Powders when you can get se good
and wholesome at one half the price? Prove It by try-
ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by
ELLIS & KEIGHLEY, - Toronto,
• i
FRE. TRiE',at
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
result ignorance sane and
g Poll •
A who nd th
weak, nerou9 and
Ona Divx who are exhausted
down irons o the effects of
abuse or over -work. and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excesssend for and read
M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Dfen. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 8o, stamps. Address
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Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific bas boon used for the past
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