The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-3, Page 7THE WEEK'S NEWS, ceeranlets. About four thousand immigrantshave ar- rived in Winnipeg already this season. Iti alleged s a gad that a lead mine has been discovered on the mountain, aboUt eight. ;miles south of Hamilton. The six weeks' strike of the O .uade Cot, ton Company's employes at Cornwall was settled by arbitration on Saturday, and work was resumed. Ex -Premier Norenay ie being puUorwaxd in Winnipeg as deserving of a seat in the pomiuion Senate in the event of Senator Schultz beim appointed I.ientenant•Gover- por of Manitoba, Protestants in ;Montreal are indignant at the proposed] erection of a statue of the \rir- gin Mary in Aiount Royal path, and a move- ment has been started to get up a counter petIt€en against the project.. The balance sheet of the City Treasurer of Toronto for 1887 ;haws total receipts from alt eonrcee amounting toL3,7�6,477, against An expenditure of $3,;12,83x' ; cash on taiid in the banks at 31st; December, ;298,745. Mayor Clarke, of Toronto, was notified Viet the Toronto University authorities. had decided to -parcel the lease of the Qaneeu's Park entered inth between the late Bursar and the Corporation on. let January, 1$58. Extensive im lrove:ro ute are being carried Out by the Goverramelat ae Kingston peni- tentiary. The work, which will be done by the comviets, will cost between $30,000 and 040,000 and will take three yews to com- plete. A very large am" iafinleittiaal deputation froth Qaebee ]interviewed Sir Jobe Mae- donald reaeutly lex the purpise of obtain- ing Government aid for the eonatrtigtion of a bridge over the St, Lawrence from Quebee to Point Levi, Gabriel Dumont arrived in Memtreal on Sashay night, and is expected to stay about three weeks in that city, .Ile Says lite Abject In conies to Canada le to give'leetures on the Tato rebellion, and alaA to travel throughout the D0141141914 otterwards taking a trip to France, At the Kent Assizes, at. Chatham, James Macey, bailing from Detroit, `vas found! guilty of havnig committed the dynamite' outrage at the house of License Inspector Evans, of Chatham, on the ,tight of January 23r+1, and sentenced to fourteens years in Ii in,"'steti Penitentiary, Senator Abaft bits been raalatinated by the Bank of Meetreal direetere to succeed the late lien. bhp Hauliltozi on the board, and will be appointed at the expiration of thirty days. Mr. Ableett'a appointment necetet- tittes his withdrawal from the ,rferelparlta' Buie. ie. of which be bas been aah idircetor for Some years, The estimates for the Province taf British Columbia for the year ending June loth, 1S%9, were submitted to the Lr,;isleture last week. The total receilite ate estimated at $610„81, and the exnendtiuren sat $760.839, a dolicit of $179:1;i1. Tia amount will probably be made up from the million dollar loan fund. A settlement has keit been ctr4otell of the longstanding dispute batweeu the Ceuedien Government and the Niagara White Grape Company* of Lockport, New York, which' ;rose through the seizure of a 1arec number of grape vines the company had dietrihuted throughout Ontario. drums 1592 to I8S8 the Company sold the farmers and others in this proving() villas to the value of $10,000. a, They were planted and were to be paid fo in ten anuual inatallmttnts. Two years ag Canaohot Government noti1od the nom puny that they heal been fraudulently ,pass- ing their grave vines et an undervaluation. The vines gold at $1.50, and were entered for duty at the rate of 15 cents each. The Government on wining the discovery im- mediately wind all the vines the company had distributed throughout Ontario and notified the purobasors that they must pay no more inetallmonts until the claim for customs msd duties a lead. been n sot led t The h - , T Cts toms Department eb n od $18.000 and re- fused to release the vines until that amount was paid. Tho Government now accept $1,500 in full settlement of their claim and other expenses incurred. Tho memorandum of agreement states that this is done in con- sideration of the proclamation whereby grape vines have been placed on the free list. overwork and nervousness, has been advised by his medical attendant to leave Berlin. The very sudden death from heart disease of Mr. Matthew Arnold took place on $nn• day at Liverpool. He was sixty-six years of age. The Emperor and Frm P a Empress of Germany Dr, and Mrs. Mackenzie with a splendid gold tray as a silver wedding pre- presentedaent. 4. Spanish pastor has been sentenced to 2$ months' imprisonment at Malaga for pub- lishing a pamphlet condemning Rosman Catholic dogmas. The London Mansion bouts fund for the relief of the aufferers by the German floed8. has already reached, the snip of £2,,200 and is rapidly inercasing, ' Mr. W. O'Brien, who was on, his way to address a proclaimed zneetingat New Ross, was arrested in Dublin on Sunday morning', and lodged in Ballenasloe gaol. The I€ungariau Miuieter of 4grcultnre has notified all agricultural societies that Herr 'dandle has discovered an efficient preventive of pleuro pneumonia in cattle, Mayor O'Keefe, of Limerick (Parneliite), has been elected to fill the Vacancy in. the House of Commons for Limerick caused by the resignation of Mr, Henry J. Gill (P,r- nellite), M, de Giers, the Russian Minister, is of opinion that the fall of Prince Bismarck would lead to a close Angle -Austrian Alli - armee, which would prove an iternpediisste source of danger to Russia. - A cablegram says it is, proposed to estab lisle a Fruit Growers Society among the gest .Kent agriculturists on the Canadians plan, to develop the fruit industries, now that hops have become ea mush less valuable. Pref. John Tyndall, In an article to the Union on Mr. f ladetotte, agreeaa with Car• lyle that "a Minister who iswieked enourgh to propose to saver Ireland from Beglarid deserver to have lite Bead brought to the bluok,” Gen, Boulanger, in addresaing the etcetera of Nord: who returned him to the Chamber by a a minority of over ninety thunsand votes, y the 15th of April will henceforth he marked in the aunala of the country aa the date of .her true deliverance. The gentiezneu in charge of the Gleirgew International Exbibition, which le to be opened next mouth by the Prieee and Prin. clan of Wales, have been nettled that the Q,neen will cheerfully Iend a eeleotien of her Scottish historical treasures, including a portrait of Queen Mary. with the execution to the haekground, a,salL..,.tat and Orfutling-mTyrunny 0f Jobbers. .one; April 23, The :Earl el Iiunrarv. en is. doiog-goed work. Ile is chairman tzf the Carnmztteo of the House of .Lords, of which .LwdeDerby and Pothechild are RIM. bees, charged with an investigation of the condition of the gloves of the awcating sys- tem. It was a strange eigizt to see in moor the palatial commlttee rooms gathered sand teeth of ragged, half-starved foolish Jews, summoned zrom the purlieus of the .East Eud. to give testimony. This wretched swarm of paupers, colonized in Whitechapel stud Spitaldehls, toil under the meat brutal and grinding tyranny of jobbers, getting nothing but bread to eat and working from six in the morning to iniclnight for wages ranging from $'� to $7 per week, on whish they most keep whole families and pay ex- orbttaant rents, The trade is chicks in slop boots, but there are some clothes and 'hats, All are sent to distant and half civilized colonies, One feature of the boot barineas r , la what is team call? known as "iioundadith go sides," the same being made by a eon -Trees of paper pulp and ground -up leather scraps. Boots of these are sold to the liaffirs and other barbarous peoples, who, however, know enough never to buy twice of the nam firm. A SA:If'LF. CA3k*. 4. great deal of evidence is being taken,. One case will serve as a sample, Selene' Wildman, a boot finisher, staid that he came from Hungary ten years ago, as ho could not et a living shoe get What ere you engaged et there!" ask - 011 Lord Dunraveu. "I was a teacher." "Then what made you think you could do better hero?" From what friends in Hungary told him ho cams to England, wont to the East End and was there told by a man that he oould learn the boot finishing business in four weeks. Ho worked for the man for four weeks for nothing, beginning at five o'clock in the morning and leaving off at midnight. He worked every day ex. rept Saturday. For those four weeks he was not paid anything. He aubaequently obtained employment in another workshop. Ho had laboured for the past ten years at sweating work from aix in the morning until midnight eaoh day in the week but Saturday, and now earned fifteen shillings weekly. He had a wife and six children and paid four shillings a week rent. Ile was re- quired to work so hard that he could not ;rink his coffee or tea until it was cool, as he could not spare the time to drink it warm. The workroom was about four and a half yards square and two or three yards high. It had two windows, two gaslights and cue heating light, and four workmen, besides master, were employed in it. No inspector had ever visited it. The witness spoke in broken English, but was at last questioned by Lord Rothschild in German, and in reply answered as above. PROOFS= REMEDY. No Englishmen are engaged this traffic), which is confined mainly to German jobbers and Russian Jew sweaters, and the Lords' report is expected to recommend a law for- bidding the further entrance of these paupers into the Kingdom. There may also be a clause sharply criticizing Russia's policy of oppressing and crowding out these miserable wretches to become a burden on other nations. VNrTED STATES. The rumoured marriage engagement be- tween Mr. Bayard and Mrs. Folaom is de- nounced as a malicious invention. A Chicago paper estimates that the strike on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy rail- way has cost the employees $601,580 and the company $2,000,000 up to date. An Iowa genius holds the offices of United States signal observer, city clerk, township clerk, United States chain agent, township treasurer and adjutant of a G. A. R. poet. Several cases of smallpox were discovered among Italians in the steerage of the steam- er Italy, which arrived at New York on Saturday. Eleven cases were also discovered on Friday on the steamer Newport, from .Aspinwall. An interesting legal question is likely to arise over the finding of a jar containing $12,000 at Holman station, 1nd., by Smith Stewart, on a farm which he had rented. The landlord claims the money onthe ground that it had been buried by his sister, now deceased. The collection includes some coins over two handred years old. BROWNSVILLE, Tex., April 14.—One of the men bitten at the Muerte ranch by the mad wolf that bit Mr. Chamberlain, who is now in Paris under Pasteur's treatment, has become wild, and has fled to the woods. It is reported that he entered the Asadore ranch and seizing a six-year-old child of Manuel Canter bit and tore it to pieces. FOREIGN. Prince Bismarck, who is suffering from 11301121.11.61.1 The Opinion of All Who have tried Poison's Nerviline, the $rt at pain remedy is that it is never -failing in pain ol every description. Neuralgia, toothache. cramps, pain in the stomach, and a indred complaints are banished as if by magic. Rapid and certain in operation,pleasant to take, Nerviline stands at the very front rank of reme dies. of this class. A trial bottle may be purchased for 10 cents. a very ,small amount in any case ; but the ;best expendi- ture you can; make, if : a sufferer from any kind of pain, is a 10 or 25 cent bottle of Nerviline at druggists and country dealers. Look and Live. My lady.reader, don't pass me by with the unkind remark, "Only an advertise- ment." I may do you good. I may do yon good. I may unfold to your view the "pearl of great price," I may be the means of restoring to you health and happiness. I surely will if you are suffering from any form of nervousness or female weakness, and will act upon my' suggestion. ` I bring to your notice, with, every, oonfidenco in its merits, a remedy especially compounded to meet justthe requirements of your case- Dr. Pierce's !favorite Prescription, bidding you look and live I Ladies everywhere, who have ;used it, speak volumes in its praise I A Millionaire In a Minute. Instaaees are on record where toilers in gold mines and diamond fields who, by one turn of a spade, a single movement of the hand, have been transformed iron penniless laborers to millionaires. But they were not so lucky as- the begs 9ewhofiIIa to o Salmpti d a means of restoration to healthy who learns that the dread disperse front whloh he suffers is not incurable. Dr. Pierce'sGolden Medi- cal aacov ery will cureconsumption whi eh is lung eorofula), and nothieg else wilt. For All the diseases of the Mood, ouch sa.blotchea, pimples, eruptions, sorefulcns sores and awellings, it unequaled, c" The good din young," and weedeshoald. An Eplgraulnlatic Statement. Is there anything in this world so vile As the pestilent prereoes et patent bile? IV* haze it, we hate it, We all revile The noxious nausea;, ass did Csriyle, But why bewail what soon is mended 1 Take F P. P. and bare it ended. All praise the power of " Pierre's Pallet," Wia:e pet pie buy and druggists sell it; Work done out of season. ie 111 done, Cousuniption Surely Oared. To ran 14,rroa ; Yleaee inform y' Our readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named db. ease, By its timely n -e thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cared- I shalt be 81;4 10 aenY ro bottles of ray remedy raix to saw ofour readers who have consuucption if they will send ane their Express and P. 0, ai'dre>ye. $e5p001411y, U. T. A. Saotme, Vonge St.,, Toronto, Ont. a pleasing pattern in garter buckles is a serail of Roman gold, having a border of flat enameled flowers souk lute the rrletal. The opines hasbI . dirt aosraat , the o phihnahabtq nervone prostration caused by Meuse of toTr3eco, wakefadneee, mental depress on, *attesting of the brain, eke., premature old age. I04 of vitality t e:sed ewer-eacertlen et the labra, and Ipso of PAM* n ,tb, from any eAL10 eta 'ver. Alea,syaa;ng, std oX Altddlooged-..wits are brake4 detest feeat awy otthea4aieCAWS ,sst oreneasese-netmentioned a5see, send `tsar addreai aiC eenta to Amore for Imben'a Treathae, la bo:k ferns, ct Mosso et Wes, Emu sent sealed and seeeprs frog observation, Addre,a M. V TAWS 47 w ellinstoa street Easit, xuronte Oats A faith euro beater at Salina, 1Cautas, tried bacon a case of smallpox by ale laying on of hands, and now the doetor and his patient are quarantined in a suberban hlnck- smith situp, Wlisslrer 3T11air f4Ci naoh Gi l'iawale flet ant et or esusien Blll ew. a, et Indf;aeaii4oe, Wart their attendant evil*, s alt oaoa v. dont of Air. ,ya.';alsear-a Stiwwach Bitten, Beet latufip msdklAe, th,1 Plrlggista,-tticeuts. Zdr. John Dillon was arrested en Tuesday afternoon in Dublin.. Pips 1 Coa:an CtlRA Purrs irtQUO entente. Arrangements bare been Made for the eviction of 200 temente of the Vandetenr estate in County Claxe. toot tad larsatb, foal oeawd taolne en any 4',strdes et titre Itionisela, can at oa;a tit ral;aivedby mateg I3r, fi'aarsoaa asoarirk Mises. the old and tried rernedrr. Ask rutty f1'raaiglid. Princes Non Hohenlabe boa teen ques- tioned as to how he would receive an offer to succeed Prince Bismarck, citotta:saq TIAs Plenum rewrite sires and 148,4 neer to its pat nal eche and present, fallen„ oat Tile Spanish Chautb-tr of Deputies b as vote of 154 to 2d has rejected a proposal itcr grant ameesty to political exiles. '1. 1', cal PA°. e !WENT kst"d 1SW. tent Attorney, and experts pcat>Iti V. R;idemi ak Co..T'oramto, TO 1.04.N on renals, i,owcat !Rater. No delay. Correspondence xalitit'tl., al Agt., Eatuipliehti•l J .:,. 7:2 King at i:., Toronto. O. 13UTi,i.R. F tnanei etNAD! Hlfli'liAifa` CO.= -Beaver Line of Steamships, tatting weekly between lton.ral MAI Liverpool. Saloon tiekttr, ]tontreal to i avers 391, SIO,>+50, said S60, Retnrntleketa,tl3O, in 5, and :mJa3110, acng to atonmer and accommodation, inter. mediate. t+SO; Boland trip tickets. tfO. Steerage, gaO Bound, trip tickets, 410. For further particulars acrd to actor* births, apply to If. E. lttirl.ltAY Uenerel Beringer, I Cuaroaa bonne Stluare. Itlontre^l encu tho Local Agents In the oifferent Twons and Cities. "ll Rnsinese !'olfege. Guelph, Ont. ae Faculty has bean strengthened, the ,prem. acs enlarged, and new appliances added. The Busi- ness Department affords one of the belt courses ob. turnable while the Shorthand Department has accomplished resulta unequalled 3i the history of shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages oilfired by tho Institution, Students enter at any time. Cir. eulars mailed .free. 11, 3d.ccCOltNICK, Principal, SAFES 1 AND BURGLAR. PIt001 , and Vault Doors, kept constantly in ate*. A number of Seeond-hand Safes at low prices, J. & J. 'TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. MERCHANTS • ■ BUTCHERS AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a 800n Year in your loosity to pick up for ns. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address 0. S. PAGE. Hyde Park. Vermont, U.S. CHARLES ROBINSON & CO., 32 CUEUCIE ST., TOROS-TO. Are having, during March, a Special CIearing Sale o BICYCLES & TRICYCLES, New and Second Band,to make room for new season's atrivals. Send for greatly reduced Braman /fearu Paas Lasr. Bicycles x C11 Second -hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. Now Catalogue ready in April. MONTREAL, ^ aid wind other bedding and. MVTj window plants. our $1.00 o one. Illustrated Catalogue frCell e e.ctions will suit every WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO -Manufacturers of the highest grades of SILVER PLATED WARES TRADE MARK. FACTORIES Ana SALESROOM :- 420 to 426 Ring Ste West, TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, J. 0. COPP, Manager. Seo, Treas. YOUNG MEP4 SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, tlie result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also ivlronnn•Aoraoand Orn MnNwho are broken down from .the effects of abuse or over -work, and in'advano,d life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and,read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. Ther book will be sant sealed to any address on receipt of two 8c. stamps, Address M. V. LIMON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. fine's lery impound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged, UR SNervousprostration,Nervouellead, aebe,rieuralgia, t7ervouaWeakr,eeS, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all &arc:inns cl the Kidneys, A NERVI;. TONIC, iEor,aa?, W. 3307;o7 -c, Sra,tz"oua, COM;., 98}7: ""XPr Urn rears Z w,s a sufferer from nervoes de. b,.lity, anal I thank Cod and the tie ,coverer of the valuable remedy that 1' 's CELen; CoxrQim''n carol ane;. Jr is a eafuabte remedy. Jong ppey It lite, Let any oaa write to erre for arlvitce..u, AN ALTERATIVE, 8zoazp Ancgg ,'iTi n.anron Vx WS; "1 belze,4 PArro's Cr r Ca' ecv:,rn Wed DIYEre. NYtate the vee=eft to bean interval lswoorr. 23e1onsI tts:tlit I weaosreredwith an ercry hen €rete 'hind to heel." Tiro e^a.latuaa i:. watifulY teazels. goal cto erebtialrel yes Pent, better every wage A LAXATIVE. $-C.Eza,LT,wia Paeu:adri.iCTWw, S(x:. a473: #L -r two s-eare vista nave been aarreat nuaereg t"re'ru t -dreg 0114vertrouble3. stten1e4 with sly*. teFsta nem *Moser a ll t�soeaa 'tail ovniasKIF raged rots New 1eau say amitieseiaarte A DIURETIC. k3rosou Astor;, Slot'x Cert; Iowa, rafts: as004e asetemteg0icrM laeyBsod binXCunt any tiWertnedaPiaa41 nen( ever tonexr. Boodredsof testfmonial&havebeen received from Persons who luaveneed this remedy with reaaarkebia benefit, l:mdfaredrealer: Wk. -9840% &old 4r nAssebta. WELT. ,R1CHARDSON&GO,Proprloto >l(ltliatrenl. Quo. Olit4Ll. tilxQ sp :reaDIC.RSt ei<p9Oai paid, Valuable outfit and part4e0eXa tree.it•,,9.r:CaLRXe.AutruPta.11afa:a WiTEt'a` i� t STREAM. "°' .► GEk$, bore se teal. e hour, �' , Alco arc Brills -Sand 1F Ire Learn Po Ho or .rear, we fish r, tslygaa� Laidlaw fluor Cat tsctu$** 419 „ 0AxuAielf, (stet Co 0 womb Ore Head, ]Flay Fever, etc., can. ir i Cold in tlh pogltiv4lty be cured, A new method, A amedteroe gu;t lf" anteed to cure. No cure no pay, It you have tried other remedies that failed to eure, au wall net he disappointed in this, For full particulars address, X. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St, E.. Toren**, dames s*, Send 10e. In stamps for book, "Twat* on disease of Alan.'" Peening to obtain a Vastness Education, or become p xodelleeent in Shorthand and Typewriting, elaouFd aft. RRITlSJI AM R.IOAO. BUSIES COLE .. Arcade, Yoage street, Toronto, cirealars, etc., address cJ OW& Secretary tOH moss int 4. covers et tee it age tor lug the hour an rF al Ur Cleat *oaaersrru, oe Pelee of r611104,lei t sonde steer 1p taOCI waeit ears wffering•aartt• ole Bleat, ES 'Walnut trees, oared of and use Traub o ,#ohn wood O4 9aili+ sift . sus€4 sl Liver Cots stmt F'aiiliottateae used only At y.eent nettle* • iso, al:. Beal, 4Augusta, ,t.,troubled tor}earswithz+orreuaJlroetrntlen twitrcall bottles gave her great relict Sold: at tOo. t�t it. r, P. DALLEY Cr 00., Proprietors, NOG la invent i ?.GliS .t7' A.iifst.Asrekartn-.Lose and.23, in. cam 7. Township 0 Rfwsawortb, .lanes etearerl, Iraaa;a.e ice hardwood to»alt; arches from Trout Creek 5t4091c enthe;v.P. Itsitany (:lora to e:Vion...0; Amb, ped olBre, saw and licks le mitt; theta is as log house. turn. slatade, etc , nap St; all tree /torn ru. ; ar eaa.nup. For farther it tam,V,TonApply ta` rs.Casatcar, r0lrret6.P.O. Carat, ACHI all Lille Royal )faf1 Reams :pa Sing daring winter teases Portland every Thu*. ay and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and In calling q e a env Saturday to Llverpeoi. Londonderry to land traits and p agetts for aintland and Ireland: d: alp from Italtaotore, via 1fabfax mad St Jehrc's,l N. F, to Llrerpr,eltatin3ghUy fluxing 'rammer mouths. Theeframers 0 the alae, tines sad during winter to and from deletes, iand, Boston and PhRadellpt ire ant daring inar- +etweea filacow and .setae» weekly; t11,a s,raw aideuweekl;, acrd Girsa ane and Pplladeil?biat n h13. rfreRlit, p°.asaage, or caber Ipltoraua#lcn apply to :a -shunts -ter :a«her se Co,. Baltimore; B. Canard 0o.. I;altf ear: Shen & CP -e t3: Jobe's. N. F. Wtn, Thogrg- a:r 0oa, tar., John, N. if.; Alalia eat' Ce, Gki^,a;o; tavta +fi Alden, New York, H• Courlaer, Taranto; O. Rae 4 Co., (Nebo: Wen. Prceltfe. Ylallsdal. I1.. , ;Men, I'ortlertd,Boston, Montreal, CURE FITS! When 1 say ealtlrldonot mean'merely to top there Sortttkno,and then have them re. urn again. i AiEAN A 1 J..D10AS, Cons. 1 have made the tllsoase et PITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, J1.11feinngstuda. I tall+AairA=myremetly to failedlsnoroasonfarnotPow1�receivin ;cure Send at once !or atrentlso anti al+'Iint:J*OTTLn Of my INPArdazadis RnBEDZ. Giro Express an Fort UIIlee. at coats you nothing xor trial, and 1t Ivll1 euro you. Address Ar, iI, in, Boca. 87' Tonga St., Toronto, Oat, Kaley, Royce & U11r Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years with great eueeeae, in the treatment oldistasteNervous Debility, and all distaste arising from er ari ces, overworked brain, loan of vitality, tinging In the earn, palpitation, eta. For sale by all druggists Price 81 per box, or 8 boxes for $5, or will be sant by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application, U HE GRAY MEDICINE 283 Tonge Streets Toronto, The Cheapest Placa In Canada for RAND 1RSTRiUMENT3. New and Second hand. Areata for "BESSON" end's H IGHAM" Baud & Orchestra atUSIC. REeMlt1Nu as BAND I11STAL:Ill NTSis a ecialty. Send 1oCataalogue. BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! 1 a a ku made sa2IYsrseat 12 Cownsbip and County Fairs in Ont.rr ao in t& nt soclr places as F'! caber ton, Aarkhnnr,`Vhit- by,a:tc. Over ro,000 ladies have sent us letters and postal cards to say that itis superior to an yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wholesome breed, buns, rolls and buck• wheatcakes, Directions in each package with full instractrons. CO.. Toronto. TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTS. Jahanston'sPluidBeef is not merely a:stimulant, but it contains alithe life-giving elements of meat that nourish BRAIN, BONE& MUSCLE IT Is THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER, There are many nrtrarroraa of cc pee1 MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. FARM. vas, /Imam, etc., find none equal to the gums Peerless made by SAMUEL RCOERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAPITAL AND FUNDS 110W OVER $3,000,000. EEAD OFFICE, • - 15 TOCItONTO STREET, TORONTO, ONT. A. HOME Co11IPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 81,1887, there has been returned : To the heirs of Polioy-holders (death claims) $649,249 00 To the hold,rs of matured Endowment Policies 20,402 63 To Policy -holders on surrender of Policies ... ......... .. . ...... ...... , 98,666 00 To Policy -holders forCasb Profits (including those allocated and bang paid) 482,544 02 To holders of Annuity Bonds 16,967 84 Loaned to Policy -holders on Security of their Policies 82,264 98 Policies in, Force over 10,000. $1,s69 0 47 1�I11on11t over, $15,000,47 PRESIDENT-Hex, Sin W. P. HOWLAND, C.B., E. C.M.G. VICE-PRESSIDENTS.—WILLIAM Bemoan, Esta 'EDWARD $DOPER ES J. 'H. IIIA CDONALIi;, Managing Director. 4 f'Po1iioies Nonforfettable after 2 years and Indefeasible after 8 years,`