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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-4-5, Page 8
THE DUDE A little cane, A. high erowared hat, A fixed eepreseion RRether flat. A pointed she,. A sc;auty coat; A stand imp collar Round his throat, A ; oegeous raee tie,. lipreading wide; 3, small mustache, Ni tie ea a side, Arms at right tingles, Curved with ease, A stilted walk Aud shaky knees. A languid drawl, The" English" swiug, .Au air of knowing Everything. A vacant stare, Extremely made, lied there you haves The perfect dud% Our Wasilington Litter. (Proal cur yrw* 4.brreneaccut. The shack of the de tb of Chief Junin e Waite for the most part cheek, ed slats consideration of its public eased beyond the general grief it causes. Po- litically, a nntn e?i another party will go upon, the beach to till the vacancy, As to who it mill be there .a but little tipestlll tion as yet, There sr© many ,:audidates whoee nanttee comes to the 'ah,. tins o£ every one at Duca. TwoTworwhO s were muck spoken of when there w another reenter -Secretary Bayard an Attorney—General Gladiola—wilt uti tsxueet or desire the appointment. Mudie Jackson, Judge Simons, and nmwuy others who were named then will agaiet las lilentioued. What is thought to be mast probable is that Speaker Carlisle well succeed Chief finance A ,lite ou the bench of the Supreme Court. it is known that he was osibretl fhtn tat that the Justis Laveur naoav o4cur ic3 before it was of &red to that ge'lmtaa'nsaril. fie declined it very re- tucti'itatly, and Ide deellnetion was cis I t Yui, tthutiy received. But it wets agreed ltetnseell lhiiu and JI.r, Cleveland, after tal:neg the matter over, that the polit- awtsi s tuationm Rperty necessity—requir- ed :‘tr. Oarlisiespresence in the limase to ng,usise it and to work to bring the party together ;or the passage of a taritt trill. Mr, C Lxlise at the salve Cute told Mr. Cleveland that no other l,ublie position or trust could so suit his disposition and fit in with, his in- clinations as, that of Supreme Court J ustie.'e. The znatter was very seriously considered and carefully weighed in the balance one consideration against anot- her, before it wvtis finally decided that the course should be followed that was pursued eventually, The probable it- feet tsect of Chief Justice Waite's death up- on the telephone cases is a subject of some comment among business men. The fact that the chief Justice cast the deciding vote in f:Lvor of the Sell laeo-. -Ile in the recent decision leaves the' court standing 3 to 3. Justice Lamar &lid not join iu the decision last Mon - clay, '.because be did not go on the bench tnntil after the case was subhniicted' When the ixovernuient case shall be submitted, Justice Lamar will be com- petent to participate, and as the case is founded upon a decision of his rendered us Secretary of the Interior, the pre- sumption is that he he will be likely to hokt against the Bell patents. It is ulaa thought that Justice Gray willnot vote on detiOutit of the connections of Ids fancily with telephone interests. With the court evenly divided, judg- wg from the recent telephone decision, the appointment to the -vacancy on the bench will be a matter of vital interest to the telephone people. The first bus- iness meeting of the International Council of Women was held. Saturday afternoon at the Riggs House. All the delegates haye arrived. There are re- presentatives of thirty-seven assouiat- ions, foreign and American Among the resolutions passed was one author- izing the chairman, Miss Anthony, to appoint a committee of fifteen to con- sider and lay before the second meet- ing a basis for the permanent organ- ization—a national flag of the count- ries represented at the council. An amusing scene occured Saturday in the roorn .of the chief clerk of the Patent Office. M r.l3uilock of Testi,; the chief of the issue and gazette division, was talking with the chief clerk, James N. Lipscomb, of South Carolina, about an order which tale latter had issued and which had beea,mnodified by the coni- nlissiouer at the suggestionof Mr. Bul- lock. In talkincr about this change Mr. Lipscomb became excited, so much so that he endeavored to eject Mr. Bul- lock from the room. The latter is a small, spare man, and the former is large and fleshy, and the tussle was of short; duration:. Subseq' eutly, after the parties had cooled off there was a mutat explanation, and both men ami- cably shook hands. It is said that in the hent of the moment Kr. Lipscomb miseonstructed a Latin phrase used by MI: Bullock, and this added fuel to the growing excitement. Tzar Halton Grits seem to be quite as wealthy as the I3aldituaud Grits, They lira spend sonar of their money in a aimiliar way 'trying to upset the rep- larly :elected member of parliament aonie people aaever know when they are well beaten. SILT RIFI3O SI, Those of our lady readersev would like to have an elegant, large package of etre, tine, .Assorted Ribbons (by mmmail),ila different widths and .all the latest fashionable shades; adapted for Bonnet Strings, ?4eeekwear, Scarfs, 'Dimming min; for Hats and Dresses, Bows, Fancy Wort., tt'«•e., can get an aetenisli- big bargain, owing to the recent fnailure of a large wholesale Ribbon hftmnufeeturing Co., by sending only 20 cents (stamps) to the address we siva below. As a 8,13Pciai oiler, this house will give define the amount of tiny other fir ltm ihn America if j'ou will send the names and P. 0. address pf ten nerdy married ladies when endemic.; sand mention the venue of this paper « o pieces less than n Satisfaction e yard inlen„tlh. �,atlsfaatoal ranteed,or money cheerfully refund- . Three paclsag*as for 60 cents. Ad - ss, LONDON' RIUDO:w A4 mete Jiillswi N. J. Notice the sign, `,Montreal Geneal STORE. T----+ MOYED Thomas Dearing Inas removed to his new stand, one Boar- north Dr. Lutes Drug Store, opposite the Cent- ral Hotel, where he will be found of, feriln es usual-� • ar ail$ xpir T GOODS Groceries, READY;MADE_L�TH1N poets a Shoes, GLASSWARE, Iv, older to clear out the bulk of his General Stock, ,lend to make room for Spring Geode, BUTTER and EGGS TAKEN C -W IE -T, Special Bar eine .ran day of Sprin Show. Give roe a call. Staud ppesite Centre! Hotel. Q 44 14 0 ` Prth eipl.e. COLD MEDICATED. Read Mee, ee, 21.51 rouge -at, Toronto. . +''at in oB,31, 4)➢c .t.1.S"eOe Rnduent Throat/ anti Lung Surgeon, Willvisit the (en tr 1 Iiot is TUESDAY, APRIL 1?tb, 1888, oNic aDA itnttle.17. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Astiswa, Con- stunption, etc., k;rauaanelatly and ef- f ll °ed ,- - eetua y cut . . few prominent Testimonials of ermaneut Cures, Mi', Joint Mciel3'y, Kingston, 4ut., Catarrh and Conaumption, Julmn McKelvyy, Riugston, Ont., Ca. tnrrh. Mrs. A. Moping, Ii;,i[tt tan, Out, Brow, tat) Consumption. Mr. B. Scott, F.in Ston, Got., Gntanit, ette, mut thro4t. rh t n NOTIOE There's uo use in being dis eouraged ill ,card Times. THE IfENMLL !FURNITURE \F,areroonms i t imnuud to seta cheap, and will sell 10 per cent lower than iwer ttm snit the hard times; also repailin, done, and perforated bottoms put in chtaht3 chairs 4%;c. Picture framing a �peeialty, GEORGE INGR. M. Pnor. I1ENSALL 02er. W. 13 Stun) al teaimiaouial Catarrh Throat Oared, Mr. J. O- Smallacombe liar r efe fromhis old premises to his ni*e w o: and eaunow be found upstairs Over the POST OFPIOP. rtl Ps, A FISH 1IAliE WIODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Jdtinti22 A GOOD FIT- VARA T' A CALL surae TED. J. G. Smallacombe iaten to rr; L[. stereY Esq. of the :ilea o1 W. 11. za> til AHtu..rato% (,lure dlanuisstures, else meat, !. at.u�t"aAuto:tarerl' Assavlstlua of thaatla imp N s sttawru; «1.5?4ui. street., Tureen,, ;;►irec54s t &learn lo;r l feel ;medal for the roil osm,use;ou l*t, efte:ted Lia nry throat truutee, and bots„ s ldnlile hawk; ply name appear in curtuert- aon with the test11rontrl Outdoes,. set LtsVinq', rS;lsr41; 111160 who are eitlliturht sillevtr'd. as veil OS 1iatvio.: esiretit.macula? tiieresult*okyourAreatnaaft. l t+ a departure nt this tate. Poor to wy av inane - Alt 103,1 hxYe eufiey:•i tar two vx•ins tuna re- al Oak* of entarrhah *am tlrrout c-arp a vy:N sit Kele tnon i o a t:ad and YO4nt tt ace Al!e At Alava a tunes 1 baht Nbit et Cita. t ta,tstaat -, stt'iltmea;ilarrst'b go4q,^at11 3t[ry,Itt➢ttvt.6. Fed, it � 7.11 11 � Wit l iS, . 1 e ri 'irrupt 'i4 toe zz t� t a l ti ; t a IA ea. atel bintl•;dNtrc44isf nue 0.44, nlrlOtat srerytlalua, littoral al to tut it> 9ae natant entree tto 4r� a prim rlt, al rel er [ ti ap,llt,i l Amit to E ➢aryl+:. Tias➢ cirAge 491:9 Isle pod, inn on ray rer3ra tt e • art trennt,le Vas retyou is •r.--9 to s4 S'° itis 1:14s 1 thaan 111t d S(111:11 Coi4aamt y mol. a911nli,01t 1 confess atilt tea tough to gte 44 rc:<x9te4,1 anytvaaeilit 116 0V1fer 1 uas faroral,7y anatarg-rrai :two .t uti,rr a4ad r:'iolvtd toNivo ('14111 treatment a trio. 1 lit rt'• salt 1 mu ila>r y e4r /1111121911, a.1.le aei u➢t➢^ctevane rohi oar e. t in.tokcsl ie Its rharat1rr us to Garp 22:11 1.'13,5 noel ~l :d t9i1- frit .a , }Win s1 a first your tw 1 tato iacentoi adapted to oar aatt end;ser Rt't1►J.. lei .M➢t 31.06111g31 Minentirely nett, at d 1;arc Aa vis a4mlied fray w: t11e total stnfaoeraiee st'asret tt they ,tis. You ureai liberty lu untie ghat s'e yon 14erre t r tp,h •carr, end 1 shall he pleased to aueuer any ell,)atrita' relative 14tray rag. Yours very truly. .il„ STOREVI k1i1O OURFRENCH PILLS are endorsed by Thoustauds of Ladies who use them Monthly. Nev. err foil; Relieve pain; Insure regularity; Pleasant and efrectual. Package sent by email secure from observation on re- ceipt of Sl. Correspondence confident al. Address TORONTO MEaictNl9 Co., P. 0, Box. 076 Toronto, Ont.—ian2O h NO CURE NO PAY! A Pais and Square Offer to Invalids to try The New 111'ethod Treatment By which Our suceesslncuring chraniodisea. ties and deformities has been so unifortn, tbat we ivial now guarantee to treatbn d br reputed incurable eases, for n stipulated price until: cured, and in case of failure to refund all the money paid usunder such written guarantee.. It will cost you notliing tolnvostigntethis orr- er, as Consultation attlr a offices or by letter is free. Take nochauce—lIay nomoneytoo doc- tor, unless he huts Confidence enough in his skill to guarantee a cure. 1V omattsrwhat the name or nature ofaourdisease may be, call on orwrite tous giviugage,sex,complexion and 'symptoms. fiend stnrnps to Prepay postage on. the NEW INSET/10D CURE books. ,shard', vontaies= pages, over 2O0illustrations, symptoms Of diseases and reports of over 10,000 cures: Prescriptions for the cure or aceto diseases by Allopathic, Iioureeopathic anti Eclectic reme- dies; Iiygrrientc 3nstrat,tious for every lady. se nits- Men ady.gentie- men and/aridly. rril he tnailed on receipt 0120 two -cent stamps, or 40 cents in shiver. Part Il, private information for men and boys, younger old maned sealed in plain envelope on receipt of 5 two -cent stamp, or 10 cents in silver. Part III, fnrorma ion and instructions for la- dies, married or single, 14 colored illustrations, symptoms. advice and reports of cures; mailed to ladles only, sealed In plain envelope on receipt ofb two -cent stomps or10 Cents in silver. The three books win be mailed for 25 two -cent stamps, or 50 cots In silver, or will by given free at The Offices of The Drs. K & K Surgeons, either at 359 Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich. or fit 168 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0. All lettersmust be addres- sed to Dr. I. C. Kennedy Hairs Block; Detroit, Mich. We have Cured invalids in all parts of the world through correspondence; remedies and instruo- tions beim; seat bsDroll or,I;wrest. ,%.1 AN EXTAORDINARY OFFER TO ,ALL WANTING EMP,LOYMII2 T. We want live, energetic, agents in every county in the United States and Canada to sell a patent article of great merit. es rrs Mums, An articles having a largo sale paying over 100 per cent. profit, having, no, conwetitinn, and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for eacirand every county he may secure from ,us. With all these ad- vantages d-vantores to our agents, and the fact that is an article. that can be sold to:every louse owner, it might not be necessary to slake ,"AN OCOt5ARl 01,1,111c" to secure nod agents at once, but we have concluded to inalte it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but In its salability by any agent that will handle it with energy. our agents now at work are waking 5150 to 5.300 a month clear, and this -feet 01014es it safe for els. to snake our offer to alt that. are out of employment. Any agent that will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least 5100 in th?s time, Asove ALL 11.x1,11SBes, can return all goods unsold to us and we wilt refund ' tile,' money paid for them., No, such employer of agents ever dared tomakcsuch,offers, nor weald.vve; if we did. notknow that we have agents now making more than double this amount. Our large derri itive circulars explain our offer fully, and these we Wish to send to everyone out of employment who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send et once and se- cure the agency in time fur the boom, and go to work out he terms named in our extraordinary offer. :, Address, at once, NATto.rAr NOVELTY Co, f 311-6, , 014 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Po, First -Ole Horses and Rigs, ►' Bates a lleal Bh'S l 111 � � Comm with C il1Ri.. 4 Nen. p Ctttlt . doll• Orders left pt aIlISSFTT BROS Hardware e;tere, will reeeivc prompt attention, TERMS REASONABLE, A. TRIAL SOLICITED. fi 1SE'LT IROS. 'too, Jitteary lint 1s T.. Cttnitultation Free. rob. fhtil,;5a3 Furniture and Undertaking —GO TO Howe ant Andrews Bed -room and Parlor Suites, Sideboards and Entension Tables, Lounge,94 and Easy chutes. Largest wareroorns in town. UN1)ERTA1i7NG, outside of the under- takers' rink, in all its branches. Open day and night. STAND: ono door north of Ifolson's bank Main•street, - Exeter. A new lot of Sx10, 11x14 and 14x17 PHOTS FRAMES Opened r out u this -week. 11 —Also new line of— Photo Mats, Picture Frame MOULDING Of the latest Designs, AT EXETER PHOTO GALLERY. JOS. SENIOR, Prop. SSa Kin :0: -- MRS. l'31SSETT AND MISS WELsit begs to inform the public, that . they have opened out business' on the corner of William and Gidley stret.ts. Dress- making done in all the latest styles. Lessons on Fancy Work given. STAMPING A - SPECIALTY, All orders promptly atte>ilded to, trial solicited. ' Mch-1-3mA IILIAM SANEIERS AGENT FOR TB Commercial Union Assuranc Coniptwuy ot GREAT IsIl;IT I . Capital and Assets, $21,OuO,o00. —AND Lancashire Fire Jiisuranee Co.'. M4NOIL STitR, ENG. CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.00. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance nsuranice Companies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. Pr1nti NOTE HEADS, BELL HEADS, STATEMENTS. LETTER ITEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ' THIS ? Our Stock of Printing . lid r'" Stationery, consisting of all the leading grades of Pain 'J -Kr and Fancy ruled : and un- .. J 112 rttled papers, Cards and En -l velopes, is' most complete. Call and get prices at " TITE ADVOCATE " Main - street, - Exeter; 'n ,, =BR NORTH. ix motet asoonsai for the "ras42' [�•rpr�'[F'�-'tom' 4i+'1 £+➢�atw4R> .'. CCRRIR8 x-_'--iG .1i)st+Sugar for LOQ ; 18 tbs. white sugar 1 far .Q 117e c.1't he ➢mndersdA to %.'sas Ire+r? 't'tr to 75c. per 11. cams, of SbQ1$r tall 0,00 a: law prices- A a14'ely a+r ;.*term st s- l e4 FORES. Syyr Iiv,$.diad GLASS Ct3;fitts& itram',A Ertl Xicoli1ue fa', 0l taw4tcl'lsfor carr 14,1•• toss m1, a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces. (. A u,4444 snit of i:catl?' ;mate Vetting for t:1➢. l'1. t tY.1 t‘'0tt5 b•.,t tip 4n 04:11 Q.e41a mar tress Oowide ore tratir .- ed clow,) to the lowesa. notch. COTTON—, --f.10 ,1l. for $1.01). Ie h,1•teean:3 ls:. teink a 144 7ft. 5,1e A '1'i tit JOHN MATHEEON1 Q P- y 3fuattr licit. SOMETHING NE THE PROPRIETOR OF THE DOMINION LABORATORY Bogs to announce to his limner - us ].+Mentis and Patrons that he has just put ill ar full line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, Account Books, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letterand Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Aceoi nt Papers, Colored 1 issues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which -will eb sold at the lowest remenrative rates. J War BROWNING. PROPRIETOR. The subscriber -wishes -to inform the farmers and general public that 11'e is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of ., Well digging promptly 'done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and. sbop, ort. Ano: street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A ,CALL SOLICITED,: