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The Advocate, 1888-1-19, Page 4
LLIOT Alt. ELLIOT, J M.t,RRIS'ITER Solicitors, Cont'eyaneers, e Money to Loan at fi, It V. ELLIOT. J. ,ET.r.I The Exeter Advocate THOMAS PASMORE,. 1 Faausz �.. r'aersisivr. TCR: - 3404 . tr'rt, ,E,r. ter The blacksmith and 13arness-makers of ,1Kilelyeert, Ireland, have received letters threatening them with death of they do work for the polies or for per - eons ersons. who have been boycotted. The blacksmith hese in consequence refuse to work; -for the parties mentioned. Thar no N. F. he Great Britan,. a Lancashire s ndicate a aboalt to ' y erect eleven new cottola nnills with 5 Til JANUARY 13, 1858. 000'spindl es each near they Cardiff , docks, Three mil➢icm dollana will be expeirde4 end U00 hands will be ern= pia}ed.Who would invest $1 in a cont=a mill in protected Canadito-deyl Fit 4' M 0Nfa of the recently -issued Bln'ie Books it is learned that the Do - mildew; Government ;spent S1O5,49S in budding rand amain aitaietg telegrupib fixes in 1885-;. Though now owning crud"operatirat 300 ,miles he British Co- lumbiathe t#osea<nlr�_, est..eold to the . Canada 1't ei i 1:chal . y Q?`ompo>a ]near 1y 431 shales ire that l;rovrrce ar" tine small price caf cx,eco. it. is Claus mode evident that the prese»at Admin- istration, far from acting Qua the paps, cif getting ccs eieeee tsa Go minaent conn- trat of the telegraph system as pessible with a view to the •ultiumte aesumpt=on by thea country of the telegraph Hue, takes the, ;round' that its teak h t c onstrubt'new hues andwell them o at the earliest poe iiaie moment, When the telegraph nanopeliste get as close a bold of thus country as they haw £ the ruitxl States, which is croon tint; near probalities, out people trill have reason to regret that the Govern - meat litiee-cleve• been surceaaderrd to private ceeptir4atioom wheee cele iaatcr- vet.is to make their iaaveesttlwc•3at, yield thein the highest pa;, inlet die -Metal, Thin Liberals sn Eat Nerthureher- land{, ant:. in Slhellaanesee, N. S. with it ieannaoualeeal, pretest tine talca,tiehae reeently held ha thew coaa:titare:heies. We agree with the :ilachtrt nl lient14/ that soweetbn g should Le done ley thm who rare preeeeuting t➢at',.e petition luring to the test the iutc r �,titee point as to whether offers of expenditure o money on pablie works, or duvets witli•helti suelh expend ture'; :nada 'NA t oyermment ollleiale, with a tiie w inducing electara to v(--0 for the clow. arnment candidate, is a corrupt pray ice under thrr,"ow. If it is not, it is firm}-.tae•Y S.•Costaltered. The cotn- rnor..braber';erho expends a few t1Cc,➢Iar in purchasing a vote, may well think he is being unfairly discriminated :a- eainst when he knows that he is one of tare body of taxtr,'tyers whose motley is taken by the puty now is ;lamer at' Ottawa, to bribe tee. tenstituency into supporting a policy eithieb under ordi- nary circumstanves the (deetors would unhesitatingly corademu. Coliesrt:tecoete are being worn ley the Mounted Police in the Northwest,' as an experiment, and if found Ratable trill be add opted threnghout the force. The skim of red scows will probably be preferred, as, eerie ng;' nearest to the re - gelation color of.' the polieemanli coat, hue whether they will wear the skinny. ole oat curl the hairy Aide in, like 1r. rias- a 0' Lyon, ban 'ma yet liven tie • ileal by the Department, A SWATHING COIIMU\T on tlhe eneriean mode of eeecutitlg� penalty of justicernhaunely: iclai ht lark of it to > give life of 'walled good eiteene. eel by to t'Atie an which :ar.g of zarasceeants who murdered a minister for four hundred dollars tris eager their tracks by lynching thea rent young uaafn--- fuhar lives fout ,i dollars. Who halve boas, EDI ORJA1, HOT. S. • Ter Quebec Legislature is not ex- peeted to sleet beforo the cud of • rob- ruaryf 'Fut TRUTI1 that Government crests on wealth and that every time it shapes its laws to std one man, it takes unjust- ly from the'Test of the conaarea ltyf,,will yet receive eecogr,atitnn, Aditional Locals, We direct the attention of .our Ioeal eontraetere to the advertisement of `Tenders Wainted' which appears in, another^ column. The notice is given for tenders for the ereotiou of a brick church in the village of Centralia. Write to A; Knox,Centrelitt, for par - oculars. The anniversary services and tea aneetiug is eoeuection with Caven 1 i'esbyterien church, . Exeter, will be held on Senday alld ht nday, Jan, 92 and 23rd Wats. On Sabbath sermons will be preached by Rea D. McGill- vray, tzf Landon, at 11.a, ro, clad 6:30 p, nth,, after which special collea<tion*. Will be Jaen up. Oa -Mondayovens mg a tee sheeting Rill be held in the basement of the churelr froth. 6 to 8 t?' - lock p. u., aft*r which addresses will be delivered by Brodie D. MvOillvray, f Loudon, 3, McCoy, of Eglnondville, and James Qreham, of Exeter. On Tuesday livening a social mat be given to the children af{ the Sabbath school after which a long and varied program, consisting of music, readings end reci- ioAO. 'will bo rendered. Adaaissierel rata ehildrea, 15 colts- Tcn social, children of the school, free. All crelia#ly invited- to Attend and; oy a pleasant laud, prQIiteble time itch the ped p*oplo of Qavear Presby- * la, BOTH PARTIES ha;e selaxted their ran. didates for the by-eleetiors for. the Legislature to be held in 1)nndns and Bast Northumberland on .Feb. 1st.. In Dundas the Liberal standard-bearer is 1)r Chamberlain, who represented the constituenees last session, and his op- ponent is Mr, Whitney, whom he de- feated at the last election. In East Northumberland the Liberal candidate is Mr, Richard Clarke, police magist- rate, and a former' warden of the unit- ,ed Counties if Northumberlaud and Durham, He opposes Dr. 'Willoughby, who held the seat last/ session. Both are close constitueucxs and ally are .strong candidates. At the general el- .ection Dt. Chamber]aib's majority in Dundas was 25 and Dr. Willoughby's iCR East•Eterkhumber]and was 51. A very keen contest in each riding may be expected.. Tns debt of the Uaited States now amounts to $1,2,25,598,401, showing a decrease of $14;.58 ,650 for the month of December and, of• ,$53,830,333` for the half year en decl•Deoember. 3lst. If the bonds could be boo t in without paying an enormous; raeium, another decade of this sort ofr business would wipe out the debt; The present ex- penditure for pensions„ is very ,large, int it must decrease as the veterans of the,.war die -off oiten thi-.•has been done. It Coal' iKra l;qt lydo no harm to orals if lynch. re generally suspected to be part. as tke crime they were preteudiahi; maws "ow IT W03 showht in the llsldimaud el- eetio4 ease that Dr. illontsgne, the erht, left for the Pasifhe coast on /member 8th, end that his return was etted on the 10th of that month— by a strauge coilieidenee, as the counsel or the petitionersaid. The service ens made by hall, -,tion, by leaving a y at the respondent's do rnicile, rand y service upon the solicitor who acted for him in the former llaldimand peti-' riot Montague now trite to have it derided that thin is nob proper service,. and that the trial of the petition at;lin- st his return shall he postponde:I-till lui has obtained another $1,000 as sea. sitvnlal indt'anaity. WEnn Menne EVER anythingmore abaurle thau the position of the t ov ern - went of Canada on trade question? It officially tells the people that nothing etnuld be worse for it than free trade with its nearest neighbor, whose terri- tory adjoins that of Canada for three thousand miles, and it finds every Can radian who Luys anything from that neighbor from twenty to fifty per cent' of the value of his purchase for his un- patriotic act. While doing this, how- ever, it is despatching special agents to Australia, the WVest India Islands, and South' America, to attempt to discover markets for Canadian produce, not that it purposes to cease from fining the Canadian who buys anything in those countries. A SizcTION of the., great blizzard which has caused such' disaster in. the Western States passed over, the Oen - adieu Northwest. At Winnipeg, our despatches say, the storm was the worst that as been experienced in thermom- eter went down to 25 below zero,.. and afurious wind from the north made the air so• full of snow that out on the praixie.t was, impossible to see twenty yards ahead. Yet we have not heard of any disasters to settlers such as are. reported if ,graphic, yet heart) ending, detail from Dakota, Milniesota and Nebraska. Indeed, it nay safely be asserted that once more it has been proved that when the climatic test is rnacle the Canadian Northwest invari- ably comps out anhead..ef the. neiglibor ing States.. Aatl3�lltirC4.l;RBf,-�pn :he 1th inst., at tl o rcidenee of the brides father. 14r (ke. Clarke, by the Res,. D. M. Kennedy, Mr: W. G. Chambers, to Mies Merth easrke both of Stephen. \MTS.-»•^-I'n Exeter, on e' Mr. Richard Ln rte t, aged 4 and 8 months. TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders will too received by the undersigned ai%to 0 o'clock p. in., ..hone day, the Sohn Jenuary, ,BAA, for the whale work nert's"ary for the erection of a brick :th hutlist Ghmeh, in tho village of Centralia; Plans and specifications nnay. be Teen at atm time, at the rcaiclence of Joseph Ifarsbeil,-in the nail village, See'y Building ronlmitt ee Centralia, Jan. 17th, MA. CI RISTIE'S OMM ERGNAL ; lug 1!! Rigs and Horses' First -Class. t 'Orders left at the Dewkshaw Ilouse or at the stable will be promptly attender. to. Tsnns. RF.eSo uLE. 1888. —GREAT-•- 1888. Rebel lien age nst,High-.=P.rices _'1T IJEOROEMANSON'S • Onedoor south of the Postoflice, Mai .-st. - ` Exeter, ARGAINS AJGAIGS:. . DF IN G =` 4''il1:asell his entire maxis uotl 4stook off' Ready Made Clothing, Dry -goods. Boots and Shoes. Gro eres,Orockery5 glassware At less thal'r, Aotn> l Cost. 11e is bound to reduce his stock —and *lit offer - BARGAI NS Never before. mffered'inP Goods well assortedand everything fresh. Na shelf worth goods in ate*, Bargaua for You. Box Bo for Your Neigitbori I%ememleer and 0411 Early and brin rite OASIS along, for which you pews chore than full value, ~a'.,l?S SZEMMICEIMIMIEZ Best Family Newspaper in Canada,' EATAut.Isnno 43 Y.iAas. NIG OF WEE:.LIES l Fre;. Press, LQN 3.ON, DICT, The Handsomest Prinuted Paper it —Canada,— Vie . Agriesttuml Department is a noted feature o&,= the'"Free Press, `being'altw•ays up to the times sad conducted k peze. ra prr.etiealiy Wined In Farce Work. llustra our, Practical, .aid Useful> given each week,. Ail the News in Full, Th' Telegraph. T;eiepbone, Mail and Corr port- desee^trp ta'nbo 'hour of publfeati$a, SpecialN.arie& } rentnent.. agricnla•,rtiil Doe*r tent, Capital Story ,prays�a Running'. Ingo..took reran Caituun. humorous Reuling. JUST THE: THING FOR THE FAMILY l Every member of the household eagerly leeivs for it each weelz, AUCTION SALE Surplus WINTER STOOK. Tuesday, January 24%1888. Look out .for Dodgers, ` * D ARINO, RANSON'S BLOB.. EXFTE 41 upiranls, 75c earl 7 ;000 IN PREMIUMS ten AwsY .Free to AAonto. ori iibsrai indur meets over offered an Cen 1R. • ueefua, valuable and oramnrsaY. TS WA; TBD BVB1t'YWF. 1BRE, The most pot alar raper to cork for Store phoney von be made wort;uog* for the "Free Prete than any other Qmrloyflw t. add' FREErgESS, Lowoa, ozrrmuo. • , IcK AS OPENED AND NOW 8*8 NEW srax Where he is prepared Lo furnish the Public with T ceLASSBRE Buns and Confectionery as he uses only First-class Roller Flour ow is he time to leave your orders for nicely Ornamented Christmas Oakes, ,. Wedding Cakes, and Party Cakes, at rensanab]e prices. ORDERS Pl1OMPTLY--.ATTENPED T©--- e door north of :Bell's old statud,, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. A well -assorted stock of READY-MADE BOOTS & SHOES From the best Canadian manufacturies in the Dominion. ALSO . HA.N. .MADE WORK, of the highest class. A trial solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Custom, work a Specialty. STAND, One door south of the Postolbor, ]4ein_-street, .Exeter. .laving this season purchased most of our stock direct from manufacturers.' in England and Germany, to do so we had to give our orders very' early in thee season, and as the prospects looked well we bought largely, the goods have now- arrived and wiefind thatgfard times are causing a great depression in -: trade, we have therefore decided to meet the times by marking all goods at HARD — PAN — PRICES as to Insure •a. speedy clearance, therefore we would -invite all intending pun chasers To Call • and Inspect our -Stock and mote Prices of all New•Goodss including Ladies' Dol mans, Jackets, &: Ulsters, Misses' and aids' Ulsters, all sizes. atk Ion SATIN Dress goods in all the newest colors and •styles. Plain and Fancy Plushos, Scarlets, and Plain and Fancy Hosiery and Gloves.... Also a- full line of I12EN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' atr E CLOTHiNG,t id's and CAPS;, All of which jai l.be sold.at tl esl._O.' 'E aTI=Q,ssiBLE