The Wingham Advance, 1917-05-24, Page 5Thursday, May 24, 1917
IIow about
that Sult?
'HESE fine sunshiny
days make the chap
who is still wearing last
year's suit feel pretty
Old Sol says it's time to tone up and
get the Spring outlook on Iife, and ---
our word on it ---nothing is so apt to
snake a fellow look good and feel
good as a Ile* head -to -foot outfit.
These are "Brighten -up" days, and we
have the grer..test little " Brighten -up "
cure you ever saw in our newly arrived
stock of
Come in, it's a cheery sig7it
H. E. IsarCo.
W111gtidrn, 0`Itdl o
e dawn Cor
„More bead and b Iter bread"
arrived the day the sun first
shore on
10 years of better home—made bread. 5
House Furshhn
Floor OoVrnos
We have a large range of Rugs
in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvets and
Wiltons. It will pay you to call
-and see these rugs before buying
as we are confident we can save
you some money.
A large assortment to select
from. We have Nairn's Scotch
and Lancaster makes, both inlaid
and printed patterns. Oilcloths in
1, 14, 1-} and 2 yd widths.
Curtains, Curtain Scrims, Nets
and Muslins.
-mawmmoer . an+sww,ln .... snaay.gfdnan•Art., mr3.
All kinds of Produce Wanted
A. Mills
The House of Quality.
Phone 89
Mr. and Mrs. Jermyn from near James-
town called on Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Willits last Sunday.
Mr. Davidson of Wingham, drilled a
well for Mr. Andrew Gemmill.
Mr. Albert Gallaher is preparing to
build a silo this summer.
The unveiling of the Roll of Honour in
behalf of the boys who enlisted from this
community will be held in the church
here on Tuesday evening May 29th. Rev
Mr, Hibbert of Wingham will be present.
A program suitable for the occasion will
be provided.
Mr. Robert Mitchell has purchased a
Ford Car. Bob believes in being up-to-
Mr. Thomas McMichael had the mis•
fortune to lose a young colt lately.
lflor res
Miss Mae Smeltzer is spending a few
weeks at Meaford.
Mr. James Goliey has purchased a new
Ford car,
Mrs Will Abraham and son Ross,
visited in u vele last e w eek.
Mr. and DIrs. John Rintoul and son,
Reginald of Hamilton, are visiting at
James Golley's fora few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Abram of Mon-
crieff, spent the weekend at Mr Thomas
The farmers are all through seeding
now and are busy on the root ground
Mrs. Alex Smith and daughter Agnes
have returned home to Detroit,
Mr. Samuel Phillips has the telephone
installed. Ring 5 on 44,
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Havens and Mrs,
Eli Havens spent Sunday at T. Johnson's
of Aubuen.
Mrs, Emmerson and daughter Lila vis-
ited at S. Phillips on Sunday last.
John Champion who is helping James
Leaver with cement spent Sunday under
the parental roof.
r London 0.35 a.m. 8.20 p.m.
Toronto and East 6.45 .a.m, 3 05 p.m.
: Kincardine .11.59 a.m. 9.30 p,m.
Kincardine 0 30 a.m.
London 11.25 a.m,
1 Toronto and Last 11.45 a.m,
8 05 p.m.
7 40 p,m,
9 30 p,m,
Toronto and East 0 45 a.m. 3.05 p.m
Teeswater...... 1.24 p,m. 10 32 p.m
Teeswater 0.40 a.m. 3 05 p,m,
Toronto and E tet 1,22 p.m. 10 20p ,m
�O+ sninnew,.oaati.r1 1.11111.n.,
Crystal Pressing Parte
Suit Pressed .... Solt
Suit Cleaned and Pressed... ?Sc
Trousers 25e
Overcoats... „ ........ . . .. 50c
All orders sent for and delivered.
Phone 18.
'Fred Aldine ton, Agent
Corner Drug Store Wingham
Page Me
Annual E..cersion
Goderich to Detroit, and return
Leaves Goderich, Tuesday, June 12th
930 a.m.
Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday
Juno bath, at 1 1). m.
$2.00 Round Trip $1.50 one way
Don't Miss this Opportunity as it will
be the ONLY boat trip front Goderich to
Detroit this season"
No trouble on account of new
• Immigration Law
Canadians coming to Detroit for a
temperary stay are net rcquiredto pay
a hued ax or make a deposit, Immi.
gration officers on steamer to pass ex-
cursionists. ,.
Band Moonlight
Monday Evening, June II, 8 p.m
White Star Line t Detroit
Highest Cash Prices paid for All
Kinds of Live POULTRY, HIDES,
Phone 204
!i. Brown
Homesecker's Excursion
Round trip tickets to points in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via
North Bay, Cochrane and 31ranscontin-
ental Route, or via Chicago, St, Paul
or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until
Oct. 30, inclusive, at low fares.
Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to
Winnipeg on above dates, leaving
Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change of cars,
via Trancontinental Route. .
Return Limit, Two Months., Ex-
clusive of date of sale. Berths
reservations and full particular') at all
Grand Trunk ticket offices or write°
E. Horning, District Passenger Agent.
H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Phone 4,
Wingham, Ont.
Tito sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years old may homestead a quarter section
of available Dominion land In Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear
in person at the Dominion Lands .Agency or
Stub-Agencv for tho District. Entry by proxy
may bo made at any Donpinion Lands Agency
(but not Sab-Agency on curtain Conditions).
DITTIES—MX months residence upon and
cultivation of i.he land in each of three years.
A homesteader may live within nine miles of
his homes.:ead on a farm et at least 80aeree, on
certain conditions. A habitable house is req-
uired exo• pt whore residence is performed in
the vicinity.
Live stook may bo substituted for cultivation
under certain conditions.
In certain districts a hotnostoadorinood
standing may pre-empt a quarter section alone
side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre.
Dvmu1s—Sax months residence in each of
three years after Darning homestead potent:
also 60 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may beobtainol as soon as homestead
patent en certain conditions.
A settler who has exhausted his homestead
right' may take a purchased homestead in cer-
tain districts, Price $3 per acre. Duties—
Must reside Six months in.oaoh of three years
ovltiv.etM 50 acres and ereet'a house worth $3Oli
Tho area of oultivatioa is subject to reduc-
tion in naso of rough, scrubby or stony land
Live stook may bo substituted for cultivation
under certain conditions.
W. W. CORY, 0. M. G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. B. Unauthorized publicationefthis
advertisement will not be paid for -1141.
We cffer for sale, for a short
time only, a 100 acre grass farm in
gocd locality only 2i miles from a
shipping point. 'There ie a frame
Karn, 40 x 60 on the place, Nitre
acres in Drop, balance grass and
bush. School house on corner of
farm. , Immediate, poheession if
See us before going West
Though tickets from Toronto on
0. N. R. the most southerly route.
i Coseos
Insurance and Real Estate
too8 iliAT :OIRDn QNT.^
Students may enter our classed at any
time. Commence your source now and
bo qualified for a position by Midsummer.During July and Ansust of last year we
received calla for over 2+10 office aaaletants
j we oouht riot ,.e ply, Our nraduate a aro
in demand. Write at, once for our free
b. A. iter,Adiff.dIr . ` Ptilta1paltl
,iW,tu4.,.*,ps wra r.svteOler ,y
Wm Slessor, a farmer in. Kincardine
township died as a result of injuries he re-'
ceived by being kicked with a florae a
couple of days previously.
The Liberals of' North lit uce Federal
riding will meet at Tara on June 7 to
select a candidate to oppose Hugh Clark,
M. 1'. The latest name added to the list
of possible candidates is that of John
McAelay, manager ('f the Dominion Fish
Company, 'Marton.
The bylaw to grata a loan of $20,000
to Mr, J. I3, Watson, of Kincardine, bay.
ingits object the building of a factory for
the manufacture of furniture, was carried
by more than the necessary three-fifths
majority. Mr, Watson's company will be
capitalized at $50,000, Mr. Watson
agrees to employ 50 men and pay not less
than $15,000 in wages annually,
Private Sydney Bassett, youngest sett
of Elias and Mrs. Bassett, Listowel, has
been killed in action. His parentis were
informed of this by wire Thursday motning
of last week, Date of death was given
as April 14th, This is the second son that
Mr, and Mrs Bassett have given for the
cause and the sympathy of the community
goes out to them for their burden is hard
to bear. They have no more sons to give,
Joe, the eldest, a student for the Methodist
ministry, was taken prisoner and died in
Germany. Sydney eulisted with the 71st
Battalion when 18, was transferred to the
31th, the 23rd and finally, in France, to a
British Columbia Regiment, the 7th Batt.
Ile had been in France for over a year.
Sisters are Miss Mae Bassett, nurse of the
Guelph General Hospital,. and Miss Ida
Bassett who has been in Toronto for a
short time,
Discovery of the bones of little Edward,
adopted son of William C, Hill of Logan
Township, 6 miles north of Mitchell, in
the ruins of a bank barn, confirmed the
fears that the little fellow had lost his life
in the fire which destroyed the barn of his
foster father. Apparently, from theloca-
tion of the body, which was burned to a
crisp, the little fellow bad attempted to
first put out the fire he started on a stack
of baled hay. and then had run for safety
too late. Ile was in front of the granary
door when he dropped. William Hill, the
foster father, declared that the little fellow
was in the habit of playing on the top of
the hay each afternoon after school. He
expressed the belief that the boy had been
playing with matches and had set fire to
the hay and straw. The dead boy • was
seven years and five months old. For the
last four years his home had been with
the Hills. be having been taken from the
orphanage at Stratford. His name was
Edward Nye Tait.
Mr. J. G. Gillespie was home from
Ottawa over the week -end.
Mr. George Garton Sr. and Mr. Sam
Garton are Leaving this week to visit the
former's son, Mr. Wm. Garton of Ridge-
clough, Sask.
The many friends of Mr Dan McIntosh
are glad to see him able to be around
again. After being in the hospital for
several weeks.
Mr. Dustan Beecroft has invested in a
Ford touring car.
Rev, J. R. Graham motored to Colling-
wood on Monday to spend a few days
with his friends, Rev. Samuel and Mrs.
Farley of the First Presbyterian Church
Don't forget the anniversary services to
be held in the Presbyterian Church here
on Sabbath, June the 3rd. Rev. Samuel
Farley, DI A.. of Collingwood will be the
preacher, Mr. Farley will also sing at
both services.
The Y. P. S meeting on Sunday night
was in charge of Misses Ada Clubb. and
Letty Fox. The leaders for May 27th are
Messrs John Egiestone and Cecil Falcon-
Field Crop Competitions
We notice by the result of the Field
Crop Competitions as published in the
appendix to the Annual Report of
Agricultural Societies that II, T. Per-
due the winner in the Turnberry Agri-
cultural Society's Cgmpetition last
year, was.only half a point below the
highest score taken for oats in the
province of Ontario. The Iowest score
in this section was as high as the win-
ner of a couple of other Societies. Mr
Perdue also secured the highest score
taken in the province for yield and
quality of grain,.
Western University Convocation
Convocation week at the Western
Utaivereity, London, with ite ban-
quet., class dinners, field day, etc.,
reached its climax on Thursday, when
degrees were conferred on twenty-one
persons and prizes dietribated, Two
of the graduating class have won
special honor, Mr. P. H. Curran being
awarded a fellowship at Cornell Uni-
versity, where he will study next year,
and Miss A. D. Turville receiving the
Archives' Scholarship, which givee her
three months in Ottawa.
During the year the University has
t -cured a new Site of two hundred
acres. There has been another in-
crease in the government and city
grants, also a splendid development of
the libraries and Iaboratoriee and a
higher rating from the American
Medical Association for the Medical
School, The notable addition of eight
new professors during the last three
years is to be increased by three lades
this year, one of whom hai just been
appointed, namely Professor William
Sherwood 'Pox, Ph. D., of Princeton
University, Professor 1f'oat is a dative
of Canada and has won his spurs
across the line as a brilliant scholar.
Ele is an author of considerable note.
Hie recent large volumes on Greek tlud
Rieman Mythology is considered the
best book In the English language on
this eubjeet. The purpose is to seders
sten for the staff who shall be fully
,tate squat of thou) itny of the other
onIva. etties, "
111,4 Neellatet
you'RE dealing in very
definite quantities when you
consider our clothes—the style, the
weave, the wear, the value are all
known and established—they're
standard in every way.
The clothes
which this store
sells reach a stage
at value -giving that
no other clothes
have ever attained
—thousands of sat-
isfied wearers es-
tablish,this fact very
61 ' tl `ytnfls'iirTHES
are tailored to
your measure from
any of hundreds of
selected fabrics —
and from any model. The prices
prisingly moderate.
are Stir,
West Shore Rails Sold to Hydro
A meeting of the municipalities in-
terested in the West Shore Railway
was held in Kincardine on Wednes-
day. Mr, C. A. Reid, chairman, the
Mayor, the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve,
and the secretary. L. L. Knox, attend-
ed from Goderich and there was a good
representation present from all the
municipalities, practically the whole
council of Ashfield township being
present. About a dozen tenders for
the rails and structural steel, ties and
poets were received, and after the
tenders were examined a resolution
was passed authorizing the truetee
Mr. Stothers, to sell the rails, etruct.
ural steel, spikes, bolts and fish plates,
etc , to the Hydro Electric Power Com
mission. The H. E. P. C.'s offer was
$45 a ton for rails which are not laid,
$40 a ton for the track (rails, fish
plates, spikes, etc„) and 5 cents a
pound for the structural steel. The
Commission is to stand the cost' of re.
moving the material.
Great Lakes
Steamship Service
leaves Owen Sound at midnight
each THURSDAY (connecting
t ain
r leaves Toren
to 5.25p. m.)
for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur
and Fort William.
Plan Your
Vacation Trip Novi
are delightful resorts and easily
reached via C. P. R.
For Winnipeg. and Vancouver
Particulars from Canadtian Pacific Ticker Agent or
W, B. HOWARD. District El asvcnget`Agent, Toronto, Ont.
'i•°i°l;ii%'' ��3i^r'iii:i:iff
Where Right Made Might
Light Four
Subject to change
wnthout notice
Overland success is so eclipsing that one
night take it as a matter of course.
But make it have a personal application
to you,
—because the cost of any car is too much
money to be carelessly spent.
There need be no confusion in selecting the
sound value at the same Price—make
comparisons and see if Willys-Overland
does not spell the answer with mathe-
matical correctness.
Do not miss the significance of the over-
whelming production that makes it passi-
ble for us to give better cars at loner prices.
More than 400,000 owners have been
guided to Willys-Overland by their de-
sire for beauty, comfort and luxury in
addition to utility.
Kingham Overland
Due to its gigantic fat titles the f]Uillys
Overland industry effects millions in.
economies; has never found it necessary
to skimp or rob a car of value in order
to compete; but is able to give surplus
value throughout the' entire car for fat
less money.
Might may not make right, but right has
made Overland might.
The Overland Light Four from the stand.:
point of mechanical excellence, easy rid-
fing ,comfort, roominess and beauty is
incomparably a better carthan tan be
bad in any other make at (anything like.
so low. a price.
Come in and see the Wiltys- verland
Motor Cars—the Light Four and the.
mast comprehensive line Of cars ev >
built by any one producer,
Sales, 1 Kennedy -