The Citizen, 2004-04-22, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 2004. AMDSB meeting initiation into pilot project By Stew Slater Special to The Chizen Anyone hoping to dispel the public perception that school board meetings are boring should be thankful no members of the public attended the most recent gathering of the Avon Maitland District School Board. The Tuesday. April 13 meeting was the board's initiation into a three-month pilot project during which trustees will spend significant time in so-called "committee of the whole." engaging in free-ranging discussion uninhibited by many of the rules of order used under the more common "regular session." Under the new format, trustees and senior staff spent about an hour discussing a theoretical concept called Professional Learning Communities in reaction to an article written by a former U.S.- based school superintendent who recently conducted a professional development session for Avon Maitland principals. And another 20 minutes v3as spent arguing the merits of the word "unlocking" as it is used in a proposed update of the board's mission statement. Trustees, of course, likely won't share the belief the meeting was boring. Before theyconvened briefly into regular session to approve changes to trustee expense accounts and then adjourn the meeting, hoard members nodded in approval as chair Meg Westley expressed her satisfaction with the new format. Communications manager Steve Howe. who handles the responsibility of getting news about the hoard into the media. suggested after the meeting that committee of the whole could potentially — given a certain topic — be more exciting. He suggests it could inspire the type of passionate exchanges which the public doesn't always expect from school board trustees, and which school board reporters complain are sometimes stifled by the rules of order followed during regular session. "Just imagine if we had started this a couple of months ago, and talked about the flexible timetable in committee of the whole," said Howe, referring to a contentious issue which led to considerable discussion in regular session and a split vote among trustees. Under the pilot project. the first Avon Maitland meetings of April, May and June — on the second Tuesday of each month — will largely follow the committee of the whole structure, with initial discussion surrounding one particular item of information. April's article was written by consultant Richard DuFour, who advocates building a so-called Professional Learning Community throughout an entire district, in which teachers and administrators are encouraged to build on their expertise through professional development, and share their knowledge instead of working their entire careers in isolation. "We're all going to be testing the waters this evening," stated Westley. as she opened the meeting. "The idea of this new format is to discuss. in a more informal setting, some of the issues we're dealing with without the pressure of having to make a decision." The second meeting of each month — on the fourth Tuesday — will be reserved for more specific business of the board. Most trustee votes, except those which demand timeliness, will be held during these meetings. During the April 13 meeting, in the only vote, trustees convened briefly into Regular Session to approve an increase in the amount of money available to board members for registration in conferences and conventions. The chair will now receive as much as $2,450 per year, the vice chair $1,800. and other board members $1,250. If one board member doesn't use their entire allocation, other members may be allowed to exceed their share. but any expense which causes the entire budget to be exceeded must be approved by the entire board. Danein' The Carry On Cloggers presented their spring show at the Blyth Memorial Hall this past weekend. The event raised $6,700 for the Make A Wish Foundation. (Vicky Bremner photo) Maitland Conservation Foundation's 16th Annual Dinner and Auction Friday April 23rd Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Centre $30 per person Proceeds support the 335-3557 Wawanosh Nature Centre HEALTH ON THE HILL Where should we go? A full day of events, beginning with an area tour and exhibits gave area residents a taste of Huron County during the 15th annual Tourism Event and Brochure Swap at the North Huron Community Complex in Wingham. These guests listened intently to a range of speakers who explained all the exciting places to visit in the area. (Elyse DeBruyn photo) A Review of activities at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Seaforth Medical Clinic announces with regret, Dr. Vince Tong's departure. The Clinic and Hospital have greatly appreciated Dr. Tong's presence in this time of limited physician resources. Although he will be missed, we wish him well as he pursues new career opportunities outside of Ontario. Hospital Gift Shop sponsored by the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary, is looking for Volunteers to help in their Gift Shop. This is a perfect opportunity for anyone that has retired and would like to donate a few hours a month. Anyone interested may contact Auxiliary President, Bonnie Bedard @ 527-1792. Your visit to the Gift Shop is welcome; the Auxiliary carry an interesting variety of novelty items in addition to jewellery, selection of knit baby/children's wear, adult sweaters/sleepwear, confectionary, greeting cards, etc. Whether you are visiting a patient, attending an appointment or meeting, or just out shopping, please drop by and check it out. "Hike for Hospice" is upcoming Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:00 am to 2 pm. Why not make this a family event and either participate in the walk (two routes.. either boardwalk St. Christopher's Beach, or Menesetung Trail at Goderich) or, pledge someone who has already made the commitment? Proceeds will stay in the community and aid the work of Huron Hospice Volunteer Service. For information, call (519) 527-0655. Inhalation Medications regular users of inhaled medications who have aerochambers at home, are requested to please bring their equipment to the doctor's and or hospital appointments'`'