The Citizen, 2004-04-22, Page 17- COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE - COMPUTERIZED TUNE-UPS - TIRES - BRAKES MUFFLERS - VEHICLE INSPECTION STATION DAN'S AUTO REPAIR Owned and Operated by Dan & Heather Snell RR 3, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO (on the Westfield Rd.) DAN SNELL, Automotive Technician 523-4356 Frank Workman Electric 20 years serving Brussels & area •Farm •Home *Commercial R.R. #3, Brussels 887-6867 LEE'S SERVICE CENTRE 348 Dinsley St., Blyth, Ontario Repairs to all makes & models of cars & trucks Air Conditioning • Car Oiling • Snow Removal Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5:30 pm; Sat. 8 am - 12 noon ABDO BDO Dunwoody, LLP Chartered Accountants and Consultants Offering a full range of services: auditing, accounting. business planning. income tax planning, personal financial planning. computer and management services. Alan P. Reed, CA P.O. Box 1420, 152 Josephine St., Wingham, ON NOG 2W0 areed@bdo.ca 357-3231 Offices throughout Ontario and Canada Dennis Hamm Painting Painting, taping, drywall boarding, residential trim and detailing, basic carpentry No job too small 523-4825 WARD & UPTIGROVE P.O. Box 127 145 MAIN STREET EAST LISTOWEL, ONTARIO N4W 3H2 PHONE: (519) 291-3040 Fax: (519) 291-1850 Email: wuca@w-u.on.ca Visit our website www.wardanduptigrove.com 171/17Z-W1-117 CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION Portable Welding & Repairs Tel: (519) 887-6594 Fax: (519) 887-9746 Affordable CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Large & Small Trucks friclgecarts - piano dollys- moving blankets Complete Selection of Cars Our rates qualify for insurance replacement Passenger Vans full size or mini STRICKLANDS 344 Huron Rd. 524-9381 GODERICH 1-400-338-1134 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2004. PAGE 17. Condolence to the family of Martha Rieck. She will be sadly missed by Ruth Jardin and Bernice Anderson. She was the daughter of the late Tom and Florence (Flossie) Adams of Auburn. Martha went to USS #5, Hul- lett. Bernice Anderson had a visit from her son William of Newmarket for the weekend. At Knox United Church Rev. Pat Cook's message was God is Glorified. The epistle reading was Revelation I: 4-8 and the gospel reading is John 20: 19-31. Happy birthday to Marcia Bakelaar, Katia DeForest. Christian The next meeting of the Walkerburn Club has been changed to Friday. April 23 at the home of Betty Archambault. The March meeting was held at Vera Penfound's with nine present. Jacquie McKee was in charge of the meeting. The minutes were read by Betty Archambault followed by roll call telling a three-colour combination to use in making a Andrews. Susan Glousher, Rebecca Blackwell, Ernie Durnin, 'Amy Cook, Carol Reinink, Eugene Fenton, Michelle Hoggart. Cam Colvin, Tyler Cartwright. Sherry Hodges, Janette Piaci/cr. Janice Bowland, Justin Armstrong, Courtney Robertson. Donna quilt. Bernice Norman then gave the treasurer's report. A discussion was held on how to assemble the next quilt for cancer. Members had a discussion about the upcoming 150th celebrations in Auburn with ideas for a float to enter in the parade. As July is the 85th anniversary of the first meeting of the Walkerburn Robinson, James Dobie, Tyler Stevenson, Robert Coates, Pauline Blok, Curtis Meier. Happy anniversary to Arva and Randy Machan. Jim and Jane Glousher, Judy and Norm Stoner, Bud and Laura May Chim- ney. Club, they want to do something to celebrate what has been a great addition to the community. The rest of the afternoon was spent cutting, pinning, sewing and pressing blocks for a lap quilt for the nursing home in Clinton. It didn't get finished, so Deanna took it home to finish assembling. Deanna Snell asked the blessing and Mrs McKee had a birthday cake with strawberries for Ethel Ball. What a surprise it was for Ethel, as it was a month late. Better late than never. After a social hour the members left for home. By Jo-Ann McDonald The Brussels Legion Branch had a good -week and things are beginning "to arrive for the silent auction. If all the comrades of the Branch contribute to the auction, we should have at least 150 items. If you haven't returned your pledge form you will be getting a call this week. All items for the auction need to be in at the Branch by april 26. The Thursday night dart league had 13 players taking aim at the boards. The first-place team was John Harrison and Jo-Ann McDonald. Coming in second were Catrina Josling and Andrew Kruschinske. The men's high shot was by Lawrence Machan with 125 FROM AUBURN and the ladies' was by Catrina with 113. High starts were 112 by Andrew and 84 by Sandra Josling. The Friday night supper of lasagna and caesar salad was enjoyed by around 25. This week is roast beef. On Saturday the Branch hosted another successful fish fry with over 130 enjoying the fare. The fry crew included John Harrison, Murray Lowe, Jim Brown, Sandra Josling, Calvin Semple, Gord Finch and Lisa Glanville. Comrade President Rick McDonald attended the District Convention held in Kincardine on both Saturday and Sunday. Comrades Eric Ross, Debbie Trollope and Glenn Bridge attended as well. Date changes The sound of music The United Church in Londesborough was full on Sunday night as area residents gathered to enjoy the 24th annual Gospel Songfest. The audience enjoyed performances by the Londesborough Ladies of Song, the Bushell Family, Country Spirit Quartet and Bonds of Love Quartet. The Londesborough United Church junior choir started the Songfest with a bang by putting some action into their music. (Elyse DeBruyn photo) or meeting Busy week at Legion Business Directory CHRIS LEE: Phone: Bus. 519-523-9151 Res. 519-523-4343 (SUNSHINE COUITIY CONSULTING ACCOUNTING & INCOME TAX SERVICES COMPUTER SALES & INSTALLPTIONS AUTH. DIST. "BUSINESS VISION SOFTWARE" Ralph Watson 810 Turnberry St., Brussels, ON NOG 1HO Bus.: (519) 887-6011 } Res.: (519) 887-6236 McKILLOP\ MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St.; South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 1 -800-463-9204 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUT9 COVgRAOES', AGENTS Graeme Craig 887-9381 Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Donald Taylor 482-9976 Banter & Mac Ewan & Feagan Insurance Ltd. 524-8376 Gaiser Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc. 482-3401 Thames Insurance Brokers, Exeter 235-2211 Cockwell Insurance Brokers 356-2216 Barclay Insurance 238-6790/