The Citizen, 2004-04-15, Page 24NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK National Volunteer sire April 18 - 24, 2004 National Volunteer 1/411 Week A Y 112 A Royal Canadian Legion Branch 218 Brussels Special thank you to our amazing volunteers who contribute much of their time and energy to help make our branch stand out. You have not gone unnoticed. BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT: A community of learners, who strive to be. the Best they can be, in pursuit of Excellent Behaviour, Academic Success, Recreational Enjoyment, and who seek, Service to the community HOME OF THE BEARS: Our own school's mission statement reflects our value and importance 'of volunteering in the community. We extend our appreciation and thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers who help us to improve student achievement. The quote "It takes a whole village to educate a child" (African Proverb) is proudly displayed in our front foyer THANK YOU Royal Canadian Legion Blyth Branch 420 At this time we wish to thank everyone who contributes their time and energy to make our branch so successful. We couldn't do it without you! cenettaua in apitit, gluing a( time, the ttatunteect Corporation of the COUNTY OF HURON Huronview and Huronlea 'Homes for the Aged "Kind hearts are the garden, Kind thoughts are the roots. Kind words are the blossom, Kind deeds are the fruits. A friendly word. a kindly smile. A helpful act, and life's worthwhile. The County of Huron would like to thank the volunteers and volunteer groups which enhance the residents' quality of life at Huronview and Huronlea. (Appreciations will be held in June) THANK YOU! Many thanks to all our dedicated Volunteers Your gifts of time are greatly appreciated Volunteer Appreciation Tea Wednesday, April 21, 1-3 p.m. BRUSSELS 5R'S THRIFT SHOP Board & Staff A SALUTE TO Hospital Volunteers A Smile, a Touch, a Caring Ear. The Power of a Volunteer. National Volunteer Week is celebrated April 18 - 24, 2004 This is the time of year we acknowledge the enormous contribution by the dedicated volunteers who give their time and efforts to assist in the delivery of programs and services that significantly enrich the culture of our hospitals and the communities we serve. We wish to recognize and express gratitude to all the volunteers who make a difference to our patients, staff, and our local health care system - hospital volunteers, hospital board members, Local Advisory Committee members, Auxiliary Members, and Foundation board members. To each and every one of you, we extend our sincere appreciation. Pt-0 Paul Howley Board Chair Andrew Williams Chief Executive Officer R. I I I .:1r_11 IC altl_ ai L1 ANC 'E RI HI H •LIOsPI IA! Si MARYS MEMORIAL HOSPI I Al SEAFOR1H COMM L A IT Y HOSPITAL STRATFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL THE MISSION OF SCOUTING The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. Thank You to the many dedicated 1st Blyth Scouters who help to make this happen. SCOUTS CANADA Diattli You We wish to thank our volunteer firefighters for their dedicated service. The Blyth & District Fire Area Board Hullett Central Public School wishes to thank all of the dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to support our students. We appreciate all you do. 'Attitudes are contagious... is yours worth catching?' Hullett Central Public School Grey Central Public School would like to thank our many volunteers! 9140t, 94ey eeotevete Stzedegt4 coed Stela Avon ;?,,=' MaitlSrid Learning fora Lifetime Volunteers are vital to the Blyth Festival's mission to produce and develop Canadian work. We salute Blyth board members Keith Roulston b Annie Spading and the tremendous corps of dedicated volunteers who live in our region. We simply could not do it with- out you! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. laughter, music and quiet reflection are r,A all part of our 30th Anniversary season. Check our website at www.blythfestival.com for details or call the box office at 5239300 Stuoseieta 2uligic &nod Volunteers make a huge difference! Without these special people a lot of "Extra Special Events" would not happen. The staff and students would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our many special volunteers at Brussels Public School. jleartfelt Thanks In appreciation to our firefighters for their commitment and service. Municipality of Huron East Brussels/Grey/Seaforth The Blyth Horticultural Society thanks everyone who generously donates their time to keep our Village looking beautiful. We appreciate all of your efforts. Alcutei Natuts, Mahe ,eight 2U - New Members Welcome Call 523-9658 PAGE 24 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004.