The Citizen, 2004-04-15, Page 23Buck & Doe for Cory Bragg & Dee Blackwell April 24 9 pm Age of majority BMG Community Centre Call Mike 887-8575 XXXXXXXXX X Nappy 8O X x gtan,dp,a Ron Gordon X Lowe Donna, Richard, X X Cassidy & Dawson, Donald & Masotr '2 X X X X X XX X X X THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004. PAGE 23. For young theatre pro, Blyth's 'where it's at' Coining home Blyth native Capucine Onn is finishing school and this summer with return to Blyth Festival to appear in two productions this time as a theatre professional. (Citizen file photo) the University of Toronto. What separates her program from other theatre programs is that the academic portion is done at the ' university while the practical aspect is done through Sheridan College. Onn says the setup is really great and feels she gets the best of both worlds. But what she's really excited about is returning home in the summer. "To come to the city and do the school thing is great but Blyth is GODERICH 524-781-1 where it's at, that's when I'm working and have that rush." Onn said. The two plays Onn is performing in this season are The Outdoor Donnellvs and Spirit of the Narmws. Spirit of the Narrows is written by Anne Lederman in biography style about a Metis fiddler. Lederman plays the fiddler when she is older and Onn plays the character when she is younger. They have already had one workshop, will be holding one more, then rehearsals begin. "I think it's such interesting material and to -be able to bring Metis fiddling to people in the area is great. It's part of our culture as Canadians." In The Outdoor Donnellys Onn plays a "myriad" of women. She thinks the play is done in such a way that both sides of the story are presented for audience members to draw their own conclusions or just see a balanced presentation. When it comes to- the Donnelly story, Onn says, "It's a really closed discussion. If you look at the records it's questionable whether they were that bad. It's important to show both sides so people can know the facts." Even though Capucine has spent four years learning performance arts at school she credits the Festival with giving her the start. At age 11 she started working with the Young Company, which she says "is way too young." The age now is 13. Before that she held small parts "when they asked for community involvement." "I knew right away that this was what I wanted to do. If I hadn't been invited I would be a dentist," she says laughing. But she says the Festival is important to the community for another reason and the Young Company has a hand in it too. "The arts aren't looked on as a lucrative career. Guidance counselors dissuade you frog, joining the arts because they just aren't a priority. My high school didn't even have r a drama class." What's great about the Young Company, Onn says, is that it's a place to go where the arts are taken seriously. Onn says her work in her younger years has been the base of and inspiration for her training. She says that has to do with the fact that she worked with "great people" like now artistic director Eric Coates and Janet Amos: Now that Onn is involved with the Young Company in a leadership role she loves being able to give back. "When they see someone who's gone off to school and is doing it elsewhere they see it can be done and that it is taken seriously ... they get to see there are those options." Onn says the Blyth Festival is different because it's very nurturing of Canadian culture, Canadian identity, individual acting skills and technique. So much theatre in the city is so exclusive and so elitist. But you can't go wrong inviting community members into the theatre." Fri & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 a][coLey t. DIGITAL Coarse Language Violence A THRILLING ADVEM1JRE THATIOLLTAKE SOUR IiitEATHAWAY:" When the Festival season ends Onn says she will probably stay in Blyth for a bit but "it depends on where the work is." "It's hard because you spend four years in an institution and then all of a sudden it's over. WEDDINGS Performed - your location or our iindoor or outdoor chapel (non-denominational) For brochure call: REV. CHRIS M0fIGAN ALL FAITHS PASTORAL CENTRE BENMILLER, 524-5724 WEDDINGS ".11,9 41,9 Stapp,v 5C' Paficla Dietv 2ae, April 17 ' We all know you are not a '1 spring chicken anymore but I still love you, : your husband Ralph. Neighbours and friends are invited for a drink on April 17. 11*-1. It- 9 11 rqf t-II I p April 16 - 22 HE BRIDE IS BACK THE FINN CUT. Fri & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 Sun - .Thur 8:00 By Sarah Mann Special to The Citizen As the Blyth Festival season approaches so does the end of the school year and 23-year-old Capucine Onn will once again return home to perform in two of this season's plays. Onn is just finishing her fourth year of the four year performance theatre and drama studies program at IP/ 10 tables in play at Legion euchre C21 Violence Continued from page 2 Downstairs there were 10 tables of euchre players looking for top prize. Having the best luck were Len and Betty Archambault with 76 points. Coming in second were Linda Stevens and Kay McCreery with 72 points and third place went to Ivan Bennewies and Ken Engel with 71 points. Having the bad luck of the day were Joanne MacDonald and Dorothy Carter with 38 points. The lucky lone hand winners were Olave Little and Carman Pollock for free passes for upcoming euchres. Our best wishes for a full recovery go outeto Don Bray, Gary Emmerson and Sandy Huether who are all Map,py gittat ittlidav Braedan Fleming April 15 Love Mommy, Daddy & Brett • recovering from surgery. Service Officer Randy Groundwater will be here in May. .Appointments need to be made with Comrade Mabel Glanville as soon as possible. www.movielinks.ca long distance?l -800-265-3438 THE BLYTH INN (..,.$ , e xz incE'vg Corning in April Prime Rib Thursday Friday Saturday on Saturday 15 16 17 Night Huron Eye Wing Nile County Idol Karaoke Rym (Party Rock) Sunday, April 25th eel/L 23 Huron 22 04#101(:(4 24 80's Wing Nile County Idol Karaoke Nile "Prizes for best outfit" DJ - Dancing "Try your skills at pool, darts & euchre - 12 pm Pre-register" 422 Queen St., : lyth, Ontario 523-9381 •