The Citizen, 2004-04-15, Page 13M.G.M. Townsend Tire We sell, service & install a full line of farm, truck & passenger tires • 1 mile east of Londesboro on County Rd. 15 "We'll keep you rolling" Matt Dan Phone 523-4742 George Carrie Wes IN NEED OF A SPRING TUNE-UP? - Complete Mechanical Service - Computerized Tune-ups - Tires - Brakes - Mufflers - Vehicle Inspection Station DAN'S AUTO REPAIR R.R. #3 Blyth (on the Westfield Rd,) 523-4356 I frfi . 4:111m, Oldsmobile MOTORS CHEVR.0LET Downtown BRUSSELS 887-6856 or 1-888-351-9193 LIME, OIL & '27 FILTER 111 & 10 POINT CHECK CO Includes... 10 Point Check (,( Test Antifreeze PH Check Cooling System Leaks c• Check Wiper Blades Top Up Washer Fluid Check Air Conditioning Performance 41111 41111 Check Air Filter Check R 95 Check Fan Belts ad Hoses Check Tires Check all Lights With this Coupon and Lube, Oil & Filter recieve a FREE SPRING SPECIAL (value $9.95) Coupon Expires May 31/04 (not valid with any other specials) o McCUTCHEON MOTORS <_ Downtown BRUSSELS 887-6856 or 1-888-351-9193 -1 4111 034 Oil Coat $5995 and up Dripless Oil Coat $6995 and up Remember...Every Wednesday is Seniors' Day Receive 0% Off parts & labour Free pickup and deliver within 5 miles of Brussels J.L. McCutc eon Motors Ltd. Brussels (519) 887-6856 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004. PAGE 13 on the ROAD 2004 Something or women who enjoy shopping When it comes to smart Shopping. women generally have the upper hand and, because they buy their share of batteries, this information will help the ladies stay up to date in the automotive department. Gender-wise or otherwise, if your car battery is dead or even weak, you're not going anywhere. It is the leading cause of starting trouble, whether because of lights left on, a charging system problem or other cause. SometiMes it is just that the battery has outlived its usefulness. But even at best, a healthy battery in 80-degree weather has only half of its output when the thermometer dips to zero. When shopping, remember that a Cleaning a car: a piece of cake, right? Certainly, if you follow the procedures suggested by the Car Care Council. While it's the most basic procedure in car care, it does deserve some thought. The first step in cleaning the car is to wash it. Give it a good rinsing from top to bottom. including the wheels and inside the tenders. Always clean the tires and wheels before washing the body, and don't use the same mitt for both. This way you'll avoid contaminating the vehicle's paint with debris from the wheels and tires. Use a good tire cleaner with a stiff brush, to improve your tires' appearance even if you don't have white sidewalls or white letter tires. Next, clean the wheels with a wheel cleaner that removes the brake dust, which often blackens the Springtime brings with it the beautiful echo of birds chirping into the wind and the repetitive thump of car after car coming face to face with this season's driving challenge - potholes. The roads have just experienced several months of degenerative freezing and thawing cycles and now it's time for drivers to- pay the price of poor pavement. Potholes can "deflate" a car's performance in ways ranging from a misaligned front end to a complete tire blowout, and although there may not he a way to prevent these nasty "road defects" from forming on our city streets and highway'S, there are ways to reduce the potential damages motorists can cause to their tires. "Regular tire maintenance and heightened driving awareness can dramatically affect the price drivers pay on tire and wheel repairs". It is always recommended that drivers adhere to a regular maintenance schedule and stay cognizant of factors such as tire pressure and tread condition. It also doesn't hurt to stay focused on the road and obstacles ahead. Most commonly, drivers are churning the pavement with underinflated tires, a condition inducing many driving downfalls. Underinflated tires, especially upon impact with potholes, risk damage to the wheel itself and even potentially a complete tire blowout. On the converse, overinflated tires run risks of their own: An battery is rated by cold cranking amps (CCA), indicating its power and the reserve capacity rating (RC), which indicates how long your car's accessories can run and still have enough-power to start the engine. Since starting a car in cold weather can take up to twice as much current to turn over a cold engine, cars in colder climates would benefit from a higher CCA rating. Check your owner's- manual for the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) minimum requirements needed for your car and select the battery adequate for you needs. Buying one with an excessive CCA rating may be a waste of money. In every situation, more RC front wheels. Applications of these cleaners vary,- so be sure and follow the directions on the container. Now it's time to wash the body. Use a product sold specifically for automobiles. (Household cleaners can strip the wax from the paint and damage the 'finish.) Starting at the top, wash one section at a time, thoroughly rinsing away the soap. Work your way down toward the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle. Clean the rear last since it usually has the largest accumulation of dirt and grime, which can contaminate the wash mitt. Wash the inside door jams about once a month. To rinse, remove the spray nozzle from the hose. Starting at the top, let the water cascade down the surfaces of the vehicle. Then, to avoid water spotting, dry with a chamois or other product made for this purpose. Now is an excellent time for overinflated tire, upon impact, can cause structural damage to the tire itself. The most important thing to remember is that visually inspecting a tire is not enough. A tire pressure gauge is the only effective way to be' sure proper inflation has been met." Other indications that tires and alignment are in need of service include: • Noticeable bends/dents in wheels. • Bumps protruding from the sidewall of the tire • Recurring loss of air pressure -• Vibration in the wheel or in the feet and seat • The car's front end wanders on a flat straight surface (reserve) is better, like a little extra in the chequing account. The size and number' of plates in a battery determine how many amps it can deliver. By having more and/or large plates, you can increase the normal life of the battery. This is what distinguishes, a three-year from a five-year warranty battery. Battery manufacturers build their products to an internationally adopted Battery Council International (BCI) group number based on the physical size, terminal placement (where you connect the cables to the battery) and terminal polarity. BCI and the battery manufacturers offer application guidelines that contain the OEM waxing, which not only protects the finish but it also makes subsequent washing easier. Before proceeding, look for foreign particles on the paint. Use a car cleaner, available at auto supply stores, to remove contaminants imbedded in the paint. Once the surface is clean, apply the wax, followin g the manufacturer's instructions for application of the product. .Often they recommend not using the product in direct sunlight. Keeping your vehicle clean, while it doesn't require a lot of effort, says the Council, it does foster a feeling of pride and accomplishment. The Car Care Council is a source of information for educating consumers about the benefits of regular vehicle maintenance and repair. For more information visit www.carcare.org This season, try to avoid potholes. If you can't, remember that the best -solution is to brake before impact and then roll through the obstruction at a low speed. Braking during impact only increases the damage passed to the vehicle. Staying aware of your vehicle's performance, and the driving conditions you are subjecting i< to. are important to your safety. If you notice a change in the way your cal- k handling, see a tire service professional. Regular maintenance and preventive measures can significantly extend the life of your tires. cranking amperage requirements and group number replacement recommendations by make, model and year of car and battery size, CCA and RC specifications. After all of this information, it is still best to shop where knowledgeable salespeople can assist you in selecting the right size and requirements for your vehicle. Finally, compare warranties. Most manufacturers prorate warranties based on the full list price of both the bad and the replacement batteries. If failure occurs halfway or more through the warranty period, buying a new one on sale may cost less than paying the difference under a pro- rated warranty. The Car Care Council is the source of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" campaign, /educating consumers about the benefits of regular vehicle maintenance and repair. For more information visit www.carcare.org Cleaning car a piece of cake Spring drivers take hard hit