The Citizen, 2004-04-15, Page 3Available through committee members or Luann's Country Flowers. 4.ir Final order date April 21 Don't lose this number! 524.1381 Sr Nit estimates If work recommended Free ride to area shopping available( Free Drop-off & pick-up service! GODERKH 346 Huron Road, Goderich 524-9381 or 1-800-338-11* .,.\\\ \ 11 1/4/_ Special Cakes for all occasions! Character Cakes 9x13 Cakes - Layer Cakes Sheet Cakes Variety of flavours available starting at $15.00 To place your order call Fred Hakkers at 523-4932 Find home furnishings - bunk beds, sofa beds, futons, along with some of the lowest prices you'll see on economy line to plush pillow top box and mattress sets in twin, double and queen sizes. Futons with deluxe mattress - $299.00 Recliners - $389.00 Kitchen table with 4 chairs - $395.00 2 piece sofa sets - $495.00 T.1.4 Pull-out sofa beds - $595.00 Complete bunk bed sets incl. mattresses - $695. "Complete Pine bedroom suites - $1,495.00 Oak pedestal table with 6 chairs - $1,295.00 Oak swivel bar chairs - $119.00 Visit the Wingham Sales Arena. Pick up men's or ladies'fleece tops - only $20.00. Step into a pair of safety work shoes for only $49.00 Wrap up all your savings with a queen size maple leaf mink blanket for only $50.00. Wingham Sales Arena 357-2987 on Hwy. #4 - north end of Wingham Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004. PAGE 3. Fire board proposal oes up in smoke Many relatives. friends and neighbours visited with Helen Stonehouse over the weekend to help her celebrate her birthday on April 10. She also received many phone calls. Deb. Fred, Jonathon and Quinton Hakkers, Don. Marilyn and David Craig. all of Blyth were Easter guests at the home of Doug, Joyce, Heidi and Jamie Craig of Atwood. Also visiting at the same home were Joyce's parents. Jim and Jeanne Rittinger and her grandmother. all of Kitchener. Greeting at Blyth United Church on April II were Lois van Vliet and Fred Hakkers. Ushering were Karen Glousher and boys and Emily Phillips, Guest musician was -Margaret Kai. The 'choir anthem was Break the Bread„ During the singing of the children's hymn Christ the Lord is Risen Today the children gathered at the front of the church. Rev. Eugen Bannerman told them a story of when he was young. They got up early Easter morning and went carolling at the homes of relatives. He said one of the carols they sang was the one that had just been sung. Rev. Bannerman handed each of the children a small package of jelly beans. He asked the children to take out the the first black jelly bean. Rev. Bannerman explained the black bean was for sins that Jesus died on the cross for. then he told them to eat it. They proceeded with the green one which represented the Garden -of Gethsemane, the orange: the evening of the Last Supper, purple represented that Jesus was sad and full of sorrow. the second black one was the grave of Jesus, the yellow was Easter morning when Jesus rose from the grave, and the red one was to remember Jesus with Communion. He then gave the children each an Easter cookie made by Lois van Vliet to take down to Sunday school with them. The dramatized gospel reading from John 20: 1-18 was read by Wyatt Bearss and Rev. Bannerman. The teachers and children went down to Sunday school. The responsive Psalm 118 part two and part three were read by 011ie Craig with the choir singing the refrain. Rev. Bannerman drew everyone's attention to the many flowers placed in memory of loved ones. Rev. Bannerman conducted the Easter communion renewal. Those serving communion were Fred Hakkers, 011ie Craig, Enid MacDonald, Lois van Vliet, Barb Richmond and Fred Meier. Brenda Brooks read the gospel reading. The last hymn Sent Forth by God's Blessing was sung. April 18 is the Sunday school luncheon followed by a congregational meeting. April 25 Rev. Neil Lackey will conduct the service. May 9 is Mother's Day, baptism and Church membership: By Bonnie Gropp Citizen editor The proposal that would -have allowed Huron East to withdraw from the Blyth fire area board hit a wall. North Huron clerk-administrator John Stewart said that while the township and Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh agreed to provide first response only for portions of McKillop with Huron East re- imbursing the, board $4,000 over each of the next five years, Central Huron said no. "Essentially, the letter said they do not support the proposal and The ice is melted and the skates all put away as the Blyth figure and power skaters have completed another year of skating a4 the Blyth Community Centre. At the Canskate level, the following skaters were successful in passing: Stage I. Samantha Hubbard: Stage 2, Ellie Edwards, Brooke Middegaal, Teresa Atkinscin, Lexi Aitken: Stage 3, Mikayla Henry, Keyonia Johnson, Ashley Walden, Kate Bos, Gabrielle Ducharme; Stage 4. MacKenzie Chalmers, Holly Howson; Stage 5, Tyan Bailey, Wyatt Bearss, Marijke Oudshoorn; Stage 7, Alex Raynard. In power skating, the following want Huron East to continue to uphold the agreement that has Blyth Fire Department continuing to provide service to Huron East with regards to all fire calls," said Stewart at the April 5 meeting of North Huron coucnil. The area in question are parts of McKillop currently served by Blyth. Huron East feels that with three departments in their own municipality, all closer to McKillop that they could serve their own area. As the proposal would have to have unanimous consent, Stewart said, "I don't know where this leaves us." skaters passed: Level 1 Gold, Derek deBoer, Kenny Huether; Level 1 Silver, Matt McNichol; Level 2 Bronze, Rueben De Vries; Level 4 Silver, Matt Popp, Adam Cronin; Level 5 Gold, Collin Whitfield, Grant Sparling, Matt Chalmers. Last chance ,446401 to support * et Blyth's "...Communities in Bloom Sfvting `.Butti gu,ftch.aiavr 16 different varieties of Spring & Summer Bulbs Available through committee members or Luann's Country Flowers. Final order date April 21 FROM BLYTH • At the Wingham test day on March 24, the results were: Preliminary Freeskate, Natasha Hubbard; Fiesta, Kelly MacDonald, Courtney Bos; Swing, Rebecca Chalmers: Willow. Kelly Cooke; Senior Bronze Skills, Kyle Middegaal. tiw Communities in Bloom has chosen Mixed catgut Calla Bey as Me "Staudt* fa* 2004" Fabulous in patio pots or flowerbeds. We will be holding a contest for "The Best Display" at the peak blooming period this summer. Tub fun Time in a Zamboni hot tub seemed a fitting end to a successful season for the Blyth Atoms, who enjoyed some tubbing during their year-end party on Saturday. (Vicky Bremner photo) Skaters completed another year Wingham Sales Arena