The Citizen, 2004-04-08, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004. rAtt tad it 124044, Blyth Christian Reformed Church Good Friday 10 a.m. - Luke 22: 14-34 "What is the point of The Passion of Christ?" Easter Sunday Morning Service - 10 am - John 20: 1-18 "What is beyond this life?" Evening Service - 7:30 pm - John 8: 31-41 "The truth will set you free." Pastor John Kuperus Everyone Welcome The awful price our dear Lord paid, Because He loved us so, Hanging on the bitter cross, On that day so long ago. To save us from eternal death, Our sins to be forgiven, So that when we leave this earth, We join our Lord in Heaven.