The Citizen, 2004-04-08, Page 6Rico's big day The Citizen's 'Bachelor' and contestants got acquainted at a social time on Friday afternoon, attended as well by staff and sponsors. With 'Rico' from left are: Kelly Clark, Lee Ann Riley, Melina Rose Hussey, winning bachelorette Shannon Cook and Dixie Embling. Absent were Holly Dauphin, Crystal Devlin and Elizabeth Ross. (Bonnie Gropp photo) Preparing a fool'-ish meal The Blyth Community Church of God held its April Fool's lasagna dinner at the arena last week. Getting the salad prepared were Sandra Penner, left and Linda Loder. (Bonnie Gropp photo) Are Drugs or Alcohol Affecting Your Life? We can help. If you are concerned about your own; or someohe else's use of alcOhol or drugs, the Drug and Alcohol Treatment bifoline (DART) mil guide you to the help yuti Call us '2-1 lnxn•s a day, 7 days a wt-la. 1-800-565-8603 or visit our In, i ,site at www.dart.on.ca 0 Ontario PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004. Funding concerns for NH water upgrades By Bonnie Gropp Citizen editor A request from the Wingham Minor Hockey Association asking North Huron council to forgive the rental fee at the North Huron Wescast Community Complex for a ball hockey tournament raised some debate on Monday night. The rental had been forgiven the past two years, according to clerk-administrator John Stewart, primarily as a way of giving back. While the Association used to run the arena's concession booth as a fundraising venture, the municipality "took it away" from them. County Council Goderich Traffic delays caused by repairs on the Hwy. 21 bridge across the Maitland River north of Goderich have county councillors concerned about ambulance and other emergency services. Neil Rintoul, councillor for Ashfield, Colborne, Wawanosh raised the issue at the April 1 meeting of council. Bridge repairs had reduced the bridge to single- lane traffic with a wait of several minutes to cross. The only other bridge across the river is several miles to the east at Benmiller. "We'll be moving our fleet around to cover off (the area north of the bridge)," said David Lew, manager of the ambulance service. "We're still talking to the contractor to see what they can do for US:. Warden Bill Dowson said The first year the rental for one day of the tournament was forgiven, while last year both days were free. Councillor Murray Nesbitt expressed concern, noting that many community groups would like to use the facilities at no cost. Reeve Doug Layton, however, stated again that this was to give back to the Association for taking over the concession booth. He also pointed out that in keeping costs down there might be more people able to play hockey which in turn brings money into the facility. However, when it was noted that the rental cost per day was briefs the county can position ambulances to be able to get to an emergency north of Goderich but the problem will be getting back to the hospital when there's no way around the bottleneck. South Huron councillor Rob Morley suggested the county should be putting its concerns in writing to the Ministry of Transportation. "It could leave us in a liability position if we do nothing." *** Plans for the new Howick Twp. library were reviewed by the Huron County Library Board at its May 11 meeting. The new library will replace the libraries at Fordwich and Gorrie which the library board had planned to close. *** Warren Moore of Blyth, who earlier this year was By Bonnie Gropp Citizen editor Clerk-administrator John Stewart was finally able to address concerns over funding for township water upgrades at the Monday night meeting of North Huron council. With the province stating that costly upgrades must be done, the municipality has been counting on funding Continued from page 1 budget. Others included Dorothy Kelly of Morris- Turnberry, Rosemary Rognvaldson of Howick, Rob Morley of South Huron and warden Bill Dowson of Bluewater. Councillor John Bezaire of Central Huron had to leave before the vote was taken but had voted against the budget at committee of the whole. $300-$400, Nesbitt's wasn't the only one concerned. Councillor Arnold Taylor said he felt his colleague was right and that council needed to look closely at this. Nesbitt added that the arena runs at a deficit as it is and wondered what made the Association any different than any other organization. "They all put money back into the community." Brought to a motion, three agreed to waive the rental, Councillors Archie MacGowan and James Campbell, and deputy-reeve Murray Scott. However, MacGowan said that he wanted notice to be appointed forestry officer for the county, has now been appointed weed inspector as well. He will provide service to those municipalities that don't have their own weed inspector. *** With the departure of Continued from page 1 it hadn't billed a customer. He suggested council should contact other municipalities in the same situation to form a joint position against paying the amounts owing. But MacKinnon said municipalities don't have much bargaining power because the province can get the money it wants by from OSTAR. However, at the last meeting of council Stewart had said that no confirmation had been received that the new provincial government was going to honour promises made by the former government. Monday night, he told councillors that following that meeting a letter had been sent to both the federal and provincial governments During public question period, Wayne Marshall of Goderich expressed anger that councils in the past 10 years had not instituted smaller yearly increases which made the current increase so large. "Before long people like myself are going to get mad and say 'no' (to tax increases) because you've been too stupid," he said. given that this will not continue. "It's great to be nice, but valid points were made by councillor Nesbitt and councillor Taylor." Upon being questioned about whether - fees were forgiven for other groups, Stewart replied affirmatively, but noted that most of these were for community events, such as the village's community Christmas in Blyth, not fundraising activities. Also, the rental time is only about an hour. While there was some thought that a blanket policy be made, Taylor said that each request may have to be judged individually. Claus Breede as curator of the Huron County Museum, the cultural services of the county have been reorganized with Beth Ross being named director of cultural services. Patricia Hamilton is the acting curator of the museum. reducing its payments through the Community Reinvestment Fund or other provincial programs. "If we just ignore it and drive on it's not helping clean up the situation," warned warden Bill Dowson. In the long run council approved a motion to negotiate with the ministry over the amount owing. indicating that North Huron was not comfortable proceeding with the costly upgrades without some assurances that there would be funding. "Either by co-incidence or our letter having some result, both offices called and said the money had been approved for both the Wingham and Blyth systems," said Stewart. Though there was some suggestion the money should be here this month, Stewart added, "I hope I'm not overly optimistic." With the assurance, however, council felt more confident in proceeding with a tender for the Wingham upgrades. The contract went to Finnibilt General Contracting Ltd., the lowest of three tenders in the amount of $519,427.85. Goderich man expresses anger towards councils Wingham hockey asks MI to forgive traffic delays cause concern Council agrees to negotiate with ministry